Exemplo n.º 1
def clusters_basic(ax1,year,var,noclust,cl_this, colors, legend = True, markersize = 20, legfontsize = 12 ):
    import pickle
    import numpy as np
    import cmocean as cm
    import sys
    import map_fxn as mf
    from salishsea_tools import (
    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    tpkl = f'./pkls/{var}_clustmat_{year}.pkl'
    cl = pickle.load(open(tpkl, 'rb'))

    fmask = (grid.fmask[0,0,:,:])    
    mesh = ax1.pcolormesh(fmask, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap = cm.cm.deep)


    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(10)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x,stn_y,fmask)

    d_stn_xar = np.array(d_stn_x)
    d_stn_yar = np.array(d_stn_y)

    edge = np.where((d_stn_xar<=10) | (d_stn_yar>=888))
    edgear = np.array(edge)
    edgear = edgear[0]

    d_stn_xar =np.delete(d_stn_xar,edge)
    d_stn_yar = np.delete(d_stn_yar,edge)

    for j in range(1,noclust+1):

        cluster = np.where(cl_this == j)
        cluster = np.squeeze(cluster)
        c1_x = np.take(d_stn_xar,cluster)
        c1_y = np.take(d_stn_yar,cluster)
        pts = ax1.scatter(c1_x,c1_y,s=markersize,c=colors[j], label=str(j), marker='o')
        ax1.set_xticklabels( () ) 
        ax1.set_yticklabels( () ) 
    tit = 'year ' + year # + ' \n n. clusters = '+ str(noclust)
    if legend:
        ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.06, 1), fontsize = legfontsize)
    ax1.set_title(tit,fontsize = legfontsize + 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    tdate = arrow_array1[i][0]
    ymd = tdate.format('YYYYMMDD')
    tstr = (str_to_C + ymd + '*carp_T.nc')  #'*carp_T.nc'
    tstr = glob.glob(str_to_C + ymd + '*carp_T.nc')

bath = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/grid/mesh_mask201702.nc'
grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])
spacing = 10
stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x, stn_y, fmask)

year = '2013'
LL = 0.1

def getVEDEuph(ii, jj, LL, fileK, filePAR):
    #     print(ii)
    #     print(jj)
    dailyPAR = np.mean(filePAR.variables['PAR'][:, :, jj, ii], 0)
    kk = np.sum(dailyPAR > LL * dailyPAR[0])
    kprof = (fileK.variables['vert_eddy_diff'][:, :, jj, ii])
Exemplo n.º 3
def bio_de(spacing, stn_start, stn_end, year):
    import arrow
    import time
    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np
    import map_fxn as mf
    import warnings

    if year == 2016:
        noday = 366
        noday = 365

    day_start = 0
    day_end = noday
    print('Spacing between stations: ' + str(spacing))
    print('First day: ' + str(day_start))
    print('Last day: ' + str(day_end))
    print('testing reload')

    dirname = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/analysis_tereza/notebooks/CLUSTER_PAPER/CLEAN/NC_HINDCAST/' + str(
        year) + '/BIO_TS/'

    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])

    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x, stn_y, fmask)

    no_stns = len(d_stn_x)

    # a list of all the model outputs (tracers) for this year
    trace_list = mf.create_tracelist(year)

    print("Number of stations:" + str(no_stns))

    stn_names = list()
    for i in range(0, no_stns):
        stn_name = 'stn_' + str(i)

    for n in range(stn_start, stn_end):
        print('stn is: ' + str(n))
        start_time = time.time()

        MYRI_ar = np.zeros([noday, 40])
        MICZ_ar = np.zeros([noday, 40])
        PHY2_ar = np.zeros([noday, 40])
        PHY_ar = np.zeros([noday, 40])
        for i in range(day_start, day_end):
            if (i % 20 == 0):
                print('day is:' + str(i))
            b = i
            e = i + 1
            start_time = time.time()
            trc = (trace_list[i])
            nemo = xr.open_mfdataset(trc)
            t1 = b
            t2 = e
            x1 = d_stn_x[n]
            x2 = d_stn_x[n] + 1
            y1 = d_stn_y[n]
            y2 = d_stn_y[n] + 1
            z1 = 0
            z2 = 40
            MYRI_d, MICZ_d, PHY2_d, PHY_d = int_phyt_fxn(
                grid, nemo, t1, t2, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2)

            MYRI_ar[i, :] = (MYRI_d[0, :, 0, 0])
            MICZ_ar[i, :] = (MICZ_d[0, :, 0, 0])
            PHY2_ar[i, :] = (PHY2_d[0, :, 0, 0])
            PHY_ar[i, :] = (PHY_d[0, :, 0, 0])

        jan = xr.Dataset({
            'MYRI': (['t', 'z'], MYRI_ar),
            'MICZ': (['t', 'z'], MICZ_ar),
            'PHY2': (['t', 'z'], PHY2_ar),
            'PHY': (['t', 'z'], PHY_ar)

        stn_name = dirname + stn_names[n] + '_DP_sp' + str(spacing) + '.nc'
Exemplo n.º 4
def clusters(ax1, year, var, no_clusters, markersize=20, legfontsize=12):

    colors = [
        'deepskyblue', 'red', 'goldenrod', 'forestgreen', 'midnightblue',
        'orchid', 'gray', 'peru', 'olive', 'sandybrown', 'teal', 'pink', 'tan',
        'yellow', 'thistle'

    import pickle
    import numpy as np
    import cmocean as cm
    import sys
    import map_fxn as mf
    from salishsea_tools import (viz_tools)

    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    tpkl = f'./pkls/{var}_clustmat_{year}.pkl'
    cl = pickle.load(open(tpkl, 'rb'))

    cl_this = cl[no_clusters - 1, :]
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])
    mesh = ax1.pcolormesh(fmask, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap=cm.cm.deep)

    ax1.set_ylim([0, 898])
    ax1.set_xlim([0, 398])

    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(10)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x, stn_y, fmask)

    d_stn_xar = np.array(d_stn_x)
    d_stn_yar = np.array(d_stn_y)

    edge = np.where((d_stn_xar <= 10) | (d_stn_yar >= 888))
    edgear = np.array(edge)
    edgear = edgear[0]

    d_stn_xar = np.delete(d_stn_xar, edge)
    d_stn_yar = np.delete(d_stn_yar, edge)


    ###sort clusters by size
    cluster_ids = np.arange(1, no_clusters + 1, 1)
    cluster_sizes = np.zeros_like(cluster_ids)

    #retrieve cluster sizes
    for j in range(1, no_clusters + 1):
        cluster = np.where(cl_this == j)
        cluster = np.squeeze(cluster)
        cluster_sizes[j - 1] = (np.size(cluster))

#sort cluster size matrix biggest to smallest
    cs = np.argsort(-cluster_sizes)

    #use those sizes to sort the cluster id list to corresponde to a list 'clust id, largest to smallest'
    new_cidlist = np.zeros_like(cluster_ids)
    for j in range(0, len(new_cidlist)):
        new_cidlist[j] = cluster_ids[cs[j]]

    #start plotting, plotting biggest cluster first, to keep colour order the same
    for j in range(0, np.size(new_cidlist)):

        cluster = np.where(cl_this == new_cidlist[j])
        cluster = np.squeeze(cluster)

        c1_x = np.take(d_stn_xar, cluster)
        c1_y = np.take(d_stn_yar, cluster)
        pts = ax1.scatter(c1_x,

    tit = var + ', year: ' + year + ' \n n. clusters = ' + str(no_clusters)
    ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1), fontsize=legfontsize)
    ax1.set_title(tit, fontsize=legfontsize + 2)
Exemplo n.º 5
def yearhalo_de(spacing,stn_b,stn_e,year):
    import map_fxn as mf
    import time
    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np
    print('Spacing between stations: ' + str(spacing))
    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0,0,:,:])
    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x,stn_y,fmask)
    no_stns = len(d_stn_x)
    monlist = ['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep',

    if year == 2016: 
        daylist = [31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
        noday = 366  
        daylist = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
        noday = 365    

    # a list of all the model outputs (tracers) for this year
    trace_list = mf.create_physlist(year)
    print("Number of stations:" + str(no_stns))
    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0,0,:,:])

    for stn in range(stn_b,stn_e):
        print('station is: ' ,str(stn))
        print('x is :', d_stn_x[stn])
        print('y is :', d_stn_y[stn])
        ts_x = d_stn_x[stn]
        ts_y = d_stn_y[stn]
        daily_halocline = np.zeros(noday)
        end_day = noday
        for day in range(1,end_day+1):
            if (day%20 ==0) :
            trc = trace_list[day-1]
            nemo = xr.open_mfdataset(trc)
            halo = halo_de(nemo,grid,ts_x,ts_y)
            q = isinstance(halo, (np.ndarray))
            if (q == True) :
                print('found an array!')
                daily_halocline[day-1] = halo[0]
                daily_halocline[day-1] = halo

        halo = xr.Dataset({'halocline_depth':(['t'], daily_halocline)})
        stn_name = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/analysis-tereza/notebooks/CLUSTER_201905/NC_HINDCAST/' +  str(year)+ '/HALO_TS/stn_' + str(stn)  + 'halo_depth_sp' + str(spacing)+ '.nc'
Exemplo n.º 6
def yearved_de(spacing, stn_b, stn_e, year):

    import netCDF4 as nc
    import map_fxn as mf
    import time
    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np
    print('Spacing between stations: ' + str(spacing))

    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])
    grid2 = nc.Dataset('/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/grid/mesh_mask201702.nc')

    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x, stn_y, fmask)

    no_stns = len(d_stn_x)
    monlist = [
        'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct',
        'nov', 'dec'
    if year == 2016:

        daylist = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        noday = 366
    if year != 2016:
        daylist = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        noday = 365

    # a list of all the model outputs (tracers) for this year
    trace_list = mf.create_physlist_W(year)

    print("Number of stations:" + str(no_stns))

    for stn in range(stn_b, stn_e):

        print('station is: ', str(stn))
        print('x is :', d_stn_x[stn])
        print('y is :', d_stn_y[stn])

        ts_x = d_stn_x[stn]
        ts_y = d_stn_y[stn]

        daily_ved = np.zeros(noday)

        end_day = noday
        for day in range(1, end_day + 1):

            if (day % 20 == 0):
            trc = trace_list[day - 1]
            nemo = nc.Dataset(trc)
            #w = np.array(nemo.variables['vert_eddy_diff'])
            ved = nemo['vert_eddy_diff'][0, :, ts_y, ts_x]
            where0 = (np.where(ved == 0))
            #first out of bounds cell
            stop = where0[0][1]
            #get only applicable veds
            veds = ved[0:stop]
            #get applicable depths
            depths = grid2['e3w_0'][0, 0:stop, ts_y, ts_x]

            #get total depth to fially divide by
            totdepth = np.sum(depths)
            #weight veds by depths - ie size of cell
            veds_depths = veds * depths
            #get avg
            avg_ved = np.sum(veds_depths / totdepth)

            daily_ved[day - 1] = avg_ved

        ved = xr.Dataset({'daily_ved': (['t'], daily_ved)})
        stn_name = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/analysis_tereza/notebooks/CLUSTER_PAPER/CLEAN/NC_HINDCAST/' + str(
            year) + '/VED_TS/stn_' + str(stn) + 'avg_ved_sp' + str(
                spacing) + '.nc'
Exemplo n.º 7
def yearnit_de(spacing, stn_b, stn_e, year):

    import map_fxn as mf
    import time
    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np
    import netCDF4 as nc
    print('Spacing between stations: ' + str(spacing))

    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])

    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x, stn_y, fmask)

    no_stns = len(d_stn_x)

    monlist = [
        'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct',
        'nov', 'dec'
    if year == 2016:
        daylist = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        noday = 366
        daylist = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        noday = 365

    # a list of all the model outputs (tracers) for this year
    trace_list = mf.create_tracelist(year)

    print("Number of stations:" + str(no_stns))

    for stn in range(stn_b, stn_e):

        print('station is: ', str(stn))
        print('x is :', d_stn_x[stn])
        print('y is :', d_stn_y[stn])

        ts_x = d_stn_x[stn]
        ts_y = d_stn_y[stn]

        daily_nit = np.zeros(noday)

        end_day = noday
        for day in range(1, end_day + 1):
            #             if (day%20 ==0) :
            #                 print(day)
            #             trc = trace_list[day-1]
            #             #print(trc)
            #             nemo = nc.Dataset(trc)
            #             #print(nemo)
            #             no3 = np.array(nemo['nitrate'])
            #             no3 = np.squeeze(no3)
            #             surf_no3 = no3[0:3,ts_y,ts_x]
            #             surf_no3 = np.nanmean(surf_no3)
            #             daily_nit[day-1] = surf_no3

            if day % 20 == 0:
            trc = trace_list[day - 1]
            tnc = nc.Dataset(trc)
            rivmouth = (tnc['nitrate'][0, 0:3, ts_y, ts_x])
            #rivmouth[rivmouth == 0] = np.nan
            daily_nit[day - 1] = np.nanmean(rivmouth)

        nit = xr.Dataset({'surface_nitrogen': (['t'], daily_nit)})
        stn_name = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/analysis_tereza/notebooks/CLUSTER_PAPER/NC_HINDCAST/' + str(
            year) + '/NIT_TS/stn_' + str(stn) + 'surfacenitrate_sp' + str(
                spacing) + '.nc'
Exemplo n.º 8
def yearwinds_de(spacing,stn_b,stn_e,year):
    '''POINT: for a given set of stations, produces 3 timeseries of wind forcing data (magnitude, stress, energy)  station as lists in a single netcdf file (one netcdf file per station) | CALLS: import_bathy, make_stns, filster_station_in_domain (from map_fxn), reads in netcdf files produced by produce_interpolated_wind_netcdf | NOTES: days start at 0, stations start at 0, for a spacing of 10 there should be 580 stations, the start and end station option is so that it can be run in parallel if necessary, directory into which nc files are deposited is hardcoded under stn_name | TAKES : spacing (has been decided as 10 for this project), year, start station, end station | GIVES: netcdf files that contain 3 windrelated timeseries for each station, in a given repo | USAGE: yearwinds_de(10,1,580,2016) | ROLE IN CLUSTER PROJECT: | written 2017, tjšj '''
    import sys
    import map_fxn as mf
    import time
    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np

    print('Spacing between stations: ' + str(spacing))
    noday = 365
    if year == 2016:
        noday = 366
    print('no. days, from yearwinds_de fxn')
    bath = '/results/nowcast-sys/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0,0,:,:])
    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x,stn_y,fmask)
    print('number of stns: ' + str(len(d_stn_x)))
    for stn in range(stn_b,stn_e):
        print('station is: ' ,str(stn))
        print('x is :', d_stn_x[stn])
        print('y is :', d_stn_y[stn])
        ts_x = d_stn_x[stn]
        ts_y = d_stn_y[stn]
        daily_windmag = np.zeros(noday)
        daily_windstress = np.zeros(noday)
        daily_windenergy = np.zeros(noday)
        end_day = noday
        start = f'{str(year)}-01-01'
        end = f'{str(year)}-12-31'

        start_run = arrow.get(start)
        end_run = arrow.get(end)

        arrow_array = []
        ncar = []

        for r in arrow.Arrow.span_range('day', start_run, end_run):

        dayslen = len(arrow_array)
        ts = np.zeros(dayslen)

        # ops_y2014m09d12.nc

        for i in range(0,dayslen):

            tdate = arrow_array[i][0]
            yy = tdate.format('YYYYMMDD')
#         for day in range(0,end_day):
#             print(day)
#             ##open the winds file
#             #dayfile
            filestart = f'./WINDFILES_interp/windint_{yy}.nc'
            wf = xr.open_dataset(filestart)
            ## extract wm, ws, we for the station for the day
            ## attach it to the corresponding array above
            ## save the resulting 3 lists to a netcdf file as below
            daily_we = wf.daily_avg_windenergy[ts_y,ts_x]
            daily_we = daily_we.values
            daily_ws = wf.daily_avg_windstress[ts_y,ts_x]
            daily_ws = daily_ws.values
            daily_wm = wf.daily_avg_windmag[ts_y,ts_x]
            daily_wm = daily_wm.values
            ##be gentle about OB1 errors!!!!

            daily_windmag[i] = daily_wm
            daily_windstress[i] = daily_ws
            daily_windenergy[i] = daily_we
            winds = xr.Dataset({'wind_mags':(['t'], daily_windmag), 'wind_stresses':(['t'], daily_windstress), 
                                'wind_energy':(['t'], daily_windenergy)})
            stn_name = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/analysis_tereza/notebooks/CLUSTER_PAPER/CLEAN/NC_HINDCAST/' + str(year) + '/WIND_TS/stn_' + str(stn) + '_wind_data_sp' + str(spacing) + '.nc' 
Exemplo n.º 9
def map_clusters(tit, no_clusters, cl, fsx, fsy, markersize, titfontsize,
                 legfontsize, fname, colors):
    """argmuents: map_clusters(tit,no_clusters,cl,fsx,fsy,markersize,titfontsize,legfontsize)
    cl is list of clusters"""
    import map_fxn as mf
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import cmocean
    from salishsea_tools import (
    bath = '/data/tjarniko/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/mesh_mask_SalishSea2.nc'
    grid = mf.import_bathy(bath)
    fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])

    spacing = 10
    stn_x, stn_y = mf.make_stns(spacing)
    d_stn_x, d_stn_y = mf.filter_stn_in_domain(stn_x, stn_y, fmask)
    no_stns = len(d_stn_x)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fsx, fsy))

    plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'YlGnBu'

    for i in range(1, 2):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, i)
        fmask = (grid.fmask[0, 0, :, :])
        mesh = ax.pcolormesh(fmask, vmin=0, vmax=1)
        out = ax.set(title='Domain Extent')

        ax.set_ylim([0, 898])
        ax.set_xlim([0, 398])
        if i == 1:
            #colors = plt.cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1, no_clusters))
            for j in range(1, no_clusters + 1):
                cluster = np.where(cl == j)
                cluster = np.squeeze(cluster)
                #find the xs and ys of the stations in a given cluster
                c1_x = np.take(d_stn_x, cluster)
                c1_y = np.take(d_stn_y, cluster)
                print(colors[j - 1])
                pts = ax.scatter(c1_x,
                                 c=colors[j - 1],
                #pts = ax.scatter(c1_x,c1_y,s=markersize,c='xkcd:dust', label=j ,marker='o')
            ax.set_title(tit, fontsize=titfontsize)
            plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize=legfontsize)

    plt.savefig(fname, transparent=True)