def make_games(self): for game_data in self.games_data: game = Game(tournament=self.tournament, round=self.tournament.current_round + 1) game.gameresult_set.add(GameResult(player_id=game_data[0]), GameResult(player_id=game_data[1])) for tech_game_data in self.technical_games_data: tech_game = TechnicalGameResult(tournament=self.tournament, round=self.tournament.current_round + 1, player_id=tech_game_data)
def _create_games(afl_match_ups, legends_match_ups, game_index=1): """ Create games for each match up. """ for afl_game, legends_game in zip(afl_match_ups, legends_match_ups): args = { 'afl_away': afl_game[1], 'afl_home': afl_game[0], 'finals_game': game_index, 'legends_away': legends_game[1], 'legends_home': legends_game[0], 'round': rnd, 'status': 'Scheduled', 'ground': ground } game = Game(**args) game_index += 1
def populateGames(): print("Loading games...") with open(path+"\\steam.csv", encoding="utf8") as csv_file: csv_reader = list(csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')) #count = len(csv_reader) count = 5000 for i in range(1, count): row = csv_reader[i] tags = [] g = Game(idGame=row[0], name=row[1]) g.tags.clear() tagNames = row[10].split(';') for t in tagNames: tag, _ = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=t) tags.append(tag) g.tags.set(tags) print("Added game " + str(i) + "/" + str(count)) print("Games inserted: " + str(Game.objects.count())) print("Tags inserted: " + str(Tag.objects.count())) print("---------------------------------------------------------")
def games_index(request): sections = CourseSection.objects.filter(users=request.user, course=request.course) try: section = sections[0] except IndexError: section = CourseSection.objects.filter(course=request.course)[0] section.users.add(request.user) if request.method == "POST": state = section.starting_states.get( id=request.POST['starting_state_id']) game = Game.initialize_from_state( user=request.user, configuration=Configuration.objects.get(pk=1), user_input=UserInput.objects.get(pk=1), course=request.course, starting_state=state) return redirect(game.show_game_url()) games = Game.objects.filter(user=request.user, course=request.course) return {'games': games, 'section': section}
def seed(): """Seeds the database with dummy data""" print("Seeding the database") # ------------------- # # --- RANDOM DATA --- # # ------------------- # random_data = { # Descriptions 'descriptions': [ 'Nullam sit amet ex volutpat, accumsan ex eu, ullamcorper libero. Nunc libero sapien, volutpat at ex a, vulputate viverra sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean quis efficitur arcu', 'Nullam molestie dapibus libero volutpat viverra. Etiam sit amet nulla leo.', 'Etiam velit tortor, venenatis a leo commodo, feugiat scelerisque erat. Curabitur sed dui ac urna congue vestibulum vitae ut enim. Quisque at tellus finibus orci pretium laoreet.', 'Quisque vulputate eros nisi, ut fermentum tellus lobortis eget', 'Etiam vel mi vitae magna congue malesuada.' ], # Users 'users': [], # Users 'games': ['Tic-Tac-Toe', 'Guess the word', 'Whack-A-Mole', 'Pong', 'Othello'], 'game_ids': [], } # ------------------ # # --- SEED USERS --- # # ------------------ # # Loop 25 times for i in range(125, 150): # Generate random description random_description = random_data['descriptions'][random.randint( 0, len(random_data['descriptions']) - 1)] # Create a random User user = User(username='******'.format(i), picture_url='', description=random_description) # Use the hash_password() method on the User object (Model) user.hash_password('password{0}'.format(i)) # Add the user to the database db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() # Add the user to the users list random_data['users'].append(user) # ------------------ # # --- SEED GAMES --- # # ------------------ # # Loop random_data['games'] size times for i in range(0, len(random_data['games'])): # Generate random description random_description = random_data['descriptions'][random.randint( 0, len(random_data['descriptions']) - 1)] # Create a random Game game = Game(name=random_data['games'][i], description=random_description) # Add the game to the database db.session.add(game) db.session.commit() # Add the user to the users list random_data['game_ids'].append( # ------------------------ # # --- SEED FRIENDSHIPS --- # # ------------------------ # # Loop 50 times for i in range(0, 50): # The same user can never befriend itself so if id1 and id2 are the same, keep looping same_id = True while same_id: # Generate random user id's random_user_id1 = random_data['users'][random.randint( 0, len(random_data['users']) - 1)].id random_user_id2 = random_data['users'][random.randint( 0, len(random_data['users']) - 1)].id # If the id's are different OR if the random_user_id1 is empty if random_user_id1 != random_user_id2 or random_user_id1 == None: same_id = False # Create a random Friendship friendship = Friendship(user_id_1=random_user_id1, user_id_2=random_user_id2) # Add the friendship to the database db.session.add(friendship) db.session.commit() # ------------------------- # # --- SEED ACHIEVEMENTS --- # # ------------------------- # for i in range(0, 50): # Generate a random game id & description random_description = random_data['descriptions'][random.randint( 0, len(random_data['descriptions']) - 1)] random_game_id = random_data['game_ids'][random.randint( 0, len(random_data['game_ids']) - 1)] # Create a random Achievement achievement = Achievement(name='Achievement {0}'.format(i), description=random_description, game_id=random_game_id) # Add the friendship to the database db.session.add(achievement) db.session.commit() print("Done seeding the database")