Exemplo n.º 1
    def to_circuit(self, char_in):
        (i, o) = self._regex.to_circuit(char_in)

        orin = mantle.Or(2)
        orout = mantle.Or(2)

        m.wire(o, orin.I1)
        m.wire(o, orout.I1)
        m.wire(orin.O, i)

        b = m.Bit()
        m.wire(b, orin.I0)
        m.wire(b, orout.I0)

        return (b, orout.O)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def to_circuit(self, char_in):
        (li, lo) = self._l.to_circuit(char_in)
        (ri, ro) = self._l.to_circuit(char_in)

        or_ = mantle.Or(2)
        or_(lo, ro)

        b = m.Bit()
        m.wire(b, li)
        m.wire(b, ri)

        return (b, or_.O)
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_connect_box():
    cb = m.DefineCircuit("connect_box",
                          "operand0", m.In(m.Bits(1)),
                          "operand1", m.In(m.Bits(1)),
                          "result", m.Out(m.Bits(1)),
                          "clk", m.In(m.Clock),
                          "rst", m.In(m.Reset),
                          "config_data", m.In(m.Bits(32)),
                          "config_en", m.In(m.Bit))

    # Configuration data
    config_reg = mantle.Register(32, init=0, has_ce=True, has_reset=True)

    m.wire(cb.config_data, config_reg.I)
    m.wire(cb.clk, config_reg.CLK)
    m.wire(cb.config_en, config_reg.CE)

    rst_inv = mantle.Invert(1)
    m.wire(rst_inv.I[0], cb.rst)
    m.wire(rst_inv.O[0], config_reg.RESET)

    # Operations in CB
    and_op = mantle.And(2, 1)
    m.wire(cb.operand0, and_op.I0)
    m.wire(cb.operand1, and_op.I1)

    or_op = mantle.Or(2, 1)
    m.wire(cb.operand0, or_op.I0)
    m.wire(cb.operand1, or_op.I1)

    xor_op = mantle.XOr(2, 1)
    m.wire(cb.operand0, xor_op.I0)
    m.wire(cb.operand1, xor_op.I1)

    not_op = mantle.Invert(1)
    m.wire(cb.operand0, not_op.I)
    # Config mux
    config_mux = mantle.Mux(height=4, width=1)
    m.wire(config_mux.O, cb.result)
    m.wire(config_mux.S, config_reg.O[0:2])
    m.wire(and_op.O, config_mux.I0)
    m.wire(or_op.O, config_mux.I1)
    m.wire(xor_op.O, config_mux.I2)
    m.wire(not_op.O, config_mux.I3)

    return cb
Exemplo n.º 4
        def definition(io):

            # Configuration data
            config_reg = mantle.Register(32,

            m.wire(io.config_data, config_reg.I)
            m.wire(io.clk, config_reg.CLK)
            m.wire(io.config_en, config_reg.CE)

            rst_inv = mantle.Invert(1)
            m.wire(rst_inv.I[0], io.rst)
            m.wire(rst_inv.O[0], config_reg.RESET)

            # Operations in CLB
            and_op = mantle.And(2, 1)
            m.wire(io.operand0, and_op.I0)
            m.wire(io.operand1, and_op.I1)

            or_op = mantle.Or(2, 1)
            m.wire(io.operand0, or_op.I0)
            m.wire(io.operand1, or_op.I1)

            xor_op = mantle.XOr(2, 1)
            m.wire(io.operand0, xor_op.I0)
            m.wire(io.operand1, xor_op.I1)

            not_op = mantle.Invert(1)
            m.wire(io.operand0, not_op.I)

            # Config mux
            config_mux = mantle.Mux(height=4, width=1)
            m.wire(config_mux.O, io.result)
            m.wire(config_mux.S, config_reg.O[0:2])

            m.wire(and_op.O, config_mux.I0)
            m.wire(or_op.O, config_mux.I1)
            m.wire(xor_op.O, config_mux.I2)
            m.wire(not_op.O, config_mux.I3)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def definition(io):
     # IF - get cycle_id, label_index_id
     controller = Controller()
     reg_1_cycle = mantle.Register(n)
     reg_1_control = mantle.DFF(init=1)
     wire(io.CLK, controller.CLK)
     wire(io.CLK, reg_1_cycle.CLK)
     wire(io.CLK, reg_1_control.CLK)
     reg_1_idx = controller.IDX
     wire(controller.CYCLE, reg_1_cycle.I)
     wire(1, reg_1_control.I)
     # RR - get weight block, image block of N bits
     readROM = ReadROM()
     wire(reg_1_idx, readROM.IDX)
     wire(reg_1_cycle.O, readROM.CYCLE)
     reg_2 = mantle.Register(N + b + n)
     reg_2_control = mantle.DFF()
     reg_2_weight = readROM.WEIGHT
     wire(io.CLK, reg_2.CLK)
     wire(io.CLK, readROM.CLK)
     wire(io.CLK, reg_2_control.CLK)
     wire(readROM.IMAGE, reg_2.I[:N])
     wire(reg_1_idx, reg_2.I[N:N + b])
     wire(reg_1_cycle.O, reg_2.I[N + b:])
     wire(reg_1_control.O, reg_2_control.I)
     # EX - NXOr for multiplication, pop count and accumulate the result for activation
     multiplier = mantle.NXOr(height=2, width=N)
     bit_counter = DefineBitCounter(N)()
     adder = mantle.Add(n_bc_adder, cin=False, cout=False)
     mux_for_adder_0 = mantle.Mux(height=2, width=n_bc_adder)
     mux_for_adder_1 = mantle.Mux(height=2, width=n_bc_adder)
     reg_3_1 = mantle.Register(n_bc_adder)
     reg_3_2 = mantle.Register(b + n)
     wire(io.CLK, reg_3_1.CLK)
     wire(io.CLK, reg_3_2.CLK)
     wire(reg_2_weight, multiplier.I0)
     wire(reg_2.O[:N], multiplier.I1)
     wire(multiplier.O, bit_counter.I)
     wire(bits(0, n_bc_adder), mux_for_adder_0.I0)
     wire(bit_counter.O, mux_for_adder_0.I1[:n_bc])
     if n_bc_adder > n_bc:
         wire(bits(0, n_bc_adder - n_bc), mux_for_adder_0.I1[n_bc:])
     # only when data read is ready (i.e. control signal is high), accumulate the pop count result
     wire(reg_2_control.O, mux_for_adder_0.S)
     wire(reg_3_1.O, mux_for_adder_1.I0)
     wire(bits(0, n_bc_adder), mux_for_adder_1.I1)
     if n == 4:
         comparison_3 = SB_LUT4(LUT_INIT=int('0' * 15 + '1', 2))
             reg_2.O[N + b:],
                 comparison_3.I0, comparison_3.I1, comparison_3.I2,
         comparison_3 = mantle.EQ(n)
         wire(reg_2.O[N + b:], comparison_3.I0)
         wire(bits(0, n), comparison_3.I1)
     wire(comparison_3.O, mux_for_adder_1.S)
     wire(mux_for_adder_0.O, adder.I0)
     wire(mux_for_adder_1.O, adder.I1)
     wire(adder.O, reg_3_1.I)
     wire(reg_2.O[N:], reg_3_2.I)
     # CF - classify the image
     classifier = Classifier()
     reg_4 = mantle.Register(n + b)
     reg_4_idx = classifier.O
     wire(io.CLK, classifier.CLK)
     wire(io.CLK, reg_4.CLK)
     wire(reg_3_1.O, classifier.I)
     wire(reg_3_2.O[:b], classifier.IDX)
     wire(reg_3_2.O, reg_4.I)
     # WB - wait to show the result until the end
     reg_5 = mantle.Register(b, has_ce=True)
     comparison_5_1 = mantle.EQ(b)
     comparison_5_2 = mantle.EQ(n)
     and_gate = mantle.And()
     wire(io.CLK, reg_5.CLK)
     wire(reg_4_idx, reg_5.I)
     wire(reg_4.O[:b], comparison_5_1.I0)
     wire(bits(num_classes - 1, b), comparison_5_1.I1)
     wire(reg_4.O[b:], comparison_5_2.I0)
     wire(bits(num_cycles - 1, n), comparison_5_2.I1)
     wire(comparison_5_1.O, and_gate.I0)
     wire(comparison_5_2.O, and_gate.I1)
     wire(and_gate.O, reg_5.CE)
     wire(reg_5.O, io.O)
     # latch the light indicating the end
     reg_6 = mantle.DFF()
     wire(io.CLK, reg_6.CLK)
     or_gate = mantle.Or()
     wire(and_gate.O, or_gate.I0)
     wire(reg_6.O, or_gate.I1)
     wire(or_gate.O, reg_6.I)
     wire(reg_6.O, io.D)