Exemplo n.º 1
import numpy
import xc_base
import geom
import xc
from model import predefined_spaces
from model import fix_node_6dof
from materials import typical_materials
from materials import paramRectangularSection
from postprocess import ControlVars as cv
from solution import predefined_solutions
from miscUtils import LogMessages as lmsg
from materials import CrossSectionInternalForces as csif
from collections import defaultdict

# Fake section (elements must have a stiffness)
sccFICT = paramRectangularSection.RectangularSection("rectang", b=.40, h=40)
matSccFICT = typical_materials.MaterialData("mrectang",

class PhantomModel(object):
    def __init__(self, preprocessor, sectionDistribution):
        '''Extracts the element identifiers from a XC output file generated
    with the results for each conbination analyzed 
    :ivar preprocessor: preprocessor object (access to FE model -nodes, 
                        elements, loads,...)
    :ivar sectionsDistribution:  file containing the section definition for
                                 each element (this section will be 
Exemplo n.º 2
__author__= "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT) and Ana Ortega (AOO)"
__copyright__= "Copyright 2015, LCPT and AOO"
__license__= "GPL"
__version__= "3.0"
__email__= "*****@*****.**"

L= 2 # Bar length.
P= 10e3 # Carga uniforme transversal.
n= 1e6 # Carga uniforme axial.

prueba= xc.ProblemaEF()
preprocessor=  prueba.getPreprocessor   
nodes= preprocessor.getNodeLoader

seccPrueba= paramRectangularSection.RectangularSection("prueba",b=.20,h=.30)
matSeccPrueba= typical_materials.MaterialData("matprueba",E=7E9,nu=0.3,rho=2500)

# Problem type
modelSpace= predefined_spaces.StructuralMechanics3D(nodes)
# Definimos el material
defSeccAggregation.defSeccAggregation3d(preprocessor, seccPrueba,matSeccPrueba)
nodes.defaultTag= 1 #First node number.
nod= nodes.newNodeXYZ(0,0,0)
nod= nodes.newNodeXYZ(L/2,0,0)
nod= nodes.newNodeXYZ(L,0,0)

# Geometric transformations
trfs= preprocessor.getTransfCooLoader
Exemplo n.º 3
from solution import predefined_solutions
from model import predefined_spaces
from model import fix_node_6dof
from materials import typical_materials
from materials import paramRectangularSection
from materials import defSeccAggregation

h = 0.30  # Beam cross-section depth.
b = 0.2  # Beam cross-section width.
E = 2e6  # Elastic modulus

prueba = xc.ProblemaEF()
preprocessor = prueba.getPreprocessor
nodes = preprocessor.getNodeLoader

seccPrueba = paramRectangularSection.RectangularSection("prueba", b, h)
matseccPrueba = typical_materials.MaterialData(name='mt',

# Define materials
defSeccAggregation.defSeccAggregation2d(preprocessor, seccPrueba,
matPrueba = preprocessor.getMaterialLoader.getMaterial("prueba")
tang = matPrueba.getTangentStiffness()
EI = tang.at(1, 1)
EA = tang.at(0, 0)

EITeor = (1 / 12.0 * b * h**3 * E)
EITeor2 = matseccPrueba.E * seccPrueba.Iz()
Exemplo n.º 4
from materials import paramRectangularSection
from misc import banco_pruebas_scc2d

__author__ = "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT) and Ana Ortega (AOO)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, LCPT and AOO"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

prueba = xc.ProblemaEF()
prueba.logFileName = "/tmp/borrar.log"  # Ignore warning messages
preprocessor = prueba.getPreprocessor

# Rectangular cross-section definition
scc10x20 = paramRectangularSection.RectangularSection(name="rectang",
matscc10x20 = typical_materials.MaterialData(name='mtrectang',

preprocessor = prueba.getPreprocessor
# Materials definition
matPoteau = scc10x20.defSeccElastica2d(preprocessor, matscc10x20)
elemZLS = banco_pruebas_scc2d.modeloSecc2d(preprocessor, scc10x20.nmb)

# Constraints
coacciones = preprocessor.getConstraintLoader
fix_node_3dof.fixNode000(coacciones, 1)
spc = coacciones.newSPConstraint(2, 1, 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 5
__author__= "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT) and Ana Ortega (AOO)"
__copyright__= "Copyright 2015, LCPT and AOO"
__license__= "GPL"
__version__= "3.0"
__email__= "*****@*****.**"

prueba= xc.ProblemaEF()
prueba.logFileName= "/tmp/borrar.log" # Ignore warning messages
preprocessor=  prueba.getPreprocessor

# Rectangular cross-section definition
#XXX No es una seccion rectangular así que NO PARECE QUE EL
# TEST TENGA DEMASIADO SENTIDO. Cuando menos habría que 
# crear una clase para este tipo de perfiles que sea coherente con
# las ya definidas.
SHS50x50x2_5=  paramRectangularSection.RectangularSection("SHS50x50x2_5",b=0.05,h=0.05)
matSHS50x50x2_5=  typical_materials.MaterialData(name='matSec',E=210000e6,nu=0.3e6,rho=2500)

SHS50x50x2_5.nmb= "SHS50x50x2_5"
SHS50x50x2_5.b= 0.05
SHS50x50x2_5.h= 0.05
SHS50x50x2_5.e= 2.5e-3
SHS50x50x2_5.P= 3.54
#SHS50x50x2_5.A= 4.51e-4
#SHS50x50x2_5.Iz= 17.9e-8
#SHS50x50x2_5.Iy= 17.9e-8
SHS50x50x2_5.Wzel= 7.16e-6
SHS50x50x2_5.Wzpl= 8.47e-6
SHS50x50x2_5.iz= 1.99e-2
SHS50x50x2_5.iy= 1.99e-2
#SHS50x50x2_5.J= 26.8e-8