Exemplo n.º 1
def item_format(post):
    # Post format: (user, poster, message, image, time, id)
    data = {}
    data['poster_name'] = matedb.get_data(post[1], 'name')
    data['message'] = post[2]
    if post[3]:
        data['image'] = '<p><img src="' + post[3] + '"></img></p>';
        data['image'] = ''

    login = authbar.get_current_login()

    if login in matedb.get_all_mates(post[0]) or post[0] == login:
        data['comment_form'] = get_comment_form(post[5])
        data['comment_form'] = ''

    data['comments'] = ''
    comments = matedb.get_comments(post[5])
    comments.sort(key=lambda item: item[2])
    for comment in comments:
        data['comments'] += comment_format(comment)

    return tempy.substitute('news_item.template', data) 
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_profile_picture(user):
    if not privacy.permitted (user, 'profile_picture'):
        return ''

    name = db.get_data(user, 'profile_picture')
    if name:
        return '<img src="' + config.data_dir + name + '">'
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 3
def do_login(request):
    if 'username' in request and 'password' in request:
        username = request['username'].value
        password = request['password'].value
        if db.get_data(username, 'password_hash') == get_hash(username, password):
            # Successful login
            print head.get_head()
            f = open(config.template_dir + 'authbar_login.template', 'r')
            t = Template (f.read())
            return t.safe_substitute(login=username, token = get_token(username), page=cgienv.get_full_URL())
    return '<script>document.location.href=""</script>'
Exemplo n.º 4
def do_mate(request):

    d = {}
    requester = authbar.get_current_login() 

    if requester and'user' in request:
        user = request['user'].value
        if 'token' not in request:

            user_address = db.get_data(user, 'email')
            if user_address == '*****@*****.**':
                csemail.send(user_address, "UNSW Mate request", get_mate_message(user, requester))
            d['message'] = 'Mate request sent. Stay tuned...';
            d['link'] = '?who=' + user
            d['link_message'] = "Return to their page. Stalk mode engage!"

        else :
            # Make a mateship
            db.add_mate(user, requester)
            # This is a bit interesting. The order is actually reversed
            # because it's the other user loading the link
            d['message'] = 'Mate added!'
            d['link'] = '?who=' + user
            d['link_message'] = "Go to their page"
        d['message'] = 'User not found';
        if requester:
            d['link'] = '?who=' + requester
            d['link_message'] = "Back to my page..."
            d['link'] = ''
            d['link_message'] = "Return to UNSWMate"

    return tempy.render('mate.template', d)
Exemplo n.º 5
def render(users):
    result = '';

    for i in xrange (0, len(users), 3):
        group = users[i:i+3]

        result += '<div class="row-fluid" id="userlist">'

        for user in group:

            result += '<div class="span4">'
            result += '<div class="span6"><a href="?who=' + user + '">' + images.get_profile_picture(user) + "</a></div>\n"
            result += '<div class="span6"><br /><a href="?who=' + user + '"><p><b>' + db.get_data(user, 'name') + "</b></p></a></div>\n"
            result += '</div>'
        result += '<br />'
        result += '</div>'
    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
def comment_format(comment):
    data = {}
    data['image'] = images.get_profile_picture(comment[0])
    data['user'] = matedb.get_data(comment[0], 'name')
    data['message'] = comment[1]
    return tempy.substitute('news_comment.template', data)
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_hash(user, password):
    salt = db.get_data(user, 'salt')
    return hashlib.sha512(password + salt).hexdigest()
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_auth_menu_label():
    if get_current_login():
        return db.get_data(get_current_login(), 'name')
        return "login"