def __init__(self,markdown, directory, lang, is_translation): mdfile = open(markdown,'r') state = 'begin' self.file = markdown if is_translation: self.path = os.path.splitext(markdown[len(directory)+1: markdown.find('.markdown')].lower())[0] + '/' else: self.path = markdown[len(directory)+1: markdown.find('.markdown')].lower() + '/' = '' self.title = '' self.summary = '' = '' self.author_site = '' self.translator = '' self.translator_site = '' self.translated_from = '' self.body = '' self.type = 'markdown' self.lang = lang self.type = 'tutorial' self.modification_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(markdown)) self.translations = {} self.original = None self.original_newer = False for line in mdfile: #line = line.decode('utf-8','replace') if state=='begin' and stripFileLine(line).strip(' ') =='---': state='header' continue if state=='header' and line.find('date:')!=-1: = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('title:')!=-1: self.title = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('summary:')!=-1: self.summary = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('author:')!=-1: = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('author_site:')!=-1: self.author_site = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('translator:')!=-1: self.translator = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('translator_site:')!=-1: self.translator_site = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('translated_from:')!=-1: self.translated_from = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and line.find('type:')!=-1: self.type = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':')+1:]).strip(' ') continue if state=='header' and stripFileLine(line).strip(' ')=='---': return
def process_latex_blocks_pdf(markdown): delim = "=+=" start = markdown.find(delim) while (start >= 0): end = markdown.find(delim, start + 1) before = markdown[:start] within = markdown[start + 3:end] after = markdown[end + 3:] markdown = before + replace_latex_block(within) + after start = markdown.find(delim) return markdown
def process_add_blocks_pdf(markdown): delim = "=^=" start = markdown.find(delim) while (start >= 0): end = markdown.find(delim, start + 1) before = markdown[:start] within = markdown[start + 3:end] after = markdown[end + 3:] markdown = before + after start = markdown.find(delim) return markdown
def process_chart_blocks(output_path, dir, markdown): delim = "=/=" start = markdown.find(delim) while (start >= 0): end = markdown.find(delim, start + 1) before = markdown[:start] within = markdown[start + 3:end] after = markdown[end + 3:] markdown = before + \ replace_chart_block(output_path, dir, within) + after start = markdown.find(delim) return markdown
def process_table_blocks_pdf(dir, markdown): delim = "=|=" start = markdown.find(delim) while (start >= 0): end = markdown.find(delim, start + 1) before = markdown[:start] within = markdown[start + 3:end] after = markdown[end + 3:] markdown = before + \ replace_table_block_pdf(dir, within) + after start = markdown.find(delim) return markdown
def process_chart_blocks_pdf(output_path, dir, markdown): global chart_count delim = "=/=" start = markdown.find(delim) while (start >= 0): end = markdown.find(delim, start + 1) before = markdown[:start] within = markdown[start + 3:end] after = markdown[end + 3:] chart_html = replace_chart_block_pdf(output_path, dir, within) chart_template = env.get_template('chart-wrapper.jinja') html = chart_template.render(content=chart_html, units='us', key='n') chart_count += 1 chart_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'charts', f"chart{chart_count}.html") with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(html) options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument('headless') browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) html_file = "file:///" + chart_file print(html_file) browser.get(html_file) img = browser.find_element_by_id('vue').screenshot_as_png browser.close() png_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'charts', f"chart{chart_count}.png") with open(png_file, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(img) markdown = before + \ f"<img src='build/charts/chart{chart_count}.png'/>" + after start = markdown.find(delim) return markdown
def __init__(self, markdown, directory, lang, is_translation): mdfile = open(markdown, 'r') state = 'begin' self.file = markdown if is_translation: self.path = os.path.splitext( markdown[len(directory) + 1:markdown.find('.markdown')].lower())[0] + '/' else: self.path = markdown[len(directory) + 1:markdown.find('.markdown')].lower() + '/' = '' self.title = '' self.summary = '' = '' self.author_site = '' self.translator = '' self.translator_site = '' self.translated_from = '' self.body = '' self.type = 'markdown' self.lang = lang self.type = 'tutorial' self.modification_date = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(markdown)) self.translations = {} self.original = None self.original_newer = False for line in mdfile: #line = line.decode('utf-8','replace') if state == 'begin' and stripFileLine(line).strip(' ') == '---': state = 'header' continue if state == 'header' and line.find('date:') != -1: = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('title:') != -1: self.title = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('summary:') != -1: self.summary = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('author:') != -1: = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('author_site:') != -1: self.author_site = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('translator:') != -1: self.translator = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('translator_site:') != -1: self.translator_site = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('translated_from:') != -1: self.translated_from = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and line.find('type:') != -1: self.type = stripFileLine(line[line.find(':') + 1:]).strip(' ') continue if state == 'header' and stripFileLine(line).strip(' ') == '---': return