Exemplo n.º 1
def check_cond_number_sht(N, dirs, basisType, W=None):
    Computes the condition number for a least-squares SHT.

    N : int
        Maximum order to be tested for the given set of points.
   dirs : ndarray
        Evaluation directions. Dimension = (nDirs, 2).
        Directions are expected in radians, expressed in pairs [azimuth, inclination].
    basisType : str
        Type of spherical harmonics. Either 'complex' or 'real'.
    W : ndarray, optional.
        Weights for each measurement point to condition the inversion,
        in case of a weighted least-squares. Dimension = (nDirs)

    cond_N : ndarray
        Condition number for each order. Dimension = (N+1)

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    Inclination is defined as the angle from zenith: inclination = pi/2-elevation

    TODO: implement complex basis?
    TODO: implement W

    _validate_int('N', N, positive=True)
    _validate_ndarray_2D('dirs', dirs, shape1=C - 1)
    _validate_string('basisType', basisType, choices=['complex', 'real'])
    if W is not None:
        _validate_ndarray_1D('W', W, size=dirs.shape[0])

    # Compute the harmonic coefficients
    Y_N = get_sh(N, dirs, basisType)

    # Compute condition number for progressively increasing order up to N
    cond_N = np.zeros(N + 1)
    for n in range(N + 1):
        Y_n = Y_N[:, :np.power(n + 1, 2)]
        if W is None:
            YY_n = np.dot(Y_n.T, Y_n)
            # YY_n = Y_n.T * np.diag(W) * Y_n
            raise NotImplementedError
        cond_N[n] = np.linalg.cond(YY_n)

    return cond_N
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_capsule_positions(mic_array_name):
    Retrieve the geometry of a selected set of microphone arrays.

    mic_array_name : str
      One of: 'eigenmike', 'ambeo'

    array_sigs : ndarray
        Capsule positions, in spherical coordinates (radians). Dimension = (nMic, C)

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.


                     choices=['eigenmike', 'ambeo'])
    capsule_positions = None

    if mic_array_name is 'eigenmike':
        mic_dirs_deg = np.array([[
            0, 32, 0, 328, 0, 45, 69, 45, 0, 315, 291, 315, 91, 90, 90, 89,
            180, 212, 180, 148, 180, 225, 249, 225, 180, 135, 111, 135, 269,
            270, 270, 271
                                     21, 0, -21, 0, 58, 35, 0, -35, -58, -35,
                                     0, 35, 69, 32, -31, -69, 21, 0, -21, 0,
                                     58, 35, 0, -35, -58, -35, 0, 35, 69, 32,
                                     -32, -69
        mic_dirs_rad = mic_dirs_deg * np.pi / 180.
        r = 0.042
        mic_dirs_rad = np.row_stack(
            (mic_dirs_rad, r * np.ones(np.shape(mic_dirs_rad)[1])))

        capsule_positions = mic_dirs_rad.T

    elif mic_array_name is 'ambeo':
        r = 0.015
        capsule_positions = [
            [np.pi / 4, np.arcsin(1. / np.sqrt(3)), r],  # FLU
            [7 * np.pi / 4, -1 * np.arcsin(1. / np.sqrt(3)), r],  # FRD
            [3 * np.pi / 4, -1 * np.arcsin(1. / np.sqrt(3)), r],  # BLD
            [5 * np.pi / 4, np.arcsin(1. / np.sqrt(3)), r]
        ]  # BRU

    return capsule_positions
Exemplo n.º 3
def cyl_modal_coefs(N, kr, arrayType):
    Modal coefficients for rigid or open cylindrical array

    N : int
        Maximum spherical harmonic expansion order.
    kr: ndarray
        Wavenumber-radius product. Dimension = (l).
    arrayType: str
        'open' or 'rigid'.

    b_N : ndarray
        Modal coefficients. Dimension = (l, N+1)

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    The `arrayType` options are:
    - 'open' for open array of omnidirectional sensors
    - 'rigid' for sensors mounted on a rigid baffle.


    _validate_int('N', N)
    _validate_ndarray_1D('kr', kr, positive=True)
    _validate_string('arrayType', arrayType, choices=['open', 'rigid'])

    b_N = np.zeros((kr.size, N + 1), dtype='complex')

    for n in range(N + 1):

        if arrayType is 'open':
            b_N[:, n] = np.power(1j, n) * jv(n, kr)

        elif arrayType is 'rigid':
            jn = jv(n, kr)
            jnprime = jvp(n, kr, 1)
            hn = hankel2(n, kr)
            hnprime = h2vp(n, kr, 1)

            temp = np.power(1j, n) * (jn - (jnprime / hnprime) * hn)
            temp[np.where(kr == 0)] = 1 if n == 0 else 0.
            b_N[:, n] = temp

    return b_N
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_validate_string():

    # TypeError: not a list
    wrong_values = [1, 3.14, True, 3j, np.asarray([2.3]), None, np.nan, np.inf]
    for wv in wrong_values:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='must be an instance of str'):
            _validate_string('vw', wv)

    # Value error: not a given choice
    choices = ['foo', 'bar', 'ambisonic']
    wrong_values = ['FOO', 'ambisonics', 'random_string']
    for wv in wrong_values:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be one of the following'):
            _validate_string('vw', wv, choices=choices)
Exemplo n.º 5
def simulate_sph_array(N_filt,
    Simulate the impulse responses of a spherical array.

    N_filt : int
        Number of frequencies where to compute the response. It must be even.
    mic_dirs_rad: ndarray
        Directions of microphone capsules, in radians.
        Expressed in [azi, ele] pairs. Dimension = (N_mic, C-1).
    src_dirs_rad: ndarray
        Direction of arrival of the indicent plane waves, in radians.
        Expressed in [azi, ele] pairs. Dimension = (N_doa, C-1).
    arrayType: str
        'open', 'rigid' or 'directional'.
        Target sampling rate
    R: float
        Radius of the array sphere, in meter.
    N_order: int
        Maximum spherical harmonic expansion order.
    fs: int
        Sample rate.
    dirCoef: float, optional
        Directivity coefficient of the sensors. Default to None.

    h_mic: ndarray
        Computed IRs in time-domain. Dimension = (N_filt, N_mic, N_doa).
    H_mic: ndarray, dtype='complex'
        Frequency responses of the computed IRs. Dimension = (N_filt//2+1, N_mic, N_doa).

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    This method computes the impulse responses of the microphones of a
    spherical microphone array for the given directions of incident plane waves.
    The array type can be either 'open' for omnidirectional microphones in
    an open setup, 'rigid' for omnidirectional microphones mounted on a sphere, or
    'directional' for an open array of first-order directional microphones determined
    by `dirCoef`.

    _validate_int('N_filt', N_filt, positive=True, parity='even')
    _validate_ndarray_2D('mic_dirs_rad', mic_dirs_rad, shape1=masp.C - 1)
    _validate_ndarray_2D('src_dirs_rad', src_dirs_rad, shape1=masp.C - 1)
                     choices=['open', 'rigid', 'directional'])
    _validate_float('R', R, positive=True)
    _validate_int('N_order', N_order, positive=True)
    _validate_int('fs', fs, positive=True)
    if arrayType is 'directional':
        if dirCoef is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'dirCoef must be defined in the directional case.')
        _validate_float('dirCoef', dirCoef)

    # Compute the frequency-dependent part of the microphone responses (radial dependence)
    f = np.arange(N_filt // 2 + 1) * fs / N_filt
    kR = 2 * np.pi * f * R / masp.c
    b_N = asr.sph_modal_coefs(N_order, kR, arrayType, dirCoef)

    # Handle Nyquist for real impulse response
    temp = b_N.copy()
    temp[-1, :] = np.real(temp[-1, :])
    # Create the symmetric conjugate negative frequency response for a real time-domain signal
    b_Nt = np.real(
                                              np.conj(temp[-2:0:-1, :]),

    # Compute angular-dependent part of the microphone responses
    # Unit vectors of DOAs and microphones
    N_doa = src_dirs_rad.shape[0]
    N_mic = mic_dirs_rad.shape[0]
    U_doa = masp.sph2cart(
        np.column_stack((src_dirs_rad[:, 0], src_dirs_rad[:,
                                                          1], np.ones(N_doa))))
    U_mic = masp.sph2cart(
        np.column_stack((mic_dirs_rad[:, 0], mic_dirs_rad[:,
                                                          1], np.ones(N_mic))))

    h_mic = np.zeros((N_filt, N_mic, N_doa))
    H_mic = np.zeros((N_filt // 2 + 1, N_mic, N_doa), dtype='complex')

    for i in range(N_doa):
        cosangle = np.dot(U_mic, U_doa[i, :])
        P = np.zeros((N_order + 1, N_mic))
        for n in range(N_order + 1):
            for nm in range(N_mic):
                # The Legendre polynomial gives the angular dependency
                Pn = scipy.special.lpmn(n, n, cosangle[nm])[0][0, -1]
                P[n, nm] = (2 * n + 1) / (4 * np.pi) * Pn
        h_mic[:, :, i] = np.matmul(b_Nt, P)
        H_mic[:, :, i] = np.matmul(b_N, P)

    return h_mic, H_mic
Exemplo n.º 6
def simulate_cyl_array(N_filt, mic_dirs_rad, src_dirs_rad, arrayType, R,
                       N_order, fs):
    Simulate the impulse responses of a cylindrical array.

    N_filt : int
        Number of frequencies where to compute the response. It must be even.
    mic_dirs_rad: ndarray
        Directions of microphone capsules, in radians. Dimension = (N_mic).
    src_dirs_rad: ndarray
        Direction of arrival of the indicent plane waves, in radians. Dimension = (N_doa).
    arrayType: str
        'open' or 'rigid'.
        Target sampling rate
    R: float
        Radius of the array cylinder, in meter.
    N_order: int
        Maximum cylindrical harmonic expansion order.
    fs: int
        Sample rate.

    h_mic: ndarray
        Computed IRs in time-domain. Dimension = (N_filt, N_mic, N_doa).
    H_mic: ndarray, dtype='complex'
        Frequency responses of the computed IRs. Dimension = (N_filt//2+1, N_mic, N_doa).

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    This method computes the impulse responses of the microphones of a
    cylindrical microphone array for the given directions of incident plane waves.
    The array type can be either 'open' for omnidirectional microphones in
    an open setup, or 'rigid' for omnidirectional microphones mounted on a cylinder.


    _validate_int('N_filt', N_filt, positive=True, parity='even')
    _validate_ndarray_1D('mic_dirs_rad', mic_dirs_rad)
    _validate_ndarray_1D('src_dirs_rad', src_dirs_rad)
    _validate_string('arrayType', arrayType, choices=['open', 'rigid'])
    _validate_float('R', R, positive=True)
    _validate_int('N_order', N_order, positive=True)
    _validate_int('fs', fs, positive=True)

    # Compute the frequency-dependent part of the microphone responses (radial dependence)
    f = np.arange(N_filt // 2 + 1) * fs / N_filt
    kR = 2 * np.pi * f * R / masp.c
    b_N = asr.cyl_modal_coefs(N_order, kR, arrayType)

    # Handle Nyquist for real impulse response
    temp = b_N.copy()
    temp[-1, :] = np.real(temp[-1, :])
    # Create the symmetric conjugate negative frequency response for a real time-domain signal
    b_Nt = np.real(
                                              np.conj(temp[-2:0:-1, :]),

    # Compute angular-dependent part of the microphone responses
    # Unit vectors of DOAs and microphones
    N_doa = src_dirs_rad.shape[0]
    N_mic = mic_dirs_rad.shape[0]
    h_mic = np.zeros((N_filt, N_mic, N_doa))
    H_mic = np.zeros((N_filt // 2 + 1, N_mic, N_doa), dtype='complex')

    for i in range(N_doa):
        angle = mic_dirs_rad - src_dirs_rad[i]
        C = np.zeros((N_order + 1, N_mic))
        for n in range(N_order + 1):
            # Jacobi-Anger expansion
            if n == 0:
                C[n, :] = np.ones(angle.shape)
                C[n, :] = 2 * np.cos(n * angle)
        h_mic[:, :, i] = np.matmul(b_Nt, C)
        H_mic[:, :, i] = np.matmul(b_N, C)

    return h_mic, H_mic
Exemplo n.º 7
def ims_coreMtx(room, source, receiver, type, typeValue):
    Compute echogram by image source method.

    room : ndarray
        Room dimensions in cartesian coordinates. Dimension = (3) [x, y, z].
    src : ndarray
        Source position in cartesian coordinates. Dimension = (3) [x, y, z].
    rec : ndarray
        Receiver position in cartesian coordinates. Dimension = (3) [x, y, z].
    type : str
        Restriction type: 'maxTime' or 'maxOrder'
    typeValue: int or float
        Value of the chosen restriction.

    reflections : echogram
        An Echogram instance.

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    `src` and `rec` positions are specified from the left ground corner
    of the room, using a left-handed coordinate system.
    `room` refers to the wall dimensions.
    Therefore, their values should be positive and smaller than room dimensions.

              _____    _
             |     |   |
             |     |   |
           x ^     |   | l = r[0]
             |     |   |
             |     |   |
             o---->    -
                w = r[1]


    _validate_ndarray_1D('room', room, size=C, positive=True)
    _validate_ndarray_1D('source', source, size=C, positive=True, limit=[np.zeros(C),room])
    _validate_ndarray_1D('receiver', receiver, size=C, positive=True, limit=[np.zeros(C),room])
    _validate_string('type', type, choices=['maxTime', 'maxOrder'])

    # Room dimensions
    l, w, h = room

    # Move source origin to the centrer of the room
    src = np.empty(C)
    src[0] = source[0] - l / 2
    src[1] = w / 2 - source[1]
    src[2] = source[2] - h / 2

    # Move receiver origin to the centrer of the room
    rec = np.empty(C)
    rec[0] = receiver[0] - l / 2
    rec[1] = w / 2 - receiver[1]
    rec[2] = receiver[2] - h / 2

    if type is 'maxOrder':
        maxOrder = typeValue
        echogram = ims_coreN(room, src, rec, maxOrder)
    elif type is 'maxTime':
        maxDelay = typeValue
        echogram = ims_coreT(room, src, rec, maxDelay)

    # Sort reflections according to propagation time
    idx = np.argsort(echogram.time)
    echogram.time = echogram.time[idx]
    echogram.value = echogram.value[idx]
    echogram.order = echogram.order[idx, :]
    echogram.coords = echogram.coords[idx, :]

    return echogram
Exemplo n.º 8
def sph_modal_coefs(N, kr, arrayType, dirCoef=None):
    Modal coefficients for rigid or open spherical array

    N : int
        Maximum spherical harmonic expansion order.
    kr: ndarray
        Wavenumber-radius product. Dimension = (l).
    arrayType: str
        'open', 'rigid' or 'directional'.
    dirCoef: float, optional
        Directivity coefficient of the sensor. Default to None.

    b_N : ndarray
        Modal coefficients. Dimension = (l, N+1)

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    The `arrayType` options are:
    - 'open' for open array of omnidirectional sensors,
    - 'rigid' for sensors mounted on a rigid baffle,
    - 'directional' for an open array of first-order directional microphones determined by `dirCoef`.

    `dirCoef` is relevant (and required) only in the 'directional' type.
    `dirCoef` ranges from 0 (omni) to 1 (dipole), where for example 0.5 is a cardioid sensor.
    In the 0 case it is equivalent to an open array of omnis.
    The first order directivity function is defined as d(theta) = dirCoeff + (1-dirCoeff)*cos(theta).


    _validate_int('N', N, positive=True)
    _validate_ndarray_1D('kr', kr, positive=True)
                     choices=['open', 'rigid', 'directional'])
    if arrayType is 'directional':
        if dirCoef is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'dirCoef must be defined in the directional case.')
        _validate_float('dirCoef', dirCoef)

    b_N = np.zeros((kr.size, N + 1), dtype='complex')

    for n in range(N + 1):

        if arrayType is 'open':
            b_N[:, n] = 4 * np.pi * np.power(1j, n) * spherical_jn(n, kr)

        elif arrayType is 'rigid':
            jn = spherical_jn(n, kr)
            jnprime = spherical_jn(n, kr, derivative=True)
            hn = sph_hankel2(n, kr)
            hnprime = dsph_hankel2(n, kr)

            temp = 4 * np.pi * np.power(1j, n) * (jn -
                                                  (jnprime / hnprime) * hn)
            temp[np.where(kr == 0)] = 4 * np.pi if n == 0 else 0.
            b_N[:, n] = temp

        elif arrayType is 'directional':
            jn = spherical_jn(n, kr)
            jnprime = spherical_jn(n, kr, derivative=True)

            temp = 4 * np.pi * np.power(1j, n) * (dirCoef * jn - 1j *
                                                  (1 - dirCoef) * jnprime)
            b_N[:, n] = temp

    return b_N
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_sh(N, dirs, basisType):
    Get spherical harmonics up to order N evaluated at given angular positions.

    N : int
        Maximum spherical harmonic expansion order.
    dirs : ndarray
        Evaluation directions. Dimension = (nDirs, 2).
        Directions are expected in radians, expressed in pairs [azimuth, inclination].
    basisType : str
        Type of spherical harmonics. Either 'complex' or 'real'.

    Y : ndarray
        Spherical harmonics . Dimension = (nDirs, nHarm).

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.
    NotImplementedError: for basisType = 'complex'

    Ouput dimension is given by: nHarm = (N+1)^2

    Inclination is defined as the angle from zenith: inclination = pi/2-elevation

    TODO: implement complex basis?

    _validate_int('order', N, positive=True)
    _validate_ndarray_2D('dirs', dirs, shape1=C - 1)
    _validate_string('basisType', basisType, choices=['complex', 'real'])

    nDirs = dirs.shape[0]
    nHarm = np.power(N + 1, 2)
    Y_N = np.zeros((nDirs, nHarm))

    def delta_kronecker(q1, q2):
        return 1 if q1 == q2 else 0

    # TODO
    # it looks like the output of shs is N3d (max 1, sqrt(3)!3)
    # so it needs to be scaled as * np.sqrt(4*np.pi) * [1, 1./np.sqrt(3), 1./np.sqrt(3), 1./np.sqrt(3)]

    def norm(m):
        IT MUST BE MULTIPLIED BY sqrt(4PI) to be normalized to 1
        :param m:
        return np.power(-1,
                        np.abs(m)) * np.sqrt(2 - delta_kronecker(0, np.abs(m)))

    if basisType is 'complex':
        # TODO
        raise NotImplementedError

    elif basisType is 'real':
        harm_idx = 0
        for l in range(N + 1):
            for m in range(-l, 0):
                Y_N[:, harm_idx] = np.imag(
                    sph_harm(np.abs(m), l, dirs[:, 0], dirs[:, 1])) * norm(m)
                harm_idx += 1
            for m in range(l + 1):
                Y_N[:, harm_idx] = np.real(
                    sph_harm(m, l, dirs[:, 0], dirs[:, 1])) * norm(m)
                harm_idx += 1

    return Y_N
Exemplo n.º 10
def sph_array_noise(R, nMic, maxN, arrayType, f):
    Returns noise amplification curves of a spherical mic. array

    R : float
        Microphone array radius, in meter.
    nMic : int
        Number of microphone capsules.
    maxN : int
        Maximum spherical harmonic expansion order.
    arrayType : str
        'open' or 'rigid'.
    f : ndarray
        Frequencies where to perform estimation. Dimension = (l).

    g2 : ndarray
        Noise amplification curve. Dimension = (l, maxN)
    g2_lin: ndarray
        Linear log-log interpolation of noise. Dimension = (l, maxN).

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    The `arrayType` options are:
    - 'open' for open array of omnidirectional sensors, or
    - 'rigid' for sensors mounted on a rigid baffle.

    `g2_lin` is an approximation of the curves at low frequencies showing
    the linear behaviour in the log-log axis, with a 6n dB slope.


    _validate_float('R', R, positive=True)
    _validate_int('nMic', nMic, positive=True)
    _validate_int('maxN', maxN, positive=True)
    _validate_string('arrayType', arrayType, choices=['open', 'rigid'])
    _validate_ndarray_1D('f', f, positive=True)

    # Frequency axis
    kR = 2 * np.pi * f * R / c
    # Modal responses
    bN = sph_modal_coefs(maxN, kR, arrayType) / (4 * np.pi)
    # Noise power response
    g2 = 1. / (nMic * np.power(np.abs(bN), 2))

    # Approximate linearly
    p = -(6 / 10) * np.arange(1, maxN + 1) / np.log10(2)
    bN_lim0 = (sph_modal_coefs(maxN, np.asarray([1]), arrayType) /
               (4 * np.pi)).squeeze()
    a = 1. / (nMic * np.power(np.abs(bN_lim0[1:]), 2))

    g2_lin = np.zeros((kR.size, maxN))
    for n in range(maxN):
        g2_lin[:, n] = a[n] * np.power(kR, p[n])

    return g2, g2_lin
Exemplo n.º 11
def sph_array_noise_threshold(R, nMic, maxG_db, maxN, arrayType, dirCoef=None):
    Returns frequency limits for noise amplification of a spherical mic. array

    R : float
        Microphone array radius, in meter.
    nMic : int
        Number of microphone capsules.
    maxG_db : float
        max allowed amplification for the noise level. maxG_db = 20*log10(maxG)
    maxN : int
        Maximum spherical harmonic expansion order.
    arrayType: str
        'open', 'rigid' or 'directional'
    dirCoef: float, optional
        Directivity coefficient of the sensor. Default to None.

    f_lim : ndarray
       Frequency points where threhsold is reached, for orders 1:maxN. Dimension = (maxN).

    TypeError, ValueError: if method arguments mismatch in type, dimension or value.

    The `arrayType` options are:
    - 'open' for open array of omnidirectional sensors,
    - 'rigid' for sensors mounted on a rigid baffle,
    - 'directional' for an open array of first-order directional microphones determined by `dirCoef`.

    `dirCoef` is relevant (and required) only in the 'directional' type.
    `dirCoef` ranges from 0 (omni) to 1 (dipole), where for example 0.5 is a cardioid sensor.
    In the 0 case it is equivalent to an open array of omnis.
    The first order directivity function is defined as d(theta) = dirCoeff + (1-dirCoeff)*cos(theta).

    The method returns the frequencies that the noise in the
    output channels of a SMA, after performing the SHT and equalization of
    the output signals, reaches a certain user-defined threshold maxG_db.
    The frequencies are computed only at the lower range of each order,
    where its response decays rapidly, ignoring for example the nulls of an
    open array at the higher frequencies. The estimation of the limits are
    based on a linear approximation of the log-log response found e.g. in

        Sector-based Parametric Sound Field Reproduction in the Spherical Harmonic Domain
        A Politis, J Vilkamo, V Pulkki
        IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 9 (5), 852 - 866


    _validate_float('R', R, positive=True)
    _validate_int('nMic', nMic, positive=True)
    _validate_float('maxG_db', maxG_db)
    _validate_int('maxN', maxN, positive=True)
                     choices=['open', 'rigid', 'directional'])
    if arrayType is 'directional':
        if dirCoef is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'dirCoef must be defined in the directional case.')
        _validate_float('dirCoef', dirCoef)

    f_lim = np.zeros(maxN)
    for n in range(1, maxN + 1):
        bn = sph_modal_coefs(n, np.asarray([1]), arrayType,
                             dirCoef) / (4 * np.pi)
        bn = bn.flatten()[-1]
        maxG = np.power(10, (maxG_db / 10))
        kR_lim = np.power((maxG * nMic * np.power(np.abs(bn), 2)),
                          (-10 * np.log10(2) / (6 * n)))
        f_lim[n - 1] = kR_lim * c / (2 * np.pi * R)

    return f_lim