def ch4dvr(frame,dvrIP): cams_on=np.array([101,201,301,401]) (height,width)=frame.shape[:2] x1=int(width/2) y1=int(height/2) error_msg="" gray=cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame1=cv2.calcHist([gray[0:y1,0:x1]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame2=cv2.calcHist([gray[0:y1,x1:width]],[0],None ,[256],[0,256]) frame3=cv2.calcHist([gray[y1:height,0:x1]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame4=cv2.calcHist([gray[y1:height,x1:width]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) if frame4[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(4,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,3) # (array,index) if frame3[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(3,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,2) if frame2[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(2,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,1) if frame1[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(1,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,0) #print("[ERROR]",error_msg) email(str( return cams_on
def checkDVR(lines): ret_val="" path=lines[:-1] dvrIP=path[-32:-20] path=path+"01" ''' path='rtsp://*****:*****@[email protected]/Streaming/Channels/01' ''' channel=int(lines[-1]) print("path",path) vid=cv2.VideoCapture(path) startTime=time.time() while True: O_O, if not O_O and time.time()-startTime>30: #increse the time(seconds) and remove that break #print("DVR of IP {} not working".format(path[-34:-22])) file=open("log.txt",'a+') file.write(str(os.getpid())+"\n"+str(" DVR of IP {} not working".format(dvrIP)+"\n") file.close() email(str(" DVR of IP {} not working".format(dvrIP)+"\n") break elif channel==4: cams_on=ch4dvr(frame,dvrIP) for i in range(cams_on.shape[0]): print(str(path[:-2])+str(cams_on[i])) break elif O_O and channel==8: cams_on=ch8dvr(frame,dvrIP) break else: print("NOTHING") break #important for breaking the loop vid.release()
def createmail(): try: if not request.is_json: raise InvalidInput mail1 = request.json['email'] email(mail1) return {} except (KeyError, InvalidInput): return {'error': 0}, 400, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
def ch8dvr(frame,dvrIP): cams_on=np.array([101,201,301,401,501,601,701,801]) (height,width)=frame.shape[:2] x1=int(width/3) x2=int(width*(2/3)) y1=int(height/3) y2=int(height*(2/3)) error_msg="" gray=cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame1=cv2.calcHist([gray[0:y1,0:x1]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame2=cv2.calcHist([gray[0:y1,x1:x2]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame3=cv2.calcHist([gray[0:y1,x2:width]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame4=cv2.calcHist([gray[y1:y2,0:x1]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame5=cv2.calcHist([gray[y1:y2,x1:x2]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame6=cv2.calcHist([gray[y1:y2,x2:width]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame7=cv2.calcHist([gray[y2:height,0:x1]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame8=cv2.calcHist([gray[y2:height,x1:x2]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) frame9=cv2.calcHist([gray[y2:height,x2:width]],[0],None,[256],[0,256]) if frame9[0]>24000: pass if frame8[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(8,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,7) if frame7[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(7,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,6) if frame6[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(6,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,5) if frame5[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(5,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,4) if frame4[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(4,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,3) if frame3[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(3,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,2) if frame2[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(2,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,1) if frame1[0]>24000: error_msg=notify(1,error_msg,dvrIP) cams_on=np.delete(cams_on,0) email(str( return cams_on
def log(device, timestamp): date = str( try: fichier = open("log/{}".format(date[0:10]), 'r+') except: fichier = open("log/{}".format(date[0:10]), 'a+') ok = 1 for ligne in fichier: if ligne.find(device) != -1: ok = 0 if ok == 1: fichier.write("{} :: {}\n".format(device, timestamp)) email("{} :: {}\n".format(device, timestamp))
def log(gateway, port): if not os.path.exists("log"): os.makedirs("log") date = str( try: fichier = open("log/{}".format(date[0:10]), 'r+') except: fichier = open("log/{}".format(date[0:10]), 'a+') seen = 0 for ligne in fichier: if ligne.find(gateway) != -1: seen = 1 if seen == 0: fichier.write("{} {} ## {}\n".format(gateway, port, str("la gateway {} ({}) ne fonctionne plus depuis {}".format( gateway, port, str(
def email_alert(to = app_email, file = False, critcal = False): #email a log file to a email address #Get current time/date. time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #Check file then open it, using location defined by function call if defined. if file == False: check_file(log_path, log_default) f = open(log_path + log_default, 'a') else: check_file(log_path, file) f = open(log_path + file, 'a') #Send the mail already! import mail if critcal:,, 'ALERT:' + app_name + ' log ' + time) else:,, app_name + ' log ' + time)
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): body = '' i = 0 for j in Journey.objects.all(): if == now: i += 1 body += '{name} from {address} to arrive by {time}.\n'.format(name =, address = j.person.address(), time = j.out.time()) if body: subject = 'Tomorrow%s %s' % (i, 'journey' if i == 1 else 'journeys') body = head + body else: subject = 'There are no journeys booked for today.' body = 'There are no journeys for today. These notifications should probably stop appearing over time.' body += """ --- To log into the driver system, use the url http://%s:8000/admin """ % [l for l in ([ip for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[2] if not ip.startswith("127.")][:1], [[(s.connect(('', 80)), s.getsockname()[0], s.close()) for s in [socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)]][0][1]]) if l][0][0] for a in addresses: email(a, subject, body)
def POST(self): i = web.input() web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true') #print d = json.loads( #print d print "Checking for existing obj %s" %(d['subname']) existing = Subdomain.objects.filter(subname=d['subname']) try: if len(existing) == 0: newSignup = Subdomain(subname=d['subname'], leagueId=int(d['leagueId']), email=d['email'])['email']) else: print "Object exists. Bailing out." raise web.internalerror("webb internal error son") except: print "Something f****d up. Bailing out" raise web.internalerror("webb internal error son") print "Saved to ORM" raise web.seeother('/')
def manage_api(): while True: print '''\033[34;1m管理接口提供的功能有: 1 解锁商城用户或信用卡用户 2 添加商城用户或信用卡用户 3 删除商城用户或信用卡用户 4 信用卡账单邮件 0 输入0返回上级菜单\033[0m ''' num = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您需要的功能:\033[0m") if num == '1': ulocak_user = raw_input("\033[34;1m请输入您要解锁的类型:1、为解锁商城用户 2、解锁信用卡用户:\033[0m") if ulocak_user == '1': user_lockli = [] #定义一个空列表存储被锁用户的信息 with open('user_info','rb') as d: #打开文件并用json把字符串转换为数据类型 user_info = json.load(d) for k,v in user_info.items(): #循环查找字典中的用户状态 if v['login_num'] == '3': #如果用户处于被锁状态的话加入到列表中 lock_user = v['username'] print u'\033[31;1m%s用户已被锁定' % lock_user #打印被锁用户信息 user_lockli.append(lock_user) #把被锁用户追加到列表中 if user_lockli: #判断如果列表不为空,如果有内容说明有被锁用户 user_unlock = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您要解锁的用户名:\033[0m") #获取用户要解锁的用户 if user_unlock in user_lockli: #判断,如果用户存在 user_info[user_unlock]['login_num'] = int(0) #把user_info转换为数字类型 neirong = "%s用户已解锁" % user_unlock yonghu = ulocak_user youxiang = user_info[user_unlock]['mail'] zhuti = '账户解锁通知',yonghu,youxiang,zhuti) with open('user_info','wb') as f: #把新的用户状态写入user信息中 json.dump(user_info,f) print "\033[32;1m\033[32;1m%s\033[0m\033[31;1m用户已被解锁\033[0m" % user_unlock else: print "\033[31;1m\033[32;1m%s\033[0m\033[31;1m用户不存在\033[0m" % user_unlock #不能存在提示用户不存在! else: print "\033[31;1m没有账户被锁定\033[0m" if ulocak_user == '2': card_lockli = [] #定义一个空列表存储被锁用户的信息 with open('card_info','rb') as d: #打开文件并用json把字符串转换为数据类型 card_info = json.load(d) for k,v in card_info.items(): #循环查找字典中的用户状态 if v['login_num'] == '3': #如果用户处于被锁状态的话加入到列表中 lock_card = k print u'\033[31;1m%s用户已被锁定' % lock_card #打印被锁用户信息 card_lockli.append(lock_card) if card_lockli: #判断如果列表不为空,如果有内容说明有被锁用户 card_id = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您要解锁的卡号:\033[0m") #获取用户解锁账号 if card_id in card_lockli: #判断用户输入的账号是否在被锁账号中 card_info[card_id]['login_num'] = int(0) #存在替换账号信息并发送邮件 neirong = "%s卡号已解锁" % card_id yonghu = card_id youxiang = card_info[card_id]['mail'] zhuti = '卡号解锁通知',yonghu,youxiang,zhuti) #用户解锁完成后调用发送邮件函数,发送邮件! with open('card_info','wb') as f: json.dump(card_info,f) print "\033[32;1m\033[32;1m%s\033[0m\033[31;1m卡号已被解锁\033[0m" % card_id else: print "\033[31;1m\033[32;1m%s\033[0m\033[31;1m卡号不存在\033[0m" % card_id #不存在提示卡号不存在! else: print "\033[31;1m没有卡号被锁定\033[0m" elif num == '2': user_add = raw_input('\033[34;1m请选择您要添加的账户类型1、添加商城用户 2、信用卡用户:\033[0m') if user_add == '1': with open('user_info','rb') as d: #读取原有的用户信息 user_infos = json.load(d) #把原有的用户信息由字符串转换为数据类型 add_name = raw_input('\033[32;1m请输入你要添加的用户:\033[0m') #获取用户输入的用户名 if not user_infos.get(add_name): #判断原文件中是否有相同的用户名,如果有提示用户已存在,如果没有添加! add_pass = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您添加用户的密码:\033[0m") #获取用户的密码并加密 add_mail = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您添加用户的邮箱:\033[0m") #获取用户的邮箱 hash = hashlib.md5() hash.update(add_pass) add_pass = hash.hexdigest() user_infos[add_name] = {'username':add_name,'mail':add_mail,'login_num': 0,'password':add_pass,'credit_money':15000} #添加用户信息 with open('user_info','wb') as e: json.dump(user_infos,e) print "\033[32;1m%s用户添加完成\033[0m" % add_name neirong = "%s用户注册成功" % add_name yonghu = add_name youxiang = user_infos[add_name]['mail'] zhuti = '用户注册成功',yonghu,youxiang,zhuti) #调用发送邮件函数发送邮件 else: print "\033[31;1m用户已存在\033[0m" if user_add == '2': with open('card_info','rb') as d: #读取用户原有信息 card_info = json.load(d) add_name = raw_input('\033[32;1m请输入你要添加的卡号:\033[0m') if not card_info.get(add_name): #判断原文件中是否有相同的用户名,如果有提示用户已存在,如果没有添加! add_pass = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您添加卡号的密码:\033[0m") #获取用户的密码并加密 add_mail = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您添加卡号的邮箱:\033[0m") #获取用户的邮箱 hash = hashlib.md5() hash.update(add_pass) add_pass = hash.hexdigest() card_info[add_name] = {'username':add_name,'mail':add_mail,'login_num': 0,'password':add_pass} with open('card_info','wb') as e: #把新增的内容写入文件 json.dump(card_info,e) print "\033[32;1m%s卡号添加完成\033[0m" % add_name neirong = "%s卡号注册成功" % add_name yonghu = add_name youxiang = card_info[add_name]['mail'] zhuti = '卡号注册成功',yonghu,youxiang,zhuti) #调用邮件函数发送邮件 else: print "\033[31;1m用户已存在\033[0m" else: print "\033[31;1m请输入正确的功能项目\033[0m" elif num == '3': delete_user = raw_input("\033[34;1m请输入您要删除的类型:1、删除商城用户 2、删除用卡用户:\033[0m") if delete_user == '1': with open('user_info','rb') as d: #打开文件并用json把字符串转换为数据类型 user_info = json.load(d) for k,v in user_info.items(): print k user_del = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您要删除的用户名:\033[0m") #获取用户输入 if user_info.get(user_del):#判断用户输入的用户是否存在,存在删除 user_info.pop(user_del) with open('user_info','wb') as e: #删除后保存至信息文件中 json.dump(user_info,e) print "\033[32;1m您好用户%s删除成功\033[0m" % user_del #打印用户提示用户已删除 else: print "\033[31;1m您好您输入的用户不存在\033[0m" if delete_user == '2': with open('card_info','rb') as d: #打开文件并用json把字符串转换为数据类型 card_info = json.load(d) for k,v in card_info.items(): print k user_del = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入您要删除的用户名:\033[0m")#获取用户输入 if card_info.get(user_del): card_info.pop(user_del) with open('card_info','wb') as e:#删除后保存至信息文件中 json.dump(card_info,e) print "\033[32;1m您好用户%s删除成功\033[0m" % user_del #打印用户提示用户已删除 else: print "\033[31;1m您好您输入的用户不存在\033[0m" elif num == '4': print '''\033[32;1m30号为账单日发送本月的消费记录通过邮件发送 1 发送账单:请把日期调到30号,并且本月有消费记录!\033[0m''' func = raw_input("\033[32;1m请输入选择的功能:\033[0m") if func == '1': d = daynow = #获取天的日期 if daynow == 30: #如果为30号就发送邮件 print "\033[32;1m请确保用户这个月有消费记录\033[0m" #循环查找用户,然后匹配用户的信息判断用户消费记录是否存在 user_list = [] #添加空列表把用户信息加入到列表中然后获取列表使用发送邮件! mothe_now = time.strftime("%Y%m") #获取本月日期 with open('user_info','rb') as f: #加载用户信息 user_get = json.load(f) for k,v in user_get.items(): user_list.append(k) #获取用户列表 for i in user_list: file_name = mothe_now+i #取出消费记录的文件名称 print file_name if os.path.exists(file_name): #如果消费列表文件存在打开,然后发送账单! with open(file_name,'rb') as f: #打开消费列表 cost_list = json.load(f) cost_all = 0 cost_info = [] for m in cost_list: cost_liebiao = m[0] cost_all += m[1] #计算消费额度 cost_info.append(cost_liebiao) #把消费列表中的商品加入到列表中 neirong = "您本月的消费列表为:%s您本月的消费总额为:%d,请在下个月10号前还款" % (cost_info,cost_all) yonghu = i youxiang = user_get[i]['mail'] zhuti = '消费记录',yonghu,youxiang,zhuti) #调用邮件函数发送邮件 else: print "\033[31;1m请把日期设置为本月的30号并且有消费记录\033[0m" elif num == '0': break else: print "\033[31;1m请输入正确的功能项目\033[0m"
identify.TakePhoto("unknow.jpg") x = identify.COMPARE("owner.jpg", "unknow.jpg") if x == 0: time.sleep(2) continue else: l = locker() l.lock_workstation() else: #lock with Listener(on_press=press) as listener: listener.join() identify.TakePhoto("unknow.jpg") x = identify.COMPARE("owner.jpg", "unknow.jpg") if x == 0: l = locker() l.unlock_workstation() flag = 0 time.sleep(1) else: os.system("notify-send 'Wrong!'") l = locker() l.lock_workstation() time.sleep(1) flag = flag + 1 if flag > 4: Work_Encrypt("/home/foenix/test") Email = email("./mailViaPython/account.txt") Email.sendMail() break continue
assert today_is_special_day(age) == outcome, ERROR_MSG.format( age, outcome) def test_days_till_special_day(): """ Tests for range of values how many days till next special date """ test_days = (1, 50, 100, 101, 200, 305, 365, 400, 499, 730, 800, 850) test_outcomes = (99, 50, 100, 99, 100, 60, 35, 100, 1, 70, 100, 50) for age, outcome in zip(test_days, test_outcomes): assert days_till_special_day(age) == outcome, ERROR_MSG.format( age, outcome) test_today_is_special_day() test_days_till_special_day() print('{} is {} days old'.format(PYBITES, AGE_DAYS)) print('Does {} have a birthday today?'.format(PYBITES)) if today_is_special_day(): print('Yes! Sending celebration email') whatday = 'birthday' if AGE_DAYS % DAYS_IN_YEAR == 0 else 'celebration day' subject = 'Happy {}!'.format(whatday) message = '{} exists {} days today, go celebrate!'.format( PYBITES, AGE_DAYS) from mail import email email(subject, message) else: print('No ... days till next birtday: {}'.format( days_till_special_day()))
hour = time.localtime().tm_hour if hour >= 23 or hour < 6: time.sleep(3600) # 一小时 else: time.sleep(300) # 5分钟 if hour >= 23 or hour < 7: # 交易时间外不进行查票 continue query_begin_time = time.time() # 获取数据 try: result = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=600) # 不用验证证书 except socket.timeout:'服务停止,12306返回超时') logging.error('timeout') break except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:'服务停止,12306返回超时') logging.error('timeout') break # 转换json格式 try: info = result.json() except ValueError:'服务停止,12306返回了奇怪的结果, json无法解析:' + str(result)) logging.error('ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded, value=' + str(result)) break
def abstractData(x): data = pd.read_csv(x + '.txt', sep=",", header=None, error_bad_lines=False) data.columns = ["movie_name", "genre", "year", "rating"] top_five = data.sort('rating', ascending=False).head(5) print(top_five)"*****@*****.**", str(top_five))
parser.add_argument('-e', '--email', help='Email From Address', required=True) parser.add_argument('-t', '--to', help='Email To Address', required=True) parser.add_argument('-s', '--smtp', help='SMTP Server', required=True) parser.add_argument('-st', '--token', help='SLACK Token', required=True) parser.add_argument('-sc', '--channel', help='SLACK Channel Id', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() try: response = requests.get(args.url, timeout=5) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: print('Http Error:', e) email(args.url, 'Http Error',,, str(e), args.smtp) slack(args.token,, str(e)) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: print('Timeout Error:', e) email(args.url, 'Timeout Error',,, str(e), args.smtp) slack(args.token,, str(e)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print('Error Connecting:', e) email(args.url, 'Error Connecting',,, str(e), args.smtp) slack(args.token,, str(e)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('Something went wrong trying to fulfill the request -->', e) email(args.url, 'Something went wrong trying to fulfill the request -->',,, str(e), args.smtp) slack(args.token,, str(e))
from mail import email from manejadormail import manejador if __name__=='__main__': nombre=input("ingrese su nombre: ") mail1=input("ingrese su mail: ") e=email() e.crearCuenta(mail1) print("estimado {} te enviaremos tus mensajes a la direccion {}".format(nombre,e.Retornaemail())) control=input("desea cambiar su contraseña? ") if(control=="si"): pass1=input("ingrese su contraseña actual (por defecto 1234): ") e.controlpass(pass1) test=email() test.crearCuenta("*****@*****.**") test2=manejador() test2.testmail() dominio=input("ingrrese un dominio") print("la cantidad de mails con ese dominio es de : {}".format(test2.calculodom(dominio)))