Exemplo n.º 1
class current_frame():

    filename_screenshot = ""
    filename_htmldump = ""

    def main(self, LOGDIR):
        # The first variable is the log directory.
        ucount = 0
        self.marionette = Marionette(host='localhost', port=2828)

        # Now loop through all the iframes, gathering details about each one.
        print ""
        print "Iframe for 'top level' () ..."
        self.filename_screenshot = LOGDIR + "top_level" + ".png"
        self.filename_htmldump = LOGDIR + "top_level" + ".html"

        frames = self.marionette.find_elements("tag name", "iframe")
        for fnum in range(len(frames)):

            # App name is usually in the "src" attribute, so it's worth a shot..
            frame_src = frames[fnum].get_attribute("src")

            if frame_src != "":
                startpos = frame_src.index('/') + 2
                stoppos = frame_src.index('.')
                appname = frame_src[startpos:stoppos]
                filename = appname
                ucount = ucount + 1
                appname = "(unknown)"
                filename = "unknown_" + str(ucount)

            # Because we call this script sometimes when we hit a Marionette issue,
            # these filenames may already exist (and we'd overwrite them!), so
            # add 'DEBUG_' to the start of the filename.
            filename = "DEBUG_" + filename

            filename_details = LOGDIR + filename + "_iframe_details.txt"
            self.filename_screenshot = LOGDIR + filename + ".png"
            self.filename_htmldump = LOGDIR + filename + ".html"

            # This iframe gives me problems sometimes, so I'm ignoring it for now.
            if appname == "costcontrol":

            print ""
            print "Iframe for app \"" + appname + "\" ..."

            # Record the iframe details (pretty verbose, but 'execute_script'
            # wasn't letting me use 'for' loops in js for some reason).
            print "    |_ iframe details saved to : " + filename_details
            f = open(filename_details, 'w')
            f.write("Attributes for this iframe ...\n")
            num_attribs = self.marionette.execute_script("return document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')["
                                                         + str(fnum) + "].attributes.length;")
            for i in range(num_attribs):
                attrib_name = self.marionette.execute_script("return document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')["
                                                             + str(fnum) + "].attributes[" + str(i) + "].nodeName;")
                attrib_value = self.marionette.execute_script("return document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')["
                                                              + str(fnum) + "].attributes[" + str(i) + "].nodeValue;")

                f.write("    |_ " + attrib_name.ljust(20) + ": \"" + attrib_value + "\"\n")

            # Switch to this frame.

            if appname == "keyboard":
                # Take the html dump and save it to the file.
                print "    |_ html dump saved to      : " + self.filename_htmldump
                f = open(self.filename_htmldump, 'w')
                f.write(self.marionette.page_source.encode('utf8', 'ignore'))


    def record_frame(self):
        # Take the screenshot and save it to the file.
        print "    |_ screenshot saved to     : " + self.filename_screenshot
        screenshot = self.marionette.screenshot()
        with open(self.filename_screenshot, 'w') as f:

        # Take the html dump and save it to the file.
        print "    |_ html dump saved to      : " + self.filename_htmldump
        f = open(self.filename_htmldump, 'w')
        f.write(self.marionette.page_source.encode('utf8', 'ignore'))
Exemplo n.º 2
class Puppet:
    MIME_TYPES = [
        "audio/midi audio/x-midi",
    METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR = "css selector"
    NO_LOG = "-"
    DELETE_TARGET_FILES = ["mimeTypes.rdf", "handlers.json"]
    GECKO_LOG = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()

    def __init__(self, binary: str, profile: str):
        self.__has_session = False
        self.__auto_download = False
        self.__download_dir = ""

        if not Path(binary).is_file():
            print(f"Binary {binary} Not Found")

        if not Path(profile).is_dir():
            print(f"Profile {profile} Not Found")

        # geckodriver の log ファイル出力を抑止する
        self.marionette = Marionette(
            bin=binary, gecko_log=self.NO_LOG,  profile=profile)

        # start_session 前にファイルを消しておかないと
        # 後で自動ダウンロードできない

        # start_session しないと quit もできない
        self.__has_session = True

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        if self.has_session:

    def has_session(self):
        return self.__has_session

    def auto_download(self):
        return self.__auto_download

    def __delete_download_profile(self):
        # mimeTypes.rdf と handlers.json に
        # ファイル読み込み時の動作設定が保存されている(text/plain はファイルを保存、など)
        # 自動ダウンロードするため既存の設定は削除する
        for name in self.DELETE_TARGET_FILES:
            p = Path(self.marionette.profile_path).joinpath(name)
            if p.is_file():

    def __activate_auto_download(self):
        # 一度有効にすると同セッション内では無効にできない
        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", True)
            "browser.download.folderList", self.USER_DEFINED)
        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.lastDir", None)
        self.__auto_download = True

    def download_dir(self):
        if self.__auto_download == False:
            raise Exception("auto download not activated")
        return self.__download_dir

    def download_dir(self, dir: str):
        p = Path(dir)
        if not p.is_dir():
            print(f"Download Dir {dir} Not Found")

        full_path = str(p.resolve())
        if self.__auto_download == False:
            # self.__auto_download = True

        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.dir", full_path)
        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.downloadDir", full_path)
        self.__download_dir = full_path

    def set_download(self, dir: str):
        self.download_dir = dir

    def query_selector(self, selectors: str) -> HTMLElement:
        return self.marionette.find_element(self.METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR, selectors)

    def query_selectors(self, selectors: str) -> List[HTMLElement]:
        return self.marionette.find_elements(self.METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR, selectors)

    def wait(self, seconds: int):
        actions = Actions(self.marionette)

    def quit(self):
        profile = Path(self.marionette.profile_path)
        # self.__forced_rmdir(profile)
        # Path(self.GECKO_LOG).unlink()
        self.__has_session = False

    def exec(self, script: str) -> Optional[str]:
        # script 内での記述簡略化のため
        mrnt = self.marionette
        set_download = self.set_download
        wait = self.wait
        quit = self.quit
        query_selector = self.query_selector
        query_selectors = self.query_selectors

            return None
        except Exception as err:
            return str(err.args[0])

    def __forced_rmdir(self, p: Path):
        if p.is_dir():
            for f in p.iterdir():
                if f.is_file():
                elif f.is_dir():
Exemplo n.º 3
class MarionetteHelper:
    """ Helper for starting firefox and for remote browsing


    def __init__(self, firefox_path, logger=None):
        self.logger = logger  # type: logging.Logger
        self.client = None  # type: Marionette
        self.ffpopen = None  # type: subprocess.Popen
        self.ffpath = firefox_path  # type: str
        if logger is None:
            self.logger = logging.getLogger("MarionetteHelper")
        self.logger.debug("Marionette helper init done")

    def _open_session(self, host='localhost', port=2828):
        """ Opens the session for marionette"""
        caps = {u'acceptInsecureCerts': True, }
        self.client = Marionette(host, port=port)

    def run_firefox(self):
        """ Start the firefox process"""
        self.logger.debug("Starting firefox process")
        self.ffpopen = subprocess.Popen([self.ffpath, "-marionette"])
        self.logger.debug("Opening marionette session")

    def quit_firefox(self):
        """ Close the firefox process and close marionette session"""
        #self.logger.debug("Closing firefox")
        self.client = None # reset client state
        #    self.client.close()  # try to close the window anyway
        #except InvalidSessionIdException:
        #    pass
        #except socket.error:
        #    pass
        #    try:
        #        self.logger.debug("Closing marionette session")
        #        self.client.delete_session(False)  # close client session
        #    except InvalidSessionIdException:
        #        pass
        #    except socket.error:
        #        pass
        #    self.client = None  # reset client state
        #self.logger.debug("Waiting for firefox to close")
        #for _ in range(3):  # give the process 3 seconds to terminate
        #    time.sleep(1)
        #    self.ffpopen.poll()
        #    if self.ffpopen.returncode is not None:
        #        break
        #if self.ffpopen.returncode is None:
        #    self.logger.warning("Firefox not closed in time, killing it!")
        #    self.ffpopen.kill()  # process was not quit in time, kill it
        #self.ffpopen = None  # reset popen state
        #self.logger.debug("Firefox is closed")

    def ___get_client(self):
        """ Returns the internal marionette client object"""
        return self.client

    def navigate_to_url(self, url):
        """ Open an url in format of http[s]://example.com"""
            if "http" not in url:
                url = "http://" + url
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def back(self):
        """ Go a page backward"""
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def forward(self):
        """ Go a page forward"""
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def follow_link(self, index=0):
        """ Click on a link"""
            links = self.client.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except IndexError:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Out of bound")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_class_name(self, html_class_name):
        """ Click on first element via class name"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, html_class_name)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_css_selector(self, css_selector):
        """ Click on first element via css selector"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_id(self, html_id):
        """ Click on first element via element id"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.ID, html_id)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_name(self, html_name):
        """ Click on first element via element name"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.NAME, html_name)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_tag_name(self, html_tag_name):
        """ Click on first element via tag name"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, html_tag_name)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_xpath(self, xpath):
        """ Click on first element via xpath"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.XPATH, xpath)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def click_element_by_link_text(self, html_link_text):
        """ Click on first element via link text"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, html_link_text)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        except InsecureCertificateException:
            self.logger.warning("Warning: Insecure Certificate")
            return True
        except UnknownException as e:
            if "Reached error page" in str(e):
                self.logger.warning("Reached error page, ignoring...")
            else: # reraise, something very unexpected happened here
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                raise t, v, tb
            return False
        return True

    def send_keys_to_element_by_name(self, name, text):
        """ Sends text to an element via name"""
            e = self.client.find_element(By.NAME, name)
        except ElementNotVisibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not visible")
            return False
        except ElementNotSelectableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not selectable")
            return False
        except ElementNotAccessibleException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not accessible")
            return False
        except ElementNotInteractableException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element not interactable")
            return False
        except NoSuchElementException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Element does not exist")
            return False
        except TimeoutException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Timeout")
            return False
        return True

    def select_window(self, index):
        """ Switch window via index"""
        except NoSuchWindowException:
            self.logger.warning("Error: Window does not exist")
            return False
        return True

    def close_window(self):
        """ Close the current window"""
        self.client.close()  # this won't close the last window, call quit_firefox instead

    def get_current_window_index(self):
        """ Get current windows index"""
        return self.client.window_handles.index(self.client.current_window_handle)

    def new_tab(self):
        """ Open a new empty tab"""
        with self.client.using_context("chrome"):
            self.client.find_element(By.ID, "menu_newNavigatorTab").click()

    def new_window(self):
        """ Open a new empty window"""
        with self.client.using_context("chrome"):

    def close_tab(self):
        """ Close the current tab"""
        self.close_window()  # basically the same as close windows
Exemplo n.º 4
class Puppet:
    def __init__(self, binary: str, profile: str):
        self.__has_marionette = False
        self.__auto_download = False
        self.__download_dir = ""

        if not Path(binary).is_file():

        if not Path(profile).is_dir():

        # geckodriver の log ファイル出力を抑止する
        NO_LOG = "-"
        self.marionette = Marionette(bin=binary,
        # start_session しないと quit もできない
        self.__has_marionette = True

    def has_marionette(self):
        return self.__has_marionette

    def auto_download(self):
        return self.__auto_download

    def __activate_auto_download(self):
        # 一度有効にすると同セッション内では無効にできない

        # firefox52 では MIME_TYPES.rdf, firefox60 では handlers.json に
        # ファイルダウンロード時の動作設定が記述されている(text/plain はプログラムで開く、など)
        # 自動ダウンロードするため既存の設定は削除する
        MIME_TYPES_HANDLERS = ["MIME_TYPES.rdf", "handlers.json"]
        for name in MIME_TYPES_HANDLERS:
            p = Path(self.marionette.profile_path).joinpath(name)
            if p.is_file():

        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", True)
        USER_DEFINED = 2
        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.folderList", USER_DEFINED)

    def download_dir(self):
        if self.__auto_download == False:
            raise Exception("auto download has not been activated")
        return self.__download_dir

    def download_dir(self, dir: str):
        p = Path(dir)
        if not p.is_dir():

        full_path = str(p.resolve())
        if self.__auto_download == False:
            self.__auto_download = True

        self.marionette.set_pref("browser.download.dir", full_path)
        self.__download_dir = full_path

    def set_download(self, dir: str):
        self.download_dir = dir

    def query_selector(self, selectors: str) -> HTMLElement:
        METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR = "css selector"
        return self.marionette.find_element(METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR, selectors)

    def query_selectors(self, selectors: str) -> List[HTMLElement]:
        METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR = "css selector"
        return self.marionette.find_elements(METHOD_CSS_SELECTOR, selectors)

    def wait(self, seconds: int):
        actions = Actions(self.marionette)

    def quit(self):

    def exec(self, script: str):

        # script 内での記述簡略化のため
        mrnt = self.marionette
        set_download = self.set_download
        wait = self.wait
        quit = self.quit
        query_selector = self.query_selector
        query_selectors = self.query_selectors

Exemplo n.º 5
    print "Already logged"
# Move to the term
term = args.search
# encode the term and change the space ('%20') in a '+'
term = urllib.quote_plus(term, safe='')

client.navigate("https://translate.wordpress.org/consistency?search=" + term + "&set=" + args.lang + "%2Fdefault")
# Remove the strings different from our
removeOtherStrings = "var right = document.querySelectorAll('table td:nth-child(2) .string');for (var i=0; i<right.length; i++){if(right[i].innerHTML!=='" + cgi.escape(args.remove.replace("'","\\'")) + "') {td = right[i].parentNode;tr = td.parentNode;tr.outerHTML=''}}"
result = client.execute_script(removeOtherStrings)
# Force to open the link in another tab with a little hack in js
addTarget = "var anchors = document.querySelectorAll('table td:nth-child(2) .meta a');for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){anchors[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');}"
result = client.execute_script(addTarget)
# Open all the links
openPages = client.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'table td:nth-child(2) .meta a')
print('Find ' + str(len(openPages)) + ' wrong strings for ' + args.search + ' with -> ' + args.remove)
i = 0
j = 0
for openPage in openPages:
    original_window = client.current_window_handle
    # Wait page load, glotpress is very slow
    all_tab = client.window_handles
    if all_tab[-1] != original_window:
        # Switch to the tab opened
        i += 1
        print(str(i) + ' - Switch to ' + client.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.breadcrumb li:nth-child(3)').text)
Exemplo n.º 6
    print "Already logged"
# Move to the term
term = args.search
# encode the term and change the space ('%20') in a '+'
term = urllib.quote_plus(term, safe='')

client.navigate("https://translate.wordpress.org/consistency?search=" + term + "&set=" + args.lang + "%2Fdefault")
# Remove the strings different from our
removeOtherStrings = "var right = document.querySelectorAll('table td:nth-child(2) .string');for (var i=0; i<right.length; i++){if(right[i].innerHTML!=='" + cgi.escape(args.remove.replace("'","\\'")) + "') {td = right[i].parentNode;tr = td.parentNode;tr.outerHTML=''}}"
result = client.execute_script(removeOtherStrings)
# Force to open the link in another tab with a little hack in js
addTarget = "var anchors = document.querySelectorAll('table td:nth-child(2) .meta a');for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){anchors[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');}"
result = client.execute_script(addTarget)
# Open all the links
openPages = client.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'table td:nth-child(2) .meta a')
print('Find ' + str(len(openPages)) + ' wrong strings for ' + args.search + ' with -> ' + args.remove)
i = 0
j = 0
for openPage in openPages:
    original_window = client.current_window_handle
    # Wait page load, glotpress is very slow
    all_tab = client.window_handles
    if all_tab[-1] != original_window:
        # Switch to the tab opened
        i += 1
        print(str(i) + ' - Switch to ' + client.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.breadcrumb li:nth-child(3)').text)