Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, device_id=None):
        self.runProcess = Process()
        self.__logCatProcess = None
        self.deviceId = device_id

        if device_id:
            self.adb = "adb -s %s " % device_id
            self.adbShell = "adb -s %s shell " % device_id
            self.adb = "adb "
            self.adbShell = "adb shell "
Exemplo n.º 2
 def start_log_cat(self, log, package=None):
     :param log:
     :param package:
     self.__logCatProcess = Process()
     cmd = self.adb + "logcat %s >%s" % (
         package if
         "ActivityManager:D ANRManager:E AndroidRuntime:E %s:D *:S -v time"
         % package else "", log)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_devices():
    out, error = Process().create_process_for_wait("adb devices")
    match = "List of devices attached"
    index = out.find(match)

    if index < 0:
        raise EnvironmentError("adb is not working.")
    devices = [
        tmp[0] for tmp in [
            for line in out[index + len(match):].strip().splitlines()
        ] if len(tmp) == 2 and tmp[1] == "device"

    if not devices:
        raise ValueError("not devices connect adb ")
    return devices
Exemplo n.º 4
 def getMyhwndByName(self,
                     ):  #获取所有应用名字对应的获取窗口句柄列表,该句柄列表是通过时间排序的
         hwnd = self.getHandle(processname)
         ph = {}
         hw = []
         for h in hwnd:
             hreadID, pid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(h)
             ph[Process().getProCreatTime(pid)] = h
         for v in sorted(ph.keys()):  #字典按进城时间排序  返回对应的值列表
         return hw
     except Exception as e:
         get_logger().info("PC_UI.UI.GetMyhwndByName:%s" % str(e))
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_version():
    """获取adb 版本"""
    out, error = Process().create_process_for_wait("adb version")
    match = re.search(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)", out)
    return [match.group(i) for i in range(4)]
Exemplo n.º 6
def kill_adb():
    return Process().create_process("adb kill-server")
Exemplo n.º 7
def start_adb():
    return Process().create_process("adb start-server")
Exemplo n.º 8
class AdbHandler:
        adb 命令集合
    def __init__(self, device_id=None):
        self.runProcess = Process()
        self.__logCatProcess = None
        self.deviceId = device_id

        if device_id:
            self.adb = "adb -s %s " % device_id
            self.adbShell = "adb -s %s shell " % device_id
            self.adb = "adb "
            self.adbShell = "adb shell "

    def __cmd_timer(self, cmd, timer=10):
        :param cmd: 命令
        :param timer: 超时时间
        return self.runProcess.create_process_wait_timer(cmd, timer=timer)

    def forward(self, local_port, device_port):
            adb port forward. return 0 if success, else non-zero.
        :param local_port: pc端口
        :param device_port: device端口
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adb + "forward tcp:%s tcp:%s" %
                                (local_port, device_port))

    def forward_list(self):
        version = get_version()
        if int(version[1]) <= 1 and int(version[2]) <= 0 and int(
                version[3]) < 31:
            raise EnvironmentError("Low adb get_version.")
        lines = self.__cmd_timer(self.adb +
                                 "forward --list")[0].strip().splitlines()
        return [line.strip().split() for line in lines]

    def pm_list_pkg(self, name=""):
        :param name: package name
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "pm list packages %s" % name)

    def install(self, name, args="-r", timeout=120):
        :param name: apk路径
        :param args: 安装参数
        :param timeout: 超时时间
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adb + "install %s \"%s\"" % (args, name),

    def start(self, package, activity, args="-W"):
        :param package: package name
        :param activity: launch activity name
        :param args: 启动参数
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "am start %s %s/%s" %
                                (args, package, activity))

    def start_by_monkey(self, package):
        :param package: package name
        return self.__cmd_timer(
            self.adbShell +
            "monkey -p %s -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1" % package)

    def uninstall(self, package):
        :param package: package name
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adb + "uninstall %s" % package)

    def ps_find_str(self, package):
        :param package: package name
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + " ps | findstr %s" % package)

    def pull(self, path1, path2, timeout=60):
        :param timeout:
        :param path1:
        :param path2:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adb + " pull \"%s\" \"%s\"" %
                                (path1, path2),

    def push(self, path1, path2):
        :param path1:
        :param path2:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adb + " push \"%s\" \"%s\"" %
                                (path1, path2))

    def force_stop(self, package):
        :param package:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + " am force-stop %s" % package)

    def remove(self, path):
        :param path:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + " rm \"%s\"" % path)

    def start_log_cat(self, log, package=None):
        :param log:
        :param package:
        self.__logCatProcess = Process()
        cmd = self.adb + "logcat %s >%s" % (
            package if
            "ActivityManager:D ANRManager:E AndroidRuntime:E %s:D *:S -v time"
            % package else "", log)

    def stop_log_cat(self):
        return self.__logCatProcess.stop_process()

    def click(self, x, y):
        :param x:
        :param y:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "input tap %s %s" % (x, y))

    def swipe(self, x, y, tox, toy):
        :param x:
        :param y:
        :param tox:
        :param toy:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "input swipe %s %s %s %s" %
                                (x, y, tox, toy))

    def text(self, text):
        :param text:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "input text %s" % text)

    def key_event(self, code):
        :param code:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "input keyevent %s" % code)

    def screen_cap(self, path):
        :param path:
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "screencap -p %s" % path)

    def screen_cap_pull(self, path):
        :param path:
        out, error = self.screen_cap("/sdcard/test.png")
        if error:
            sys.stderr.write("%s : %s\n" % (path, error))
            return out, error
        return self.pull("/sdcard/test.png", path)

    def date(self, localtime):
        return self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "-s '%s'" % localtime)

    def date_sync(self):
        return self.date(time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", time.localtime()))

    def get_screen(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell +
                                      "dumpsys window displays|findstr init")
        pattern = "\s*init=(\S*)"
        if out == "" or error:
            out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell +
                                          "dumpsys window|findstr init")
        if out == "" or error:
            out, error = self.__cmd_timer(
                self.adbShell +
                "dumpsys displays|findstr \"mPhys=PhysicalDisplayInfo\"")
            pattern = "mPhys=PhysicalDisplayInfo\\{(\S*),"
        if out and not error:
            screen = regex.search(pattern, out)
            if screen:
                return screen[0].replace(" ", "")
        return None

    def get_name(self):
        model, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell +
                                        "getprop ro.product.model")
        manufacturer, error2 = self.__cmd_timer(
            self.adbShell + "getprop ro.product.manufacturer")
        if model and manufacturer:
            return "%s-%s" % (manufacturer.replace(
                "\r\r\n", ""), model.replace("\r\r\n", ""))
        return None

    def get_version(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell +
                                      "getprop ro.build.get_version.release")
        return out.split("\r\r\n")[0] if out else None

    def get_mac(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell +
                                      "cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address")
        return out.split("\r\r\n")[0] if out else None

    def list_files(self, dir):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "ls %s" % dir)
        return out.split("\r\r\n")[0] if out else None

    def get_device_model(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "getprop")
        strlist = out.split("\r\r\n")
        for strInfo in strlist:
            if strInfo.find("ro.product.model") != -1:
                strFrags = strInfo.split("[")
                strInfo = strFrags[2]
                strFrags = strInfo.split("]")
                return strFrags[0]
        return "UnkownDevice"

    def connect_device_via_tcp(self, deviceID):
        out, err = self.__cmd_timer("adb devices")
        deviceids = out.split("\r\r\n")
        for id in deviceids:
            if id.find("deviceID") != -1:
                #print "device : " + deviceID + " already connected!"
                return True
        out, err = self.__cmd_timer("adb connect " + deviceID)
        if out[0:9] == "connected":
            #print "device : " + deviceID + " connected!"
            return True
            #print "failed connect to " + deviceID
            return False

    def get_bettery_info(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "dumpsys battery")
        strlist = out.split()
        ret = namedtuple("BatterInfo", ["level", "temperature"])
        if "level:" in strlist:
            ret.level = int(strlist[strlist.index("level:") + 1])
        if "temperature:" in strlist:
            ret.temperature = int(strlist[strlist.index("temperature:") + 1])
        return ret

    def get_cpu_info(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "dumpsys cpuinfo")
        infoList = out.split("\r\r\n")
        loadInfo = infoList[0]
        loadInfoSplited = loadInfo.split()
        ret = namedtuple("CpuInfo", ["load", "usage"])
        # outInfo= {}
        ret.load = float(loadInfoSplited[1])
        for infoStr in infoList:
            if (infoStr.find(os.environ["PACKAGE"])) != -1:
                ret.usage = float(infoStr.split()[0].strip('%')) / 100
        return ret

    def get_num_cpucore(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell +
                                      "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/present")
        count = out.split("-")[1]
        return int(count) + 1

    def get_mem_info(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "dumpsys meminfo " +
        ret = namedtuple("MemInfo",
                         ["total", "heap", "heap_alloc", "heap_free"])
        memInfoList = out.split("\r\r\n")
        for infoStr in memInfoList:
            infoList = infoStr.split()
            if len(infoList) > 1 and infoList[0] == "TOTAL":
                ret.total = int(infoList[1])
                ret.heap = int(infoList[5])
                ret.heap_alloc = int(infoList[6])
                ret.heap_free = int(infoList[7])
                return ret
        return ret

    def get_mem_usage(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "dumpsys meminfo")
        memInfoList = out.split("\r\r\n")
        for infoStr in memInfoList:
            if (infoStr.find(os.environ["PACKAGE"])) != -1:
                infoList = infoStr.split()
                return int(infoList[0])
        return -1

    def get_files(self, dir):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "ls " + dir)
        fileList = out.split()
        return fileList

    def get_cur_freq(self, cpuIndex):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(
            self.adbShell +
            "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" %
        freq = 0
            freq = int(out)
        except ValueError:
            return 0
        return freq

    def get_pid(self, name):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "ps")
        infoList = out.split("\r\r\n")
        loadInfo = infoList[0]
        loadInfoSplited = loadInfo.split()
        for infoStr in infoList:
            splited = infoStr.split()
            if os.environ["PACKAGE"] in splited:
                pidAndPackageStr = splited[1]
                return int(pidAndPackageStr.split("/")[0])
        return 0

    def get_cputime_procss(self, pid):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(
            self.adbShell + "cat /proc/" + str(pid) + "/stat", )
        #print "process time " + out
        infoList = out.split()
        cpuTime = 0
        if (len(infoList) < 16):
            print("get cpu time failed")
            return -1
        cpuTime += int(infoList[13])
        cpuTime += int(infoList[14])
        cpuTime += int(infoList[15])
        cpuTime += int(infoList[16])

        return cpuTime

    # cpuTimeMap = {}
    lastProcessTime = 0
    lastTotalTime = 0
    lastIdle = 0
    lastIowait = 0

    def cpu_usage_init(self, pid):
        self.lastProcessTime = get_adb_handler().get_cputime_procss(pid)
        self.lastTotalTime = self.get_total_time()

    def get_total_time(self):
        out, error = get_adb_handler().__cmd_timer(get_adb_handler().adbShell +
                                                   "cat /proc/stat")
        infoList = out.split("\r\r\n")

        cpuInfo = infoList[0].split()
        totalTimeFirstCol = 0
        idle = int(cpuInfo[4])
        iowait = int(cpuInfo[5])
        if (idle < self.lastIdle):
            #print "idle reduce"
            idle = self.lastIdle
        if (iowait < self.lastIowait):
            print "iowait reduce"
            iowait = self.lastIowait
        self.lastIdle = idle
        self.lastIowait = iowait
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[1])
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[2])
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[3])
        totalTimeFirstCol += idle
        totalTimeFirstCol += iowait
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[6])
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[7])
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[8])
        totalTimeFirstCol += int(cpuInfo[9])
        print infoList[0]
        return totalTimeFirstCol
        for infoStr in infoList:
            if infoStr[:3] == "cpu":
                cpuInfo = infoStr.split()
                totalTimeThisCore = 0
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[1])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[2])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[3])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[4])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[5])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[6])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[7])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[8])
                totalTimeThisCore += int(cpuInfo[9])
                if cpuInfo[0] in self.cpuTimeMap:
                    self.cpuTimeMap[cpuInfo[0]] = totalTimeThisCore;
                    self.cpuTimeMap[cpuInfo[0]] = totalTimeThisCore;
        currTotalTimeCpu = 0
        for key,value in self.cpuTimeMap.iteritems():
            currTotalTimeCpu += value;
        #print "adb return total : " + str(totalTimeFirstCol) + " calculated : " + str(currTotalTimeCpu)
        if totalTimeFirstCol > currTotalTimeCpu:
            ##print "use first col"
            currTotalTimeCpu = totalTimeFirstCol
        return currTotalTimeCpu

    def get_cpu_usage(self, pid):
        processTimeCurr = get_adb_handler().get_cputime_procss(pid)
        currTotalTimeCpu = self.get_total_time()
        if currTotalTimeCpu <= self.lastTotalTime:
            print "Error total time reduced!"

        deltaProcessTime = processTimeCurr - self.lastProcessTime
        deltaTotalTime = currTotalTimeCpu - self.lastTotalTime
        self.lastProcessTime = processTimeCurr
        self.lastTotalTime = currTotalTimeCpu
        #print "cpu usage : " + str(deltaProcessTime / float(deltaTotalTime)) + " process : " + str(self.lastProcessTime) + "total : "+ str(self.lastTotalTime)
        usage = deltaProcessTime / float(deltaTotalTime)
        print "usage   total : " + str(deltaTotalTime) + " process: " + str(
        if usage < 0:
            #print "usage < 0  total : " + str(deltaTotalTime) + " process: " + str(deltaProcessTime)
            usage = 0
        if usage > 1:
            #print "usage > 1  total : " + str(deltaTotalTime) + " process: " + str(deltaProcessTime)
            usage = 1
        return usage

    def get_cputime_total(self):
        out, error = self.__cmd_timer(self.adbShell + "cat /proc/stat")
        infoList = out.split("\r\r\n")
        cpuInfo = infoList[0].split()
        cpuTime = 0
        if (len(cpuInfo) < 10):
            return -1
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[1])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[2])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[3])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[4])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[5])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[6])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[7])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[8])
        cpuTime += int(cpuInfo[9])

        return cpuTime