Exemplo n.º 1
def process_imports(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    log = __logging.get_log()
    line_data = list(lines)

    for idx, line in enumerate(line_data):
        if not line.strip().startswith('[IMPORT '):

        import_statement = line.strip()
        import_name = import_statement \
            .replace('[IMPORT ', '') \
            .replace(']', '') \

        log.verbose(f"Loading import: {import_name}...")

        markdown = get_shared_markdown(import_name)
        if markdown is not None:
            markdown_lines = markdown.split('\n')
            markdown_lines = ['', f'ERROR: IMPORT {import_name} not found', '']

        line_data = line_data[:idx] + markdown_lines + line_data[idx + 1:]

        return process_imports(line_data)

    return line_data
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_markdown(template_path: str, data: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> str:
    if data is None:
        data = {}

    cache = __caching.get_cache()
    log = __logging.get_log()

    key = f'markdown: {template_path}'
    entry = cache.get_markdown(key)
    if entry:
        log.trace(f"CACHE HIT: Reusing {template_path} from MARKDOWN cache.")
        if not data:
            return entry.contents
            return process_variables(entry.contents, data)

    t0 = datetime.datetime.now()

    text = load_markdown_contents(template_path)
    cache.add_markdown(key, key, text)
    if data:
        text = process_variables(text, data)

    dt = datetime.datetime.now() - t0

    msg = f"Created contents for {template_path} in {int(dt.total_seconds() * 1000):,} ms."
    log.trace(f"GENERATING MARKDOWN: {msg}")

    return text
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_page(template_path: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    cache = __caching.get_cache()
    log = __logging.get_log()

    key = f'name: {template_path}, data: {data}'
    entry = cache.get_html(key)
    if entry:
        log.trace(f"CACHE HIT: Reusing {template_path} from HTML cache.")
        return entry.contents

    t0 = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Get the markdown with imports and substitutions
    markdown = get_markdown(template_path, data)
    # Convert markdown to HTML
    html = get_html(markdown)

    cache.add_html(key, key, str(data), html)

    dt = datetime.datetime.now() - t0

    msg = f"Created contents for {template_path}:{data} in {int(dt.total_seconds() * 1000):,} ms."
    log.info(f"GENERATING HTML: {msg}")

    return html
def init_logging(config) -> logbook.Logger:
    logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout, level='TRACE').push_application()
    log = logbook.Logger('App')
    log.notice('Logging initialized.')

    md_log = logging.get_log()
    md_log.log_level = LogLevel.trace

    return log
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_logging_off():
    log = logging.get_log()
    level = log.log_level
        log.log_level = LogLevel.off
        assert not log.should_log(LogLevel.error, 'MSG')
        assert not log.should_log(LogLevel.verbose, 'MSG')
        log.log_level = level
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_can_change_log_level():
    log = logging.get_log()

    level = log.log_level
        log.log_level = LogLevel.error
        assert log.log_level == LogLevel.error
        log.log_level = level
Exemplo n.º 7
def load_markdown_contents(template_path: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    log = __logging.get_log()
    log.verbose(f"Loading markdown template: {template_path}")

    landing_md = get_page_markdown(template_path)

    lines = landing_md.split('\n')
    lines = process_imports(lines)
    lines = process_variables(lines, data)

    final_markdown = "\n".join(lines).strip()

    return final_markdown
Exemplo n.º 8
def load_markdown_contents(template_path: str) -> Optional[str]:
    if not template_path:
        return ''

    log = __logging.get_log()
    log.verbose(f"Loading markdown template: {template_path}")

    page_md = get_page_markdown(template_path)
    if not page_md:
        return ''

    lines = page_md.split('\n')
    lines = process_imports(lines)

    final_markdown = "\n".join(lines).strip()

    return final_markdown
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_page(template_path: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    if not template_path or not template_path.strip():
        raise ArgumentExpectedException('template_path')

    template_path = template_path.strip().lower()

    cache = __caching.get_cache()
    log = __logging.get_log()

    key = f'html: {template_path}'
    entry = cache.get_html(key)
    if entry:
        log.trace(f"CACHE HIT: Reusing {template_path} from HTML cache.")
        contents = entry.contents

        # Is there data that needs to be folded in? Process it.
        if data:
            contents = process_variables(contents, data)

        # Return the cached data, no need to transform for variables.
        return contents

    t0 = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Get the markdown with imports and substitutions
    markdown = get_markdown(template_path)
    inline_variables = {}
    markdown = get_inline_variables(markdown, inline_variables, log)
    # Convert markdown to HTML
    html = get_html(markdown)

    # Cache inline variables, but not the passed in data as that varies per request (query string, etc).
    html = process_variables(html, inline_variables)
    cache.add_html(key, key, html)

    # Replace the passed variables each time.
    html = process_variables(html, data)

    dt = datetime.datetime.now() - t0

    msg = f"Created contents for {template_path}:{data} in {int(dt.total_seconds() * 1000):,} ms."
    log.info(f"GENERATING HTML: {msg}")

    return html
Exemplo n.º 10
def process_variables(lines: List[str], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
    log = __logging.get_log()

    line_data = list(lines)
    keys = list(data.keys())
    key_placeholders = {
        key: f"${key.strip().upper()}$"
        for key in keys if key and isinstance(key, str)

    for idx, line in enumerate(line_data):
        for key in keys:
            if key_placeholders[key] not in line:

            log.verbose(f"Replacing {key_placeholders[key]} in:\n{line}")
            line_data[idx] = line.replace(key_placeholders[key],

    return line_data
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_markdown(template_path: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    cache = __caching.get_cache()
    log = __logging.get_log()

    key = f'name: {template_path}, data: {data}'
    entry = cache.get_markdown(key)
    if entry:
        log.trace(f"CACHE HIT: Reusing {template_path} from MARKDOWN cache.")
        return entry.contents

    t0 = datetime.datetime.now()

    text = load_markdown_contents(template_path, data)
    cache.add_markdown(key, key, str(data), text)

    dt = datetime.datetime.now() - t0

    msg = f"Created contents for {template_path}:{data} in {int(dt.total_seconds() * 1000):,} ms."
    log.trace(f"GENERATING MARKDOWN: {msg}")

    return text
Exemplo n.º 12
def process_variables(raw_text: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    if not raw_text:
        return raw_text

    log = __logging.get_log()

    keys = list(data.keys())
    key_placeholders = {
        key: f"${key.strip().upper()}$"
        for key in keys
        if key and isinstance(key, str)

    transformed_text = raw_text
    for key in keys:
        if key_placeholders[key] not in transformed_text:

        log.verbose(f"Replacing {key_placeholders[key]}...")
        transformed_text = transformed_text.replace(key_placeholders[key], str(data[key]))

    return transformed_text
Exemplo n.º 13
def process_imports(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    log = __logging.get_log()
    line_data = list(lines)

    for idx, line in enumerate(line_data):
        if not line.strip().startswith('[IMPORT '):

        import_statement = line.strip()
        import_name = import_statement \
            .replace('[IMPORT ', '') \
            .replace(']', '') \

        imported_file = os.path.join('_shared', import_name + '.md')
        log.verbose(f"Loading import: {imported_file}...")

        markdown = get_page_markdown(imported_file)
        markdown_lines = markdown.split('\n')
        line_data = line_data[:idx] + markdown_lines + line_data[idx + 1:]

        return process_imports(line_data)

    return line_data
    def set_template_folder(full_path: str):
        from ..exceptions import PathException
        import markdown_subtemplate.logging as logging
        log = logging.get_log()

        test_path = os.path.abspath(full_path)
        if test_path != full_path:
            msg = f"{full_path} is not an absolute path."
            log.error("engine.set_template_folder: " + msg)
            raise PathException(msg)

        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            msg = f"{full_path} does not exist."
            log.error("engine.set_template_folder: " + msg)
            raise PathException(msg)

        if not os.path.isdir(full_path):
            msg = f"{full_path} is not a directory."
            log.error("engine.set_template_folder: " + msg)
            raise PathException(msg)

        log.info(f"Template folder set: {full_path}")

        FileStore.__template_folder = full_path
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_default_log_level():
    log = logging.get_log()
    assert log.log_level == LogLevel.info
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_should_log_no():
    log = logging.get_log()
    assert not log.should_log(LogLevel.verbose, "MSG")
    assert not log.should_log(LogLevel.trace, "MSG")
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_should_log_yes():
    log = logging.get_log()
    assert log.should_log(LogLevel.info, "MSG")
    assert log.should_log(LogLevel.error, "MSG")