Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_isFullHouse(self):
        hand = Hand("AS AD AH TC TS")
        result = hand.is_full_house()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14])

        hand = Hand("2S 4D 4H 2C 4S")
        result = hand.is_full_house()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [4])

        hand = Hand("TS AD AH TC KS")
        result = hand.is_full_house()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        hand = Hand("TS TD AH TC KS")
        result = hand.is_full_house()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        hand = Hand("TS TD AH KC KS")
        result = hand.is_full_house()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_hand_ace8(self):
     players_hand = Hand()
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Clubs", "A"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Diamonds", "A"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Spades", "A"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Hearts", "A"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Clubs", "K"))
     self.assertEqual(14, players_hand.total_value)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_isFourOfAKind(self):
        hand = Hand("AS AD AH AC KS")
        result = hand.is_four_of_a_kind()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14])

        hand = Hand("TS AD AH AC KS")
        result = hand.is_four_of_a_kind()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_isThreeOfAKind(self):
        hand = Hand("AS AD AC QH KS")
        result = hand.is_three_of_a_kind()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14])

        hand = Hand("TS AD TC TH KS")
        result = hand.is_three_of_a_kind()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [10])

        hand = Hand("AS AD JC QH KS")
        result = hand.is_three_of_a_kind()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        hand = Hand("2S 2D JC QH QS")
        result = hand.is_three_of_a_kind()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_isStraight(self):
        hand = Hand("AS TD JC QH KS")
        result = hand.is_straight()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14])

        hand = Hand("9S TD JC QH 8S")
        result = hand.is_straight()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [12])

        hand = Hand("AS 9D JC QH KS")
        result = hand.is_straight()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_flush(self):
        hand = Hand("AS TS 9S 2S 5S")
        result = hand.is_flush()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14, 10, 9, 5, 2])

        hand = Hand("TS AD AH TC KS")
        result = hand.is_flush()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        hand = Hand("TS AS AS TS KC")
        result = hand.is_flush()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_hand_initialization(self):
     hand = Hand()
     self.assertEqual(len(hand.cards), 0)
     self.assertEqual(hand.total_value, 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_hand_ace4(self):
     players_hand = Hand()
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Clubs", "A"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Spades", "2"))
     self.assertEqual(13, players_hand.total_value)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_hand_ace2(self):
     players_hand = Hand()
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Clubs", "K"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Hearts", "A"))
     self.assertEqual(21, players_hand.total_value)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_hand_value4(self):
     players_hand = Hand()
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Spades", "9"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Hearts", "9"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Diamonds", "9"))
     self.assertEqual(27, players_hand.total_value)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_hand_value1(self):
     players_hand = Hand()
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Clubs", "K"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Hearts", "3"))
     self.assertEqual(13, players_hand.total_value)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_isStraightFlash(self):
        hand = Hand("2S 3S 4S 5S 6S")
        result = hand.is_straight_flash()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [6])

        hand = Hand("TS JS QS KS AS")
        result = hand.is_straight_flash();
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14])

        # hand is not sorted
        hand = Hand("JS AS QS TS KS")
        result = hand.is_straight_flash();
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14])

        hand = Hand("TS JS QH KH AH")
        result = hand.is_straight_flash();
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        hand = Hand("2S 3S 4S 5S 7S")
        result = hand.is_straight_flash()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        hand = Hand("2S TD JD QS KS")
        result = hand.is_straight_flash()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_isPair(self):
        hand = Hand("QS AD 9C QH KS")
        result = hand.is_pair()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [12, 14, 13, 9])

        hand = Hand("QS AD QC QH 9S")
        result = hand.is_pair()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [12, 14, 12, 9])

        hand = Hand("3S 3D 3C 3H 9S")
        result = hand.is_pair()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [3, 9, 3, 3])

        hand = Hand("2S 2D 3C 3H 9S")
        result = hand.is_pair()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [3, 9, 2, 2])

        hand = Hand("3S 3D 2C 2H 9S")
        result = hand.is_pair()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [3, 9, 2, 2])

        hand = Hand("AS 9D 3C QH KS")
        result = hand.is_pair()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_isTwoPairs(self):
        hand = Hand("AS AD QC QH KS")
        result = hand.is_two_diff_pairs()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [14, 12, 13])

        hand = Hand("3S 3D 2C 2H KS")
        result = hand.is_two_diff_pairs()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], [3, 2, 13])

        hand = Hand("AS AD JC QH KS")
        result = hand.is_two_diff_pairs()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], False)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], None)

        #this is ok since this will be full house, which is greater then two pairs
        hand = Hand("AS AD AC KH KS")
        result = hand.is_two_diff_pairs()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [14, 13, 14])

        hand = Hand("TD TC 2D 2H AC")
        result = hand.is_two_diff_pairs()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [10, 2, 14])

        hand = Hand("TS TH 3S 3D 2S")
        result = hand.is_two_diff_pairs()
        self.assertEqual(result[0], True)
        self.assertListEqual(result[1], [10, 3, 2])
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_hand_ace5(self):
     players_hand = Hand()
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Clubs", "A"))
     players_hand.add_card(Card("Diamonds", "A"))
     self.assertEqual(12, players_hand.total_value)
Exemplo n.º 16
from main import hands, count_hands, Hand, score_hands, dealer_wins

for x in range(100):
    hand = hands()
    counted = count_hands(hand)
    score = score_hands(counted)
    hand = Hand(hand, counted, score)
    print("You - " + str(hand['player']['hand']))
    print("Dealer - " + str(hand['dealer']['hand']))
    if dealer_wins(hand):
        print("You lose to " + str(hand['dealer']['text']))
        print("You win with " + str(hand['player']['text']))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_Deck(self, list2=None, list1=None):
        objDeck = Deck()

        # test that new deck is 52 cards

        deckOfCards = objDeck.cardset
        assert len(deckOfCards) == 52

        # test that values are in correct sorted location

        sortedDeck = objDeck.sort()

        print("sortedCards ", sortedDeck)
        assert sortedDeck[0:1][0:1] == [(1, 1)]
        assert sortedDeck[0:10][9:10] == [(1, 10)]
        assert sortedDeck[0:13][12:13] == [(1, 13)]
        assert sortedDeck[0:26][25:26] == [(2, 13)]
        assert sortedDeck[0:39][38:39] == [(3, 13)]
        assert sortedDeck[0:52][51:52] == [(4, 13)]

        # shuffle deck

        shuffledCards = objDeck.shuffle()
        print("shuffledCards ", shuffledCards)

        list1 = list(shuffledCards)

        # test second shuffle

        secondShuffle = objDeck.shuffle()
        print('secondShuffle ', secondShuffle)

        list2 = list(secondShuffle)

        # shuffles should be unique (is it even possible to have back to back shuffles the same, I don't think so)

        isSame = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x and y,
                                  map(lambda p, q: p == q, list1, list2), True)

        assert isSame == False

        # create hand
        playerHand = Hand()

        # initial hand should always score to zero
        assert playerHand.gettotal() == 0

        # add card from shuffled deck
        playerCard = shuffledCards.pop(0)

        # total hand

        # added first card implies hand value will be greater than 0
        assert playerHand.gettotal() > 0

        # size of shuffledCards should now be 51
        assert len(shuffledCards) == 51

        # test method add_card to verify hand is in fact 35

        newPlayer1Hand = Hand()
        newPlayer1Hand.add_card((4, 2))
        newPlayer1Hand.add_card((1, 11))
        newPlayer1Hand.add_card((4, 4))

        assert newPlayer1Hand.gettotal() == 35

        # manually create another hand that totals 37

        newPlayer2Hand = Hand()
        newPlayer2Hand.add_card((4, 2))
        newPlayer2Hand.add_card((3, 7))
        newPlayer2Hand.add_card((1, 8))
        assert newPlayer2Hand.gettotal() == 37

        # test for Winner class; winner should be hand two

        winner = Winner(newPlayer1Hand.gettotal(), newPlayer2Hand.gettotal())
        assert winner.getwinner() == 'player2 wins'

        # test conversion method where suits = [1, 2, 3, 4]  = ['Spades', 'Diamonds','Hearts','Clubs']


        assert newPlayer1Hand.playercards[1][1] == 'Jack'

        assert newPlayer1Hand.playercards[0][0] == 'Clubs'
        assert newPlayer1Hand.playercards[1][0] == 'Spades'
        assert newPlayer1Hand.playercards[2][0] == 'Clubs'