Exemplo n.º 1
def extendedTestToken():
    import time
    tic = time.clock()
    a  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/BeerTanks'
    b  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Binge'
    c  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Darts'
    d  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/hangman'
    e  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/LePacMan'
    f  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/LunarLander2'
    g  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Maze'
    h  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Maze3d'
    i  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Pong'
    j  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Schizophrenia'
    k  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/ShapeSwap'
    l  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Simon'
    m  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SlotMachineGame'
    n  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SnakeLike'
    o0 = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SpaceInvaders'
#    p  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/TicJackToe\src'
    q  = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/WormsRock2'
#    testpaths = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o0, p, q]
    testpaths = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o0, q]
    filelist = []
    for path in testpaths:
        filelist_ = main.fileOrPathParser(path)
        filelist = filelist + filelist_
    for filename in filelist:
        main.mainloop(filename, outputMode='tokens')
    toc = time.clock()
    print("%s files tokenized. Tokenizing took %s seconds." % (len(filelist), (toc - tic)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    Takes a Jack language file or files as input and outputs VM intermediary
    code, Hack Assembly code, or Hack machine code (the default). Command line
    flags will change the nature of our STDOUT and STDERR messages, what we're
    outputting, the name of our output file, etc.

    args = defineCLIParser()  # define our CLI flags, etc

    compilerInput, tmpDir, vmInput, vmFilename, vmOutDir, asmInput,\
        asmFilename, asmOutDir, finalOutputFile, finalOutputDir = setOutputVaribles(args)
    # /\ set up all the variables we'll need to compiler output

        # Our compiler (i.e. Jack to VM) is the only stage we should really
        # expect to fail, as lexical, parse, and semantic errors will halt
        # compilation. This makes sure execution halts gracefully, instead of
        # issuing a massive stack trace
        compiler.mainloop(compilerInput, customOutDir=tmpDir, vmfinaloutput=args.verbose, \
    except (CompilerError) as E:
        print('\n' + str(E)[1:-1])
        MUTE(args)  # User probably doesn't care we're deleting
        cleanUp(tmpDir)  # temp files--hence the MUTE/UNMUTE
        UNMUTE(args)  # .
        print('\nCompilation unsuccessful. Compilation halted.')

    # Our other modules /shouldn't/ crash, because we're assuming our compiler
    # stage is outputting correct VM code, our VM is outputting correct Hack
    # Assembly, etc.
    )  # If verbose output flag is set (args.verbose=True), this will do nothing
    VM.vmtoassembly(vmInput, outputFile=vmFilename, customOutDir=vmOutDir)
    assembler.assembler(asmInput, asmFilename, asmOutDir)

    )  # if verbose output flag is set (args.verbose=True), this will do nothing

    if args.assembly or args.hack:
        print('Output: {}'.format(
            os.path.join(finalOutputDir, os.path.basename(finalOutputFile))))
Exemplo n.º 3
def testLexer():# unit test for tokenizer
    import subprocess
    a = './tests/test_code0/ArrayTest'
    b = './tests/test_code0/ExpressionlessSquare'
    c = './tests/test_code0/Square'
    testpaths = [a, b, c]
    filelist = []
    for path in testpaths:
#        filelist_, path = main.fileOrPathParser(path)
        filelist_ = main.fileOrPathParser(path)
        filelist = filelist + filelist_
    for filename in filelist:
        main.mainloop(filename, outputMode='tokens')
    print('Diff results will appear, below each file. If none appear, everything worked.')
#    batch = './tests/tokentestscript.bat'  # Windows test script
    batch = './tests/tokentestscript.bash'  # Windows test script
Exemplo n.º 4
def extendedTestParse():
    Tests the output of the parser (and only the parser), by diff-ing output
    from other people's files/parser with the output of our parser.

    Diff is folder-by-folder, file-by-file, and should output nothing (i.e.
    compared files should be identical)
    import subprocess
    import time
    tic = time.clock()
    a = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/BeerTanks'
    b = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Binge'
    c = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Darts'
    d = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/hangman'
    e = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/LePacMan'
    f = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/LunarLander2'
    g = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Maze'
    h = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Maze3d'
    i = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Pong'
    j = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Schizophrenia'
    k = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/ShapeSwap'
    l = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Simon'
    m = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SlotMachineGame'
    n = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SnakeLike'
    o = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SpaceInvaders'
    # p = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/TicJackToe/src'
    q = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/WormsRock2'    
    # testpaths = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q]
    testpaths = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q]
    filelist = []
    for path in testpaths:
        filelist_ = main.fileOrPathParser(path)
        filelist = filelist + filelist_
    for filename in filelist:
        main.mainloop(filename, outputMode='parseTree')
    toc = time.clock()
    print("%s files compiled. Compilation took %s seconds.\n" % (len(filelist), (toc - tic)))
    print('Diff results between our files and reference files:\n')
    batch = './tests/parsetestscriptextended.bash'
    # print('Check shell window to see if the the files match the tests.')
#    batch = './tests/parsetestscriptextended.bat'  # Windows test script
    print('\nCheck `diff\' results, above. Files should be identical.')
Exemplo n.º 5
def currentBookTest():
    Tests the most "difficult"-to-compile book projects. If it finishes without
    error, the compiler's (ostensibly) successfully outputted the proper
    .vm files
    import time
    tic = time.clock()
    a = './tests/test_code1/Average'
    b = './tests/test_code1/ComplexArrays'
    c = './tests/test_code1/ConvertToBin'
    d = './tests/test_code1/Pong'
    e = './tests/test_code1/Seven'
    f = './tests/test_code1/Square'
    testpaths = [a, b, c, d, e, f]
    for path in testpaths:
    toc = time.clock()
    print("Compilation took %s seconds." % (toc - tic))
Exemplo n.º 6
def currentTest():
    This is the default test suite. It sees whether book projects AND a ton of
    classroom projects (which I've not re-found the link to, yet) will compile.
    If it successfully compiles every file, tokenization and parsing have
    (ostensibly) worked, as has code output. Warnings are normal, as the
    compiler is over-zealous.

    If it freezes, it's (probably) because something's wrong with the compiler.
    import time
    tic = time.clock()
    a = './tests/test_code0/ArrayTest'
    # b = './tests/test_code0/ExpressionlessSquare'
    c = './tests/test_code0/Square'
    a1 = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/BeerTanks'
    b1 = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Binge'
    c1 = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Darts'
    d = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/hangman'
    e = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/LePacMan'
    f = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/LunarLander2'
    g = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Maze'
    h = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Maze3d'
    i = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Pong'
    j = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Schizophrenia'
    k = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/ShapeSwap'
    l = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/Simon'
    m = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SlotMachineGame'
    n = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SnakeLike'
    o = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/SpaceInvaders'
#    p = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/TicJackToe/src'
#   /\ won't work because it contains escaped characters (e.g. \" to represent a quote), which is
#   outside the language spec
    q = './tests/test_code0/Extras_(Non_Project)/WormsRock2'   
    testpaths = [a, c, a1, b1, c1, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q]
    # testpaths = [a, b, c, a1, b1, c1, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q]
    for path in testpaths:
    toc = time.clock()
    print("Compilation took %s seconds." % (toc - tic))