Exemplo n.º 1
def edit_attachments(request, id):
    content = get_object_or_404(MathContent, id=id)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        attachment, form = check_and_save_attachment(request, content)
        form = AttachmentForm()

    data = {
        'content': content,
        'form': form,

    # Type-specific tuning and permissions:
        task = Task.objects.get(content_id=id)
        if not task.is_allowed_to_edit(request.user):
            return 403
        data['task'] = task
        data.update(get_task_folder_data(task, request.user))
    except Task.DoesNotExist:
        # Only Task's MathContent can have attachments!
        return 404

    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def new(request, task_id=None, is_file=None, is_lecture=None):
        New Task and Edit Task
        + New TaskFile and Edit TaskFile
    content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Task)

    if task_id:
        task = get_object_or_404(Task.objects.select_related('content'), pk=task_id)
        perm = task.get_user_permissions(request.user)
        if EDIT not in perm:
            return 403
        math_content = task.content
        edit = True
        is_file = task.is_file()
        is_lecture = task.is_lecture
        perm = []
        task = math_content = None
        edit = False

    # Make sure each lecture is a file.
    assert is_lecture and is_file or not is_lecture

    form_class = TaskLectureForm if is_lecture \
            else (TaskFileForm if is_file else TaskForm)
    math_content_label = 'Opis' if is_file else None    # else default

    if request.method == 'POST':
        old_hidden = getattr(task, 'hidden', -1)
        old_solvable = getattr(task, 'solvable', -1)

        # Files can have blank description (i.e. math content)
        task_form = form_class(request.POST, instance=task, user=request.user)
        math_content_form = MathContentForm(request.POST, instance=math_content,
            blank=is_file, label=math_content_label, auto_preview=False)
        attachment_form = is_file and not edit \
            and AttachmentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

        if task_form.is_valid() and math_content_form.is_valid()    \
                and (not attachment_form or attachment_form.is_valid()):

            task = task_form.save(commit=False)
            math_content = math_content_form.save()

            if not edit:
                if attachment_form:
                    attachment, attachment_form = check_and_save_attachment(
                        request, math_content)
                    task.file_attachment = attachment   # This is a file.
                    path = attachment.get_full_path_and_filename()
                        thumbnail_path = create_file_thumbnail(path)
                        task.cache_file_attachment_thumbnail_url = \
                    except ThumbnailRenderingException:

                    # Immediately remember file url, so that we don't have to
                    # access Attachment table to show the link.
                    task.cache_file_attachment_url = attachment.get_url()
                    task.file_attachment = None         # This is a task.

            if is_file:
                task.cache_file_attachment_url = task.file_attachment.get_url()
            if not edit:
                task.author = request.user
            task.content = math_content

            # Do not call task_form.save_m2m()!
            set_tags(task, task_form.cleaned_data['tags'])

            # TODO: signals!
            if not edit or old_hidden != task.hidden    \
                    or old_solvable != task.solvable:   \

            # send action if creating a new nonhidden task
            if not edit:
                # TODO: signals!
                type = _action.LECTURE_ADD if is_lecture \
                        else (_action.FILE_ADD if is_file else _action.TASK_ADD)

                _action.add(request.user, type,
                    action_object=task, target=task)

            # TODO: izbrisati task_new_finish.html i url
            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/task/%d/' % task.id if edit else '/task/new/finish/')
            return HttpResponseRedirect(task.get_absolute_url())
        task_form = form_class(instance=task)
        math_content_form = MathContentForm(instance=math_content,
            blank=is_file, label=math_content_label, auto_preview=False)
        attachment_form = is_file and not edit and AttachmentForm()

    forms = [task_form, math_content_form]
    if attachment_form:

    data = get_task_folder_data(task, request.user) if task else {}

        'action_url': request.path,
        'bulk_add_url': '/task/new/bulk/',
        'can_edit_permissions': EDIT_PERMISSIONS in perm,
        'content_type': content_type,
        'edit': edit,
        'forms': forms,
        'is_file': is_file,
        'is_lecture': is_lecture,
        'lectures_folder_url': settings.LECTURES_FOLDER_URL,
        'task_name': task.name if task else None,  # Convenience.
        'task': task,

    return data