def __init__(self, sql_db_path, surface_cache_path): = Flask(__name__) CORS( self.mem_cache = ServerCache() self.surface_cache = SurfaceCache(surface_cache_path) self.pipeline = local_pipeline.LocalPipeline() self.runner = ZoeRunner(allow_tensorflow=True) self.runner.elmo_processor.load_sqlite_db(sql_db_path, server_mode=True) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.grace_end)
def produce_surface_cache(db_name, cache_name): pipeline = local_pipeline.LocalPipeline() cache = SurfaceCache(db_name, server_mode=False) runner = ZoeRunner() runner.elmo_processor.load_sqlite_db(cache_name, server_mode=False) dataset = DataReader("data/large_text.json", size=-1, unique=True) counter = 0 total = len(dataset.sentences) for sentence in dataset.sentences: ta = pipeline.doc([sentence.tokens], pretokenized=True) for chunk in ta.get_shallow_parse: new_sentence = Sentence(sentence.tokens, chunk['start'], chunk['end']) runner.process_sentence(new_sentence) cache.insert_cache(new_sentence) progress_bar(counter, total)
def __init__(self, sql_db_path, surface_cache_path): = Flask(__name__) CORS( self.mem_cache = ServerCache() self.surface_cache = SurfaceCache(surface_cache_path) self.pipeline = local_pipeline.LocalPipeline() self.pipeline_initialize_helper(['.']) self.runner = ZoeRunner(allow_tensorflow=True) status = self.runner.elmo_processor.load_sqlite_db(sql_db_path, server_mode=True) if not status: print( "ELMo cache file is not found. Server mode is prohibited without it." ) print( "Please contact the author for this cache, or modify this code if you know what you are doing." ) exit(1) self.runner.elmo_processor.rank_candidates_vec() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.grace_end)
class Server: """ Initialize the server with needed resources @sql_db_path: The path pointing to the ELMo caches sqlite file """ def __init__(self, sql_db_path, surface_cache_path): = Flask(__name__) CORS( self.mem_cache = ServerCache() self.surface_cache = SurfaceCache(surface_cache_path) self.pipeline = local_pipeline.LocalPipeline() self.pipeline_initialize_helper(['.']) self.runner = ZoeRunner(allow_tensorflow=True) status = self.runner.elmo_processor.load_sqlite_db(sql_db_path, server_mode=True) if not status: print( "ELMo cache file is not found. Server mode is prohibited without it." ) print( "Please contact the author for this cache, or modify this code if you know what you are doing." ) exit(1) self.runner.elmo_processor.rank_candidates_vec() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.grace_end) @staticmethod def handle_root(path): return send_from_directory('./frontend', path) @staticmethod def handle_redirection(): return Server.handle_root("index.html") def parse_custom_rules(self, rules): type_to_titles = {} freebase_freq_total = {} for rule in rules: title = rule.split("|||")[0] freebase_types = [] if title in self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map: freebase_types = self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map[ title].split(",") for ft in freebase_types: if ft in freebase_freq_total: freebase_freq_total[ft] += 1 else: freebase_freq_total[ft] = 1 custom_type = rule.split("|||")[1] if custom_type in type_to_titles: type_to_titles[custom_type].append(title) else: type_to_titles[custom_type] = [title] counter = 0 ret = {} for custom_type in type_to_titles: freebase_freq = {} for title in type_to_titles[custom_type]: freebase_types = [] if title in self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map: freebase_types = self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map[ title].split(",") counter += 1 for freebase_type in freebase_types: if freebase_type in freebase_freq: freebase_freq[freebase_type] += 1 else: freebase_freq[freebase_type] = 1 for ft in freebase_freq: if float(freebase_freq[ft] ) > float(counter) * 0.5 and freebase_freq[ ft] == freebase_freq_total[ft]: ft = "/" + ft.replace(".", "/") ret[ft] = custom_type return ret """ Main request handler It requires the request to contain required information like tokens/mentions in the format of a json string """ def handle_input(self): start_time = time.time() ret = {} r = request.get_json() if "tokens" not in r or "mention_starts" not in r or "mention_ends" not in r or "index" not in r: ret["type"] = [["INVALID_INPUT"]] ret["index"] = -1 ret["mentions"] = [] ret["candidates"] = [[]] return json.dumps(ret) sentences = [] for i in range(0, len(r["mention_starts"])): sentence = Sentence(r["tokens"], int(r["mention_starts"][i]), int(r["mention_ends"][i]), "") sentences.append(sentence) mode = r["mode"] predicted_types = [] predicted_candidates = [] other_possible_types = [] selected_candidates = [] mentions = [] if mode != "figer": if mode != "custom": selected_inference_processor = InferenceProcessor( mode, resource_loader=self.runner.inference_processor) else: rules = r["taxonomy"] mappings = self.parse_custom_rules(rules) selected_inference_processor = InferenceProcessor( mode, custom_mapping=mappings) else: selected_inference_processor = self.runner.inference_processor for sentence in sentences: sentence.set_signature(selected_inference_processor.signature()) cached = self.mem_cache.query_cache(sentence) if cached is not None: sentence = cached else: self.runner.process_sentence(sentence, selected_inference_processor) try: self.mem_cache.insert_cache(sentence) self.surface_cache.insert_cache(sentence) except: print("Cache insertion exception. Ignored.") predicted_types.append(list(sentence.predicted_types)) predicted_candidates.append(sentence.elmo_candidate_titles) mentions.append(sentence.get_mention_surface_raw()) selected_candidates.append(sentence.selected_title) other_possible_types.append(sentence.could_also_be_types) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print("Processed mention " + str([x.get_mention_surface() for x in sentences]) + " in mode " + mode + ". TIME: " + str(elapsed_time) + " seconds.") ret["type"] = predicted_types ret["candidates"] = predicted_candidates ret["mentions"] = mentions ret["index"] = r["index"] ret["selected_candidates"] = selected_candidates ret["other_possible_type"] = other_possible_types return json.dumps(ret) def pipeline_initialize_helper(self, tokens): doc = self.pipeline.doc([tokens], pretokenized=True) doc.get_shallow_parse doc.get_ner_conll doc.get_ner_ontonotes doc.get_view("MENTION") def handle_tokenizer_input(self): r = request.get_json() ret = {"tokens": []} if "sentence" not in r: return json.dumps(ret) doc = self.pipeline.doc(r["sentence"]) token_view = doc.get_tokens for cons in token_view: ret["tokens"].append(str(cons)) return json.dumps(ret) """ Handles requests for mention filling """ def handle_mention_input(self): r = request.get_json() ret = {'mention_spans': []} if "tokens" not in r: return json.dumps(ret) tokens = r["tokens"] doc = self.pipeline.doc([tokens], pretokenized=True) shallow_parse_view = doc.get_shallow_parse ner_conll_view = doc.get_ner_conll ner_ontonotes_view = doc.get_ner_ontonotes md_view = doc.get_view("MENTION") ret_set = set() ret_list = [] additions_views = [] if ner_ontonotes_view.cons_list is not None: additions_views.append(ner_ontonotes_view) if md_view.cons_list is not None: additions_views.append(md_view) if shallow_parse_view.cons_list is not None: additions_views.append(shallow_parse_view) try: if ner_conll_view.cons_list is not None: for ner_conll in ner_conll_view: for i in range(ner_conll['start'], ner_conll['end']): ret_set.add(i) ret_list.append((ner_conll['start'], ner_conll['end'])) for additions_view in additions_views: for cons in additions_view: add_to_list = True if additions_view.view_name != "MENTION": if additions_view.view_name == "SHALLOW_PARSE" and cons[ 'label'] != "NP": continue start = int(cons['start']) end = int(cons['end']) else: start = int(cons['properties']['EntityHeadStartSpan']) end = int(cons['properties']['EntityHeadEndSpan']) for i in range(max(start - 1, 0), min(len(tokens), end + 1)): if i in ret_set: add_to_list = False break if add_to_list: for i in range(start, end): ret_set.add(i) ret_list.append((start, end)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print(e) ret['mention_spans'] = ret_list return json.dumps(ret) """ Handles surface form cached requests This is expected to return sooner than actual processing """ def handle_simple_input(self): ret = {} r = request.get_json() if "tokens" not in r or "mention_starts" not in r or "mention_ends" not in r or "index" not in r: ret["type"] = [["INVALID_INPUT"]] return json.dumps(ret) sentences = [] for i in range(0, len(r["mention_starts"])): sentence = Sentence(r["tokens"], int(r["mention_starts"][i]), int(r["mention_ends"][i]), "") sentences.append(sentence) types = [] for sentence in sentences: surface = sentence.get_mention_surface() cached_types = self.surface_cache.query_cache(surface) if cached_types is not None: distinct = set() for t in cached_types: distinct.add("/" + t.split("/")[1]) types.append(list(distinct)) else: types.append([]) ret["type"] = types ret["index"] = r["index"] return json.dumps(ret) def handle_word2vec_input(self): ret = {} r = request.get_json() if "tokens" not in r or "mention_starts" not in r or "mention_ends" not in r or "index" not in r: ret["type"] = [["INVALID_INPUT"]] return json.dumps(ret) sentences = [] for i in range(0, len(r["mention_starts"])): sentence = Sentence(r["tokens"], int(r["mention_starts"][i]), int(r["mention_ends"][i]), "") sentences.append(sentence) predicted_types = [] for sentence in sentences: self.runner.process_sentence_vec(sentence) predicted_types.append(list(sentence.predicted_types)) ret["type"] = predicted_types ret["index"] = r["index"] return json.dumps(ret) def handle_elmo_input(self): ret = {} results = [] r = request.get_json() if "sentence" not in r: ret["vectors"] = [] return json.dumps(ret) elmo_map = self.runner.elmo_processor.process_single_continuous( r["sentence"]) for token in r["sentence"].split(): results.append((token, str(elmo_map[token]))) ret["vectors"] = results return json.dumps(ret) """ Handler to start the Flask app @localhost: Whether the server lives only in localhost @port: A port number, default to 80 (Web) """ def start(self, localhost=False, port=80):"/", "", self.handle_redirection)"/<path:path>", "<path:path>", self.handle_root)"/annotate", "annotate", self.handle_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_token", "annotate_token", self.handle_tokenizer_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_mention", "annotate_mention", self.handle_mention_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_cache", "annotate_cache", self.handle_simple_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_vec", "annotate_vec", self.handle_word2vec_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_elmo", "annotate_elmo", self.handle_elmo_input, methods=['POST']) if localhost: else:'', port=port) def grace_end(self, signum, frame): print("Gracefully Existing...") if self.runner.elmo_processor.db_loaded: self.runner.elmo_processor.db_conn.close() print("Resource Released. Existing.") exit(0)
class Server: """ Initialize the server with needed resources @sql_db_path: The path pointing to the ELMo caches sqlite file """ def __init__(self, sql_db_path, surface_cache_path): = Flask(__name__) CORS( self.mem_cache = ServerCache() self.surface_cache = SurfaceCache(surface_cache_path) self.pipeline = local_pipeline.LocalPipeline() self.runner = ZoeRunner(allow_tensorflow=True) self.runner.elmo_processor.load_sqlite_db(sql_db_path, server_mode=True) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.grace_end) @staticmethod def handle_root(path): return send_from_directory('./frontend', path) @staticmethod def handle_redirection(): return Server.handle_root("index.html") def parse_custom_rules(self, rules): type_to_titles = {} freebase_freq_total = {} for rule in rules: title = rule.split("|||")[0] freebase_types = [] if title in self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map: freebase_types = self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map[ title].split(",") for ft in freebase_types: if ft in freebase_freq_total: freebase_freq_total[ft] += 1 else: freebase_freq_total[ft] = 1 custom_type = rule.split("|||")[1] if custom_type in type_to_titles: type_to_titles[custom_type].append(title) else: type_to_titles[custom_type] = [title] counter = 0 ret = {} for custom_type in type_to_titles: freebase_freq = {} for title in type_to_titles[custom_type]: freebase_types = [] if title in self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map: freebase_types = self.runner.inference_processor.freebase_map[ title].split(",") counter += 1 for freebase_type in freebase_types: if freebase_type in freebase_freq: freebase_freq[freebase_type] += 1 else: freebase_freq[freebase_type] = 1 for ft in freebase_freq: if float(freebase_freq[ft] ) > float(counter) * 0.5 and freebase_freq[ ft] == freebase_freq_total[ft]: ft = "/" + ft.replace(".", "/") ret[ft] = custom_type return ret """ Main request handler It requires the request to contain required information like tokens/mentions in the format of a json string """ def handle_input(self): start_time = time.time() ret = {} r = request.get_json() if "tokens" not in r or "mention_starts" not in r or "mention_ends" not in r or "index" not in r: ret["type"] = [["INVALID_INPUT"]] ret["index"] = -1 ret["mentions"] = [] ret["candidates"] = [[]] return json.dumps(ret) sentences = [] for i in range(0, len(r["mention_starts"])): sentence = Sentence(r["tokens"], int(r["mention_starts"][i]), int(r["mention_ends"][i]), "") sentences.append(sentence) mode = r["mode"] predicted_types = [] predicted_candidates = [] other_possible_types = [] selected_candidates = [] mentions = [] if mode != "figer": if mode != "custom": selected_inference_processor = InferenceProcessor( mode, resource_loader=self.runner.inference_processor) for sentence in sentences: sentence.set_signature( selected_inference_processor.signature()) cached = self.mem_cache.query_cache(sentence) if cached is not None: sentence = cached else: self.runner.process_sentence( sentence, selected_inference_processor) self.mem_cache.insert_cache(sentence) self.surface_cache.insert_cache(sentence) predicted_types.append(list(sentence.predicted_types)) predicted_candidates.append(sentence.elmo_candidate_titles) mentions.append(sentence.get_mention_surface_raw()) selected_candidates.append(sentence.selected_title) other_possible_types.append(sentence.could_also_be_types) else: rules = r["taxonomy"] mappings = self.parse_custom_rules(rules) custom_inference_processor = InferenceProcessor( mode, custom_mapping=mappings) for sentence in sentences: sentence.set_signature( custom_inference_processor.signature()) cached = self.mem_cache.query_cache(sentence) if cached is not None: sentence = cached else: self.runner.process_sentence( sentence, custom_inference_processor) self.mem_cache.insert_cache(sentence) self.surface_cache.insert_cache(sentence) predicted_types.append(list(sentence.predicted_types)) predicted_candidates.append(sentence.elmo_candidate_titles) mentions.append(sentence.get_mention_surface_raw()) selected_candidates.append(sentence.selected_title) other_possible_types.append(sentence.could_also_be_types) else: for sentence in sentences: sentence.set_signature( self.runner.inference_processor.signature()) cached = self.mem_cache.query_cache(sentence) if cached is not None: sentence = cached else: self.runner.process_sentence(sentence) self.mem_cache.insert_cache(sentence) self.surface_cache.insert_cache(sentence) predicted_types.append(list(sentence.predicted_types)) predicted_candidates.append(sentence.elmo_candidate_titles) mentions.append(sentence.get_mention_surface_raw()) selected_candidates.append(sentence.selected_title) other_possible_types.append(sentence.could_also_be_types) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print("Processed mention " + str([x.get_mention_surface() for x in sentences]) + " in mode " + mode + ". TIME: " + str(elapsed_time) + " seconds.") ret["type"] = predicted_types ret["candidates"] = predicted_candidates ret["mentions"] = mentions ret["index"] = r["index"] ret["selected_candidates"] = selected_candidates ret["other_possible_type"] = other_possible_types return json.dumps(ret) """ Handles chunker requests for mention filling """ def handle_mention_input(self): r = request.get_json() ret = {'mention_spans': []} if "tokens" not in r: return json.dumps(ret) tokens = r["tokens"] doc = self.pipeline.doc([tokens], pretokenized=True) shallow_parse_view = doc.get_shallow_parse for chunk in shallow_parse_view: if chunk['label'] == 'NP': ret['mention_spans'].append([chunk['start'], chunk['end']]) return json.dumps(ret) """ Handles surface form cached requests This is expected to return sooner than actual processing """ def handle_simple_input(self): ret = {} r = request.get_json() if "tokens" not in r or "mention_starts" not in r or "mention_ends" not in r or "index" not in r: ret["type"] = [["INVALID_INPUT"]] return json.dumps(ret) sentences = [] for i in range(0, len(r["mention_starts"])): sentence = Sentence(r["tokens"], int(r["mention_starts"][i]), int(r["mention_ends"][i]), "") sentences.append(sentence) types = [] for sentence in sentences: surface = sentence.get_mention_surface() cached_types = self.surface_cache.query_cache(surface) types.append(cached_types) ret["type"] = types ret["index"] = r["index"] return json.dumps(ret) """ Handler to start the Flask app @localhost: Whether the server lives only in localhost @port: A port number, default to 80 (Web) """ def start(self, localhost=False, port=80):"/", "", self.handle_redirection)"/<path:path>", "<path:path>", self.handle_root)"/annotate", "annotate", self.handle_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_mention", "annotate_mention", self.handle_mention_input, methods=['POST'])"/annotate_cache", "annotate_cache", self.handle_simple_input, methods=['POST']) if localhost: else:'', port=port) def grace_end(self, signum, frame): print("Gracefully Existing...") if self.runner.elmo_processor.db_loaded: self.runner.elmo_processor.db_conn.close() print("Resource Released. Existing.") exit(0)