Exemplo n.º 1
def create_testdata(challenges=10, tasks=100, users=10):
    """Creates test data in the database"""
    import uuid
    import random
    from maproulette import db
    from maproulette.models import User, Challenge, Task, TaskGeometry, Action
    from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, box

    # statuses to use
    statuses = ['available',

    # challenge default strings
    challenge_help_test = "Sample challenge *help* text"
    challenge_instruction_test = "Challenge instruction text"
    task_instruction_text = "Task instruction text"

    # delete old tasks and challenges

    # create users
    for uid in range(int(users)):
        user = User()
        user.id = uid
        user.display_name = 'Test User {uid}'.format(uid=uid)

    # create ten challenges
    for i in range(1, int(challenges) + 1):
        print "Generating Test Challenge #%d" % i
        minx = -120
        maxx = -40
        miny = 20
        maxy = 50
        challengepoly = None
        slug = "test%d" % i
        title = "Test Challenge %d" % i
        challenge = Challenge(slug, title)
        challenge.difficulty = random.choice([1, 2, 3])
        challenge.active = True
        challenge.blurb = "This is test challenge number %d" % i
        challenge.description = "This describes challenge %d in detail" % i
        challenge.help = challenge_help_test
        challenge.instruction = challenge_instruction_test
        # have bounding boxes for all but the first two challenges.
        if i > 2:
            minx = random.randrange(-120, -40)
            miny = random.randrange(20, 50)
            maxx = minx + 1
            maxy = miny + 1
            challengepoly = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
            print "\tChallenge has a bounding box of ", challengepoly
            challenge.polygon = challengepoly

        # add some tasks to the challenge
        print "\tGenerating %i tasks for challenge %i" % (int(tasks), i)
        # generate NUM_TASKS random tasks
        for j in range(int(tasks)):
            # generate a unique identifier
            identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # create two random points not too far apart
            task_geometries = []
            p1 = Point(
                random.randrange(minx, maxx) + random.random(),
                random.randrange(miny, maxy) + random.random())
            p2 = Point(
                p1.x + (random.random() * random.choice((1, -1)) * 0.01),
                p1.y + (random.random() * random.choice((1, -1)) * 0.01))
            # create a linestring connecting the two points
            # no constructor for linestring from points?
            l1 = LineString([(p1.x, p1.y), (p2.x, p2.y)])
            # add the first point and the linestring to the task's geometries
            # set a linestring for every other challenge
            if not j % 2:
            # instantiate the task and register it with challenge 'test'
            # Initialize a task with its challenge slug and persistent ID
            task = Task(challenge.slug, identifier, task_geometries)
            # because we are not using the API, we need to call set_location
            # explicitly to set the task's location
            # generate random string for the instruction
            task.instruction = task_instruction_text
            # set a status
            action = Action(random.choice(statuses),
            # add the task to the session

    # commit the generated tasks and the challenge to the database.
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_testdata(challenges=10, tasks=100, users=10):
    """Creates test data in the database"""
    import uuid
    import random
    from maproulette import db
    from maproulette.models import User, Challenge, Task, TaskGeometry, Action
    from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, box

    # statuses to use
    statuses = ['available',

    # challenge default strings
    challenge_help_test = "Sample challenge *help* text"
    challenge_instruction_test = "Challenge instruction text"
    task_instruction_text = "Task instruction text"

    # delete old tasks and challenges

    # create users
    for uid in range(int(users)):
        user = User()
        user.id = uid
        user.display_name = 'Test User {uid}'.format(uid=uid)

    # create ten challenges
    for i in range(1, int(challenges) + 1):
        print "Generating Test Challenge #%d" % i
        minx = -120
        maxx = -40
        miny = 20
        maxy = 50
        challengepoly = None
        slug = "test%d" % i
        title = "Test Challenge %d" % i
        challenge = Challenge(slug, title)
        challenge.difficulty = random.choice([1, 2, 3])
        challenge.active = True
        challenge.blurb = "This is test challenge number %d" % i
        challenge.description = "This describes challenge %d in detail" % i
        challenge.help = challenge_help_test
        challenge.instruction = challenge_instruction_test
        # have bounding boxes for all but the first two challenges.
        if i > 2:
            minx = random.randrange(-120, -40)
            miny = random.randrange(20, 50)
            maxx = minx + 1
            maxy = miny + 1
            challengepoly = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
            print "\tChallenge has a bounding box of ", challengepoly
            challenge.polygon = challengepoly

        # add some tasks to the challenge
        print "\tGenerating %i tasks for challenge %i" % (int(tasks), i)
        # generate NUM_TASKS random tasks
        for j in range(int(tasks)):
            # generate a unique identifier
            identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # create two random points not too far apart
            task_geometries = []
            p1 = Point(
                random.randrange(minx, maxx) + random.random(),
                random.randrange(miny, maxy) + random.random())
            p2 = Point(
                p1.x + (random.random() * random.choice((1, -1)) * 0.01),
                p1.y + (random.random() * random.choice((1, -1)) * 0.01))
            # create a linestring connecting the two points
            # no constructor for linestring from points?
            l1 = LineString([(p1.x, p1.y), (p2.x, p2.y)])
            # generate some random 'osm ids'
            osmids = [random.randrange(1000000, 1000000000) for _ in range(2)]
            # add the first point and the linestring to the task's geometries
            task_geometries.append(TaskGeometry(osmids[0], p1))
            # set a linestring for every other challenge
            if not j % 2:
                task_geometries.append(TaskGeometry(osmids[1], l1))
            # instantiate the task and register it with challenge 'test'
            # Initialize a task with its challenge slug and persistent ID
            task = Task(challenge.slug, identifier, task_geometries)
            # because we are not using the API, we need to call set_location
            # explicitly to set the task's location
            # generate random string for the instruction
            task.instruction = task_instruction_text
            # set a status
            action = Action(random.choice(statuses),
            # add the task to the session

    # commit the generated tasks and the challenge to the database.