def subscribeOw(self, client, output, module, owlist): """ Subscribing to all Onewire Instruments """ self.prefix(module, "" + client +"/"+module+"#") if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # A. Create database input # ------------------------------------------------------- # ideal way: upload an already existing file from moon for each sensor # check client for existing file: for row in owlist: subs = True print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % row[0] try: # Execute the SQL command self.cursor.execute(sql) except: log.msg("collectors owclient: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() except: log.msg("collectors owclient: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB") results = [] if len(results) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table log.msg("collectors owclient: No sensors registered so far - Getting file from moon and uploading it") # if not present then get a file and upload it #destpath = [path for path, dirs, files in os.walk("/home") if path.endswith('MARCOS')][0] day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),'%Y-%m-%d') destfile = os.path.join(destpath,'MartasFiles', row[0]+'_'+day+'.bin') datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, row[0], row[0]+'_'+day+'.bin') try: log.msg("collectors owclient: Downloading data: %s" % datafile) scptransfer(sshcred[0]+'@'+clientip+':'+datafile,destfile,sshcred[1]) stream = log.msg("collectors owclient: Reading with MagPy... Found: %s datapoints" % str(len(stream))) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = 'OW' stream.header['SensorType'] = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': stream.header['SensorGroup'] = row[2] if not row[3] == 'location': stream.header['DataLocationReference'] = row[3] if not row[4] == 'info': stream.header['SensorDescription'] = row[4] if not len(stream.ndarray[0]) > 0: stream = stream.linestruct2ndarray() stream2db(self.db,stream) log.msg("collectors owclient: Stream uploaded successfully") except: log.msg("collectors owclient: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription to %s failed" % row[0]) subs = False else: log.msg("collectors owclient: Found sensor(s) in DB - subscribing to the highest revision number") if subs: subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print "collectors owclient: Subscribing (directing to DB): ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print "collectors owclient: Subscribing (directing to file): ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
def subscribeSensor(self,client,output,module,sensorshort,sensorid): """ Subscribing to Sensors: principally any subscrition is possible if the subscription string is suppported by the moons protocols """ self.prefix(module, "" + client +"/"+module+"#") if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Get available Sensors - read sensors.txt # ------------------------------------------------------- # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % sensorid try: # Execute the SQL command self.cursor.execute(sql) except: log.msg("collectors client: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() except: log.msg("collectors client: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB") results = [] if len(results) < 1: # if not present then get a file and upload it log.msg("collectors client: No sensors registered so far - Getting data file from moon and uploading it using stream2db") day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),'%Y-%m-%d') for exten in ['bin','asc']: destfile = os.path.join(destpath,'MartasFiles', sensorid+'_'+day+'.'+exten) datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, sensorid, sensorid+'_'+day+'.'+exten) try: log.msg("collectors client: Downloading data: %s" % datafile) scptransfer(sshcred[0]+'@'+clientip+':'+datafile,destfile,sshcred[1]) stream = log.msg("collectors client: Reading with MagPy... Found: %s datapoints" % str(len(stream))) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = sensorshort try: stream.header['SensorRevision'] = sensorid[-4:] except: log.msg("collectors client: Could not extract revision number for %s" % sensorid) pass try: stream.header['SensorSerialNum'] = sensorid.split('_')[-2] except: log.msg("collectors client: Could not extract serial number for %s" % sensorid) pass if not len(stream.ndarray[0]) > 0: stream = stream.linestruct2ndarray() stream2db(self.db,stream) except: log.msg("collectors client: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription failed") else: log.msg("collectors client: Found sensor(s) in DB - subscribing to the highest revision number") subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, sensorid) print "collectors sensor client: Subscribing: ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print "collectors client: Running for sensor", sensorid subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, sensorid) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
def subscribeSensor(self, client, output, module, sensorshort, sensorid): """ Subscribing to Sensors: principally any subscrition is possible if the subscription string is suppported by the moons protocols """ self.prefix(module, "" + client + "/" + module + "#") if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Get available Sensors - read sensors.txt # ------------------------------------------------------- # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % sensorid try: # Execute the SQL command self.cursor.execute(sql) except: print("collectors client: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() except: print("collectors client: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB") results = [] # checking existing data table try: self.cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{}%'".format(sensorid)) secresults = self.cursor.fetchall() except: secresults = [] if len(results) < 1 and len(secresults) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table print("collectors client: No sensors registered so far ...") if len(secresults) < 1: # if not present then get a file and upload it print( "collectors client: No sensors registered so far - Getting data file from martas and uploading it using writeDB" ) day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%d') for exten in ['bin', 'asc']: destfile = os.path.join(destpath, 'MartasFiles', sensorid + '_' + day + '.' + exten) datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, sensorid, sensorid + '_' + day + '.' + exten) print("collectors client: Downloading data: {}".format( datafile)) scptransfer(sshcred[0] + '@' + clientip + ':' + datafile, destfile, sshcred[1], timeout=120) print( "collectors client: copying evetually existing data file to local directory {}" .format(destfile)) try: stream = print( "collectors client: Reading with MagPy... Found: {} datapoints" .format(stream.length()[0])) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = sensorshort try: stream.header['SensorRevision'] = sensorid[-4:] except: print( "collectors client: Could not extract revision number for %s" % sensorid) pass try: stream.header['SensorSerialNum'] = sensorid.split( '_')[-2] except: print( "collectors client: Could not extract serial number for %s" % sensorid) pass if not len(stream.ndarray[0]) > 0: stream = stream.linestruct2ndarray() stream2db(self.db, stream) except: print( "collectors client: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription failed" ) print( " : possible reason: no ssh key established so far?" ) else: print( "collectors client: Found sensor(s) in DB - subscribing to the highest revision number" ) subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, sensorid) print("collectors sensor client: Subscribing: ", subscriptionstring) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print("collectors client: Running for sensor", sensorid) subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, sensorid) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
#!/bin/env/python from import read import magpy.mpplot as mp from magpy.database import * import magpy.opt.cred as mpcred dbpasswd ='cobsdb', 'passwd') db = mysql.connect(host="", user="******", passwd=dbpasswd, db="cobsdb") vario1 = read('/srv/archive/WIC/LEMI036_1_0002/raw/*2016-02-28.bin') vario2 = read('/srv/archive/WIC/LEMI025_22_0002/raw/*2016-02-28.bin') print vario1.length(), vario2.length() mp.plotStreams([vario1, vario2], [['z'], ['z']])
def main(argv): inputpath = '' outputpath = '' starttime = '' endtime = '' format_type = '' coverage = None metainfo = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hr:w:s:e:f:m:c:", [ "read=", "write=", "sdate=", "edate=", "format=", "metainfo=", "coverage=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print( ' -r <path2read> -w <path2write> -s <startdate> -e <enddate> -f <outputformat> -m <metainfo> -c <coverage>' ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print('Usage:') print('------------') print( ' -r <path2read> -w <path2write> -s <startdate> -e <enddate> -f <outputformat> -m <metainfo> -c <coverage>' ) print('') print('Description:') print('------------') print( 'Python program to convert bewteen data formats based on MagPy.' ) print( 'Typical applications are the conversion of binary data formats' ) print('to readable ASCII data sets or the conversion.') print('') print('Options:') print('------------') print( '-r: specify file to read data from e.g. -r "/my/path/myfile.bin"' ) print( '-w: path to write data to: default is inputpath plus subfolder out' ) print('-s: startdate: year-month-day e.g. 2018-01-23') print('-e: enddate: e.g. 2018-01-26') print( '-c: coverage: one of "day" (DEFAULT),"month","year","all" ') print('-f: supported output format:') print(' -- PYASCII: MagPy basic ASCII --- (DEFAULT)') print(' -- IAGA: IAGA 2002 text format') print(' -- IMAGCDF: Intermagnet CDF Format') print(' -- IAF: Intermagnet archive Format') print(' -- WDC: World Data Centre format') print(' -- IMF: Intermagnet Format') print(' -- PYSTR: MagPy full ascii') print(' -- PYCDF: MagPy CDF variant') print(' -- DKA: K value format Intermagnet') print(' -- DIDD: Output format from MinGeo DIDD') print(' -- BLV: Baseline format Intermagnet') print(' -- IYFV: Yearly mean format Intermagnet') print(' -- JSON: JavaScript Object Notation') print(' -- LATEX: LateX data') print('-m: additional meta information:') print( ' a string like "DataStandardLevel:Partial,StationIAGACode:WIC"' ) print('') print('Examples:') print('------------') print('Single file: -r /my/path/myfile.bin') print('Multiple files: -r "/my/path/*.bin"') print( 'Time range: -r "/my/path/*" -s 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-15' ) print('Save as IAGA: -r /my/path/myfile.bin -f IAGA') print( 'IAGA to IMAGCDF: -r /iagaseconds/201801* -f IMAGCDF -c month' ) print( 'Define outputpath: -r /my/input/path/myfile.bin -w /my/output/path/' ) print('') print('!!!! please note: !!!!') print( '!!!! using wildcards in filenames (asterix) requires quotes !!!!' ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-r", "--read"): inputpath = arg elif opt in ("-w", "--write"): outputpath = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--sdate"): starttime = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--edate"): endtime = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--format"): format_type = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--metainfo"): metainfo = arg elif opt in ("-c", "--coverage"): coverage = arg if not inputpath: print(" no input data specified - aborting") sys.exit() if outputpath == '': outputpath = inputpath wildcard = False try: if '*' in os.path.split(outputpath)[1]: wildcard = True except: pass if os.path.isfile(outputpath) or outputpath.endswith('*') or wildcard: outputpath = os.path.split(outputpath)[0] outputpath = os.path.join(outputpath, 'out') outputpath = os.path.abspath(outputpath) if os.path.isfile(outputpath): outputpath = os.path.split(outputpath)[0] else: # Test whether wpath is already a dirctory if not os.path.isdir(outputpath): if not os.path.exists(outputpath): print( " Directory {} not yet existing. Trying to create it..." .format(outputpath)) try: os.makedirs(outputpath) print(" ... OK") except: print(" ... failed! - check permissions") sys.exit() else: print(' Error: cannot interpret path to write to') sys.exit() if inputpath == '': print(' Specify a file/path by the -r option:') print(' -r <path2read>') print(' -- check -h for more options') sys.exit() if format_type == '': format_type = 'PYASCII' else: if not format_type in PYMAG_SUPPORTED_FORMATS: print( " Error: Unkown format! Choose one of the following output formats:" ) for key in PYMAG_SUPPORTED_FORMATS: val = PYMAG_SUPPORTED_FORMATS[key] if 'w' in val[0] and len(val) > 1: print(" -- {}: {}".format(key, val[1])) sys.exit() if not coverage in ['month', 'year', 'all']: coverage = None print(" Starting conversion to {}:".format(format_type)) print(" loading data from {}".format(inputpath)) print(" and writing it to {}".format(outputpath)) print("Reading data ...") if starttime != '' and endtime != '': data = read(inputpath, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) elif starttime != '': data = read(inputpath, starttime=starttime) elif endtime != '': data = read(inputpath, endtime=endtime) else: data = read(inputpath) num = len(data) if num == 0: print(" Error: No readable data found") print(" Found {} timesteps ...".format(data.length()[0])) if metainfo: print(" Adding/Replacing provided meta information") metalist = metainfo.split(',') for pair in metalist: metadat = pair.split(':') if len(metadat) == 2: key = metadat[0] value = metadat[1] print(" -> {} = {}".format(key, value)) data.header[key] = value print(" Writing data to {} now...".format(outputpath)) # Check whether wpath is really a path data.write(outputpath, format_type=format_type, coverage=coverage) print("conversion finished!")
def subscribeOw(self, client, output, module, owlist): """ Subscribing to all Onewire Instruments """ self.prefix(module, "" + client + "/" + module + "#") if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # A. Create database input # ------------------------------------------------------- # ideal way: upload an already existing file from moon for each sensor # check client for existing file: for row in owlist: subs = True print("collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0]) # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % row[ 0] try: # Execute the SQL command self.cursor.execute(sql) except: print("collectors owclient: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() except: print( "collectors owclient: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB" ) results = [] # checking existing data table try: self.cursor.execute( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{}%'".format(sensorid)) secresults = self.cursor.fetchall() except: secresults = [] if len(results) < 1 and len(secresults) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table print( "collectors owclient: No sensors registered so far ..." ) if len(secresults) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table print( "collectors owclient: No data table existing so far - Getting file from moon and uploading it" ) day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%d') destfile = os.path.join(destpath, 'MartasFiles', row[0] + '_' + day + '.bin') datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, row[0], row[0] + '_' + day + '.bin') try: print("collectors owclient: Downloading data: %s" % datafile) scptransfer( sshcred[0] + '@' + clientip + ':' + datafile, destfile, sshcred[1]) stream = print( "collectors owclient: Reading with MagPy... Found: {} datapoints" .format(stream.length()[0])) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = 'OW' stream.header['SensorType'] = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': stream.header['SensorGroup'] = row[2] if not row[3] == 'location': stream.header['DataLocationReference'] = row[3] if not row[4] == 'info': stream.header['SensorDescription'] = row[4] if not len(stream.ndarray[0]) > 0: stream = stream.linestruct2ndarray() stream2db(self.db, stream) print( "collectors owclient: Stream uploaded successfully" ) except: print( "collectors owclient: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription to %s failed" % row[0]) subs = False else: print( "collectors owclient: Found sensor(s) in DB - subscribing to the highest revision number" ) if subs: subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print( "collectors owclient: Subscribing (directing to DB): ", subscriptionstring) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print("collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0]) subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print("collectors owclient: Subscribing (directing to file): ", subscriptionstring) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
def subscribeInst(self, db, cursor, client, mod, output): print "Starting Subscription ...." self.prefix(mod, "" + client +"/"+mod+"#") if mod == 'cs': sensshort = 'G82' else: sensshort = mod.upper() if mod == 'ow': if not len(o) > 0: log.msg('collectors client: No OW sensors available') else: log.msg('Subscribing OneWire Sensors ...') self.subscribeOw(o) else: self.subscribeSensor(sensshort) if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Get available Sensors - read sensors.txt # ------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------- # 2. Create database input # ------------------------------------------------------- # ideal way: upload an already existing file from moon for each sensor # check client for existing file: for row in o: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % row[0] print sql try: # Execute the SQL command cursor.execute(sql) except: log.msg("collectors owclient: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() print "SQL-Results:", results except: log.msg("collectors owclient: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB") results = [] if len(results) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table log.msg("collectors owclient: No sensors registered so far - Getting file from moon and uploading it") # if not present then get a file and upload it #destpath = [path for path, dirs, files in os.walk("/home") if path.endswith('MARCOS')][0] day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),'%Y-%m-%d') destfile = os.path.join(destpath,'MoonsFiles', row[0]+'_'+day+'.bin') datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, row[0], row[0]+'_'+day+'.bin') try: log.msg("collectors owclient: Downloading data: %s" % datafile) scptransfer(sshcred[0]+'@'+clientip+':'+datafile,destfile,sshcred[1]) stream = log.msg("collectors owclient: Reading with MagPy... Found: %s datapoints" % str(len(stream))) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = 'OW' stream.header['SensorType'] = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': stream.header['SensorGroup'] = row[2] self.sensorgroup = row[2] if not row[3] == 'location': stream.header['DataLocationReference'] = row[3] if not row[4] == 'info': stream.header['SensorDescription'] = row[4] stream2db(db,stream) self.sensorid = stream.header['SensorID'] self.sensortype = row[1] except: log.msg("collectors owclient: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription failed") elif len(results) == 1: log.msg("collectors owclient: Found sensor in db - subscribing to its table") self.sensorid = results[0][0] self.sensortype = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': self.sensorgroup = row[2] else: log.msg("collectors owclient: Found several sensors in db - subscribing the highest revision number") self.sensorid = results[-1][0] self.sensortype = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': self.sensorgroup = row[2] subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print "collectors owclient: Subscribing: ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (mod, row[0]) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
deltaF=-0.258, diid='A2_WIC.txt', pier='A2', expD=4.0, expI=64.0, starttime='2015-06-01', endtime='2016-02-01', db=db, dbadd=True) print absresult.length() absresult.write('/srv/archive/WIC/DI/data', coverage='all', filenamebegins="BLV_FGE_S0252_0001_GSM90_14245_0002_A2_oc_min", format_type="PYSTR", mode='replace') data1 = read( '/srv/archive/WIC/DI/data/BLV_FGE_S0252_0001_GSM90_14245_0002_A2_oc_min.txt' ) mp.plot(data1, ['dx', 'dy', 'dz'], symbollist=['o', 'o', 'o']) data2 = read( '/srv/archive/WIC/DI/data/BLV_FGE_S0252_0001_GSM90_14245_0002_A2.txt') sub = subtractStreams(data1, data2) mp.plot(sub, ['dx', 'dy', 'dz'], symbollist=['o', 'o', 'o']) #writeDB(db,absresult,'BLV_FGE_S0252_0001_GSM90_14245_0002_A2')
def subscribeInst(self, db, cursor, client, mod, output): print "Starting Subscription ...." self.prefix(mod, "" + client + "/" + mod + "#") if mod == 'cs': sensshort = 'G82' else: sensshort = mod.upper() if mod == 'ow': if not len(o) > 0: log.msg('collectors client: No OW sensors available') else: log.msg('Subscribing OneWire Sensors ...') self.subscribeOw(o) else: self.subscribeSensor(sensshort) if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Get available Sensors - read sensors.txt # ------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------- # 2. Create database input # ------------------------------------------------------- # ideal way: upload an already existing file from moon for each sensor # check client for existing file: for row in o: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % row[ 0] print sql try: # Execute the SQL command cursor.execute(sql) except: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() print "SQL-Results:", results except: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB" ) results = [] if len(results) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table log.msg( "collectors owclient: No sensors registered so far - Getting file from moon and uploading it" ) # if not present then get a file and upload it #destpath = [path for path, dirs, files in os.walk("/home") if path.endswith('MARCOS')][0] day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%d') destfile = os.path.join(destpath, 'MoonsFiles', row[0] + '_' + day + '.bin') datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, row[0], row[0] + '_' + day + '.bin') try: log.msg("collectors owclient: Downloading data: %s" % datafile) scptransfer( sshcred[0] + '@' + clientip + ':' + datafile, destfile, sshcred[1]) stream = log.msg( "collectors owclient: Reading with MagPy... Found: %s datapoints" % str(len(stream))) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = 'OW' stream.header['SensorType'] = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': stream.header['SensorGroup'] = row[2] self.sensorgroup = row[2] if not row[3] == 'location': stream.header['DataLocationReference'] = row[3] if not row[4] == 'info': stream.header['SensorDescription'] = row[4] stream2db(db, stream) self.sensorid = stream.header['SensorID'] self.sensortype = row[1] except: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription failed" ) elif len(results) == 1: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Found sensor in db - subscribing to its table" ) self.sensorid = results[0][0] self.sensortype = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': self.sensorgroup = row[2] else: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Found several sensors in db - subscribing the highest revision number" ) self.sensorid = results[-1][0] self.sensortype = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': self.sensorgroup = row[2] subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print "collectors owclient: Subscribing: ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (mod, row[0]) self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
def subscribeOw(self, owlist): """ Subscribing to all Onewire Instruments """ if output == 'db': # ------------------------------------------------------- # A. Create database input # ------------------------------------------------------- # ideal way: upload an already existing file from moon for each sensor # check client for existing file: for row in owlist: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] # Try to find sensor in db: sql = "SELECT SensorID FROM SENSORS WHERE SensorID LIKE '%s%%'" % row[ 0] try: # Execute the SQL command cursor.execute(sql) except: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Unable to execute SENSOR sql") try: # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = self.cursor.fetchall() except: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Unable to fetch SENSOR data from DB" ) results = [] if len(results) < 1: # Initialize e.g. ow table log.msg( "collectors owclient: No sensors registered so far - Getting file from moon and uploading it" ) # if not present then get a file and upload it #destpath = [path for path, dirs, files in os.walk("/home") if path.endswith('MARCOS')][0] day = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%d') destfile = os.path.join(destpath, 'MoonsFiles', row[0] + '_' + day + '.bin') datafile = os.path.join('/srv/ws/', clientname, row[0], row[0] + '_' + day + '.bin') try: log.msg("collectors owclient: Downloading data: %s" % datafile) scptransfer( sshcred[0] + '@' + clientip + ':' + datafile, destfile, sshcred[1]) stream = log.msg( "collectors owclient: Reading with MagPy... Found: %s datapoints" % str(len(stream))) stream.header['StationID'] = self.stationid stream.header['SensorModule'] = 'OW' stream.header['SensorType'] = row[1] if not row[2] == 'typus': stream.header['SensorGroup'] = row[2] if not row[3] == 'location': stream.header['DataLocationReference'] = row[3] if not row[4] == 'info': stream.header['SensorDescription'] = row[4] stream2db(db, stream) except: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Could not upload data to the data base - subscription failed" ) else: log.msg( "collectors owclient: Found sensor(s) in DB - subscribing to the highest revision number" ) subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (module, row[0]) print "collectors owclient: Subscribing (directing to DB): ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent) elif output == 'file': for row in o: print "collectors owclient: Running for sensor", row[0] subscriptionstring = "%s:%s-value" % (mod, row[0]) print "collectors owclient: Subscribing (directing to file): ", subscriptionstring self.subscribe(subscriptionstring, self.onEvent)
def process_ACE(datum, ace_P, ace_types, merge_variables, skipcompression=False, localpath='', debug=False): """ Processes new data and adds it to old stream. INPUT: ace_P: (str) String describing data type: '1m' or '5m' ace_types : (list) List of type for type, e.g. ["swepam" and "mag"] marge_variables: (list) Variables to merge from type 2 into 1, e.g.: ['x','y','z','f','t1','t2'] """ print("Processing {} data for {} ...".format(ace_P,datum)) newday = False # Read current data if debug: print (" Accessing {}".format(os.path.join(localpath,'raw','{}_ace_{}_{}.txt'.format(datum, ace_types[0], ace_P)))) ace_stream1 = read(os.path.join(localpath,'raw','{}_ace_{}_{}.txt'.format(datum, ace_types[0], ace_P))) ace_stream2 = read(os.path.join(localpath,'raw','{}_ace_{}_{}.txt'.format(datum, ace_types[1], ace_P))) if not ace_stream1.length()[0] > 0 and not ace_stream2.length()[0] > 0: print (" No ACE data found - aborting") else: print ("{}: got {} datapoints".format(ace_types[0],ace_stream1.length()[0])) print ("{}: got {} datapoints".format(ace_types[1],ace_stream2.length()[0])) lastval = num2date(ace_stream1.ndarray[0][-1]) today = datetime.strftime(lastval, "%Y-%m-%d") yesterday = datetime.strftime(lastval-timedelta(days=1), "%Y-%m-%d") ace_file = os.path.join(localpath,'collected','ace_%s_%s.cdf' % (ace_P, today)) ace_lastfile = os.path.join(localpath,'collected','ace_%s_%s.cdf' % (ace_P, yesterday)) lastfile = True if os.path.exists(ace_file): try: ace_last = read(ace_file) except: lastfile = False else: try: ace_last = read(ace_lastfile) newday = True except: lastfile = False if lastfile: if len(ace_last.ndarray[KEYLIST.index("var1")]) == 0: lastfile = False # Merging streams wrt time with no interpolation: #ace_data = merge_ACE(ace_stream1, ace_stream2, merge_variables) ace_data = mergeStreams(ace_stream1, ace_stream2, keys=merge_variables) print (ace_data.length()[0]) if lastfile: append == True for key in merge_variables+['var1','var2','var3']: keyind = KEYLIST.index(key) if len(ace_last.ndarray[keyind]) == 0: if debug: print (keyind, len(ace_last.ndarray[keyind])) print("Error in data - not appending.") append == False if append: ace_data = appendStreams([ace_last, ace_data]) print (ace_data.length()) if not debug: if newday == True: print ("Created new {} file. Writing last data to yesterday.".format(ace_P)) ace_data.write(os.path.join(localpath,'collected'),filenamebegins="ace_%s_" % ace_P, format_type='PYCDF', skipcompression=skipcompression) else: ace_data = ace_data.trim(starttime=today+"T00:00:00") ace_data.write(os.path.join(localpath,'collected'),filenamebegins="ace_%s_" % ace_P, format_type='PYCDF', skipcompression=skipcompression) # XXX return True