def c_der(self): n = self.num_of_inds factor = OpSum(i_op * Op(sigma4bar(n + 1, 0, -1))) f = Op( Tensor(self.c_name, [0] + list(range(-2, -n - 1, -1)), is_field=True, dimension=1.5, statistics=fermion)) return factor * f.derivative(n + 1)
def imaginary_part(op, complex_tensors): op_complex_tensors = [ tensor for tensor in op.tensors if in complex_tensors] op_real_tensors = [ tensor for tensor in op.tensors if not in complex_tensors] indices = concat([tensor.indices for tensor in op_complex_tensors]) im_tensor = Tensor("$im", indices, content=op_complex_tensors) return Op(im_tensor) * Op(*op_real_tensors)
def real_part(op, complex_tensors): op_complex_tensors = [ tensor for tensor in op.tensors if in complex_tensors] op_real_tensors = [ tensor for tensor in op.tensors if not in complex_tensors] indices = concat([tensor.indices for tensor in op_complex_tensors]) re_tensor = Tensor("$re", indices, content=op_complex_tensors) return Op(re_tensor) * Op(*op_real_tensors)
def quadratic_terms(self): """Construct the quadratic terms (1/2)[(DS)^2 + M^2 S^2].""" n = self.num_of_inds f = Tensor(, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson) f_op = Op(f) kinetic_term = (OpSum(number_op(Fraction(1, 2))) * Op(f).derivative(n + 1) * Op(f).derivative(n + 1)) mass_term = number_op(-Fraction(1, 2)) * self.mass_sq * f_op * f_op return kinetic_term + OpSum(mass_term)
def collect_powers(operator): """ Collect all the tensors that are equal and return the correspondin powers. """ new_tensors = [] symbols = {} for tensor in operator.tensors: if tensor.is_field or[0] == "$" or tensor.exponent is None: new_tensors.append(tensor) else: # Previusly collected exponent for same base and indices prev_exponent = symbols.get((, tuple(tensor.indices)), 0) # The exponents of a product are added symbols[(, tuple(tensor.indices))] = (tensor.exponent + prev_exponent) # Remove tensors with exponent 0 new_op = Operator([]) for (name, inds), exponent in symbols.items(): if exponent != 0: new_op *= power_op(name, exponent, indices=inds) return new_op * Op(*new_tensors)
def _create_op_field(self, name): return Op( Tensor(name, list(range(self.num_of_inds)), is_field=True, dimension=1.5, statistics=fermion))
def quadratic_terms(self): """Construct the quadratic terms DSc DS + M^2 Sc S.""" n = self.num_of_inds f = Tensor(, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson) c_f = Tensor(self.c_name, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson) f_op = Op(f) c_f_op = Op(c_f) kinetic_term = Op(c_f).derivative(n + 1) * Op(f).derivative(n + 1) mass_term = number_op(-1) * self.mass_sq * c_f_op * f_op return kinetic_term + OpSum(mass_term)
def apply_diff_op(self, operator_sum): """ Apply the diff. op. (D_mu D_nu - D^2 eta_{munu})/M^2. The index mu is to be contracted with the first free index of the operator sum J_mu provided as an argument. """ n = self.num_of_inds inds_1 = [0] + list(range(-2, -n - 1, -1)) inds_2 = list(range(-1, -n - 1, -1)) generic_1 = Op(generic(*inds_1)) generic_2 = Op(generic(*inds_2)) generic_der_1 = apply_derivatives([0, -1], generic_1) generic_der_2 = apply_derivatives([0, 0], generic_2) structure = ( OpSum(self.free_inv_mass_sq) * generic_der_1 + OpSum(number_op(-1) * self.free_inv_mass_sq) * generic_der_2) return structure.replace_all({"generic": operator_sum}, 6)
def quadratic_terms(self): """ Construct the terms (i Fc (D F) - i (D Fc) F - (FF + Fc Fc))/2 """ n = self.num_of_inds f = Op( Tensor(, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1.5, statistics=fermion)) f1 = Op( Tensor(, [n] + list(range(1, n)), is_field=True, dimension=1.5, statistics=fermion)) c_f = Op( Tensor(self.c_name, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1.5, statistics=fermion)) c_f1 = Op( Tensor(self.c_name, [n] + list(range(1, n)), is_field=True, dimension=1.5, statistics=fermion)) half = OpSum(number_op(Fraction(1, 2))) kin = (c_f * f).replace_first(, self.der()) kinc = -(c_f * f).replace_first(self.c_name, self.c_der()) mass1 = self.mass * Op(epsUp(0, n)) * f * f1 mass2 = self.mass * c_f * c_f1 * Op(epsUpDot(0, n)) return half * (kin + kinc + OpSum(mass1, -mass2))
def quadratic_terms(self): n = self.num_of_inds f1 = Op( Tensor(, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson)) f1c = Op( Tensor(self.c_name, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson)) f2c = Op( Tensor(self.c_name, [n] + list(range(1, n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson)) kin1 = -f1c.derivative(n) * f1.derivative(n) kin2 = f2c.derivative(0) * f1.derivative(n) mass_term = OpSum(self.mass_sq * f1c * f1) return kin1 + kin2 + mass_term
def quadratic_terms(self): n = self.num_of_inds f1 = Op( Tensor(, list(range(n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson)) f2 = Op( Tensor(, [n] + list(range(1, n)), is_field=True, dimension=1, statistics=boson)) half = OpSum(number_op(Fraction(1, 2))) kin1 = -half * f1.derivative(n) * f1.derivative(n) kin2 = half * f2.derivative(0) * f1.derivative(n) mass_term = half * OpSum(self.mass_sq * f1 * f1) return kin1 + kin2 + mass_term
uR = FieldBuilder("uR", 1.5, fermion) r"""Up quark right-handed doublet""" uRc = FieldBuilder("uRc", 1.5, fermion) r"""Conjugate of the up quark right-handed doublet""" bFS = FieldBuilder("bFS", 2, boson) r""":math:`U(1)` gauge field strength :math:`B_{\mu\nu}`""" wFS = FieldBuilder("wFS", 2, boson) r""":math:`SU(2)` gauge field strength :math:`W^a_{\mu\nu}`""" gFS = FieldBuilder("gFS", 2, boson) r""":math:`SU(3)` gauge field strength :math:`G^A_{\mu\nu}`""" # Equations of motion eom_phi = ( Op(D(0, D(0, phi(-1)))), OpSum(Op(mu2phi(), phi(-1)), -number_op(2) * Op(lambdaphi(), phic(0), phi(0), phi(-1)), -Op(yec(0, 1), eRc(2, 1), lL(2, -1, 0)), -Op(ydc(0, 1), dRc(2, 3, 1), qL(2, 3, -1, 0)), -Op(Vc(0, 1), yu(0, 2), qLc(3, 4, 5, 1), uR(3, 4, 2), epsSU2(5, -1)))) r""" Rule using the Higgs doublet equation of motion. Substitute :math:`D^2\phi` by .. math:: \mu^2_\phi \phi- 2\lambda_\phi (\phi^\dagger\phi) \phi - y^{e*}_{ij} \bar{e}_{Rj} l_{Li} - y^{d*}_{ij} \bar{d}_{Rj} q_{Li} + V^*_{ki} y^u_{kj} i\sigma^2 \bar{q}^T_{Li} u_{Rj} """
r""" Totally antisymmetric tensor :math:`\epsilon_{ABC}` with three :math:`SU(3)` triplet indices such that :math:`\epsilon_{123}=1`. """ TSU3 = TensorBuilder("TSU3") r""" :math:`SU(3)` generators :math:`(T_A)_{BC}` (half of the Gell-Mann matrices). """ fSU3 = TensorBuilder("fSU3") r""" :math:`SU(3)` structure constants :math:`f_{ABC}`. """ rule_SU3_eps = (Op(epsSU3(0, -1, -2), epsSU3(0, -3, -4)), OpSum(-Op(kdelta(-1, -4), kdelta(-3, -2)), Op(kdelta(-1, -3), kdelta(-2, -4)))) rule_fierz_SU3 = (Op(TSU3(0, -1, -2), TSU3(0, -3, -4)), OpSum( number_op(Fraction(1, 2)) * Op(kdelta(-1, -4), kdelta(-3, -2)), -number_op(Fraction(1, 6)) * Op(kdelta(-1, -2), kdelta(-3, -4)))) rules_SU3 = [rule_SU3_eps, rule_fierz_SU3] latex_SU3 = { "epsSU3": r"\epsilon_{{{}{}{}}}", "TSU3": r"(T_{})_{{{}{}}}",
def app_eps(self, op_sum): n = self.num_of_inds F = generic(*([0] + list(range(-2, -n - 1, -1)))) return Op(F, epsDown(0, -1)).replace_first("generic", op_sum)
def pre_eps(self, op_sum): n = self.num_of_inds F = generic(*([0] + list(range(-2, -n - 1, -1)))) return Op(epsDownDot(0, -1), F).replace_first("generic", op_sum)
r""" Totally antisymmetric tensor with four Lorentz vector indices :math:`\epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}` where :math:`\epsilon_{0123}=1`. """ sigmaTensor = TensorBuilder("sigmaTensor") r""" Lorentz tensor :math:`\sigma^{\mu\nu}=\frac{i}{4}\left( \sigma^\mu_{\alpha\dot{\gamma}}\bar{\sigma}^{\nu\dot{\gamma}\beta}- \sigma^\nu_{\alpha\dot{\gamma}}\bar{\sigma}^{\mu\dot{\gamma}\beta} \right)`. """ rule_Lorentz_free_epsUp = ( Op(epsUp(-1, -2), epsUpDot(-3, -4)), OpSum(number_op(Fraction(1, 2)) * Op( sigma4bar(0, -3, -1), sigma4bar(0, -4, -2)))) r""" Substitute :math:`\epsilon^{\alpha\beta}\epsilon^{\dot{\alpha}\dot{\beta}}` by .. math:: -\frac{1}{2} \bar{\sigma}^{\mu,\dot{\alpha}\alpha} \bar{\sigma}^{\dot{\beta}\beta}_\mu """ rule_Lorentz_free_epsDown = ( Op(epsDown(-1, -2), epsDownDot(-3, -4)), OpSum(number_op(Fraction(1, 2)) * Op( sigma4(0, -1, -3), sigma4(0, -2, -4))))
# Auxiliary operators for intermediate calculations O5aux = flavor_tensor_op("O5aux") O5auxc = flavor_tensor_op("O5auxc") Olqqqaux = flavor_tensor_op("Olqqqaux") Olqqqauxc = flavor_tensor_op("Olqqqauxc") rules_basis_defs_dim_6_5 = [ # Standard Model dimension 6 four-fermion operators # LLLL type (Op(lLc(0, 1, -1), sigma4bar(2, 0, 3), lL(3, 1, -2), lLc(4, 5, -3), sigma4bar(2, 4, 6), lL(6, 5, -4)), OpSum(number_op(2) * O1ll(-1, -2, -3, -4))), (Op(qLc(0, 1, 2, -1), sigma4bar(3, 0, 4), qL(4, 1, 2, -2), qLc(5, 6, 7, -3), sigma4bar(3, 5, 8), qL(8, 6, 7, -4)), OpSum(number_op(2) * O1qq(-1, -2, -3, -4))), (Op(qLc(0, 1, 2, -1), sigma4bar(3, 0, 4), TSU3(5, 1, 6), qL(4, 6, 2, -2), qLc(7, 8, 9, -3), sigma4bar(3, 7, 10), TSU3(5, 8, 11), qL(10, 11, 9, -4)), OpSum(number_op(2) * O8qq(-1, -2, -3, -4))), (Op(lLc(0, 1, -1), sigma4bar(2, 0, 3), lL(3, 1, -2), qLc(4, 5, 6, -3), sigma4bar(2, 4, 7), qL(7, 5, 6, -4)), OpSum(O1lq(-1, -2, -3, -4))), (Op(lLc(0, 1, -1), sigma4bar(2, 0, 3), sigmaSU2(4, 1, 5), lL(3, 5, -2), qLc(6, 7, 8, -3), sigma4bar(2, 6, 9), sigmaSU2(4, 8, 10), qL(9, 7, 10, -4)), OpSum(O3lq(-1, -2, -3, -4))), # RRRR type
lambdaDYD = TensorBuilder("lambdaDYD") lambdaDYDc = TensorBuilder("lambdaDYDc") DL = FieldBuilder("DL", 1.5, fermion) DR = FieldBuilder("DR", 1.5, fermion) DLc = FieldBuilder("DLc", 1.5, fermion) DRc = FieldBuilder("DRc", 1.5, fermion) DYL = FieldBuilder("DYL", 1.5, fermion) DYR = FieldBuilder("DYR", 1.5, fermion) DYLc = FieldBuilder("DYLc", 1.5, fermion) DYRc = FieldBuilder("DYRc", 1.5, fermion) interaction_lagrangian = -OpSum( # Linear part Op(lambdaDq(0, 1), DRc(2, 3, 0), phic(4), qL(2, 3, 4, 1)), Op(lambdaDqc(0, 1), qLc(2, 3, 4, 1), phi(4), DR(2, 3, 0)), Op(lambdaDYd(0, 1), DYLc(2, 3, 4, 0), epsSU2(4, 5), phic(5), dR(2, 3, 1)), Op(lambdaDYdc(0, 1), dRc(2, 3, 1), epsSU2(4, 5), phi(5), DYL(2, 3, 4, 0)), # D - DY interaction Op(lambdaDYD(0, 1), DYRc(2, 3, 4, 0), epsSU2(4, 5), phic(5), DL(2, 3, 1)), Op(lambdaDYDc(0, 1), DLc(2, 3, 1), epsSU2(4, 5), phi(5), DYR(2, 3, 4, 0))) # Integration heavy_D = VectorLikeFermion("D", "DL", "DR", "DLc", "DRc", 3) heavy_DY = VectorLikeFermion("DY", "DYL", "DYR", "DYLc", "DYRc", 4) heavy_fields = [heavy_D, heavy_DY] effective_lagrangian = integrate(heavy_fields, interaction_lagrangian, 6)
def display_operator(operator, structures, inds, num, no_parens=None, numeric=None): if numeric is None: numeric = [] # Nice representation for fractions.Fraction and integers if isinstance(num, (int, Fraction)): pre = "+ " if num > 0 else "- " n = abs(num.numerator) d = num.denominator pre_up = "" if n == 1 else str(n) pre_down = "" if d == 1 else str(d) else: pre = "+ (" + str(num) + ")" pre_up = "" pre_down = "" if operator.tensors[0].name == "$i": i_up = "i " operator = Op(*operator.tensors[1:]) else: i_up = "" # Assign the indices assigned_inds = {} left_inds = inds[:] n = num_of_free_inds(operator) for i in range(n): assigned_inds[-i - 1] = left_inds[i] left_inds = left_inds[n:] for tensor in operator.tensors: for index in tensor.indices: if index not in assigned_inds.keys(): if index > -1: assigned_inds[index] = left_inds[0] left_inds = left_inds[1:] # Main tensors in with positive and negative powers numerator = " ".join( [display_tensor(tensor, structures, assigned_inds, no_parens) for tensor in operator.tensors if ((tensor.exponent is None or tensor.exponent > -1) and not in numeric)]) denominator = " ".join( [display_tensor(tensor, structures, assigned_inds, no_parens) for tensor in operator.tensors if ((tensor.exponent is not None and tensor.exponent < 0) and not in numeric)]) # Numeric factors with symbolic expression as tensors num_up = " ".join( [display_tensor(tensor, structures, assigned_inds, no_parens) for tensor in operator.tensors if ((tensor.exponent is None or tensor.exponent > -1) and in numeric)]) num_down = " ".join( [display_tensor(tensor, structures, assigned_inds, no_parens) for tensor in operator.tensors if ((tensor.exponent is not None and tensor.exponent < 0) and in numeric)]) return "{} \\frac{{{} {} {} {}}}{{{} {} {}}}".format( pre, pre_up, num_up, i_up, numerator, pre_down, num_down, denominator)
from matchingtools.transformations import apply_rules from matchingtools.output import Writer # Creation of the model sigma = TensorBuilder("sigma") kappa = TensorBuilder("kappa") lamb = TensorBuilder("lamb") phi = FieldBuilder("phi", 1, boson) phic = FieldBuilder("phic", 1, boson) Xi = FieldBuilder("Xi", 1, boson) interaction_lagrangian = -OpSum( Op(kappa(), Xi(0), phic(1), sigma(0, 1, 2), phi(2)), Op(lamb(), Xi(0), Xi(0), phic(1), phi(1))) # Integration heavy_Xi = RealScalar("Xi", 1, has_flavor=False) heavy_fields = [heavy_Xi] max_dim = 6 effective_lagrangian = integrate(heavy_fields, interaction_lagrangian, max_dim) # Transformations of the effective Lgrangian fierz_rule = (Op(sigma(0, -1, -2), sigma(0, -3, -4)), OpSum( number_op(2) * Op(kdelta(-1, -4), kdelta(-3, -2)),
""" epsSU2quadruplets = TensorBuilder("epsSU2quadruplets") r""" Two-index that gives a singlet when contracted with two :math:`SU(2)` quadruplets. """ fSU2 = TensorBuilder("fSU2") r""" Totally antisymmetric tensor with three :math:`SU(2)` triplet indices given by :math:`f_{abc}=\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}}\epsilon_{abc}` with :math:`\epsilon_{123}=1`. """ rule_SU2_fierz = ((Op(sigmaSU2(0, -1, -2), sigmaSU2(0, -3, -4)), OpSum( number_op(2) * Op(kdelta(-1, -4), kdelta(-3, -2)), -Op(kdelta(-1, -2), kdelta(-3, -4))))) r""" Subtitute :math:`\sigma^a_{ij} \sigma^a_{kl}` by :math:`2\delta_{il}\delta_{kj} - \delta_{ij}\delta{kl}`. """ rule_SU2_product_sigmas = ((Op(sigmaSU2(0, -1, 1), sigmaSU2(0, 1, -2)), OpSum(number_op(3) * Op(kdelta(-1, -2))))) r""" Subtitute :math:`\sigma^a_{ij}\sigma^a_{jk}` by :math:`3\delta_{ik}`. """