Exemplo n.º 1
Module run every day by a cron job to update database
and cache.
## setup the Django with its private settings for server.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from main.tools import set_up

from contracts.crawler import DynamicDataCrawler, StaticDataCrawler
from contracts import models
from contracts.analysis import analysis_manager

def update():
    # check if we need to download static data
    if not models.ProcedureType.objects.exists():
        c = StaticDataCrawler()

    # check if we need to create categories
    if not models.Category.objects.exists():
        from contracts.tools.cpvs import build_categories

    # retrieve latest dynamic data.
    crawler = DynamicDataCrawler()
    affected_entities = crawler.update_all()

    # update entities cached data
    for entity in models.Entity.objects.all():
This module has methods that cross validate the data we have
against the data the official database has.
import requests
import json

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # these first two lines are used to setup a minimal Django environment
    from main.tools import set_up

from contracts.models import Entity, Contract

def get_entity_contracts_difference(base_id):
    Returns a set with the difference between the base_id's of contracts
    from BASE with those we have.

    def _are_entity_contracts_synchronized(entity):
        Checks if the number of contracts in BASE of an entity matches our number
        def get_entity_contracts_count():
            Retrieves the number of contracts from a given entity from BASE
            url = 'http://www.base.gov.pt/base2/rest/contratos?adjudicatariaid=%d' \
                  '&sort(-id)' % entity.base_id
Exemplo n.º 3
# these first two lines are used to setup a minimal Django environment
from main.tools import set_up
# From this point on, we are ready to use Django for accessing the remote database.

from contracts import models
from django.db.models import Sum

# this query asks for all contracts in the database
all_contracts = models.Contract.objects.all()

# this query counts the previous query
number_of_contracts = all_contracts.count()

# this query sums the prices of all contracts.
total_price = all_contracts.aggregate(sum=Sum('price'))['sum']
Exemplo n.º 4
from main.tools import set_up

import logging

from django.db import transaction

from law.crawler_forms import DocumentForm
from law.models import Document

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def build_data(document, publication):
    Maps the variables of pt_law_downloader to our form
    return {'creator_name': publication['creator'],
            'type': publication['type'],
            'number': publication['number'],
            'text': publication['text'],
            'summary': publication['summary'],
            'date': publication['date'],

            'dre_doc_id': publication['dre_id'],
            'dre_pdf_id': publication['pdf_id'],
            'dr_pages': publication['pages'],
            'dr_series': document['series'],
            'dr_supplement': document['supplement'],
            'dr_number': document['number']
Exemplo n.º 5
# these first two lines are used to setup a minimal Django environment
from main.tools import set_up
# From this point on, we are ready to use Django for accessing the remote database.

from contracts import models
from django.db.models import Sum

# this query asks for all contracts in the database
all_contracts = models.Contract.objects.all()

# this query counts the previous query
number_of_contracts = all_contracts.count()

# this query sums the prices of all contracts.
total_price = all_contracts.aggregate(sum=Sum('price'))['sum']
Exemplo n.º 6
from main.tools import set_up

import logging

from django.db import transaction

from law.crawler_forms import DocumentForm
from law.models import Document

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def build_data(document, publication):
    Maps the variables of pt_law_downloader to our form
    return {
        'creator_name': publication['creator'],
        'type': publication['type'],
        'number': publication['number'],
        'text': publication['text'],
        'summary': publication['summary'],
        'date': publication['date'],
        'dre_doc_id': publication['dre_id'],
        'dre_pdf_id': publication['pdf_id'],
        'dr_pages': publication['pages'],
        'dr_series': document['series'],
        'dr_supplement': document['supplement'],
        'dr_number': document['number']