Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):

        # Define
        obs_high = np.array([
                            10000, #demand
                            1000, #available MW
        obs_low = np.array([
                            0, #demand
                            0, #available MW
        # self.observation_space = spaces.Box(obs_low, obs_high, dtype=np.float32)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(obs_low, obs_high )

        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(10)
        self.viewer = None
        self.state = None
        self._state_dict = None

        self.steps_beyond_done = None

        # Need a way to assign or find id.
        self.id = 3
        self.io = AsyncClient(self.id)
        self.label = 'Bayswater'
        self.total_steps = 0

        self.epoch_reward = 0
        self.last_action = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
 def connect(self, participant_name, id_no):
     print("Connecting as ", participant_name, id_no)
     self.id = id_no
     self.label = participant_name
     self.io = AsyncClient(self.id)
Exemplo n.º 3
class MultiBidMarket(gym.Env):

    metadata = {
        'render.modes': ['human'],

    def __init__(self):
        obs_high = [
            market_config['MAX_DEMAND'],  #demand
            TOTAL_CAPACITY,  #Amount Dispatched
            market_config['MAX_PRICE'],  #Last Price

        obs_low = [
            0,  #demand
            0,  #Amount Dispatched
            0,  #Last Price

        # Create a spot in the observation space for each participant other than this one.
        if market_config['REVEAL_PREVIOUS_BIDS']:
            for i in range(len(market_config['PARTICIPANTS']) - 1):
                for band in range(market_config['NUM_BANDS']):

        # Create a spot in the observation space for each participant other than this one
        # These spots are used to deliver the way the other participants last bid in this context.
        if market_config['PROVIDE_HISTORICAL_CONTEXT']:
            for i in range(len(market_config['PARTICIPANTS']) - 1):
                self._saved_history = {}
                for band in range(market_config['NUM_BANDS']):

        # Define
        obs_high = np.array(obs_high)
        obs_low = np.array(obs_low)
        print('Obs High:', obs_high)
        print('Obs Low:', obs_low)

        # self.observation_space = spaces.Box(obs_low, obs_high, dtype=np.float32)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(obs_low, obs_high)

        # self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(10)
            self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([
                for b in range(market_config['NUM_BANDS'])
            ])  #5 bands of $0 - $9 bids.
        except:  # It seems that in some versions of openai gym, the MultiDiscrete constructor needs an array of high/lows.
            self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([
                [0, market_config['MAX_PRICE']]
                for b in range(market_config['NUM_BANDS'])
            ])  #5 bands of $0 - $9 bids.

        self.viewer = None
        self.state = np.array(obs_low)
        self._state_dict = None

        self.steps_beyond_done = None

        # Need a way to assign or find id.
        self.total_steps = 0
        self.epoch_reward = 0
        self.last_action = 0

    def connect(self, participant_name, id_no):
        print("Connecting as ", participant_name, id_no)
        self.id = id_no
        self.label = participant_name
        self.io = AsyncClient(self.id)

    def seed(self, seed=None):
        self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
        return [seed]

    def step(self, action):
        # print("ACTION: ", action)
        # print(self.action_space)
        # assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action))
        self.total_steps += 1
        # self.state = (x,x_dot,theta,theta_dot)
        # print("Action:", action)
        self.last_action = action

        data = {
            'bids': [[int(a), TOTAL_CAPACITY / market_config['NUM_BANDS']]
                     for a in action],

        reply = self.io.send(data)

        self._state_dict = reply

        amount_dispatched = 0 if self.label not in reply[
            'dispatch'] else float(reply['dispatch'][self.label])

        next_state = [
            if market_config['SHOW_NEXT_DEMAND'] else 0,  #Next Demand
            int(amount_dispatched),  #Amount Dispatched
            int(reply['price']),  # Last Price,

        # Add each participant's previous bids to the observation space.
        # Loop through each participant in the sorted participant list
        if market_config['REVEAL_PREVIOUS_BIDS']:
            for p in market_config['PARTICIPANTS']:
                if p != self.label:
                    prices = [0] * market_config['NUM_BANDS']
                    for bid in reply['all_bids'][p]:
                        prices[bid['band']] = int(bid['price'])
                    # Add the bid info to the observation
                    next_state += prices

        # Add each participant's previous bids in a similar demand situation.
        if market_config['PROVIDE_HISTORICAL_CONTEXT']:
            for p in market_config['PARTICIPANTS']:
                if p != self.label:
                    prices = [0] * market_config['NUM_BANDS']
                    if reply['next_demand'] in self._saved_history:
                        for bid in reply['all_bids'][p]:
                            prices[bid['band']] = int(bid['price'])
                    # Add the bid info to the observation
                    next_state += prices

        self._saved_history[reply['next_demand']] = reply['all_bids']

        # Reward is product of dispatched and
        reward = amount_dispatched * float(reply['price'])

        self.epoch_reward += reward
        # Every day, start a new epoch.
        done = False
        if self.total_steps % 48 == 0:
            done = True

        # the next next_state, the reward for the last action, the current next_state, a boolean representing whether the current episode of our model is done and some additional info on our problem
        return np.array(next_state), reward, done, {}

    def reset(self):
        # We used to reset the state each time - dont see how this is sensible as its a continuation in simulation backend.
        # Still worthwhile having regular epochs as we want it to think about maximising daily bidding (or some other period)
        # But resetting state is a little incompehensible.
        # Edge case here is first instance, whereby state is set to obs_low.
        # self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=0, high=0.05, size=(8,))

        # print(str({"metric": "epoch_reward", "value": self.epoch_reward, "step": self.total_steps}))
        print('{"metric": "epoch_reward", "value": ' + str(self.epoch_reward) +
              ', "step":' + str(self.total_steps) + '}')

        print('{"metric": "unique_bids", "value": ' +
              str(logbook().get_num_unique_bids(previous_steps=50)) +
              ', "step":' + str(self.total_steps) + '}')

        self.epoch_reward = 0

        # Every X steps, write results to file in case of dramatic failure.
        if self.total_steps % 20000 == 0:
            # if self.total_steps % 100 == 0:

        return np.array(self.state)

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        # Log bid/value in Floydhub
        # print('{"metric": "bid", "value": '+str(self.last_action)+', "step":'+str(self.total_steps)+'}')
        # print("Rendering")
        # Log in logbook suite
        logbook().record_price(self._state_dict['price'], self.total_steps)
        logbook().record_demand(self._state_dict['demand'], self.total_steps)

        # Log bidstack in logbook suite.
        for label in self._state_dict['all_bids']:
            for bid in self._state_dict['all_bids'][label]:
                logbook().record_bid(bid['label'], bid['price'],
                                     bid['quantity'], self.total_steps)
        return None

    def close(self):
Exemplo n.º 4
class SimpleMarket(gym.Env):
    metadata = {
        'render.modes': ['human'],

    def __init__(self):

        # Define
        obs_high = np.array([
                            10000, #demand
                            1000, #available MW
        obs_low = np.array([
                            0, #demand
                            0, #available MW
        # self.observation_space = spaces.Box(obs_low, obs_high, dtype=np.float32)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(obs_low, obs_high )

        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(10)
        self.viewer = None
        self.state = None
        self._state_dict = None

        self.steps_beyond_done = None

        # Need a way to assign or find id.
        self.id = 3
        self.io = AsyncClient(self.id)
        self.label = 'Bayswater'
        self.total_steps = 0

        self.epoch_reward = 0
        self.last_action = 0


    def seed(self, seed=None):
        self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
        return [seed]

    def step(self, action):
        assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action))
        self.total_steps += 1
        # self.state = (x,x_dot,theta,theta_dot)
        # print("Action:", action)
        self.last_action = action
        data = {
                'id': self.id,
                'bids' : [
        reply = self.io.send(data)
        self._state_dict = reply
        # state should be a tuple of vals. 
        next_state = (reply['next_demand'],10)
        # Reward is product of dispatched and 
        reward = 0 if self.label not in reply['dispatch'] else float(reply['dispatch'][self.label]) * float(reply['price'])
        self.epoch_reward += reward
        # Every day, start a new epoch.
        done = False
        if self.total_steps % 48 == 0:
            done = True

        # the next next_state, the reward for the last action, the current next_state, a boolean representing whether the current episode of our model is done and some additional info on our problem
        return np.array(next_state), reward, done, {}

    def reset(self):
        self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.05, high=0.05, size=(2,))
        # print(str({"metric": "epoch_reward", "value": self.epoch_reward, "step": self.total_steps}))
        print('{"metric": "epoch_reward", "value": '+str(self.epoch_reward)+', "step":'+str(self.total_steps)+'}')
        self.epoch_reward = 0
        return np.array(self.state)

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        # Log bid/value in Floydhub
        # print('{"metric": "bid", "value": '+str(self.last_action)+', "step":'+str(self.total_steps)+'}')
        # Log in logbook suite
        logbook().record_price(self._state_dict['price'], self.total_steps)
        logbook().record_demand(self._state_dict['demand'], self.total_steps)
        # Log bidstack in logbook suite.
        for bid in self._state_dict['all_bids']:
            logbook().record_bid(bid['label'], bid['price'], bid['quantity'], self.total_steps)
        return None

    def close(self):