Exemplo n.º 1
    def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args):
        (lowerLeft, lowerRight), (width, height) = math2d.boundingBox(landmark)
        scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5)

        scaleFactor = scale * 0.1

        polygon = math2d.boxToPolygon(
            (lowerLeft - scaleFactor, lowerRight - scaleFactor),
            (width + 2 * scaleFactor, height + 2 * scaleFactor))

        out = {}
        figureSteps = list(
                                 math2d.length(figure) / 100.0))

        out["endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] = 0
        for p in figureSteps[90:]:
            if math2d.isInteriorPoint(polygon, p):
                out["endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] += 1
                drawer.drawPoint("endPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox", p)

        out["startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] = 0
        for p in figureSteps[:10]:
            if math2d.isInteriorPoint(polygon, p):
                out["startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox"] += 1
                drawer.drawPoint("startPointsInLandmarkBoundingBox", p)

        return out
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_topological_map(self):
        print "clusters", self.clusters
        stmap, stmap_cnt, stmap_locs = self.clusters.get_topological_map()
        #stmap_locs[45.0] = na.array([72.5, 84.4])
        #stmap_locs[63.0] = na.array([66.64, 110])

        up_idx = float(int(max(stmap.keys()) + 1))
        #[45.0, 16.0, 46.0, 2.0]
        for node in stmap.keys():
            stmap[up_idx] = list(stmap[node]) + [up_idx]
            stmap_locs[up_idx] = na.append(stmap_locs[node], 4.0)
            for elt in stmap[up_idx]:
                stmap[elt] = na.append(stmap[elt], up_idx)
            up_idx += 1

        tmap = dict(stmap)
        tmap_locs = {}
        for key, loc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
            if self.boundingBox == None or math2d.isInteriorPoint(
                    self.boundingBox, loc[0:2]):
                if len(loc) == 2:
                    tmap_locs[key] = na.append(loc, 1)
                    tmap_locs[key] = loc
                del tmap[key]
                for key1, lst in tmap.iteritems():
                    tmap[key1] = [x for x in lst if x != key]

        return tmap, None, tmap_locs
Exemplo n.º 3
    def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args):
        figureSteps = list(
                                 math2d.length(figure) / 100.0))
        points = [
            math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, p) for p in figureSteps
        interiorPoints = math2d.interiorPoints(landmark, figureSteps)
        landmarkCentroid = math2d.centroid(landmark)
        distances = [math2d.squaredist(p, (0, 0)) for p in points]
        bborigin, (width,
                   height) = math2d.boundingBox(na.append(landmark, figure, 0))
        scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5)
        out = {}
        i, dist = math2d.argMin(distances)
        drawer.distanceFeature(out, "minimumDistanceToLandmark",
                               "Closest point on landmark", "Figure End",
                               figureSteps[i], points[i], scale)

        for p in interiorPoints:
            drawer.drawPoint("numInteriorPoints", p)
        if len(interiorPoints) == 0:
            drawer.drawText("numInteriorPoints", landmarkCentroid,
                            "No interior points.")
            #if out["numInteriorPoints"] > 0:
            #out["numInteriorPoints"] = 1

        out["numInteriorPoints"] = len(interiorPoints)
        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmark, figureSteps[i]):
            out["minimumDistanceToLandmark"] = 0
        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmark, figure[-1]):
            out["distFigureEndToLandmark"] = 0

        differences = [d1 - d2 for d1, d2 in zip(distances, distances[1:])]
        differences = [d / d if d != 0 else 0 for d in differences]
        if len(differences) == 0:
            out["averageDistanceDifference"] = 0
            out["averageDistanceDifference"] = math2d.mean(differences)
        for p1, p2 in zip(points, points[1:]):
            drawer.drawLine("averageDistanceDifference", [p1, p2])

        return out
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute(self, situation, offset):
        a1 = situation.agent(self.figure)

        a2 = situation.agent(self.landmark)

        geom = a2.geometry(offset)

        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(a1.location(offset)):
            return True
            return False
Exemplo n.º 5
    def doCompute(self, drawer, landmark, figure, **args):
        out = {}
        bborigin, (width,
                   height) = math2d.boundingBox(na.append(landmark, figure, 0))
        scale = pow(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2), 0.5)
        landmarkCentroid = math2d.centroid(landmark)
        drawer.distanceFeature(out, "distFigureEndToLandmarkCentroid",
                               "Landmark center of mass", "Figure",
                               landmarkCentroid, figure[-1], scale)

        drawer.distanceFeature(out, "distFigureStartToLandmarkCentroid",
                               "Landmark center of mass", "Figure",
                               landmarkCentroid, figure[0], scale)

        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmark, figure[0]):
            drawer.distanceFeature(out, "distFigureStartToLandmark",
                                   "Closest point on landmark", "Figure Start",
                                   figure[0], figure[0], scale)
            cp = math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, figure[0])

            drawer.distanceFeature(out, "distFigureStartToLandmark",
                                   "Closest point on landmark", "Figure Start",
                                   figure[0], cp, scale)

        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmark, figure[-1]):
            drawer.distanceFeature(out, "distFigureEndToLandmark",
                                   "Closest point on landmark", "Figure End",
                                   figure[-1], figure[-1], scale)
            cp = math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmark, figure[-1])
            drawer.distanceFeature(out, "distFigureEndToLandmark",
                                   "Closest point on landmark", "Figure End",
                                   cp, figure[-1], scale)

        return out
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_topological_map(self):
        print "clusters", self._clusters

        # nodes manually annotated for the hsp d2 map.
        nodes = [(2.22, 6.32), (1.19, 4.16), (1.14, 1.68), (4.28, 3.18),
                 (5.55, 4.75), (5.8, 7.45), (10.1, 3.67), (7.58, 5.86),
                 (9.36, 2.17), (7.53, 0.602), (10.8, 5.19), (11.9, 3.38),
                 (6.69, 3.71)]
        stmap_locs = {}
        for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
            i = float(i)
            stmap_locs[i] = node
        stmap = {}
        for skey, sloc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
            for ekey, eloc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
                X, Y = self._clusters.skel.compute_path(sloc, eloc)
                length = math2d.length(na.transpose((X, Y)))
                if length < 10:
                    stmap.setdefault(skey, [])

        up_idx = float(int(max(stmap.keys()) + 1))

        for node in stmap.keys():
            stmap[up_idx] = list(stmap[node]) + [up_idx]
            stmap_locs[up_idx] = na.append(stmap_locs[node], 6.0)
            for elt in stmap[up_idx]:
                stmap[elt] = na.append(stmap[elt], up_idx)
            up_idx += 1

        tmap = dict(stmap)
        tmap_locs = {}
        for key, loc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
            if self.boundingBox == None or math2d.isInteriorPoint(
                    self.boundingBox, loc[0:2]):
                if len(loc) == 2:
                    tmap_locs[key] = na.append(loc, 4.5)
                    tmap_locs[key] = loc
                del tmap[key]
                for key1, lst in tmap.iteritems():
                    tmap[key1] = [x for x in lst if x != key]

        return tmap, None, tmap_locs
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_topological_map(self):
        print "clusters", self._clusters

        # nodes manually annotated for the hsp d2 map.
        # (361, 314), # camp charlie, gator can't make turn
        nodes = [(564, 497), (435, 396), (417, 359), (591, 319), (445, 237),
                 (253, 253)]
        stmap_locs = {}
        for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
            i = float(i)
            stmap_locs[i] = node
        stmap = {}
        for skey, sloc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
            for ekey, eloc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
                X, Y = self._clusters.skel.compute_path(sloc, eloc)
                #length = math2d.length(na.transpose((X, Y)))
                #if length < 10:
                stmap.setdefault(skey, [])

        up_idx = float(int(max(stmap.keys()) + 1))

        for node in stmap.keys():
            stmap[up_idx] = list(stmap[node]) + [up_idx]
            stmap_locs[up_idx] = na.append(stmap_locs[node], 6.0)
            for elt in stmap[up_idx]:
                stmap[elt] = na.append(stmap[elt], up_idx)
            up_idx += 1

        tmap = dict(stmap)
        tmap_locs = {}
        for key, loc in stmap_locs.iteritems():
            if self.boundingBox == None or math2d.isInteriorPoint(
                    self.boundingBox, loc[0:2]):
                if len(loc) == 2:
                    tmap_locs[key] = na.append(loc, 4.5)
                    tmap_locs[key] = loc
                del tmap[key]
                for key1, lst in tmap.iteritems():
                    tmap[key1] = [x for x in lst if x != key]

        return tmap, None, tmap_locs
Exemplo n.º 8
    def recenter(self, location):
        x, y = location

        xstart, xend, ystart, yend = self.axes.axis()
        bbox = [(xstart, ystart), (xend, ystart), (xend, yend), (xstart, yend)]
        width = xend - xstart
        height = yend - ystart
        print 'axis', self.axes.axis()
        if not math2d.isInteriorPoint(bbox, (x, y)):
            print "invoking recentering"
            xstart = x - width / 2
            xend = x + width / 2
            ystart = y - height / 2
            yend = y + height / 2
            self.axes.axis([xstart, xend, ystart, yend])
            self.background = None
            return True
            return False
Exemplo n.º 9
def computeAxes2(landmarkGeom, figureGeom):
    if math2d.length(figureGeom) == 0:
        raise InsaneExample("Degenerate figure.")

    # three algorithms
    # 1.  connect endpoints and extend
    # 2.  fit line with regression
    # 3.  get a line with my fancy optimization (minimize area and distance)

    #intersectPoints = math2d.intersectLines(math2d.polygonToLine(landmarkGeom),
    #                                        figureGeom)

    #m, b = math2d.fitLine(figureGeom)
    #intersectPoints = math2d.intersectPolygonAnalytic(landmarkGeom, m, b)

    endPointSegment = [figureGeom[0], figureGeom[-1]]
    if not math2d.isVertical(endPointSegment) and not math2d.isDegenerate(
        m, b = math2d.lineEquation(endPointSegment)
        intersectPoints = math2d.intersectPolygonAnalytic(landmarkGeom, m, b)
        gYs = [p[1] for p in landmarkGeom]
        mungedFigAxis = [(figureGeom[0][0], min(gYs) - 1),
                         (figureGeom[0][0], max(gYs) + 1)]
        intersectPoints = math2d.intersectLines(
            math2d.polygonToLine(landmarkGeom), mungedFigAxis)

    #m, b = math2d.fitLine(figureGeom)
    #intersectPoints = math2d.intersectPolygonAnalytic(landmarkGeom, m, b)

    if len(intersectPoints) == 0:
        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmarkGeom, figureGeom[0]):

            minor = [
                math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmarkGeom, figureGeom[0]),
                math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmarkGeom, figureGeom[-1])
            return None, None
    elif (len(intersectPoints) == 1
          or (intersectPoints[0] == intersectPoints[1])):
        if math2d.isInteriorPoint(landmarkGeom, figureGeom[0]):
            minorStart = math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmarkGeom,
            minorStart = intersectPoints[0]

        minorEnd = math2d.closestPointOnPolygon(landmarkGeom, figureGeom[-1])
        minor = [minorStart, minorEnd]
        # ignoring figure after first two intersect points
        minor = [intersectPoints[0], intersectPoints[1]]

        D = tklib_get_distance(na.transpose(intersectPoints), [0, 0])

        i_st = na.argmin(D)
        i_end = na.argmax(D)

        minor = [intersectPoints[i_st], intersectPoints[i_end]]

        major = math2d.perpendicular(minor)
        intersectPoint = math2d.intersectSegment(major, minor)
        print "minor", minor
        print "figure", figureGeom

    if intersectPoint == None:
        #    if math2d.sorta_eq(math2d.length(figureGeom), 0):
        # degenerate case - start and end at the same point.
        # can happen for zero length tracks.
        # But other tracks too - still happens when you test zero length.
        raise InsaneExample("No axes" + ` [major, minor, intersectPoint] `)
        return major, minor