Exemplo n.º 1
def user_profile(request, uid, tab='activity'):
    "User's profile page"

    if not models.User.objects.filter(id=uid):
        messages.error(request, "This user does not exist. It has perhaps been deleted.")
        return html.redirect("/")
    user = request.user
    target = models.User.objects.get(id=uid)
    awards = []
    page   = None
    # some information is only visible to the user
    target.writeable = auth.authorize_user_edit(target=target, user=user, strict=False)
    target.showall = (target == user)

    params = html.Params(tab=tab, sort='', title="User %s" % target.profile.display_name)

    # these do not actually get executed unless explicitly rendered in the page
    bookmarks = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target, type=VOTE_BOOKMARK).select_related('post', 'post__author__profile').order_by('id')
    awards = models.Award.objects.filter(user=target).select_related('badge').order_by('-date')

    # we need to collate and count the awards
    answer_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, type=POST_ANSWER).count()
    question_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, type=POST_QUESTION).count()
    comment_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, type=POST_COMMENT).count()
    post_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target).count()
    vote_count = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target).count()
    award_count = models.Award.objects.filter(user=target).count()
    note_count  = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, unread=True).count()
    bookmarks_count  = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target, type=VOTE_BOOKMARK).count()
    if tab in [ 'activity', 'created' ]:
        if tab == 'created':
            notes = models.Note.objects.filter(sender=target, target=target, type=NOTE_USER).select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'root').order_by('-date')
            notes = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, type=NOTE_USER).exclude(sender=target).select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'root').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, notes, per_page=15)
        # we evalute it here so that subsequent status updates won't interfere
        page.object_list = list(page.object_list)
        if user == target:
            models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, unread=True).update(unread=False)
            note_count = 0
    elif tab == 'bookmarks':
        bookmarks = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target, type=VOTE_BOOKMARK).select_related('post', 'post__author__profile').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, bookmarks, per_page=15)
    elif tab =="moderator":
        notes = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, type=NOTE_MODERATOR).select_related('author', 'author__profile').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, notes, per_page=15)

    params.update(dict(question_count=question_count, answer_count=answer_count, note_count=note_count, bookmarks_count=bookmarks_count,
            comment_count=comment_count, post_count=post_count, vote_count=vote_count, award_count=award_count))
    return html.template(request, name='user.profile.html', awards=awards,
        user=request.user,target=target, params=params, page=page)
Exemplo n.º 2
def user_profile(request, uid, tab='activity'):
    "User's profile page"

    if not models.User.objects.filter(id=uid):
        messages.error(request, "This user does not exist. It has perhaps been deleted.")
        return html.redirect("/")
    user = request.user
    target = models.User.objects.get(id=uid)
    awards = []
    page   = None
    # some information is only visible to the user
    target.writeable = auth.authorize_user_edit(target=target, user=user, strict=False)
    target.showall = (target == user)

    params = html.Params(tab=tab, sort='')

    # these do not actually get executed unless explicitly rendered in the page
    bookmarks = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target, type=VOTE_BOOKMARK).select_related('post', 'post__author__profile').order_by('id')
    awards = models.Award.objects.filter(user=target).select_related('badge').order_by('-date')

    # we need to collate and count the awards
    answer_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, type=POST_ANSWER).count()
    question_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, type=POST_QUESTION).count()
    comment_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, type=POST_COMMENT).count()
    post_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target).count()
    vote_count = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target).count()
    award_count = models.Award.objects.filter(user=target).count()
    note_count  = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, unread=True).count()
    bookmarks_count  = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target, type=VOTE_BOOKMARK).count()
    if tab == 'activity':
        notes = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, type=NOTE_USER).select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'root').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, notes, per_page=15)
        # we evalute it here so that subsequent status updates won't interfere
        page.object_list = list(page.object_list)
        if user==target:
            note_count = 0
    elif tab == 'bookmarks':
        bookmarks = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target, type=VOTE_BOOKMARK).select_related('post', 'post__author__profile').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, bookmarks, per_page=15)
    elif tab =="moderator":
        notes = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target, type=NOTE_MODERATOR).select_related('author', 'author__profile').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, notes, per_page=15)

    params.update(dict(question_count=question_count, answer_count=answer_count, note_count=note_count, bookmarks_count=bookmarks_count,
            comment_count=comment_count, post_count=post_count, vote_count=vote_count, award_count=award_count))
    return html.template(request, name='user.profile.html', awards=awards,
        user=request.user,target=target, params=params, page=page)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(request):
    "Main search"
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})

    q = request.GET.get('q', '')  # query
    t = request.GET.get('t', 'all')  # type

    params = html.Params(tab='search', q=q, sort='')
    subset = get_subset(t)

    if params.q:
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        res = search_results(request=request, text=params.q, subset=subset)
        size = len(res)
            'Searched results for: %s found %d results' % (params.q, size))
        form = SearchForm()
        res = []

    page = get_page(request, res, per_page=10)
    return html.template(request,
Exemplo n.º 4
def show_user(request, uid, post_type=''):
    "Displays posts by a user"

    user = models.User.objects.filter(
    params = html.Params(nav='',
                         title="Activity for user %s" %

    # notification
    messages.info(request, 'Filtering by user: %s' % user.profile.display_name)

    post_type = POST_REV_MAP.get(post_type.lower())
    if post_type:
        posts = get_post_manager(request).filter(
            type=post_type, author=user).order_by('-creation_date')
        posts = get_post_manager(request).filter(
            type__in=POST_TOPLEVEL, author=user).order_by('-creation_date')

    posts = posts.select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'root')
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)
    return html.template(request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 5
def show_tag(request, tag_name=None):
    "Display posts by a certain tag"
    user = request.user
    # populate the session data
    sess = middleware.Session(request)

    # get the sort order
    sort_type = sess.sort_order()

    # select based on history
    tab, pill = "posts", sess.get_tab()

    params = html.Params(nav='', tab=tab, sort='')

    # the params object will carry
    layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR if auth else settings.ANON_PILL_BAR

    # wether to show the type of the post
    params = html.Params(tab=tab,
                         title="Tagged as %s" % tag_name)

    msg = 'Filtering by tag: <b>%s</b>. Subscribe to an <a href="/feeds/tag/%s/">RSS feed</a> to this tag.' % (
        tag_name, tag_name)
    messages.info(request, msg)
    posts = models.query_by_tags(user=user, text=tag_name)
    posts = apply_sort(request=request, posts=posts, order=sort_type)
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)

    return html.template(request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(request):
    "Main search"
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})

    q = request.GET.get('q', '')  # query
    t = request.GET.get('t', 'all')  # type

    params = html.Params(tab='search', q=q, sort='', t=t)
    subset = get_subset(t)

    if params.q:
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        results = search_results(request=request, text=params.q, subset=subset)
        posts = Post.objects.filter(id__in=[row['pid']
                                            for row in results]).exclude(
        for post, row in zip(posts, results):
            post.context = row['content']

        #size = len(results)
        #messages.info(request, 'Searched results for: %s found %d results' % (params.q, size))

        form = SearchForm()
        res = []
        objects = []

    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=25)
    return html.template(request,
Exemplo n.º 7
def question_unanswered(request, uid=0, post_type=None):
    "Lists all the questions"
    params = html.Params()
    params.setr('Filter: unanswered')
    qs = get_posts(request).filter(answer_count=0)
    page = get_page(request, qs) 
    return html.template(request, name='post.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 8
def badge_show(request, bid):
    "Shows users that have earned a certain badge"
    page = None
    badge  = models.Badge.objects.get(id=bid)
    awards = models.Award.objects.filter(badge=badge).select_related('user', 'user_profile').order_by("-date")
    page  = get_page(request, awards, per_page=24)
    return html.template(request, name='badge.show.html', page=page, badge=badge)
Exemplo n.º 9
def user_profile(request, uid):
    "User's profile page"

    user = request.user
    target  = models.User.objects.get(id=uid)
    if target == user:
        notes = models.Note.objects.filter(target=target).select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'root').order_by('-date')
        page  = get_page(request, notes, per_page=10)
        # we evalute it here so that subsequent status updates won't interfere
        page.object_list = list(page.object_list)
        page = None

    # we need to collate and count the awards
    awards = models.Award.objects.filter(user=target).select_related('badge').order_by('-date')
    answer_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, post_type=POST_ANSWER).count()
    question_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, post_type=POST_QUESTION).count()
    comment_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target, post_type=POST_COMMENT).count()
    post_count = models.Post.objects.filter(author=target).count()
    vote_count = models.Vote.objects.filter(author=target).count()
    award_count = models.Award.objects.filter(user=target).count()
    params = html.Params(question_count=question_count, answer_count=answer_count, 
        comment_count=comment_count, post_count=post_count, vote_count=vote_count, award_count=award_count)
    # it the target personal information writable
    target.editable   = target.profile.editable(user)
    target.authorized = target.profile.authorize(user)
    return html.template(request, name='user.profile.html', awards=awards,
        user=request.user,target=target, params=params, page=page)
Exemplo n.º 10
def more(request, pid):
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})
    form = SearchForm()
    params = html.Params(tab='search', q="", sort='')
    res = more_like_this(request=request, pid=pid)
    page = get_page(request, res, per_page=10)
    return html.template(request, name='search.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts, form=form)
Exemplo n.º 11
def show_tag(request, tag_name=None):
    "Display posts by a certain tag"
    user = request.user
    # populate the session data
    sess = middleware.Session(request)
    # get the sort order
    sort_type = sess.sort_order()
    # select based on history
    tab, pill = "posts", sess.get_tab()
    params = html.Params(nav='', tab=tab, sort='' )
    # the params object will carry
    layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR if auth else settings.ANON_PILL_BAR
    # wether to show the type of the post
    params  = html.Params(tab=tab, pill=pill, sort=sort_type, sort_choices=SORT_CHOICES, layout=layout, title="Tagged as %s" % tag_name)
    msg = 'Filtering by tag: <b>%s</b>. Subscribe to an <a href="/feeds/tag/%s/">RSS feed</a> to this tag.' % (tag_name,tag_name)
    messages.info(request, msg)
    posts = models.query_by_tags(user=user, text=tag_name)
    posts = apply_sort(request=request, posts=posts, order=sort_type)
    page  = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)

    return html.template( request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 12
def main(request):
    "Main search"
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})
    q = request.GET.get('q','') # query
    t = request.GET.get('t','all')  # type
    params = html.Params(tab='search', q=q, sort='', t=t)
    subset = get_subset(t)
    if params.q:
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        results  = search_results(request=request, text=params.q, subset=subset)
        posts = Post.objects.filter(id__in=[row['pid'] for row in results]).exclude(status=POST_DELETED)
        for post, row in zip(posts, results):
            post.context = row['content']

        #size = len(results)
        #messages.info(request, 'Searched results for: %s found %d results' % (params.q, size))

        form = SearchForm()
        res  = []
        objects = []

    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=25)
    return html.template(request, name='search.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts, form=form)
Exemplo n.º 13
def show_tag(request, tag_name=None):
    "Display posts by a certain tag"
    user = request.user
    params = html.Params(nav='', tab='tags')
    messages.warning(request, 'Filtering by tag: %s' % tag_name)
    posts = models.query_by_tags(user=user, text=tag_name).order_by('-rank')
    page  = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)
    return html.template( request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 14
def user_list(request):
    search  = request.GET.get('m','')[:80] # trim for sanity
    if search:
        query = Q(profile__display_name__icontains=search)
        users = models.User.objects.filter(query).select_related('profile').order_by("-profile__score")
        users = models.User.objects.select_related('profile').order_by("-profile__score")
    page  = get_page(request, users, per_page=24)
    return html.template(request, name='user.list.html', page=page)
Exemplo n.º 15
def show_tag(request, tag_name=None):
    "Display posts by a certain tag"
    user = request.user
    params = html.Params(nav='', tab='tags', sort='')
    msg = 'Filtering by tag: <b>%s</b>. Subscribe to an <a href="/feeds/tag/%s/">RSS feed</a> to this tag.' % (tag_name,tag_name)
    messages.info(request, msg)
    posts = models.query_by_tags(user=user, text=tag_name).order_by('-rank')
    page  = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)
    return html.template( request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 16
def more(request, pid):
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})
    form = SearchForm()
    params = html.Params(tab='search', q="", sort='')
    results = more_like_this(request=request, pid=pid)
    posts = Post.objects.filter(id__in=[row['pid'] for row in results]).exclude(status=POST_DELETED)
    for post, row in zip(posts, results):
        post.context = row['content']
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=10)
    return html.template(request, name='search.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts, form=form)
Exemplo n.º 17
def user_list(request):
    search  = request.GET.get('m','')[:80] # trim for sanity
    params = html.Params(nav='users', sort='')
    if search:
        query = Q(profile__display_name__icontains=search)
        query = Q(id__gt=0)
    users = models.User.objects.filter(query).select_related('profile').order_by("-profile__score")
    page  = get_page(request, users, per_page=24)
    return html.template(request, name='user.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 18
def user_list(request):
    search  = request.GET.get('m','')[:80] # trim for sanity
    params = html.Params(nav='users', sort='')
    if search:
        query = Q(profile__display_name__icontains=search)
        query = Q(id__gt=0)
    users = models.User.objects.filter(query).select_related('profile').order_by("-profile__score", "id")
    page  = get_page(request, users, per_page=24)
    return html.template(request, name='user.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 19
def post_list(request, uid=0, post_type=None):
    params = html.Params()

    posts = get_posts(request, post_type=post_type)
    if uid:
        user = models.User.objects.filter(id=uid).select_related('profile').all()[0]
        posts = posts.filter(author=user)
        params.setr('Filter: %s' % user.profile.display_name)
    posts = posts.order_by('-lastedit_date')
    page  = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)
    return html.template( request, name='post.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 20
def more(request, pid):
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})
    form = SearchForm()
    params = html.Params(tab='search', q="", sort='')
    res = more_like_this(request=request, pid=pid)
    page = get_page(request, res, per_page=10)
    return html.template(request,
Exemplo n.º 21
def tag_list(request):
    # remove null tags
    search  = request.GET.get('m','')[:80] # trim for sanity
    if search:
        query = Q(name__icontains=search)
        query = Q(id__gt=0)
    tags = models.Tag.objects.filter(query).order_by('-count')
    page = get_page(request, tags, per_page=152)
    params = html.Params(nav='tags', sort='')
    return html.template(request, name='tag.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 22
def tag_list(request):
    # remove null tags
    search  = request.GET.get('m','')[:80] # trim for sanity
    if search:
        query = Q(name__icontains=search)
        query = Q(id__gt=0)
    tags = models.Tag.objects.filter(query).order_by('name')
    page = get_page(request, tags, per_page=152)
    params = html.Params(nav='tags', sort='')
    return html.template(request, name='tag.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 23
def show_user(request, uid, post_type=''):
    "Displays posts by a user"

    user = models.User.objects.filter(id=uid).select_related('profile').all()[0]
    params = html.Params(nav='', tab='user', sort='')

    # notification
    messages.info(request, 'Filtering by user: %s' % user.profile.display_name)
    post_type = POST_REV_MAP.get(post_type.lower())
    if post_type:
        posts = get_post_manager(request).filter(type=post_type, author=user).order_by('-creation_date')
        posts = get_post_manager(request).filter(type__in=POST_TOPLEVEL, author=user).order_by('-creation_date')
    page  = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)
    return html.template( request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 24
def more(request, pid):
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})
    form = SearchForm()
    params = html.Params(tab='search', q="", sort='')
    results = more_like_this(request=request, pid=pid)
    posts = Post.objects.filter(
        id__in=[row['pid'] for row in results]).exclude(status=POST_DELETED)
    for post, row in zip(posts, results):
        post.context = row['content']
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=10)
    return html.template(request,
Exemplo n.º 25
def index(request):
    "Main page"

    # this will contain the query if it was sent 
    query = request.REQUEST.get('q','')
    pids  = action.search(query)
    params = html.Params()
    if query:
        params.remind = 'Searching for: %s' % query
        qs = get_posts(request, post_type=None)
        qs = qs.filter(id__in=pids)
        qs = get_posts(request)
    qs  = qs.order_by('-touch_date')
    page  = get_page(request, qs, per_page=20)
    return html.template( request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(MessageView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        user = self.request.user

        note_types = [NOTE_USER, NOTE_PRIVATE]

        q = Q(target=user, type__in=note_types)
        e = Q(sender=user, type=NOTE_USER)

        notes = models.Note.objects.filter(q).exclude(e)
        notes = notes.select_related('author',
        page = html.get_page(request=self.request, obj_list=notes, per_page=25)

        # evaluate the query here so that the unread status is kept
        page.object_list = list(page.object_list)

        # reset the counts

        sess = middleware.Session(self.request)
        counts = sess.get_counts("message_count")

        # the params object will carry
        layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR

        params = html.Params(tab="",
                             title="Your Messages")

        context['page'] = page
        context['params'] = params
        context['counts'] = counts

        return context
Exemplo n.º 27
def main(request):
    "Main search"
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})
    q = request.GET.get('q','') # query
    t = request.GET.get('t','all')  # type
    params = html.Params(tab='search', q=q, sort='')
    subset = get_subset(t)
    if params.q:
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        res  = search_results(request=request, text=params.q, subset=subset)
        size = len(res)
        messages.info(request, 'Searched results for: %s found %d results' % (params.q, size))
        form = SearchForm()
        res  = []
    page = get_page(request, res, per_page=10)
    return html.template(request, name='search.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts, form=form)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(MessageView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        user = self.request.user

        note_types = [NOTE_USER, NOTE_PRIVATE]

        q = Q(target=user, type__in=note_types)
        e = Q(sender=user, type=NOTE_USER)

        notes = models.Note.objects.filter(q).exclude(e)
        notes = notes.select_related('author', 'author__profile').order_by('-date')
        page = html.get_page(request=self.request, obj_list=notes, per_page=25)

        # evaluate the query here so that the unread status is kept
        page.object_list = list(page.object_list)

        # reset the counts
        models.Note.objects.filter(target=user, unread=True).update(unread=False)

        sess = middleware.Session(self.request)
        counts = sess.get_counts("message_count")

        # the params object will carry
        layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR

        params = html.Params(tab="", pill="messages",
                             sort='', since='', layout=layout, title="Your Messages")

        context['page'] = page
        context['params'] = params
        context['counts'] = counts

        return context
Exemplo n.º 29
def modlog_list(request):
    "Lists of all moderator actions"
    mods = models.Note.objects.filter(type=NOTE_MODERATOR).select_related('sender', 'target', 'post', 'sender_profile').order_by('-date')
    page = get_page(request, mods)
    return html.template(request, name='modlog.list.html', page=page)
Exemplo n.º 30
def question_tagged(request, tag_name):
    params = html.Params()
    params.setr('Tag: %s' % tag_name)
    qs = get_posts(request).filter(tag_set__name=tag_name)
    page = get_page(request, qs) 
    return html.template(request, name='post.list.html', page=page, params=params)
Exemplo n.º 31
def index(request, tab='all'):
    user = request.user
    auth = user.is_authenticated()
    # asking for an invalid tab
    if tab not in VALID_TABS:
        msg = html.sanitize('Unknown content type "%s"' % tab)
        messages.error(request, msg)
        return html.redirect("/")
    # populate the session data
    sess = middleware.Session(request)
    # get the sort order
    sort_type = sess.sort_order()
    # set the last active tab
    # get the numerical value for these posts
    post_type = POST_TYPE_MAP.get(tab, tab)
    # override the sort order if the content so requires
    sort_type = 'creation' if tab=='recent' else sort_type
    # the params object will carry
    layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR if auth else settings.ANON_PILL_BAR
    # wether to show the type of the post
    show_type = post_type in ('all', 'recent')
    if tab in VALID_PILLS:
        tab, pill = "posts", tab
        tab, pill = tab, ""
    params  = html.Params(tab=tab, pill=pill, sort=sort_type, sort_choices=SORT_CHOICES, layout=layout, show_type=show_type, title="Bioinformatics Answers")
    # this will fill in the query (q) and the match (m)parameters
    # returns the object manager that contains all or only visible posts
    posts = get_post_manager(request)
    # filter posts by type
    posts = filter_by_type(request=request, posts=posts, post_type=post_type)
    # sticky is not active on recent and all pages
    sticky = (tab != 'recent') and (pill != 'all')
    # order may change if it is invalid search
    posts = apply_sort(request=request, posts=posts, order=sort_type, sticky=sticky)
    # this is necessary because the planet posts require more attributes
    if tab == 'planet':
        models.decorate_posts(posts, request.user)
    # get the counts for the session
    counts = sess.get_counts(post_type)
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=POSTS_PER_PAGE)
    # save the session
    # try to set a more informative title
    title_map = dict(
            questions="Bioinformatics Questions", unanswered="Unanswered Questions", tutorials="Bioinformatics Tutorials",
            jobs="Bioinformatics Jobs", videos="Bioinformatics Videos", news='Bioinformatics News', tools="Bioinformatics Tools",
            recent="Recent bioinformatics posts", planet="Bioinformatics Planet"
    params.title = title_map.get(tab, params.title)
    return html.template(request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts)
Exemplo n.º 32
def index(request, tab=""):
    "Main page"
    user = request.user
    if not tab:
        # if the user has a mytags then switch to that
        if user.is_authenticated() and user.profile.my_tags:
            tab = 'mytags'
            tab = 'questions'
    if tab not in VALID_TABS:
        messages.error(request, 'Unknown content type requested')
    params = html.Params(tab=tab)
    # this will fill in the query (q) and the match (m)parameters
    # update with counts
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})

    # returns the object manager that contains all or only visible posts
    posts = get_post_manager(request)
    # filter the posts by the tab that the user has selected
    if tab == "popular":
        posts = posts.filter(type=POST_QUESTION).order_by('-views')
    elif tab == "questions":
        posts = posts.filter(type=POST_QUESTION).order_by('-rank')
    elif tab == "unanswered":
        posts = posts.filter(type=POST_QUESTION, answer_count=0).order_by('-creation_date')
    elif tab == "recent":
        posts = posts.order_by('-creation_date')
    elif tab == 'planet':
        posts = posts.filter(type=POST_BLOG).order_by('-rank')
        models.decorate_posts(posts, user)
    elif tab == 'forum':
        posts = posts.filter(type__in=POST_FORUMLEVEL).order_by('-rank')
    elif tab == 'tutorials':
        posts = posts.filter(type=POST_TUTORIAL).order_by('-rank')
    elif tab == 'mytags':
        if user.is_authenticated():
            text  = user.profile.my_tags
            if not text:
                messages.warning(request, "This Tab will show posts matching the My Tags fields in your user profile.")
                messages.info(request, "Filtering by %s" % text)
            #posts = posts.filter(type__in=POST_TOPLEVEL,tag_set__name__in=tags).order_by('-rank')
            posts = models.query_by_tags(user,text=text)
            messages.warning(request, "This Tab is populated only for registered users based on the My Tags field in their user profile")
            posts = []
        posts = posts.order_by('-rank')
    # reset the counts
    update_counts(request, tab, 0)
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=20)
    return html.template(request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts)
Exemplo n.º 33
def index(request, tab='all'):
    user = request.user
    auth = user.is_authenticated()
    # asking for an invalid tab
    if tab not in VALID_TABS:
        msg = html.sanitize('Unknown content type "%s"' % tab)
        messages.error(request, msg)
        return html.redirect("/")
    # populate the session data
    sess = middleware.Session(request)
    # get the sort order
    sort_type = sess.sort_order()

    # parse the date request
    since = request.GET.get('since', DATE_FILTER[0]).lower()

    # set the last active tab
    # get the numerical value for these posts
    post_type = POST_TYPE_MAP.get(tab, tab)

    # override the sort order if the content so requires
    sort_type = 'creation' if tab=='recent' else sort_type

    # this here needs to be reworked TODO
    if tab == "best":
        sort_type = "votes"
        since = request.GET.get('since', 'this week')
        messages.info(request, "Most <b>upvoted</b> active posts of <b>%s!</b>" % since)

    elif tab == "bookmarked":
        sort_type = "bookmark"
        since = request.GET.get('since', 'this month')
        messages.info(request, "Most <b>bookmarked</b> active posts of <b>%s!</b>" % since)
    elif tab == "myvotes":
        sort_type = "votes__date"
        messages.info(request, "Posts created by you that have received up-votes from other users")
    elif tab == "mybookmarks":
        sort_type = "votes__date"
        messages.info(request, "Your bookmarked posts")
    elif tab == "myposts":
        sort_type = "creation"
        messages.info(request, "Posts created by you")

    # the params object will carry
    layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR if auth else settings.ANON_PILL_BAR
    # wether to show the type of the post
    show_type = post_type in ('all', 'recent')

    show_search = True

    if tab in VALID_PILLS:
        tab, pill = "posts", tab
        tab, pill = tab, ""

    params  = html.Params(tab=tab, pill=pill, sort=sort_type, sort_choices=SORT_CHOICES, date_filter=DATE_FILTER, since=since,
                          layout=layout, show_type=show_type, title="Bioinformatics Answers", show_search=show_search)

    # this will fill in the query (q) and the match (m)parameters
    # returns the object manager that contains all or only visible posts
    posts = get_post_manager(request)

    # filter posts by type
    posts = filter_by_type(request=request, posts=posts, post_type=post_type)

    # apply date filtering
    posts = filter_by_date(request=request, posts=posts, since=since)

    # reduce SQL query count by preselecting data that will be displayed
    posts = posts.select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'lastedit_user', 'lastedit_user__profile')
    # sticky is not active on recent and all pages
    sticky = (tab != 'recent') and (pill not in ('all', "best", "bookmarked"))

    # hackfix
    sticky = False if pill.startswith("my") else sticky

    # order may change if it is invalid search
    posts = apply_sort(request=request, posts=posts, order=sort_type, sticky=sticky)

    # get the counts for the session
    counts = sess.get_counts(post_type)

    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=settings.POSTS_PER_PAGE)
    # save the session

    # try to set a more informative title
    title_map = dict(
            questions="Bioinformatics Questions", unanswered="Unanswered Questions", tutorials="Bioinformatics Tutorials",
            jobs="Bioinformatics Jobs", videos="Bioinformatics Videos", news='Bioinformatics News', tools="Bioinformatics Tools",
            recent="Recent bioinformatics posts", planet="Bioinformatics Planet",
            galaxy="Galaxy on Biostar", bookmarked="Most bookmarked",

    params.title = title_map.get(pill) or title_map.get(tab, params.title)

    return html.template(request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts)
Exemplo n.º 34
def index(request, tab='all'):
    user = request.user
    auth = user.is_authenticated()

    # asking for an invalid tab
    if tab not in VALID_TABS:
        msg = html.sanitize('Unknown content type "%s"' % tab)
        messages.error(request, msg)
        return html.redirect("/")

    # populate the session data
    sess = middleware.Session(request)

    # get the sort order
    sort_type = sess.sort_order()

    # parse the date request
    since = request.GET.get('since', DATE_FILTER[0]).lower()

    # set the last active tab

    # get the numerical value for these posts
    post_type = POST_TYPE_MAP.get(tab, tab)

    # override the sort order if the content so requires
    sort_type = 'creation' if tab == 'recent' else sort_type

    # this here needs to be reworked TODO
    if tab == "best":
        sort_type = "votes"
        since = request.GET.get('since', 'this week')
                      "Most <b>upvoted</b> active posts of <b>%s!</b>" % since)

    elif tab == "bookmarked":
        sort_type = "bookmark"
        since = request.GET.get('since', 'this month')
            "Most <b>bookmarked</b> active posts of <b>%s!</b>" % since)
    elif tab == "myvotes":
        sort_type = "votes__date"
            "Posts created by you that have received up-votes from other users"
    elif tab == "mybookmarks":
        sort_type = "votes__date"
        messages.info(request, "Your bookmarked posts")
    elif tab == "myposts":
        sort_type = "creation"
        messages.info(request, "Posts created by you")

    # the params object will carry
    layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR if auth else settings.ANON_PILL_BAR

    # wether to show the type of the post
    show_type = post_type in ('all', 'recent')

    show_search = True

    if tab in VALID_PILLS:
        tab, pill = "posts", tab
        tab, pill = tab, ""

    params = html.Params(tab=tab,
                         title="Bioinformatics Answers",

    # this will fill in the query (q) and the match (m)parameters

    # returns the object manager that contains all or only visible posts
    posts = get_post_manager(request)

    # filter posts by type
    posts = filter_by_type(request=request, posts=posts, post_type=post_type)

    # apply date filtering
    posts = filter_by_date(request=request, posts=posts, since=since)

    # reduce SQL query count by preselecting data that will be displayed
    posts = posts.select_related('author', 'author__profile', 'lastedit_user',

    # sticky is not active on recent and all pages
    sticky = (tab != 'recent') and (pill not in ('all', "best", "bookmarked"))

    # hackfix
    sticky = False if pill.startswith("my") else sticky

    # order may change if it is invalid search
    posts = apply_sort(request=request,

    # get the counts for the session
    counts = sess.get_counts(post_type)

    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=settings.POSTS_PER_PAGE)

    # save the session

    # try to set a more informative title
    title_map = dict(
        questions="Bioinformatics Questions",
        unanswered="Unanswered Questions",
        tutorials="Bioinformatics Tutorials",
        jobs="Bioinformatics Jobs",
        videos="Bioinformatics Videos",
        news='Bioinformatics News',
        tools="Bioinformatics Tools",
        recent="Recent bioinformatics posts",
        planet="Bioinformatics Planet",
        galaxy="Galaxy on Biostar",
        bookmarked="Most bookmarked",

    params.title = title_map.get(pill) or title_map.get(tab, params.title)

    return html.template(request,
Exemplo n.º 35
def index(request, tab='all'):
    user = request.user
    auth = user.is_authenticated()

    # asking for an invalid tab
    if tab not in VALID_TABS:
        msg = html.sanitize('Unknown content type "%s"' % tab)
        messages.error(request, msg)
        return html.redirect("/")

    # populate the session data
    sess = middleware.Session(request)

    # get the sort order
    sort_type = sess.sort_order()

    # set the last active tab

    # get the numerical value for these posts
    post_type = POST_TYPE_MAP.get(tab, tab)

    # override the sort order if the content so requires
    sort_type = 'creation' if tab == 'recent' else sort_type

    # the params object will carry
    layout = settings.USER_PILL_BAR if auth else settings.ANON_PILL_BAR

    # wether to show the type of the post
    show_type = post_type in ('all', 'recent')

    if tab in VALID_PILLS:
        tab, pill = "posts", tab
        tab, pill = tab, ""
    params = html.Params(tab=tab,
                         title="Bioinformatics Answers")

    # this will fill in the query (q) and the match (m)parameters

    # returns the object manager that contains all or only visible posts
    posts = get_post_manager(request)

    # filter posts by type
    posts = filter_by_type(request=request, posts=posts, post_type=post_type)

    # sticky is not active on recent and all pages
    sticky = (tab != 'recent') and (pill != 'all')

    # order may change if it is invalid search
    posts = apply_sort(request=request,

    # this is necessary because the planet posts require more attributes
    if tab == 'planet':
        models.decorate_posts(posts, request.user)

    # get the counts for the session
    counts = sess.get_counts(post_type)
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=POSTS_PER_PAGE)

    # save the session

    # try to set a more informative title
    title_map = dict(questions="Bioinformatics Questions",
                     unanswered="Unanswered Questions",
                     tutorials="Bioinformatics Tutorials",
                     jobs="Bioinformatics Jobs",
                     videos="Bioinformatics Videos",
                     news='Bioinformatics News',
                     tools="Bioinformatics Tools",
                     recent="Recent bioinformatics posts",
                     planet="Bioinformatics Planet")
    params.title = title_map.get(tab, params.title)

    return html.template(request,
Exemplo n.º 36
def index(request, tab=""):
    "Main page"
    user = request.user
    if not tab:
        # if the user has a mytags then switch to that
        if user.is_authenticated() and user.profile.my_tags:
            tab = 'mytags'
            tab = 'questions'
    if tab not in VALID_TABS:
        messages.error(request, 'Unknown content type requested')
    params = html.Params(tab=tab)
    # this will fill in the query (q) and the match (m)parameters
    # update with counts
    counts = request.session.get(SESSION_POST_COUNT, {})

    # returns the object manager that contains all or only visible posts
    posts = get_post_manager(request)

    # filter posts by type
    posts = filter_by_type(posts=posts, value=tab)

    # sort selected in the dropdown. by default lists cannot be sorted
    sort = request.GET.get('sort', '').lower()
    # attempts to remeber the last sorting
    sort = get_last_sort(request, sort)
    # override sort in the recent tab
    if tab == 'recent':
        sort = 'creation'
        posts = posts.order_by('-creation_date')
        posts = apply_sort(posts, value=sort, request=request)
    if tab == 'planet':
        models.decorate_posts(posts, user)
    if tab == 'mytags':
        if user.is_authenticated():
            text  = user.profile.my_tags
            if not text:
                messages.warning(request, "This Tab will show posts matching the My Tags fields in your user profile.")
                messages.info(request, "Filtering by %s" % text)
            posts = models.query_by_tags(user,text=text)
            posts = apply_sort(posts, value=sort, request=request)
            messages.warning(request, "This Tab is populated only for registered users based on the My Tags field in their user profile")
            posts = []
    sort_choices = "rank,views,votes,answers,bookmarks,creation,edit".split(',')
    # put sort options in params so they can be displayed
    params.update(dict(sort=sort, sort_choices=sort_choices))
    # reset the counts
    update_counts(request, tab, 0)
    page = get_page(request, posts, per_page=POSTS_PER_PAGE)
    return html.template(request, name='index.html', page=page, params=params, counts=counts)
Exemplo n.º 37
def modlog_list(request):
    "Lists of all moderator actions"
    mods = models.Note.objects.filter(type=NOTE_MODERATOR).select_related('sender', 'target', 'post', 'sender_profile').order_by('-date')
    page = get_page(request, mods)
    return html.template(request, name='modlog.list.html', page=page)
Exemplo n.º 38
def tag_list(request):
    tags = models.Tag.objects.all().order_by('-count')
    page = get_page(request, tags, per_page=50)
    params = html.Params(nav='tags')
    return html.template(request, name='tag.list.html', page=page, params=params)