def animeInf(animeTit): animesearch = AnimeSearch(animeTit) anime = animesearch.results[0] animeId = Anime(anime.mal_id) short = animeId.synopsis.split(".", 2) info = f"**Anime title**: {anime.title}\n**Anime score**: {anime.score}\n**Anime synoposis**: {short[0]}. {short[1]}.\n{animeId.image_url}" return info
def heading(): driverpth = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\chromedriver.exe" options = Options() options.add_argument("--log-level=3") options.add_argument("--silent") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") options.add_argument("--disable-logging") options.add_argument("--mute-audio") options.add_argument( '--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/56.0.2924.75 Mobile/14E5239e Safari/602.1' ) driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=driverpth, options=options) driver.get('') time.sleep(2) driver.find_element_by_xpath( "/html/body/main/section/footer/button[1]").click() time.sleep(5) title = driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "/html/body/main/div/div/header/div[1]/div[2]/h3/span[1]") for post in title: name = post.text driver.close() search = AnimeSearch("" + name) description = search.results[0].synopsis z = [] z.append(name) z.append(description) return z
async def animeinfo(client, message): pablo = await edit_or_reply(message, "`Searching For Anime.....`") anime = get_text(message) if not anime: await pablo.edit("`Please Give Me A Valid Input. You Can Check Help Menu To Know More!`") return search = AnimeSearch(anime) ID = search.results[0].mal_id anime = Anime(ID) jp = "" for x in anime.genres: jp += x + "; " link = anime.image_url if link is None: link = search.results[0].image_url By = f"""<u><b>Anime Information Gathered</b></u> <b>tlele:- {search.results[0].title} Mal ID:- {search.results[0].mal_id} Url:- {search.results[0].url} Type:- {search.results[0].type} Episodes:- {search.results[0].episodes} Score:- {search.results[0].score} Synopsis:- {search.results[0].synopsis} Status:- {anime.status} Genres:- {jp} Duration:- {anime.duration} Popularity:- {anime.popularity} Rank:- {anime.rank} favorites:- {anime.favorites}</b> """ await pablo.edit(By, parse_mode="html")
def search_anime(self, query): try: search = AnimeSearch(query, timeout=self.timeout) return [x.__dict__ for x in search.results] except Exception as e: logging.warning(e, exc_info=True) return None
async def get_anime(self, ctx, *args):, Constants.ANIME, " ".join(args)) try: anime_search = AnimeSearch(" ".join(args)) anime = Anime((anime_search.results[0]).mal_id) await ctx.send( Constants.MSG_FUN_RESPONSE.format(anime.title, anime.synopsis, anime.image_url)) except Exception: logger.error(Constants.FUN_QUERY_ERR, Constants.ANIME, ' '.join(args)) await ctx.send( Constants.MSG_FUN_ERR.format(Constants.ANIME, ' '.join(args)))
async def anime(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, params: str): print( f'{interaction.user}({}) executed Anime command.' ) await interaction.response.send_message(embed=discord.Embed( title='Fetching Data...Please Wait.', color=self.client.guilds[0].get_member( search = AnimeSearch(params) if len(search.results) > 0: anime_data = search.results[0] anime_data_2 = Anime(anime_data.mal_id) print(anime_data_2.title) embed = discord.Embed(title=anime_data.title, description=anime_data_2.title_japanese, color=self.client.guilds[0].get_member(, url=anime_data.url) embed.set_image(url=anime_data.image_url) embed.add_field(name='Synopsis', value=anime_data.synopsis, inline=False) embed.add_field(name='Episodes', value=str(anime_data_2.episodes), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Status', value=str(anime_data_2.status), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Score', value=str(anime_data.score), inline=True) embed.set_footer(text=f'Aired: {anime_data_2.aired}') button = Button(label='View on site', style=discord.ButtonStyle.url, url=anime_data_2.url) view = View() view.add_item(button) await interaction.edit_original_message(embed=embed, view=view) else: await interaction.edit_original_message( embed=await helpers.embed_helper.create_error_embed( f'Could not find any anime similar to {params}'))
async def anime(self, ctx, *,name=""): if name == "": await ctx.send(f"{} you need to provide a name to search.") else: async with ctx.typing(): search = AnimeSearch(name) anime = Anime(search.results[0].mal_id) result = discord.Embed(title=anime.title, description=f"Description\n{anime.synopsis}", result.set_author(, result.add_field(name="Information",value=f"**English Title:** {anime.title_english}\n**Japanese Title:** {anime.title_japanese}\n**Total Episode:** {anime.episodes}\n**Type:** {anime.type}\n**Status:** {anime.status}\n**Genres:** {anime.genres}\n**Duration:** {anime.duration}\n**Rating:** {anime.rating}\n**Rank:** {anime.rank}",inline=False) result.set_thumbnail(url=client.user.avatar_url) result.set_image(url=anime.image_url) result.timestamp = await ctx.send(embed=result)
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return input_str = Zp = await edit_or_reply(event, "Please Wait....🚶♂️🚶♂️🚶♂️") search = AnimeSearch(input_str) ID = search.results[0].mal_id anime = Anime(ID) jp = "" for x in anime.genres: jp += x + "; " link = anime.image_url if link == None: link = search.results[0].image_url By = f"""<u><b>Anime Information Gathered</b></u> <b>tlele:- {search.results[0].title} Mal ID:- {search.results[0].mal_id} Url:- {search.results[0].url} Type:- {search.results[0].type} Episodes:- {search.results[0].episodes} Score:- {search.results[0].score} Synopsis:- {search.results[0].synopsis} Status:- {anime.status} Genres:- {jp} Duration:- {anime.duration} Popularity:- {anime.popularity} Rank:- {anime.rank} favorites:- {anime.favorites}</b> """ await borg.send_message( event.chat_id, By, parse_mode="HTML", file=link, force_document=False, silent=True, ) await Zp.delete()
async def animesearch(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, anime_name: str): """Searches Anime from MAL and displays the first 10 search result.""" search = AnimeSearch(str(anime_name).strip(" ").lower()) search_results = search.results[:10] description = "" for i, k in enumerate(search_results): description += f"{i+1}. **{k.title}**\n" e1 = Embed( title=f"Anime search results for {str(anime_name).capitalize()}", description=description[:4096], timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, ) e1.set_footer( text= f"Showing 10 results out of {len(search.results)} | Use the reactions of this message to paginate", icon_url=LinksAndVars.mal_logo.value, ) embeds = [e1] for i in search_results: e = Embed(title=i.title, description=i.synopsis, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at) if i.score: e.add_field(name="**Score**", value=f"{i.score} :star:") if i.type: e.add_field(name="**Anime Type**", value=i.type) if i.url: e.add_field(name="**MAL Url**", value=f"[CLICK HERE]({i.url})") if i.mal_id: e.add_field(name="**MAL ID**", value=i.mal_id) # if i.image_url: # e.set_image(url=i.image_url) #later it the comment will be removed e.set_footer(text=f"{i.title} | {i.mal_id} | {i.score} stars", icon_url=i.image_url) embeds.append(e) paginator = EmbedPaginator(entries=embeds, ctx=ctx) await paginator.start()
async def __call__(self): UserCancel = KeyboardInterrupt def search_pages(result_) -> discord.Embed: return discord.Embed( title=f"Titles matching '{self.query}'", description="\n".join([ f"[{index_}]: {value.title}" for index_, value in enumerate(result_) ]), ) try: errorMessage = None search = AnimeSearch(self.query) while 1: result = [ [anime for anime in search.results][x:x + 10] for x in range(0, len([anime for anime in search.results]), 10) ] embeds = list(map(search_pages, result)) cur_page = 0 for index, item in enumerate(embeds): item.set_footer( text= f"Please choose option or cancel\nPage {index+1}/{len(embeds)}" ) if len(embeds) > 1: emojis = ["🗑️", "◀️", "▶️"] else: emojis = ["🗑️"] await self.message.edit(content='', embed=embeds[cur_page % len(embeds)], components=[[ Button(, label=e, custom_id=e) for e in emojis ]]) while 1: try: emojitask = asyncio.create_task( "button_click", check=lambda b_ctx: Sudo.pageTurnCheck(, ctx=self.ctx, button_ctx=b_ctx, message=self.message), timeout=60, )) responsetask = asyncio.create_task( "message", check=lambda m: ==, timeout=30, )) waiting = [emojitask, responsetask] done, waiting = await asyncio.wait( waiting, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) # 30 seconds wait either reply or react if emojitask in done: emojitask = emojitask.result() if str(emojitask.custom_id) == "🗑️": await self.message.delete() return elif str(emojitask.custom_id) == "◀️": cur_page -= 1 elif str(emojitask.custom_id) == "▶️": cur_page += 1 await emojitask.respond(type=7, content='', embed=embeds[cur_page % len(embeds)]) elif responsetask in done: try: emojitask.cancel() input = responsetask.result() await input.delete() if input.content.lower() == "cancel": raise UserCancel input = int(input.content) anime_item = result[cur_page][input] if errorMessage is not None: await errorMessage.delete() embed = discord.Embed( title=f"{anime_item.title}", description=anime_item.synopsis, url=anime_item.url, ) # Myanimelist data embed.add_field( name="MyAnimeListID", value=str(anime_item.mal_id), inline=True, ) embed.add_field( name="Rating", value=str(anime_item.score), inline=True, ) embed.add_field( name="Episodes", value=str(anime_item.episodes), inline=True, ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=anime_item.image_url) embed.set_footer( text=f"Requested by {}") Log.append_to_log( self.ctx, f"{self.ctx.command} result", anime_item.title) await self.message.edit( embed=embed, components=[ Button(, label="🗑️", custom_id="🗑️") ]) await "button_click", check=lambda button_ctx: Sudo. pageTurnCheck(, ctx=self.ctx, button_ctx=button_ctx, message=self.message), timeout=60, ) return except (ValueError, IndexError): errorMessage = await self.ctx.send( content= "Invalid choice. Please choose a number between 0-9 or cancel" ) continue except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.message.edit(components=[]) return except UserCancel: await self.message.delete() except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.message.delete() except (asyncio.CancelledError, discord.errors.NotFound): pass except Exception: await self.message.delete() raise except Exception as e: await error_handler(, self.ctx, e, self.query) finally: return
def setUpClass(cls): cls.anime_search = AnimeSearch("cowboy bebop")
def get_anime(query): search = AnimeSearch(query) result = search.results[0] if result: return f'**Title**: {result.title} \n**Synopsis**: {result.synopsis} \n**Score**: {result.score} \n**Type**: {result.type} \n**Episodes**: {result.episodes} \n**Url**: {result.url}'
from mal import AnimeSearch print("+---------------------------------+") print("|\tSelamat Datang di Info Anime\t |") print("|\t\t\tBy Heriyanto\t\t\t |") print("+---------------------------------+") nama = input("Masukan Nama Anda : ") pilihan = input("\nHi, " + nama + ". Apakah Anda ingin melihat info anime? (y/n) : ") while pilihan == "y": print("Masukkan Judul Anime yang ingin Anda Cari") print("Contoh : Naruto Shippuden\n") search = AnimeSearch(input("Judul : ")) print(search.results[0].title) print(search.results[0].score) print(search.results[0].mal_id) print(search.results[0].episodes) print(search.results[0].url) pilihan = input("\nHi, " + nama + ". Mau lihat info lagi? (y/n) : ") if pilihan == "y": print("+---------------------------------+") print("|\tSelamat Datang di Info Anime\t |") print("|\t\t\tBy Heriyanto\t\t\t |") print("+---------------------------------+") else:
def id_animes(): lista_id = [] i = 0 erros = 0 count = 0 # tenta entrar no json pra pegar os animes - nomes id = 1 try: # abre o txt arquivo = open("animess.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8') # caso nao conseguir sai fora except: print(traceback.format_exc()) print("verifica o arquivo ou nome ") # sair sys.exit() # linhs do txt linhas = arquivo.readlines() # for na lista de animes do json for nomes_animes in linhas: # tenta pegar os nomes nomes_animes = nomes_animes.rstrip('\n') nomes_animes = nomes_animes.rstrip('\t') # pula linhas pares, os nome dos anime esta nas linhas impares if id % 2 == 1: print(nomes_animes) try: query = ''' query ($id: Int, $page: Int, $perPage: Int, $search: String) { Page (page: $page, perPage: $perPage) { media (id: $id, search: $search, type: ANIME, sort: POPULARITY_DESC) { id title { romaji } } } } ''' variables = { 'search': nomes_animes, 'page': 1, 'perPage': 1, 'MediaType': "ANIME" } url = '' response =, json={ 'query': query, 'variables': variables }) response = json.loads(response.text) # pega o id do response response_id = response['data']['Page']['media'][0]['id'] lista_id.append(response_id) print(f"id: {count} = id:{lista_id[i]} ") i += 1 count += 1 id += 1 # caso aconteça algum erro except: print("esse anime nao consegui achar o id: ", nomes_animes) try: print("tentado com o My Anime List") search = AnimeSearch(nomes_animes) lista_id.append(search.results[0].mal_id) print(f"id do My Anine List: {search.results[0].mal_id}") print(f"id>: {count} = id:{lista_id[i]} ") i += 1 count += 1 except: print("erro") erros += 1 print("erros: ", erros) else: id += 1 # tudo pronto return lista_id
def search(anTitle): search = AnimeSearch(anTitle) return search.results[0].synopsis