def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.hsv_color = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.hex_color = '#0000ff' self.color_list = ["red","blue","green","orange","purple"] self.parent = parent print "Loading model..." self.lux = Lux() fp = open(curdir+"/gauss_model.pkl"); = pickle.load(fp); fp.close() fp = open(curdir+"/memoized_binomial_data.pkl"); self.curve_data = pickle.load(fp); fp.close() fp = open(curdir+"/sampling_normalizer.pkl"); self.normalizer = pickle.load(fp); fp.close() print "Creating UI" self.initUI() self.update_output() self.replot()
def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.hsv_color = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.hex_color = '#0000ff' # Added second copy of the above two fields for second color # For debugging, want an initial if self.debug : self.hsv_colorTwo = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.0, 0.50, 0.625) self.hex_colorTwo = '#0088aa' else: self.hsv_colorTwo = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.hex_colorTwo = '#ff0000' self.parent = parent print "Loading model..." self.lux = Lux() self.initUI()
class Example(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.hsv_color = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.hex_color = '#0000ff' self.color_list = ["red","blue","green","orange","purple"] self.parent = parent print "Loading model..." self.lux = Lux() fp = open(curdir+"/gauss_model.pkl"); = pickle.load(fp); fp.close() fp = open(curdir+"/memoized_binomial_data.pkl"); self.curve_data = pickle.load(fp); fp.close() fp = open(curdir+"/sampling_normalizer.pkl"); self.normalizer = pickle.load(fp); fp.close() print "Creating UI" self.initUI() self.update_output() self.replot() def update_output(self): (h, s, v) = self.hsv_color self.hsv_var.set("Hue: \t %2.1f \nSat:\t %2.1f \nValue:\t %2.1f" % (h*360,s*100,v*100)) items = self.lux.full_posterior((h * 360, s * 100, v * 100)) self.current_post = items desc = [ '{:<25} ({:.3f})\n'.format(items[i][0], items[i][1]) for i in range(25) ] self.display.config(state=NORMAL) self.display.delete(0, END) for i in range(25): self.display.insert(END, '{:<20} ({:.3f})'.format(items[i][0], items[i][1])) self.display.select_set(0, 0) def plot_lux_model(self, params,ax1,label,support,dim): cur_color='black' mu1,sh1,sc1,mu2,sh2,sc2 = params left_stach=gam_dist(sh1,scale=sc1); lbounds=left_stach.interval(0.99) right_stach=gam_dist(sh2,scale=sc2); rbounds=right_stach.interval(0.99) lx=np.linspace(mu1,-180); rx=np.linspace(mu2,360) s=3; ax1.plot(rx, [right_stach.sf(abs(y-mu2)) for y in rx],linewidth=s,c=cur_color); ax1.plot([1.01*mu1,0.99*mu2], [1.,1.], linewidth=s,c=cur_color) return ax1.plot(lx,[left_stach.sf(abs(y-mu1)) for y in lx],c=cur_color, linewidth=s); def plot_gm_model(self, params, ax, label, support): s=3 x = np.linspace(support[0],support[1],360) return ax.plot(x,norm.pdf(x,params[0],params[1]),c='red', linewidth=s), norm.pdf([params[0]],params[0],[params[1]])[0] def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Interactive LUX visualization") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.color_frame = Frame(self, border=1) self.color_frame.pack(side=LEFT) probe_title_var = StringVar(); probe_title_label = Label(self.color_frame, textvariable=probe_title_var, justify=CENTER, font = "Helvetica 16 bold italic") probe_title_var.set("Color Probe X"); probe_title_label.pack(side=TOP) self.hsv_var = StringVar() self.hsv_label = Label(self.color_frame, textvariable=self.hsv_var,justify=LEFT) h,s,v = self.hsv_color self.hsv_var.set("Hue: %2.1f \nSaturation: %2.1f \nValue: %2.1f" % (h*360,s*100,v*100)) self.hsv_label.pack(side=TOP) self.frame = Frame(self.color_frame, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=200, height=200) self.frame.pack(side=TOP) self.frame.config(bg=self.hex_color) self.frame.bind("<Button-1>",self.onChoose) self.btn = Button(self.color_frame, text="Select Color", command=self.onChoose) self.btn.pack(side=TOP) posterior_title_var = StringVar(); posterior_title_label = Label(self.color_frame, textvariable=posterior_title_var, justify=CENTER, font = "Helvetica 16 bold italic") posterior_title_var.set("\n\nLUX's Posterior"); posterior_title_label.pack(side=TOP) Label(self.color_frame, text="Double click to show details \n(Wait time dependent on computer)").pack(side=TOP) my_font = tkFont.Font(family="Courier", size=10) self.display = Listbox(self.color_frame, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=30, height=25, font=my_font) self.display.pack(side=TOP,fill=Y,expand=1) self.display.bind("<Double-Button-1>",self.onSelect) self.display_btn = Button(self.color_frame, text="Show details", command=self.onSelect) self.display_btn.pack(side=TOP) self.update_output() self.fig = Figure(figsize=(10,4), dpi=100) self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, master=self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1) def replot(self): def gb(x,i,t): #t is max value, i in number of bins, x is the thing to be binned if x==t: return i-1 elif x==0.0: return 0 return int(floor(float(x)*i/t)) hsv_title = [] j=self.display.curselection()[0] name = self.current_post[j][0] mult = lambda x: reduce(operator.mul, x) g_labels = []; lux_labels=[]; all_g_params=[] for i in range(3): def align_yaxis(ax1, v1, ax2, v2): """adjust ax2 ylimit so that v2 in ax2 is aligned to v1 in ax1""" _, y1 = ax1.transData.transform((0, v1)) _, y2 = ax2.transData.transform((0, v2)) inv = ax2.transData.inverted() _, dy = inv.transform((0, 0)) - inv.transform((0, y1-y2)) miny, maxy = ax2.get_ylim() ax2.set_ylim(miny, maxy+dy) subplot = self.fig.add_subplot(4,1,i+1) dim_label = ["H", "S","V"][i] subplot.set_ylabel(r"$P(k^{true}_{%s}|x)$" % ["H", "S","V"][i] ) curve_data = self.curve_data[name][i] scale = lambda x,a=0.3,b=0.9: (b-a)*(x)+a p_x = lambda x: self.normalizer[i][gb(x,len(self.normalizer[i]),[360,100,100][i])] max_p_x = max(self.normalizer[i]) #1 is white, 0 is black. so we want highly probable thigns to be black.. if self.lux.get_adj(self.current_post[j][0]): support = [[-180,180], [0,100],[0,100]][i] pp = lambda x,i: x-360 if i==0 and x>180 else x hacky_solution = [360,100,100][i] w = 1.5 if i==0 else 1 conv = lambda x: x*support[1]/len(curve_data) bar_colors = ["%s" % (scale(1-p_x(conv(x))/max_p_x)) for x in range(len(curve_data))] bar1 =[pp(atan2(sin((x*hacky_solution/len(curve_data))*pi/180),cos((x*hacky_solution/len(curve_data))*pi/180))*180/pi,i) for x in range(len(curve_data))],[x/max(curve_data) for x in curve_data], label="%s data" % j,ec="black",width=w,linewidth=0,color=bar_colors) else: support = [[0,360], [0,100],[0,100]][i] w = 1.5 if i==0 else 1 conv = lambda x: x*support[1]/len(curve_data) bar_colors = ["%s" % (scale(1-p_x(conv(x))/max_p_x)) for x in range(len(curve_data))] bar1 =[x*support[1]/len(curve_data) for x in range(len(curve_data))],[x/max(curve_data) for x in curve_data], label="%s data" % name[0],ec="black",width=w,linewidth=0,color=bar_colors) pp = lambda x,*args: x point = pp(self.hsv_color[i]*[360,100,100][i],i) hsv_title.append(point) probeplot = subplot.plot([point,point], [0,1],linewidth=3,c='blue',label="Probe") #for j in range(5): lux_plot = self.plot_lux_model(self.lux.get_params(self.current_post[j][0])[i], subplot, self.current_post[j][0],support, i) subplot2 = subplot.twinx() gm_plot,gm_height = self.plot_gm_model([pp(g_param,i) for g_param in[self.current_post[j][0]][0][i]], subplot2, self.current_post[j][0], support) extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) subplot.legend([extra], [["Hue", "Saturation", "Value"][i]],loc=2,frameon=False) if i==0: legend_set=lux_plot+[extra,extra,extra]+gm_plot+[extra,extra,extra] lux_params = self.lux.get_params(self.current_post[j][0])[i] g_params = [pp(g_param,i) for g_param in[self.current_post[j][0]][0][i]] all_g_params.append(g_params) g_labels.append(r"$\mu^{%s}=$%2.2f, $\sigma^{%s}$=%2.2f" % (dim_label, g_params[0],dim_label,g_params[1])) #lux_labels.append(r"$\mu^{L,%s}=$%2.2f, $E[\tau^{L,%s}]$=%2.2f, $\alpha^{L,%s}$=%2.2f, $\beta^{L,%s}$=%2.2f, $\mu^{U,%s}=$%2.2f, $E[\tau^{L,%s}]$=%2.2f, $\alpha^{U,%s}$=%2.2f, $\beta^{U,%s}$=%2.2f" % (dim_label, lux_params[0],dim_label, (lux_params[0]-lux_params[1]*lux_params[2]),dim_label,lux_params[1],dim_label, lux_params[2],dim_label,lux_params[3],dim_label,(lux_params[3]+lux_params[4]*lux_params[5]),dim_label, lux_params[4],dim_label,lux_params[5])) lux_labels.append(r"$\mu^{L,%s}=$%2.2f, $\alpha^{L,%s}$=%2.2f, $\beta^{L,%s}$=%2.2f, $\mu^{U,%s}=$%2.2f, $\alpha^{U,%s}$=%2.2f, $\beta^{U,%s}$=%2.2f" % (dim_label, lux_params[0],dim_label, lux_params[1],dim_label, lux_params[2],dim_label,lux_params[3],dim_label,lux_params[4],dim_label,lux_params[5])) subplot.set_xlim(support[0],support[1]) subplot.set_ylim(0,1.05) subplot2.set_xlim(support[0],support[1]) subplot2.set_ylabel(r"$P(x|Gaussian_{%s})$" % ["H", "S","V"][i]) align_yaxis(subplot, 1., subplot2, gm_height) leg_loc =(0.9,0.2) datum = [x*[360,100,100][i] for i,x in enumerate(self.hsv_color)]; phi_value = self.lux.get_phi(datum,self.current_post[j][0]) #gauss_value = mult([norm.pdf(datum[i],all_g_params[i][0],all_g_params[i][1]) for i in range(3)]) leg=self.fig.legend(probeplot+legend_set, ["Probe X"]+ [r"$\mathbf{\phi}_{%s}(X)=\mathbf{%2.5f}$; $\mathbf{\alpha}=\mathbf{%2.4f}$" % (self.current_post[j][0],phi_value,self.lux.get_avail(self.current_post[j][0]))]+lux_labels+ [r"$Normal^{Hue}_{%s}$; $prior(%s)=%2.4f$" % (self.current_post[j][0],self.current_post[j][0],[self.current_post[j][0]][2])]+[g_labels[0]+"; "+g_labels[1]+"; "+g_labels[2]] , loc=8, handletextpad=4,labelspacing=0.1) self.fig.suptitle("%s" % name, size=30) print "done replotting" def onChoose(self, *args): try: ((red,green,blue), hx) = tkColorChooser.askcolor() except: print "I think you hit cancel" return self.hex_color = hx self.hsv_color = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(red/255.0, green/255.0, blue/255.0) self.frame.config(bg=hx) self.update_output() self.fig.clear() self.replot() self.canvas.draw() def onSelect(self, *args): self.fig.clear() self.replot() self.canvas.draw()
class Example(Frame): output_lines = 10 # make debug false when you are actually going to demo this to an audience debug = 1 def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.hsv_color = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.hex_color = '#0000ff' # Added second copy of the above two fields for second color # For debugging, want an initial if self.debug : self.hsv_colorTwo = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.0, 0.50, 0.625) self.hex_colorTwo = '#0088aa' else: self.hsv_colorTwo = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.hex_colorTwo = '#ff0000' self.parent = parent print "Loading model..." self.lux = Lux() self.initUI() def update_output(self): (h, s, v) = self.hsv_color'Color {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} (hsv)'.format(h, s, v)) #tjm Added second update_output method for when second color is chosen def update_outputTwo(self): (h, s, v) = self.hsv_colorTwo self.cvTwo.set('Color {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} (hsv)'.format(h, s, v)) def initUI(self): row_height = 220 start_height = 30 left_column = 30 sq_size = 180 color_column = left_column assoc_column = color_column + sq_size + 30 dist_column = assoc_column + 220 y_label = 5 self.parent.title("Interactive LUX visualization") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.frame = Frame(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=sq_size, height=sq_size), y=start_height) self.frame.config(bg=self.hex_color) self.frame.bind("<Button-1>", self.onChooseClick) #tjm Added second color display window self.frameTwo = Frame(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=sq_size, height=sq_size), y=start_height+row_height) self.frameTwo.config(bg=self.hex_colorTwo) self.frameTwo.bind("<Button-1>", self.onChooseTwoClick) #tjm First string field to display the H, S, and V values = StringVar() = Label(self,, y=y_label) #tjm second string field to display H, S, and V values self.cvTwo = StringVar() self.infoTwo = Label(self, textvariable=self.cvTwo), y=y_label+row_height) #tjm label for associated color terms field self.cvThree = StringVar() self.infoThree = Label(self, textvariable=self.cvThree), y=y_label) #tjm label for distinguishing color terms field self.cvFour = StringVar() self.infoFour = Label(self, textvariable=self.cvFour), y=y_label) #tjm instruction text for color term assignment prediction function self.cvFive = StringVar() self.infoFive = Label(self, textvariable=self.cvFive), y=y_label+2*row_height) self.display = Text(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=25, height=self.output_lines), y=start_height) self.display.tag_configure('undistinguished', foreground='dark salmon') #tjm Added second text window to display color labels self.displayTwo = Text(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=25, height=self.output_lines), y=start_height+row_height) self.displayTwo.tag_configure('undistinguished', foreground='dark salmon') #tjm Text field that displays distinction color term for top color self.distLabel = Text(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=25, height=self.output_lines), y=start_height) #tjm Text field that shows distinction color term for bottom color self.distLabelTwo = Text(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=25, height=self.output_lines), y=start_height+row_height) #tjm added Entry widget for user to supply a color term self.e = Entry(self, bd = 5) self.e.bind("<Return>", lambda(event):self.onChooseAssign(self.e.get())) = assoc_column, y=y_label+2*row_height) #tjm added text window to display result self.assignmentResult = Text(self, border = 1, relief=SUNKEN, width = 25, height = 2) = dist_column, y = y_label+2*row_height) self.cvThree.set('Associated Color Terms') self.cvFour.set('Differentiating Color Terms') self.cvFive.set('Test color term to interpret') self.update_output() self.update_outputTwo() self.distAndDisplay() def distAndDisplay(self): hueResultList = self.distinguish(1) hueResultListTwo = self.distinguish(2) #tjm displays top N choices and confidence ratings in the distLabel text field desc = [ '{:<17} {:.3f}\n'.format(hueResultList[i][0], hueResultList[i][1]) for i in range(self.output_lines) ] self.distLabel.config(state=NORMAL) self.distLabel.delete(1.0, END) self.distLabel.insert(END, ''.join(desc)) self.distLabel.config(state=DISABLED) descs = [hueResultList[i][0] for i in range(self.output_lines)] descTwo = [ '{:<17} {:.3f}\n'.format(hueResultListTwo[i][0], hueResultListTwo[i][1]) for i in range(self.output_lines) ] self.distLabelTwo.config(state=NORMAL) self.distLabelTwo.delete(1.0, END) self.distLabelTwo.insert(END, ''.join(descTwo)) self.distLabelTwo.config(state=DISABLED) descsTwo = [hueResultListTwo[i][0] for i in range(self.output_lines)] #tjm the "items" field holds the probability for each color term being used to describe hsv_color (h, s, v) = self.hsv_color items = self.lux.full_posterior((h * 360, s * 100, v * 100)) desc = [ '{:<17} {:.3f}\n'.format(items[i][0], items[i][1]) for i in range(self.output_lines) ] #tjm displays the HSV values self.display.config(state=NORMAL) self.display.delete(1.0, END) self.display.insert(END, ''.join(desc)) for i in range(self.output_lines) : if items[i][0] not in descs : self.display.tag_add('undistinguished', str(i+1) + ".0", str(i+1) + ".23") self.display.config(state=DISABLED) #tjm the "itemsTwo" field holds the probability for each color term being used to describe hsc_colorTwo (h, s, v) = self.hsv_colorTwo itemsTwo = self.lux.full_posterior((h * 360, s * 100, v * 100)) descTwo = [ '{:<17} {:.3f}\n'.format(itemsTwo[i][0], itemsTwo[i][1]) for i in range(self.output_lines) ] self.displayTwo.config(state=NORMAL) self.displayTwo.delete(1.0, END) self.displayTwo.insert(END, ''.join(descTwo)) for i in range(self.output_lines) : if itemsTwo[i][0] not in descsTwo : self.displayTwo.tag_add('undistinguished', str(i+1) + ".0", str(i+1) + ".23") self.displayTwo.config(state=DISABLED) self.onChooseAssign(self.e.get()) def onChoose(self): news = tkColorChooser.askcolor() if news and news[0]: ((red,green,blue), hx) = news self.hex_color = hx self.hsv_color = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(red/255.0, green/255.0, blue/255.0) self.frame.config(bg=hx) self.update_output() self.distAndDisplay() #tjm Added second onChoose function for when the second button is clicked def onChooseTwo(self): news = tkColorChooser.askcolor() if news and news[0]: ((red,green,blue), hx) = news self.hex_colorTwo = hx self.hsv_colorTwo = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(red/255.0, green/255.0, blue/255.0) self.frameTwo.config(bg=hx) self.update_outputTwo() self.distAndDisplay() def onChooseClick(self, event) : self.onChoose() def onChooseTwoClick(self, event) : self.onChooseTwo() def onChooseAssign(self, colorTerm): node = self.lux.all.get(colorTerm) if node: scoreTop = self.score(node, self.hsv_color, self.hsv_colorTwo) scoreNumberTop = scoreTop[1] scoreBottom= self.score(node, self.hsv_colorTwo, self.hsv_color) scoreNumberBottom = scoreBottom[1] totalScoreTop = (scoreNumberTop/(scoreNumberTop+scoreNumberBottom)) if totalScoreTop > 0.5: winner = '{:<17} {:.3f}\n{:<14} {:.6f}'.format('top color!', totalScoreTop, colorTerm, scoreNumberTop) else: if totalScoreTop < 0.5: winner = '{:<17} {:.3f}\n{:<14} {:.6f}'.format('bottom color!', (1.0 - totalScoreTop), colorTerm, scoreNumberBottom) else: winner = 'Could describe either.\n{:<14f} {:.6f}'.format(colorTerm, scoreNumberTop) elif colorTerm : winner = 'Unknown term: ' + colorTerm else : winner = '' self.assignmentResult.config(state=NORMAL) self.assignmentResult.delete(1.0, END) self.assignmentResult.insert(END, winner) self.assignmentResult.config(state=DISABLED) def score(self, currentNode, hsvY, hsvZ): (hY, sY, vY) = hsvY (hZ, sZ, vZ) = hsvZ hY *= 360 sY *= 100 vY *= 100 hZ *= 360 sZ *= 100 vZ *= 100 muHLow = currentNode.dim_models[0].params[0] muHHigh = currentNode.dim_models[0].params[3] muSLow = currentNode.dim_models[1].params[0] muSHigh = currentNode.dim_models[1].params[3] muVLow = currentNode.dim_models[2].params[0] muVHigh = currentNode.dim_models[2].params[3] # mds changed to hY and hZ - never use the unscaled values phiHY = currentNode.dim_models[0].phi(hY) phiHZ = currentNode.dim_models[0].phi(hZ) phiSY = currentNode.dim_models[1].phi(sY) phiSZ = currentNode.dim_models[1].phi(sZ) phiVY = currentNode.dim_models[2].phi(vY) phiVZ = currentNode.dim_models[2].phi(vZ) # mds added: need to handle hue adjust if currentNode.dim_models[0].adjust : adjust = True; nhY = atan2(sin(hY*pi/180),cos(hY*pi/180))*180/pi nhZ = atan2(sin(hZ*pi/180),cos(hZ*pi/180))*180/pi else : adjust = False; nhY = hY; nhZ = hZ; """ ([product over opposite dimensions d] phi_d(y) ) * <== termA ([product over other dimensions d] phi_d(y) - <== termB [product over all dimensions d] phi_d(z)) <== termC """ termA = 1.0 termB = 1.0 termC = phiHZ * phiSZ * phiVZ oppSideCase = 0 #tjm determine which case and calculate appropriate y-but-not-z value #tjm opposite sides case for hue if ((nhY < muHLow) & (muHHigh < nhZ)) | ((nhZ < muHLow) & (muHHigh < nhY)): termA *= phiHY oppSideCase += 1 else: termB *= phiHY #tjm opposite sides case for saturation if ((sY < muSLow) & (muSHigh < sZ)) | ((sZ < muSLow) & (muSHigh < sY)): termA *= phiSY oppSideCase += 1 else: termB *= phiSY #tjm opposite sides case for value if ((vY < muVLow) & (muVHigh < vZ)) | ((vZ < muVLow) & (muVHigh < vY)): termA *= phiVY oppSideCase +=1 else: termB *= phiVY score = termA * (termB - termC) if score < 0: score = 0 #mds weight words by availability score *= currentNode.availability return [, score, termA, termB, termC, oppSideCase, adjust, nhY, nhZ, muHLow, muHHigh] #tjm Method to select color term that describes one color but not the other def distinguish(self, choice): """tjm process: 1) go through all color terms 1a) see if it's an acceptable case 1b) calculate y-but-not-z-confidence 1c) store color term name and y-but-not-z-confidence in list 2) return sorted list 3) print out top 5 values for sanity check """ #tjm list of color terms and associated y-but-not-z confidence hueResults = [] #tjm determine if you're picking a term to describe top color or bottom color if choice == 1: #tjm loop over all color terms for currentNodeChoice in self.lux.all.values(): #mds enable comprehensive debugging reports hueResults.append(self.score(currentNodeChoice, self.hsv_color, self.hsv_colorTwo)) else: for currentNodeChoice in self.lux.all.values(): #mds enable comprehensive debugging reports hueResults.append(self.score(currentNodeChoice, self.hsv_colorTwo, self.hsv_color)) total = sum(r[1] for r in hueResults) for r in hueResults : r[1] /= total return sorted(hueResults, key = lambda hueResults:hueResults[1], reverse=True)