Exemplo n.º 1
    def _generateNormalization(self, WS, normType, normWS):
        if normType == 'None':
            return None
        elif normType == "Extracted from Data":
            window = self.getProperty("PeakClippingWindowSize").value

            smooth_range = self.getProperty("SmoothingRange").value

            peak_clip_WS = CloneWorkspace(InputWorkspace=WS,
            n_histo = peak_clip_WS.getNumberHistograms()

            x = peak_clip_WS.extractX()
            y = peak_clip_WS.extractY()
            e = peak_clip_WS.extractE()

            for h in range(n_histo):
                peak_clip_WS.setX(h, x[h])
                peak_clip_WS.setE(h, e[h])
            return 'peak_clip_WS'
        else:  # other values are already held in normWS
            return normWS
Exemplo n.º 2
    def PyExec(self):

        # get input
        inws = self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value
        niter = self.getProperty("NIterations").value
        xwindow = self.getProperty("XWindow").value
        doSGfilter = self.getProperty('ApplyFilterSG').value

        # make output workspace
        outws = CloneWorkspace(inws, OutputWorkspace=self.getProperty("OutputWorkspace").value)

        # loop over all spectra
        nbins = inws.blocksize()
        nspec = inws.getNumberHistograms()
        prog_reporter = Progress(self, start=0.0, end=1.0, nreports=nspec)
        for ispec in range(0, nspec):

            # get n points in convolution window
            binwidth = np.mean(np.diff(inws.readX(ispec)))
            nwindow = int(np.ceil(xwindow / binwidth))
            if not nwindow % 2:
                nwindow += 1

            if nwindow < self.MIN_WINDOW_SIZE:
                raise RuntimeError('Convolution window must have at least three points')
            elif not nwindow < nbins:
                # not effective due to edge effects of the convolution
                raise RuntimeError("Data has must have at least the number of points as the convolution window")

            # do initial filter to remove very high intensity points
            if doSGfilter:
                ybg = savgol_filter(inws.readY(ispec), nwindow, polyorder=1)
                ybg = np.copy(inws.readY(ispec))
            Ibar = np.mean(ybg)
            Imin = np.min(ybg)
            ybg[ybg > (Ibar + 2 * (Ibar - Imin))] = (Ibar + 2 * (Ibar - Imin))

            # perform iterative smoothing
            ybg = self.doIterativeSmoothing(ybg, nwindow, niter)

            # replace intensity in output spectrum with background
            outws.setY(ispec, ybg)
            outws.setE(ispec, np.zeros(ybg.shape))

        # set output
        self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outws)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _generateNormalization(self, WS, normType, normWS):
        if normType == 'None':
            return None
        elif normType == "Extracted from Data":
            window = self.getProperty("PeakClippingWindowSize").value

            smooth_range = self.getProperty("SmoothingRange").value

            peak_clip_WS = CloneWorkspace(WS)
            n_histo = peak_clip_WS.getNumberHistograms()

            x = peak_clip_WS.extractX()
            y = peak_clip_WS.extractY()
            e = peak_clip_WS.extractE()

            for h in range(n_histo):
                peak_clip_WS.setX(h, x[h])
                peak_clip_WS.setY(h, self.peak_clip(y[h], win=window, decrese=True,
                                                    LLS=True, smooth_window=smooth_range))
                peak_clip_WS.setE(h, e[h])
            return peak_clip_WS
        else: # other values are already held in normWS
            return normWS