Exemplo n.º 1
def run_test():
    mobi_file = mailbot.get_file('http://archiveofourown.org/works/829218?view_adult=true')

    print mobi_file
    print "now testing MIME packing"
    mime = mailbot.pack_MIME(mail_to, 'http://archiveofourown.org/works/829218?view_adult=true')

    print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
    print 'now sending...'
    mailbot.send_mail(mime, mail_to)
    print 'done!'
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_test():
    mobi_file = mailbot.get_file(

    print mobi_file
    print "now testing MIME packing"
    mime = mailbot.pack_MIME(
        mail_to, 'http://archiveofourown.org/works/829218?view_adult=true')

    print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
    print 'now sending...'
    mailbot.send_mail(mime, mail_to)
    print 'done!'
Exemplo n.º 3
def auto_ticket(request):
    #you thought you were going to break things by not having an e-mail? ha!
    if not request.user.email:
        return redirect('account/email')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        game = AutoCode()
        #let's talk about security sometime...(...later)(...never)
        up = UserProfile.objects.get(user = request.user)
        if 'ticket_random' in request.POST:
            if up.ticket_decrement(1):
                if not game.code_rand(request.user.email):
#this wouldn't be necessary if I didn't do these 'function evaluates t/f' things
                    return HttpResponse('Oops<br>You have been refunded.')
                return HttpResponse('not enough tickets: '+str(up.ticket_count))
        elif 'ticket_selection' in request.POST:
            gsf = GameSelectForm(request.POST)
            if gsf.is_valid():
                if up.ticket_decrement(2):
                    if not game.code_select(request.user.email, gsf.cleaned_data['gameselect'].id):
                        return HttpResponse('Oops<br>You have been refunded.')
                    return HttpResponse('not enough tickets: '+str(up.ticket_count))
                return HttpResponse('invalid choice')
        print game
        print str(game.code)
        attach_code = game
        subject = 'Here is your requested code!'
        if attach_code:
            url_get = game.get_url_get()
            url_return = game.get_url_return()
        #hahaha, oh wow what is this mess
            message = '<br>' + 'Here is a code for ' + str(game.game) +'.<br> To redeem it, go to '+url_get+'<br>If you would like to return it to us, go to '+url_return
            message = '<br>Unfortunately, we are out of codes for '+str(game.game) + '.' 
        print message
        donation_mail = mailbot.pack_MIME(message, request.user.email, subject)
        mailbot.send_mail(donation_mail, request.user.email)
        diagnostic = str(game.game.id)
        return HttpResponse('Check your email for your gift of '+str(game.game)+ '<br>'+diagnostic)
    return HttpResponse('huh?')
Exemplo n.º 4
def bid_form(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        bid_form = BidForm(request.POST)
        auction = Auction.objects.get(uuid = request.GET.get('auction_id'))
        #structural validation
        if bid_form.is_valid():
            #logical validation
            if not bid_form.is_kosher(request.GET.get('auction_id')):
                return HttpResponse('your bid is no longer valid, try again')

            bid_id = bid_form.save_bid(request.GET.get('auction_id'))
            #mail time! I should stop using this
            #one of these days, google is going to completely deprecate this

            message = "Hey " + unicode(bid_form.cleaned_data['name']) + ",<p>You've submitted a bid for " + unicode(auction.item_name) + " for the amount of " + unicode(bid_form.cleaned_data['amount']) + ".<p>Your bid page can be found <a href='" + unicode(LAZY_TLD) +"/silent_auction/bid/"  + unicode(bid_id) + "'>here</a>.<p>Thanks for bidding and good luck!"
            mail = mailbot.pack_MIME(message, bid_form.cleaned_data['email'], 'Your bid for ' + unicode(auction.item_name))
            print mail 
            mailbot.send_mail(mail, bid_form.cleaned_data['email']) 
            return redirect('/silent_auction/bid/' + unicode(bid_id))
            return HttpResponse('your bid is structurally <i>wrong</i>, somehow') 
        auction_id = request.GET.get('auction_id')
        if auction_id == None:
            return redirect('/silent_auction/')
        auction = get_object_or_404(Auction.objects.filter(uuid = auction_id))
        #auto fill if logged in, saving precious seconds!
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            form = BidForm(initial = {
                'amount': auction.top_bid + 1,
                'name' : request.user.username,
                'email' : request.user.email,

            form = BidForm(initial = {
                'amount': auction.top_bid + 1,
        context = {
            'form' : form,
            'auction' : auction,
            'auction_id' : auction_id,
        return render(request, 'silent_auction/bid_form.html', context)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        my_settings = Settings.objects.all()[0]

        queryset = Code.objects.filter(uuid_assigned = True).exclude(uuid_claimed = True)
        print datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        for code in queryset:
            if code.uuid_expired.replace(tzinfo = None) > datetime.datetime.utcnow() and code.uuid_expired.replace(tzinfo = None)- datetime.timedelta(1) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
                print 'warning issued for ' + str(code)
                message = 'Your code for ' + str(code.game.game) + ' is expiring in one day.<br> Go to ' + my_settings.global_url + 'get?code='+code.uuid +' to redeem it.'
                mailbot.send_mail(mailbot.pack_MIME(message, code.assigned, 'Your code is expiring'), code.assigned)

            if code.uuid_expired.replace(tzinfo = None) < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
                print 'resetting ' + str(code)

            print '~~~~~'
Exemplo n.º 6
def auto_donate(request):
    #you thought you were going to break things by not having an e-mail? ha!
    if not request.user.email:
        return redirect('account/email')
    if request.method == 'POST':

#TODO: game selection not necessarily hardcoded
        game_id = DONATION_GIVEAWAY_ID 
#TODO: donation message based on real donation info
#I don't actually have systems for that. This isn't a real marathon site!
        donation = 'Thank you for your donation of ' + str(random.randint(2,100)) + ' ' + random.choice(['US Dollars', 'Bahraini Dinars', 'Icelandic Krona', 'Pakistani Rupees', 'Qatari Rial','Tanzanian Shillings','South Korean Won','Colombian Pesos','Estonian Kroon']) +'.'
        game = AutoCode()
        print game
        attach_code = game.code_select(request.user.email, game_id)
        subject = 'Thank you for "donating"'
        if attach_code:
            url_get = game.get_url_get()
            url_return = game.get_url_return()
        #hahaha, oh wow what is this mess
            message = donation + '<br>' + 'Here is a code for ' + str(game.game) +'.<br> To redeem it, go to '+url_get+'<br>If you would like to return it to us, go to '+url_return + '<br>This link will expire in 7 days, so don\'t forget to redeem it!'
            message = donation + '<br>Unfortunately, we are out of codes for '+str(game.game) + '.' 
        print message
        donation_mail = mailbot.pack_MIME(message, request.user.email, subject)
        mailbot.send_mail(donation_mail, request.user.email)
        update_ticket = UserProfile.objects.get(user = request.user)
        if update_ticket.donation_update():
            print 'yes'
        context = {
            'donation': donation,
            'game' : game.game,
        return render(request, 'dispenser/auto_donate.html', context)
        return redirect('/dispenser/auto')