def check_gmap(threads_use, type, min_intron_length, max_intron_length, end_exon, gmap_wd, verbose): print("### LOREAN IS CHECKING THAT GMAP IS CORRECTLY BUILD ### \n") genome_gmap = "/opt/LoReAn/third_party/check_gmap/chr8.testGMAP.fasta" long_fasta = "/opt/LoReAn/third_party/check_gmap/exons.testGMAP.fasta" long_sam = mapping.gmap('test', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, type, min_intron_length, max_intron_length, end_exon, gmap_wd, verbose, Fflag=False) if os.path.exists(long_sam) and os.path.getsize(long_sam) > 0: print("\033[32m ### GMAP IS CORRECTLY BUILD ### \n") print('\033[0m') else: print( "\033[32m ### GMAP REQUIRES A RE-BUILD; THIS WILL TAKE TIME ### \n" ) print('\033[0m') log_name = gmap_wd + '/gmap_compile.log' err_name = gmap_wd + '/gmap_compile.err' log = open(log_name, 'w') err = open(err_name, 'w') gmap_installation_dir = '/opt/LoReAn/third_party/software/gmap' cmd = 'sudo make clean; sudo ./configure ; sudo make ; sudo make install' if verbose: sys.stderr.write('Executing: %s\n' % cmd) gmap_build = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=log, stderr=err, cwd=gmap_installation_dir, shell=True) gmap_build.communicate() sys.stdout.write("### LOREAN FINISHED TO COMPILE ### \n") log.close() err.close() print("### LOREAN IS CHECKING THAT GMAP IS CORRECTLY BUILD (2)### \n") long_sam = mapping.gmap('test', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, type, min_intron_length, max_intron_length, end_exon, gmap_wd, verbose, Fflag=False) if os.path.exists(long_sam) and os.path.getsize(long_sam) > 0: print("\033[32m ### GMAP WORKS CORRECTLY ### \n") print('\033[0m') else: sys.exit("\033[31m ### GMAP DID NOT COMPILE CORRECTLY ### \n")
def main(): fmtdate = '%H:%M:%S %d-%m' now = home = os.path.expanduser("~") args = arguments.setting() if args.pasa_db == "": pasadb = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)) else: pasadb = args.pasa_db augustus_species = logistic.augustus_species_func() if not augustus_species.get(args.species) and args.long_reads == "" and args.short_reads == "": sys.exit("#####PLEASE DEFINE A SPECIES NAME OR ANY KIND OF RNA-SEQ AND RE-RUN\t" + now + "\t#####\n") max_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() gmap_name = args.reference + '_GMAPindex' pasa_name = 'assembler-' + pasadb if args.upgrade == "": protein_loc = os.path.abspath(args.proteins) iprscan_log = iprscan.check_iprscan() # Useful variables for later root = os.getcwd() #if args.out_dir != "":# and args.out_dir.startswith("/"): # output_dir = os.path.join(root, "LoReAn" + args.out_dir) #else: output_dir = os.path.join(root, "LoReAn_" + args.out_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(output_dir) if args.keep_tmp or args.verbose: wd = os.path.join(output_dir, "run/") logistic.check_create_dir(wd) else: temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='run_', dir=output_dir, suffix="/", ) wd = if args.upgrade == "": #if not os.path.isfile(home + "/.gm_key"): # sys.exit("#####LOREAN STOPS HERE. CHECK THAT THE gm_key IS IN THE HOME FOLDER#####\n") if args.proteins == "": if not args.keep_tmp or not args.verbose: shutil.rmtree(wd) sys.exit("#####LOREAN STOPS HERE. CHECK THAT THE PROTEIN OPTION IS SET#####\n") if args.long_reads != "": if args.stranded or args.adapter: if args.adapter == '': adapter_value = True sys.stdout.write('### RUNNING IN STRAND MODE AND FINDING ADAPTER AUTOMATICALLY ###\n') stranded_value = True else: adapter_value = args.adapter sys.stdout.write('### RUNNING IN STRAND MODE AND USING ADAPTER PROVIDED ###\n') stranded_value = True else: stranded_value = False sys.stdout.write('### RUNNING IN NON-STRAND MODE ###\n') adapter_value = False ref_orig = os.path.abspath(args.reference) ref_link = os.path.join(wd, args.reference) if not os.path.exists(ref_link): shutil.copyfile(ref_orig, ref_link) long_reads = args.long_reads fasta = (".fasta", ".fa", ".fas", ".fsta") fastq = (".fastq", ".fq") '''Core of the program''' # Parse the arguments if int(args.threads) > max_threads: threads_use = str(max_threads) sys.stdout.write(('### MAX NUMBER OF USED THREADS IS ' + str(max_threads) + ' AND NOT ' + args.threads + ' AS SET ###\n')) else: threads_use = args.threads if args.external: external_file = args.external else: external_file = '' if args.upgrade == "": if args.species == "": sys.exit("#####PLEASE DEFINE A SPECIES NAME\t" + now + "\t#####\n") else: if args.short_reads == '' and long_reads == '': if external_file.endswith("gff3") or external_file.endswith(fasta): weights_dic = {'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'exonerate': args.exonerate_weigth, 'external' : args.external_weigth} else: weights_dic = {'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'exonerate': args.exonerate_weigth} elif args.short_reads != '' or long_reads != '': if external_file.endswith("gff3") or external_file.endswith(fasta): weights_dic = {'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, pasa_name: args.pasa_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'exonerate': args.exonerate_weigth, gmap_name: args.trinity_weigth, 'external' : args.external_weigth} else: weights_dic = {'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, pasa_name: args.pasa_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'exonerate': args.exonerate_weigth, gmap_name: args.trinity_weigth} final_files = [] # STORE THE IMPORTANT OUTPUT FILES logistic.check_create_dir(wd) logistic.check_file(ref_link) gmap_wd = os.path.join(wd ,'gmap_output/') exonerate_wd = os.path.join(wd , 'exonerate') pasa_dir = os.path.join(wd , 'PASA/') star_out = os.path.join(wd , 'STAR/') trin_dir = os.path.join(wd , 'Trinity/') evm_inputs_dir = os.path.join(wd , 'evm_inputs/') braker_folder = os.path.join(wd , 'braker/') evm_output_dir = os.path.join(wd , 'evm_output/') interproscan_out_dir = os.path.join(wd , 'interproscan') wd_split = os.path.join(wd , 'split/') logistic.check_create_dir(wd_split) logistic.check_create_dir(evm_inputs_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(evm_output_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(trin_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) logistic.check_create_dir(pasa_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(gmap_wd) logistic.check_create_dir(exonerate_wd) if args.interproscan: logistic.check_create_dir(interproscan_out_dir) if long_reads: consensus_wd = os.path.join(wd , 'consensus/') logistic.check_create_dir(consensus_wd) if long_reads != "" or args.short_reads != "": logistic.check_gmap(threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose) if args.repeat_masked != "": sys.stdout.write(('###MASKING THE GENOME STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) masked_ref = mseq.maskedgenome(wd_split, ref_link, args.repeat_masked, args.repeat_lenght, args.verbose) elif args.mask_genome: sys.stdout.write(('###RUNNNG REPEATSCOUT AND REPEATMASK TO MASK THE GENOME STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) masked_ref, repeats_families, repeats_gff = mseq.repeatsfind(ref_link, wd_split, threads_use, args.verbose) if os.path.exists(repeats_families): final_files.append(repeats_families) if os.path.exists(repeats_gff): final_files.append(repeats_gff) else: masked_ref = ref_link list_fasta_names, dict_ref_name, ref_rename = multiple.single_fasta(masked_ref, wd_split) if args.short_reads or long_reads: if int(threads_use) > 1: trinity_cpu = int(int(threads_use) / int(2)) else: trinity_cpu = int(threads_use) now = # SHORT READS if args.short_reads.endswith(fastq): sys.stdout.write(('###STAR MAPPING STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if ',' in args.short_reads: paired_end_files = args.short_reads.split(',') short_1 = os.path.abspath(paired_end_files[0]) short_2 = os.path.abspath(paired_end_files[1]) short_reads_file = [short_1, short_2] else: short_reads_file = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) # Map with STAR short_bam =, short_reads_file, threads_use, args.max_intron_length, star_out, args.verbose) short_sorted_bam = mapping.samtools_sort(short_bam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_mapping_star = mapping.change_chr(short_sorted_bam, dict_ref_name, star_out, threads_use, args.verbose, "short") default_bam = short_sorted_bam # Keep the output final_files.append(final_mapping_star) # TRANSCRIPT ASSEMBLY # TRINITY now = sys.stdout.write(('###TRINITY STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) trinity_out = transcripts.trinity(short_sorted_bam, trin_dir, args.max_intron_length, trinity_cpu, args.verbose) if args.upgrade == "": trinity_gff3 = mapping.gmap('trin', ref_rename, trinity_out, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) trinity_path = trinity_gff3 long_sorted_bam = False # BAM SORTED FILES GET IN HERE elif args.short_reads.endswith("bam") or long_reads.endswith("bam"): logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) if args.short_reads.endswith("bam"): map_reads = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) short_sorted_bam = mapping.change_chr_to_seq(map_reads, dict_ref_name, star_out, threads_use, args.verbose) else: map_reads = os.path.abspath(long_reads) short_sorted_bam = mapping.change_chr_to_seq(map_reads, dict_ref_name, star_out, threads_use, args.verbose) mapping.samtools_index(short_sorted_bam, star_out, args.verbose) long_reads = transcripts.bamtofastq(short_sorted_bam, args.verbose) #short_sorted_bam = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) default_bam = short_sorted_bam # TRANSCRIPT ASSEMBLY # TRINITY now = sys.stdout.write(('###TRINITY STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) trinity_out = transcripts.trinity(short_sorted_bam, trin_dir, args.max_intron_length, trinity_cpu, args.verbose) if args.upgrade == "": trinity_gff3 = mapping.gmap('trin', ref_rename, trinity_out, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) trinity_path = trinity_gff3 long_sorted_bam = False # LONG READS elif long_reads.endswith(fastq) or long_reads.endswith(fasta): # with this operation, reads are filtered for their length. # Nanopore reads can be chimeras or sequencing artefacts. # filtering on length reduces the amount of sequencing # artefacts now = sys.stdout.write(("###FILTERING OUT LONG READS STARTED AT:\t" + now + "\t###\n")) long_fasta, stranded_value = mseq.filterLongReads(long_reads, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, gmap_wd, adapter_value, threads_use, args.adapter_match_score, ref_rename, args.max_intron_length, args.verbose, stranded_value) # If short reads have been mapped dont do it now = sys.stdout.write(('###GMAP\t' + now + 't###\n')) if args.minimap2: long_sam = mapping.minimap(ref_rename, long_fasta, threads_use, args.max_intron_length, gmap_wd, args.verbose) else: long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', ref_rename, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) # Convert to sorted BAM long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam(long_sam, threads_use, gmap_wd, args.verbose) sam_orig_id = mapping.change_chr(long_sorted_bam, dict_ref_name, gmap_wd, threads_use, args.verbose, "long") default_bam = long_sorted_bam # Keep the output final_files.append(sam_orig_id) # TRANSCRIPT ASSEMBLY # TRINITY now = sys.stdout.write(('###TRINITY STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) trinity_out = transcripts.trinity(long_sorted_bam, trin_dir, args.max_intron_length, trinity_cpu, args.verbose) if args.upgrade == "": trinity_gff3 = mapping.gmap('trin', ref_rename, trinity_out, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) trinity_path = trinity_gff3 else: now = sys.stdout.write(('###NO LONG READS FILE OR SHORT READS\t' + now + '\t###\n')) # PASA Pipeline now = sys.stdout.write(('###PASA STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) # Create PASA folder and configuration file #align_pasa_conf = pasa.pasa_configuration(pasa_dir, pasadb, args.verbose) # Launch PASA if args.upgrade == "": #if os.path.isfile(home + "/.gm_key") and args.proteins != "": if args.proteins != "": pasa_gff3 = pasa.pasa_call(pasa_dir, pasadb, ref_rename, trinity_out, args.max_intron_length, threads_use, args.verbose) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(pasa_gff3, dict_ref_name)) # HERE WE PARALLELIZE PROCESSES WHEN MULTIPLE THREADS ARE USED if args.species in augustus_species: now = sys.stdout.write(('###AUGUSTUS, GENEMARK-ES AND EXONERATE STARTED AT:' + now + '\t###\n')) queue = Queue() for software in range(3): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(3): t = Thread(target=handler.august_gmes_exonerate, args=(queue, ref_rename, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, list_fasta_names, wd, exonerate_wd, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file = wd + 'augustus/augustus.gff' augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(augustus_gff3, dict_ref_name)) genemark_file = wd + 'gmes/genemark.gtf' genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(genemark_gff3, dict_ref_name)) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'exonerate/protein_evidence.gff3' final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(merged_prot_gff3, dict_ref_name)) elif args.short_reads or long_reads: # USING PROTEINS AND SHORT READS logistic.check_create_dir(braker_folder) now = sys.stdout.write(('###BRAKER1 (USING SHORT READS) AND EXONERATE STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) queue = Queue() for software in range(2): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(2): t = Thread(target=handler.braker_exonerate, args=(queue, ref_rename, default_bam, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, wd, braker_folder, exonerate_wd, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file, genemark_file = inputEvm.braker_folder_find(braker_folder) augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'exonerate/protein_evidence.gff3' final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(augustus_gff3, dict_ref_name)) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(genemark_gff3, dict_ref_name)) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(merged_prot_gff3, dict_ref_name)) else: # USING PROTEINS AND LONG READS queue = Queue() now = sys.stdout.write(('###BRAKER1 (USING LONG READS) AND EXONERATE STARTED AT: \t' + now + '\t###\n')) logistic.check_create_dir(braker_folder) for software in range(2): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(2): t = Thread(target=handler.braker_exonerate, args=(queue, ref_rename, long_sorted_bam, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, wd, braker_folder, exonerate_wd, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file, genemark_file = inputEvm.braker_folder_find(braker_folder) augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'exonerate/protein_evidence.gff3' final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(augustus_gff3, dict_ref_name)) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(genemark_gff3, dict_ref_name)) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(merged_prot_gff3, dict_ref_name)) elif args.species in augustus_species or args.species != "" or args.upgrade != "": #if os.path.isfile(home + "/.gm_key") and args.proteins != "": if args.proteins != "": now = sys.stdout.write(('###AUGUSTUS, GENEMARK-ES AND EXONERATE STARTED AT:' + now + '\t###\n')) queue = Queue() for software in range(3): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(3): t = Thread(target=handler.august_gmes_exonerate, args=(queue, ref_rename, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, list_fasta_names, wd, exonerate_wd, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file = wd + 'augustus/augustus.gff' augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_file = wd + 'gmes/genemark.gtf' genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'exonerate/protein_evidence.gff3' final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(augustus_gff3, dict_ref_name)) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(genemark_gff3, dict_ref_name)) final_files.append(grs.trasform_gff(merged_prot_gff3, dict_ref_name)) else: now = sys.exit("#####UNRECOGNIZED SPECIES FOR AUGUSTUS AND NO READS\t" + now + "\t#####\n") # Prepare EVM input files now = sys.stdout.write(('###EVM STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) # HERE WE CONVERT FILES FOR EVM AND PLACE THEM IN INPUT FOLDER round_n = 0 if args.upgrade == "": if not args.short_reads and not long_reads: if external_file: if external_file.endswith(fasta): external_file_gff3 = mapping.gmap('ext', ref_rename, external_file, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) external_file_changed = update.external(external_file_gff3, gmap_wd, args.verbose) elif external_file.endswith("gff3"): external_file_changed = update.external(external_file, gmap_wd, args.verbose) evm_inputs = {'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'exonerate': merged_prot_gff3, 'external': external_file_changed} else: evm_inputs = {'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'exonerate': merged_prot_gff3} elif args.short_reads or long_reads: if args.external: external_file = args.external if external_file.endswith(fasta): external_file_gff3 = mapping.gmap('ext', ref_rename, external_file, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) external_file_changed = update.external(external_file_gff3, gmap_wd, args.verbose) elif external_file.endswith("gff3"): external_file_changed = update.external(external_file, gmap_wd, args.verbose) evm_inputs = {'pasa': pasa_gff3, 'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'exonerate': merged_prot_gff3, 'gmap': trinity_path,'external': external_file_changed} else: evm_inputs = {'pasa': pasa_gff3, 'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'exonerate': merged_prot_gff3, 'gmap': trinity_path} # HERE WE RUN EVM; WE PREPARE FILES THAT ARE REQUIRED BY EVM LIKE # WEIGTH TABLE list_soft, pred_file, transcript_file, protein_file = inputEvm.group_EVM_inputs(evm_inputs_dir, evm_inputs) weight_file = inputEvm.evm_weight(evm_inputs_dir, weights_dic, list_soft, pasa_name, gmap_name) # EVM PIPELINE if args.short_reads or long_reads: # WE HAVE SHORT READS AND PROTEINS evm_gff3 = evmPipeline.evm_pipeline(evm_output_dir, threads_use, ref_rename, weight_file, pred_file, transcript_file, protein_file, args.segmentSize, args.overlap_size, args.verbose) final_evm = grs.genename_evm(evm_gff3, args.verbose, evm_output_dir, dict_ref_name, args.upgrade) now = sys.stdout.write(('###UPDATE WITH PASA DATABASE STARTED AT:\t ' + now + '\t###\n')) round_n += 1 final_output = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, pasadb, ref_rename, trinity_out, final_evm, args.verbose) if long_reads == '': final_update_all = grs.genename_last(final_output, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose, pasa_dir, dict_ref_name, "pasa") final_update_stats = evmPipeline.gff3_stats(final_update_all, pasa_dir) final_files.append(final_update_all) final_files.append(final_update_stats) if "command" not in (iprscan_log.decode("utf-8")) and args.interproscan: annot, bad_models = iprscan.iprscan(masked_ref, final_update_all, interproscan_out_dir, args.threads) final_files.append(annot) final_files.append(bad_models) final_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.out_dir + '_output') logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) for filename in final_files: if filename != '': logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) now = sys.exit("#####LOREAN FINISHED WITHOUT USING LONG READS\t" + now + "\t. GOOD BYE.#####\n") else: final_keep = grs.genename_last(final_output, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose, pasa_dir, dict_ref_name, "pasa") final_keep_stats = evmPipeline.gff3_stats(final_keep, pasa_dir) final_files.append(final_keep) final_files.append(final_keep_stats) elif not args.short_reads and not long_reads: # WE HAVE PROTEINS BUT NOT SHORT READS transcript_file = '' evm_gff3 = evmPipeline.evm_pipeline(evm_output_dir, threads_use, ref_rename, weight_file, pred_file, transcript_file, protein_file, args.segmentSize, args.overlap_size, args.verbose) final_update_all = grs.genename_last(evm_gff3, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose, pasa_dir, dict_ref_name, "pasa") final_update_stats = evmPipeline.gff3_stats(final_update_all, pasa_dir) final_files.append(final_update_all) final_files.append(final_update_stats) now = if "command" not in (iprscan_log.decode("utf-8")) and args.interproscan: annot, bad_models = iprscan.iprscan(masked_ref, final_update_all, interproscan_out_dir, args.threads) final_files.append(annot) final_files.append(bad_models) final_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.out_dir + '_output') logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) for filename in final_files: if filename != '': logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) now = sys.exit("##### EVM FINISHED AT:\t" + now + "\t#####\n") else: final_evm = grs.genename_evm(args.upgrade, args.verbose, evm_output_dir, dict_ref_name, args.upgrade) now = sys.stdout.write(('###UPDATE WITH PASA DATABASE STARTED AT:\t ' + now + '\t###\n')) round_n += 1 final_output = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, pasadb, ref_rename, trinity_out, final_evm, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write(('###RUNNING iASSEMBLER\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if not long_sorted_bam: #print("line 430") long_fasta, stranded_value_new = mseq.filterLongReads(long_reads, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, gmap_wd, adapter_value, threads_use, args.adapter_match_score, ref_rename, args.max_intron_length, args.verbose, stranded_value) if stranded_value != stranded_value_new: stranded_value = stranded_value_new if args.minimap2: long_sam = mapping.minimap(ref_rename, long_fasta, threads_use, args.max_intron_length, gmap_wd, args.verbose) else: long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', ref_rename, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam(long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) sam_orig_id = mapping.change_chr(long_sorted_bam, dict_ref_name, gmap_wd, threads_use, args.verbose, "long") final_files.append(sam_orig_id) # HERE WE MERGE THE GMAP OUTPUT WITH THE EVM OUTPUT TO HAVE ONE # FILE # HERE WE CHECK IF WE HAVE THE PASA UPDATED FILE OR THE EVM # ORIGINAL FILE mergedmap_gff3 = logistic.catTwoBeds(long_sorted_bam, final_evm, args.verbose, consensus_wd) now = sys.stdout.write(("\t###GFFREAD\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE TRANSFORM THE COODINATES INTO SEQUENCES USING THE # REFERENCE gffread_fasta_file = consensus.gffread(mergedmap_gff3, ref_rename, consensus_wd, args.verbose) # HERE WE STORE THE SEQUENCE IN A DICTIONARY gffread_dict = consensus.fasta2Dict(gffread_fasta_file) now = sys.stdout.write(("\t#CLUSTERING\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE CLUSTER THE SEQUENCES BASED ON THE GENOME POSITION cluster_list = consensus.cluster_pipeline(mergedmap_gff3, stranded_value, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write(("\t#CONSENSUS FOR EACH CLUSTER\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE MAKE CONSENSUS FOR EACH CLUSTER tmp_wd = consensus_wd + 'tmp/' logistic.check_create_dir(tmp_wd) tmp_assembly_file = tmp_wd + 'assembly.fasta' if os.path.isfile(tmp_assembly_file): sys.stdout.write('No assembly') else: consensus.generate_fasta(cluster_list, gffread_dict, args.cluster_min_evidence, args.cluster_max_evidence, args.assembly_overlap_length, stranded_value, tmp_wd) consensus.assembly(args.assembly_overlap_length, args.assembly_percent_identity, threads_use, tmp_wd, args.verbose) utrs.lengthSupport(tmp_wd, threads_use) # WITH THE ELSE, WE ALLOW THE USER TO DECIDE TO CHANGE THE ASSEMBLY # PARAMETERS AND COLLECT DIFFERENT ASSEMBLED SEQUENCES WITHOT RUNNING # THE FULL PIPELINE # HERE WE COLLECT THE ASSEMBLED SEQUENCES. WE COLLECT ONLY SEQUENCE # THAT PASS THE FILTER tmp_consensus = os.path.join(consensus_wd , 'tmp/') collect.parse_only(args.assembly_read_threshold, tmp_consensus, args.verbose) tmp_assembly = collect.cat_assembled(tmp_consensus) tmp_assembly_all = collect.cat_assembled_all(tmp_consensus) # HERE WE COLLECT THE NEW ASSEMBLED SEQUENCES AND WE COLLECT THE OLD # EVM DATA now = sys.stdout.write(("###MAPPING CONSENSUS ASSEMBLIES\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE MAP ALL THE FASTA FILES TO THE GENOME USING GMAP consensus_mapped_gff3 = mapping.gmap('cons', ref_rename, tmp_assembly, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) now = sys.stdout.write(("###GETTING THE STRAND RIGHT\t" + now + "\t###\n")) merged_gff3 = collect.add_EVM(final_output, gmap_wd, consensus_mapped_gff3) #print(merged_gff3) update2 = grs.exonerate(ref_rename, merged_gff3, threads_use, exonerate_wd, args.verbose) print(ref_rename, update2) update3_1 = grs.remove_redudant(ref_rename, update2) print(update3_1) update3 = grs.genename_lorean(update3_1, args.verbose, exonerate_wd) print(update3) # HERE WE COMBINE TRINITY OUTPUT AND THE ASSEMBLY OUTPUT TO RUN AGAIN # PASA TO CORRECT SMALL ERRORS sys.stdout.write(("###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) fasta_all = logistic.cat_two_fasta(trinity_out, tmp_assembly_all, long_fasta, pasa_dir) round_n += 1 update5 = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, pasadb, ref_rename, fasta_all, update3, args.verbose) if args.verbose: sys.stdout.write(update5) round_n += 1 update6 = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, pasadb, ref_rename, fasta_all, update5, args.verbose) if args.verbose: sys.stdout.write(update6) final_update_update = grs.genename_last(update6, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose, pasa_dir, dict_ref_name, "lorean") final_files.append(final_update_update) final_update_stats = evmPipeline.gff3_stats(final_update_update, pasa_dir) final_files.append(final_update_stats) if "command" not in (iprscan_log.decode("utf-8")) and args.interproscan: annot, bad_models = iprscan.iprscan(masked_ref, final_update_update, interproscan_out_dir, args.threads) final_files.append(annot) final_files.append(bad_models) now = sys.stdout.write(('###CREATING OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t' + now + '\t###\n')) final_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.out_dir + '_output') logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) now = sys.stdout.write(("##PLACING OUTPUT FILES IN OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t" + now + "\t###\n")) for filename in final_files: if os.path.exists(filename): logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) sys.exit("##### LOREAN FINISHED HERE. GOOD BYE. #####\n")
def upgrade(): '''Core of the program''' args = arguments.setting() fasta = (".fasta", ".fa", ".fas", ".fsta") fastq = (".fastq", ".fq") fmtdate = '%H:%M:%S %d-%m' root = os.getcwd() output_dir = os.path.join(root, "LoReAn_" + args.working_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(output_dir) wd = os.path.join(output_dir, "run/") if args.keep_tmp: logistic.check_create_dir(wd) elif not os.path.exists(wd) and args.verbose: logistic.check_create_dir(wd) else: temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='run_', dir=output_dir, suffix="/", ) wd = ref_orig = os.path.abspath(args.reference) ref = os.path.join(wd, args.reference) if not os.path.exists(ref):, ref) max_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if int(args.threads) > max_threads: threads_use = str(max_threads) sys.stdout.write(('\n### MAX NUMBER OF USED THREADS IS ' + str(max_threads) + ' AND NOT ' + args.threads + ' AS SET ###\n')) else: threads_use = args.threads final_files = [] # STORE THE IMPORTANT OUTPUT FILES logistic.check_create_dir(wd) logistic.check_file(ref) gmap_wd = wd + '/gmap_output/' exonerate_wd = wd + '/exonerate/' pasa_dir = wd + 'PASA/' star_out = wd + '/STAR/' trin_dir = wd + '/Trinity/' logistic.check_create_dir(trin_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) logistic.check_create_dir(pasa_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(gmap_wd) logistic.check_create_dir(exonerate_wd) if args.long_reads: consensus_wd = (wd + '/consensus/') logistic.check_create_dir(consensus_wd) logistic.check_gmap(threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose) if args.repeat_masked: genome_gmap = mseq.maskedgenome(gmap_wd, ref, args.repeat_masked) else: genome_gmap = ref if args.short_reads or args.long_reads: now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###STAR MAPPING STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if args.short_reads.endswith(fastq): if ',' in args.short_reads: pairedEndFiles = args.short_reads.split(',') short_1 = os.path.abspath(pairedEndFiles[0]) short_2 = os.path.abspath(pairedEndFiles[1]) short_reads_file = [short_1, short_2] else: short_reads_file = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) short_bam =, short_reads_file, threads_use, args.max_intron_length, star_out, args.verbose) short_sorted_bam = mapping.samtools_sort(short_bam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(short_sorted_bam) # BAM SORTED FILES GET IN HERE elif args.short_reads.endswith("bam"): logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) short_sorted_bam = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) bam_file = short_sorted_bam.split("/") short_bam = star_out + "/" + bam_file[-1] if not os.path.exists(ref):, short_bam) else: short_sorted_bam = False sys.stdout.write('No short reads file') if args.long_reads.endswith(fastq) or args.long_reads.endswith(fasta): now = sys.stdout.write(("\n###FILTERING OUT LONG READS STARTED AT:\t" + now + "\t###\n")) long_fasta = mseq.filterLongReads(args.long_reads, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, gmap_wd, args.adapter, threads_use, a=True) if not short_sorted_bam: # If short reads have been mapped dont do it now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###GMAP\t' + now + 't###\n')) long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam(long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(long_sorted_bam) else: long_sorted_bam = False else: now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###NO LONG READS FILE\t' + now + '\t###\n')) long_sorted_bam = False if short_sorted_bam: # If there are short reads, these will serve to the transcript assembly pipeline default_bam = short_sorted_bam else: default_bam = long_sorted_bam # TRANSCRIPT ASSEMBLY # TRINITY now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###TRINITY STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if int(threads_use) > 1: trinity_cpu = int(int(threads_use) / int(2)) else: trinity_cpu = int(threads_use) trinity_out = transcripts.trinity(default_bam, trin_dir, args.max_intron_length, trinity_cpu, args.verbose) else: sys.exit("### NO READS TO USE ###") if args.long_reads: if not long_sorted_bam: long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam(long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(long_sorted_bam) file_name = consensus_wd + 'mergedGmapEvm.beforeAssembly.gff3' mergedmapGFF3 = logistic.catTwoBeds(long_sorted_bam, args.upgrade, file_name, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t###GFFREAD\t" + now + "\t###\n")) gffread_fasta_file = consensus.gffread(mergedmapGFF3, ref, consensus_wd, args.verbose) # HERE WE STORE THE SEQUENCE IN A DICTIONARY fake = [] long_fasta = mseq.filterLongReads(gffread_fasta_file, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, consensus_wd, fake, threads_use, a=False) gffreadDict = consensus.fasta2Dict(gffread_fasta_file) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t#CLUSTERING\t" + now + "\t###\n")) cluster_list = consensus.cluster_pipeline(mergedmapGFF3, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.stranded, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t#CONSENSUS FOR EACH CLUSTER\t" + now + "\t###\n")) tmp_wd = consensus_wd + 'tmp/' logistic.check_create_dir(tmp_wd) tmp_assembly_file = tmp_wd + 'assembly.fasta' if os.path.isfile(tmp_assembly_file): sys.stdout.write('No assembly') else: consensus.generate_fasta(cluster_list, gffreadDict, args.cluster_min_evidence, args.cluster_max_evidence, args.assembly_overlap_length, tmp_wd) consensus.assembly(args.assembly_overlap_length, args.assembly_percent_identity, threads_use, tmp_wd, args.verbose) utrs.lengthSupport(tmp_wd, threads_use) tmp_consensus = os.path.join(consensus_wd , 'tmp/') collect.parse_only(args.assembly_read_threshold, tmp_consensus, args.verbose) tmp_assembly = collect.cat_assembled(tmp_consensus) tmp_assembly_all = collect.cat_assembled_all(tmp_consensus) merged_fasta_filename = consensus_wd + 'assembly.wEVM.fasta' collect.add_EVM(gffread_fasta_file, tmp_assembly, merged_fasta_filename) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n###MAPPING CONSENSUS ASSEMBLIES\t" + now + "\t###\n")) consensus_mapped_gff3 = mapping.gmap('cons', genome_gmap, merged_fasta_filename, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n###GETTING THE STRAND RIGHT\t" + now + "\t###\n")) strand_mapped_gff3 = grs.strand(args.upgrade, consensus_mapped_gff3, ref, threads_use, gmap_wd, args.verbose) gff_pasa = grs.appendID(strand_mapped_gff3) no_overl = grs.removeOverlap(gff_pasa, args.verbose) no_disc = grs.removeDiscrepancy(no_overl, args.upgrade, args.verbose) uniq_gene = grs.newNames(no_disc) finalupdate3 = grs.genename(uniq_gene, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) print(("\n###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) finalupdate4 = grs.exonerate(ref, finalupdate3, threads_use, exonerate_wd, args.verbose) finalupdate5 = grs.genename(finalupdate4, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) # HERE WE COMBINE TRINITY OUTPUT AND THE ASSEMBLY OUTPUT TO RUN AGAIN # PASA TO CORRECT SMALL ERRORS sys.stdout.write(("\n###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) round_n = 0 fasta_all = logistic.cat_two_fasta(trinity_out, tmp_assembly_all, long_fasta, pasa_dir) round_n += 1 pasa.create_pasa_database(pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, args.verbose) #align_pasa_conf = pasa.pasa_configuration(pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, args.verbose) finalupdate = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, fasta_all, finalupdate5, args.verbose) round_n += 1 finalupdate2 = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, fasta_all, finalupdate, args.verbose) final_update = grs.genename(finalupdate2, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) final_files.append(final_update) now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###CREATING OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t' + now + '\t###\n')) final_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.species + '_output' ) logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n##PLACING OUTPUT FILES IN OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t" + now + "\t###\n")) for filename in final_files: if filename != '': logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) if not args.keep_tmp: temp_dir.cleanup() sys.exit("##### LOREAN FINISHED HERE. GOOD BYE. #####\n")
def main(): home = os.path.expanduser("~") args = arguments.setting() if args.upgrade: update.upgrade() elif os.path.isfile(home + "/.gm_key") and args.proteins != "": fasta = (".fasta", ".fa", ".fas", ".fsta") fastq = (".fastq", ".fq") '''Core of the program''' # Parse the arguments fmtdate = '%H:%M:%S %d-%m' now = # Useful variables for later root = os.getcwd() output_dir = os.path.join(root, "LoReAn_" + args.working_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(output_dir) wd = os.path.join(output_dir, "run/") if args.keep_tmp: logistic.check_create_dir(wd) elif not os.path.exists(wd) and args.verbose: logistic.check_create_dir(wd) else: temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( prefix='run_', dir=output_dir, suffix="/", ) wd = ref_orig = os.path.abspath(args.reference) ref = os.path.join(wd, args.reference) if not os.path.exists(ref):, ref) max_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if int(args.threads) > max_threads: threads_use = str(max_threads) sys.stdout.write( ('\n### MAX NUMBER OF USED THREADS IS ' + str(max_threads) + ' AND NOT ' + args.threads + ' AS SET ###\n')) else: threads_use = args.threads gmap_name = args.reference + '_GMAPindex' pasa_name = 'assembler-' + args.pasa_db if args.external: external_file = args.external else: external_file = '' if args.short_reads == '' and args.long_reads == '': if external_file.endswith("gff3") or external_file.endswith(fasta): weights_dic = { 'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'AAT': args.AAT_weigth, 'external': args.external_weigth } else: weights_dic = { 'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'AAT': args.AAT_weigth } elif args.short_reads != '' or args.long_reads != '': if external_file.endswith("gff3") or external_file.endswith(fasta): weights_dic = { 'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, pasa_name: args.pasa_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'AAT': args.AAT_weigth, gmap_name: args.trinity_weigth, 'external': args.external_weigth } else: weights_dic = { 'Augustus': args.augustus_weigth, pasa_name: args.pasa_weigth, 'GeneMark.hmm': args.genemark_weigth, 'AAT': args.AAT_weigth, gmap_name: args.trinity_weigth } final_files = [] # STORE THE IMPORTANT OUTPUT FILES logistic.check_create_dir(wd) logistic.check_file(ref) gmap_wd = wd + '/gmap_output/' exonerate_wd = wd + '/exonerate/' pasa_dir = wd + 'PASA/' star_out = wd + '/STAR/' trin_dir = wd + '/Trinity/' evm_inputs_dir = wd + '/evm_inputs/' braker_folder = wd + '/braker/' evm_output_dir = wd + '/evm_output/' logistic.check_create_dir(evm_inputs_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(evm_output_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(trin_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) logistic.check_create_dir(pasa_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(gmap_wd) logistic.check_create_dir(exonerate_wd) if args.long_reads: consensus_wd = (wd + '/consensus/') logistic.check_create_dir(consensus_wd) logistic.check_gmap(threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose) check_species = 'augustus --species=help' process = subprocess.Popen(check_species, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) out_augustus, err_augustus = process.communicate() list_file = [ os.path.join(home, o) for o in os.listdir(home) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, o)) and ".bashrc" == o ] with open(list_file[0]) as bashrc: for path in bashrc: if "AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH" in path: augustus_specie_dir = path.split("=~")[1].rsplit()[0] augustus_species = [ d for d in os.listdir(home + augustus_specie_dir + "species") ] protein_loc = os.path.abspath(args.proteins) if args.repeat_masked: genome_gmap = mseq.maskedgenome(gmap_wd, ref, args.repeat_masked) else: genome_gmap = ref # COLLECT ONLY ONLY RUNS PART OF THE CONSENSUS PIPELINE list_fasta_names = multiple.single_fasta(ref, wd) if args.short_reads or args.long_reads: now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###STAR MAPPING STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) # SHORT READS if args.short_reads.endswith(fastq): if ',' in args.short_reads: pairedEndFiles = args.short_reads.split(',') short_1 = os.path.abspath(pairedEndFiles[0]) short_2 = os.path.abspath(pairedEndFiles[1]) short_reads_file = [short_1, short_2] else: short_reads_file = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) # Map with STAR short_bam =, short_reads_file, threads_use, args.max_intron_length, star_out, args.verbose) short_sorted_bam = mapping.samtools_sort( short_bam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) # Keep the output final_files.append(short_sorted_bam) # BAM SORTED FILES GET IN HERE elif args.short_reads.endswith("bam"): logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) short_sorted_bam = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) bam_file = short_sorted_bam.split("/") short_bam = star_out + "/" + bam_file[-1] if not os.path.exists(ref):, short_bam) else: short_sorted_bam = False sys.stdout.write("\n\033[31m ### NO SHORT READS ### \033[0m\n") # LONG READS if 'fastq' in args.long_reads or 'fq' in args.long_reads or 'fasta' in args.long_reads or 'fa' in args.long_reads: # with this operation, reads are filtered for their length. # Nanopore reads can be chimaras or sequencing artefacts. # filtering on length reduces the amount of sequencing # artefacts now = sys.stdout.write( ("\n###FILTERING OUT LONG READS STARTED AT:\t" + now + "\t###\n")) long_fasta = mseq.filterLongReads(args.long_reads, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, gmap_wd, args.adapter, threads_use, a=True) if not short_sorted_bam: # If short reads have been mapped dont do it now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###GMAP\t' + now + 't###\n')) long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) # Convert to sorted BAM long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam( long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) # Keep the output final_files.append(long_sorted_bam) else: long_sorted_bam = False else: now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###NO LONG READS FILE\t' + now + '\t###\n')) long_sorted_bam = False if short_sorted_bam: # If there are short reads, these will serve to the transcript assembly pipeline default_bam = short_sorted_bam else: default_bam = long_sorted_bam # TRANSCRIPT ASSEMBLY # TRINITY now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###TRINITY STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if int(threads_use) > 1: trinity_cpu = int(int(threads_use) / int(2)) else: trinity_cpu = int(threads_use) trinity_out = transcripts.trinity(default_bam, trin_dir, args.max_intron_length, trinity_cpu, args.verbose) trinity_gff3 = mapping.gmap('trin', genome_gmap, trinity_out, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) trinity_path = trinity_gff3 # PASA Pipeline now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###PASA STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) # Create PASA folder and configuration file #align_pasa_conf = pasa.pasa_configuration(pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, args.verbose) # Launch PASA pasa_gff3 = pasa.pasa_call(pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, trinity_out, args.max_intron_length, threads_use, args.verbose) # HERE WE PARALLELIZE PROCESSES WHEN MULTIPLE THREADS ARE USED if args.species in (err_augustus.decode("utf-8") ) or args.species in augustus_species: now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###AUGUSTUS, GENEMARK-ES AND AAT STARTED AT:' + now + '\t###\n')) queue = Queue() for software in range(3): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(3): t = Thread(target=handler.august_gmes_aat, args=(queue, ref, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, list_fasta_names, wd, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file = wd + 'augustus/augustus.gff' augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_file = wd + 'gmes/genemark.gtf' genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'AAT/protein_evidence.gff3' elif args.short_reads: # USING PROTEINS AND SHORT READS logistic.check_create_dir(braker_folder) now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###BRAKER1 (USING SHORT READS) AND AAT STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) queue = Queue() for software in range(2): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(2): t = Thread(target=handler.braker_aat, args=(queue, ref, default_bam, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, list_fasta_names, wd, braker_folder, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file = braker_folder + 'augustus.gff' augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_file = braker_folder + 'GeneMark-ET/genemark.gtf' genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'AAT/protein_evidence.gff3' else: # USING PROTEINS AND LONG READS queue = Queue() now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###BRAKER1 (USING LONG READS) AND AAT STARTED AT: \t' + now + '\t###\n')) logistic.check_create_dir(braker_folder) for software in range(2): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(2): t = Thread(target=handler.braker_aat, args=(queue, ref, long_sorted_bam, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, list_fasta_names, wd, braker_folder, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file = braker_folder + 'augustus.gff' augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_file = braker_folder + 'GeneMark-ET/genemark.gtf' genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'AAT/protein_evidence.gff3' elif args.species in (err_augustus.decode("utf-8") ) or args.species in augustus_species: now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###AUGUSTUS, GENEMARK-ES AND AAT STARTED AT:' + now + '\t###\n')) queue = Queue() for software in range(3): queue.put(software) # QUEUE WITH A ZERO AND A ONE for software in range(3): t = Thread(target=handler.august_gmes_aat, args=(queue, ref, args.species, protein_loc, threads_use, args.fungus, list_fasta_names, wd, args.verbose)) t.daemon = True t.start() queue.join() augustus_file = wd + 'augustus/augustus.gff' augustus_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_augustus(augustus_file, wd) genemark_file = wd + 'gmes/genemark.gtf' genemark_gff3 = inputEvm.convert_genemark(genemark_file, wd) merged_prot_gff3 = wd + 'AAT/protein_evidence.gff3' else: now = sys.exit("#####UNRECOGNIZED SPECIES FOR AUGUSTUS AND NO READS\t" + now + "\t#####\n") # Prepare EVM input files now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###EVM STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) # HERE WE CONVERT FILES FOR EVM AND PLACE THEM IN INPUT FOLDER if not args.short_reads and not args.long_reads: if external_file: if external_file.endswith(fasta): external_file_gff3 = mapping.gmap('ext', genome_gmap, external_file, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) external_file_changed = update.external( external_file_gff3, gmap_wd, args.verbose) elif external_file.endswith("gff3"): external_file_changed = update.external( external_file, gmap_wd, args.verbose) evm_inputs = { 'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'AAT': merged_prot_gff3, 'external': external_file_changed } else: evm_inputs = { 'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'AAT': merged_prot_gff3 } elif args.short_reads or args.long_reads: if args.external: external_file = args.external if external_file.endswith(fasta): external_file_gff3 = mapping.gmap('ext', genome_gmap, external_file, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) external_file_changed = update.external( external_file_gff3, gmap_wd, args.verbose) elif external_file.endswith("gff3"): external_file_changed = update.external( external_file, gmap_wd, args.verbose) evm_inputs = { 'pasa': pasa_gff3, 'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'AAT': merged_prot_gff3, 'gmap': trinity_path, 'external': external_file_changed } else: evm_inputs = { 'pasa': pasa_gff3, 'augustus': augustus_gff3, 'genemark': genemark_gff3, 'AAT': merged_prot_gff3, 'gmap': trinity_path } # HERE WE RUN EVM; WE PREPARE FILES THAT ARE REQUIRED BY EVM LIKE # WEIGTH TABLE list_soft, pred_file, transcript_file, protein_file = inputEvm.group_EVM_inputs( evm_inputs_dir, evm_inputs) weight_file = inputEvm.evm_weight(evm_inputs_dir, weights_dic, list_soft, pasa_name, gmap_name) # EVM PIPELINE if args.short_reads or args.long_reads: # WE HAVE SHORT READS AND PROTEINS evm_gff3, gff3_stat_file = evmPipeline.evm_pipeline( evm_output_dir, threads_use, genome_gmap, weight_file, pred_file, transcript_file, protein_file, args.segmentSize, args.overlap_size, args.verbose) elif not args.short_reads and not args.long_reads: # WE HAVE PROTEINS BUT NOT SHORT READS transcript_file = '' evm_gff3, gff3_stat_file = evmPipeline.evm_pipeline( evm_output_dir, threads_use, genome_gmap, weight_file, pred_file, transcript_file, protein_file, args.segmentSize, args.overlap_size, args.verbose) # KEEP THIS OUTPUT final_files.append(evm_gff3) final_files.append(gff3_stat_file) round_n = 1 if not args.short_reads and not args.long_reads: last_gff3 = grs.newNames(evm_gff3) #score_gff3 = score.score(last_gff3, evm_inputs) now = sys.exit("##### EVM FINISHED AT:\t" + now + "\t#####\n") else: #if args.short_reads and not args.long_reads: now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###UPDATE WITH PASA DATABASE STARTED AT:\t ' + now + '\t###\n')) round_n += 1 finalOutput = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, trinity_out, evm_gff3, args.verbose) final_update = grs.genename(finalOutput, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) updatedGff3 = grs.newNames(final_update) #score_gff3 = score.score(updatedGff3, evm_inputs) final_files.append(updatedGff3) #else: #updatedGff3 = evm_gff3 #score_gff3 = score.score(evm_gff3, evm_inputs) if args.long_reads == '': final_output_dir = wd + 'output/' logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) for filename in final_files: if filename != '': logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) now = sys.exit("#####LOREAN FINISHED WITHOUT USING LONG READS\t" + now + "\t. GOOD BYE.#####\n") else: now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###RUNNING iASSEMBLER\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if args.long_reads: # Means there are long reads to map and user wants to run # this pipeline if not long_sorted_bam: long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam( long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(long_sorted_bam) # HERE WE MERGE THE GMAP OUTPUT WITH THE EVM OUTPUT TO HAVE ONE # FILE fileName = consensus_wd + 'mergedGmapEvm.beforeAssembly.gff3' # HERE WE CHECK IF WE HAVE THE PASA UPDATED FILE OR THE EVM # ORIGINAL FILE if os.path.isfile(updatedGff3): # HERE WE MERGE THE TWO FILES mergedmapGFF3 = logistic.catTwoBeds( long_sorted_bam, updatedGff3, fileName, args.verbose) else: mergedmapGFF3 = logistic.catTwoBeds( long_sorted_bam, evm_gff3, fileName, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t###GFFREAD\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE TRANSFORM THE COODINATES INTO SEQUENCES USING THE # REFERENCE gffread_fasta_file = consensus.gffread(mergedmapGFF3, ref, consensus_wd, args.verbose) # HERE WE STORE THE SEQUENCE IN A DICTIONARY fake = [] long_fasta = mseq.filterLongReads(gffread_fasta_file, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, consensus_wd, fake, threads_use, a=False) gffreadDict = consensus.fasta2Dict(gffread_fasta_file) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t#CLUSTERING\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE CLUSTER THE SEQUENCES BASED ON THE GENOME # POSITION cluster_list = consensus.cluster_pipeline( mergedmapGFF3, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.stranded, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write( ("\n\t#CONSENSUS FOR EACH CLUSTER\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE MAKE CONSENSUS FOR EACH CLUSTER tmp_wd = consensus_wd + 'tmp/' logistic.check_create_dir(tmp_wd) tmp_assembly_file = tmp_wd + 'assembly.fasta' if os.path.isfile(tmp_assembly_file): sys.stdout.write('No assembly') else: consensus.generate_fasta(cluster_list, gffreadDict, args.cluster_min_evidence, args.cluster_max_evidence, args.assembly_overlap_length, tmp_wd) consensus.assembly(args.assembly_overlap_length, args.assembly_percent_identity, threads_use, tmp_wd, args.verbose) utrs.lengthSupport(tmp_wd, threads_use) # WITH THE ELSE, WE ALLOW THE USER TO DECIDE TO CHANGE THE ASSEMBLY # PARAMETERS AND COLLECT DIFFERENT ASSEMBLED SEQUENCES WITHOT RUNNING # THE FULL PIPELINE # HERE WE COLLECT THE ASSEMBLED SEQUENCES. WE COLLECT ONLY SEQUENCE # THAT PASS THE FILTER tmp_consensus = os.path.join(consensus_wd, 'tmp/') collect.parse_only(args.assembly_read_threshold, tmp_consensus, args.verbose) tmp_assembly = collect.cat_assembled(tmp_consensus) tmp_assembly_all = collect.cat_assembled_all(tmp_consensus) # HERE WE COLLECT THE NEW ASSEMBLED SEQUENCES AND WE COLLECT THE OLD # EVM DATA merged_fasta_filename = consensus_wd + 'assembly.wEVM.fasta' collect.add_EVM(gffread_fasta_file, tmp_assembly, merged_fasta_filename) now = sys.stdout.write( ("\n###MAPPING CONSENSUS ASSEMBLIES\t" + now + "\t###\n")) # HERE WE MAP ALL THE FASTA FILES TO THE GENOME USING GMAP consensus_mapped_gff3 = mapping.gmap('cons', genome_gmap, merged_fasta_filename, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n###GETTING THE STRAND RIGHT\t" + now + "\t###\n")) strand_mapped_gff3 = grs.strand(evm_gff3, consensus_mapped_gff3, ref, threads_use, gmap_wd, args.verbose) gff_pasa = grs.appendID(strand_mapped_gff3) no_overl = grs.removeOverlap(gff_pasa, args.verbose) no_disc = grs.removeDiscrepancy(no_overl, evm_gff3, args.verbose) uniq_gene = grs.newNames(no_disc) finalupdate3 = grs.genename(uniq_gene, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) print(("\n###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) finalupdate4 = grs.exonerate(ref, finalupdate3, threads_use, exonerate_wd, args.verbose) finalupdate5 = grs.genename(finalupdate4, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) # HERE WE COMBINE TRINITY OUTPUT AND THE ASSEMBLY OUTPUT TO RUN AGAIN # PASA TO CORRECT SMALL ERRORS sys.stdout.write( ("\n###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) fasta_all = logistic.cat_two_fasta(trinity_out, tmp_assembly_all, long_fasta, pasa_dir) round_n += 1 finalupdate = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, fasta_all, finalupdate5, args.verbose) round_n += 1 finalupdate2 = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, fasta_all, finalupdate, args.verbose) final_update = grs.genename(finalupdate2, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) #score_gff3 = score.score(final_update, evm_inputs) final_files.append(final_update) final_update_stats = evmPipeline.gff3_stats(final_update, pasa_dir) final_files.append(final_update_stats) now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###CREATING OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t' + now + '\t###\n')) final_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.species + '_output') logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n##PLACING OUTPUT FILES IN OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t" + now + "\t###\n")) for filename in final_files: if filename != '': logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) if not args.keep_tmp: temp_dir.cleanup() sys.exit("##### LOREAN FINISHED HERE. GOOD BYE. #####\n") else: sys.exit( "#####LOREAN STOPS HERE. CHECK THAT THE PROTEIN AND SPECIES OPTION HAVE BOTH AN ARGUMENT. CHECK THAT THE gm_key IS IN THE FOLDER#####\n" )
def upgrade(): '''Core of the program''' args = arguments.setting() fasta = (".fasta", ".fa", ".fas", ".fsta") fastq = (".fastq", ".fq") fmtdate = '%H:%M:%S %d-%m' root = os.getcwd() output_dir = os.path.join(root, "LoReAn_" + args.working_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(output_dir) wd = os.path.join(output_dir, "run/") if args.keep_tmp: logistic.check_create_dir(wd) elif not os.path.exists(wd) and args.verbose: logistic.check_create_dir(wd) else: temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( prefix='run_', dir=output_dir, suffix="/", ) wd = ref_orig = os.path.abspath(args.reference) ref = os.path.join(wd, args.reference) if not os.path.exists(ref):, ref) max_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if int(args.threads) > max_threads: threads_use = str(max_threads) sys.stdout.write( ('\n### MAX NUMBER OF USED THREADS IS ' + str(max_threads) + ' AND NOT ' + args.threads + ' AS SET ###\n')) else: threads_use = args.threads final_files = [] # STORE THE IMPORTANT OUTPUT FILES logistic.check_create_dir(wd) logistic.check_file(ref) gmap_wd = wd + '/gmap_output/' exonerate_wd = wd + '/exonerate/' pasa_dir = wd + 'PASA/' star_out = wd + '/STAR/' trin_dir = wd + '/Trinity/' logistic.check_create_dir(trin_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) logistic.check_create_dir(pasa_dir) logistic.check_create_dir(gmap_wd) logistic.check_create_dir(exonerate_wd) if args.long_reads: consensus_wd = (wd + '/consensus/') logistic.check_create_dir(consensus_wd) logistic.check_gmap(threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose) if args.repeat_masked: genome_gmap = mseq.maskedgenome(gmap_wd, ref, args.repeat_masked) else: genome_gmap = ref if args.short_reads or args.long_reads: now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###STAR MAPPING STARTED AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if args.short_reads.endswith(fastq): if ',' in args.short_reads: pairedEndFiles = args.short_reads.split(',') short_1 = os.path.abspath(pairedEndFiles[0]) short_2 = os.path.abspath(pairedEndFiles[1]) short_reads_file = [short_1, short_2] else: short_reads_file = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) short_bam =, short_reads_file, threads_use, args.max_intron_length, star_out, args.verbose) short_sorted_bam = mapping.samtools_sort(short_bam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(short_sorted_bam) # BAM SORTED FILES GET IN HERE elif args.short_reads.endswith("bam"): logistic.check_create_dir(star_out) short_sorted_bam = os.path.abspath(args.short_reads) bam_file = short_sorted_bam.split("/") short_bam = star_out + "/" + bam_file[-1] if not os.path.exists(ref):, short_bam) else: short_sorted_bam = False sys.stdout.write('No short reads file') if args.long_reads.endswith(fastq) or args.long_reads.endswith(fasta): now = sys.stdout.write(("\n###FILTERING OUT LONG READS STARTED AT:\t" + now + "\t###\n")) long_fasta = mseq.filterLongReads(args.long_reads, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, gmap_wd, args.adapter, threads_use, a=True) if not short_sorted_bam: # If short reads have been mapped dont do it now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###GMAP\t' + now + 't###\n')) long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam( long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(long_sorted_bam) else: long_sorted_bam = False else: now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###NO LONG READS FILE\t' + now + '\t###\n')) long_sorted_bam = False if short_sorted_bam: # If there are short reads, these will serve to the transcript assembly pipeline default_bam = short_sorted_bam else: default_bam = long_sorted_bam # TRANSCRIPT ASSEMBLY # TRINITY now = sys.stdout.write(('\n###TRINITY STARTS AT:\t' + now + '\t###\n')) if int(threads_use) > 1: trinity_cpu = int(int(threads_use) / int(2)) else: trinity_cpu = int(threads_use) trinity_out = transcripts.trinity(default_bam, trin_dir, args.max_intron_length, trinity_cpu, args.verbose) else: sys.exit("### NO READS TO USE ###") if args.long_reads: if not long_sorted_bam: long_sam = mapping.gmap('sam', genome_gmap, long_fasta, threads_use, 'samse', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=False) long_sorted_bam = mapping.sam_to_sorted_bam( long_sam, threads_use, wd, args.verbose) final_files.append(long_sorted_bam) file_name = consensus_wd + 'mergedGmapEvm.beforeAssembly.gff3' mergedmapGFF3 = logistic.catTwoBeds(long_sorted_bam, args.upgrade, file_name, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t###GFFREAD\t" + now + "\t###\n")) gffread_fasta_file = consensus.gffread(mergedmapGFF3, ref, consensus_wd, args.verbose) # HERE WE STORE THE SEQUENCE IN A DICTIONARY fake = [] long_fasta = mseq.filterLongReads(gffread_fasta_file, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.max_long_read, consensus_wd, fake, threads_use, a=False) gffreadDict = consensus.fasta2Dict(gffread_fasta_file) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n\t#CLUSTERING\t" + now + "\t###\n")) cluster_list = consensus.cluster_pipeline(mergedmapGFF3, args.assembly_overlap_length, args.stranded, args.verbose) now = sys.stdout.write( ("\n\t#CONSENSUS FOR EACH CLUSTER\t" + now + "\t###\n")) tmp_wd = consensus_wd + 'tmp/' logistic.check_create_dir(tmp_wd) tmp_assembly_file = tmp_wd + 'assembly.fasta' if os.path.isfile(tmp_assembly_file): sys.stdout.write('No assembly') else: consensus.generate_fasta(cluster_list, gffreadDict, args.cluster_min_evidence, args.cluster_max_evidence, args.assembly_overlap_length, tmp_wd) consensus.assembly(args.assembly_overlap_length, args.assembly_percent_identity, threads_use, tmp_wd, args.verbose) utrs.lengthSupport(tmp_wd, threads_use) tmp_consensus = os.path.join(consensus_wd, 'tmp/') collect.parse_only(args.assembly_read_threshold, tmp_consensus, args.verbose) tmp_assembly = collect.cat_assembled(tmp_consensus) tmp_assembly_all = collect.cat_assembled_all(tmp_consensus) merged_fasta_filename = consensus_wd + 'assembly.wEVM.fasta' collect.add_EVM(gffread_fasta_file, tmp_assembly, merged_fasta_filename) now = sys.stdout.write( ("\n###MAPPING CONSENSUS ASSEMBLIES\t" + now + "\t###\n")) consensus_mapped_gff3 = mapping.gmap('cons', genome_gmap, merged_fasta_filename, threads_use, 'gff3_gene', args.min_intron_length, args.max_intron_length, args.end_exon, gmap_wd, args.verbose, Fflag=True) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n###GETTING THE STRAND RIGHT\t" + now + "\t###\n")) strand_mapped_gff3 = grs.strand(args.upgrade, consensus_mapped_gff3, ref, threads_use, gmap_wd, args.verbose) gff_pasa = grs.appendID(strand_mapped_gff3) no_overl = grs.removeOverlap(gff_pasa, args.verbose) no_disc = grs.removeDiscrepancy(no_overl, args.upgrade, args.verbose) uniq_gene = grs.newNames(no_disc) finalupdate3 = grs.genename(uniq_gene, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) print(("\n###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) finalupdate4 = grs.exonerate(ref, finalupdate3, threads_use, exonerate_wd, args.verbose) finalupdate5 = grs.genename(finalupdate4, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) # HERE WE COMBINE TRINITY OUTPUT AND THE ASSEMBLY OUTPUT TO RUN AGAIN # PASA TO CORRECT SMALL ERRORS sys.stdout.write( ("\n###FIXING GENES NON STARTING WITH MET\t" + now + "\t###\n")) round_n = 0 fasta_all = logistic.cat_two_fasta(trinity_out, tmp_assembly_all, long_fasta, pasa_dir) round_n += 1 pasa.create_pasa_database(pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, args.verbose) #align_pasa_conf = pasa.pasa_configuration(pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, args.verbose) finalupdate = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, fasta_all, finalupdate5, args.verbose) round_n += 1 finalupdate2 = pasa.update_database(threads_use, str(round_n), pasa_dir, args.pasa_db, ref, fasta_all, finalupdate, args.verbose) final_update = grs.genename(finalupdate2, args.prefix_gene, args.verbose) final_files.append(final_update) now = sys.stdout.write( ('\n###CREATING OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t' + now + '\t###\n')) final_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.species + '_output') logistic.check_create_dir(final_output_dir) now = sys.stdout.write(("\n##PLACING OUTPUT FILES IN OUTPUT DIRECTORY\t" + now + "\t###\n")) for filename in final_files: if filename != '': logistic.copy_file(filename, final_output_dir) cmdstring = "chmod -R 775 %s" % wd os.system(cmdstring) if not args.keep_tmp: temp_dir.cleanup() sys.exit("##### LOREAN FINISHED HERE. GOOD BYE. #####\n")