Exemplo n.º 1
    def generate_vector_color_map(self):
        """Generate color stops array for use with match expression in mapbox template"""
        vector_stops = []
        for row in self.data:

            # map color to JSON feature using color_property
            color = color_map(row[self.color_property], self.color_stops, self.color_default)
            # link to vector feature using data_join_property (from JSON object)
            vector_stops.append([row[self.data_join_property], color])

        return vector_stops
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generate_vector_color_map(self):
        """Generate color stops array for use with match expression in mapbox template"""
        vector_stops = []

        # if join data specified as filename or URL, parse JSON to list of Python dicts
        if type(self.data) == str:
            self.data = geojson_to_dict_list(self.data)

        # loop through features in self.data to create join-data map
        for row in self.data:
            # map color to JSON feature using color_property
            color = color_map(row[self.color_property], self.color_stops, self.color_default)

            # link to vector feature using data_join_property (from JSON object)
            vector_stops.append([row[self.data_join_property], color])

        return vector_stops
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_color_map_interp_exact():
    """Compute color for lookup value exactly matching numeric stop in color stops"""
    interp_stops = [[0.0, 'rgb(255,0,0)'], [50.0, 'rgb(255,255,0)'],
                    [1000.0, 'rgb(0,0,255)']]
    assert color_map(0.0, interp_stops, 'rgb(32,32,32)') == 'rgb(255,0,0)'
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_color_map_interp():
    """Compute color for lookup value by interpolation of color stops"""
    interp_stops = [[0.0, 'rgb(255,0,0)'], [50.0, 'rgb(255,255,0)'],
                    [1000.0, 'rgb(0,0,255)']]
    assert color_map(17, interp_stops, 'orange') == 'rgb(255,87,0)'
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_color_map_numeric_match():
    """Get color for numeric lookup value in categorical color stops if number exists in stops"""
    match_stops = [[0.0, 'rgb(255,0,255)'], ['CA', 'rgb(255,0,0)'],
                   ['NY', 'rgb(255,255,0)'], ['MA', 'rgb(0,0,255)']]
    assert color_map(0.0, match_stops, 'green') == 'rgb(255,0,255)'
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_color_map_default_color():
    """Default color when look up value does not match any stop in categorical color stops"""
    match_stops = [[0.0, 'rgb(255,0,255)'], ['CA', 'rgb(255,0,0)'],
                   ['NY', 'rgb(255,255,0)'], ['MA', 'rgb(0,0,255)']]
    assert color_map('MI', match_stops, 'gray') == 'gray'
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_color_map():
    """Compute color for lookup value in gradient based on color_stops argument using categorical match"""
    match_stops = [[0.0, 'rgb(255,0,255)'], ['CA', 'rgb(255,0,0)'],
                   ['NY', 'rgb(255,255,0)'], ['MA', 'rgb(0,0,255)']]
    assert color_map('CA', match_stops, default_color='gray') == 'rgb(255,0,0)'