Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    x = math.sqrt(9)  # Uses import math

    x1 = sqrt(16)  # Usses from math import sqrt

    x2 = squareroot(64)  # Uses from math import sqrt as squareroot

    print(x, x1, x2)
# According to "The Coder’s Apprentice" by Peter Spronck
# It is possible to rename a function that you import from a module, using the
#keyword as. This is helpful if using several modules that contain functions with
#similar names.
#I have included it to make my code easier to read for a beginner.
from math import sqrt as squareroot

# ask the user to input a floating-point number - that is a number with decimal
#As all data stored from the input command is stored as a string variable
#Use the conversion process known as TypeCasting
#float() type casting will return the value between the parentheses as a floating-point number
#even though it was not input as one.

i = float(
        "Hello. Please input a positive whole number float i.e., a number with a decimal point. "

print("Thanks. ")
#x=(squareroot( i ))
#print ("The square root of", i, "is approx. {:.2f}." .format (x))
#All the code can fit in one line like this
print("The square root of", i,
      "is approximately {:.1f}.".format(squareroot(i)))

#In order to show an approximation of the result with just one number to the right
#of the decimal point use .format () command
#this format was indicated in the example provided in problem set documentation
#Use of .format method adapted from examples in Chapter 5 Simple Functions
#"The Coder’s Apprentice" by Peter Spronck
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    print(math.sqrt(9))  # uses import math
    print(sqrt(16))  # uses from math import sqrt
    print(squareroot(25))  # uses from math import sqrt as squareroot
    print(m.sqrt(36))  # uses import math as m
a=int(input("ENTER THE NUMBER:")) # VALUE ERROR , if other data types is given as input

print("number"+a)                 #TYPE ERROR

print(b)                          #NAME ERROR

print(a/0)                        #ZERO DIVISION ERROR

if(a>0)                           #SYNTAX ERROR

print(b[0])                       #INDEX ERROR

print(squareroot(a))              #IMPORT ERROR

################# DESIGN A SIMPLE CALCULATOR WITH TRY AND EXCEPT  #########################

print("CALCULATOR \n 1.addition \n 2.subtraction \n 3.multiplication \n 4.division")
a=int(input("ENTER THE FIRST VALUE :"))
b=int(input("ENTER THE SECOND VALUE :"))
        print("ADDITION OF TWO VALUES :",c)
        print("NOTHING WENT WRONG")
        print("addition is successfull")
def main():
    print(math.sqrt(9)) # Uses import math
    print(sqrt(25))     # Uses from math import sqrt
    print(squareroot(25)) # Uses from math import sqrt as squareroot
Exemplo n.º 6
# from module_name import var

from math import pi
print (pi)

from math import pi,sqrt

# to import all the objects from the module using *

from math import * # not a best practise.

# using alias name or assigning a different variable name - using as

from math import sqrt as squareroot


# sample

import math as m
print (m.sqrt(25))
# print (math.sqrt(25))  # error occurs in this case

########################## IMPORTANT - TYPES OF MODULES #################
#  last #3 is called standard library, example: random, math, os, string, multiprocessing
#  ,sys, subprocess, email, json, doctest, unittest, pdb, argparse and sys
Exemplo n.º 7
from math import sqrt as squareroot

i = 143
isFound = False

while not isFound:
    i += 1
    h = i * (2 * i - 1)
    if (1 + squareroot(1 + 24 * h)) % 6 == 0:
        isFound = True
print h
Exemplo n.º 8
import math

from math import sqrt

from math import sqrt as squareroot

from math import exp, log
print("The value of e is approximately", exp(1))
e_sqr = exp(2)
print("e squared is", e_sqr)
print("which means that log(", e_sqr, ") is", log(e_sqr))
Exemplo n.º 9
def ShowReadability():
    text.insert(END, "If this doesn't work, check NLTK is installed. If NLTK is installed, use nltk.download() to get cmudict and punkt sentence tokenizer. See Help for details \n\n\n")
    import nltk
    pattern = r'''(?x)([A-Z]\.)+|\w+([-']\w+)*|\$?\d+(\.\d+)?%?|\.\.\.|[][.,;"'?():-_']'''
    data = resultsbox.get(1.0,END)
    rawtext=nltk.regexp_tokenize(data, pattern)
    prepcolloc = (w.lower() for w in rawtext)
    text.delete(1.0, END)
    sentcountshort = 0
    sents = sent_tokenizer.tokenize(data)    
    for sent in sents:
        if len(sent) < 2:
            sentcountshort = sentcountshort+1
    numsents = len(sents) - sentcountshort
    numwords = len(p.split(data))-1
    sentcountshort = 0
    text.insert(END, "\nIgnoring one word sentences (like numbering), there are ")
    text.insert(END, numsents)
    text.insert(END, " sentences with an average of ")
    averagewordspersentence = numwords/numsents
    text.insert(END, averagewordspersentence)
    text.insert(END, " words per sentence.\n\n")

    #set up syllable dictionary        
    from math import sqrt as squareroot
    from nltk.corpus import cmudict
    syllables = dict()
    numeral = re.compile(r'\d')
    for (word, phonemes) in cmudict.entries():
        word = word.lower()
        count = len([x for x in list(''.join(phonemes)) if x >= '0' and x <= '9'])
        if syllables.has_key(word):
            count = min(count, syllables[word])
        syllables[word] = count        

    #count syllables    
    for word in prepcolloc:
        if word in syllables:
            numsyllables = numsyllables + syllables[word]
        wordsnotincmu[word] = 1
    #count three syllable words
    for word in prepcolloc:
        if word in syllables and syllables[word] > 2:
            threesyllcount = threesyllcount + syllables[word]

    #calculate number of letters and numbers
    for word in rawtext:
        if word.isalpha():
            letnumcount=letnumcount + len(word)        

    #adapted from Java at http://www.editcentral.com/gwt1/EditCentral.html
	Flesch = 206.835 - (1.015 * numwords) / numsents - (84.6 * numsyllables) / numwords
	Flesch = "%.1f" % Flesch
	#Automated readability index
	ARI = (4.71 * letnumcount) / numwords + (0.5 * numwords) / numsents -21.43;
	ARI = "%.1f" % ARI

	#Flesch-Kincaid grade level
	FK = (0.39 * numwords) / numsents + (11.8 * numsyllables) / numwords - 15.59;
	FK = "%.1f" % FK

	#Coleman-Liau index
	CL = (5.89 * letnumcount) / numwords - (30.0 * numsents) / numwords - 15.8;
	CL = "%.1f" % CL

	#gunning fog
	GunningFog = 0.4 * ( numwords / numsents + (100.0 * threesyllcount) / numwords );
	GunningFog = "%.1f" %GunningFog    
	smog = squareroot( threesyllcount * 30.0 / numsents ) + 3.0;
	smog = "%.1f" % smog
    text.insert(END, "Flesch: ")
    text.insert(END, Flesch)
    text.insert(END, "\n")
    text.insert(END, "Automated readability index: ")
    text.insert(END, ARI)
    text.insert(END, "\n")
    text.insert(END, "Flesch-Kincaid grade level: ")
    text.insert(END, FK)
    text.insert(END, "\n")

    text.insert(END, "Coleman-Liau index: ")
    text.insert(END, CL)
    text.insert(END, "\n")

    text.insert(END, "Gunning fog index: ")
    text.insert(END, GunningFog)
    text.insert(END, "\n")

    text.insert(END, "Smog: ")
    text.insert(END, smog)
    text.insert(END, "\n\n")
    text.insert(END, "Following words not included in analysis - syllable count is missing from the cmudict database:\n\n")
    for k,y in sorted(wordsnotincmu.items()):
        text.insert(END, k)
Exemplo n.º 10
    Modules are pieces of code that other people have written to fulfill common tasks, such as
    generating random numbers, performing mathematical operations, etc.
    Modules are basically libraries and to use, you just import them.
    For example:
    import random

print("Printint random numbers from 0 to 10")
for i in range(5):
    value = random.randint(0, 11)

print("The square root of PI is: " + str(squareroot(pi)))

def pascLine(depth):
    if depth <= 1:
        return [1]
    elif depth > 1:
        line = [1]
        prevLine = pascLine(depth - 1)
        for i in range(len(prevLine) - 1):
            line.append(prevLine[i] + prevLine[i + 1])
        return line
        print("Input needs to be an integer")
        return "Input needs to be an integer"
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    print(math.sqrt(9))  # Uses import math
    print(sqrt(9))  # Uses from math import sqrt
    print(squareroot(9))  # Uses from math import sqrt as squareroot
    print(mathematics.sqrt(9))  # Uses import math as mathematics
    print(pi, pow(10, 2))  # Uses from math import pi, pow
from math import squareroot
c = 300 000 000  # m/s
v = 100 000 000  # m/s
m = 0,14  # kg

gamma = 1/squareroot(1-(v^2/c^2))
p = m*v*gamma

print p
Exemplo n.º 13
#Basic Python Varibales & Operators
from math import sqrt as squareroot
from numpy import multiply as mult
print(5 + 2, ' Float div :   ', 7 / 3, ' Round off quotient ', 7 // 3)
wordarray = ['t', 'h', 'i', 's', ' ', 'i', 's', ' ', 't', 'e', 's', 't']
word = 'this is test'
print('slice  : --> ' + word[:4], ' give start -->', word[2:], 'Start end -->',
      word[2:5], 'Last 4 -> ', word[-4:])
print(' length : ', len(word))
print(mult(2, 3))
print('---- Fibinacci ----')
#print fibonacci
limit = 10
start = 1
start, b = 0, 1
while start < limit:
    start, b = b, start + b