Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ignore_zeros():
    A = np.zeros((1024,24), np.uint8)
    A[:24,:24] = np.random.randint(100, 200, size=(24,24))
    assert rc(A) < 100
    assert otsu(A) < 100
    assert rc(A, ignore_zeros=1) > 100
    assert otsu(A, ignore_zeros=1) > 100
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ignore_zeros():
    A = np.zeros((1024, 24), np.uint8)
    A[:24, :24] = np.random.random_integers(100, 200, size=(24, 24))
    assert rc(A) < 100
    assert otsu(A) < 100
    assert rc(A, ignore_zeros=1) > 100
    assert otsu(A, ignore_zeros=1) > 100
Exemplo n.º 3
 def segmentTubes2(img_labeled, img_intensity):
     :img_labeled: labeled image before segmentation  
     img_intensity: intensity image  
     labeld image segmented by Otsu's binarization by each region.  
     * This function do not perform histogram equalization by each region.  
     If you want to do that before the segmentation, use 'segementation1' function.
     img_seg = np.zeros_like(img_intensity)
     labels = np.unique(img_labeled.flatten())
     for cell_id in labels[1:]:
         bin_region = (img_labeled == cell_id)
         region = bin_region * img_intensity
         region, _ = imtools.histeq(region)
         # segmentation
         T = otsu(np.uint(region), ignore_zeros=True)
         img_seg += (np.uint(region) > T)
     labeled, counts = label(img_seg)
     return labeled, counts
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: tas.py Projeto: sdsk/mahotas
def pftas(img, T=None):
    values = pftas(img, T={mahotas.threshold.otsu(img)})

    Compute parameter free Threshold Adjacency Statistics

    TAS were presented by Hamilton et al.  in "Fast automated cell phenotype
    image classification" (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/8/110)

    The current version is an adapted version which is free of parameters. The
    thresholding is done by using Otsu's algorithm (or can be pre-computed and
    passed in by setting `T`), the margin around the mean of pixels to be
    included is the standard deviation.

    Also returns a version computed on the negative of the binarisation defined
    by Hamilton et al.

    Use tas() to get the original version of the features.

      img : A 2-D image
      T : Threshold to use (default: compute with otsu)
      values : A 1-D ndarray of feature values
    if T is None:
        T = otsu(img)
    pixels = img[img > T].ravel()
    std = pixels.std()
    return _tas(img, T, std)
Exemplo n.º 5
def threshold(img,thresh):
    T = threshold(img, thresh)

    thresh can be:
        * None: returns -1
        * a number: returns thresh
        * a function: returns thresh(img)
        * a string:
            one of ('otsu','rc','murphy_rc','mean')
    if thresh is None:
        return -1
    if type(thresh) is str:
        if thresh == 'otsu':
            return otsu(img)
        if thresh == 'rc':
            return rc(img)
        if thresh == 'murphy_rc':
            return murphy_rc(img)
        if thresh == 'mean':
            return img.mean()
        raise ValueError("pyslic.threshold: Cannot handle argument '%s'" % thresh)
    if callable(thresh):
        return thresh(img)
    return thresh
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_otsu_fast():
    for i in range(12):
        A = 32*np.random.rand(128,128)
        A = A.astype(np.uint8)
        fast = otsu(A)
        slow = slow_otsu(A)
        assert fast == slow
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_otsu_fast():
    for i in range(12):
        A = 32 * np.random.rand(128, 128)
        A = A.astype(np.uint8)
        fast = otsu(A)
        slow = slow_otsu(A)
        assert fast == slow
Exemplo n.º 8
def extract1(img, solution):
    labeled, _ = solution
    binary = (labeled > 0)
    bg = img[~binary].ravel()
    objects = img[binary].ravel()
    bstd = bg.std()
    if bstd == 0:
        bstd = 1
    separation = (bg.mean()-objects.mean())/bstd
    corrcoefs = []
    for T in (img.mean(), img.mean() + img.std(), otsu(img), rc(img)):
        corrcoefs.append(_corrcoef(binary, img > T))
    return np.concatenate( ([separation], corrcoefs) )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def detectMyotube(self,
        if tophat == True and tophatImgList == []:
            tophatImgList = self.tophatAllPlanes()
        elif tophat == True and tophatImgList != []:
            #tophatImgList = tophatImgList[tophatImgList.keys()[0]]
            tophatImgList = tophatImgList[0]
        elif tophat == False:
            tophatImgList = self.images

        # median -> histeq -> otsu -> segmentation (histeq and otsu by region)
        if segmentationMethod == 'seg1':
            img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList)
            img_median = self.smooth(img_mip)
            img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median)
            T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq), ignore_zeros=True)
            img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T)
            img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin)
            markers, counts = self.segmentTubes1(img_labeled, img_histeq)
            # segmentation by watershed
            img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers)
            result = {
                'MIP': img_mip,
                'median': img_median,
                'histEq': img_histeq,
                'otsu': T,
                'bin': img_bin

        # median -> otsu -> segmentation (histeq and otsu by region)
        elif segmentationMethod == 'seg2':
            img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList)
            img_median = self.smooth(img_mip)
            T = otsu(np.uint(img_median), ignore_zeros=True)
            img_bin = (np.uint(img_median) > T)
            img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin)
            markers, counts = self.segmentTubes2(img_labeled, img_median)
            # segmentation by watershed
            img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers)
            result = {
                'MIP': img_mip,
                'median': img_median,
                'otsu': T,
                'bin': img_bin

        # median -> histeq -> otsu -> segmentation (histeq and cut regions less than mean-intensity by region)
        elif segmentationMethod == 'seg3':
            img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList)
            img_median = self.smooth(img_mip)
            img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median)
            T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq), ignore_zeros=True)
            img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T)
            img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin)
            markers, counts = self.segmentTubes3(img_labeled, img_histeq)
            # segmentation by watershed
            img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers)
            result = {
                'MIP': img_mip,
                'median': img_median,
                'histEq': img_histeq,
                'otsu': T,
                'bin': img_bin

        # median -> histeq -> otsu -> segmentation (cut regions less than mean-intensity by region)
        elif segmentationMethod == 'seg4':
            img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList)
            img_median = self.smooth(img_mip)
            img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median)
            T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq), ignore_zeros=True)
            img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T)
            img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin)
            markers, counts = self.segmentTubes4(img_labeled, img_histeq)
            # segmentation by watershed
            img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers)
            result = {
                'MIP': img_mip,
                'median': img_median,
                'histEq': img_histeq,
                'otsu': T,
                'bin': img_bin

        # median -> otsu -> segmentation (cut regions less than mean-intensity by region)
        elif segmentationMethod == 'seg5':
            img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList)
            img_median = self.smooth(img_mip)
            T = otsu(np.uint(img_median), ignore_zeros=True)
            img_bin = (np.uint(img_median) > T)
            img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin)
            markers, counts = self.segmentTubes4(img_labeled, img_median)
            # segmentation by watershed
            img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers)
            result = {
                'MIP': img_mip,
                'median': img_median,
                'otsu': T,
                'bin': img_bin

        # non-segmentation
            img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList)
            img_median = self.smooth(img_mip)
            img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median)
            T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq))
            img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T)
            img_labeled, counts = label(img_bin)
            result = {
                'MIP': img_mip,
                'median': img_median,
                'histEq': img_histeq,
                'otsu': T,
                'bin': img_bin
        print('Otsu\'s threshold:', T)
        print('Found {} objects.'.format(counts))
        sizes = labeled_size(img_labeled)
        img_labeled = remove_regions_where(
            img_labeled, sizes < sizeThresh)  #origin 10000, triangle 8585
        img_relabeled, counts = relabel(img_labeled)
        result['label'] = img_relabeled
        result['count'] = counts
        print('After filtering and relabeling, there are {} objects left.'.
        result['labeledSkeleton'] = self.labeledSkeleton(img_relabeled)
        return ProcessImages(result)
Exemplo n.º 10
def oversegment(img):
    overseg = sobel_segment(img)
    for t in (img.mean(), otsu(img), rc(img)):
        overseg = intersec(overseg, segment(img, t))
    return overseg
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_nozeros():
    A = (np.random.rand(100,100)*50).astype(np.uint8)+201
    assert rc(A) > 200
    assert otsu(A) > 200
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_nozeros():
    A = (np.random.rand(100,100)*50).astype(np.uint8)+201
    assert rc(A) > 200
    assert otsu(A) > 200
def masked_pftas(intensity_image):
    T = otsu(intensity_image, ignore_zeros=True)
    return pftas(intensity_image, T=T)