def __init__(self, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.preview: from manimlib.window import Window self.window = Window(scene=self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx self.camera_config["frame_rate"] = 30 # Where's that 30 from? else: self.window = None Camera = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects: list[Mobject] = [] self.num_plays: int = 0 self.time: float = 0 self.skip_time: float = 0 self.original_skipping_status: bool = self.skip_animations if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: self.skip_animations = True # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() self.hold_on_wait = self.presenter_mode # Much nicer to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.preview: from manimlib.window import Window self.window = Window(scene=self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx else: self.window = None = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects = [] self.num_plays = 0 self.time = 0 self.skip_time = 0 self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() # Much nicer to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): Container.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.preview: self.window = Window(self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx self.virtual_animation_start_time = 0 self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() else: self.window = None = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects = [] self.num_plays = 0 self.time = 0 self.skip_time = 0 self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations self.time_of_last_frame = time.time() # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() self.zoom_on_scroll = False self.quit_interaction = False # Much nice to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.preview: from manimlib.window import Window self.window = Window(scene=self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx self.camera_config["fps"] = 30 # Where's that 30 from? self.undo_stack = [] self.redo_stack = [] else: self.window = None Camera = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects: list[Mobject] = [] self.id_to_mobject_map: dict[int, Mobject] = dict() self.num_plays: int = 0 self.time: float = 0 self.skip_time: float = 0 self.original_skipping_status: bool = self.skip_animations self.checkpoint_states: dict[str, list[tuple[Mobject, Mobject]]] = dict() if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: self.skip_animations = True if self.file_writer.has_progress_display: self.show_animation_progress = False # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() self.hold_on_wait = self.presenter_mode self.inside_embed = False self.quit_interaction = False # Much nicer to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed)
class Scene(object): CONFIG = { "window_config": {}, "camera_class": Camera, "camera_config": {}, "file_writer_config": {}, "skip_animations": False, "always_update_mobjects": False, "random_seed": 0, "start_at_animation_number": None, "end_at_animation_number": None, "leave_progress_bars": False, "preview": True, "presenter_mode": False, "linger_after_completion": True, "pan_sensitivity": 3, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.preview: from manimlib.window import Window self.window = Window(scene=self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx self.camera_config["frame_rate"] = 30 # Where's that 30 from? else: self.window = None Camera = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects: list[Mobject] = [] self.num_plays: int = 0 self.time: float = 0 self.skip_time: float = 0 self.original_skipping_status: bool = self.skip_animations if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: self.skip_animations = True # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() self.hold_on_wait = self.presenter_mode # Much nicer to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed) def run(self) -> None: self.virtual_animation_start_time: float = 0 self.real_animation_start_time: float = time.time() self.file_writer.begin() self.setup() try: self.construct() except EndSceneEarlyException: pass self.tear_down() def setup(self) -> None: """ This is meant to be implement by any scenes which are comonly subclassed, and have some common setup involved before the construct method is called. """ pass def construct(self) -> None: # Where all the animation happens # To be implemented in subclasses pass def tear_down(self) -> None: self.stop_skipping() self.file_writer.finish() if self.window and self.linger_after_completion: self.interact() def interact(self) -> None: # If there is a window, enter a loop # which updates the frame while under # the hood calling the pyglet event loop "Tips: You are now in the interactive mode. Now you can use the keyboard" " and the mouse to interact with the scene. Just press `q` if you want to quit." ) self.quit_interaction = False self.lock_static_mobject_data() while not (self.window.is_closing or self.quit_interaction): self.update_frame(1 / if self.window.is_closing: self.window.destroy() if self.quit_interaction: self.unlock_mobject_data() def embed(self, close_scene_on_exit: bool = True) -> None: if not self.preview: # If the scene is just being # written, ignore embed calls return self.stop_skipping() self.linger_after_completion = False self.update_frame() # Save scene state at the point of embedding self.save_state() from IPython.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed shell = InteractiveShellEmbed() # Have the frame update after each command'post_run_cell', lambda *a, **kw: self.update_frame()) # Use the locals of the caller as the local namespace # once embedded, and add a few custom shortcuts local_ns = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals local_ns["touch"] = self.interact for term in ("play", "wait", "add", "remove", "clear", "save_state", "restore"): local_ns[term] = getattr(self, term) "Tips: Now the embed iPython terminal is open. But you can't interact with" " the window directly. To do so, you need to type `touch()` or `self.interact()`" ) shell(local_ns=local_ns, stack_depth=2) # End scene when exiting an embed if close_scene_on_exit: raise EndSceneEarlyException() def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ # Only these methods should touch the camera def get_image(self) -> Image: return def show(self) -> None: self.update_frame(ignore_skipping=True) self.get_image().show() def update_frame(self, dt: float = 0, ignore_skipping: bool = False) -> None: self.increment_time(dt) self.update_mobjects(dt) if self.skip_animations and not ignore_skipping: return if self.window: self.window.clear()*self.mobjects) if self.window: self.window.swap_buffers() vt = self.time - self.virtual_animation_start_time rt = time.time() - self.real_animation_start_time if rt < vt: self.update_frame(0) def emit_frame(self) -> None: if not self.skip_animations: self.file_writer.write_frame( # Related to updating def update_mobjects(self, dt: float) -> None: for mobject in self.mobjects: mobject.update(dt) def should_update_mobjects(self) -> bool: return self.always_update_mobjects or any( [len(mob.get_family_updaters()) > 0 for mob in self.mobjects]) def has_time_based_updaters(self) -> bool: return any([ sm.has_time_based_updater() for mob in self.mobjects() for sm in mob.get_family() ]) # Related to time def get_time(self) -> float: return self.time def increment_time(self, dt: float) -> None: self.time += dt # Related to internal mobject organization def get_top_level_mobjects(self) -> list[Mobject]: # Return only those which are not in the family # of another mobject from the scene mobjects = self.get_mobjects() families = [m.get_family() for m in mobjects] def is_top_level(mobject): num_families = sum([(mobject in family) for family in families]) return num_families == 1 return list(filter(is_top_level, mobjects)) def get_mobject_family_members(self) -> list[Mobject]: return extract_mobject_family_members(self.mobjects) def add(self, *new_mobjects: Mobject): """ Mobjects will be displayed, from background to foreground in the order with which they are added. """ self.remove(*new_mobjects) self.mobjects += new_mobjects return self def add_mobjects_among(self, values: Iterable): """ This is meant mostly for quick prototyping, e.g. to add all mobjects defined up to a point, call self.add_mobjects_among(locals().values()) """ self.add(*filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, Mobject), values)) return self def remove(self, *mobjects_to_remove: Mobject): self.mobjects = restructure_list_to_exclude_certain_family_members( self.mobjects, mobjects_to_remove) return self def bring_to_front(self, *mobjects: Mobject): self.add(*mobjects) return self def bring_to_back(self, *mobjects: Mobject): self.remove(*mobjects) self.mobjects = list(mobjects) + self.mobjects return self def clear(self): self.mobjects = [] return self def get_mobjects(self) -> list[Mobject]: return list(self.mobjects) def get_mobject_copies(self) -> list[Mobject]: return [m.copy() for m in self.mobjects] def point_to_mobject(self, point: np.ndarray, search_set: Iterable[Mobject] | None = None, buff: float = 0) -> Mobject | None: """ E.g. if clicking on the scene, this returns the top layer mobject under a given point """ if search_set is None: search_set = self.mobjects for mobject in reversed(search_set): if mobject.is_point_touching(point, buff=buff): return mobject return None # Related to skipping def update_skipping_status(self) -> None: if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays == self.start_at_animation_number: self.skip_time = self.time if not self.original_skipping_status: self.stop_skipping() if self.end_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays >= self.end_at_animation_number: raise EndSceneEarlyException() def stop_skipping(self) -> None: self.virtual_animation_start_time = self.time self.skip_animations = False # Methods associated with running animations def get_time_progression( self, run_time: float, n_iterations: int | None = None, desc: str = "", override_skip_animations: bool = False ) -> list[float] | np.ndarray | ProgressDisplay: if self.skip_animations and not override_skip_animations: return [run_time] else: step = 1 / times = np.arange(0, run_time, step) if self.file_writer.has_progress_display: self.file_writer.set_progress_display_subdescription(desc) return times return ProgressDisplay( times, total=n_iterations, leave=self.leave_progress_bars, ascii=True if platform.system() == 'Windows' else None, desc=desc, ) def get_run_time(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> float: return np.max([animation.run_time for animation in animations]) def get_animation_time_progression( self, animations: Iterable[Animation] ) -> list[float] | np.ndarray | ProgressDisplay: run_time = self.get_run_time(animations) description = f"{self.num_plays} {animations[0]}" if len(animations) > 1: description += ", etc." time_progression = self.get_time_progression(run_time, desc=description) return time_progression def get_wait_time_progression( self, duration: float, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool] | None = None ) -> list[float] | np.ndarray | ProgressDisplay: kw = {"desc": f"{self.num_plays} Waiting"} if stop_condition is not None: kw["n_iterations"] = -1 # So it doesn't show % progress kw["override_skip_animations"] = True return self.get_time_progression(duration, **kw) def anims_from_play_args(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list[Animation]: """ Each arg can either be an animation, or a mobject method followed by that methods arguments (and potentially follow by a dict of kwargs for that method). This animation list is built by going through the args list, and each animation is simply added, but when a mobject method s hit, a MoveToTarget animation is built using the args that follow up until either another animation is hit, another method is hit, or the args list runs out. """ animations = [] state = { "curr_method": None, "last_method": None, "method_args": [], } def compile_method(state): if state["curr_method"] is None: return mobject = state["curr_method"].__self__ if state["last_method"] and state[ "last_method"].__self__ is mobject: animations.pop() # method should already have target then. else: mobject.generate_target() # if len(state["method_args"]) > 0 and isinstance( state["method_args"][-1], dict): method_kwargs = state["method_args"].pop() else: method_kwargs = {} state["curr_method"].__func__(, *state["method_args"], **method_kwargs) animations.append(MoveToTarget(mobject)) state["last_method"] = state["curr_method"] state["curr_method"] = None state["method_args"] = [] for arg in args: if inspect.ismethod(arg): compile_method(state) state["curr_method"] = arg elif state["curr_method"] is not None: state["method_args"].append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Mobject): raise Exception(""" I think you may have invoked a method you meant to pass in as a argument """) else: try: anim = prepare_animation(arg) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"Unexpected argument {arg} passed to") compile_method(state) animations.append(anim) compile_method(state) for animation in animations: # This is where kwargs to play like run_time and rate_func # get applied to all animations animation.update_config(**kwargs) return animations def handle_play_like_call(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.update_skipping_status() should_write = not self.skip_animations if should_write: self.file_writer.begin_animation() if self.window: self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() self.virtual_animation_start_time = self.time func(self, *args, **kwargs) if should_write: self.file_writer.end_animation() self.num_plays += 1 return wrapper def lock_static_mobject_data(self, *animations: Animation) -> None: movers = list( it.chain(*[anim.mobject.get_family() for anim in animations])) for mobject in self.mobjects: if mobject in movers or mobject.get_family_updaters(): continue def unlock_mobject_data(self) -> None: def refresh_locked_data(self): self.unlock_mobject_data() self.lock_static_mobject_data() return self def begin_animations(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> None: for animation in animations: animation.begin() # Anything animated that's not already in the # scene gets added to the scene. Note, for # animated mobjects that are in the family of # those on screen, this can result in a restructuring # of the scene.mobjects list, which is usually desired. if animation.mobject not in self.mobjects: self.add(animation.mobject) def progress_through_animations(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> None: last_t = 0 for t in self.get_animation_time_progression(animations): dt = t - last_t last_t = t for animation in animations: animation.update_mobjects(dt) alpha = t / animation.run_time animation.interpolate(alpha) self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() def finish_animations(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> None: for animation in animations: animation.finish() animation.clean_up_from_scene(self) if self.skip_animations: self.update_mobjects(self.get_run_time(animations)) else: self.update_mobjects(0) @handle_play_like_call def play(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if len(args) == 0: log.warning("Called with no animations") return animations = self.anims_from_play_args(*args, **kwargs) self.lock_static_mobject_data(*animations) self.begin_animations(animations) self.progress_through_animations(animations) self.finish_animations(animations) self.unlock_mobject_data() @handle_play_like_call def wait(self, duration: float = DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool] = None, note: str = None, ignore_presenter_mode: bool = False): if note: self.update_mobjects(dt=0) # Any problems with this? self.lock_static_mobject_data() if self.presenter_mode and not self.skip_animations and not ignore_presenter_mode: while self.hold_on_wait: self.update_frame(dt=1 / self.hold_on_wait = True else: time_progression = self.get_wait_time_progression( duration, stop_condition) last_t = 0 for t in time_progression: dt = t - last_t last_t = t self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() if stop_condition is not None and stop_condition(): time_progression.close() break self.unlock_mobject_data() return self def wait_until(self, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool], max_time: float = 60): self.wait(max_time, stop_condition=stop_condition) def force_skipping(self): self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations self.skip_animations = True return self def revert_to_original_skipping_status(self): if hasattr(self, "original_skipping_status"): self.skip_animations = self.original_skipping_status return self def add_sound(self, sound_file: str, time_offset: float = 0, gain: float | None = None, gain_to_background: float | None = None): if self.skip_animations: return time = self.get_time() + time_offset self.file_writer.add_sound(sound_file, time, gain, gain_to_background) # Helpers for interactive development def save_state(self) -> None: self.saved_state = { "mobjects": self.mobjects, "mobject_states": [mob.copy() for mob in self.mobjects], } def restore(self) -> None: if not hasattr(self, "saved_state"): raise Exception("Trying to restore scene without having saved") mobjects = self.saved_state["mobjects"] states = self.saved_state["mobject_states"] for mob, state in zip(mobjects, states): mob.become(state) self.mobjects = mobjects # Event handling def on_mouse_motion(self, point: np.ndarray, d_point: np.ndarray) -> None: self.mouse_point.move_to(point) event_data = {"point": point, "d_point": d_point} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseMotionEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return frame = if self.window.is_key_pressed(ord("d")): frame.increment_theta(-self.pan_sensitivity * d_point[0]) frame.increment_phi(self.pan_sensitivity * d_point[1]) elif self.window.is_key_pressed(ord("s")): shift = -d_point shift[0] *= frame.get_width() / 2 shift[1] *= frame.get_height() / 2 transform = frame.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix() shift =, shift) frame.shift(shift) def on_mouse_drag(self, point: np.ndarray, d_point: np.ndarray, buttons: int, modifiers: int) -> None: self.mouse_drag_point.move_to(point) event_data = { "point": point, "d_point": d_point, "buttons": buttons, "modifiers": modifiers } propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseDragEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_press(self, point: np.ndarray, button: int, mods: int) -> None: event_data = {"point": point, "button": button, "mods": mods} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MousePressEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_release(self, point: np.ndarray, button: int, mods: int) -> None: event_data = {"point": point, "button": button, "mods": mods} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch( EventType.MouseReleaseEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_scroll(self, point: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray) -> None: event_data = {"point": point, "offset": offset} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseScrollEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return frame = if self.window.is_key_pressed(ord("z")): factor = 1 + np.arctan(10 * offset[1]) frame.scale(1 / factor, about_point=point) else: transform = frame.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix() shift =, offset) frame.shift(-20.0 * shift) def on_key_release(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int) -> None: event_data = {"symbol": symbol, "modifiers": modifiers} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.KeyReleaseEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_key_press(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int) -> None: try: char = chr(symbol) except OverflowError: log.warning("The value of the pressed key is too large.") return event_data = {"symbol": symbol, "modifiers": modifiers} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.KeyPressEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return if char == "r": elif char == "q": self.quit_interaction = True elif char == " " or symbol == 65363: # Space or right arrow self.hold_on_wait = False elif char == "e" and modifiers == 3: # ctrl + shift + e self.embed(close_scene_on_exit=False) def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int) -> None:, height) def on_show(self) -> None: pass def on_hide(self) -> None: pass def on_close(self) -> None: pass
class Scene(object): CONFIG = { "window_config": {}, "camera_class": Camera, "camera_config": {}, "file_writer_config": {}, "skip_animations": False, "always_update_mobjects": False, "random_seed": 0, "start_at_animation_number": None, "end_at_animation_number": None, "leave_progress_bars": False, "preview": True, "linger_after_completion": True, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.preview: from manimlib.window import Window self.window = Window(scene=self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx else: self.window = None = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects = [] self.num_plays = 0 self.speed_up = 1.0 self.time = 0 self.skip_time = 0 self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() # Much nicer to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed) def run(self): self.virtual_animation_start_time = 0 self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() self.file_writer.begin() self.setup() try: self.construct() except EndSceneEarlyException: pass self.tear_down() def setup(self): """ This is meant to be implement by any scenes which are comonly subclassed, and have some common setup involved before the construct method is called. """ pass def construct(self): # Where all the animation happens # To be implemented in subclasses pass def tear_down(self): self.stop_skipping() self.file_writer.finish() if self.window and self.linger_after_completion: self.interact() def interact(self): # If there is a window, enter a loop # which updates the frame while under # the hood calling the pyglet event loop self.quit_interaction = False self.lock_static_mobject_data() while not (self.window.is_closing or self.quit_interaction): self.update_frame() if self.window.is_closing: self.window.destroy() if self.quit_interaction: self.unlock_mobject_data() def embed(self): if not self.preview: # If the scene is just being # written, ignore embed calls return self.stop_skipping() self.linger_after_completion = False self.update_frame() from IPython.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed shell = InteractiveShellEmbed() # Have the frame update after each command'post_run_cell', lambda *a, **kw: self.update_frame()) # Use the locals of the caller as the local namespace # once embeded, and add a few custom shortcuts local_ns = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals local_ns["touch"] = self.interact for term in ("play", "wait", "add", "remove", "clear", "save_state", "restore"): local_ns[term] = getattr(self, term) shell(local_ns=local_ns, stack_depth=2) # End scene when exiting an embed. raise EndSceneEarlyException() def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ # Only these methods should touch the camera def get_image(self): return def show(self): self.update_frame(ignore_skipping=True) self.get_image().show() def update_frame(self, dt=0, ignore_skipping=False): self.increment_time(dt) self.update_mobjects(dt) if self.skip_animations and not ignore_skipping: return if self.window: self.window.clear()*self.mobjects) if self.window: try: self.window.swap_buffers() vt = self.time - self.virtual_animation_start_time rt = time.time() - self.real_animation_start_time if rt < vt: self.update_frame(0) except: print("scene update frame except, exit") exit(0) def emit_frame(self): if not self.skip_animations: self.file_writer.write_frame( # Related to updating def update_mobjects(self, dt): for mobject in self.mobjects: mobject.update(dt) def should_update_mobjects(self): return self.always_update_mobjects or any( [len(mob.get_family_updaters()) > 0 for mob in self.mobjects]) # Related to time def get_time(self): return self.time def increment_time(self, dt): self.time += dt # Related to internal mobject organization def get_top_level_mobjects(self): # Return only those which are not in the family # of another mobject from the scene mobjects = self.get_mobjects() families = [m.get_family() for m in mobjects] def is_top_level(mobject): num_families = sum([(mobject in family) for family in families]) return num_families == 1 return list(filter(is_top_level, mobjects)) def get_mobject_family_members(self): return extract_mobject_family_members(self.mobjects) def add(self, *new_mobjects): """ Mobjects will be displayed, from background to foreground in the order with which they are added. """ self.remove(*new_mobjects) self.mobjects += new_mobjects return self def add_mobjects_among(self, values): """ This is meant mostly for quick prototyping, e.g. to add all mobjects defined up to a point, call self.add_mobjects_among(locals().values()) """ self.add(*filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, Mobject), values)) return self def remove(self, *mobjects_to_remove): self.mobjects = restructure_list_to_exclude_certain_family_members( self.mobjects, mobjects_to_remove) return self def bring_to_front(self, *mobjects): self.add(*mobjects) return self def bring_to_back(self, *mobjects): self.remove(*mobjects) self.mobjects = list(mobjects) + self.mobjects return self def clear(self): self.mobjects = [] return self def get_mobjects(self): return list(self.mobjects) def get_mobject_copies(self): return [m.copy() for m in self.mobjects] # Related to skipping def update_skipping_status(self): if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays == self.start_at_animation_number: self.stop_skipping() if self.end_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays >= self.end_at_animation_number: raise EndSceneEarlyException() def stop_skipping(self): if self.skip_animations: self.skip_animations = False self.skip_time += self.time # Methods associated with running animations def get_time_progression(self, run_time, n_iterations=None, override_skip_animations=False): if self.skip_animations and not override_skip_animations: times = [run_time] else: step = 1 / times = np.arange(0, run_time, step) time_progression = ProgressDisplay( times, total=n_iterations, leave=self.leave_progress_bars, ascii=True if platform.system() == 'Windows' else None) return time_progression def get_run_time(self, animations): return np.max([animation.run_time for animation in animations]) * self.speed_up def get_animation_time_progression(self, animations): run_time = self.get_run_time(animations) time_progression = self.get_time_progression(run_time) time_progression.set_description("".join([ f"Animation {self.num_plays}: {animations[0]}", ", etc." if len(animations) > 1 else "", ])) return time_progression def get_wait_time_progression(self, duration, stop_condition): if stop_condition is not None: time_progression = self.get_time_progression( duration, n_iterations=-1, # So it doesn't show % progress override_skip_animations=True) time_progression.set_description("Waiting for {}".format( stop_condition.__name__)) else: time_progression = self.get_time_progression(duration) time_progression.set_description("Waiting {}".format( self.num_plays)) return time_progression def anims_from_play_args(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Each arg can either be an animation, or a mobject method followed by that methods arguments (and potentially follow by a dict of kwargs for that method). This animation list is built by going through the args list, and each animation is simply added, but when a mobject method s hit, a MoveToTarget animation is built using the args that follow up until either another animation is hit, another method is hit, or the args list runs out. """ animations = [] state = { "curr_method": None, "last_method": None, "method_args": [], } def compile_method(state): if state["curr_method"] is None: return mobject = state["curr_method"].__self__ if state["last_method"] and state[ "last_method"].__self__ is mobject: animations.pop() # method should already have target then. else: mobject.generate_target() # if len(state["method_args"]) > 0 and isinstance( state["method_args"][-1], dict): method_kwargs = state["method_args"].pop() else: method_kwargs = {} state["curr_method"].__func__(, *state["method_args"], **method_kwargs) animations.append(MoveToTarget(mobject)) state["last_method"] = state["curr_method"] state["curr_method"] = None state["method_args"] = [] for arg in args: if inspect.ismethod(arg): compile_method(state) state["curr_method"] = arg elif state["curr_method"] is not None: state["method_args"].append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Mobject): raise Exception(""" I think you may have invoked a method you meant to pass in as a argument """) else: try: anim = prepare_animation(arg) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"Unexpected argument {arg} passed to") compile_method(state) animations.append(anim) compile_method(state) for animation in animations: # This is where kwargs to play like run_time and rate_func # get applied to all animations animation.update_config(**kwargs) return animations def handle_play_like_call(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.update_skipping_status() should_write = not self.skip_animations if should_write: self.file_writer.begin_animation() if self.window: self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() self.virtual_animation_start_time = self.time func(self, *args, **kwargs) if should_write: self.file_writer.end_animation() self.num_plays += 1 return wrapper def lock_static_mobject_data(self, *animations): # 统计所有需要动画的对象 movers = list( it.chain(*[anim.mobject.get_family() for anim in animations])) for mobject in self.mobjects: if mobject in movers or mobject.get_family_updaters(): continue # 锁定不需要更新的对象 def unlock_mobject_data(self): def begin_animations(self, animations): for animation in animations: animation.begin() # Anything animated that's not already in the # scene gets added to the scene. Note, for # animated mobjects that are in the family of # those on screen, this can result in a restructuring # of the scene.mobjects list, which is usually desired. if animation.mobject not in self.mobjects: self.add(animation.mobject) def progress_through_animations(self, animations): last_t = 0 for t in self.get_animation_time_progression(animations): dt = t - last_t last_t = t for animation in animations: animation.update_mobjects(dt) alpha = t / animation.run_time animation.interpolate(alpha) self.update_frame(dt) # 写文件 self.emit_frame() def finish_animations(self, animations): for animation in animations: animation.finish() animation.clean_up_from_scene(self) if self.skip_animations: self.update_mobjects(self.get_run_time(animations)) else: self.update_mobjects(0) @handle_play_like_call def play(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: logging.log(logging.WARNING, "Called with no animations") return # 从play的参数中获取所有的动画 animations = self.anims_from_play_args(*args, **kwargs) # 锁定静态的对象 self.lock_static_mobject_data(*animations) # 开始动画,调用每个动画的begin方法,并且自动加入对象到scene self.begin_animations(animations) # 更新所有帧 self.progress_through_animations(animations) # 完成动画,清理工作 self.finish_animations(animations) # 解锁对象 self.unlock_mobject_data() @handle_play_like_call def wait(self, duration=DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, stop_condition=None): duration = duration * self.speed_up self.update_mobjects(dt=0) # Any problems with this? if self.should_update_mobjects(): self.lock_static_mobject_data() time_progression = self.get_wait_time_progression( duration, stop_condition) last_t = 0 for t in time_progression: dt = t - last_t last_t = t self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() if stop_condition is not None and stop_condition(): time_progression.close() break self.unlock_mobject_data() elif self.skip_animations: # Do nothing return self else: self.update_frame(duration) n_frames = int(duration * for n in range(n_frames): self.emit_frame() return self def reset_speed_up(self): self.speed_up = 1.0 def go_speed_up(self): self.speed_up = 0.1 def wait_until(self, stop_condition, max_time=60): self.wait(max_time, stop_condition=stop_condition) def force_skipping(self): self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations self.skip_animations = True return self def revert_to_original_skipping_status(self): if hasattr(self, "original_skipping_status"): self.skip_animations = self.original_skipping_status return self def add_sound(self, sound_file, time_offset=0, gain=None, **kwargs): if self.skip_animations: return time = self.get_time() + time_offset self.file_writer.add_sound(sound_file, time, gain, **kwargs) # Helpers for interactive development def save_state(self): self.saved_state = { "mobjects": self.mobjects, "mobject_states": [mob.copy() for mob in self.mobjects], } def restore(self): if not hasattr(self, "saved_state"): raise Exception("Trying to restore scene without having saved") mobjects = self.saved_state["mobjects"] states = self.saved_state["mobject_states"] for mob, state in zip(mobjects, states): mob.become(state) self.mobjects = mobjects # Event handling def on_mouse_motion(self, point, d_point): self.mouse_point.move_to(point) event_data = {"point": point, "d_point": d_point} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseMotionEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return frame = if self.window.is_key_pressed(ord("d")): frame.increment_theta(-d_point[0]) frame.increment_phi(d_point[1]) elif self.window.is_key_pressed(ord("s")): shift = -d_point shift[0] *= frame.get_width() / 2 shift[1] *= frame.get_height() / 2 transform = frame.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix() shift =, shift) frame.shift(shift) def on_mouse_drag(self, point, d_point, buttons, modifiers): self.mouse_drag_point.move_to(point) event_data = { "point": point, "d_point": d_point, "buttons": buttons, "modifiers": modifiers } propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseDragEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_press(self, point, button, mods): event_data = {"point": point, "button": button, "mods": mods} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MousePressEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_release(self, point, button, mods): event_data = {"point": point, "button": button, "mods": mods} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch( EventType.MouseReleaseEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_scroll(self, point, offset): event_data = {"point": point, "offset": offset} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseScrollEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return frame = if self.window.is_key_pressed(ord("z")): factor = 1 + np.arctan(10 * offset[1]) frame.scale(factor, about_point=point) else: transform = frame.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix() shift =, offset) frame.shift(-20.0 * shift) def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers): event_data = {"symbol": symbol, "modifiers": modifiers} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.KeyReleaseEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): try: char = chr(symbol) if symbol == 65363 and self.speed_up > 0.1: self.speed_up -= 0.1 print("[scene] speed", self.speed_up) if symbol == 65361 and self.speed_up < 2.0: self.speed_up += 0.1 print("[scene] speed", self.speed_up) except OverflowError: print(" Warning: The value of the pressed key is too large.") return event_data = {"symbol": symbol, "modifiers": modifiers} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.KeyPressEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return if char == "r": elif char == "q": self.quit_interaction = True def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int):, height) def on_show(self): pass def on_hide(self): pass def on_close(self): pass
class Scene(object): CONFIG = { "window_config": {}, "camera_class": Camera, "camera_config": {}, "file_writer_config": {}, "skip_animations": False, "always_update_mobjects": False, "random_seed": 0, "start_at_animation_number": None, "end_at_animation_number": None, "leave_progress_bars": False, "preview": True, "presenter_mode": False, "show_animation_progress": False, "pan_sensitivity": 3, "max_num_saved_states": 50, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.preview: from manimlib.window import Window self.window = Window(scene=self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx self.camera_config["fps"] = 30 # Where's that 30 from? self.undo_stack = [] self.redo_stack = [] else: self.window = None Camera = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects: list[Mobject] = [] self.id_to_mobject_map: dict[int, Mobject] = dict() self.num_plays: int = 0 self.time: float = 0 self.skip_time: float = 0 self.original_skipping_status: bool = self.skip_animations self.checkpoint_states: dict[str, list[tuple[Mobject, Mobject]]] = dict() if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: self.skip_animations = True if self.file_writer.has_progress_display: self.show_animation_progress = False # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() self.hold_on_wait = self.presenter_mode self.inside_embed = False self.quit_interaction = False # Much nicer to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ def run(self) -> None: self.virtual_animation_start_time: float = 0 self.real_animation_start_time: float = time.time() self.file_writer.begin() self.setup() try: self.construct() self.interact() except EndScene: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # Get rid keyboard interupt symbols print("", end="\r") self.file_writer.ended_with_interrupt = True self.tear_down() def setup(self) -> None: """ This is meant to be implement by any scenes which are comonly subclassed, and have some common setup involved before the construct method is called. """ pass def construct(self) -> None: # Where all the animation happens # To be implemented in subclasses pass def tear_down(self) -> None: self.stop_skipping() self.file_writer.finish() if self.window: self.window.destroy() self.window = None def interact(self) -> None: # If there is a window, enter a loop # which updates the frame while under # the hood calling the pyglet event loop if self.window is None: return "Tips: You are now in the interactive mode. Now you can use the keyboard" " and the mouse to interact with the scene. Just press `command + q` or `esc`" " if you want to quit.") self.skip_animations = False self.refresh_static_mobjects() while not self.is_window_closing(): self.update_frame(1 / def embed(self, close_scene_on_exit: bool = True) -> None: if not self.preview: return # Embed is only relevant with a preview self.inside_embed = True self.stop_skipping() self.update_frame() self.save_state() # Configure and launch embedded IPython terminal from IPython.terminal import embed, pt_inputhooks shell = embed.InteractiveShellEmbed.instance() # Use the locals namespace of the caller local_ns = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals # Add a few custom shortcuts local_ns.update({ name: getattr(self, name) for name in [ "play", "wait", "add", "remove", "clear", "save_state", "undo", "redo", "i2g", "i2m" ] }) # This is useful if one wants to re-run a block of scene # code, while developing, tweaking it each time. # As long as the copied selection starts with a comment, # this will revert to the state of the scene at the first # point of running. def checkpoint_paste(skip=False, show_progress=True): pasted = pyperclip.paste() line0 = pasted.lstrip().split("\n")[0] if line0.startswith("#"): if line0 not in self.checkpoint_states: self.checkpoint(line0) else: self.revert_to_checkpoint(line0) self.update_frame(dt=0) if skip: originally_skip = self.skip_animations self.skip_animations = True if show_progress: originally_show_animation_progress = self.show_animation_progress self.show_animation_progress = True shell.run_line_magic("paste", "") if skip: self.skip_animations = originally_skip if show_progress: self.show_animation_progress = originally_show_animation_progress local_ns['checkpoint_paste'] = checkpoint_paste # Enables gui interactions during the embed def inputhook(context): while not context.input_is_ready(): if not self.is_window_closing(): self.update_frame(dt=0) if self.is_window_closing(): shell.ask_exit() pt_inputhooks.register("manim", inputhook) shell.enable_gui("manim") # This is hacky, but there's an issue with ipython which is that # when you define lambda's or list comprehensions during a shell session, # they are not aware of local variables in the surrounding scope. Because # That comes up a fair bit during scene construction, to get around this, # we (admittedly sketchily) update the global namespace to match the local # namespace, since this is just a shell session anyway. "pre_run_cell", lambda: shell.user_global_ns.update(shell.user_ns)) # Operation to run after each ipython command def post_cell_func(): self.refresh_static_mobjects() if not self.is_window_closing(): self.update_frame(dt=0, ignore_skipping=True) self.save_state()"post_run_cell", post_cell_func) shell(local_ns=local_ns, stack_depth=2) # End scene when exiting an embed if close_scene_on_exit: raise EndScene() # Only these methods should touch the camera def get_image(self) -> Image: return def show(self) -> None: self.update_frame(ignore_skipping=True) self.get_image().show() def update_frame(self, dt: float = 0, ignore_skipping: bool = False) -> None: self.increment_time(dt) self.update_mobjects(dt) if self.skip_animations and not ignore_skipping: return if self.is_window_closing(): raise EndScene() if self.window: self.window.clear()*self.mobjects) if self.window: self.window.swap_buffers() vt = self.time - self.virtual_animation_start_time rt = time.time() - self.real_animation_start_time if rt < vt: self.update_frame(0) def emit_frame(self) -> None: if not self.skip_animations: self.file_writer.write_frame( # Related to updating def update_mobjects(self, dt: float) -> None: for mobject in self.mobjects: mobject.update(dt) def should_update_mobjects(self) -> bool: return self.always_update_mobjects or any( [len(mob.get_family_updaters()) > 0 for mob in self.mobjects]) def has_time_based_updaters(self) -> bool: return any([ sm.has_time_based_updater() for mob in self.mobjects() for sm in mob.get_family() ]) # Related to time def get_time(self) -> float: return self.time def increment_time(self, dt: float) -> None: self.time += dt # Related to internal mobject organization def get_top_level_mobjects(self) -> list[Mobject]: # Return only those which are not in the family # of another mobject from the scene mobjects = self.get_mobjects() families = [m.get_family() for m in mobjects] def is_top_level(mobject): num_families = sum([(mobject in family) for family in families]) return num_families == 1 return list(filter(is_top_level, mobjects)) def get_mobject_family_members(self) -> list[Mobject]: return extract_mobject_family_members(self.mobjects) def add(self, *new_mobjects: Mobject): """ Mobjects will be displayed, from background to foreground in the order with which they are added. """ self.remove(*new_mobjects) self.mobjects += new_mobjects self.id_to_mobject_map.update( {id(sm): sm for m in new_mobjects for sm in m.get_family()}) return self def add_mobjects_among(self, values: Iterable): """ This is meant mostly for quick prototyping, e.g. to add all mobjects defined up to a point, call self.add_mobjects_among(locals().values()) """ self.add(*filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, Mobject), values)) return self def replace(self, mobject: Mobject, *replacements: Mobject): if mobject in self.mobjects: index = self.mobjects.index(mobject) self.mobjects = [ *self.mobjects[:index], *replacements, *self.mobjects[index + 1:] ] return self def remove(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ Removes anything in mobjects from scenes mobject list, but in the event that one of the items to be removed is a member of the family of an item in mobject_list, the other family members are added back into the list. For example, if the scene includes Group(m1, m2, m3), and we call scene.remove(m1), the desired behavior is for the scene to then include m2 and m3 (ungrouped). """ for mob in mobjects: # First restructure self.mobjects so that parents/grandparents/etc. are replaced # with their children, likewise for all ancestors in the extended family. for ancestor in mob.get_ancestors(extended=True): self.replace(ancestor, *ancestor.submobjects) self.mobjects = list_difference_update(self.mobjects, mob.get_family()) return self def bring_to_front(self, *mobjects: Mobject): self.add(*mobjects) return self def bring_to_back(self, *mobjects: Mobject): self.remove(*mobjects) self.mobjects = list(mobjects) + self.mobjects return self def clear(self): self.mobjects = [] return self def get_mobjects(self) -> list[Mobject]: return list(self.mobjects) def get_mobject_copies(self) -> list[Mobject]: return [m.copy() for m in self.mobjects] def point_to_mobject(self, point: np.ndarray, search_set: Iterable[Mobject] | None = None, buff: float = 0) -> Mobject | None: """ E.g. if clicking on the scene, this returns the top layer mobject under a given point """ if search_set is None: search_set = self.mobjects for mobject in reversed(search_set): if mobject.is_point_touching(point, buff=buff): return mobject return None def get_group(self, *mobjects): if all(isinstance(m, VMobject) for m in mobjects): return VGroup(*mobjects) else: return Group(*mobjects) def id_to_mobject(self, id_value): return self.id_to_mobject_map[id_value] def ids_to_group(self, *id_values): return self.get_group(*filter(lambda x: x is not None, map(self.id_to_mobject, id_values))) def i2g(self, *id_values): return self.ids_to_group(*id_values) def i2m(self, id_value): return self.id_to_mobject(id_value) # Related to skipping def update_skipping_status(self) -> None: if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays == self.start_at_animation_number: self.skip_time = self.time if not self.original_skipping_status: self.stop_skipping() if self.end_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays >= self.end_at_animation_number: raise EndScene() def stop_skipping(self) -> None: self.virtual_animation_start_time = self.time self.skip_animations = False # Methods associated with running animations def get_time_progression( self, run_time: float, n_iterations: int | None = None, desc: str = "", override_skip_animations: bool = False ) -> list[float] | np.ndarray | ProgressDisplay: if self.skip_animations and not override_skip_animations: return [run_time] times = np.arange(0, run_time, 1 / if self.file_writer.has_progress_display: self.file_writer.set_progress_display_subdescription(desc) if self.show_animation_progress: return ProgressDisplay( times, total=n_iterations, leave=self.leave_progress_bars, ascii=True if platform.system() == 'Windows' else None, desc=desc, ) else: return times def get_run_time(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> float: return np.max([animation.get_run_time() for animation in animations]) def get_animation_time_progression( self, animations: Iterable[Animation] ) -> list[float] | np.ndarray | ProgressDisplay: run_time = self.get_run_time(animations) description = f"{self.num_plays} {animations[0]}" if len(animations) > 1: description += ", etc." time_progression = self.get_time_progression(run_time, desc=description) return time_progression def get_wait_time_progression( self, duration: float, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool] | None = None ) -> list[float] | np.ndarray | ProgressDisplay: kw = {"desc": f"{self.num_plays} Waiting"} if stop_condition is not None: kw["n_iterations"] = -1 # So it doesn't show % progress kw["override_skip_animations"] = True return self.get_time_progression(duration, **kw) def prepare_animations( self, proto_animations: list[Animation | _AnimationBuilder], animation_config: dict, ): animations = list(map(prepare_animation, proto_animations)) for anim in animations: # This is where kwargs to play like run_time and rate_func # get applied to all animations anim.update_config(**animation_config) return animations def handle_play_like_call(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.inside_embed: self.save_state() if self.presenter_mode and self.num_plays == 0: self.hold_loop() self.update_skipping_status() should_write = not self.skip_animations if should_write: self.file_writer.begin_animation() if self.window: self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() self.virtual_animation_start_time = self.time self.refresh_static_mobjects() func(self, *args, **kwargs) if should_write: self.file_writer.end_animation() if self.inside_embed: self.save_state() if self.skip_animations and self.window is not None: # Show some quick frames along the way self.update_frame(dt=0, ignore_skipping=True) self.num_plays += 1 return wrapper def refresh_static_mobjects(self) -> None: def begin_animations(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> None: for animation in animations: animation.begin() # Anything animated that's not already in the # scene gets added to the scene. Note, for # animated mobjects that are in the family of # those on screen, this can result in a restructuring # of the scene.mobjects list, which is usually desired. if animation.mobject not in self.mobjects: self.add(animation.mobject) def progress_through_animations(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> None: last_t = 0 for t in self.get_animation_time_progression(animations): dt = t - last_t last_t = t for animation in animations: animation.update_mobjects(dt) alpha = t / animation.run_time animation.interpolate(alpha) self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() def finish_animations(self, animations: Iterable[Animation]) -> None: for animation in animations: animation.finish() animation.clean_up_from_scene(self) if self.skip_animations: self.update_mobjects(self.get_run_time(animations)) else: self.update_mobjects(0) @handle_play_like_call def play(self, *proto_animations, **animation_config) -> None: if len(proto_animations) == 0: log.warning("Called with no animations") return animations = self.prepare_animations(proto_animations, animation_config) self.begin_animations(animations) self.progress_through_animations(animations) self.finish_animations(animations) @handle_play_like_call def wait(self, duration: float = DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool] = None, note: str = None, ignore_presenter_mode: bool = False): self.update_mobjects(dt=0) # Any problems with this? if self.presenter_mode and not self.skip_animations and not ignore_presenter_mode: if note: self.hold_loop() else: time_progression = self.get_wait_time_progression( duration, stop_condition) last_t = 0 for t in time_progression: dt = t - last_t last_t = t self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() if stop_condition is not None and stop_condition(): break self.refresh_static_mobjects() return self def hold_loop(self): while self.hold_on_wait: self.update_frame(dt=1 / self.hold_on_wait = True def wait_until(self, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool], max_time: float = 60): self.wait(max_time, stop_condition=stop_condition) def force_skipping(self): self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations self.skip_animations = True return self def revert_to_original_skipping_status(self): if hasattr(self, "original_skipping_status"): self.skip_animations = self.original_skipping_status return self def add_sound(self, sound_file: str, time_offset: float = 0, gain: float | None = None, gain_to_background: float | None = None): if self.skip_animations: return time = self.get_time() + time_offset self.file_writer.add_sound(sound_file, time, gain, gain_to_background) # Helpers for interactive development def get_state(self) -> SceneState: return SceneState(self) def restore_state(self, scene_state: SceneState): scene_state.restore_scene(self) def save_state(self) -> None: if not self.preview: return state = self.get_state() if self.undo_stack and state.mobjects_match(self.undo_stack[-1]): return self.redo_stack = [] self.undo_stack.append(state) if len(self.undo_stack) > self.max_num_saved_states: self.undo_stack.pop(0) def undo(self): if self.undo_stack: self.redo_stack.append(self.get_state()) self.restore_state(self.undo_stack.pop()) self.refresh_static_mobjects() def redo(self): if self.redo_stack: self.undo_stack.append(self.get_state()) self.restore_state(self.redo_stack.pop()) self.refresh_static_mobjects() def checkpoint(self, key: str): self.checkpoint_states[key] = self.get_state() def revert_to_checkpoint(self, key: str): if key not in self.checkpoint_states: log.error(f"No checkpoint at {key}") return all_keys = list(self.checkpoint_states.keys()) index = all_keys.index(key) for later_key in all_keys[index + 1:]: self.checkpoint_states.pop(later_key) self.restore_state(self.checkpoint_states[key]) def clear_checkpoints(self): self.checkpoint_states = dict() def save_mobject_to_file(self, mobject: Mobject, file_path: str | None = None) -> None: if file_path is None: file_path = self.file_writer.get_saved_mobject_path(mobject) if file_path is None: return mobject.save_to_file(file_path) def load_mobject(self, file_name): if os.path.exists(file_name): path = file_name else: directory = self.file_writer.get_saved_mobject_directory() path = os.path.join(directory, file_name) return Mobject.load(path) def is_window_closing(self): return self.window and (self.window.is_closing or self.quit_interaction) # Event handling def on_mouse_motion(self, point: np.ndarray, d_point: np.ndarray) -> None: self.mouse_point.move_to(point) event_data = {"point": point, "d_point": d_point} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseMotionEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return frame = # Handle perspective changes if self.window.is_key_pressed(ord(PAN_3D_KEY)): frame.increment_theta(-self.pan_sensitivity * d_point[0]) frame.increment_phi(self.pan_sensitivity * d_point[1]) # Handle frame movements elif self.window.is_key_pressed(ord(FRAME_SHIFT_KEY)): shift = -d_point shift[0] *= frame.get_width() / 2 shift[1] *= frame.get_height() / 2 transform = frame.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix() shift =, shift) frame.shift(shift) def on_mouse_drag(self, point: np.ndarray, d_point: np.ndarray, buttons: int, modifiers: int) -> None: self.mouse_drag_point.move_to(point) event_data = { "point": point, "d_point": d_point, "buttons": buttons, "modifiers": modifiers } propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseDragEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_press(self, point: np.ndarray, button: int, mods: int) -> None: self.mouse_drag_point.move_to(point) event_data = {"point": point, "button": button, "mods": mods} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MousePressEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_release(self, point: np.ndarray, button: int, mods: int) -> None: event_data = {"point": point, "button": button, "mods": mods} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch( EventType.MouseReleaseEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_mouse_scroll(self, point: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray) -> None: event_data = {"point": point, "offset": offset} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.MouseScrollEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return frame = if self.window.is_key_pressed(ord(ZOOM_KEY)): factor = 1 + np.arctan(10 * offset[1]) frame.scale(1 / factor, about_point=point) else: transform = frame.get_inverse_camera_rotation_matrix() shift =, offset) frame.shift(-20.0 * shift) def on_key_release(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int) -> None: event_data = {"symbol": symbol, "modifiers": modifiers} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.KeyReleaseEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return def on_key_press(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int) -> None: try: char = chr(symbol) except OverflowError: log.warning("The value of the pressed key is too large.") return event_data = {"symbol": symbol, "modifiers": modifiers} propagate_event = EVENT_DISPATCHER.dispatch(EventType.KeyPressEvent, **event_data) if propagate_event is not None and propagate_event is False: return if char == RESET_FRAME_KEY: elif char == "z" and modifiers == COMMAND_MODIFIER: self.undo() elif char == "z" and modifiers == COMMAND_MODIFIER | SHIFT_MODIFIER: self.redo() # command + q elif char == QUIT_KEY and modifiers == COMMAND_MODIFIER: self.quit_interaction = True # Space or right arrow elif char == " " or symbol == ARROW_SYMBOLS[2]: self.hold_on_wait = False def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int) -> None:, height) def on_show(self) -> None: pass def on_hide(self) -> None: pass def on_close(self) -> None: pass
class Scene(Container): CONFIG = { "window_config": {}, "camera_class": Camera, "camera_config": {}, "file_writer_config": {}, "skip_animations": False, "always_update_mobjects": False, "random_seed": 0, "start_at_animation_number": None, "end_at_animation_number": None, "leave_progress_bars": False, "preview": True, "linger_after_completion": True, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): Container.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.preview: self.window = Window(self, **self.window_config) self.camera_config["ctx"] = self.window.ctx self.virtual_animation_start_time = 0 self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() else: self.window = None = self.camera_class(**self.camera_config) self.file_writer = SceneFileWriter(self, **self.file_writer_config) self.mobjects = [] self.num_plays = 0 self.time = 0 self.skip_time = 0 self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations self.time_of_last_frame = time.time() # Items associated with interaction self.mouse_point = Point() self.mouse_drag_point = Point() self.zoom_on_scroll = False self.quit_interaction = False # Much nice to work with deterministic scenes if self.random_seed is not None: random.seed(self.random_seed) np.random.seed(self.random_seed) def run(self): self.setup() try: self.construct() except EndSceneEarlyException: pass self.tear_down() def setup(self): """ This is meant to be implement by any scenes which are comonly subclassed, and have some common setup involved before the construct method is called. """ pass def construct(self): # Where all the animation happens # To be implemented in subclasses pass def tear_down(self): self.stop_skipping() self.file_writer.finish() if self.window and self.linger_after_completion: self.interact() def interact(self): # If there is a window, enter a loop # which updates the frame while under # the hood calling the pyglet event loop self.quit_interaction = False while not self.window.is_closing and not self.quit_interaction: self.update_frame() if self.window.is_closing: self.window.destroy() def embed(self): if not self.preview: # If the scene is just being # written, ignore embed calls return self.stop_skipping() self.linger_after_completion = False self.update_frame() shell = InteractiveShellEmbed() # Have the frame update after each command'post_run_cell', lambda *a, **kw: self.update_frame()) # Stack depth of 2 means the shell will use # the namespace of the caller, not this method shell(stack_depth=2) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ # Only these methods should touch the camera def get_image(self): return def update_frame(self, dt=0, ignore_skipping=False): self.increment_time(dt) self.update_mobjects(dt) if self.skip_animations and not ignore_skipping: return if self.window: self.window.clear()*self.mobjects) if self.window: self.window.swap_buffers() # win_time, win_dt = self.window.timer.next_frame() # while (self.time - self.skip_time - win_time) > 0: vt = self.time - self.virtual_animation_start_time rt = time.time() - self.real_animation_start_time if rt < vt: self.update_frame(0) def emit_frame(self): if not self.skip_animations: self.file_writer.write_frame( ### def update_mobjects(self, dt): for mobject in self.mobjects: mobject.update(dt) def should_update_mobjects(self): return self.always_update_mobjects or any( [len(mob.get_family_updaters()) > 0 for mob in self.mobjects]) ### def get_time(self): return self.time def increment_time(self, dt): self.time += dt ### def get_top_level_mobjects(self): # Return only those which are not in the family # of another mobject from the scene mobjects = self.get_mobjects() families = [m.get_family() for m in mobjects] def is_top_level(mobject): num_families = sum([(mobject in family) for family in families]) return num_families == 1 return list(filter(is_top_level, mobjects)) def get_mobject_family_members(self): return extract_mobject_family_members(self.mobjects) def add(self, *new_mobjects): """ Mobjects will be displayed, from background to foreground in the order with which they are added. """ self.remove(*new_mobjects) self.mobjects += new_mobjects return self def add_mobjects_among(self, values): """ This is meant mostly for quick prototyping, e.g. to add all mobjects defined up to a point, call self.add_mobjects_among(locals().values()) """ self.add(*filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, Mobject), values)) return self def remove(self, *mobjects_to_remove): self.mobjects = restructure_list_to_exclude_certain_family_members( self.mobjects, mobjects_to_remove) return self def bring_to_front(self, *mobjects): self.add(*mobjects) return self def bring_to_back(self, *mobjects): self.remove(*mobjects) self.mobjects = list(mobjects) + self.mobjects return self def clear(self): self.mobjects = [] return self def get_mobjects(self): return list(self.mobjects) def get_mobject_copies(self): return [m.copy() for m in self.mobjects] def get_time_progression(self, run_time, n_iterations=None, override_skip_animations=False): if self.skip_animations and not override_skip_animations: times = [run_time] else: step = 1 / times = np.arange(0, run_time, step) time_progression = ProgressDisplay( times, total=n_iterations, leave=self.leave_progress_bars, ascii=False if platform.system() != 'Windows' else True) return time_progression def get_run_time(self, animations): return np.max([animation.run_time for animation in animations]) def get_animation_time_progression(self, animations): run_time = self.get_run_time(animations) time_progression = self.get_time_progression(run_time) time_progression.set_description("".join([ f"Animation {self.num_plays}: {animations[0]}", ", etc." if len(animations) > 1 else "", ])) return time_progression def anims_from_play_args(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Each arg can either be an animation, or a mobject method followed by that methods arguments (and potentially follow by a dict of kwargs for that method). This animation list is built by going through the args list, and each animation is simply added, but when a mobject method s hit, a MoveToTarget animation is built using the args that follow up until either another animation is hit, another method is hit, or the args list runs out. """ animations = [] state = { "curr_method": None, "last_method": None, "method_args": [], } def compile_method(state): if state["curr_method"] is None: return mobject = state["curr_method"].__self__ if state["last_method"] and state[ "last_method"].__self__ is mobject: animations.pop() # method should already have target then. else: mobject.generate_target() # if len(state["method_args"]) > 0 and isinstance( state["method_args"][-1], dict): method_kwargs = state["method_args"].pop() else: method_kwargs = {} state["curr_method"].__func__(, *state["method_args"], **method_kwargs) animations.append(MoveToTarget(mobject)) state["last_method"] = state["curr_method"] state["curr_method"] = None state["method_args"] = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Animation): compile_method(state) animations.append(arg) elif inspect.ismethod(arg): compile_method(state) state["curr_method"] = arg elif state["curr_method"] is not None: state["method_args"].append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Mobject): raise Exception(""" I think you may have invoked a method you meant to pass in as a argument """) else: raise Exception("Invalid play arguments") compile_method(state) for animation in animations: # This is where kwargs to play like run_time and rate_func # get applied to all animations animation.update_config(**kwargs) return animations def update_skipping_status(self): if self.start_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays == self.start_at_animation_number: self.stop_skipping() if self.end_at_animation_number is not None: if self.num_plays >= self.end_at_animation_number: raise EndSceneEarlyException() def stop_skipping(self): if self.skip_animations: self.skip_animations = False self.skip_time += self.time # Methods associated with running animations def handle_play_like_call(func): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.update_skipping_status() should_write = not self.skip_animations if should_write: self.file_writer.begin_animation() if self.window: self.real_animation_start_time = time.time() self.virtual_animation_start_time = self.time func(self, *args, **kwargs) if should_write: self.file_writer.end_animation() self.num_plays += 1 return wrapper def lock_static_mobject_data(self, *animations): movers = list( it.chain(*[anim.mobject.get_family() for anim in animations])) for mobject in self.mobjects: if mobject in movers: continue if mobject.get_family_updaters(): continue mobject.lock_shader_data() def unlock_mobject_data(self): for mobject in self.mobjects: mobject.unlock_shader_data() def begin_animations(self, animations): for animation in animations: animation.begin() # Anything animated that's not already in the # scene gets added to the scene. Note, for # animated mobjects that are in the family of # those on screen, this can result in a restructuring # of the scene.mobjects list, which is usually desired. mob = animation.mobject if mob not in self.mobjects: self.add(mob) def progress_through_animations(self, animations): last_t = 0 for t in self.get_animation_time_progression(animations): dt = t - last_t last_t = t for animation in animations: animation.update_mobjects(dt) alpha = t / animation.run_time animation.interpolate(alpha) self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() def finish_animations(self, animations): for animation in animations: animation.finish() animation.clean_up_from_scene(self) self.mobjects_from_last_animation = [ anim.mobject for anim in animations ] if self.skip_animations: self.update_mobjects(self.get_run_time(animations)) else: self.update_mobjects(0) @handle_play_like_call def play(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: warnings.warn("Called with no animations") return animations = self.anims_from_play_args(*args, **kwargs) self.lock_static_mobject_data(*animations) self.begin_animations(animations) self.progress_through_animations(animations) self.finish_animations(animations) self.unlock_mobject_data() def clean_up_animations(self, *animations): for animation in animations: animation.clean_up_from_scene(self) return self def get_mobjects_from_last_animation(self): if hasattr(self, "mobjects_from_last_animation"): return self.mobjects_from_last_animation return [] def get_wait_time_progression(self, duration, stop_condition): if stop_condition is not None: time_progression = self.get_time_progression( duration, n_iterations=-1, # So it doesn't show % progress override_skip_animations=True) time_progression.set_description("Waiting for {}".format( stop_condition.__name__)) else: time_progression = self.get_time_progression(duration) time_progression.set_description("Waiting {}".format( self.num_plays)) return time_progression @handle_play_like_call def wait(self, duration=DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, stop_condition=None): self.update_mobjects(dt=0) # Any problems with this? if self.should_update_mobjects(): self.lock_static_mobject_data() time_progression = self.get_wait_time_progression( duration, stop_condition) last_t = 0 for t in time_progression: dt = t - last_t last_t = t self.update_frame(dt) self.emit_frame() if stop_condition is not None and stop_condition(): time_progression.close() break self.unlock_mobject_data() elif self.skip_animations: # Do nothing return self else: self.update_frame(duration) n_frames = int(duration * for n in range(n_frames): self.emit_frame() return self def wait_until(self, stop_condition, max_time=60): self.wait(max_time, stop_condition=stop_condition) def force_skipping(self): self.original_skipping_status = self.skip_animations self.skip_animations = True return self def revert_to_original_skipping_status(self): if hasattr(self, "original_skipping_status"): self.skip_animations = self.original_skipping_status return self def add_sound(self, sound_file, time_offset=0, gain=None, **kwargs): if self.skip_animations: return time = self.get_time() + time_offset self.file_writer.add_sound(sound_file, time, gain, **kwargs) def show(self): self.update_frame(ignore_skipping=True) self.get_image().show() # Helpers for interactive development def save_state(self): self.saved_state = { "mobjects": self.mobjects, "mobject_states": [mob.copy() for mob in self.mobjects], } def restore(self): if not hasattr(self, "saved_state"): raise Exception("Trying to restore scene without having saved") mobjects = self.saved_state["mobjects"] states = self.saved_state["mobject_states"] for mob, state in zip(mobjects, states): mob.become(state) self.mobjects = mobjects # Event handling def on_mouse_motion(self, point, d_point): self.mouse_point.move_to(point) def on_mouse_drag(self, point, d_point, buttons, modifiers): self.mouse_drag_point.move_to(point) def on_mouse_press(self, point, button, mods): pass def on_mouse_release(self, point, button, mods): pass def on_mouse_scroll(self, point, offset): frame = if self.zoom_on_scroll: factor = 1 + np.arctan(10 * offset[1]) frame.scale(factor, about_point=point) else: frame.shift(-30 * offset) def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers): if chr(symbol) == "z": self.zoom_on_scroll = False def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): if chr(symbol) == "r": elif chr(symbol) == "z": self.zoom_on_scroll = True elif chr(symbol) == "q": self.quit_interaction = True def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int):, height) def on_show(self): pass def on_hide(self): pass def on_close(self): pass