Exemplo n.º 1
def run(algorithm, path, label, pre_simulation_hook=None):
    Simulate a reconstruction algorithm.

    The simulation results are stored in a HDF5 database rather than returned
    by the function.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the simulation results
    pre_simumlation_hook : callable
        A handle to a callable which should be run *just* before the call to
        the reconstruction algorithm (the default is None, which implies that
        no pre hook is run).


    tmp_dir = _split_path(path)[0] + '.tmp' + os.sep
    tmp_file = tmp_dir + label.replace('/', '#') + '.hdf5'

    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):

    if not os.path.isfile(tmp_file):

    done = _backup.get(tmp_file)
    shape = [len(_conf['delta']), len(_conf['rho'])]
    seeds = np.array(random.sample(iter_range,
                                   shape[0] * shape[1])).reshape(shape)

    tasks = [(algorithm, (i, j), seeds[i, j], tmp_file, pre_simulation_hook)
             for i in range(shape[0]) for j in range(shape[1])
             if not done[i, j]]

    _process(_simulate, args_list=tasks, maxtasks=_conf['maxpoints'])

    with _File(tmp_file, 'r') as f:
        stat_time = f.root.time[:]
        stat_dist = f.root.dist[:]
        stat_mse = f.root.mse[:]
        stat_norm = f.root.norm[:]

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'time', stat_time, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'dist', stat_dist, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'mse', stat_mse, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'norm', stat_norm, createparents=True)


    if len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 0:
Exemplo n.º 2
def run(algorithm, path, label):
    Simulate a reconstruction algorithm.

    The simulation results are stored in a HDF5 database rather than returned
    by the function.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the simulation results.


    tmp_dir = _split_path(path)[0] + '.tmp' + os.sep
    tmp_file = tmp_dir + label.replace('/', '#') + '.hdf5'

    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):

    if not os.path.isfile(tmp_file):

    done = _backup.get(tmp_file)
    shape = _config.get()
    shape = [len(shape['delta']), len(shape['rho']), shape['monte_carlo']]
    seeds = np.random.randint(0, 2**30, shape)

    tasks = [(algorithm, (i, j), seeds[i, j], tmp_file)
             for i in range(shape[0]) for j in range(shape[1])
             if not done[i, j]]

    _process(_simulate, args_list=tasks)

    with _File(tmp_file, 'r') as f:
        stat_time = f.root.time[:]
        stat_dist = f.root.dist[:]

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'time', stat_time, createparents=True)
        f.create_array('/' + label, 'dist', stat_dist, createparents=True)


    if len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 0:
Exemplo n.º 3
def create(path):
    Create the HDF5 backup database with the required arrays.

    The required arrays are an array for the simulation results, an array for
    the simulation timings, and an array for tracking the status.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition.config : Configuration options.


    shape = [_conf[key] for key in ['delta', 'rho', 'monte_carlo']]
    shape = [len(shape[0]), len(shape[1]), shape[2]]
    time = dist = np.zeros(shape)
    status = np.zeros(shape[:2], np.bool8)

        with _File(path, 'w') as f:
            f.create_array('/', 'time', time)
            f.create_array('/', 'dist', dist)
            f.create_array('/', 'status', status)
    except BaseException as e:
        if os.path.exists(path):

        raise e
Exemplo n.º 4
def set(path, ij_tuple, stat_time, stat_dist):
    Store the simulation data of a specified point.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.
    ij_tuple : tuple
        A tuple (i, j) containing the parameters i, j as listed below.
    i : int
        The delta-index of the point in the delta-rho grid.
    j : int
        The rho-index of the point in the delta-rho grid.
    stat_dist : ndarray
        The simulation results of the specified point.
    stat_time : ndarray
        The simulation timings of the specified point.


    i, j = ij_tuple

    with _File(path, "a") as f:
        f.root.time[i, j] = stat_time
        f.root.dist[i, j] = stat_dist
        f.root.status[i, j] = True
Exemplo n.º 5
def create(path):
    Create the HDF5 backup database with the required arrays.

    The required arrays are an array for the simulation results, an array for
    the simulation timings, and an array for tracking the status.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition.config : Configuration options.


    shape = [_config.get(key) for key in ["delta", "rho", "monte_carlo"]]
    shape = [len(shape[0]), len(shape[1]), shape[2]]
    time = dist = np.zeros(shape)
    status = np.zeros(shape[:2], np.bool8)

        with _File(path, "w") as f:
            f.create_array("/", "time", time)
            f.create_array("/", "dist", dist)
            f.create_array("/", "status", status)
    except BaseException as e:
        if os.path.exists(path):

        raise e
Exemplo n.º 6
def set(path, ij_tuple, stat_time, stat_dist, stat_mse, stat_norm):
    Store the simulation data of a specified point.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.
    ij_tuple : tuple
        A tuple (i, j) containing the parameters i, j as listed below.
    i : int
        The delta-index of the point in the delta-rho grid.
    j : int
        The rho-index of the point in the delta-rho grid.
    stat_dist : ndarray
        The simulation results of the specified point.
    stat_time : ndarray
        The simulation timings of the specified point.
    stat_mse : ndarray
        The simulation mean squared error of the specified point.
    stat_norm : ndarray
        The simulation true vector 2-norm.


    i, j = ij_tuple

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        f.root.time[i, j] = stat_time
        f.root.dist[i, j] = stat_dist
        f.root.mse[i, j] = stat_mse
        f.root.norm[i, j] = stat_norm
        f.root.status[i, j] = True
Exemplo n.º 7
def create(path):
    Create the HDF5 backup database with the required arrays.

    The required arrays are an array for the simulation results, an array for
    the simulation timings, and an array for tracking the status.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition.config : Configuration options.


    shape = [_conf[key] for key in ['delta', 'rho', 'monte_carlo']]
    shape = [len(shape[0]), len(shape[1]), shape[2]]
    time = dist = mse = norm = np.zeros(shape)
    status = np.zeros(shape[:2], np.bool8)

        with _File(path, 'w') as f:
            f.create_array('/', 'time', time)
            f.create_array('/', 'dist', dist)
            f.create_array('/', 'mse', mse)
            f.create_array('/', 'norm', norm)
            f.create_array('/', 'status', status)
    except BaseException as e:
        if os.path.exists(path):

        raise e
Exemplo n.º 8
def run(path, label):
    Determine the phase transition from the simulation results.

    The simulation results should be present in the HDF5 database specified by
    `path` in the pytables group specified by `label` in an array named 'dist'.
    The determined phase transition is stored in the same HDF5 database, in the
    same pytables group in an array named 'phase_transition'.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database.
    label : str
        The path of the pytables group in the HDF5 database.

    See Also
    _estimate_PT : The actual phase transition estimation.

    A simulation is considered successful if the simulation result is less than
    10 to the power of -4.


    _conf = _config.get()

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        if not '/' + label + '/phase_transition' in f:
            points = len(_conf['rho']) * _conf['monte_carlo']

            z = np.zeros(points)
            y = np.zeros(points)

            rho = np.zeros(len(_conf['delta']))

            dist = f.get_node('/' + label + '/dist')[:]

            for i in range(len(_conf['delta'])):
                n = np.round(_conf['delta'][i] * _conf['n'])

                for j in range(len(_conf['rho'])):
                    if n > 0:
                        var = _conf['rho'][j]
                        var = np.round(var * n) / n
                        var = 0.

                    for m in range(_conf['monte_carlo']):
                        z[j * _conf['monte_carlo'] + m] = var
                        y[j * _conf['monte_carlo'] + m] = dist[i, j, m] < 1e-4

                rho[i] = _estimate_PT(z, y)

            f.create_array('/' + label, 'phase_transition', rho)
Exemplo n.º 9
def run(path, label):
    Determine the phase transition from the simulation results.

    The simulation results should be present in the HDF5 database specified by
    `path` in the pytables group specified by `label` in an array named 'dist'.
    The determined phase transition (50% curve) is stored in the same HDF5
    database, in the same HDF group in an array named 'phase_transition'.
    Additionally, the 10%, 25%, 75%, and 90% percentiles are stored in an array
    named 'phase_transition_percentiles'.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database.
    label : str
        The path of the pytables group in the HDF5 database.

    See Also
    _estimate_PT : The actual phase transition estimation.

    A simulation is considered successful if the simulation result is less than
    a normalised mean squared error tolerance computed as 10^(-SNR/10) wtih SNR
    configured in the configuration module.


    percentiles = [0.5, 0.1, 0.25, 0.75, 0.9]

    with _File(path, 'a') as f:
        if not '/' + label + '/phase_transition' in f:
            dist = f.get_node('/' + label + '/dist')[:]
            # Set NaNs to value > NMSE_tolerance, i.e. assume failure
            dist[np.isnan(dist)] = 10**(-_conf['SNR'] / 10) * 2

            if _conf['logit_solver'] == 'built-in':
                # Use "simple" built-in solver
                rho = _built_in_logit_solver(dist, percentiles)
            elif _conf['logit_solver'] == 'sklearn':
                # Use scikit learn solver
                rho = _sklearn_logit_solver(dist, percentiles)

            f.create_array('/' + label, 'phase_transition', rho[0])
            f.create_array('/' + label, 'phase_transition_percentiles',
Exemplo n.º 10
def _save_output(output_path, name, fig, fig_ext, datasets):
    Save figure and data output.

    output_path : str
        The output_path to save to.
    name : str
        The 'fixed' part of the file name saved to.
    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The figure instance to save.
    fig_ext : str
        The file extension to use for the saved figure.
    datasets : dict
        The dict of dicts for datasets to save in a HDF database.


    def validate_input():
        _generic('output_path', 'string')
        _generic('name', 'string')
        _generic('fig', mpl.figure.Figure)
        _generic('fig_ext', 'string')
        _levels('datasets', (_generic(None, 'mapping'),
                             _generic(None, 'mapping')))


    if output_path[-1] == os.sep:
        path = output_path
        prefix = ''

        path, prefix, no_ext = _split_path(output_path)
        prefix = prefix + '_'

    fig.savefig(path + prefix + name + os.path.extsep + fig_ext)

    db_path = path + prefix + name + '.hdf5'
    with _File(db_path, mode='a') as h5file:
        data_group = h5file.create_group('/', 'data', __name__ + ': ' + name)
        for dataset in datasets:
            set_group = h5file.create_group(data_group, dataset, dataset)
            for array in datasets[dataset]:
                h5file.create_array(set_group, array, datasets[dataset][array])
Exemplo n.º 11
def determine(algorithm, path, label='default', overwrite=False):
    Determine the phase transition of a reconstruction algorithm.

    The phase transition is determined from a number of monte carlo simulations
    on a delta-rho grid for a given problem suite.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the phase transition (the default is 'default').
    overwrite : bool
        A flag indicating if an existing phase transition should be overwritten
        if it has the same path and label (the default is False).

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition.config : Configuration options.
    magni.cs.phase_transition._simulation.run : The actual simulation.
    magni.cs.phase_transition._analysis.run : The actual phase determination.

    An example of how to use this function is provided in the `examples` folder
    in the `cs-phase_transition.ipynb` ipython notebook file.


    _validate_determine(algorithm, path, label, overwrite)

    if os.path.isfile(path):
        with _File(path, 'r') as f:
            if '/' + label in f:
                if overwrite:
                    f.remove_node('/' + label, recursive=True)
                    raise IOError("{!r} already uses the label {!r}."
                                  .format(path, label))

    _simulation.run(algorithm, path, label)
    _analysis.run(path, label)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: io.py Projeto: ak4728/Magni
def load_phase_transition(path, label='default'):
    Load the coordinates of a phase transition from a HDF5 file.

    This function is used to load the phase transition from the output file
    generated by `magni.cs.phase_transition.determine`.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 file where the phase transition is stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the phase transition (the default is 'default').

    delta : np.ndarray
        The delta values of the phase transition points.
    rho : np.ndarray
        The rho values of the phase transition points.

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition.determine : Phase transition determination.
    magni.cs.phase_transition.plotting : Phase transition plotting.

    An example of how to use this function is provided in the `examples` folder
    in the `cs-phase_transition.ipynb` ipython notebook file.


    def validate_input():
        _generic('path', 'string')
        _generic('label', 'string')


    with _File(path, 'r') as f:
        rho = f.get_node('/' + label + '/phase_transition')[:]
        delta = np.linspace(0, 1, len(rho) + 1)[1:]
        return (delta, rho)
Exemplo n.º 13
def create_database(path, overwrite=True):
    Create a new HDF database that is annotated and chased.

    A new HDF database is created and it is annotated using
    `magni.reproducibility.io.annotate_database` and chased using
    `magni.reproducibility.io.annotate_database`. If the `overwrite` flag is
    true and existing database at `path` is overwritten.

    path : str
        The path to the HDF file that is to be created.
    overwrite : bool
        The flag that indicates if an existing database should be overwritten.

    See Also
    magni.reproducibility.io.annotate_database : Database annotation
    magni.reproducibility.io.chase_database : Database chase

    Create a new database named 'new_db.hdf5':

    >>> from magni.reproducibility.io import create_database
    >>> create_database('new_db.hdf5')

    def validate_input():
        _generic('path', 'string')
        _numeric('overwrite', 'boolean')


    if not overwrite and os.path.exists(path):
        raise IOError('{!r} already exists in filesystem.'.format(path))

    with _File(path, mode='w') as h5file:
Exemplo n.º 14
def get(path):
    Return which of the results have been stored.

    The returned value is a copy of the boolean status array indicating which
    of the results have been stored.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.

    status : ndarray
        The boolean status array.


    with _File(path, 'r') as f:
        done = f.root.status[:]

    return done
Exemplo n.º 15
def get(path):
    Return which of the results have been stored.

    The returned value is a copy of the boolean status array indicating which
    of the results have been stored.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 backup database.

    status : ndarray
        The boolean status array.


    with _File(path, "r") as f:
        done = f.root.status[:]

    return done
Exemplo n.º 16
def load_phase_transition(path, label='default', delta=None):
    Load the coordinates of a phase transition from a HDF5 file.

    This function is used to load the phase transition from the output file
    generated by `magni.cs.phase_transition.determine`.

    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 file where the phase transition is stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the phase transition (the default is 'default').
    delta : ndarray
        The undersampling ratio values to use (the default is None which
        implies that a uniform spacing of values in the interval (0,1] is

    delta : ndarray
        The delta values of the phase transition points.
    rho : ndarray
        The rho values of the phase transition points.

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition.determine : Phase transition determination.
    magni.cs.phase_transition.plotting : Phase transition plotting.

    An example of how to use this function is provided in the `examples` folder
    in the `cs-phase_transition.ipynb` ipython notebook file.

    def validate_input():
        _generic('path', 'string')
        _generic('label', 'string')
        _numeric('delta', ('floating', 'integer'),
                 shape=(-1, ),

    def validate_output():
        _numeric('rho', ('floating', 'integer'), range_='[0;1]', shape=(-1, ))
        _numeric('delta', ('floating', 'integer'),


    with _File(path, 'r') as f:
        rho = f.get_node('/' + label + '/phase_transition')[:]

    if delta is None:
        delta = np.linspace(0, 1, len(rho) + 1)[1:]


    return (delta, rho)
Exemplo n.º 17
def determine(algorithm,
    Determine the phase transition of a reconstruction algorithm.

    The phase transition is determined from a number of monte carlo simulations
    on a delta-rho grid for a given problem suite.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the phase transition (the default is 'default').
    overwrite : bool
        A flag indicating if an existing phase transition should be overwritten
        if it has the same path and label (the default is False).
    pre_simulation_hook : callable
        A handle to a callable which should be run *just* before the call to
        the reconstruction algorithm (the default is None, which implies that
        no pre hook is run).

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition._simulation.run : The actual simulation.
    magni.cs.phase_transition._analysis.run : The actual phase determination.

    The `pre_simulation_hook` may be used to setup the simulation to match the
    specfic simulation parameters, e.g. if an oracle estimator is used in the
    reconstruction algorithm. The `pre_simulation_hook` takes one argument
    which is the locals() dict.

    An example of how to use this function is provided in the `examples` folder
    in the `cs-phase_transition.ipynb` ipython notebook file.

    def validate_input():
        _generic('algorithm', 'function')
        _generic('path', 'string')
        _generic('label', 'string')

        # regular expression matching invalid characters
        match = re.search(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ,.\-_/]', label)

        if match is not None:
            msg = 'The value of >>label<<, {!r}, may not contain {!r}.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(label, match.group()))

        # regular expression matching labels without empty path components
        match = re.search(r'^([^/]+/)*[^/]+$', label)

        if match is None:
            msg = "The value of >>label<<, {!r}, may not contain '' folders."
            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(label))

        _numeric('overwrite', 'boolean')
        if (pre_simulation_hook is not None
                and not callable(pre_simulation_hook)):
            raise RuntimeError('The >>pre_simulation_hook<< must be callable')


    if os.path.isfile(path):
        with _File(path, 'a') as f:
            if '/' + label in f:
                if overwrite:
                    f.remove_node('/' + label, recursive=True)
                    raise IOError("{!r} already uses the label {!r}.".format(
                        path, label))

    _analysis.run(path, label)
Exemplo n.º 18
def determine(algorithm, path, label='default', overwrite=False):
    Determine the phase transition of a reconstruction algorithm.

    The phase transition is determined from a number of monte carlo simulations
    on a delta-rho grid for a given problem suite.

    algorithm : function
        A function handle to the reconstruction algorithm.
    path : str
        The path of the HDF5 database where the results should be stored.
    label : str
        The label assigned to the phase transition (the default is 'default').
    overwrite : bool
        A flag indicating if an existing phase transition should be overwritten
        if it has the same path and label (the default is False).

    See Also
    magni.cs.phase_transition._simulation.run : The actual simulation.
    magni.cs.phase_transition._analysis.run : The actual phase determination.

    An example of how to use this function is provided in the `examples` folder
    in the `cs-phase_transition.ipynb` ipython notebook file.


    def validate_input():
        _generic('algorithm', 'function')
        _generic('path', 'string')
        _generic('label', 'string')

        # regular expression matching invalid characters
        match = re.search(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ,.\-_/]', label)

        if match is not None:
            msg = 'The value of >>label<<, {!r}, may not contain {!r}.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(label, match.group()))

        # regular expression matching labels without empty path components
        match = re.search(r'^([^/]+/)*[^/]+$', label)

        if match is None:
            msg = "The value of >>label<<, {!r}, may not contain '' folders."
            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(label))

        _numeric('overwrite', 'boolean')


    if os.path.isfile(path):
        with _File(path, 'r') as f:
            if '/' + label in f:
                if overwrite:
                    f.remove_node('/' + label, recursive=True)
                    raise IOError("{!r} already uses the label {!r}."
                                  .format(path, label))

    _simulation.run(algorithm, path, label)
    _analysis.run(path, label)