def transfer_weight_to_vertex_color(self, obj): col = Color() col.r, col.g, col.b = 1, 1, 1 col.h, col.s, col.v = 0, 1, 1 for poly in for loop in poly.loop_indices: weight = 0 vertindex =[loop].vertex_index try: weight = if self.colored: col.h, col.s, col.v = 0.6666 * weight, 1, 1 else: col.r = col.g = col.b = weight except: if self.colored: col.r, col.g, col.b = 1, 1, 1 col.h, col.s, col.v = 0.666, 1, 1 else: col.h, col.s, col.v = 0, 1, 1 col.r, col.g, col.b = 0, 0, 0[loop].color = (col.b, col.g, col.r, 1)
def RunCombineAO(context): obj = bpy.context.active_object mesh = # Set mode oldMode = bpy.context.object.mode if (bpy.context.mode != 'OBJECT'): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Check layers exist CheckVertexColorLayer(context.scene.scn_inputVCLayer1, mesh) CheckVertexColorLayer(context.scene.scn_inputVCLayer2, mesh) CheckVertexColorLayer(context.scene.scn_targetVCLayer, mesh) # Get layers inputLayer1 = mesh.vertex_colors[context.scene.scn_inputVCLayer1] inputLayer2 = mesh.vertex_colors[context.scene.scn_inputVCLayer2] targetLayer = mesh.vertex_colors[context.scene.scn_targetVCLayer] color = Color() # Perform operation i = 0 for poly in mesh.polygons: for loop in poly.loop_indices: color.r =[i].color.r *[i].color.r color.g =[i].color.g *[i].color.g color.b =[i].color.b *[i].color.b[loop].color = color i += 1 # Update mesh and revert to old mode mesh.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=oldMode) print("Finished CombineAOOperator")
def marble_color(x): clr = Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) x = math.sqrt(x + 1.0) * .707 clr.g = green + .8 * x x = math.sqrt(x) clr.r = red + .6 * x clr.b = blue + .4 * x return clr[:]
def get_color_for_normal(normal, remap=True): color = Color(normal) if remap: color.r = remap_value(color.r, -1, 1, 0, 1) color.g = remap_value(color.g, -1, 1, 0, 1) color.b = remap_value(color.b, -1, 1, 0, 1) return color
def RunColorNoise(context): obj = bpy.context.active_object mesh = # Set mode oldMode = bpy.context.object.mode if (bpy.context.mode != 'OBJECT'): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') col_layer = color = Color() # Perform operation i = 0 for poly in mesh.polygons: for loop in poly.loop_indices: if (mesh.vertices[mesh.loops[loop].vertex_index].select): color =[loop].color h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(color.r, color.g, color.b) h += random.uniform(-context.scene.scn_noiseDeviance, context.scene.scn_noiseDeviance) s += random.uniform(-context.scene.scn_noiseDeviance, context.scene.scn_noiseDeviance) v += random.uniform(-context.scene.scn_noiseDeviance, context.scene.scn_noiseDeviance) r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) color.r = r color.g = g color.b = b[loop].color = color i += 1 # Update mesh and revert to old mode mesh.update() bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=oldMode) print("Finished Color Noise")
def paintVerts(self, context, start_point, end_point, start_color, end_color, circular_gradient=False, use_hue_blend=False): region = context.region rv3d = context.region_data obj = context.active_object mesh = # Create a new bmesh to work with bm = bm.from_mesh(mesh) bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # List of structures containing 3d vertex and project 2d position of vertex vertex_data = None # Will contain vert, and vert coordinates in 2d view space if mesh.use_paint_mask_vertex: # Face masking not currently supported vertex_data = [(v, view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d( region, rv3d, obj.matrix_world @ for v in bm.verts if] else: vertex_data = [(v, view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d( region, rv3d, obj.matrix_world @ for v in bm.verts] # Vertex transformation math down_vector = Vector((0, -1, 0)) direction_vector = Vector( (end_point.x - start_point.x, end_point.y - start_point.y, 0)).normalized() rotation = direction_vector.rotation_difference(down_vector) translation_matrix = Matrix.Translation( Vector((-start_point.x, -start_point.y, 0))) inverse_translation_matrix = translation_matrix.inverted() rotation_matrix = rotation.to_matrix().to_4x4() combinedMat = inverse_translation_matrix @ rotation_matrix @ translation_matrix transStart = combinedMat @ start_point.to_4d( ) # Transform drawn line : rotate it to align to horizontal line transEnd = combinedMat @ end_point.to_4d() minY = transStart.y maxY = transEnd.y heightTrans = maxY - minY # Get the height of transformed vector transVector = transEnd - transStart transLen = transVector.length # Calculate hue, saturation and value shift for blending if use_hue_blend: start_color = Color(start_color[:3]) end_color = Color(end_color[:3]) c1_hue = start_color.h c2_hue = end_color.h hue_separation = c2_hue - c1_hue if hue_separation > 0.5: hue_separation = hue_separation - 1 elif hue_separation < -0.5: hue_separation = hue_separation + 1 c1_sat = start_color.s sat_separation = end_color.s - c1_sat c1_val = start_color.v val_separation = end_color.v - c1_val color_layer = for data in vertex_data: vertex = data[0] vertCo4d = Vector((data[1].x, data[1].y, 0)) transVec = combinedMat @ vertCo4d t = 0 if circular_gradient: curVector = transVec.to_4d() - transStart curLen = curVector.length t = abs(max(min(curLen / transLen, 1), 0)) else: t = abs(max(min((transVec.y - minY) / heightTrans, 1), 0)) color = Color((1, 0, 0)) if use_hue_blend: # Hue wraps, and fmod doesn't work with negative values color.h = fmod(1.0 + c1_hue + hue_separation * t, 1.0) color.s = c1_sat + sat_separation * t color.v = c1_val + val_separation * t else: color.r = start_color[0] + (end_color[0] - start_color[0]) * t color.g = start_color[1] + (end_color[1] - start_color[1]) * t color.b = start_color[2] + (end_color[2] - start_color[2]) * t if mesh.use_paint_mask: # Masking by face face_loops = [ loop for loop in vertex.link_loops if ] # Get only loops that belong to selected faces else: # Masking by verts or no masking at all face_loops = [loop for loop in vertex.link_loops ] # Get remaining vert loops for loop in face_loops: new_color = loop[color_layer] new_color[:3] = color loop[color_layer] = new_color bm.to_mesh(mesh) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='VERTEX_PAINT')