def fmean(data): """ Convert data to floats and compute the arithmetic mean. This runs faster than the mean() function and it always returns a float. The result is highly accurate but not as perfect as mean(). If the input dataset is empty, it raises a StatisticsError. >>> fmean([3.5, 4.0, 5.25]) 4.25 """ try: n = len(data) except TypeError: # Handle iterators that do not define __len__(). n = 0 def count(x): nonlocal n n += 1 return x total = math.fsum(map(count, data)) else: total = math.fsum(data) try: return total / n except ZeroDivisionError: raise StatisticsError('fmean requires at least one data point') from None
def calcEBP(bandstruct, name, N_VB, N_CB, PRINT_DEBUG): bs = bandstruct for i in range(bs.nb_bands): if min(bs.bands[1][i]) > bs.efermi: cbbottom = i vbtop = i-1 break vb_en = 0.0 cb_en = 0.0 for i in range(N_VB): vb_en += math.fsum(bs.bands[1][vbtop-i])/N_VB for i in range(N_CB): cb_en += math.fsum(bs.bands[1][cbbottom+i])/N_CB ebp = (vb_en + cb_en)/(2*len(bs.kpoints)) if not(bs.is_metal()): ebp -= (bs.get_vbm())['energy'] else: print 'Warning, material is a metal! No VBM offset applied, no file written' if PRINT_DEBUG: print 'The branch point energy of ' + name + ' is ' + str(ebp) + ' eV' ebp *= EBP_CORRECTION_SLOPE ebp += EBP_CORRECTION_Y_INT return ebp
def x_t_fsum(self, t): alpha_k = self._r_tau(t - self._s) terms = np.asarray([self._Y[a] * alpha_k[i] * self._A[i, a] for (a,i) in product(range(self._num_ev), range(self._num_gp))]) re = fsum(np.real(terms)) im = fsum(np.imag(terms)) return re + 1j*im
def step_generation(self, senders, receivers): # x_i(t+1) = (a + u(e^i, x(t)))*x_i(t) / (a + u(x(t), x(t))) # a is background (lifetime) birthrate -- set to 0 s_payoffs = self._data['s_payoffs'] r_payoffs = self._data['r_payoffs'] s_fitness = [0.] * len(senders) r_fitness = [0.] * len(receivers) for (s, sp), (r, (rp, rt)) in itertools.product(enumerate(senders), enumerate(receivers)): state_acts = self._interactions[(s, r)] s_fitness[s] += math.fsum(s_payoffs[state][act] * rp for state, act in state_acts) / 4. r_fitness[r] += math.fsum(r_payoffs[rt][state][act] * sp for state, act in state_acts) / 4. avg_s = math.fsum(s_fitness[s] * sp for s, sp in enumerate(senders)) avg_r = math.fsum(r_fitness[r] * rp for r, (rp, rt) in enumerate(receivers)) new_senders = [s_fitness[s] * sp / avg_s for s, sp in enumerate(senders)] new_receivers = [(r_fitness[r] * rp / avg_r, rt) for r, (rp, rt) in enumerate(receivers)] for s, sp in enumerate(new_senders): if sp < effective_zero: new_senders[s] = 0. for r, (rp, rt) in enumerate(new_receivers): if rp < effective_zero: new_receivers[r] = (0., rt) return (tuple(new_senders), tuple(new_receivers))
def get_device_local_storage_price(device): price = math.fsum(s.get_price() for s in device.storage_set.all()) if not price and device.model and device.model.type in (,, try: os = OperatingSystem.objects.get(device=device) group = ComponentModelGroup.objects.get(name='OS Detected Storage') except (OperatingSystem.DoesNotExist, ComponentModelGroup.DoesNotExist): pass else: if not group.per_size: return group.price or 0 else: storage = or 0 remote_storage_size = math.fsum( m.get_size() for m in device.disksharemount_set.all() ) storage -= remote_storage_size if storage > 0: return (storage / (group.size_modifier or 1)) * (group.price or 0) if device.model.type != try: group = ComponentModelGroup.objects.get(name='Default Disk') except ComponentModelGroup.DoesNotExist: pass else: return group.price return price
def isi_differ(self, mod_t, exp_t, args): """ Calculates the normalized average absolute ISI difference in the two traces. The first half of the spikes or the first four spikes (whichever is less) are excluded from the calculation. :param mod_t: the trace obtained from the model as ``list`` :param exp_t: the input trace as ``list`` :param args: optional arguments as ``dictionary`` .. note:: If neither trace contains spikes, the function returns zero. If one traces has no spikes, but the other has the function returns one. :return: the normalized average absolute ISI difference """ add_data = args.get("add_data", None) window = int(self.option.spike_window) spikes = [[], []] if (self.model.spike_times == None): spikes[0] = self.detectSpike(mod_t) elif len(self.model.spike_times)!=0: #print "using spike times" for sp_t in self.model.spike_times: start_pos=sp_t-window if start_pos<0: start_pos=0 start_val=mod_t[start_pos] peak_pos=sp_t peak_val=mod_t[sp_t] end_pos=sp_t+window if end_pos>=len(mod_t): end_pos=len(mod_t)-1 end_val=mod_t[end_pos] spikes[0].append(spike_frame(start_pos,start_val,peak_pos,peak_val,end_pos,end_val)) if add_data != None: spikes[1] = add_data else: spikes[1] = self.detectSpike(exp_t) tmp = [] #tmp.append(abs(len(spikes[0])-len(spikes[1]))/max( float(len(spikes[0])),float(len(spikes[1])-1) )) if (len(spikes[0]) < 2) and (len(spikes[1]) < 2): return 0 if (len(spikes[0]) < 2) != (len(spikes[1]) < 2): return 1 for s in range(min(len(spikes[0]), len(spikes[1])) - 1): tmp.append(abs((spikes[0][s + 1].peak - spikes[0][s].peak) - (spikes[1][s + 1].peak - spikes[1][s].peak))) if len(spikes[0]) > len(spikes[1]): tmp.append((spikes[0][-1].peak - spikes[0][len(spikes[1])-1].peak)) elif len(spikes[0]) < len(spikes[1]): tmp.append((spikes[1][-1].peak - spikes[1][len(spikes[0])-1].peak)) if self.option.output_level == "1": print "isi difference:" print "mod: ", len(spikes[0]) print "exp: ", len(spikes[1]) print fsum(tmp), " / ", len(exp_t), " = ", fsum(tmp) / len(exp_t) return fsum(tmp) / len(exp_t)
def calc_ase(self, mod_t, exp_t, args): """ Calculates the normalized average squared difference of the traces. :param mod_t: the trace obtained from the model as ``list`` :param exp_t: the input trace as ``list`` :param args: optional arguments as ``dictionary`` :return: the normalized average squared difference, where the normalization is done by the squared range of the input trace """ if (args["cov_m"]!=None): return self.calc_ase_cov(mod_t,exp_t,args) temp = [] for n in range(min([len(exp_t), len(mod_t)])): try: temp.append(pow(exp_t[n] - mod_t[n], 2)) except OverflowError: return 1 #except TypeError: # return 1 try: if self.option.output_level == "1": print "ase" print fsum(temp) / len(temp) / (pow(max(exp_t) - min(exp_t), 2)) except OverflowError: return 1 return fsum(temp) / len(temp) / (pow(max(exp_t) - min(exp_t), 2))
def updateSuggestionsForUser(self, user): userLikedItems = self.itemsLikedByUser(user) userDislikedItems = self.itemsDislikedByUser(user) userUnratedItems = frozenset(Item.objects.all()) - (frozenset(userLikedItems) | frozenset(userDislikedItems)) similarUsers = self.usersSimilarToUser(user) for item in userUnratedItems: indicesOfLikes = [similarUser[1] for similarUser in similarUsers if item in self.itemsLikedByUser(similarUser[0])] indicesOfDislikes = [similarUser[1] for similarUser in similarUsers if item in self.itemsDislikedByUser(similarUser[0])] if indicesOfLikes or indicesOfDislikes: weight = (fsum(indicesOfLikes) - fsum(indicesOfDislikes)) / (len(indicesOfLikes) + len(indicesOfDislikes)) try: suggestion = Suggestion.objects.get(user=user, item=item) if suggestion.weight != weight: suggestion.weight = weight"weight",)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: Suggestion.objects.create(user=user, item=item, weight=weight) else: try: Suggestion.objects.get(user=user, item=item).delete() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
def calc_grad_dif(self, mod_t, exp_t, args): """ Calculates the normalized average squared differences of derivatives of the given traces. The gradient is calculated as follows: :: grad_a=((mod_t[i+1]-mod_t[i-1])/(2*dt)) where dt is the step between to points in the trace :param mod_t: the trace obtained from the model as ``list`` :param exp_t: the input trace as ``list`` :param args: optional arguments as ``dictionary`` :return: the normalized average squared differences of derivatives where the normalization is done by the squared range of the input trace """ dt = grad_a = 0 grad_b = 0 tmp = [] for i in range(1, min(len(mod_t), len(exp_t)) - 1): grad_a = ((mod_t[i + 1] - mod_t[i - 1]) / (2 * dt)) grad_b = ((exp_t[i + 1] - exp_t[i - 1]) / (2 * dt)) tmp.append((grad_a - grad_b) ** 2) try: if self.option.output_level == "1": print "grad dif" print fsum(tmp) / len(tmp) / (pow(max(grad_b) - min(grad_b), 2)) except OverflowError: return 1 return fsum(tmp) / len(tmp) / (pow(max(grad_b) - min(grad_b), 2))
def compute(self,values): if not len(values): return None valsum = math.fsum([x**2 for x in values]) if not valsum: return None return math.fsum(values)**2/(len(values)*valsum)
def yules_k(self): freqs = self.self_wordfreq() freq_set = list(set(freqs)) M1 = math.fsum([freqs.count(f)*f for f in freq_set]) M2 = math.fsum([(f**2)*freqs.count(f) for f in freq_set]) K = (10000)*(M2 - M1)/(M1**2) return K
def h2jpopx(t,v,maxj,maxv): j = np.arange(maxj + 1, dtype = float) #Array of j values g_j = 2.0*j + 1.0 E_j = h2ejx(v,maxj) #cm^-1 nj = g_j*np.exp(-(E_j*h*c)/(kb*t)) #Herzberg pg. 124 #Need to properly normalize now (follow Herzberg pgs. 123-125) #For most astrophysically relevant temperatures, a max j of 100 #should be adequate for getting the Q sum to converge highj = 25 #TOO MUCH HIGHER AND THE NUMBERS GET SO SMALL THEY ROLLOVER E_i = h2ejx(v,highj) i = np.arange(highj + 1, dtype = float) Qr = (2.0*i + 1.0)*np.exp(-(E_i*h*c)/(kb*t)) njn = nj/math.fsum(Qr) #Get vibrational population (only relevant for large temperatures) E_v = np.zeros(maxv+1) for m in range(0,maxv+1): E_v[m] = h2ejx(m,0) #cm^-1 Qv = np.exp(-(E_v*h*c)/(kb*t)) nvn = Qv/math.fsum(Qv) njn = njn*nvn[v] return njn
def weightedOverhead(self, numpy=False): ns = 'weighted.numpy' if numpy else 'weighted' factors = { 'strConcat': 0.8171743283710745, 'objectInit': 162.78282024428898, 'getListItem': 12.018827808252004, 'functionCall': 48.613475069418904, 'getDictItem': 0.2148913920265531, 'methodCall': 75.36797944163118, 'numpy': 1.0, } runtimes = { 'strConcat': self.totalStrConcatRuntime(), 'objectInit': self.totalObjectCreations() * PYTHON_OBJECT_CREATION_COST, 'functionCall': self.totalPythonCalls() * PYTHON_CALL_COST, 'getListItem': self.totalGetitemRuntime(), } if numpy: runtimes['numpy'] = self.totalNumpyRuntime() total_runtime = fsum(runtimes.values()) c_runtimes = {key:(runtime / factors[key]) for key, runtime in runtimes.iteritems()} total_c_runtime = fsum(c_runtimes.values()), 'total_tt', self.total_tt), 'total_runtime', total_runtime), 'total_c_runtime', total_c_runtime), 'runtimes', runtimes), 'factors', factors), 'c_runtimes', c_runtimes) return 1 - (total_c_runtime / total_runtime), (total_runtime / self.total_tt)
def P_Nbpi(self, obs, Nbpi): top=PoissonApprox2(obs.Nmi,obs.Ci*Nbpi) #print(top, obs.Nmi, obs.Ci, Nbpi) if obs.Nmi>5: bottom=1.0/(obs.Ci) else: poissonrange=(obs.Npi*3+obs.Nmi*3+30) #memoize the bottom part if obs.Nmi in self.memoizedict2: if obs.Ci*Nbpi in self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi]: bottom=self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi][obs.Ci*Nbpi] else: self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi][obs.Ci*Nbpi]=math.fsum(\ [PoissonApprox2(obs.Nmi,obs.Ci*Nbpi2)\ for Nbpi2 in range(poissonrange)]) bottom=self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi][obs.Ci*Nbpi] else: self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi]={} self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi][obs.Ci*Nbpi]=math.fsum(\ [PoissonApprox2(obs.Nmi,obs.Ci*Nbpi2)\ for Nbpi2 in range(poissonrange)]) bottom=self.memoizedict2[obs.Nmi][obs.Ci*Nbpi] if bottom==0.0: print("%s/%s" % (top, bottom)) print("Nbpi: %s" % Nbpi) print("Nmi: %s" % obs.Nmi) print("Ci: %s" % obs.Ci) prob=top/bottom return prob
def simpsons(a,b,n): Xk = (float) (b-a)/n x2 = arange(a+2*Xk, b-Xk, 2*Xk) # 3rd, 5th, 7th... (n-2)th x values x4 = arange(a+Xk, b, 2*Xk) # 2nd, 4th, 6th... (n-1)th x values sum_of_2s = 2*fsum(f(x2)) sum_of_4s = 4*fsum(f(x4)) return Xk/3*(f(a) + sum_of_2s + sum_of_4s + f(b))
def initialize_h_k_aux_variables(settings, instance): """Initialize auxiliary variables for the h_k model. Initialize the rbfval and mu_k_inv variables of a problem instance, using the values for for x and u_pi already given. This helps the local search by starting at a feasible point. Parameters ---------- settings : rbfopt_settings.RbfSettings Global and algorithmic settings. instance : pyomo.ConcreteModel A concrete instance of mathematical optimization model. """ assert(isinstance(settings, RbfSettings)) instance.rbfval = math.fsum(instance.lambda_h[i] * instance.u_pi[i].value for i in instance.Q) instance.mu_k_inv = ((-1)**ru.get_degree_polynomial(settings) * math.fsum(instance.Ainv[i,j] * instance.u_pi[i].value * instance.u_pi[j].value for i in instance.Q for j in instance.Q) + instance.phi_0)
def get_init_nation_data(nation_set, all_games): nation_data = {} for nation in nation_set: nation_data[nation] = {"games":[],"GF":[],"GA":[],"weight":[], \ "Off":0, "Def":0, "error":1} total_goals = [] total_weight = [] for game in all_games: team1 = game["team1"] team2 = game["team2"] nation_data[team1]["games"].append(game) nation_data[team1]["GF"].append(game["goals1"]*game["weight"]) nation_data[team1]["GA"].append(game["goals2"]*game["weight"]) nation_data[team1]["weight"].append(game["weight"]) nation_data[team2]["games"].append(game) nation_data[team2]["GF"].append(game["goals2"]*game["weight"]) nation_data[team2]["GA"].append(game["goals1"]*game["weight"]) nation_data[team2]["weight"].append(game["weight"]) total_goals.append((game["goals1"]+game["goals2"]) * game["weight"]) total_weight.append(game["weight"]) for nation in nation_set: # initial estimates of Offense/Defense are GF/GA divided by weight nation_data[nation]["GF"] = math.fsum(nation_data[nation]["GF"]) nation_data[nation]["GA"] = math.fsum(nation_data[nation]["GA"]) nation_data[nation]["Offense"] = nation_data[nation]["GF"] nation_data[nation]["weight"]=math.fsum(nation_data[nation]["weight"]) nation_data[nation]["Defense"] = nation_data[nation]["GA"] nation_data[nation]["Offense"] /= nation_data[nation]["weight"] nation_data[nation]["Defense"] /= nation_data[nation]["weight"] total_goals = math.fsum(total_goals) total_weight = math.fsum(total_weight) return nation_data, total_goals/total_weight/2 # PER TEAM
def VerifyHMM (self): if fsum(self.StartDistribution.values()) <> 1.0: print 'The Start Distribution sums to',fsum(self.StartDistribution.values()) return False if len(self.States)<len(self.TransitionDistribution) or \ len(self.States)<>len(self.TransitionDistribution): print 'Missing States Data' return False self.SM = [0.0]* len(self.States) #Start Matrix for iNode,NodeSource in enumerate(self.States): if NodeSource in self.StartDistribution.keys(): self.SM[iNode] = self.StartDistribution[NodeSource] self.TPM = [[0.0]* len(self.States) for s in self.States] #Transition Probability Matrix for iNode,NodeSource in enumerate(self.States): for jNode,NodeDestiny in enumerate(self.States): if NodeDestiny in self.TransitionDistribution[NodeSource].keys(): self.TPM[iNode][jNode] = self.TransitionDistribution[NodeSource][NodeDestiny] for row in self.TPM: if fsum(row)<>1: print row,'does not sum to 1' return False #print self.TPM self.EPM = [[0.0]* len(self.States) for o in self.Observations] #Emission Probability Matrix for iNode,NodeDestiny in enumerate(self.Observations): for jNode,NodeSource in enumerate(self.States): if NodeDestiny in self.EmissionDistribution[NodeSource].keys(): self.EPM[iNode][jNode] = self.EmissionDistribution[NodeSource][NodeDestiny] for icol in range(len(self.States)): if fsum([row[icol] for row in self.EPM])<>1: print row,'does not sum to 1' return False #print self.EPM return True
def sums_squared_residuals(dof, model, model_instance, problem_instance): """ compute the ssr for each observable (trajectory) independently returns list """ if dof is not None: assert(len(dof) == len(problem_instance["parameter_indices"])) # TODO: preconditions # TODO: more pythonic if dof is not None: for ii in range(len(dof)): index = problem_instance["parameter_indices"][ii] model_instance["parameters"][index] = dof[ii] problem_instance["parameters"][ii] = dof[ii] if model is not None: model_instance["model"] = model cd.print_legacy_code_message() sum_res = [] # TODO: tidy-up if len(problem_instance["output_indices"]) == 1: sum_res.append(math.fsum(res**2 for res in residuals_st(model, model_instance, problem_instance))) return sum_res for ii in range(len(problem_instance["outputs"])): sum_res.append(math.fsum(res**2 for res in residuals_st(model, model_instance, problem_instance)[ii])) return sum_res
def kl_measures(sender_pop, receiver_pop, n=2): msgs = list(itertools.product(range(n), range(n))) states = list(itertools.product(range(n), range(n))) state_probs = [1. / float(len(states))] * len(states) all_cprobs_msg_given_state = collections.defaultdict(list) all_cprobs_state_given_msg = collections.defaultdict(list) information_contents = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, msg in enumerate(msgs): cprobs_msg_given_state = [] for j, state in enumerate(states): pr = 0. for (sender, sender_prob) in sender_pop: if simulation.sender_matrix(sender)[j][i] == 1: pr += sender_prob cprobs_msg_given_state.append(pr) all_cprobs_msg_given_state[i] = cprobs_msg_given_state for j, state in enumerate(states): if math.fsum(cprobs_msg_given_state) > 0.: prob_state_given_msg = ((state_probs[j] * cprobs_msg_given_state[j]) / math.fsum(state_probs[k] * cprobs_msg_given_state[k] for k in xrange(len(states)))) else: prob_state_given_msg = float('inf') all_cprobs_state_given_msg[j].append(prob_state_given_msg) if prob_state_given_msg > 0. and not math.isinf(prob_state_given_msg): information_contents[i].append(math.log(prob_state_given_msg / state_probs[j])) else: information_contents[i].append(- float('inf')) return (information_contents, all_cprobs_state_given_msg, all_cprobs_msg_given_state)
def parametros_gamma(v): X = math.fsum(v) / float(len(v)) A = math.log(X) - math.fsum(map(math.log, v)) / len(v) alpha = 1.0 / (4*A) * (1.0 + math.sqrt(1.0 + 4.0/3.0 * A)) lamb = alpha / X beta = 1.0 / lamb return alpha, beta
def calcDistance(*coords): """ Calculate distance according to : ((sum of all distances^-6)/number of distances)^-1/6 or (sum of all distances^-6)^-1/6 calcDistance.method should be set before use """ result = None try: distance_list = (sqrt(fsum(sub(*coord) ** 2 for coord in izip(*atoms))) for atoms in product(*coords)) sum6 = fsum(pow(distance, -6) for distance in distance_list) if calcDistance.method == 'ave6': number_of_distances = reduce(mul, (len(coord) for coord in coords)) elif calcDistance.method == 'sum6': number_of_distances = 1 result = pow(sum6/number_of_distances, -1./6) except(ValueError, TypeError): errors.add_error_message("Problem using coordinates : " + str(coords) + "\n" + " and distances list : " + str([distance for distance in distance_list]) + "\n") except AttributeError: sys.stderr.write("Please set calcDistance.method before using calcDistance()\n") return result
def genStats(times): N = len(times) avgTime = math.fsum(times)/ N timesMinusMean = [x - avgTime for x in times] timesMMSquared = [math.pow(x,2) for x in timesMinusMean] var = math.fsum(timesMMSquared) / N return avgTime, var
def collapse_duplicates(raw_data): # Create dictionary of lists of duplicates dup_data = raw_data.get_array() set_sp = {} set_ab = {} set_co = {} set_sz = {} set_plasmids = {} for sp,ab,co in dup_data: if 'taxid' in sp: # retain useful information name = sp.rpartition('|')[0] # last segment is usually the original chromosome etc name else: name = sp.partition('_gi|')[0].partition('|')[0].partition('_gca')[0] #the prepended strain name set_sp.setdefault(name,[]).append(sp) set_ab.setdefault(name,[]).append(ab) set_co.setdefault(name,[]).append(co) set_sz.setdefault(name,[]).append(co) assert(set_ab.keys() == set_co.keys() == set_sp.keys()) # New, clean dataset for data without duplicates undupe = Dataset() # Note: we include plasmids in the count total solely because i100 was simulated to include 1x plasmid coverage. for k,v in set_sp.items(): if len(v) == 1: # just add record directly if it has no duplicates undupe.add_record(k,set_ab[k][0],set_co[k][0],set_sz[k][0]) else: # sum counts and average abundances undupe.add_record(k,math.fsum(set_ab[k])/len(v),math.fsum(set_co[k]),math.fsum(set_sz[k])) print "Number of entries after combining duplicates: {0}".format(len(undupe.species)) return undupe
def stats(results, optimal=None): sum, notfound, worst = first_stats(results) avg = sum / len(results) varianza = fsum([(x - avg) ** 2 for x in results]) / len(results) scarto = fpformat.fix(sqrt(varianza), 2) valori = set(results) frequenze = dict(zip(valori, [results.count(v) for v in valori])) sorted_frequenze = sorted(frequenze, key=frequenze.get, reverse=True) sorted_frequenze = sorted_frequenze[:10] if optimal: opt_sum, opt_nf, opt_worst = first_stats(optimal) opt_avg = opt_sum / len(optimal) opt_scarto = fpformat.fix(sqrt(fsum([(x - opt_avg) ** 2 for x in optimal]) / len(optimal)), 2) ratio_avg = avg / opt_avg ratio_worst = worst / opt_worst ratio_scarto = fpformat.fix((float(scarto) / float(opt_scarto)), 2) print "-------------------------------------------------" print "Statistiche:\t\t\t\tOffline\tOnline\tRapporto" print "Numero di test eseguiti:\t\t " + str(len(results)) + "\t" + str(len(optimal)) # print "Carburante esaurito:\t\t\t " + str(notfound) print "Caso peggiore:\t\t\t\t " + str(worst) + "\t" + str(opt_worst) + "\t" + str(ratio_worst) print "Media aritmetica dei risultati:\t\t " + str(avg) + "\t" + str(opt_avg) + "\t" + str(ratio_avg) print "Scarto quadratico medio:\t\t " + str(scarto) + "\t" + str(opt_scarto) + "\t" + str(ratio_scarto) print "I dieci risultati piu' riscontrati:" print "Costo:\tOttenuto:\tSotto la media?" for el in sorted_frequenze: sotto = "media" if el < avg: sotto = "si" elif el > avg: sotto = "no" print str(el) + "\t" + str(frequenze[el]) + "\t\t" + sotto
def inTheGrandSchemeOfThings(nrNodesMin, nrNodesMax, algorithm): listOfAverage = [[0.0], []] listOfMaximum = [[0.0], []] listOfMedian = [[0.0], []] for nrNodes in range(nrNodesMin, nrNodesMax, 2): listOfNodes = setupDesign(nrNodes, algorithm) maxLevel = len(listOfNodes) - 1 while len(listOfAverage) <= maxLevel and len(listOfMaximum) <= maxLevel and len(listOfMedian) <= maxLevel: listOfAverage.append([]) listOfMaximum.append([]) listOfMedian.append([]) for level in range(1, maxLevel + 1): average = Measurements.averageDistance(listOfNodes, level) listOfAverage[level].append(average / level) maximum = Measurements.maximumDistance(listOfNodes, level) listOfMaximum[level].append(maximum / level) median = Measurements.distanceMedian(listOfNodes, level) listOfMedian[level].append(median / level) for i in range(1, len(listOfAverage)): listOfAverage[i] = math.fsum(listOfAverage[i]) / len(listOfAverage[i]) listOfMaximum[i] = math.fsum(listOfMaximum[i]) / len(listOfMaximum[i]) listOfMedian[i] = math.fsum(listOfMedian[i]) / len(listOfMedian[i]) del listOfAverage[0] del listOfMaximum[0] del listOfMedian[0] plt.plot(range(1, 1 + len(listOfAverage)), listOfAverage, label = 'Average') plt.plot(range(1, 1 + len(listOfMaximum)), listOfMaximum, label = 'Maximum') plt.plot(range(1, 1 + len(listOfMedian)), listOfMedian, label = 'Median') plt.legend(loc=3) plt.axis([0, maxLevel, 0, 1.1])
def render_summary(stats): """ Render summary of an event stream run. :param stats: Dictionary('clock':list()<float>, 'rss':list()<int>) :return: Void. """ print('\nSummary profile from stream execution:') print('Samples: %i' % len(stats['clock'])) if -1 in stats['clock']: print('(ERRORS DETECTED: Removing timing samples from aborted invocations.)') stats['clock'] = [x for x in stats['clock'] if x > 0] print('New sample size: %i' % len(stats['clock'])) median = sorted(stats['clock'])[math.trunc(len(stats['clock']) / 2)] print(stats['clock']) mean = math.fsum(stats['clock'])/len(stats['clock']) print('Clock time:\n' '\tMin: %ims, Max: %ims, Median: %ims, Median Billing Bucket: %ims, Rounded Standard Deviation: %sms' % ( min(stats['clock']), max(stats['clock']), median, billing_bucket(median), math.trunc(math.ceil(math.sqrt(math.fsum((x-mean)**2 for x in stats['clock'])/(len(stats['clock'])-1)))) )) if len(stats['clock']) > 0 else print("No valid timing samples!") print('Peak resident set size (memory):\n' '\tMin: %s, Max: %s' % ( size(min(stats['rss'])), size(max(stats['rss'])) ))
def _generalised_sum(data, func): """_generalised_sum(data, func) -> len(data), sum(func(items of data)) Return a two-tuple of the length of data and the sum of func() of the items of data. If func is None, use just the sum of items of data. """ # Try fast path. try: count = len(data) except TypeError: # Slow path for iterables without len. # We want to support BIG data streams, so avoid converting to a # list. Since we need both a count and a sum, we iterate over the # items and emulate math.fsum ourselves. ap = add_partial partials = [] count = 0 if func is None: # Note: we could check for func is None inside the loop. That # is much slower. We could also say func = lambda x: x, which # isn't as bad but still somewhat expensive. for count, x in enumerate(data, 1): ap(x, partials) else: for count, x in enumerate(data, 1): ap(func(x), partials) total = math.fsum(partials) else: # Fast path continues. if func is None: # See comment above. total = math.fsum(data) else: total = math.fsum(func(x) for x in data) return count, total
def compute_volume(mesh): if "tetra" in mesh.cells: vol = math.fsum( get_simplex_volumes(*prune_nodes(mesh.points, mesh.cells["tetra"])) ) elif "triangle" in mesh.cells or "quad" in mesh.cells: vol = 0.0 if "triangle" in mesh.cells: # triangles vol += math.fsum( get_triangle_volumes(*prune_nodes(mesh.points, mesh.cells["triangle"])) ) if "quad" in mesh.cells: # quad: treat as two triangles quads = mesh.cells["quad"].T split_cells = numpy.column_stack( [[quads[0], quads[1], quads[2]], [quads[0], quads[2], quads[3]]] ).T vol += math.fsum( get_triangle_volumes(*prune_nodes(mesh.points, split_cells)) ) else: assert "line" in mesh.cells segs = numpy.diff(mesh.points[mesh.cells["line"]], axis=1).squeeze() vol = numpy.sum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.einsum("...j, ...j", segs, segs))) return vol
def test_Poisson_sum_times(self): print("Testing Poisson sum times") k_max=400000 lmbda=100000 print("k_max=%s, lmbda=%s" % (k_max,lmbda)) gt1=time.clock() s=math.fsum([bayes.PoissonApprox2(x,lmbda) for x in range(k_max)]) gt2=time.clock() print("Time: %s seconds" % (gt2-gt1,)) k_max=400000 lmbda=200000 print("k_max=%s, lmbda=%s" % (k_max,lmbda)) gt1=time.clock() s=math.fsum([bayes.PoissonApprox2(x,lmbda) for x in range(k_max)]) gt2=time.clock() print("Time: %s seconds" % (gt2-gt1,)) k_max=600000 lmbda=200000 print("k_max=%s, lmbda=%s" % (k_max,lmbda)) gt1=time.clock() s=math.fsum([bayes.PoissonApprox2(x,lmbda) for x in range(k_max)]) gt2=time.clock() print("Time: %s seconds" % (gt2-gt1,)) k_max=800000 lmbda=200000 print("k_max=%s, lmbda=%s" % (k_max,lmbda)) gt1=time.clock() s=math.fsum([bayes.PoissonApprox2(x,lmbda) for x in range(k_max)]) gt2=time.clock() print("Time: %s seconds" % (gt2-gt1,))
def walk_maze(m, n, cell, indx): # fill cell cell[n][m] = indx # down if n < N - 1 and cell[n + 1][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED: walk_maze(m, n + 1, cell, indx) # right if m < M - 1 and cell[n][m + 1] == NOT_CLUSTERED: walk_maze(m + 1, n, cell, indx) # left if m and cell[n][m - 1] == NOT_CLUSTERED: walk_maze(m - 1, n, cell, indx) # up if n and cell[n - 1][m] == NOT_CLUSTERED: walk_maze(m, n - 1, cell, indx) if __name__ == '__main__': cell = newgrid(n=N, p=0.5) print('Found %i clusters in this %i by %i grid\n' % (clustercount(cell), N, N)) pgrid(cell) print('') for n in n_range: N = M = n sim = fsum(cluster_density(n, p) for i in range(t)) / t print('t=%3i p=%4.2f n=%5i sim=%7.5f' % (t, p, n, sim))
def softmax(x): y = [math.exp(k) for k in x] sum_y = math.fsum(y) z = [k/sum_y for k in y] return z
def GMM(data,K): n_feat = data.shape[0] n_obs = data.shape[1] def gaussian(x,mean,cov): det_cov = np.linalg.det(cov) cov_inv = np.zeros_like(cov) for i in range(n_obs): cov_inv[i,i] = 1/cov[i,i] diff = np.matrix(x-mean) N = (2.0 * np.pi) ** (-len(data[1]) / 2.0) * (1.0 / (np.linalg.det(cov) ** 0.5)) *\ np.exp(-0.5 * np.sum(np.multiply(diff*cov_inv,diff),axis=1)) return N def initialize(): mean = np.array([data[np.random.choice(n_feat,1)]],np.float64) cov = [np.random.randint(1,255)*np.eye(n_obs)] cov = np.matrix(np.multiply(cov,np.random.rand(n_obs,n_obs))) return {'mean': mean, 'cov': cov} bound = 0.0001 max_itr = 500 parameters = [initialize() for cluster in range (K)] cluster_prob = np.ndarray([n_feat,K],np.float64) #EM - step E itr = 0 mix_c = [1./K]*K log_likelihoods = [] while (itr < max_itr): print(itr) itr+=1 for cluster in range (K): cluster_prob[:,cluster:cluster+1] = gaussian(data,parameters[cluster]['mean'],parameters[cluster]['cov'])*mix_c[cluster] cluster_sum = np.sum(cluster_prob,axis=1) log_likelihood = np.sum(np.log(cluster_sum)) log_likelihoods.append(log_likelihood) cluster_prob = np.divide(cluster_prob,np.tile(cluster_sum,(K,1)).transpose()) Nk = np.sum(cluster_prob,axis = 0) #2 #EM - step M for cluster in range (K): temp_sum = math.fsum(cluster_prob[:,cluster]) new_mean = 1./ Nk[cluster]* np.sum(cluster_prob[:,cluster]*data.T,axis=1).T parameters[cluster]['mean'] = new_mean diff = data - parameters[cluster]['mean'] new_cov = np.array(1./ Nk[cluster]*,cluster_prob[:,cluster]),diff)) parameters[cluster]['cov'] = new_cov mix_c[cluster] = 1./ n_feat * Nk[cluster] if len(log_likelihoods)<2: continue if np.abs(log_likelihood-log_likelihoods[-2])<bound : break return mix_c,parameters
def avg(l): return math.fsum([v for v in l]) / float(len(l))
def stddev(l): l_avg = avg(l) return math.sqrt((1 / (float(len(l)) - 1)) * math.fsum( ((v - l_avg)**2) for v in l))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #* IMPORTS # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import math print(math.pi * (5**2)) # pi * 5^2 ## fsum() --> adds together floating point numbers. If we use just sum(), we will get weird results because of the nature of floating point numbers. # See: for more information numbers = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] print(math.fsum(numbers)) # we get exactly 1.0 #* ------------------ Importing specific things from modules ------------------ # ## We can import specific parts of a module - let's say we just want the constant pi: from math import pi, tau # NOTE: now when we want to call those constants above, we do not need the math. prior to it: print(pi, tau) #* -------------------------- Modules and Namespaces -------------------------- # import math print( globals() ) # NOTE: we can see that the functions/parameters live only in the math namespace, which means we need to access them via the . (dot) operator. I.e., math.pi, math.fsum(), etc. from math import pi, tau print(
def error(stump, weights): '''Calculate the weighted error of the given stump.''' _, _, mistakes = stump return math.fsum(weights[m] for m in mistakes)
from collections import defaultdict import math from functools import partial def prob(start, end, observed_indels, readlen): if start == end: varcov = 0 elif start > end: return 0.0 else: varcov = sum(c for p, c in observed_indels.items() if p >= start and p < end) / (end - start) p = 1.0 for s in range(readlen): count = observed_indels[s] c = varcov if s >= start and s < end else 0 p *= poisson.pmf(count, c) return p observed = defaultdict(int) observed.update({25: 1, 52: 1, 46: 1, 42: 1, 37: 1}) readlen = 100 y = np.array([prob(start, end, observed, readlen) for start in range(readlen) for end in range(readlen)]) y = y.reshape((readlen, readlen)) marginal = math.fsum(y.reshape(10000)) y /= marginal plt.imshow(y)
def add(self, *arg): self.sum += arg while len(self.sum) >= 5: print(int(fsum(self.sum[0:5]))) self.sum = self.sum[5:]
def average_time_relative(dict_list): """ let us define the optimal time as the time it would have taken the navigator to reach it's final position if it were to move in straight line the relative navigation time is define as measured time/optimal time this function calculates the relative navigation time for each successful navigator and returns an average """ ##(x,y,T,odor,gamma,state,success) def first_movement(diff_list): for i in range(len(diff_list)): if diff_list[i][5] != 'wait': #print 'state = '+ diff_list[i][5] return i def calc_speed(diff_list): i = first_movement(diff_list) x1 = diff_list[i][0] y1 = diff_list[i][1] x2 = diff_list[i + 1][0] y2 = diff_list[i + 1][1] dist = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) dt = diff_list[i + 1][2] - diff_list[i][2] speed = dist / dt return speed def optimal_time(diff_list): x1 = diff_list[0][0] y1 = diff_list[0][1] x2 = diff_list[-1][0] y2 = diff_list[-1][1] opt_dist = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) speed = calc_speed(diff_list) optimal_time = opt_dist / speed return optimal_time def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2): x = x2 - x1 y = y2 - y1 return (x**2 + y**2)**0.5 def optimal_distance(diff_list): x1 = diff_list[0][0] y1 = diff_list[0][1] x2 = diff_list[-1][0] y2 = diff_list[-1][1] return distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) def traveled_distance(diff_list): dist_sum = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(diff_list)): if diff_list[i][-2]: x1 = diff_list[i - 1][0] y1 = diff_list[i - 1][1] x2 = diff_list[i][0] y2 = diff_list[i][1] dist_sum += distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return dist_sum def time_elasped(diff_list): i = first_movement(diff_list) time_ela = diff_list[i][2] - diff_list[-1][2] return time_ela times_list = [] for diff_dict in dict_list: for key in diff_dict: diff_list = diff_dict[key] if diff_list[-1][-1]: """ optimal = optimal_distance(diff_list) traveled = traveled_distance(diff_list) #print (optimal,traveled) relative_time = traveled/optimal """ elasped = time_elasped(diff_list) optimal = optimal_time(diff_list) relative_time = elasped / optimal times_list.append(math.fabs(relative_time)) #print times_list if len(times_list) != 0: average = math.fsum(times_list) / float(len(times_list)) else: average = 0 return average
# import the math module and use help and dir to get information about its capabilities and attributes import math help(math) print(dir(math)) # Узнать набор методов объекта # Using the math module\n", # Create a list with 5 numbers\n", # Use the math module to find the square root of the numbers in the list\n", # Use the math module to truncate the number 123.45\n", # Use the math module to summarize the numbers in the list\n" list1 = [2,4,6,8,10,12] print("The square root of 9: ", math.sqrt(81)) print("Truncate 123.45: ", math.trunc(123.45)) print("Sum of the numbers in list1: ", math.fsum(list1)) # Help with the statistics module # import the statistics module and use help and dir to get information about its capabilities and attributes import statistics help(statistics) print(dir(statistics)) # Using the statistics module # create a list that has 5 numbers # Use the statistics module to find the average of the numbers # Use the statistics module to find the median of the numbers # Use the statistics module to find the standard deviation of the numbers ages = [22,14,50,34,78,18,24] print("Average age: ", statistics.mean(ages))
def _mean(data): assert len(data), '_mean() received no data to average.' return math.fsum(data) / float(len(data))
def next(self): data = dataweighted = map(operator.mul, data, self.p.weights) self.line[0] = self.p.coef * math.fsum(dataweighted)
def trials(o, n=500, out="out.csv", verbose=True, write=False): import csv keys = [] _efforts = [] _months = [] _defects = [] _risks = [] _first = 0 rows = [] with open(out, 'w') as csv_file: if write: csv_wri = csv.writer(csv_file) for _i in range(0, n): x = o.x() if _i == 0: for _k, _ in x.iteritems(): if _first == 0: keys.append('$' + str(_k)) _first = 1 else: keys.append('$' + str(_k)) # changed_nave keys.extend(["-effort", "-months", "-defects", "-risks"]) if write: csv_wri.writerows([keys]) a = x["b"] b = o.all["b"].y(a, reset=True) kloc = x["kloc"] sum = o.sumSfs(x, reset=True) prod = o.prodEms(x, reset=True) exp = b + 0.01 * sum effort = o.effort_calc(x, a, b, exp, sum, prod) months = o.month_calc(x, effort, sum, prod) defects = o.defect_calc(x) risks = o.risk_calc(x) _efforts.append(effort) _months.append(months) _defects.append(defects) _risks.append(risks) vals = [] for _, _v in x.iteritems(): vals.append(_v) vals.extend([effort, months, defects, risks]) if write: csv_wri.writerows([vals]) rows.append(vals) if verbose: _effSum = math.fsum(_efforts) _mosSum = math.fsum(_months) _defSum = math.fsum(_defects) _rskSum = math.fsum(_risks) _effMean = _effSum / n _mosMean = _mosSum / n _defMean = _defSum / n _rskMean = _rskSum / n _effSD = pow( math.fsum( map( lambda x: pow( x - _effMean, 2), _efforts)) / n, 0.5) _mosSD = pow( math.fsum( map( lambda x: pow( x - _mosMean, 2), _months)) / n, 0.5) _defSD = pow( math.fsum( map( lambda x: pow( x - _defMean, 2), _defects)) / n, 0.5) _rskSD = pow( math.fsum( map( lambda x: pow( x - _rskMean, 2), _risks)) / n, 0.5) _efforts.sort() _months.sort() _defects.sort() _risks.sort() print "Means:" print "\tEff:", _effMean, "\n\tMos:", _mosMean, "\n\tDef:", _defMean, "\n\tRsk:", _rskMean print "" print "Standard Deviations:" print "\tEff:", _effSD, "\n\tMos:", _mosSD, "\n\tDef:", _defSD, "\n\tRsk:", _rskSD print "" print "Quartile Bounds (25/50/75):" print "\tEff:", _efforts[int(.25 * n)], "\t",\ _efforts[int(.5 * n)], "\t",\ _efforts[int(.75 * n)], \ "\n\tMos:", _months[int(.25 * n)], "\t",\ _months[int(.5 * n)], "\t",\ _months[int(.75 * n)], \ "\n\tDef:", _defects[int(.25 * n)], "\t",\ _defects[int(.5 * n)], "\t",\ _defects[int(.75 * n)], \ "\n\tRsk:", _risks[int(.25 * n)], "\t",\ _risks[int(.5 * n)], "\t",\ _risks[int(.75 * n)] return keys, rows
print("Redondeando para abajo 3.98:", math.floor(3.98)) #Redondear hacia arriba print("Redondeando para arriba 3.56:", math.ceil(3.56)) #Valor Absoluto print("Valor absoluto de |-10|:", abs(-10)) #Sumatorio n = [1, 2, 3] #Suma los elementos de la lista print("Lista n \n", n) print("Suma de la lista n:", sum(n)) print("Suma de la lista n, en flotante:", math.fsum(n)) #Truncar Parte decimal print(100.121323548) print("Truncar la parte decimal:", math.trunc(100.121323548)) #Generar numero flotante Aleatorio entre el [0,1) print("\n\n") print("Numero aleatorio: ", random.random()) #Genera un numero entre el [1,10) print("Numero aleatorio: ", random.uniform(1, 10)) #Generar numero Entero Aleatorio print("Numero aleatorio:", random.randrange(10)) #[0,10) print("Numero aleatorio:", random.randrange(0, 101)) #[0,101)
# problem 1099 from math import fsum N = int(input()) box = [] * N boxOdd = [] for i in range(N): num1, num2 = map(int, input().split()) boxOdd = [] for j in range(abs(num2 - num1) - 1): if num2 > num1 and num1 != num2: num1 = num1 + 1 if num1 % 2 != 0: boxOdd.append(num1) if num1 > num2 and num1 != num2: num2 = num2 + 1 if num2 % 2 != 0: boxOdd.append(num2) box.insert(i, int(fsum(boxOdd))) for p in range(len(box)): print(box[p])
def score(self, hypothesis, corpus, n=1): # containers count = [0, 0, 0, 0] clip_count = [0, 0, 0, 0] r = 0 c = 0 weights = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] # accumulate ngram statistics for hyps, refs in zip(hypothesis, corpus): # if type(hyps[0]) is list: # hyps = [hyp.split() for hyp in hyps[0]] # else: # hyps = [hyp.split() for hyp in hyps] # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() hyps = [hyp.split() for hyp in hyps] refs = [ref.split() for ref in refs] # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # hyps = [hyps] # Shawn's evaluation # refs[0] = [u'GO_'] + refs[0] + [u'EOS_'] # hyps[0] = [u'GO_'] + hyps[0] + [u'EOS_'] for idx, hyp in enumerate(hyps): for i in range(4): # accumulate ngram counts hypcnts = Counter(ngrams(hyp, i + 1)) cnt = sum(hypcnts.values()) count[i] += cnt # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # compute clipped counts max_counts = {} for ref in refs: refcnts = Counter(ngrams(ref, i + 1)) for ng in hypcnts: max_counts[ng] = max(max_counts.get(ng, 0), refcnts[ng]) clipcnt = dict((ng, min(count, max_counts[ng])) \ for ng, count in hypcnts.items()) clip_count[i] += sum(clipcnt.values()) # accumulate r & c bestmatch = [1000, 1000] for ref in refs: if bestmatch[0] == 0: break diff = abs(len(ref) - len(hyp)) if diff < bestmatch[0]: bestmatch[0] = diff bestmatch[1] = len(ref) r += bestmatch[1] c += len(hyp) if n == 1: break # computing bleu score p0 = 1e-7 bp = 1 if c > r else math.exp(1 - float(r) / float(c)) p_ns = [float(clip_count[i]) / float(count[i] + p0) + p0 \ for i in range(4)] s = math.fsum(w * math.log(p_n) \ for w, p_n in zip(weights, p_ns) if p_n) bleu = bp * math.exp(s) return bleu
def next(self): self.line[0] = \ math.fsum( / self.p.period
def main(): candidate_path = sys.argv[1] reference_path = sys.argv[2] # single file if os.path.isfile(reference_path): can_len, ref_len = 0, 0 uni_c, uni_t = 0, 0 bi_c, bi_t = 0, 0 tri_c, tri_t = 0, 0 four_c, four_t = 0, 0 candidate =, encoding='utf-8') reference =, encoding='utf-8') while 1: c_line = candidate.readline() r_line = reference.readline() if not c_line: break if not r_line: break c_line = c_line.strip() r_line = r_line.strip() can_len += len(c_line.split(" ")) ref_len += len(r_line.split(" ")) c_c, t_c = get_count(c_line, r_line, 1) uni_c += c_c uni_t += t_c c_c, t_c = get_count(c_line, r_line, 2) bi_c += c_c bi_t += t_c c_c, t_c = get_count(c_line, r_line, 3) tri_c += c_c tri_t += t_c c_c, t_c = get_count(c_line, r_line, 4) four_c += c_c four_t += t_c uni_p = modified_precision(uni_c, uni_t) bi_p = modified_precision(bi_c, bi_t) tri_p = modified_precision(tri_c, tri_t) four_p = modified_precision(four_c, four_t) bp = brevity_penalty(can_len, ref_len) print uni_c, uni_t, uni_p print bi_c, bi_t, bi_p print tri_c, tri_t, tri_p print four_c, four_t, four_p print can_len, ref_len, bp val = [0.25 * uni_p, 0.25 * bi_p, 0.25 * tri_p, 0.25 * four_p] tmpsum = math.fsum(val) score = bp * math.exp(tmpsum) print score with open('bleu_out.txt', 'w') as fout: fout.write(str(score)) # directory else: uni_ref_list = construct_ref_dic_list(reference_path, 1) bi_ref_list = construct_ref_dic_list(reference_path, 2) tri_ref_list = construct_ref_dic_list(reference_path, 3) four_ref_list = construct_ref_dic_list(reference_path, 4) uni_can_list = construct_can_dic_list(candidate_path, 1) bi_can_list = construct_can_dic_list(candidate_path, 2) tri_can_list = construct_can_dic_list(candidate_path, 3) four_can_list = construct_can_dic_list(candidate_path, 4) uni_c, uni_t = get_clipped_count(uni_can_list, uni_ref_list) bi_c, bi_t = get_clipped_count(bi_can_list, bi_ref_list) tri_c, tri_t = get_clipped_count(tri_can_list, tri_ref_list) four_c, four_t = get_clipped_count(four_can_list, four_ref_list) can_len = get_candidate_length(candidate_path) ref_len = get_reference_length(reference_path) uni_p = modified_precision(uni_c, uni_t) bi_p = modified_precision(bi_c, bi_t) tri_p = modified_precision(tri_c, tri_t) four_p = modified_precision(four_c, four_t) bp = brevity_penalty(can_len, ref_len) val = [0.25 * uni_p, 0.25 * bi_p, 0.25 * tri_p, 0.25 * four_p] tmpsum = math.fsum(val) score = bp * math.exp(tmpsum) print score with open('bleu_out.txt', 'w') as fout: fout.write(str(score))
def total(self) -> float: return fsum( for e in self.expenses)
"""Make a program which reads a text file, which can have any number of floating point numbers, which are all in their own lines. The program will calculate and display the sum and average (mean) of all these numbers. Make your program fool proof. It should handle all common errors and ignore those lines of the input text file, which don't have valid numbers.""" from fileinput import input as fileInput from math import fsum from statistics import mean floatNumbers = [] with fileInput(files="calcFromFile.txt") as fileContent: for line in fileContent: try: line = float(line) floatNumbers.append(line) except ValueError: print("Line", fileContent.lineno(), ": Not a float value. Ignoring...") except TypeError: print("Line", fileContent.lineno(), ": Not a float value. Ignoring...") print("Sum of given values: ", fsum(floatNumbers)) print("Mean of given values: ", mean(floatNumbers))
#!/usr/bin/env python import math cards = int(input()) sum_of_cards = int(math.fsum(range(cards + 1))) for i in range(cards - 1): sum_of_cards -= int(input()) print(sum_of_cards)
def histogram_entropy_py(image): """ Calculate the entropy of an images' histogram. """ from math import log2, fsum histosum = float(color_count(image)) histonorm = (histocol / histosum for histocol in image.histogram()) return -fsum(p * log2(p) for p in histonorm if p != 0.0)
chrm, coord, data = extractLine(line) replicates = getReplicates(data, quads=False if side == "absolute" else True) # this should work for both absolute and left/right positioning ameth, aunmeth = replicates[a][2:4] if side == "right" else replicates[ a][0:2] bmeth, bunmeth = replicates[b][2:4] if side == "right" else replicates[ b][0:2] # only write the percentages if at least minReads number of reads if (ameth + aunmeth >= minReadsInAtLeastOneSampleForPercentage or bmeth + bunmeth >= minReadsInAtLeastOneSampleForPercentage ) and (ameth + aunmeth >= minReadsInBothSamplesForPercentage and bmeth + bunmeth >= minReadsInBothSamplesForPercentage): aPercentage = (float(ameth) / float(ameth + aunmeth)) * 100.0 bPercentage = (float(bmeth) / float(bmeth + bunmeth)) * 100.0 bins[int(aPercentage)].append(bPercentage) x.append(aPercentage) y.append(bPercentage) print "Pearson:" + str(pearsonr(x, y)) for i in bins: avg = math.fsum(bins[i]) / len(bins[i]) print i, avg, avg - float(i)
def compute(self,values): return math.fsum(values)
def main(argv): # Model parameters ############################################################################### WS=3.7e-4 # [1/s] A-attached type grownth rate WA=0.5*WS # [1/s] S-swimming type grownth rate Xlength=350.0 # [mkm] total length of the layer in mkm D0=0.1 #float(sys.argv[2]) # [mkm2/s] diffusion constant Nlayers=100 Nstep=10 # layers with step StepF=float(sys.argv[2]) D=[D0 for i in range(Nlayers)] Dstep=[StepF*D0 for i in range(Nstep)] D[0:Nstep]=Dstep P=float(sys.argv[1]) # [] adsorbtion probability #Simulation parameters dx=float(Xlength)/Nlayers #X=[(i+1)*dx for i in range(Nlayers)] dt=0.005 NtimeSteps=2000000 #- 3000000 8 hours Lambda=[D[i]*dt/(dx*dx) for i in range(Nlayers)] # Saving data to the file # how frequent to save Nfreq=NtimeSteps/1000 NTsave=int(NtimeSteps/Nfreq) #T=[i*Nfreq for i in range(NTsave+1)] SProfile=np.zeros((Nlayers,NTsave)) Stotal=np.zeros((NTsave,1)) Total=np.zeros((NTsave,1)) A=np.zeros((NTsave,3)) # 3colums array A-sep A-grown A-transition # Initial conditions # S-initial condition as constant #mu=Xlength/2.0 #sigma=Xlength*0.1 S0=10000.0 Sprev=[S0 for i in range(Nlayers)] TotalStep0=np.sum(Sprev) Stotal[0]=TotalStep0 #plt.plot(X,Sprev) # A-initial condition Aprev=0 # Initial condition SProfile[0:Nlayers,0]=Sprev Total[0]=0 ############################################################################### # Backward Euler scheme ############################################################################### # Coefficient matrix Smatrix=np.zeros((Nlayers,Nlayers)) for i in range(1,Nlayers-1): Smatrix[i,i-1]=-Lambda[i] Smatrix[i,i]=1+Lambda[i]+Lambda[i+1]-WS*dt Smatrix[i,i+1]=-Lambda[i+1] # Boundary conditions # Adsorbing boundary Smatrix[0,0]=1+Lambda[1]+Lambda[0]-Lambda[0]*(1-P)-WS*dt Smatrix[0,1]=-Lambda[1] # Reflective boundary Smatrix[Nlayers-1,Nlayers-2]=-Lambda[Nlayers-1] Smatrix[Nlayers-1,Nlayers-1]=1+Lambda[Nlayers-1]-WS*dt SMatrixSparse = csr_matrix(Smatrix) #SMatrixSparse = SMatrixSparse.astype(np.float64) # Solve matrix equations Smatrix counter=1; for i in range(1,NtimeSteps): Snext=spsolve(SMatrixSparse,Sprev) Anext=(P*Lambda[0]*Snext[0]+Aprev)/(1-WA*dt) # # save profile every Nfreq steps if (i % Nfreq)==0: #print(i) SProfile[0:Nlayers,counter]=Snext Stotal[counter]=fsum(Snext) A[counter,0]=Anext A[counter,1]=WA*Aprev*dt A[counter,2]=P*Lambda[0]*Snext[0] Total[counter]=Anext+fsum(Snext)-TotalStep0 counter=counter+1 # update Aprev=Anext Sprev=Snext ############################################################################### # Save to file ############################################################################### # plt.plot(Total) # plt.title("Total") # # plt.plot(SProfile) # plt.title("Sprofile") # # plt.plot(A[1:NTsave,0]) # plt.title("Atotal") # # files with profile root_folder='' datastamp='ID_'+str(randint(100,999))+'_'"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") filename_Sprofile=root_folder+datastamp+'__Stype_profile.txt' filename_A=root_folder+datastamp+'__Atype_profile.txt'; filename_Total=root_folder+datastamp+'__Total.txt'; filename_STotal=root_folder+datastamp+'__STotal.txt'; filename_Dprofile=root_folder+datastamp+'__D.txt'; np.savetxt(filename_Sprofile,SProfile,delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename_A,A,delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename_Total,Total,delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename_STotal,Stotal,delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename_Dprofile,D,delimiter='\t') #file with parameters filename_parameters=root_folder+datastamp+'__ParametersFile.txt'; Text=[] Text.append("WA\t%4.10f\t1/sec\t\n" %WA) Text.append("WS\t%4.10f\t1/sec\t \n" %WS) Text.append("Xlength\t%4.4f\tmkm\t\n" %Xlength) Text.append("D0\t%4.4f\tmkm^2/s\t\n" %D0) Text.append("StepF\t%4.4f\t[]/s\t\n" %StepF) Text.append("Nstep\t%4.4f\t[]/s\t\n" %Nstep) Text.append("P\t%4.4f\t[]\t\n" %P) Text.append("dt\t%4.4f\ts\t\n" %dt) Text.append("Nlayers\t%4.4f\t[]\t\n" %Nlayers) TimeStep=dt*Nfreq Text.append("Nfreq\t%4.4f\t[]\t\n" % Nfreq) Text.append("NtimeSteps\t%4.4f\t[]\t\n" %NtimeSteps) Text.append("TimeStep\t%4.4f\t[]\t\n" %TimeStep) f = open(filename_parameters, 'a') for line in Text: #print(line) f.write(line) f.close()
def normalize(vector): norm = math.sqrt(math.fsum([v**2 for v in vector])) if norm == 0: print "Null vector! Can't normalize." return [element / norm for element in vector]
# coding:utf8 """ python3 标准库 正则表达式 """ import math # 普通求和 print(sum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1])) # 返回迭代中的精确浮点值。通过跟踪多个中间部分和来避免精度损失 print(math.fsum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1]))
def _coincidence_index(cls, text): coincidence = fsum([ (frequency / len(text)) * ((frequency - 1) / (len(text) - 1)) for frequency in Counter(text).values() ]) return coincidence
def compute(self, values): self._avg_values.append(math.fsum(values)/len(values)) while len(self._avg_values) > self._smooth_steps: self._avg_values.pop(0) return math.fsum(self._avg_values)/len(self._avg_values)