Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_next_location_details(self, direction, x, y):
        current user's direction (relative to north 0~360d), current x & y pos
        distance to next loc, direction to next loc (relative to user) & next loc's node
        nextLocNode = self.get_next_location(x, y)
        if self.nextLoc and self.nextLoc['nodeName'] in self.reachedLoc:
            self.prevLoc = self.nextLoc
        self.nextLoc = nextLocNode
        dist = Map.get_distance(nextLocNode["x"], x, nextLocNode["y"], y)

        northAt = Map.get_north_at(self.building, self.level)
        userDir = direction + northAt  # relative to map
        userDir = userDir % 360
        movingDir = Map.get_direction(x, nextLocNode["x"],
                                      y, nextLocNode["y"])  # relative to map
        relativeDir = movingDir - userDir
        # if relativeDir > 0, it's at user's rhs, else lhs
        if relativeDir > 180:
            relativeDir -= 360
        if relativeDir < -180:
            relativeDir += 360

        return relativeDir, dist, nextLocNode
Exemplo n.º 2
 def is_reach_node(self, node, x, y):
     """current x, and current y"""
     distance = Map.get_distance(node["x"], x, node["y"], y)
     if distance <= Navigation.REACHED_RANGE:
         return True
         return False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_next_location(self, x, y):
        params: current x, and current y
        get the nearest node, and based on it, decide the next location

        route = self.get_route()
        routeLength = len(route)
        # base cases:
        if routeLength == 1:
            return Map.get_node_by_location_name(self.building, self.level, route[0])
        elif routeLength == 2:
            return Map.get_node_by_location_name(self.building, self.level, route[1])

        minDist = sys.maxint
        minDistNode = {}
        routeIdxOfMinDistNode = -1

        # get the nearest node
        idx = 0
        for location_name in route:
            node = Map.get_node_by_location_name(self.building,
                                                 self.level, location_name)
            distance = Map.get_distance(node["x"], x, node["y"], y)
            if distance < minDist:
                minDist = distance
                minDistNode = node
                routeIdxOfMinDistNode = idx
            idx += 1

        # decide the next location to return
        if routeIdxOfMinDistNode == 0:
        # if the nearest node is at the start point
        # return next node
            return Map.get_node_by_location_name(self.building,
                                                 self.level, route[1])
        elif routeIdxOfMinDistNode == routeLength - 1:
        # if is at the end point
        # return end node
            return minDistNode
        # is at point between start & end
        # prevNode ----- minDistNode (nearest node) ----- nextNode
            prevNode = Map.get_node_by_location_name(self.building, self.level,
                                                     route[routeIdxOfMinDistNode - 1])
            nextNode = Map.get_node_by_location_name(self.building, self.level,
                                                     route[routeIdxOfMinDistNode + 1])
            prevDist = Map.get_distance(prevNode["x"], x, prevNode["y"], y)
            nextDist = Map.get_distance(nextNode["x"], x, nextNode["y"], y)
            if nextDist <= prevDist:
            # if nearer to the next node
                if minDistNode["nodeName"] in self.reachedLoc:
                    return nextNode
                    return minDistNode
            # nextDist > prevDist -- nearer to the previous node
                if self.is_reach_node(minDistNode, x, y):
                # already reached the nearest node
                # return next node
                    return nextNode
                # else return the nearest node
                    if minDistNode["nodeName"] in self.reachedLoc:
                        return nextNode
                        return minDistNode