Exemplo n.º 1
def test_gemini_renderer_links() -> None:
    Test rendering links.
    gemini = Markdown(renderer=GeminiRenderer)
    assert (gemini.convert(
This is a paragraph with [a link](https://example.com/). It is a good paragraph.

This one [also has a link](https://example.net/). It also has some *emphasis* and **bold**.

And this one is a special paragraph because it has not just [one](https://example.com/one),
but [two](https://example.com/two) links. That is quite a lot.

This other paragraph also has [a link][ref], using a reference. It's very fancy.

[ref]: https://example.org/foo "This is foo"

This one has an auto link <https://example.com/autolink>.

That is it.
            """, ) == """
This is a paragraph with a link. It is a good paragraph.

=> https://example.com/ a link

This one also has a link. It also has some emphasis and bold.

=> https://example.net/ also has a link

And this one is a special paragraph because it has not just one,
but two links. That is quite a lot.

=> https://example.com/one one
=> https://example.com/two two

This other paragraph also has a link, using a reference. It's very fancy.

=> https://example.org/foo This is foo

This one has an auto link https://example.com/autolink.

=> https://example.com/autolink https://example.com/autolink

That is it.

Exemplo n.º 2
def test_gemini_renderer_link_ref_def() -> None:
    Test rendering a link definition reference.
    gemini = Markdown(renderer=GeminiRenderer)

    assert (gemini.convert(
Hi, here's my [thing that I just casually mention][tt] sometimes.

[tt]: gemini://my.boring/url "I like this link"
            """, ) == """
Hi, here's my thing that I just casually mention sometimes.

=> gemini://my.boring/url I like this link

Exemplo n.º 3
def test_gemini_renderer_padding_after_link_ref_def() -> None:
    Test the padding after a link reference definition.

    Ideally we shouldn't be left with an empty line.
    gemini = Markdown(renderer=GeminiRenderer)
    assert (gemini.convert(
This other paragraph also has [a link][ref], using a reference. It's very fancy.

[ref]: https://example.org/foo "This is foo"

That is it.
""", ) == """
This other paragraph also has a link, using a reference. It's very fancy.

=> https://example.org/foo This is foo

That is it.
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_gemini_renderer_image() -> None:
    Test rendering images.
    gemini = Markdown(renderer=GeminiRenderer)
    assert (gemini.convert(
This is a paragraph.

![Alt text](https://assets.digitalocean.com/articles/alligator/boo.svg "a title")

![Alt text](https://assets.digitalocean.com/articles/alligator/boo.svg)

That is it.
""", ) == """
This is a paragraph.

=> https://assets.digitalocean.com/articles/alligator/boo.svg a title

=> https://assets.digitalocean.com/articles/alligator/boo.svg Alt text

That is it.
Exemplo n.º 5
def _assert_latex(markdown: str, latex: str):
    md = Markdown(renderer=LatexRenderer)
    assert md.convert(dedent(markdown)) == dedent(latex)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_gemini_renderer() -> None:
    Test ``GeminiRenderer``.
    double_space = "  "

    gemini = Markdown(renderer=GeminiRenderer)

    assert (gemini.convert(
# Header 1

## Header 2

### Header 3

#### Header 4

- Mercury
- Gemini
  - Apollo

> This is{double_space}
> A multiline{double_space}
> blockquote{double_space}

*This* is a **paragraph**. With `code`.

This is an [inline link](https://example.com/). This is [another](https://example.org/).

This is some code.

""", ) == f"""
# Header 1

## Header 2

### Header 3

### Header 4

* Mercury
* Gemini
* Apollo

> This is
> A multiline
> blockquote{double_space}

This is a paragraph. With code.

This is an inline link. This is another.

=> https://example.com/ inline link
=> https://example.org/ another

This is some code.

Exemplo n.º 7
        if isinstance(element.children, str):
            return aguideEscape(element.children)
        return self.render_children(element)

    def render_raw_text(self, element):
        return aguideEscape(element.children)

class AmigaGuide:
    elements = [HeadingTOC, ExternalLinkRef, Document, TableOfContents]
    renderer_mixins = [AmigaGuideMixin]

markdown = Markdown(extensions=[AmigaGuide])

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("usage: %s <foo.md>" % sys.argv[0])

infn = sys.argv[1]

with open(infn, "r") as mdf:
    md = mdf.read()

aguide = markdown.convert(md)

#with open (OUTPUT_FN, "w", encoding="latin1") as outf:
#    outf.write(aguide)
