Exemplo n.º 1
def storeControlTransforms( sourceObj, targetObj ):
    Store control transform data.
    @param sourceObj: String. Name of object to pull data from.
    @param targetObj: String. Name of object to store data on.
    sourceMatrix = TransformUtility.getMatrix( sourceObj, 'matrix' )
    # Store the position
    targetPosPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetObj, 'controlPosition' )
    sourceTranslation = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( sourceMatrix, OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
    pos = [ sourceTranslation.x, sourceTranslation.y, sourceTranslation.z ]
    NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetPosPlug, pos )
    # Store the rotation
    targetRotPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetObj, 'controlRotation' )
    sourceRotation = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( sourceMatrix, 'euler' )
    #rot = [ degrees(angle) for angle in (sourceRotation.x, sourceRotation.y, sourceRotation.z) ]
    rot = [ sourceRotation.x, sourceRotation.y, sourceRotation.z ]
    NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetRotPlug, rot )
    # Store the scale.
    targetSclPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetObj, 'controlScale' )
    sourceScale = TransformUtility.getMatrixScale( sourceMatrix, OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
    scl = [ sourceScale.x, sourceScale.y, sourceScale.z ]
    NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetSclPlug, scl )
Exemplo n.º 2
def copyBitSettings():
    Copies the bit shape settings (OpenGL stuff) from the second object to the
    first (in selection order).
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
    depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode()
    if len(selList) == 2:
        # First object is target.
        targetShape = cmds.listRelatives( selList[0], shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
        targetShapeMObj = NodeUtility.getDependNode( targetShape )
        depFn.setObject( targetShapeMObj )
        targetShapeType = depFn.typeName()
        # Second object is source.
        sourceShape = cmds.listRelatives( selList[1], shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
        sourceShapeMObj = NodeUtility.getDependNode( sourceShape )
        depFn.setObject( sourceShapeMObj )
        sourceShapeType = depFn.typeName()
        if targetShapeType == sourceShapeType:        
            # The types match. Do the copy of attribute settings.
            for attr in cmds.listAttr( sourceShape, multi=True, keyable=True ):
                # Get the plugs.
                sourcePlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( sourceShape, attr )
                targetPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( targetShape, attr )
                # Get the source plug value.
                sourcePlugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( sourcePlug )
                # Set the target's plug value.
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( targetPlug, sourcePlugValue )
            raise ValueError( '{0} and {1} do not match.'.format( selList[0], selList[1] ) )
Exemplo n.º 3
def applyStoredTransforms( sourceObj, targetObj ):
    Applies stored transform data for a control object.
    @param sourceObj: String. Name of object to pull data from.
    @param targetObj: String. Name of object to apply data to.
    #print 'applyStoredTransforms @@@@@@'
    #print 'sourceObj: {0}'.format( sourceObj )
    #print 'targetObj: {0}'.format( targetObj )
    MFnTrans = OpenMaya.MFnTransform()
    targetDagPath = NodeUtility.getDagPath( targetObj )
    MFnTrans.setObject( targetDagPath )
    sourcePosPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( sourceObj, 'controlPosition' )
    sourcePosValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( sourcePosPlug )
    sourcePos = OpenMaya.MVector( sourcePosValue[0], sourcePosValue[1], sourcePosValue[2] )
    MFnTrans.setTranslation( sourcePos, OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )
    sourceRotPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( sourceObj, 'controlRotation' )
    sourceRotValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( sourceRotPlug )
    sourceRot = OpenMaya.MEulerRotation( sourceRotValue[0], sourceRotValue[1], sourceRotValue[2] ) 
    MFnTrans.setRotation( sourceRot )
    sourceSclPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( sourceObj, 'controlScale' )
    sourceSclValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( sourceSclPlug )
    scaleDoubleArray = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
    scaleDoubleArray.createFromList( [sourceSclValue[0], sourceSclValue[1], sourceSclValue[2]], 3 )
    scaleDoubleArrayPtr = scaleDoubleArray.asDoublePtr()
    MFnTrans.setScale( scaleDoubleArrayPtr )
Exemplo n.º 4
def mirrorModule():
    # Mirrors a module.
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
    if len( selList ) == 1:
        # Prompt for axis.
        mirrorAxis = int( cmds.layoutDialog( ui=mirrorObjectPrompt ) )
        inBitObj = selList[0]
        # Check if selected bit is the root.
        if NodeUtility.attributeCheck( inBitObj, 'frameRoot' ):
            # This is the root bit of the module. From here we know we can get the
            # meta node by accessing the frameRoot attribute.
            metaNode = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inBitObj, 'frameRoot' )[0]
            # The selected bit is not the root. Run through each custom attribute
            # to find one connected to the meta node.
            attrList = cmds.listAttr( inBitObj, userDefined=True )
            for attr in attrList:
                connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrDestination( inBitObj, attr )
                if NodeUtility.attributeCheck( connection[0], 'metaType' ):
                    metaNode = connection[0]
        # Now that we have the meta node, we need the XML file name and it's location.
        metaClassPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( metaNode, 'metaClass' )
        metaClassValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( metaClassPlug )
        metaBuildFolderPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( metaNode, 'buildFolder' )
        metaBuildFolderValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( metaBuildFolderPlug )
        # Create the target module.
        targetRootBit = buildFrameModule( metaBuildFolderValue, metaClassValue )
        # Loop through each object in the source module.
        metaRootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( metaNode, 'rootBit' )[0]
        sourceChildBits = NodeUtility.getFrameRootAllChildren( metaRootBit )
        targetChildBits = NodeUtility.getFrameRootAllChildren( targetRootBit )
        sourceBits = []
        targetBits = []
        for i,bit in enumerate( sourceChildBits ):
            sourceBits.append( bit )
        sourceBits.insert( 0, metaRootBit )
        for i, bit in enumerate( targetChildBits ):
            targetBits.append( bit )
        targetBits.insert( 0, targetRootBit )
        for bit in xrange( len(sourceBits) ):
            # Mirror the source onto the target.
            mirrorObject( inSourceObj=sourceBits[bit], inTargetObj=targetBits[bit], inMirrorAxis=mirrorAxis )
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setPriorities( self ):
     Applies the user adjusted priorities to all the modules of a character.
     for index in xrange( self.dropList.count() ):
         moduleName = self.dropList.item( index ).text()
         moduleComponent = self.modDict[moduleName][0]
         priorityPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( moduleComponent, 'buildPriority' )
         NodeUtility.setPlugValue( priorityPlug, index )
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
     super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
     self.parent = parent
     def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
         popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
         deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
         popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
         popMenu.exec_( self.componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
     # Setup layout.
     verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
     verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
     verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
     # Label for component
     componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
     componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )    
     componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
     componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, nodeName=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, nodeName ) )
     # Properties
     propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
     propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 40 )
     propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 40 )
     # Add string edit property
     modulePlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'moduleName' )
     moduleValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( modulePlug )
     moduleTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Module Name', moduleValue )
     # Add everything to the vertical layout.
     propertyStack.addLayout( moduleTextLayout )        
     propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( componentLabel )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )
     # Connections
     moduleTextBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit, 'Module Name' )
     moduleTextBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='moduleName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=moduleTextBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                            :ModuleRootComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     #return mainWidget
     self.setLayout( verticalLayout )
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
        super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
        self.parent = parent
        def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
            popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
            buildAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Build Joint', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.buildNode( a ) )
            popMenu.addAction( buildAction )
            deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
            popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
            popMenu.exec_( componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
        # Setup layout.
        verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
        verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
        verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
        # Label for component
        componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
        componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )    
        componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
        componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, node=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, node ) )
        # Properties
        propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
        propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
        propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 40 )
        propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 40 )
        # Add string edit property
        propertyPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'jointName' )
        propertyValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( propertyPlug )
        jointTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Joint Name', propertyValue )
        propertyStack.addLayout( jointTextLayout )        
        propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
        verticalLayout.addWidget( componentLabel )
        verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )

        # Connections
        textBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit )
        textBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='jointName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=textBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                         :BasicJointComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
        self.setLayout( verticalLayout )
Exemplo n.º 8
 def nodeRotation( self ):
     dagFn= OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( self.fNodePath )
     path = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
     dagFn.getPath( path )
     transformFn = OpenMaya.MFnTransform( path )
     q = OpenMaya.MQuaternion()
     transformFn.getRotation( q, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld )
     return q
     plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( 'ControlBox1', 'rotate' )
     rot = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug )
     e = OpenMaya.MEulerRotation( rot[0], rot[1], rot[2] )
     return e
Exemplo n.º 9
def getFrameBitSettings( inFrameBit ):
    Retrieves the settings for the frame bit.
    @param inFrameBit: String. Name of frame bit.
    @return: Dictionary. All the custom attributes on the frame bit.
    attrList = cmds.listAttr( inFrameBit, userDefined=True )
    if attrList is not None:
        tempDict = {}
        for attr in attrList:
            plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( inFrameBit, attr )
            plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug )
            tempDict[ attr ] = plugValue
        tempDict = None
    return tempDict
Exemplo n.º 10
 def saveModule( self ):
     Save the module into an XML file for re-use.
     We assume that the root node of the module is the one with the module root meta node.
     This means it and all of it's children will be saved in the XML.
     # Get the selected module
     item = cmds.ls( long=True, selection=True )[0]
     # Try to get the module meta component.
     moduleComp = Components.searchModule( item, 'ModuleRootComponent' )
     if moduleComp:
         # Get the module info and save it as an XML.
         modulePlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( moduleComp[1], 'moduleName' )
         moduleName = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( modulePlug )
         XMLUtility.writeModuleXML( moduleComp[0], self.SELECTED_ITEM, moduleName )
Exemplo n.º 11
def setBitChild( inParent=None, inChild=None ):
    Connects the child object's matrix plug to the parent object's
    targetWorldMatrix array plug. This plug's data is used by the parent's
    draw() to render the hierarchy arrows.
    @param inParent: String. Name of the parent object.
    @param inChild: String. Name of the child object.
    if inParent is None or inChild is None:
        # Get selection and return the longnames of the objects.
        selList = cmds.ls( selection=True, long=True )
        if len(selList) is 2:
            # The child is the first object.
            # The parent is the second object.
            child = selList[0]
            parent = selList[1]
        child = inChild
        parent = inParent
    # Get the parent shape's child matrix attribute.
    pShape = cmds.listRelatives( parent, type='shape', allDescendents=False )[0]
    shapeName = '{0}|{1}'.format( parent, pShape )
    parentChildPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, 'targetWorldMatrix' )
    # This will connect the first time attempted.
    attrName = 'targetWorldMatrix[{0}]'.format( parentChildPlug.numElements() )
    fullParent = '{0}.{1}'.format( shapeName, attrName )
    fullChild = '{0}.matrix'.format( child )
    cmds.connectAttr( fullChild, fullParent, force=True )
    # Do any parenting now.
    # Get the child's current parent.
    childParent = cmds.listRelatives( child, parent=True, fullPath=True )
    if childParent is None:
        # Child object has no parent. Do parenting.
        cmds.parent( child, parent )
        if childParent[0] != parent:
            # Has different parent currently. Do parenting
            cmds.parent( child, parent )
Exemplo n.º 12
 def setAttribute( self, inPlugName, inPlugValue, inNodeName, inLock=False ):
     #print inPlugName, inPlugValue, inNodeName
     #print type( inPlugValue )
     if isinstance( inPlugValue, unicode ):
         # This is a unicode string. Likely a node name.
         print 'UNICODE'
         plugValue = inPlugValue
     elif isinstance( inPlugValue, str ):
         print 'STRING'
         plugValue = inPlugValue
         # This is likely coming from a QT object.
         print 'PASS'
         plugValue = inPlugValue.text()
     plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( inNodeName, inPlugName )
     NodeUtility.setPlugValue( plug, inPlugValue )
     cmds.setAttr( '{0}.{1}'.format( inNodeName, inPlugName ), lock=inLock )
Exemplo n.º 13
def componentGui( inNodeName ):        
    def on_context_menu( point ):
        popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
        popMenu.addAction( 'actionEdit' )
        popMenu.addAction( 'actionDelete' )
        popMenu.addAction( 'actionAdd' )
        popMenu.exec_( componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
    mainWidget = QtGui.QWidget()
    verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout( mainWidget )
    verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
    verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
    verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
    # Label for component
    componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( inNodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', 448094 )    
    componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
    componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( on_context_menu )
    propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
    propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 40 )
    propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 40 )
    # Add string edit property
    plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( inNodeName, 'jointName' )
    plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug )
    QTWidgets.stringProperty( propertyFrame, 'Joint Name', plugValue )
    # Add everything to the vertical layout.
    verticalLayout.addWidget( componentLabel )
    verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )
    #print 'test2: {0}'.format( prop.takeAt(0).widget() )
    #print propertyFrame.count()
    #print propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit )
    #for item in xrange( propertyFrame.count() ):
    #    print propertyFrame.itemAt( item ).widget()
    return mainWidget
Exemplo n.º 14
def readCurveValues(inObj):
    Read stored curve CV values on an object. Object must have curve CV attributes
    created with addCurveValues().
    @param inObj: String. Name of object to add curve cv values too.
    @return: List of dicts.
    curveAttrs = cmds.listAttr(inObj, string="curve*", category="nurbCurve")

    # [cur, cur, ...]
    # cur[i] = { #:[x,y,z] }
    curList = []
    for attr in curveAttrs:
        plug = NodeUtility.getPlug(inObj, attr)
        plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue(plug)

        cvDict = {}
        for index, point in enumerate(plugValue):
            cvDict[index] = point

    return curList
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
     super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
     self.parent = parent
     def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
         popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
         deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
         popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
         popMenu.exec_( self.componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
     # Colors.
     userColors = GeneralUtility.getUserDefinedColors( inType=1 )
     self.colorList = []
     for color in userColors:
         self.colorList.append( GeneralUtility.convertRGB( color, inType=1 ) )
     # Setup layout.
     verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
     verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
     verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
     # Label for component
     #self.componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
     self.componentLabel = QtGui.QLabel()
     self.componentLabel.setText( nodeName )
     self.componentLabel.setIndent( 20 )
     controlColorPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'controlColor' )
     self.COLOR = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( controlColorPlug )
     self.componentLabel.setStyleSheet( 'font:bold; font-size:10px; color:black; background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2})'.format(self.colorList[self.COLOR-1][0],
                                                                                                                           self.colorList[self.COLOR-1][2] ) )
     self.componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )
     self.componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
     self.componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, nodeName=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, nodeName ) )
     propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
     propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 100 )
     propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 100 )
     propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     # Add string edit property
     propertyRow = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
     propertyPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'controlName' )
     propertyValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( propertyPlug )
     self.textBox = QtGui.QLineEdit()
     self.textBox.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft )
     self.textBox.setMinimumHeight( 20 )
     if propertyValue:
         self.textBox.setText( propertyValue )
     textBoxLabel = QtGui.QLabel()
     textBoxLabel.setText( 'Control Name' )
     textBoxLabel.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter )
     textBoxLabel.setMinimumHeight( 12 )
     propertyRow.addWidget( self.textBox )
     propertyRow.addWidget( textBoxLabel )
     # Colors.
     colorRow = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
     color1Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color1Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[0][0], self.colorList[0][1], self.colorList[0][2] ) )
     color1Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=1:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color2Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color2Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[1][0], self.colorList[1][1], self.colorList[1][2] ) )
     color2Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=2:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color3Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color3Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[2][0], self.colorList[2][1], self.colorList[2][2] ) )
     color3Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=3:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color4Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color4Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[3][0], self.colorList[3][1], self.colorList[3][2] ) )
     color4Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=4:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color5Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color5Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[4][0], self.colorList[4][1], self.colorList[4][2] ) )
     color5Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=5:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color6Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color6Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[5][0], self.colorList[5][1], self.colorList[5][2] ) )
     color6Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=6:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color7Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color7Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[6][0], self.colorList[6][1], self.colorList[6][2] ) )
     color7Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=7:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     color8Btn = QtGui.QPushButton()
     color8Btn.setStyleSheet( 'background-color:rgb({0},{1},{2}); width:20'.format( self.colorList[7][0], self.colorList[7][1], self.colorList[7][2] ) )
     color8Btn.clicked.connect( lambda a=nodeName, b=8:self.colorChange( a, b ) )
     colorRow.addWidget( color1Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color2Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color3Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color4Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color5Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color6Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color7Btn )
     colorRow.addWidget( color8Btn )        
     # Edit buttons.
     self.editButton = QtGui.QToolButton()
     self.editButton.setCheckable( True )
     self.editButton.setText( 'Edit Control' )
     self.editButton.toggled.connect( lambda:self.editCurveProperties() )
     propertyStack.addLayout( propertyRow )
     propertyStack.addLayout( colorRow )
     propertyStack.addWidget( self.editButton )
     propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
     # Add everything to the vertical layout.
     verticalLayout.addWidget( self.componentLabel )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )
     # Connections
     self.textBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='controlName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=self.textBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                      :CurveControlComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     #return mainWidget
     self.setLayout( verticalLayout )
Exemplo n.º 16
def createFrameModuleXML():
    # Browse for file to replace or new file to make.
    moduleFilter = "*.xml"
    dialogResults = cmds.fileDialog2( fileFilter=moduleFilter, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=XMLUtility.getPresetPath( XMLUtility.FRAME_PRESETS_PATH ) )
    tempPath = dialogResults[0].split( '/' )
    fullFileName = tempPath[ len( tempPath )-1 ]
    filePath = dialogResults[0].rstrip( fullFileName )
    fileName = fullFileName.split( '.' )[0]
    # Get the name of the selected node and it's plugs.
    selList = cmds.ls( selection=True )
    node = selList[0]
    nodeAttrs = getFrameBitSettings( node )
    # Build a list with each entry representing a line in the XML file.
    xmlList = []
    xmlList.append( '<data>' ) # Set the first line
    # Meta node.
    xmlList.append( '\t<metanode name=\"{0}\" metaType=\"{1}\" metaClass=\"{2}\">'.format( node, nodeAttrs['metaType'], nodeAttrs['metaClass'] ) )
    # Loop through the attributes.
    for attr in nodeAttrs:
        plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( node, attr )
        if plug.isConnected():
            connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( node, attr )
            types = getAttrTypes( node, attr )
            xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" connected=\"{1}\" attrType=\"{2}\" attrDataType=\"{3}\">{4}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                                connection[0]+'.'+connection[1] ) )
            types = getAttrTypes( node, attr )
            xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" connected=\"{1}\" attrType=\"{2}\" attrDataType=\"{3}\">{4}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                                NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug ) ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t</metanode>' )
    # Get the root bit of the frame module.
    rootBit = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( node, 'rootBit' )
    if not rootBit:
        raise ValueError( 'The meta node\'s ({0}) ROOT BIT attribute is not connected.'.format(node) )

    # Get the parent's full path. We need to remove the group name from the beginning as well.
    parent = cleanParentFullName( rootBit[0] )

    xmlList.append( '\t<bit name=\"{0}\" parent=\"{1}\">'.format( rootBit[0], parent ) )
    rootAttrs = getFrameBitSettings( rootBit[0] )
    for attr in rootAttrs:
        types = getAttrTypes( rootBit[0], attr )
        plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( rootBit[0], attr )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                          NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug ) ) )
    wmRootBit = TransformUtility.getMatrix( rootBit[0], 'matrix' )
    pos = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( wmRootBit, OpenMaya.MFn.kWorld )
    rot = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( wmRootBit, 'eulerVector' )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.x ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.y ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.z ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.x) ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.y) ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.z) ) )
    # Shape nodes attributes.
    rootShape = NodeUtility.getDagPath( rootBit[0] ).child( 0 )
    depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( rootShape )
    shapeName = cmds.listRelatives( rootBit[0], shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
    shapeType = depFn.typeName()
    xmlList.append( '\t\t<shape name=\"{0}\">'.format( shapeType ) )
    # Get the shape's local position and scale.
    for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, channelBox=True ):
        types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
        aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                            NodeUtility.getPlugValue(aPlug) ) )
    # Get the shape's custom attributes.
    for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, multi=True, keyable=True ):
        if attr.find( '[' ) is not -1:
            # Special case handle array attributes. The [] needs to be removed so we can get
            # the base name for the attribute. From there we can then loop through it's children.
            # First we get the connection since these plugs won't return a value, but rather a
            # connected node.
            connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( shapeName, attr )
            bitChildren = cmds.listRelatives( rootBit[0], type='transform', children=True, fullPath=True )
            for child in bitChildren:
                if child.find( connection[0] ):
                    plugValue = child
            # Now we get the compound attribute's name by removing the index brackets.
            attrSplit = attr.split('[')
            attr = attrSplit[0]
            aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
            plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( aPlug )
        types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
        if types[0] is not False:
            xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                plugValue ) )
    xmlList.append( '\t\t</shape>' )
    xmlList.append( '\t</bit>')

    # Get all of the root's children.
    children = getFrameRootAllChildren( rootBit[0] )
    for child in children:
        # Bit name.
        bitName = child
        parent = cleanParentFullName( child )
        childFrameAttrs = getFrameBitSettings( child )
        xmlList.append( '\t<bit name=\"{0}\" parent=\"{1}\">'.format( bitName, parent ) )
        # Transform nodes attributes.
        if childFrameAttrs is not None:
            for attr in childFrameAttrs:
                types = getAttrTypes( child, attr )
                plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( child, attr )
                xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                  NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug ) ) )
        # Get the position and rotation.
        wmBit = TransformUtility.getMatrix( child, 'matrix' )
        pos = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( wmBit, OpenMaya.MFn.kWorld )
        rot = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( wmBit, 'eulerVector' )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.x ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.y ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( pos.z ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.x) ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.y) ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(rot.z) ) )
        # Shape nodes attributes.
        childShape = NodeUtility.getDagPath( child ).child( 0 )
        depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( childShape )
        shapeName = cmds.listRelatives( child, shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
        shapeType = depFn.typeName() 
        xmlList.append( '\t\t<shape name=\"{0}\">'.format( shapeType ) )
        # Get the shape's local position and scale.
        for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, channelBox=True ):
            types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
            aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
            xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                NodeUtility.getPlugValue(aPlug) ) )
        # Get the shape's custom attributes.
        for attr in cmds.listAttr( shapeName, multi=True, keyable=True ):
            if attr.find( '[' ) is not -1:
                # Special case handle array attributes. The [] needs to be removed so we can get
                # the base name for the attribute. From there we can then loop through it's children.
                # First we get the connection since these plugs won't return a value, but rather a
                # connected node.
                connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( shapeName, attr )
                bitChildren = cmds.listRelatives( child, type='transform', children=True, fullPath=True )
                for c in bitChildren:
                    if c.find( connection[0] ):
                        plugValue = c
                # Now we get the compound attribute's name by removing the index brackets.
                attrSplit = attr.split('[')
                attr = attrSplit[0]
                aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( shapeName, attr )
                plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( aPlug )
            types = getAttrTypes( shapeName, attr )
            if types[0] is not False:
                xmlList.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr,
                                                                                                                    plugValue ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t\t</shape>' )  
        # Close the bit.
        xmlList.append( '\t</bit>' )
    # Close the data tag.
    xmlList.append( '</data>' )
    # Create the new file.
    newfile = file( os.path.join( filePath, fullFileName ), 'w')      
    for i in xmlList:
        newfile.write( i+'\n' )
Exemplo n.º 17
def applyDeformerMesh():
    Applies the deformer mesh to the OpenGL values of the active controller.
    selList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
    OpenMaya.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList( selList )
    if selList.length() is 1:
        control = OpenMaya.MObject()
        selList.getDependNode( 0, control )    
        controlDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( control )
        controlShape = controlDagNode.child( 0 )
        controlShapeDep = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( controlShape )
        locCheck = False
        meshCheck = False
        for c in xrange( controlDagNode.childCount() ):
            child = controlDagNode.child( c )
            if child.apiType() == OpenMaya.MFn.kPluginLocatorNode:
                locCheck = True
            elif child.apiType() == OpenMaya.MFn.kMesh:
                # Set the check to True.
                meshCheck = True
                # Grab the mesh.
                deformMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( child )
                # Grab the vertices of the mesh.
                vertexCount = OpenMaya.MIntArray()    
                vertexList = OpenMaya.MIntArray()
                vertexArray = OpenMaya.MFloatPointArray()
                deformMesh.getVertices( vertexCount, vertexList )
                deformMesh.getPoints( vertexArray, OpenMaya.MSpace.kObject )
                # Set the OpenGL points.
                glPosition = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'localPosition' ) )
                glWidth = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'width' ) )
                glHeight = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'height' ) )
                glDepth = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'depth' ) )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botBackRight' ), [ (vertexArray[0].x-(-glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[0].y-(-glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[0].z-(-glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ]  )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botBackLeft' ), [ (vertexArray[1].x-(glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[1].y-(-glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[1].z-(-glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botFrontLeft' ), [ (vertexArray[2].x-(glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[2].y-(-glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[2].z-(glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botFrontRight' ), [ (vertexArray[3].x-(-glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[3].y-(-glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[3].z-(glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topBackRight' ), [ (vertexArray[4].x-(-glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[4].y-(glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[4].z-(-glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topFrontRight' ), [ (vertexArray[5].x-(-glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[5].y-(glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[5].z-(glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topFrontLeft' ), [ (vertexArray[6].x-(glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[6].y-(glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[6].z-(glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                NodeUtility.setPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topBackLeft' ), [ (vertexArray[7].x-(glWidth/2))-glPosition[0],(vertexArray[7].y-(glHeight/2))-glPosition[1],(vertexArray[7].z-(-glDepth/2))-glPosition[2] ] )
                # Clean up by deleting the mesh.
                MDGMod = OpenMaya.MDGModifier()
                MDGMod.deleteNode( child )
        if locCheck is False:
            sys.stderr.write( 'applyDeformerMesh: This is the wrong type of object. Needs to be an OpenGl Controller.' )
        if meshCheck is False:
            sys.stderr.write( 'applyDeformerMesh: This control object doesn\'t have a deformer mesh.' )
    elif selList.length() > 1:
        sys.stderr.write( 'applyDeformerMesh: To many things selected. Only select one controller.' )
        sys.stderr.write( 'applyDeformerMesh: Nothing selected.' )
Exemplo n.º 18
def makeDeformerMesh():
    Creates a deformer mesh for the active controller.
    # Get the current user selection.
    selList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList() 
    OpenMaya.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList( selList )
    if selList.length() is 1:
        control = OpenMaya.MObject()
        selList.getDependNode( 0, control )    
        controlDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( control )
        # Check if the selected control already has a deformer mesh.
        if controlDagNode.childCount() > 1:
            for c in xrange( controlDagNode.childCount() ):
                if controlDagNode.child( c ).apiType() == OpenMaya.MFn.kMesh:
                    print 'The selected controller has a deformer mesh already.'
        controlShape = controlDagNode.child( 0 )
        controlShapeDep = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( controlShape )
        if controlShape.apiType() == OpenMaya.MFn.kPluginLocatorNode:
            # Get the controller OpenGL attributes.
            glPosition = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'localPosition' ) )
            #glRotation = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'rotate' ) )
            glWidth = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'width' ) )
            glHeight = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'height' ) )
            glDepth = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'depth' ) )
            glBottomBackRight = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botBackRight' ) )
            glBottomBackLeft = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botBackLeft' ) )
            glBottomFrontLeft = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botFrontLeft' ) )
            glBottomFrontRight = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'botFrontRight' ) )
            glTopBackRight = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topBackRight' ) )
            glTopFrontRight = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topFrontRight' ) )
            glTopFrontLeft = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topFrontLeft' ) )
            glTopBackLeft = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( NodeUtility.getPlug( controlShapeDep.name(), 'topBackLeft' ) )
            # Mesh cube attributes.
            numPolygons = 6
            numVertices = 8
            numPolygonConnects = 4 * numPolygons
            # Floating point array listing the XYZ for each vertex in the cube.
            # Add in the Width/Height/Depth values and the offset translation.
            vertexArray = OpenMaya.MFloatPointArray()
            vertexArray.setLength( numVertices )
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( -glWidth/2+glBottomBackRight[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( -glHeight/2+glBottomBackRight[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( -glDepth/2+glBottomBackRight[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 0 )#bottomBackRight
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( glWidth/2+glBottomBackLeft[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( -glHeight/2+glBottomBackLeft[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( -glDepth/2+glBottomBackLeft[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 1 )#bottomBackLeft
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( glWidth/2 + glBottomFrontLeft[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( -glHeight/2+glBottomFrontLeft[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( glDepth/2+glBottomFrontLeft[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 2 )#bottomFrontLeft
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( -glWidth/2 + glBottomFrontRight[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( -glHeight/2+glBottomFrontRight[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( glDepth/2+glBottomFrontRight[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 3 )#bottomFrontRight
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( -glWidth/2+glTopBackRight[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( glHeight/2+glTopBackRight[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( -glDepth/2+glTopBackRight[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 4 )#topBackRight
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( -glWidth/2 + glTopFrontRight[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( glHeight/2 + glTopFrontRight[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( glDepth/2 + glTopFrontRight[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 5 )#topFrontRight
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( glWidth/2 + glTopFrontLeft[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( glHeight/2+glTopFrontLeft[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( glDepth/2+glTopFrontLeft[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 6 )#topFrontLeft
            vertexArray.set( OpenMaya.MFloatPoint( ( glWidth/2+glTopBackLeft[0] ) + glPosition[0],
                                                   ( glHeight/2+glTopBackLeft[1] ) + glPosition[1],
                                                   ( -glDepth/2+glTopBackLeft[2] ) + glPosition[2] ), 7 )#topBackLeft
            # Int array listing the number of vertices for each face. In this case there are
            # 4 vertices per face and a total of 6 faces.
            polygonCounts = OpenMaya.MIntArray()
            polygonCounts.setLength( numPolygons )
            polygonCounts.set( 4, 0 )
            polygonCounts.set( 4, 1 )
            polygonCounts.set( 4, 2 )
            polygonCounts.set( 4, 3 )
            polygonCounts.set( 4, 4 )
            polygonCounts.set( 4, 5 )
            # Int array listing the vertices for every face.
            # The first number is the vertex index from vertexArray.
            polygonConnects = OpenMaya.MIntArray()
            polygonConnects.setLength( numPolygonConnects )
            # Bottom face. -Y.
            polygonConnects.set(0, 0)
            polygonConnects.set(1, 1)
            polygonConnects.set(2, 2)
            polygonConnects.set(3, 3)
            #  Top face. +Y.
            polygonConnects.set(4, 4)
            polygonConnects.set(5, 5)
            polygonConnects.set(6, 6)
            polygonConnects.set(7, 7)
            # Front face. +Z.
            polygonConnects.set(3, 8)
            polygonConnects.set(2, 9)
            polygonConnects.set(6, 10)
            polygonConnects.set(5, 11)
            # Right face. -X.
            polygonConnects.set(0, 12)
            polygonConnects.set(3, 13)
            polygonConnects.set(5, 14)
            polygonConnects.set(4, 15)
            # Back Face. -Z.
            polygonConnects.set(0, 16)
            polygonConnects.set(4, 17)
            polygonConnects.set(7, 18)
            polygonConnects.set(1, 19)
            # Left face. +X.
            polygonConnects.set(1, 20)
            polygonConnects.set(7, 21)
            polygonConnects.set(6, 22)
            polygonConnects.set(2, 23)
            # Make the mesh cube.
            meshFn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh()
            meshFn.create(numVertices, numPolygons, vertexArray, polygonCounts, polygonConnects, control )
            sys.stderr.write( 'makeDeformerMesh: Wrong type of object selected.')
        sys.stderr.write( 'makeDeformerMesh: Nothing selected.' )
Exemplo n.º 19
def writeModuleXML( inRootObjectName, inModuleType, inModuleName ):
    Function for writing module xml.
    @param inRootObjectName: String. Name of module root object.
    @param inModuleType: String. Type of module. This determines which sub-folder the XML is saved.
    @param inModuleName: String. Name of the module XML file.
    # Get list of the module hierarchy. Root is always first
    hierarchyList = NodeUtility.getFrameRootAllChildren( inRootObjectName )
    hierarchyList.insert( 0, inRootObjectName )
    # START: Writing XML
    xmlLines = []
    xmlLines.append( '<data>' )
    for item in hierarchyList:        
        # BIT INFO
        itemName = getObjectShortName( item )        
        itemParent = NodeUtility.cleanParentFullName( item )
        itemMatrix = TransformUtility.getMatrix( item, 'matrix' )
        itemPosition = TransformUtility.getMatrixTranslation( itemMatrix, OpenMaya.MSpace.kTransform )        
        itemRotation = TransformUtility.getMatrixRotation( itemMatrix, 'eulerVector' )
        # START: Bit
        xmlLines.append( '\t<bit name=\"{0}\" parent=\"{1}\">'.format( itemName, itemParent ) )        
        xmlLines.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( itemPosition.x ) )
        xmlLines.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( itemPosition.y ) )
        xmlLines.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"translateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( itemPosition.z ) )    
        xmlLines.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateX\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(itemRotation.x) ) )
        xmlLines.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateY\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(itemRotation.y) ) )
        xmlLines.append( '\t\t<plug name=\"rotateZ\">{0}</plug>'.format( math.degrees(itemRotation.z) ) )
        # SHAPE
        itemShape = NodeUtility.getDagPath( itemName ).child( 0 )
        depFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode( itemShape )
        shapeType = depFn.typeName()
        if shapeType.find( 'gl' ) != -1:
            itemShapeName = cmds.listRelatives( itemName, shapes=True, fullPath=True )[0]
            # Start shape
            xmlLines.append( '\t\t<shape name=\"{0}\">'.format( shapeType ) )
            # Get the shape's local position and scale.
            for attr in cmds.listAttr( itemShapeName, channelBox=True ):
                types = NodeUtility.getAttrTypes( itemShapeName, attr )
                aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( itemShapeName, attr )
                xmlLines.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr, types[0], types[1], NodeUtility.getPlugValue(aPlug) ) )
            # Get the shape's custom attributes.
            for attr in cmds.listAttr( itemShapeName, multi=True, keyable=True ):
                types = NodeUtility.getAttrTypes( itemShapeName, attr )
                if attr.find( '[' ) is not -1:
                    # Special case handle array attributes. The [] needs to be removed so we can get
                    # the base name for the attribute. From there we can then loop through it's children.
                    # First we get the connection since these plugs won't return a value, but rather a
                    # connected node.
                    connection = NodeUtility.getNodeAttrSource( itemShapeName, attr )
                    bitChildren = cmds.listRelatives( itemName, type='transform', children=True, fullPath=True )
                    for child in bitChildren:
                        childSplit = child.split('|')
                        if childSplit[-1] == connection[0]:
                            plugValue = child
                    # Now we get the compound attribute's name by removing the index brackets.
                    attrSplit = attr.split('[')
                    attr = attrSplit[0]
                    aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( itemShapeName, attr )
                    plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( aPlug )
                if types[0] is not False:
                    xmlLines.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr, types[0], types[1], plugValue ) )
            # End shape
            xmlLines.append( '\t\t</shape>' )
        print 'item: {0}'.format( item )
        bitComponents = components.getComponents( item )
        for comp in bitComponents:            
            # Component info
            compName = ''.join(i for i in comp if not i.isdigit())

            # Start component.
            xmlLines.append( '\t\t<component name=\"{0}\">'.format( compName ) )
            compSettings = NodeUtility.getModuleComponentSettings( comp )
            for attr in compSettings:
                types = NodeUtility.getAttrTypes( comp, attr )
                # Special case message plugs.
                if types[1] == 'message':
                    messageValues = NodeUtility.getAttrMessageValue( comp, attr )
                    if isinstance( messageValues, unicode ):
                        plugValue = messageValues
                    elif isinstance( messageValues, list ):
                        plugValue = None
                    aPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( comp, attr )
                    plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( aPlug )
                xmlLines.append( '\t\t\t<plug name=\"{0}\" attrType=\"{1}\" attrDataType=\"{2}\">{3}</plug>'.format( attr, types[0], types[1], plugValue ) )
            xmlLines.append( '\t\t</component>' )
        # END: Bit
        xmlLines.append( '\t</bit>' )
    # END: Writing XML
    xmlLines.append( '</data>' )
    # Create the file
    startingDirectory = getPresetPath( FRAME_PRESETS_PATH )
    filePath = '{0}{1}'.format( startingDirectory, inModuleType )
    fileName = '{0}.xml'.format( inModuleName )

    newfile = file( os.path.join( filePath, fileName ), 'w')      
    for i in xmlLines:
        newfile.write( i+'\n' )
Exemplo n.º 20
def createControlXML():
    Creates/updates module XML file.
    # Controller attributes.
    cAttr = [ 'color',
              'botBackLeft' ]
    # Browse for file to replace or new file to make.
    moduleFilter = "*.xml"
    dialogResults = cmds.fileDialog2( fileFilter=moduleFilter, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=getPresetPath( CONTROLLER_PRESETS_PATH ) )
    tempPath = dialogResults[0].split( '/' )
    fileName = tempPath[ len( tempPath )-1 ]
    filePath = dialogResults[0].rstrip( fileName )
    objName = fileName.split( '.' )[0]

    # Get the selected object. Only takes one object.
    sel = cmds.ls( selection=True, dagObjects=True, allPaths=True, transforms=True )
    # Build a list for each line in an XML file.
    xmlList = []
    xmlList.append( '<data>' )

    # Grab the shape node.
    transNode = NodeUtility.getDagPath( sel[0] )
    shapeNode = transNode.child( 0 )
    MFnDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode()
    MFnDagNode.setObject( shapeNode )

    # Get the attributes and format them for the XML file.
    if MFnDagNode.typeName() == 'ControlBox':
        # Create a <control>.
        xmlList.append( '\t<control name=\"{0}\" type=\"{1}\">'.format( sel[0], MFnDagNode.typeName() ) )
        xmlList.append( '\t</control>' )
        for a in cAttr:
            # Get the attributes.
            xmlList.insert( len( xmlList ) - 1, '\t\t<attr name=\"{0}">'.format( a ) )
            plug = NodeUtility.getPlug( MFnDagNode.name(), a )
            plugValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( plug )
            if isinstance( plugValue, types.ListType ):
                for i in plugValue:
                    xmlList.insert( len( xmlList ) - 1, '\t\t\t<value>{0}</value>'.format( i ) )
                xmlList.insert( len( xmlList ) - 1, '\t\t\t<value>{0}</value>'.format( plugValue ) )
            xmlList.insert( len( xmlList ) - 1, '\t\t</attr>' )
    # close the data tag
    xmlList.append( '</data>' )

    # create new file
    newfile = file( os.path.join( filePath, fileName ), 'w')      
    for i in xmlList:
        newfile.write( i+'\n' )
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __init__( self, nodeName, parent=None ):
     super( componentWidget, self ).__init__( parent )
     self.parent = parent
     def on_context_menu( point, inNodeName ):
         popMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
         deleteAction = QtGui.QAction( 'Delete Component', popMenu, triggered=lambda a=inNodeName:self.deleteComponentFromObject( a ) )
         popMenu.addAction( deleteAction )
         popMenu.exec_( self.componentLabel.mapToGlobal( point ) )
     # Setup layout.
     verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     verticalLayout.setContentsMargins( 0,0,0,0 )
     verticalLayout.setSpacing( 0 )
     verticalLayout.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignTop )
     # Label for component
     componentLabel = QTWidgets.basicLabel( nodeName, 'bold', 10, 'black', '6E9094', inIndent=20 )
     componentLabel.setMinimumHeight( 18 )    
     componentLabel.setContextMenuPolicy( QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu )
     componentLabel.customContextMenuRequested.connect( lambda point, nodeName=nodeName:on_context_menu( point, nodeName ) )
     # Properties
     propertyStack = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
     propertyFrame = QTWidgets.basicFrame()
     propertyFrame.setMinimumHeight( 120 )
     propertyFrame.setMaximumHeight( 120 )
     # Add string edit property
     characterPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'characterName' )
     characterValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( characterPlug )
     characterTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Character Name', characterValue )
     skelGroupPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'skeletonGroupName' )
     skelGroupValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( skelGroupPlug )
     skelGroupTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Skeleton Group Name', skelGroupValue )
     rigGroupPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( nodeName, 'rigGroupName' )
     rigGroupValue = NodeUtility.getPlugValue( rigGroupPlug )
     rigGroupTextLayout = QTWidgets.stringProperty( 'Rigging Group Name', rigGroupValue )
     # Add everything to the vertical layout.
     propertyStack.addLayout( characterTextLayout )
     propertyStack.addLayout( skelGroupTextLayout )
     propertyStack.addLayout( rigGroupTextLayout )
     propertyFrame.setLayout( propertyStack )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( componentLabel )
     verticalLayout.addWidget( propertyFrame )
     # Connections
     charTextBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit, 'Character Name' )
     charTextBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='characterName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=charTextBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                          :CharacterRootComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     skelTextBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit, 'Skeleton Group Name' )
     skelTextBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='skeletonGroupName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=skelTextBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                          :CharacterRootComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     rigTextBox = propertyFrame.findChild( QtGui.QLineEdit, 'Rigging Group Name' )
     rigTextBox.editingFinished.connect( lambda inPlugName='rigGroupName', inQTType='QLineEdit', inPlugValue=rigTextBox, inNodeName=nodeName
                                         :CharacterRootComponent( inNodeName ).setComponentAttributeFromQT( inPlugName, inQTType, inPlugValue, inNodeName ) )
     #return mainWidget
     self.setLayout( verticalLayout )
Exemplo n.º 22
 def controlScale( self ):
     sourcePosPlug = NodeUtility.getPlug( 'CurveControlComponent1', 'controlScale' )
     return NodeUtility.getPlugValue( sourcePosPlug )