def unfollow(db, user): main.clear() while(True): try: print() print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print("| UNFOLLOW |".center(49)) print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print() user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) printfollowings(db,user) if user['following']!=[]: print('Enter id to unfollow') unfollowid = input("Search id (Press 'q' to quit): ") unfollow = db.member.find_one({'_id': unfollowid}, {"_id": 1, "name": 1}) if unfollowid=='q':return elif unfollow == None: main.clear() print("There is no such user\n") elif unfollowid not in user["following"]: main.clear() print("You are not following @" + unfollowid+".\n") else: db.member.update({'_id': user['_id']}, {'$pull': {'following': unfollowid}}) db.member.update({'_id': unfollowid}, {'$pull': {'follower': user['_id']}}) main.clear() print("You have unfollowed @" + unfollowid+'\n') else: print("You can't unfollow anyone") return except Exception as e: main.clear() print("Can't unfollow! Try again.")
def menu(): print("1. Convert Classic DEX to JSON") print("2. Convert Classic DEX to VMD") user_choice = input() if user_choice == "1": root = tk.Tk().withdraw() file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Classic DEX File", "*.bin")]) ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.json', 'w') as j: ReadClassicEXPToJson(f, j) main.clear() main.main() elif user_choice == "2": root = tk.Tk().withdraw() file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("DEX Json", "exp_*.json")]) ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: ReadDexJsonToVMD(f, ext[0]) main.clear() main.main()
def showfollow(db,user): user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) followings=user['following'] main.clear() print('+-------------You are now following-------------+') if followings==[]: print('No one') for f in followings: tain=db.member.find_one({'_id':f},{'_id':1,'name':1}) print(tain['name']+'(@'+tain['_id']+')') print('+'+'-'*47+'+') while(True): #print('-'*49) print('1) Follow more') print('2) Unfollow') print("3) Explore the other's page") print('q) Exit') print('-'*49) a=input('Enter:') if a=='1': import follow follow.follow(db,user) elif a=='2': import follow follow.unfollow(db,user) elif a=='3': other=input('Enter id to explore (enter q to quit) : ') if other=='q': return exploreothers(db,user,other) else: return
def explore(db,user): msg="" while(True): main.clear() try: print(msg) print() print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print("| EXPLORE |".center(49)) print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print() print(single) print("You can explore the other user's wall!") otherid=input("Enter the id (q:quit) : ") if otherid=='q':return import post me=db.member.find_one({'_id':user['_id']}) other= db.member.find_one({'_id': otherid}) post.other_wall(db,me,other) inp=input("Want to explore more? (Yes:y,Quit:q) : ") msg="" if inp=='y':pass else:return except: msg=("Can't find.. try again.")
def other_wall(db, me, other): try: while (True): me = db.member.find_one({'_id': me['_id']}) other = db.member.find_one({'_id': other['_id']}) main.clear() print() print(('The Wall of ' + other['name']).center(49)) db.posts.create_index('uid') cursor = db.posts.find({ 'uid': other['_id'] }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) ################ cursor = list(cursor) printpost(db, cursor) print('\n' + single) cursor = list(cursor) print("1 좋아요 2 좋아요 취소 3 댓글 보기") inp = input("Enter (q to quit) : ") if inp == 'q': return elif inp == '1': likey(db, me, cursor) elif inp == '2': dislikey(db, me, cursor) elif inp == '3': comment(db, me, cursor) else: input('Wrong number...Enter to proceed') except: print("다른 담벼락 메뉴에서 문제가 생겼습니다. 다시 해주세요 ㅠ")
def myblock(db,user): while(True): user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) main.clear() print('+----------------My block list------------------+') try: blocks = user['block'] if blocks == []: print('No one') for f in blocks: tain = db.member.find_one({'_id': f}, {'_id': 1, 'name': 1}) print(tain['name'] + '(@' + tain['_id'] + ')') except: print('No one') print('+' + '-' * 47 + '+') print('1) Delete ') print('2) Add ') print('q) Exit') print('-'*49) a=input('Enter:') if a=='1': try: b=user['block'] if b==[]:raise Exception id=input("Enter id to delete from the block list : ") db.member.update({'_id': user['_id']}, {'$pull': {'block': id}}) print('Successfully unblocked\n') except: print("You can't unblock.\n") elif a=='2': showfollower(db,user) else: return
def mystatus(db, user): while(True): main.clear() user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) printstatus(db,user) modify=input('Want more options? (Yes:y/No:q) :') if modify=='y':statusmenu(db,user) else:break
def moname(db,user): user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) newname=input('Enter your new name : ') if input('Are U Sure? (Yes:y/No:n) : ')=='y': db.member.update({'_id':user['_id']},{'$set':{'name':newname}}) main.clear() print('Successfully modified.') us.printstatus(db, user)
def menu(): print("1. Convert X/XHD LIT file to JSON") user_choice = input() if user_choice == "1": file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("X/XHD LIT Container", "*.lit")]) ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.json', 'w') as j: litReaderX(f, j) main.clear()
def main_menu(): print("1. DIVA Database Tools") print("2. MIRAI Database Tools") user_choice = input() if user_choice == "1": print('Unimplemented') main.clear() main.main() elif user_choice == "2": main.clear() mirai_menu()
def showfollower(db,user): user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) followings=user['follower'] main.clear() print('+-------------You are followed by---------------+') if followings==[]: print('No one') for f in followings: tain=db.member.find_one({'_id':f},{'_id':1,'name':1}) print(tain['name']+'(@'+tain['_id']+')') print('+'+'-'*47+'+') while(True): #print('-'*49) print('1) Block') print('2) Unblock') print("3) Explore the other's page") print('q) Exit') print('-'*49) a=input('Enter:') if a=='1': blockid = input('Enter an id to block : ') try: f=db.member.find_one({'_id':blockid}) if user['_id'] == blockid: raise Exception try: if user['follower'] != []: db.member.update({'_id': user['_id']}, {'$pull': {'follower': blockid}}) db.member.update({'_id': blockid}, {'$pull': {'following': user['_id']}}) except: pass finally: db.member.update({'_id': user['_id']}, {'$push': {'block': blockid}}) print("You have blocked @" + blockid + '\n') except:print("You can't block.\n") elif a=='2': try: b=user['block'] if b==[]:raise Exception id=input("Enter id to delete from the block list : ") db.member.update({'_id': user['_id']}, {'$pull': {'block': id}}) print('Successfully unblocked\n') except: print("You can't unblock.\n") elif a=='3': other=input('Enter id to explore : ') return else: return
def signup(db): print("\n"+double) a = """ +-----------+ | 1 SIGN UP | +-----------+ """ print("\n"+a) print("\n1. ID must be at least 2 characters") print("2. Password must be at least 4 characters") print("3. If you want to quit the sign-up menu, ") print(" enter 'q' as ID or password") print("\n"+double) while (True): userid=input("ID : ") if userid=='q': return elif len(userid)<2: print("Invaid ID... try again\n") continue username=input("name : ") pw=input("password : "******"password once more: ") while pw!=ensure or len(pw)<4 : print("\nInvalid password... try again") pw=input("password : "******"password once more: ") break try: while (True): rusure=input('Are U Sure? (Yes:y/No:n/Quit:q) :') if rusure=='y':break #while문을 나가서 signin메뉴로 이어지게 elif rusure=='n':signup(db) #signup메뉴를 다시 불러들임 elif rusure=='q':return #signup 함수를 종료하고 메인메뉴로 돌아감 db.member.insert({'_id':userid,'name':username,'password':pw,'pnumber':0,\ 'follower':[],'following':[],'block':[],'mylikes':[]}) except: main.clear() print('ID already taken. Please input new ID') signup(db) main.clear() print('Successfully signed up!') signin(db) #로그인 성공시 signin 메뉴로 바로 이어진다 '''
def update(db,user): user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) print('Your profile : ',end='') try: pro=user['profile'] print(pro) except: print('None') up=input('Enter your new profile : ') rusure = input('Are U Sure? (Yes:y/No:n) :') if rusure=='n':return else: db.member.update({'_id':user['_id']},{'$set':{'profile':up}}) main.clear() print('Successfully modifed!') us.printstatus(db, user)
def hashtag(db, user): a = "" while (True): main.clear() print() print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print("| Search hash tag |".center(49)) print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print() print("OR : word1 word2".center(49)) print("AND : word1&word2".center(49)) print("\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n") from bson.son import SON if a == "": tag = input("Search hash tag (enter 'q' to quit) : ") else: print(a) if tag == 'q': return if tag[0] != '#': tag = '#' + tag for i in range(len(tag)): if tag[i] == " ": if tag[i + 1] != '#': tag = tag[:i + 1] + "#" + tag[i + 1:] if "&" in tag: tag = tag.split("&") tag = list(map(lambda x: "\"" + x + "\"", tag)) tag = " ".join(tag) db.posts.drop_indexes() db.posts.create_index([('content', pymongo.TEXT)]) c = db.posts.aggregate([{ '$match': { '$text': { '$search': tag } } }, { '$sort': SON([('rawtime', -1)]) }]) post.printpost(db, c) print("\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n") a = "Search hash tag (enter 'q' to quit) : " tag = input(a) a = a + tag if tag == 'q': return
def character_menu(self): # need to be improved #self.player.details(self.round) for obj in self.player.macro_attributes(): print("{0}: {1}: {2}".format(obj.ID(),, obj.value())) print("\nYou have {0} Points left".format(self.player.get_attribute_points())) while True: if self.player.attribute_points >= 5: selection = user_input("Character attribute:") for obj in self.player.macro_attributes(): if obj.is_ID(selection): self.player.improve_attribute(obj) break else: pause() clear() break
def showlikes(db, me): try: while (True): me = db.member.find_one({'_id': me['_id']}) main.clear() print() print("내가 좋아요 누른 글들".center(49)) print() db.posts.create_index('rawtime') mylikelist = me['mylikes'] #print(mylikelist) cursor = db.posts.find({ '_id': { '$in': mylikelist } }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) cursor = list(cursor) #print(cursor) printpost(db, cursor) print('\n' + single) if cursor == []: input("엔터를 누르면 돌아갑니다.") return print("1 좋아요 2 좋아요 취소 3 댓글 보기") inp = input("Enter (q to quit) : ") if inp == 'q': return elif inp == '1': likey(db, me, cursor) elif inp == '2': dislikey(db, me, cursor) elif inp == '3': comment(db, me, cursor) else: input('Wrong number...Enter to proceed') except: input("좋아요 열람 메뉴에서 문제가 생겼습니다. 엔터를 누르면 돌아갑니다")
def wall(db, user): main.clear() print() print(('The Wall of ' + user['name']).center(49)) user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) db.posts.create_index('uid') cursor = db.posts.find({ 'uid': user['_id'] }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) printpost(db, cursor) print('\n' + single) ######### ######### return db.posts.find({ 'uid': user['_id'] }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING)
def mirai_menu(): print("1. Sprite DB Converter") print("2. AET DB Converter") print("3. NintendoWare DB Converter (Not Implemented)") user_choice = input() if user_choice == "1": root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(('SPRDB BIN File', '*.bin'), ('SPRDB JSON File', '*.json'))) ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if ext[1] == '.bin': with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.json', 'w') as o: mirai_tools.mirai_db_tools.Read_SPRDB_To_Json(f, o) elif ext[1] == '.json': with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.bin', 'wb') as o: mirai_tools.mirai_db_tools.Write_SPRDB_To_Bin(f, o) main.clear() main.main() elif user_choice == "2": file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(('AETDB BIN File', '*.bin'), ('AETDB JSON File', '*.json'))) ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if ext[1] == '.bin': with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.json', 'w') as o: mirai_tools.mirai_db_tools.Read_AETDB_To_Json(f, o) elif ext[1] == '.json': with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.bin', 'wb') as o: mirai_tools.mirai_db_tools.Write_AETDB_To_Bin(f, o) main.clear() main.main() elif user_choice == "3": print('REALLY unimplemented')
def menu(): print("1. Classic DEX Converter (F/AFT/FT/MM)") print("2. VMD to DEX Json (PD_Tool)") user_choice = input() if user_choice == "1": main.clear() if user_choice == "2": file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("MAIN VMD FILE", "*.vmd")]) ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as dex_main_f: with open(f'{ext[0][:-4]}eyes.vmd', 'rb') as dex_eyes_f: with open(f'{ext[0]}.json', 'w') as j: vmd_tools.vmd_defs.Read_Main_Morphs_to_EXP( dex_main_f, dex_eyes_f, j) main.clear()
def newsfeed(db, user): while (True): me = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) main.clear() print('The Newsfeed'.center(49)) followings = user['following'] + [user['_id']] db.posts.create_index('uid') cursor = db.posts.find({ 'uid': { '$in': followings } }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) printpost(db, cursor) print('\n' + single) print("1 좋아요 2 좋아요 취소") print("3 댓글 보기 4 댓글 달기") inp = input("Enter (Quit:q) : ") if inp == 'q': return elif inp == '1': cursor = db.posts.find({ 'uid': { '$in': followings } }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) likey(db, me, cursor) elif inp == '2': cursor = db.posts.find({ 'uid': { '$in': followings } }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) dislikey(db, me, cursor) elif inp == '3': cursor = db.posts.find({ 'uid': { '$in': followings } }).sort('rawtime', pymongo.DESCENDING) comment(db, me, cursor) else: input("잘못누르셨습니다. 엔터를 눌러주세요")
def userpage(db, user,addstring=""): menu_num = -1 while(menu_num != '0'): main.clear() user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) if addstring=="":pass else:print(addstring) print("\n" + double) welcomeyou="Welcome %s"%user['name'] print("\n" print("Select User Menu".center(49)) print() print("+------------+------------------+-------------+") print("| 1 Status | 2 Newsfeed | 3 My wall |") print("+------------+------------------+-------------+") print("| 4 Explore | 5 Follow | 6 Unfollow |") print("+------------+------------------+-------------+") print("| 7 Hash# | 8 Delete account | 9 My likes |") print("+------------+------------------+-------------+") print("| q LOG OUT |") print("+------------+") print() print("\n" + double) menu_num = input("Enter : ") switcher = { 'q' : log_out, '1' : mystatus, '2' : post.newsfeed, '3' : post.postInterface, '5' : follow.follow, '6' : follow.unfollow, '8' : delacc, '7' : hashtag.hashtag, '9' : post.showlikes, '4' : explore } selected_func = switcher.get(menu_num, print_wrong) a=selected_func(db,user) if a:return
def signin(db): while(True): a = """ +-----------+ | 1 SIGN IN | +-----------+ """ print(a) print(double) print("(Press q to quit)") userid=input(" ID : ") if userid=='q':return pw=input(" password : "******"Log-in failed! Try again") print("Successfully logged in!") main.clear() userpage(db,user) '''
def menu(): print("1. DEX Tools") print("2. Future Tone DSC Tools") print("3. LIT Tools") user_choice = input() if user_choice == "1": main.clear() if user_choice == "2": main.clear() dsc_tools.future.ft_menu_main.main() if user_choice == "3": main.clear()
def roll_loop(): done = False while not done: roll() done = not interactor.show_confirm_done() main.clear()
def comment(db, me, cursor): try: cursor = list(cursor) #print(cursor) me = db.member.find_one({'_id': me['_id']}) pnum = int(input("Enter post number : ")) main.clear() if pnum == 'q': return apost = cursor[pnum] unique_id = apost['_id'] while (True): apost = db.posts.find_one({'_id': unique_id}) username = db.member.find_one({'_id': apost['uid']})['name'] print("\n" + single) print('\nUser : '******'(@' + apost['uid'] + ')') print(apost['content']) lc = ("LIKE : " + str(apost['like']) + " " + "Comments : " + str(len(apost['comments']))) print(lc.rjust(49)) print(apost['time'].rjust(49)) print("\n") print("+댓글+".center(49)) foundcomments = apost['comments'] count = 0 for c in foundcomments: print('@' + str(c['uid']) + "(" + str(count) + ") : " + str(c['text'])) count += 1 print() print(single) your_comment = input("댓글(-번호 입력시 삭제됩니다) : ") if your_comment[0] == '-': try: delnum = int(your_comment[1:]) count = 0 for c in foundcomments: if count == delnum: delcom = c count += 1 commentlist = foundcomments #print(commentlist) #print(delcom) commentlist.remove(delcom) #print(commentlist) db.posts.update({'_id': unique_id}, {'$set': { 'comments': commentlist }}) main.clear() continue except: main.clear() continue if your_comment == 'q' or your_comment == "": print() return else: db.posts.update({'_id': unique_id}, { '$push': { 'comments': { 'uid': me['_id'], 'text': your_comment } } }) main.clear() except: input('Wrong enter to try again')
# set up input input_packet_file = open(TEMP, 'w') input_packet_file.write(packet) input_packet_file.close() input_packet_file = open(TEMP, 'r') # set up output output_packet_filename = PACKET_FILE + str(starting_offset + i) + ".txt" output_packet_file = open(output_packet_filename, 'w') print "\nWriting packet " + str(i) + " of " + str(len(packets)) + " to " + output_packet_filename + "..." # set up stdin and stdout sys.stdout = output_packet_file sys.stdin = input_packet_file # Run the program program.Program(reader).run(main.process_extra_attribs, main.process_remainder) reader.clear() main.clear() # reset stdin and stdout sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__ # close the files output_packet_file.close() input_packet_file.close() # remove the temp file os.remove(TEMP) print "\nWrote " + str(len(packets)) + " files, starting with \'" + PACKET_FILE + str(starting_offset) + ".txt\'.\n" except: traceback.print_exc(sys.exc_info()[2]) print "\nUsage: python packets_file [" + main.CUSTOM + " custom_xml_file]" print " \'packets_file\' - (first parameter, not optional) is a file containing hex packets separated by whitespace" print " \'" + main.CUSTOM + " custom_xml_file\' - uses the path/file of the custom XML file"
## Comments ## # nmap scanner instead of using python socket server, it's up to you if you want to remove basic port scan option # I understand with basic port scan it will remain all python, but I find it pointless to use. # I set this up so I can utilize quick nmap scans to see what services are open. # You can ultimatly set this up any way you want. this is just a template - jmarkwart import os import subprocess from os import system from main import EntContinue, clear from time import sleep while 1: try: clear() target = 0 while target == 0: target = raw_input("Please enter the target IP / CIDR range: ") # IP/CIDR range to scan # options for nmap stealth = "-sS" OS = "-O" subprocess.Popen("sudo nmap -PN -sC -T5 %s %s %s" % (target, stealth, OS), shell=True).wait() sleep(1) EntContinue() # back to main break except KeyboardInterrupt:
def test_clear(self, Mockinput): """testing clear function calls os.system""" with patch('main.os') as Mocked_os: main.clear() Mocked_os.system.assert_called_once()
def follow(db, user): main.clear() while(True): try: user = db.member.find_one({'_id': user['_id']}) print() print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print("| FOLLOW |".center(49)) print("+-----------------+".center(49)) print() printfollowings(db,user) print('Enter id to follow') followid=input("Search id (Press 'q' to quit) : ") follow = db.member.find_one({'_id': followid}) if followid=='q': return else: blocklist = follow['block'] if follow == None: main.clear() print('There is no such user\n') elif user['_id'] in blocklist: main.clear() print(followid+" - You are blocked by this user.\n") elif followid == user['_id']: main.clear() print("You can't follow yourself :P\n") elif followid in user["following"]: main.clear() print("You are already following.\n") else: db.member.update({'_id':user['_id']},{'$push':{'following':followid}}) db.member.update({'_id':followid},{'$push':{'follower':user['_id']}}) main.clear() print("You are now following @"+followid+"\n") except Exception as e: main.clear() print("Can't follow... Try again.") sys.stderr.write("could not operate following %s\n" %e)
fg='maroon', bg='gray75', font=('comicsans', 12)) button_hint.config(width=6, height=2, command=lambda: hint()) button_hint.grid(column=3, row=0, padx=1, pady=1) #2. riadok button_clear = Button(frame2, text='C', fg='maroon', bg='gray75', font=('comicsans', 12)) button_clear.config(width=6, height=2, command=lambda: main.clear(text_input, text_output)) button_clear.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=1, pady=1) button_div = Button(frame2, text='/', fg='maroon', bg='gray75', font=('comicsans', 12)) button_div.config(width=6, height=2, command=lambda: main.div(text_output)) button_div.grid(column=1, row=1, padx=1, pady=1) button_mul = Button(frame2, text='X', fg='maroon', bg='gray75', font=('comicsans', 12))