def test_getDescriptors(self):
     from mantid import AlgorithmFactory
     descriptors = AlgorithmFactory.getDescriptors(True)
     self.assertGreater(len(descriptors), 0)
     d = descriptors[0]
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(d, AlgorithmDescriptorMock))
     self.assertTrue(hasattr(d, 'name'))
     self.assertTrue(hasattr(d, 'alias'))
     self.assertTrue(hasattr(d, 'category'))
     self.assertTrue(hasattr(d, 'version'))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_algorithm_data(self):
        Prepare the algorithm description data for displaying in the view.
        :return: A tuple of two elements. The first is a list of all algorithm names.
            The second is a tree of nested dicts where keys either category names
            or self.algorithm_key. Values of the category names are sub-trees
            and those of self.algorithm_key have dicts mapping algorithm names
            to lists of their versions. For example (as yaml):

                      PoissonErrors: [1]
                      SetUncertainties: [1]
                      SignalOverError: [1]
                      ExtractFFTSpectrum: [1]
                      FFT: [1]
                      FFTDerivative: [1]
                      FFTSmooth: [1, 2]
                    CrossCorrelate: [1]
                    Divide: [1]
                    Exponential: [1]
                    GeneralisedSecondDifference: [1]

            Here self.algorithm_key == '_'

        descriptors = AlgorithmFactory.getDescriptors(self.include_hidden)
        algorithm_names = []
        data = {}
        for descriptor in descriptors:
            # descriptor is a class with data fields: name, alias, category, version
            if not in algorithm_names:
            categories = descriptor.category.split('\\')
            # Create nested dictionaries in which the key is a category and the value
            # is a similar dictionary with sub-categories as keys
            d = data
            for cat in categories:
                if cat not in d:
                    d[cat] = {}
                d = d[cat]
            # Entry with key == '' contains a dict with algorithm names as keys
            # The values are lists of version numbers
            if self.algorithm_key not in d:
                d[self.algorithm_key] = {}
            d = d[self.algorithm_key]
            if not in d:
                d[] = []
        return algorithm_names, data