Exemplo n.º 1
def makeDataHistos(treefiles, opt):
    hname_to_keys = {}  # hname -> (tag, syst, comb)
    tasklist = {}  # treefile -> tasklist

    for pname in treefiles.keys():
        if not pname in tasklist: tasklist[pname] = []
        for tag, sel, _ in SELECTIONS:
            tasks = []
            hname = "SVLMass_tot_%s_%s" % (tag, pname)
            finalsel = "(%s)" % (sel)

            tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel, NBINS, XMIN, XMAX,
            hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, pname, 'tot')  ## add the 'tot'

            for ntk1, ntk2 in NTRKBINS:
                tksel = "(SVNtrk>=%d&&SVNtrk<%d)" % (ntk1, ntk2)
                finalsel = "(%s&&%s)" % (sel, tksel)
                hname = "SVLMass_tot_%s_%s_%d" % (tag, pname, ntk1)
                tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel, NBINS, XMIN, XMAX,
                hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, pname, 'tot', ntk1)

            tasklist[pname] += tasks

    if not opt.cache:
        runTasks(treefiles, tasklist, opt, 'data_histos', interactive=False)

    datahistos = {}  # (tag, pname, comb) -> histo
    datahistos = gatherHistosFromFiles(tasklist, treefiles,
                                       osp.join(opt.outDir, 'data_histos'),

    cachefile = open(".svldatahistos.pck", 'w')
    pickle.dump(datahistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    return datahistos
Exemplo n.º 2
def makeDataHistos(treefiles, opt):
	hname_to_keys = {} # hname -> (tag, syst, comb)
	tasklist = {} # treefile -> tasklist

	for pname in treefiles.keys():
		if not pname in tasklist: tasklist[pname] = []
		for tag,sel,_ in SELECTIONS:
			tasks = []
			hname = "SVLMass_tot_%s_%s" % (tag, pname)
			finalsel = "(%s)"%(sel)

			tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel,
			hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, pname, 'tot') ## add the 'tot'

			for ntk1,ntk2 in NTRKBINS:
				tksel = "(SVNtrk>=%d&&SVNtrk<%d)"%(ntk1,ntk2)
				finalsel = "(%s&&%s)"%(sel, tksel)
				hname = "SVLMass_tot_%s_%s_%d" % (tag, pname, ntk1)
				tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel,
				hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, pname, 'tot', ntk1)

			tasklist[pname] += tasks

	if not opt.cache:
		runTasks(treefiles, tasklist, opt, 'data_histos', interactive=False)

	datahistos = {} # (tag, pname, comb) -> histo
	datahistos = gatherHistosFromFiles(tasklist, treefiles,
								   osp.join(opt.outDir, 'data_histos'),

	cachefile = open(".svldatahistos.pck", 'w')
	pickle.dump(datahistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
	return datahistos
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args, opt):
	os.system('mkdir -p %s'%opt.outDir)
	systfiles = {} # procname -> filename
		for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0],'syst')):
			if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue
			for syst,_,systfile,_ in SYSTSFROMFILES:
				if fname in systfile:
					systfiles[syst] = [os.path.join(args[0], 'syst', fname)]

		# Get the split nominal files
		systfiles['nominal'] = []
		for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0],'Chunks')):
			if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue
			isdata,procname,splitno = resolveFilename(fname)
			if not procname == 'TTJets_MSDecays_172v5': continue
			if not splitno: continue # file is split

		if len(systfiles['nominal']) < 20:
			print "ERROR >>> Missing files for split nominal sample?"
			return -1

	except IndexError:
		print "Please provide a valid input directory"

	hname_to_keys = {} # hname -> (tag, syst, comb)
	tasklist = {} # treefile -> tasklist

	for fsyst in systfiles.keys():
		if not fsyst in tasklist: tasklist[fsyst] = []
		for tag,sel,_ in SELECTIONS:
			if fsyst == 'nominal':
				for syst,_,weight,combs in SYSTSFROMWEIGHTS:
					tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, syst,
						                 hname_to_keys, weight=weight,
					tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

				tasks = []
				for comb,combsel in COMBINATIONS.iteritems():
					for var,nbins,xmin,xmax,titlex in CONTROLVARS:
						hname = "%s_%s_%s" % (var, comb, tag)
						finalsel = "%s*(%s&&%s)"%(COMMONWEIGHT, sel, combsel)
						tasks.append((hname, var, finalsel,
							                 nbins, xmin, xmax, titlex))
						hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, var, comb)

				tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

				tasks = []
				for name, nus in [('nu', 1), ('nonu', 0), ('nuunm', -1)]:
					hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % ('tot', tag, name)
					finalsel = "%s*(%s&&BHadNeutrino==%d)"%(
						                 COMMONWEIGHT, sel, nus)
					tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel,
					hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, name, 'tot')

				tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

				tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, fsyst, hname_to_keys)
				tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

	if not opt.cache:
		# print '  Will process the following tasks:'
		# for filename,tasks in sorted(tasklist.iteritems()):
		# 	print filename
		# 	for task in tasks:
		# 		print task
		# raw_input("Press any key to continue...")
		runTasks(systfiles, tasklist, opt, 'syst_histos')

		systhistos = {} # (tag, syst, comb) -> histo
		systhistos = gatherHistosFromFiles(tasklist, systfiles,
			                           os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_histos'),

		cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'w')
		pickle.dump(systhistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

		# print "Wrote syst histos to cache file"
		# raw_input("press key")

	cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'r')
	systhistos = pickle.load(cachefile)
	print '>>> Read syst histos from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)'


	for var,_,_,_,_ in CONTROLVARS:
		for sel,tag in [
			#('inclusive', 'Fully Inclusive'),
			#('inclusive_mrank1', 'Mass ranked, leading p_{T}'),
			#('inclusive_mrank1dr', 'Mass ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'),
			#('inclusive_drrank1dr', '#DeltaR ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'),
			('inclusive_optmrank', 'Optimized mass rank')]:
			try: makeControlPlot(systhistos, var, sel, tag, opt)
			except KeyError:
				print 'control plots for %s selection not found' % sel

	for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS:
		if not 'inclusive' in tag : continue
		print "... processing %s"%tag

		# Make plot of mass with and without neutrino:
		# for comb in COMBINATIONS.keys():
		# plot = RatioPlot('neutrino_%s'%tag)
		# plot.rebin = 2
		# plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nonu', 'tot')], 'Without neutrino')
		# plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nu',   'tot')], 'With neutrino')
		# plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nuunm','tot')], 'Unmatched')
		# plot.reference = systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot')]
		# plot.tag = "Mass shape with and without neutrinos"
		# plot.subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES['tot']
		# plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt Total'
		# plot.ratiorange = (0.7, 1.3)
		# plot.colors = [ROOT.kBlue-3, ROOT.kRed-4, ROOT.kOrange-3]
		# plot.show("neutrino_%s_%s"%(tag,'tot'),
		# 	      os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots'))
		# plot.reset()

		for name, title, systs, colors, comb in SYSTPLOTS:
			print name, title, systs, colors, comb
			plot = RatioPlot('%s_%s'%(name,comb))
			plot.rebin = 2

			for syst in systs:
					plot.add(systhistos[(tag,syst,comb)], SYSTNAMES[syst])
					print 'failed to add',(tag,syst,comb),syst

			plot.tag = title
			subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES[comb]
			plot.subtag = subtag
			plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt %s' % SYSTNAMES[systs[0]]
			plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15)
			plot.colors = colors
			filename = "%s_%s"%(name,tag)
			if comb != 'tot': filename += '_%s'%comb
			plot.show(filename, os.path.join(opt.outDir,'syst_plots'))

		# Make top pt plot with both correct and wrong
		plot = RatioPlot('toppt_paper_cor_wro')
		plot.canvassize = (600,600)
		plot.tag = 'Top p_{T} mis-modeling'
		plot.rebin = 2
		plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels'
		plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Nominal'
		plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15)
		plot.legpos = (0.55, 0.30)
		plot.colors = [ROOT.kGreen+2, ROOT.kGreen-6, ROOT.kRed+2, ROOT.kRed-6]
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nominal','cor')], 'Nominal (correct)',      includeInRatio=False)
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'toppt','cor')], 'p_{T} weighted (correct)', includeInRatio=True)
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nominal','wro')], 'Nominal (wrong)',        includeInRatio=False)
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'toppt','wro')], 'p_{T} weighted (wrong)',   includeInRatio=True)
		plot.reference = [systhistos[(tag,'nominal','cor')], systhistos[(tag,'nominal','wro')]]

		plot.show('toppt_cor_wro_forpaper_%s'%tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir,'syst_plots'))

		# Make b fragmentation plot for paper
		plot = RatioPlot('bfrag_paper')
		plot.canvassize = (600,600)
		plot.tag = 'b fragmentation'
		plot.rebin = 2
		plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels'
		plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Z2* rb LEP'
		plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15)
		plot.legpos = (0.65, 0.15)
		plot.colors = [ROOT.kMagenta, ROOT.kMagenta+2, ROOT.kMagenta-9, ROOT.kAzure+7]
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nominal', 'tot')], 'Z2* rb LEP', includeInRatio=False)
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'bfragdn', 'tot')], 'Z2* rb LEP soft')
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'bfragup', 'tot')], 'Z2* rb LEP hard')
		plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'bfragz2s','tot')], 'Z2* nominal')
		plot.reference = [systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot')]]
		plot.show('bfrag_paper_%s'%tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir,'syst_plots'))

	# for tag,sel,seltag in SELECTIONS:
	# 	print 70*'-'
	# 	print '%-10s: %s' % (tag, sel)
	# 	fcor, fwro, funm = {}, {}, {}
	# 	for mass in sorted(massfiles.keys()):
	# 	# mass = 172.5
	# 		hists = masshistos[(tag, mass)]
	# 		n_tot, n_cor, n_wro, n_unm = (x.GetEntries() for x in hists)
	# 		fcor[mass] = 100.*(n_cor/float(n_tot))
	# 		fwro[mass] = 100.*(n_wro/float(n_tot))
	# 		funm[mass] = 100.*(n_unm/float(n_tot))
	# 		print ('  %5.1f GeV: %7d entries \t'
	# 			   '(%4.1f%% corr, %4.1f%% wrong, %4.1f%% unmatched)' %
	# 			   (mass, n_tot, fcor[mass], fwro[mass], funm[mass]))

	# 	oname = os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'fracvsmt_%s'%tag)
	# 	plotFracVsTopMass(fcor, fwro, funm, tag, seltag, oname)

	# print 112*'-'
	# print 'Estimated systematics (from a crude chi2 fit)'
	# print '%20s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s' % (
	# 									 'selection', 'bfrag', 'scale',
	# 									 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr')
	# for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS:
	# 		sys.stdout.write("%20s | " % tag)
	# 		for syst in ['bfrag', 'scale', 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr']:
	# 			err, chi2 = systematics[(tag,syst)]
	# 			sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2*1e5, err))
	# 			# sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2, err))
	# 			sys.stdout.write(' | ')
	# 		sys.stdout.write('\n')
	# print 112*'-'

	return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args, opt):
    os.system('mkdir -p %s' % opt.outDir)
    systfiles = {}  # procname -> filename
        for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0], 'syst')):
            if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue
            for syst, _, systfile, _ in SYSTSFROMFILES:
                if fname in systfile:
                    systfiles[syst] = [os.path.join(args[0], 'syst', fname)]

        # Get the split nominal files
        systfiles['nominal'] = []
        for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0], 'Chunks')):
            if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue
            isdata, procname, splitno = resolveFilename(fname)
            if not procname == 'TTJets_MSDecays_172v5': continue
            if not splitno: continue  # file is split

            systfiles['nominal'].append(os.path.join(args[0], 'Chunks', fname))
        if len(systfiles['nominal']) < 20:
            print "ERROR >>> Missing files for split nominal sample?"
            return -1

    except IndexError:
        print "Please provide a valid input directory"

    hname_to_keys = {}  # hname -> (tag, syst, comb)
    tasklist = {}  # treefile -> tasklist

    for fsyst in systfiles.keys():
        if not fsyst in tasklist: tasklist[fsyst] = []
        for tag, sel, _ in SELECTIONS:
            if fsyst == 'nominal':
                for syst, _, weight, combs in SYSTSFROMWEIGHTS:
                    tasks = makeSystTask(tag,
                    tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

                tasks = []
                for comb, combsel in COMBINATIONS.iteritems():
                    for var, nbins, xmin, xmax, titlex in CONTROLVARS:
                        hname = "%s_%s_%s" % (var, comb, tag)
                        finalsel = "%s*(%s&&%s)" % (COMMONWEIGHT, sel, combsel)
                            (hname, var, finalsel, nbins, xmin, xmax, titlex))
                        hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, var, comb)

                tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

                tasks = []
                for name, nus in [('nu', 1), ('nonu', 0), ('nuunm', -1)]:
                    hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % ('tot', tag, name)
                    finalsel = "%s*(%s&&BHadNeutrino==%d)" % (COMMONWEIGHT,
                                                              sel, nus)
                    tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel, NBINS, XMIN,
                                  XMAX, MASSXAXISTITLE))
                    hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, name, 'tot')

                tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

                tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, fsyst, hname_to_keys)
                tasklist[fsyst] += tasks

    if not opt.cache:
        # print '  Will process the following tasks:'
        # for filename,tasks in sorted(tasklist.iteritems()):
        # 	print filename
        # 	for task in tasks:
        # 		print task
        # raw_input("Press any key to continue...")
        runTasks(systfiles, tasklist, opt, 'syst_histos')

        systhistos = {}  # (tag, syst, comb) -> histo
        systhistos = gatherHistosFromFiles(
            tasklist, systfiles, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_histos'),

        cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'w')
        pickle.dump(systhistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        # print "Wrote syst histos to cache file"
        # raw_input("press key")

    cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'r')
    systhistos = pickle.load(cachefile)
    print '>>> Read syst histos from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)'


    for var, _, _, _, _ in CONTROLVARS:
        for sel, tag in [
                #('inclusive', 'Fully Inclusive'),
                #('inclusive_mrank1', 'Mass ranked, leading p_{T}'),
                #('inclusive_mrank1dr', 'Mass ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'),
                #('inclusive_drrank1dr', '#DeltaR ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'),
            ('inclusive_optmrank', 'Optimized mass rank')
                makeControlPlot(systhistos, var, sel, tag, opt)
            except KeyError:
                print 'control plots for %s selection not found' % sel

    for tag, _, _ in SELECTIONS:
        if not 'inclusive' in tag: continue
        print "... processing %s" % tag

        # Make plot of mass with and without neutrino:
        # for comb in COMBINATIONS.keys():
        # plot = RatioPlot('neutrino_%s'%tag)
        # plot.rebin = 2
        # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nonu', 'tot')], 'Without neutrino')
        # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nu',   'tot')], 'With neutrino')
        # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nuunm','tot')], 'Unmatched')
        # plot.reference = systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot')]
        # plot.tag = "Mass shape with and without neutrinos"
        # plot.subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES['tot']
        # plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt Total'
        # plot.ratiorange = (0.7, 1.3)
        # plot.colors = [ROOT.kBlue-3, ROOT.kRed-4, ROOT.kOrange-3]
        # plot.show("neutrino_%s_%s"%(tag,'tot'),
        # 	      os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots'))
        # plot.reset()

        for name, title, systs, colors, comb in SYSTPLOTS:
            print name, title, systs, colors, comb
            plot = RatioPlot('%s_%s' % (name, comb))
            plot.rebin = 2

            for syst in systs:
                    plot.add(systhistos[(tag, syst, comb)], SYSTNAMES[syst])
                    print 'failed to add', (tag, syst, comb), syst

            plot.tag = title
            subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES[comb]
            plot.subtag = subtag
            plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt %s' % SYSTNAMES[systs[0]]
            plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15)
            plot.colors = colors
            filename = "%s_%s" % (name, tag)
            if comb != 'tot': filename += '_%s' % comb
            plot.show(filename, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots'))

        # Make top pt plot with both correct and wrong
        plot = RatioPlot('toppt_paper_cor_wro')
        plot.canvassize = (600, 600)
        plot.tag = 'Top quark p_{T} mismodeling'
        plot.rebin = 2
        plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels'
        plot.tagpos = (0.92, 0.85)
        plot.subtagpos = (0.92, 0.78)
        plot.titlex = 'm_{svl} [GeV]'
        plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Nominal'
        # plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15)
        plot.ratiorange = (0.92, 1.08)
        plot.legpos = (0.55, 0.38)
        plot.ratioydivisions = 405
        plot.colors = [
            ROOT.kGreen + 2, ROOT.kGreen - 6, ROOT.kRed + 2, ROOT.kRed - 6
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'cor')],
                 'Nominal (correct)',
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'toppt', 'cor')],
                 'p_{T} weighted (correct)',
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'wro')],
                 'Nominal (wrong)',
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'toppt', 'wro')],
                 'p_{T} weighted (wrong)',
        plot.reference = [
            systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'cor')],
            systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'wro')]

        plot.show('toppt_cor_wro_forpaper_%s' % tag,
                  os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots'))

        # Make b fragmentation plot for paper
        plot = RatioPlot('bfrag_paper')
        plot.canvassize = (600, 600)
        plot.tag = 'b fragmentation'
        plot.titlex = 'm_{svl} [GeV]'
        plot.rebin = 2
        plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels'
        plot.tagpos = (0.92, 0.85)
        plot.subtagpos = (0.92, 0.78)
        plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP'
        # plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15)
        plot.ratiorange = (0.92, 1.08)
        plot.legpos = (0.65, 0.20)
        plot.ratioydivisions = 405
        plot.colors = [
            ROOT.kMagenta, ROOT.kMagenta + 2, ROOT.kMagenta - 9,
            ROOT.kAzure + 7
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'tot')],
                 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP',
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'bfragdn', 'tot')],
                 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP soft')
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'bfragup', 'tot')],
                 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP hard')
        plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'bfragz2s', 'tot')], 'Z2* nominal')
        plot.reference = [systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'tot')]]
        plot.show('bfrag_paper_%s' % tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir,

    # for tag,sel,seltag in SELECTIONS:
    # 	print 70*'-'
    # 	print '%-10s: %s' % (tag, sel)
    # 	fcor, fwro, funm = {}, {}, {}
    # 	for mass in sorted(massfiles.keys()):
    # 	# mass = 172.5
    # 		hists = masshistos[(tag, mass)]
    # 		n_tot, n_cor, n_wro, n_unm = (x.GetEntries() for x in hists)
    # 		fcor[mass] = 100.*(n_cor/float(n_tot))
    # 		fwro[mass] = 100.*(n_wro/float(n_tot))
    # 		funm[mass] = 100.*(n_unm/float(n_tot))
    # 		print ('  %5.1f GeV: %7d entries \t'
    # 			   '(%4.1f%% corr, %4.1f%% wrong, %4.1f%% unmatched)' %
    # 			   (mass, n_tot, fcor[mass], fwro[mass], funm[mass]))

    # 	oname = os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'fracvsmt_%s'%tag)
    # 	plotFracVsTopMass(fcor, fwro, funm, tag, seltag, oname)

    # print 112*'-'
    # print 'Estimated systematics (from a crude chi2 fit)'
    # print '%20s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s' % (
    # 									 'selection', 'bfrag', 'scale',
    # 									 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr')
    # for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS:
    # 		sys.stdout.write("%20s | " % tag)
    # 		for syst in ['bfrag', 'scale', 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr']:
    # 			err, chi2 = systematics[(tag,syst)]
    # 			sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2*1e5, err))
    # 			# sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2, err))
    # 			sys.stdout.write(' | ')
    # 		sys.stdout.write('\n')
    # print 112*'-'

    return 0