Exemplo n.º 1
def test_wcs():
    rss = MaNGARSS.from_plateifu(7815, 3702, directory_path=remote_data_file())
    # Unrestricted
    x, y = rss.mean_sky_coordinates()

    methods = available_reduction_assessments()
    i = numpy.where([m['key'] == 'SNRG' for m in methods])[0]
    assert len(i) == 1, 'Could not find correct reduction assessment definition.'
    # Weighted by the g-band
    _x, _y = rss.mean_sky_coordinates(response_func=methods[i[0]]['response_func'])
    assert numpy.ma.amax(x-_x) - numpy.ma.amin(x-_x) > 0, 'Should be different'
    assert numpy.ma.amax(y-_y) - numpy.ma.amin(y-_y) > 0, 'Should be different'

    # Find a cluster of dithers
    d = numpy.ma.sqrt(numpy.square(_x) + numpy.square(_y))
    srt = numpy.argsort(d)
    theta = numpy.arctan2(-_y, _x)
    indx = theta[srt[:10]] < -2
    assert numpy.sum(indx) == 5, 'Should find close fiber positions'
    indx = srt[:10][indx]
    bin_indx = numpy.full(rss.nspec, -1, dtype=int)
    bin_indx[indx] = 0

    bins, area = rss.binned_on_sky_area(bin_indx, response_func=methods[i[0]]['response_func'])
    assert numpy.array_equal(bins, [0]), 'Should only be one bin'
        import shapely
        # Could not import shapely for proper calcultion, so test the stupid calculation
        assert area[0] == numpy.sum(rss.area[bin_indx > -1]), \
                'Stupid calculation is just the sum of the fiber area'
        # Check the proper calculation
        assert area[0] < numpy.sum(rss.area[bin_indx > -1]), \
                'Area should be substantially smaller than the stupid calculation yields.'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_stats():
    rss = MaNGARSS.from_plateifu(7815, 3702, directory_path=remote_data_file())

    methods = available_reduction_assessments()
    i = numpy.where([m['key'] == 'SNRG' for m in methods])[0]
    assert len(i) == 1, 'Could not find correct reduction assessment definition.'

    cenwave = rss.central_wavelength(response_func=methods[i[0]]['response_func'])
    assert numpy.isclose(cenwave, 4686.2), 'Central wavelength calculation changed'

    sig, var, snr = rss.flux_stats(response_func=methods[i[0]]['response_func'])

    assert sig.shape == (rss.nspec,), 'Should be one measurement per spectrum.'
    assert isinstance(sig, numpy.ma.MaskedArray), 'Expected masked arrays'
    assert numpy.ma.amax(snr) > 15, 'S/N changed'
    assert numpy.ma.median(snr) < 3, 'S/N changed'

    # Try it with the linear rss
    rss = MaNGARSS.from_plateifu(7815, 3702, directory_path=remote_data_file(), log=False)
    _sig, _var, _snr = rss.flux_stats(response_func=methods[i[0]]['response_func'])
    # TODO: Not sure why these are not closer.
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.ma.median((sig-_sig)/_sig)) < 0.01, \
            'Signal should be the same to better than 1%.'
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.ma.median((var-_var)/_var)) < 0.03, \
            'Variance should be the same to better than 3%.'
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.ma.median((snr-_snr)/_snr)) < 0.02, \
            'S/N should be the same to better than 2%.'
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_stats():
    cube = MaNGADataCube.from_plateifu(7815,

    # Create a fake bin map
    bin_indx = numpy.arange(cube.nspec / 4,
                            dtype=int).reshape(cube.spatial_shape[0] // 2,
                                               cube.spatial_shape[0] // 2)
    bin_indx = numpy.repeat(bin_indx, 2, axis=0)
    bin_indx = numpy.repeat(bin_indx, 2, axis=1)

    # Get the bin area
    bins, area = cube.binned_on_sky_area(bin_indx)

    assert numpy.array_equal(bins,
                             numpy.arange(cube.nspec / 4)), 'Bad bin list'
    assert numpy.allclose(area, 1.), 'Bad area calculation'

    methods = available_reduction_assessments()
    i = numpy.where([m['key'] == 'SNRG' for m in methods])[0]
    assert len(
        i) == 1, 'Could not find correct reduction assessment definition.'

    cen_wave = cube.central_wavelength(
    assert numpy.isclose(cen_wave, 4638.0), 'Central wavelength changed.'

    cen_wave = cube.central_wavelength(waverange=[4000, 8000],
    assert numpy.isclose(cen_wave, 5895.7), 'Central wavelength changed.'

    cen_wave = cube.central_wavelength(waverange=[4000, 8000],
    assert numpy.isclose(cen_wave, 6044.9), 'Central wavelength changed.'

    sig, var, snr = cube.flux_stats(
    assert sig.shape == cube.spatial_shape, 'Should be shaped as a map.'
    assert isinstance(sig, numpy.ma.MaskedArray), 'Expected masked arrays'
    assert numpy.ma.amax(snr) > 60, 'S/N changed'

    # Try it with the linear cube
    cube = MaNGADataCube.from_plateifu(7815,
    _sig, _var, _snr = cube.flux_stats(
    # TODO: Not sure why these are not closer.
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.ma.median((sig-_sig)/_sig)) < 0.01, \
            'Signal should be the same to better than 1%.'
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.ma.median((var-_var)/_var)) < 0.03, \
            'Variance should be the same to better than 3%.'
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.ma.median((snr-_snr)/_snr)) < 0.02, \
            'S/N should be the same to better than 2%.'
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_copyto():
    cube = MaNGADataCube.from_plateifu(7815,
    flux = cube.copy_to_array()
    assert not isinstance(flux,
                          numpy.ma.MaskedArray), 'Should output normal array'
    assert flux.shape[0] == cube.nspec, 'Should be flattened into a 2D array.'
    assert flux.shape[1] == cube.nwave, 'Should be flattened into a 2D array.'

    # Apply a wavelength mask
    waverange = [5000, 7000]
    flux = cube.copy_to_array(waverange=waverange)
    indx = (cube.wave > waverange[0]) & (cube.wave < waverange[1])
    assert flux.shape[1] == numpy.sum(indx), 'Wavelength range masking failed'

    # Find the spaxels with non-zero signal
    methods = available_reduction_assessments()
    i = numpy.where([m['key'] == 'SNRG' for m in methods])[0]
    assert len(
        i) == 1, 'Could not find correct reduction assessment definition.'
    sig, var, snr = cube.flux_stats(
    indx = ((sig > 0) & numpy.invert(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(sig))).data.ravel()
    ngood = numpy.sum(indx)

    # Select the spaxels with non-zero signal
    flux = cube.copy_to_array(waverange=waverange, select_bins=indx)
    assert flux.shape[0] == ngood, 'Bin selection failed'

    # Get the masked array
    flux = cube.copy_to_masked_array()
    assert isinstance(flux,
                      numpy.ma.MaskedArray), 'Should output a masked array'
    assert flux.shape[0] == cube.nspec, 'Should be flattened into a 2D array.'
    assert flux.shape[1] == cube.nwave, 'Should be flattened into a 2D array.'

    # Select the spaxels with non-zero signal
    flux = cube.copy_to_masked_array(select_bins=indx)
    assert flux.shape[0] == ngood, 'Bin selection failed'

    # Try to get the inverse variance
    i = cube.nspec // 2 + cube.spatial_shape[1] // 2
    ivar = cube.copy_to_masked_array(attr='ivar')
    assert ivar.shape == (cube.nspec, cube.nwave), 'Bad ivar shape'
    assert numpy.array_equal(
        cube.ivar[numpy.unravel_index(i, cube.spatial_shape)],
        ivar[i].data), 'Did not pull ivar data.'

    # Try to get the spectral resolution
    sres = cube.copy_to_masked_array(attr='sres')
    assert sres.shape == (cube.nspec, cube.nwave), 'Bad sres shape'
    assert numpy.array_equal(
        cube.sres[numpy.unravel_index(i, cube.spatial_shape)],
        sres[i].data), 'Did not pull sres data.'
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_avail():
    method_list = available_reduction_assessments()
    assert len(method_list) > 0, 'No reduction assessment methods available'