def plot_organism2(x1, y1, theta, fit, ax): # TODO: Could make color relaitive to the genetic parent to see agent clustering # The border could be this and the inside could be fitness? # Could also add a dotted or thin line to the food that the agent is # currently persuing. This is like "vision" ## plt.plot(x1, y1, marker=(3, 1, theta+33), markersize=11, color='darkslateblue', linestyle='None') ## plt.plot(x1, y1, marker=(3, 1, theta+33), markersize=6, color='mediumslateblue', linestyle='None') ## plt.plot(x1, y1, marker=(3, 1, theta + 33), markersize=11, / 200), linestyle='None') plt.plot(x1, y1, marker=(3, 1, theta + 33), markersize=6, color='grey', linestyle='None') dir_len = 0.075 x2 = cos(radians(theta)) * dir_len + x1 y2 = sin(radians(theta)) * dir_len + y1 ax.add_line( lines.Line2D([x1, x2], [y1, y2], / 200), linewidth=1, zorder=10)) pass
def get_heatmap(self, sensor_data): rgb_array = sensor_data['CenterRGB'].copy() image = Image.fromarray(rgb_array) transform = get_truncated_transform() input_image = transform(image) input_image.putalpha(255) # add RGB + A dimension for composite mask_array = self.pilotnet.visual_mask.detach().squeeze().numpy().copy( ) mask_array *= 30.0 # TODO: Hack to emphasize really light activations mask_array[mask_array < 0.2] = 0 mask_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8( * 255)) # return mask_image # Convert black pixels into transparent pixels datas = mask_image.getdata() newData = [] for item in datas: if item[0] == 10 and item[1] == 0 and item[2] == 0: newData.append((255, 255, 255, 0)) else: newData.append(item) mask_image.putdata(newData) return Image.alpha_composite(input_image, mask_image)
def plot_path(x, f, max_pts=500): """ x: list of ndarray. All the points on the way to the result f: function. Function to be optimized """ fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') xs = [] ys = [] zs = [] for k in range(len(x)): xs.append(x[k][0, 0]) ys.append(x[k][1, 0]) zs.append(f(x[k])) max_f = 1.0 * max(zs) min_f = 1.0 * min(zs) colors = [] for idx in range(len(x)): color = - (zs[idx] - min_f) / (max_f - min_f)) colors.append(color) ax.scatter(xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs, color=colors) show() return
def add_masks_viz(ax, masks, bboxes_norm, labels=None, mask_alpha=0.6, debug=False): if labels is None: labels = ["coco" for _ in bboxes_norm] detect2d.visualize_bboxes( ax, bboxes_norm, labels=labels, label_color="w", linewidth=2, color="c", ) for mask in masks: if isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor): mask = mask.cpu().detach().numpy() base_mask = mask[:, :, np.newaxis].astype(np.float) base_mask = base_mask / base_mask.max() show_mask = np.concatenate( [ # cm.YlGn(base_mask)[:, :, 0][:, :, :3],[:, :, 0][:, :, :3], mask_alpha * (base_mask > 0).astype(np.float), ], 2, ) ax.imshow(show_mask)
def visualize_map(self, title, figure): map = self.stiffness self.stiffness[self.stiffness == 0] = self.min map = map - self.min map = map / np.max(map) map = map.reshape(int(np.sqrt(map.size)), int(np.sqrt(map.size))) im = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8( * 255)) cv_im = np.array(im) msg_frame = CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_im, 'rgba8') if self.visualize: plt.figure(figure) plt.clf() fig = plt.imshow(map, origin='lower', plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() if len(self.probedPoints) != 0: plt.scatter(self.probedPoints[:, 0], self.probedPoints[:, 1]) # plt.xlim((0,int(np.sqrt(map.size)))) # plt.ylim((0,int(np.sqrt(map.size)))) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.pause(0.01)
def visualize_map(self, title, figure, map=None, probed_points=None): if map is None: dense_grid = self.generateGrid(res=1) ymu =, return_std=False) ymu[ymu < 0] = 0 map = ymu map = map.reshape(int(np.sqrt(map.size)), int(np.sqrt(map.size))) # map = map/np.max(map) im = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8( * 255)) cv_im = np.array(im) # cv_im = cv2.flip(cv_im,0) # embed() msg_frame = CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_im, 'rgba8') if self.visualize: plt.figure(figure) plt.clf() fig = plt.imshow(map, origin='upper', plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() if not (probed_points is None): plt.scatter(probed_points[:, 0], probed_points[:, 1]) plt.xlim((0, int(np.sqrt(map.size)))) plt.ylim((0, int(np.sqrt(map.size)))) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.pause(0.01) return msg_frame
def display(pc, i): # 3D plotting of point cloud fig = plt.figure(i) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') #ax.set_aspect('equal') X = pc[0] Y = pc[1] Z = pc[2] c = pc[3] """ radius = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2) X = X[np.where(radius<20)] Y = Y[np.where(radius<20)] Z = Z[np.where(radius<20)] c = pc.points[3][np.where(radius<20)] print(radius) """ ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, s=1, / 100))) max_range = np.array( [X.max() - X.min(), Y.max() - Y.min(), Z.max() - Z.min()]).max() Xb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[ -1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][0].flatten() + 0.5 * (X.max() + X.min()) Yb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[ -1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][1].flatten() + 0.5 * (Y.max() + Y.min()) Zb = 0.5 * max_range * np.mgrid[ -1:2:2, -1:2:2, -1:2:2][2].flatten() + 0.5 * (Z.max() + Z.min()) i = 0 for xb, yb, zb in zip(Xb, Yb, Zb): i = i + 1 ax.plot([xb], [yb], [zb], 'w')
def get_colors(self, qty): qty = np.power(qty / qty.max(), 1.0 / CONTRAST) if COLORMAP == 0: rgba = cm.gray(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 1: rgba = cm.afmhot(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 2: rgba =, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 3: rgba = cm.gist_heat(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 4: rgba = cm.copper(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 5: rgba = cm.gnuplot2(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 6: rgba = cm.gnuplot(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 7: rgba = cm.gist_stern(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 8: rgba = cm.gist_earth(qty, alpha=ALPHA) elif COLORMAP == 9: rgba = cm.spectral(qty, alpha=ALPHA) return rgba
def draw_output(im, rect_gt=None, rect_pred=None, hmap_pred=None, color_pred=None, color_gt=None): '''Modifies original image and returns an image that may be different.''' if color_pred is None: color_pred = COLOR_PRED if color_gt is None: color_gt = COLOR_GT draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) if rect_gt is not None: rect_gt = _rect_to_int_list(_unnormalize_rect(rect_gt, im.size)) draw.rectangle(rect_gt, outline=color_gt) if rect_pred is not None: rect_pred = _rect_to_int_list(_unnormalize_rect(rect_pred, im.size)) draw.rectangle(rect_pred, outline=color_pred) del draw if hmap_pred is not None: assert len(hmap_pred.shape) == 3 hmap_pred = Image.fromarray([:, :, 0], bytes=True)).convert('RGB') # Caution: This does not resize with align_corners=True. if hmap_pred.size != im.size: # i.e., OTB hmap_pred = hmap_pred.resize(im.size) im = Image.blend(im, hmap_pred, 0.5) return im
def get_cmap(group, age, scale=1): structure_vals, n = get_mean_value_per_structure(group, age, dat['structure_id'].unique()) rgb_vals = structure_vals.copy() for key in structure_vals: rgb_vals[key] = tuple([255*i for i in[key]*scale)[:3]]) rgb_vals[0] = (0, 0, 0) return rgb_vals, n
def manipulate_latent(model, data, args): print('-' * 30 + 'Begin: manipulate' + '-' * 30) x_test, y_test = data index = np.argmax(y_test, 1) == args.digit number = np.random.randint(low=0, high=sum(index) - 1) x, y = x_test[index][number], y_test[index][number] x, y = np.expand_dims(x, 0), np.expand_dims(y, 0) noise = np.zeros([1, 3, 16]) x_recons = [] for dim in range(16): for r in [ -0.25, -0.2, -0.15, -0.1, -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 ]: tmp = np.copy(noise) tmp[:, :, dim] = r x_recon = model.predict([x, y, tmp]) x_recons.append(x_recon) x_recons = np.concatenate(x_recons) img = combine_images(x_recons, height=16) image = * 255 Image.fromarray(image.astype( np.uint8)).save(args.save_dir + '/manipulate-%d.png' % args.digit) print('manipulated result saved to %s/manipulate-%d.png' % (args.save_dir, args.digit)) print('-' * 30 + 'End: manipulate' + '-' * 30)
def visualize_map(self, title, figure, map=None, probed_points=None): if map is None: dense_grid=self.generateGrid(res=1) ymu =, return_std=False) ymu[ymu<0]=0 map = ymu map=map.reshape(self.domain['L1'],self.domain['L2']) normalized_map = map/np.max(map) im = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(*255)) cv_im=np.array(im) msg_frame = CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_im,'rgba8') if self.visualize: plt.figure(figure) plt.clf() fig=plt.imshow(normalized_map, origin='lower', plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() if not (probed_points is None): plt.scatter(probed_points[:,0],probed_points[:,1]) # plt.xlim((0,100)) # plt.ylim((0,100)) # plt.tight_layout() # filename = str(len(probed_points)).zfill(4) plt.savefig(filename + '.png') np.savetxt(filename + '.txt', self.estimated_map['mean']) plt.pause(0.01) return msg_frame
def main(): print("static uint32_t colormap[] = {") for i in range(256): l = i / 255 c =, 1, True) print(" 0x{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}".format(c[0], c[1], c[2]), end='') if (i != 255): print(",") print("\n};")
def test(model, data, args): time_date ="%y-%m-%d-%H-%M") filename = time_date + '_capsule_network' + '_batch_size=' + str( args.batch_size) + '_epochs=' + str(args.epochs) + '_ntr=' + str( x_train.shape[0]) + '_nch=' + str(x_train.shape[3]) x_test, y_test = data y_pred, x_recon = model.predict(x_test, batch_size=100) print('-' * 30 + 'Begin: test' + '-' * 30) img = combine_images( np.concatenate([np.abs(x_test[:50]), np.abs(x_recon[:50])])) image = * 255 Image.fromarray(image.astype(np.uint8)).save(args.save_dir + "/real_and_recon4.png") print('Reconstructed images are saved to %s/real_and_recon4.png' % args.save_dir) print('-' * 30 + 'End: test' + '-' * 30) predicted_classes = y_pred predicted_classes = np.asarray(predicted_classes) b = np.zeros_like(predicted_classes) b[np.arange(len(predicted_classes)), predicted_classes.argmax(1)] = 1 predicted_classes = np.argmax(np.round(b), axis=1) b = np.zeros_like(y_test) b[np.arange(len(y_test)), y_test.argmax(1)] = 1 y_test = np.argmax(np.round(b), axis=1) class_names = ['Unresolved', 'FRI', 'FRII'] from sklearn.metrics import classification_report print( classification_report(y_test, predicted_classes, target_names=class_names, digits=4)) os.chdir(args.save_dir) filename1 = filename + '_classification_report.txt' f = open(filename1, 'w') f.write( classification_report(y_test, predicted_classes, target_names=class_names, digits=4)) f = open(filename1, 'w') f.write( classification_report(y_test, predicted_classes, target_names=class_names, digits=4)) ############# Architecture with open(filename + '_architecture.txt', 'w') as fh: model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: fh.write(x + '\n')) with open(filename + '_architecture.txt', 'w') as fh: model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: fh.write(x + '\n'))
def write_images(output_dir, truth_path, color_img_path, visual_path, maj_voted, strength_of_disagreement_img, equality_img): img_width = equality_img.shape[1] img_height = equality_img.shape[0] # Write already computed images cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/majority_voted/' + Path(truth_path).name, maj_voted[:, :, 0]) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/votes/' + Path(truth_path).name, maj_voted[:, :, 1]) cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/disagreement_strength/' + Path(truth_path).name, strength_of_disagreement_img) # Create image for direct visual inspection: pad_top = 40 pad_middle = 10 color_map = [i * (255 // 3) for i in range(4)] colorize = np.vectorize(lambda x: color_map[x]) imgs = [equality_img * 255, colorize(maj_voted[:, :, 1]), colorize(np.multiply(np.invert(equality_img), maj_voted[:, :, 1])), colorize(maj_voted[:, :, 0])] img_captions = ['Majority vote == ground truth?', 'Number of Votes', 'Disagreement with ground truth', 'Majority-predicted classes'] # Combine all four images on a single canvas with respective captions canvas = np.full(shape=(img_height + pad_top, img_width * 5 + 4 * pad_middle), fill_value=23, dtype=np.uint8) for j, (img, img_caption) in enumerate(zip(imgs, img_captions)): left = (img_width + pad_middle) * j right = (img_width + pad_middle) * j + img_width canvas[pad_top:, left:right] = img.astype(np.uint8) canvas = cv2.putText(img=canvas, text=img_caption, org=(left, pad_top - 10), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=120, thickness=1) if type(canvas) == cv2.UMat: canvas = cv2.UMat.get(canvas) canvas =, bytes=True)[:, :, :3] canvas = cv2.cvtColor(canvas, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Add color image left = (img_width + pad_middle) * 4 right = (img_width + pad_middle) * 4 + img_width canvas[pad_top:, left:right] = cv2.imread(color_img_path) cv2.imwrite(visual_path, canvas)
def heatmap(self, activations, unit=None, mode='bilinear'): amin, amax = self.range_for(activations, unit) if unit is None: a = activations else: a = activations[unit] upsampler = self.upsampler_for(a) a = upsampler(a[None,None,...], mode=mode)[0,0].cpu() return PIL.Image.fromarray( ( - amin) / (1e-10 + amax - amin)) * 255 ).astype('uint8'))
def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.graph = np.zeros((SIZE,SIZE),np.float32) data = np.uint8(255*[:,:,0:3]) self.bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(SIZE, SIZE, data) # create a buffer that can be used to store historical samples self.sample_buffer=np.zeros(NUM_WINDOWS*CHUNK,np.float32) self.sample_pos = 0 # start a first sample location self.graph_pos = 0 # which time line we are at self.in_setup = True
def color(self, n): n = self.color_clip(n) n = (n - self.color_range[0]) / float( self.color_range[1] - self.color_range[0]) # range to 0~1 c = # rgba tuple red = int(c[0] * 255) << 16 & 0xFF0000 blue = int(c[1] * 255) << 8 & 0x00FF00 green = int(c[2] * 255) & 0x0000FF rgb = 0x000000 | red | blue | green return rgb
def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.graph = np.zeros((SIZE,SIZE),np.float32) data = np.uint8(255*[:,:,0:3]) self.bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(SIZE, SIZE, data) # create a buffer that can be used to store historical samples self.sample_buffer=np.zeros(NUM_WINDOWS*CHUNK,np.float32) self.sample_pos = 0 # start a first sample location self.sample_count = -1 self.graph_pos = 0 # which time line we are at self.in_setup = True
def update(frame_number): # print frame_number x, y = f.set_pos(xx + x, yy + y) # f.set_pos(frame_number,100) src = img.set_array(src) a, z = ld.get_value(copy(src)) # print x,y, z img2.set_array(a) # print z, x, y xs.append(xx + x) ys.append(yy + y) line.set_data(xs, ys) scatter2.set_data([xx + x], [yy + y]) ts.append(time.time() - st) # print z # z /= 3716625.0 # z += 0.1 * random.random() # print x, y, z pattern.set_point(z, x, y) zs.append(z) # print ts # print zs tvint.set_data(ts, zs) ax4.set_ylim(min(zs) * 0.9, max(zs) * 1.1) tcs.append(f.time_constant) rcs.append(f.cradius) tc.set_data(ts, tcs) rs.set_data(ts, rcs) # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # add a plot that is the current points of the triangle # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xy = pattern._tri.xys() x, y, z = zip(*xy) # print x, y # cp.set_data(x, y) cp.set_offsets(zip(x, y)) maz, miz = max(z), min(z) z = [(zi - miz) / (maz - miz) for zi in z] print z cp.set_facecolors([ for zi in z]) # cp.set_edgecolors(z) if not pattern._tri.is_equilateral(): print 'not eq'
def animate_behav(): with open("pickles/learnednet5.p", "rb") as p: dic = pickle.load(p) sim3 = dic["sim3"] m = dic["m"] f = dic["f"] net = start_idx = 8500 end_idx = 11250 interval = 25 query_start = (9500 - 8500) / 25 query_end = (10250 - 8500) / 25 f_pl = f[net.J_place_indices, start_idx:end_idx:interval] # 9500-10250 query f_pl = np.flip(f_pl, axis=0) f_ep = f[net.J_episode_indices, start_idx:end_idx:interval] # 9500-10250 query f_ep = np.flip(f_ep, axis=0) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [1, 4]}) camera = Camera(fig) f_colors = [ for i in f_pl[:, 0]] my_circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0.7, color='white') axs[0].imshow(repmat(f_ep[:, 0], 5, 1), cmap='hot') axs[0].set_yticks([]) axs[0].set_xticks([]) axs[1].pie(x=np.ones(net.N_pl), colors=f_colors) axs[1].add_artist(my_circle) for i in range(f_pl.shape[1]): f_colors = [ for i in f_pl[:, i]] axs[0].imshow(repmat(f_ep[:, i], 5, 1), cmap='hot') axs[1].pie(x=np.ones(net.N_pl), colors=f_colors) axs[1].add_artist(my_circle) camera.snap() Writer = ani.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800) anim = camera.animate(interval=500, repeat_delay=3000, blit=True)'behav.mp4', writer=writer)
def simpleTest(): width = 50 height = 100 #points = np.array([ # [0.2, 0.3], # [0.7, 0.5], # [0.6,0.2], # [0.3, 0.9], # [0.8, 0.1] #]) points = sampleRandomPoints(100, width, height) #np.random.rand(20, 2) print("Points:") print(points) cells = bounded_voronoi(points, [0, width, 0, height]) for i, cell in enumerate(cells): print("cell", i, "with point", cell.generator()) print(cell.corner()) # example density map density = np.zeros((width, height)) for x in range(width): for y in range(height): density[x, y] = 1 - math.sqrt((x / width - 0.5)**2 + (y / height - 0.5)**2) # compute cell integrals cell_densities = [cell.integrate(density) for cell in cells] # plotting plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) ax1.imshow(density, ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) for cell, (d, _) in zip(cells, cell_densities): vertices = np.array(list(cell.corner()) + [cell.corner()[0]]) ax2.fill(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], ax2.plot([cell.generator()[0] for cell in cells], [cell.generator()[1] for cell in cells], 'b.') ax2.plot([d[1][0] for d in cell_densities], [d[1][1] for d in cell_densities], 'r.') for cell in cells: ax2.plot(cell.corner()[:, 0], cell.corner()[:, 1], 'go') for cell in cells: vertices = np.array(list(cell.corner()) + [cell.corner()[0]]) ax2.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'k-') plt.savefig("bounded_voronoi.png")
def draw(L): X = range(len(L)) Y = [] for v in get_next(L, items): Y.append(v) offset = [0] * len(Y[0]), Y[0], align='center', c: c * 2.5, Y[0]))) for p in zip(range(1, len(Y)), range(0, len(Y) - 1)): offset = [a + b for a, b in zip(Y[p[1]], offset)], Y[p[0]], bottom=offset, align='center', c: c * 2.5, Y[p[0]]))) # plt.savefig('bin_packing02.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.gca().margins(0.1)
def visualize(self, samples, costs): marker_array = vm.MarkerArray() for i, (sample, cost) in enumerate(zip(samples, costs)): if sample is None: continue origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) angle = 0. for t in xrange(len(sample.get_U())): marker = vm.Marker() = i * len(sample.get_U()) + t marker.header.frame_id = '/map' marker.type = marker.ARROW marker.action = marker.ADD speed = sample.get_U(t=t, sub_control='cmd_vel')[0] / 5. steer = sample.get_U(t=t, sub_control='cmd_steer')[0] angle += (steer - 50.) / 100. * (np.pi / 2) new_origin = origin + [ speed * np.cos(angle), speed * np.sin(angle), 0. ] marker.points = [ gm.Point(*origin.tolist()), gm.Point(*new_origin.tolist()) ] origin = new_origin marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() marker.scale.x = 0.05 marker.scale.y = 0.1 marker.scale.z = 0.1 if cost == min(costs): rgba = (0., 1., 0., 1.) marker.scale.x *= 2 marker.scale.y *= 2 marker.scale.z *= 2 else: rgba = list( - cost)) rgba[-1] = 0.5 marker.color.r, marker.color.g, marker.color.b, marker.color.a = rgba marker_array.markers.append(marker) # for id in xrange(, int(1e4)): # marker_array.markers.append(vm.Marker(id=id, action=marker.DELETE)) self.debug_cost_probcoll_pub.publish(marker_array)
def heatmap(self, activations, unit=None, mode='bilinear'): ''' Produces a heatmap from the given activations. The unit, if specified, is an index into the activations tensor, and is also used to dereference quantile ranges. ''' amin, amax = self.range_for(activations, unit) if unit is None: a = activations else: a = activations[unit] upsampler = self.upsampler_for(a) a = upsampler(a[None, None, ...], mode=mode)[0, 0].cpu() return PIL.Image.fromarray(( (a - amin) / (1e-10 + amax - amin)) * 255).astype('uint8'))
def _plot_distributions(self): prs, pgg = self._samples() to = self.template_objects x_axis_width = len(prs[0]) bin_size = x_axis_width / (self.generalization_generator.range * 2) amp = 0.3 # Scale the regularization samples bins to the [0, 1] interval prs = prs / np.amax(prs) prs = prs / 3 # x-axis p_x = np.linspace(-self.generalization_generator.range, self.generalization_generator.range, x_axis_width) f, ax = plt.subplots(1) # Draw the template objects at their position on the x axis for idx, mu in enumerate( color = / 3 + 0.15) # Draw the regularization samples # label_regularization_samples = 'regularization samples ' + str(idx + 1), prs[idx], 0.5, color=color, alpha=0.6) # Draw the template objects at their position on the x axis to_x = np.zeros(np.shape(p_x)) to_offset = ((self.generalization_generator.range + mu) * bin_size) to_x[int(to_offset)] = amp #label_template_objects = 'template object ' + str(idx + 1) label_template_objects = 'Object type ' + str(idx + 1), to_x, 1., color=color, label=label_template_objects) # Draw the generalization generated samples #label_generalization_samples = 'generalization generator ' + str(idx + 1) plt.plot(p_x, pgg[idx], color=color, linewidth=1.2) # Draw the figure plt.xlim([ -self.generalization_generator.range, self.generalization_generator.range ]) plt.ylim([0, 0.5]) plt.title('Generative One-Shot Learning') plt.xlabel('Data values') plt.ylabel('Probability density') plt.legend()
def plot4d(inputarray, outname, xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', project=1): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pylab import cm fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=300) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x, y, z, _ = inputarray.nonzero() c = inputarray.flatten() c = c[c != 0] # c=c/c.max() # c*=100 s = c / c.min() from math import log10 s = s + 0.01 for i in range(len(s)): s[i]=log10(s[i]) #sarr=c>0.06914700 #sarr2=c<0.06914702 #sarr=sarr&sarr2 #s[sarr]=100 #print(c) #colmap = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.hsv) #colmap.set_array(c) #s=s+1 ax.scatter(x, z, y,,s=s) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel) #fig.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #fig.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) #fig.axes.get_zaxis().set_visible(False) if len(outname): fig.savefig(outname) return ax,plt,x,y,z,c
def draw_pnt(data,header,output): #x = np.linspace(0,nrays,nrays) print "drawing" npoints = int(header["npoints"]) date_begin_str = header["date_begin"] date_end_str = header["date_end"] time_begin_str = header["time_begin"] time_end_str = header["time_end"] o = ephem.Observer() o.lon = "37:37:48" t_begin = datetime.strptime(date_begin_str+" "+time_begin_str,"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") msk = pytz.timezone("Europe/Moscow") t_begin.replace(tzinfo=msk) x = range(0,npoints) t_tuple = [t_begin+timedelta(seconds=i*3600*1.00/npoints) for i in x] s_t_tuple = [] for t in t_tuple: = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(t.strftime('%s'))) s_t_tuple.append(datetime.strptime(str(o.sidereal_time()),"%H:%M:%S.%f")) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = ax1.twiny() plt.ylim([0,8000]) ax2.plot(s_t_tuple,[0]*len(s_t_tuple),color = 'white',marker = '.',markersize = 0,lw = 0) for r in reversed(xrange(nrays)): c =,1) y = [(np.mean(data[i][r][0:6])+ 100*r) for i in x] ax1.plot(t_tuple,y,color = c,marker = '.',markersize = 0.1,lw = 0) ax2.grid(True) ax1.grid(True) ax1.set_xlabel("Moscow Time") ax2.set_xlabel("Star Time") fig.suptitle("BSA data from:" + date_begin_str) fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.set_size_inches(18.5,10.5) fig.savefig(output,dpi=300) plt.close(fig)
def plot_walkers_traj(obs, traj_index='all'): """Plot the trajectory of all the individual walkers Arguments: obs_dict {dict} -- dictionary of observable Keyword Arguments: traj_index {str} -- all or index of a given walker (default: {'all'}) Returns: float -- decorelation time """ eloc = obs['local_energy'] eloc = np.array(eloc).squeeze(-1) nstep, nwalkers = eloc.shape celoc = np.cumsum(eloc, axis=0).T celoc /= np.arange(1, nstep + 1) var_decor = np.sqrt(np.var(np.mean(celoc, axis=1))) print(var_decor) var = np.sqrt(np.var(celoc, axis=1) / (nstep - 1)) print(var) Tc = (var_decor / var)**2 if traj_index is not None: plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) if traj_index == 'all': plt.plot(eloc, 'o', alpha=1 / nwalkers, c='grey') cmap =, 1, nwalkers)) for i in range(nwalkers): plt.plot(celoc.T[:, i], color=cmap[i]) else: plt.plot(eloc[traj_index, :], 'o', alpha=1 / nwalkers, c='grey') plt.plot(celoc.T[traj_index, :]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.hist(Tc) return Tc
def get_fused_output(ct, pet, mask, true_mask): pet = pet.astype('float32') pet = pet**(1/5) pet_img = pet_img[..., -1] = pet mask_outline = get_outline(mask, [1, 0, 0]) true_mask_outline = get_outline(true_mask, [0, 1, 0]) fig, sub = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) sub.axis('off') sub.imshow(ct, cmap='gray') sub.imshow(pet_img) sub.imshow(mask_outline) sub.imshow(true_mask_outline) return fig
def bloch(ex_values, tlist, ops): """Plots expectation values of sx, sy and sz on the Bloch sphere. If one of these operators is not calculated, zeros are passed for that operator. Parameters: ----------- ex_values : qutip.Result.expect or list expectation values per operator tlist : list, or numpy array times at which expectation values are evaluated ops : list operators of which the expectation values are found in ex_values Remark: ------- Does not plot a color bar yet. The lines from the QuTiP tutorial (, commented out down here, give an error which I have not been able to solve yet. """ if 'sx' in ops: sx_exp = ex_values[ops.index('sx')] elif 'sx' not in ops: sx_exp = np.zeros(len(list(tlist))) if 'sy' in ops: sy_exp = ex_values[ops.index('sy')] elif 'sy' not in ops: sy_exp = np.zeros(len(list(tlist))) if 'sz' in ops: sz_exp = ex_values[ops.index('sz')] elif 'sz' not in ops: sz_exp = np.zeros(len(list(tlist))) b = Bloch() b.add_points([sx_exp, sy_exp, sz_exp], 'm') nrm = Normalize(-2,10) colors = b.point_color = list(colors) b.point_marker = ['o'] # TODO: Plot color bar # left, bottom, width, height = [0.98, 0.05, 0.05, 0.9] # ax2 = b.fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) # ColorbarBase(ax2,, norm=nrm, orientation='vertical')
def fix_opacity_and_color_map(x, opacity_thresh=0.1, max_opacity=0.8): """"Given a 2d image, x, get rgbt values for each pixel and modify opacity values""" tmp = for i in xrange(tmp.shape[0]): for j in xrange(tmp.shape[1]): # XXXXXXXXXXXX tmp[i,j][0] *= 2 tmp[i,j][1] *= 2 tmp[i,j][2] *= 2 # ############ if x[i,j] > opacity_thresh: tmp[i,j][3] = max_opacity else: tmp[i,j][3] = max_opacity * x[i,j] / opacity_thresh return tmp
def plot_one_histo(data, sequence, x_maximum): #x is a list a = np.arange(0.0, len(data)) #pylab.hist(hist['Data'], bins=600, range=(0,600), histtype='step', align='mid', label=hist['Sequence']) j=0 y_maximum = 0 for i in data: c =[j]/(len(data)+1), 1) n, bins, patches = pylab.hist(i, bins=600, range=(0,600), histtype='step', label=str(sequence[j]), color=c) if max(n) > y_maximum: y_maximum = max(n) #pylab.title('Read Length Histogram Barcode Sequence %s' % seq) j=j+1 pylab.axis([0, x_maximum+100, 0, y_maximum+100]) pylab.title("Read Length Histogram for Barcodes") pylab.legend(loc="upper right", ncol=1, labelspacing=0.01) pylab.xlabel('Read Length') pylab.ylabel('Count') pylab.savefig("ion_readLenHisto.png") pylab.grid(True)
def draw_circle(axes_handle, centers_x, centers_y, radii, scores=None): axes_handle.hold(True) n = 100 # number of samples for drawing circles if scores is None: colors = np.repeat(np.reshape([0, 0, 1], (1, 3)), 10, axis=0) else: (smin, smax) = (np.min(scores), np.max(scores)) # create color map colors =, 256)) colors = colors[63 : 192, 0:3] # use scores as indices into colormap scores = np.int64(np.ceil(127. * ((scores - smin) / (smax - smin)))) colors = colors[scores, :] # iterate over all circles that are passed for x, y, radius, color in zip(centers_x, centers_y, radii, colors): angles = np.arange(0, (2. - 2. / n) * pi, 1. / n) (xs, ys) = (radius * np.cos(angles) + x, radius * np.sin(angles) + y) axes_handle.plot(xs, ys, color=tuple(color), linewidth=2) fh.canvas.draw()
def _cm_plot(data,headings,dates,ave_data,fig_num,colour_col, y_col,run_ave_points,n_plot_row,n_plot_col,n_plot_num): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm depth = np.max(data[:,colour_col]) - np.min(data[:,colour_col]) c_map = Z = [[0,0],[0,0]] levels = range(int(np.min(data[:,colour_col])), int(np.max(data[:,colour_col])),1) mappl = plt.contourf(Z,levels, plt.figure(fig_num) plt.subplot(n_plot_row,n_plot_col,n_plot_num) for i in range(len(data)): plot1 = plt.plot(dates[i],data[i,y_col]) cm_point = np.floor(((np.max(data[:,colour_col]) - data[i,colour_col]) / depth) * 255) plt.setp(plot1,linestyle = 'none',marker = '.') plt.setp(plot1,color = c_map[255 - cm_point,]) plt.grid(True) plt.title('%s on %s'%(headings[colour_col],headings[y_col])) plt.ylabel('%s'%(headings[y_col])) plt.axis([min(dates),max(dates),min(data[:,y_col]),max(data[:,y_col])]) plt.xticks(rotation = 90) ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.label.set_color([0.75,0.75,0.75]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors=[0.75,0.75,0.75]) # fig.patch.set_facecolor([1,0,0]) ax.patch.set_facecolor([0.9,0.9,0.9]) fig = plt.gcf() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.12) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.97) plt.colorbar(mappl)
def drawcountry(self, ax, base_map, iso2, color, alpha = 1): if iso2 not in self.countries: raise ValueError, "Where is that country ?" vertices = self.countries[iso2] shape = [] for vertex in vertices: longs, lats = zip(*vertex) # conversion to plot coordinates x,y = base_map(longs, lats) shape.append(zip(x,y)) lines = LineCollection(shape,antialiaseds=(1,)) lines.set_facecolors([color,]))) lines.set_edgecolors('white') lines.set_linewidth(0.5) lines.set_alpha(alpha) ax.add_collection(lines)
def add_pizza(): ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.075, 0.3, 0.85], polar=True, resolution=50) ax.axesPatch.set_alpha(axalpha) ax.set_axisbelow(True) N = 8 arc = 2. * np.pi theta = np.arange(0.0, arc, arc/N) radii = 10 * np.array([0.79, 0.81, 0.78, 0.77, 0.79, 0.78, 0.83, 0.78]) width = np.pi / 4 * np.array([1.0]*N) theta = theta[1:] radii = radii[1:] width = width[1:] bars =, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0) for r, bar in zip(radii, bars): bar.set_facecolor( bar.set_edgecolor('r') bar.set_alpha(0.6) for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_visible(False) for line in ax.get_ygridlines() + ax.get_xgridlines(): line.set_lw(0.8) line.set_alpha(0.9) line.set_ls('-') line.set_color('0.5') # add some veggie peperoni #theta = np.array([.08,.18,.32,.46,.54,.68,.77,.85,.96]) * np.pi * 2.0 #radii = 10*np.array([.6,.38,.58,.5,.62,.42,.58,.67,.45]) theta = np.array([.18,.32,.46,.54,.68,.77,.85,.96]) * np.pi * 2.0 radii = 10*np.array([.38,.58,.5,.62,.42,.58,.67,.45]) c = plt.scatter(theta,radii,c='r',s=7**2) c.set_alpha(0.75) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, 9, 2)) ax.set_rmax(9)
def drawConfigurationGraphs(self, graphData, variable, keys=minimalDataKeys, normalize = True): data = [{k:v1 for k,v1 in v[1].items() if k in keys} for v in graphData] dataConfigs = [v[0] for v in graphData] maxVals = self.getMaxVals(data) #is the data a float (percent) or int (absolute value) isIntType = {k: isinstance(v, int) for k,v in data[0].items()} if normalize: relativeVals = [{k: (v*1.0/maxVals[k] if maxVals[k] != 0 else 0.0) if isIntType[k] else v for k,v in item.items()} for item in data] else: relativeVals = data N = len(keys) Ndata = len(data) Fdata = float(Ndata) ind = np.arange(N) width = 0.35 # plot = plt.figure() fig, ax = plt.subplots() # fig, ax = plot.subplot() colors = [,1) for i in np.arange(len(data))] rects = [] legends = ['{0}: {1}, unified: {2}'.format(variable, item[variable], item['unified']) for item in dataConfigs] i = 0 for item in relativeVals: rects.append([idx*(Ndata+1)*width + i*width for idx in ind], [item[k] for k in keys], width, color=colors[i])) i = i+1 ax.set_xticks([idx*width*(Ndata+1) + Ndata*width/2 for idx in ind]) ax.set_xticklabels(keys, rotation=70) ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Values') ax.set_title('Performance by {0}'.format(variable)) leg = ax.legend( (rects[i][0] for i in np.arange(Ndata)), legends, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.98, 0.5), ncol=1, fancybox=True, shadow=True, prop={'size':6}) # plt.savefig(variable+'_in.png', bbox_extra_artists=[leg], bbox_inches='tight', figure=fig) return (fig, leg)
nest.Simulate(1600.0) # plot fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) # get the neuron's membrane potential for i in range(num_neurons): dmm = nest.GetStatus(multimeter)[i] da_voltage = dmm["events"]["V_m"] voltage_precise[i] = da_voltage if i == num_neurons - 1: for j in range(num_neurons - 1): voltage_precise[j] -= da_voltage da_adapt = dmm["events"]["w"] da_syn = dmm["events"]["I_ex"] da_time = dmm["events"]["times"] ax1.plot(da_time, da_voltage, * i / float(num_neurons)), label=models[i]) ax1.set_ylabel("Voltage (mV)") ax2.plot(da_time, da_adapt, * i / float(num_neurons)), label=models[i]) ax2.set_ylabel("Current (pA)") ax3.plot(da_time, da_syn, * i / float(num_neurons)), label=models[i]) ax3.set_xlabel("Time (ms)") ax3.set_ylabel("Conductance (nS)") plt.legend(loc=4) # ~ lst_di_param = [ nest.GetStatus(neuron)[0] for neuron in lst_neurons ] # ~ for di in lst_di_param: # ~ b_equal = True # ~ for key,val in lst_di_param[-1].iteritems(): # ~ if key not in tpl_ignore: # ~ b_equal *= (val == di[key])
def ellipse(data): x,y,a,b,theta,color = data R,G,B, _ = params = (x, y, a, b, theta, x, y, int(R*225), int(G*225), int(B*225)) return '<ellipse cx="%f" cy="%f" rx="%f" ry="%f" transform="rotate(%f %f %f)" fill="#%02x%02x%02x"/>'%params
# Create array to calculate d(alpha)/dt to do coarse Euler integration. alphaDerivatives = np.zeros((3,)) # Fill array with d(alpha)/dt values for each alphas. alphaDerivatives[:] = (a2-a1)/smallTstep # Find next alpha by an Euler step. nextAlpha = a2 + alphaDerivatives * bigTstep t += bigTstep # Lift back to the fine fine (theta) space to resume the fine integration. theta0 =, nextAlpha) ## Plot the theta and alpha histories. fig = plt.figure() colors =, 1, ncsteps)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_i(t)$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\theta_i(t)$') # The r'... (for "raw") is to prevent Python from interpreting \t as an escape code for a tab character. bx = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) bx.set_xlabel('$t$') bx.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha_k(t)$') for i, c in zip(range(ncsteps), colors): ax.scatter(om, totalThetaHistory[:, i], color=c) ax.plot(om, totalThetaHistory[:, i], color='black') bx.scatter([times[i]]*nHermite, totalAlphaHistory[:, i], color=c) # Draw lines through coarse points.
def povray_making_movie(position) : X_size = 60 # position == 0 ----> dermis # position == 1 ----> epidermis # position == 2 ----> top of basal membrane # position == 3 ----> bottom of basal membrane #position = 1 if position == 0: open_file = 'states/indaderma_state_' open_file_pressure = 'pressure/indaderma_pressure.dat' write_file = '3D/indaderma_3D_' if position == 1: open_file = 'states/indaepidermis_state_' open_file_pressure = 'pressure/indaepidermis_pressure.dat' write_file = '3D/indaepidermis_3D_' if position == 2: open_file = 'states/top_basal_membrane_state_' open_file_pressure = 'pressure/top_basal_membrane_pressure.dat' write_file = '3D/top_basal_membrane_3D_' if position == 3: open_file = 'states/bottom_basal_membrane_state_' open_file_pressure = 'pressure/bottom_basal_membrane_pressure.dat' write_file = '3D/bottom_basal_membrane_3D_' filename_upload = open_file_pressure upload = loadtxt(filename_upload) stress = empty((len(upload), 1)) for i in range(0,len(upload)) : stress[i] = upload[i][1] max_number_of_cells = int(1 + upload[len(upload)-1][0]) print 'max number of cells = ', max_number_of_cells for num_of_cell in range (0, max_number_of_cells): print 'num_of_cell = ', num_of_cell open_file_state = open_file + str(num_of_cell) +'.dat' with open(open_file_state,'r') as f: config, cells, links, ghosts, T = pickle.load(f) stress_partial = empty((num_of_cell + 1, 1)) for i in range (0, num_of_cell+1) : stress_partial[i] = stress[(num_of_cell+1)*num_of_cell/2+i] print stress_partial if len(stress_partial)>1 : stress_partial = (stress_partial-stress_partial.min())/(stress_partial.max()-stress_partial.min())*0.9+0.1 else : stress_partial[0] = 0.5 col_array = [] for i in range(0,len(stress_partial)) : rgb_color =[i],1.0) col_array.append(rgb_color) write_file_3D = write_file + str(num_of_cell) + '.txt' file_povray=open(write_file_3D,'w') numero_cancer = 0 for cell in cells: if == 'tDermal': color = 'color LimeGreen' if == 'Epidermal': color = 'color MediumBlue' if == 'Basal': color = 'color Gray20' if == 'Corneum': color = 'color MediumVioletRed' if == 'Cancer': color = 'color <' + str(col_array[numero_cancer][0][0]) + ',' + str(col_array[numero_cancer][0][1]) + ',' + str(col_array[numero_cancer][0][2]) + '>' numero_cancer = numero_cancer + 1 s = 'sphere { <0, 0, 0>,' + str(cell.radius) + ' material {texture {pigment {' + color + '} finish { specular specularvalue roughness roughnessvalue reflection phongreflection }}}translate<' + str(cell.pos[0]) + ',' + str(cell.pos[1]) + ', 0.0 >}\n' file_povray.write(s) cutoff = X_size/2 for link in links: if (link.two.pos[0]![0]) and (link.two.pos[1]![1]): d12 = abs_d12 = norm(d12) if abs_d12 < cutoff : color = 'color White' s = 'cylinder { <' + str([0]) + ',' + str([1]) + ', 0.0 >,<' + str(link.two.pos[0]) + ',' + str(link.two.pos[1]) + ', 0.0 >,' + str(0.1) + ' material {texture {pigment {' + color + '} finish { phong phongvalue_cyl phong_size phongsize_cyl reflection phongreflection_cyl}}}}\n' file_povray.write(s) file_povray.close
clusters = clusterator.predict(data) result_df["cluster"] = clusters # Color code by cluster, marker code by PHA flag categories = np.unique(result_df["cluster"]) colors = np.linspace(0, 1, len(categories)) colordict = dict(zip(categories, colors)) result_df["color"] = result_df["cluster"].apply(lambda x: colordict[x]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() xv = 0 yv = 2 for c in colors: pha_df = result_df[(result_df["pha"] == True) & (result_df["color"] == c)] if not pha_df.empty: ax.scatter(pha_df[xv], pha_df[yv], marker='s', s=200, # uncomment to get the label for the PHA asteroid # for i, row in pha_df.iterrows(): # ax.annotate(df['neo_reference_id'][i], xy=row[[xv, yv]], textcoords='data') # pha_df.plot(kind='scatter', x=xv, y=yv, marker='x', markersize=20,, ax=ax) non_pha_df = result_df[(result_df["pha"] == False) & (result_df["color"] == c)] if not non_pha_df.empty: ax.scatter(non_pha_df[xv], non_pha_df[yv], marker='o', # non_pha_df.plot(kind='scatter', x=xv, y=yv, marker='o',, ax=ax) # 2D # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # result_df[(result_df["pha"] == True)].plot(kind='scatter', x=1, y=2, marker='x', color='r', ax=ax) # result_df[(result_df["pha"] == False)].plot(kind='scatter', x=1, y=2, marker='o', color='b', ax=ax)
def draw_top_image(top): top_image = np.moveaxis(top, -1, 0) top_image =, axis=1)) return cv2.cvtColor(top_image.astype(np.float32), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
nest.Connect(pn,(neuron[0],)) nest.Simulate(1600.0) # plot plt.close("all") fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True) # get the neuron's membrane potential for i in range(num_models): dmm = nest.GetStatus(multimeter)[i] da_voltage = dmm["events"]["V_m"] da_adapt = dmm["events"][lst_record[i]] da_time = dmm["events"]["times"] ax1.plot(da_time,da_voltage,, label=models[i]) ax1.set_ylabel('Voltage (mV)') ax2.plot(da_time,da_adapt,, label=models[i]) ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') ax2.set_ylabel(lst_ylabel[i]) plt.legend(loc=4) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Compare network dynamics #------------------------ # if network: # time the simulations for each neural model and network size
w_main = QtGui.QMainWindow() w_cent = QtGui.QSplitter() #QtGui.QWidget() w_main.setCentralWidget(w_cent) #lay = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() #w_cent.setLayout(lay) # surface plot w_surf = gl.GLViewWidget() w_cent.addWidget(w_surf) w_surf.setCameraPosition(distance=120) verts = np.load('/home/duke/tvb-vert.npy') faces = np.load('/home/duke/tvb-tri.npy') nc = verts.shape[0] colors = np.zeros((nc, 4)) colors = m_data = gl.MeshData(vertexes=verts, faces=faces, vertexColors=colors) m_surf = gl.GLMeshItem(meshdata=m_data) #m_surf.setGLOptions('additive') w_surf.addItem(m_surf) # fake data import h5py h5 = h5py.File('/home/duke/surfspec.h5') P = h5['all'][int(sys.argv[1])] fs = np.r_[:P.shape[-1]*1.0] lfs = np.log10(fs) # line plots split_lines = QtGui.QSplitter(QtCore.Qt.Vertical)
def plot(data, graph_type, file_prefix, label_param): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') if(graph_type == 1):#heatmap alfa beta vs accuracy rto vs rtt title="Aproximacion Rtt vs Rto" ax.set_title(title) ancho_barra_x=([0.1]*len(data.alfas)) ancho_barra_y=([0.1]*len(data.alfas)) pos_inicial_z=([0]*len(data.alfas)) #con el calculo loco de aca abajo, entre 0 y 1 los valores normalizados indican, mientras mas grande el valor, mas cerca RTT y RTO normalized_values = [1-(elem/float(max(data.diffsRttVsRTOProm))) for elem in data.diffsRttVsRTOProm] bar_colors_heat = [ for heat in normalized_values] ejex = "Alpha" ejey = "Beta" ejez = "Precision" ax.set_xlabel(ejex) ax.set_ylabel(ejey) ax.set_zlabel(ejez) #parametros: #pos_inicial_x, pos_inicial_y, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, altura_barra_z, color=color_barras, alpha= transparencia entre 0 y 1 ax.bar3d(data.alfas, data.betas, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, normalized_values, color=bar_colors_heat, alpha=1) plt.suptitle(label_param) plt.savefig(file_prefix + "_rtt_vs_rto.png") plt.close() if(graph_type == 2): title="Cant. Retransmisiones" ax.set_title(title) ancho_barra_x=([0.1]*len(data.alfas)) ancho_barra_y=([0.1]*len(data.alfas)) pos_inicial_z=([0]*len(data.alfas)) #con el calculo loco de aca abajo, entre 0 y 1 los valores normalizados indican, mientras mas grande el valor, mas cerca RTT y RTO normalized_values = [(elem/float(max(data.retransmissions))) for elem in data.retransmissions] bar_colors_heat = [ for heat in normalized_values] ejex = "Alpha" ejey = "Beta" ejez = "Cant. Retransmisiones" ax.set_xlabel(ejex) ax.set_ylabel(ejey) ax.set_zlabel(ejez) #parametros: #pos_inicial_x, pos_inicial_y, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, altura_barra_z, color=color_barras, alpha= transparencia entre 0 y 1 ax.bar3d(data.alfas, data.betas, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, data.retransmissions, color=bar_colors_heat, alpha=1) plt.suptitle(label_param) plt.savefig(file_prefix + "_retransmisiones.png") plt.close() if(graph_type == 3): title="Rtx Timeout(RTO)" ax.set_title(title) ancho_barra_x=([0.1]*len(data.alfas)) ancho_barra_y=([0.1]*len(data.alfas)) pos_inicial_z=([0]*len(data.alfas)) #con el calculo loco de aca abajo, entre 0 y 1 los valores normalizados indican, mientras mas grande el valor, mas cerca RTT y RTO normalized_values = [(elem/float(max(data.rtosProm))) for elem in data.rtosProm] bar_colors_heat = [ for heat in normalized_values] ejex = "Alpha" ejey = "Beta" ejez = "RTO" ax.set_xlabel(ejex) ax.set_ylabel(ejey) ax.set_zlabel(ejez) #parametros: #pos_inicial_x, pos_inicial_y, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, altura_barra_z, color=color_barras, alpha= transparencia entre 0 y 1 ax.bar3d(data.alfas, data.betas, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, data.rtosProm, color=bar_colors_heat, alpha=1) plt.suptitle(label_param) plt.savefig(file_prefix + "_rto.png") plt.close() if(graph_type == 4):#heatmap alfa beta vs accuracy rto vs rtt title="Aproximacion Rtt vs Rto" ax.set_title(title) ancho_barra_x=([0.1]*len(data.delays)) ancho_barra_y=([0.01]*len(data.pErrors)) pos_inicial_z=([0]*len(data.delays)) #con el calculo loco de aca abajo, entre 0 y 1 los valores normalizados indican, mientras mas grande el valor, mas cerca RTT y RTO normalized_values = [1-(elem/float(max(data.diffsRttVsRTOProm))) for elem in data.diffsRttVsRTOProm] bar_colors_heat = [ for heat in normalized_values] ejex = "Delay" ejey = "Probabilidad de Error" ejez = "Precision" ax.set_xlabel(ejex) ax.set_ylabel(ejey) ax.set_zlabel(ejez) #parametros: #pos_inicial_x, pos_inicial_y, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, altura_barra_z, color=color_barras, alpha= transparencia entre 0 y 1 ax.bar3d(data.delays, data.pErrors, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, normalized_values, color=bar_colors_heat, alpha=1) plt.suptitle(label_param) plt.savefig(file_prefix + "dp_rtt_vs_rto.png") plt.close() if(graph_type == 5): title="Cant. Retransmisiones" ax.set_title(title) ancho_barra_x=([0.1]*len(data.delays)) ancho_barra_y=([0.01]*len(data.pErrors)) pos_inicial_z=([0]*len(data.delays)) #con el calculo loco de aca abajo, entre 0 y 1 los valores normalizados indican, mientras mas grande el valor, mas cerca RTT y RTO normalized_values = [(elem/float(max(data.retransmissions))) for elem in data.retransmissions] bar_colors_heat = [ for heat in normalized_values] ejex = "Delay" ejey = "Probabildad de Error" ejez = "Cant. Retransmisiones" ax.set_xlabel(ejex) ax.set_ylabel(ejey) ax.set_zlabel(ejez) #parametros: #pos_inicial_x, pos_inicial_y, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, altura_barra_z, color=color_barras, alpha= transparencia entre 0 y 1 ax.bar3d(data.delays, data.pErrors, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, data.retransmissions, color=bar_colors_heat, alpha=1) plt.suptitle(label_param) plt.savefig(file_prefix + "dp_retransmisiones.png") plt.close() if(graph_type == 6): title="Rtx Timeout(RTO)" ax.set_title(title) ancho_barra_x=([0.1]*len(data.delays)) ancho_barra_y=([0.01]*len(data.pErrors)) pos_inicial_z=([0]*len(data.delays)) #con el calculo loco de aca abajo, entre 0 y 1 los valores normalizados indican, mientras mas grande el valor, mas cerca RTT y RTO normalized_values = [(elem/float(max(data.rtosProm))) for elem in data.rtosProm] bar_colors_heat = [ for heat in normalized_values] ejex = "Delay" ejey = "Probabilidad de Error" ejez = "RTO" ax.set_xlabel(ejex) ax.set_ylabel(ejey) ax.set_zlabel(ejez) #parametros: #pos_inicial_x, pos_inicial_y, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, altura_barra_z, color=color_barras, alpha= transparencia entre 0 y 1 ax.bar3d(data.delays, data.pErrors, pos_inicial_z, ancho_barra_x, ancho_barra_y, data.rtosProm, color=bar_colors_heat, alpha=1) plt.suptitle(label_param) plt.savefig(file_prefix + "_rto.png") plt.close()
def plot_vector(ax,uv,x=0,y=0,color=0): return ax.quiver(x,y,uv[0],uv[1],,1),angles='xy',scale_units='xy',scale=1)
all_frequencies = np.array(all_frequencies_list) k = np.array(k) r = np.array(r) y_n = np.array(get_yn(all_frequencies)) vars = [1.09, -1.02] #popt, pcov = curve_fit(function, x, y_n) #popt = leastsq(residual, vars, args = (y_n, k, r)) solution = myleastsq(residual, vars, args = (y_n, k, r)) rcParams['font.size'] = 16 intercept = solution[0] slope = solution[1] print intercept print slope fig = figure(count) ax = plt.axes([0.12, 0.10, 0.85, 0.85]) p1 = plot(k_lists[0], freq_bin_1, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p2 = plot(k_lists[1], freq_bin_2, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p3 = plot(k_lists[2], freq_bin_3, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p4 = plot(k_lists[3], freq_bin_4, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p5 = plot(k_lists[4], freq_bin_5, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p6 = plot(k_lists[5], freq_bin_6, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p7 = plot(k_lists[6], freq_bin_7, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p8 = plot(k_lists[7], freq_bin_8, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p9 = plot(k_lists[8], freq_bin_9, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = p10 = plot(k_lists[9], freq_bin_10, marker= 'o', linestyle = 'None', color = knew = arange(0,20,.1) r1 = RSA_midpoints[0] r2 = RSA_midpoints[1] r3 = RSA_midpoints[2]
def SpectroPlot(data,nx=100,ny=100,ylabel='incidence angle',zlabel='Amplification',yscale='lin',cmap='rainbow'): import scipy.interpolate from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator if data['sensitivity']==False: raise IOError("Sensitivity calculation hasn't been performed! Please do so.") x = np.asarray(data['x']) y = np.asarray(data['y']) z = np.asarray(data['z']) xi,yi = np.logspace(np.log10(x.min()),np.log10(x.max()),nx), np.linspace(y.min(),y.max(),ny) xi,yi = np.meshgrid(xi,yi) # interpolation zi = scipy.interpolate.griddata((x,y),z,(xi,yi),method='linear') # plot the data f = plt.figure(figsize=(10.,5.),dpi=300) # plot velocity profile a2= f.add_subplot(1,5,5) if type(data['hl'][0])==float: xmin = [] xmax = [] # plot vp if data['modeID']>=5: if type(data['vp'][0])==list: lvp = len(data['vp'][0]) clistvp = for i in range(len(data['vp'][0])): vptemp = np.concatenate(([data['vp'][0][i]],data['vp'][1:])) depthtemp = np.concatenate(([0.],np.cumsum(data['hl']))) depth = [0.] vp = [vptemp[0]/1000.] for j in range(1,len(depthtemp)-1): depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vp.append(vptemp[j-1]/1000.) depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vp.append(vptemp[j]/1000.) depth.append(depth[-1]+0.1*depth[-1]) vp.append(vp[-1]) a2.plot(vp,depth,color=clistvp[i]) xmax.append(np.max(vp)) else: vptemp = data['vp'] depthtemp = np.concatenate(([0.],np.cumsum(data['hl']))) depth = [0.] vp = [vptemp[0]/1000.] for j in range(1,len(depthtemp)-1): depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vp.append(vptemp[j-1]/1000.) depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vp.append(vptemp[j]/1000.) depth.append(depth[-1]+0.1*depth[-1]) vp.append(vp[-1]) a2.plot(vp,depth,color='b') xmax.append(np.max(vp)) # plot vs if type(data['vs'][0])==list: lvs = len(data['vs'][0]) clistvs = for i in range(len(data['vs'][0])): vstemp = np.concatenate(([data['vs'][0][i]],data['vs'][1:])) depthtemp = np.concatenate(([0.],np.cumsum(data['hl']))) depth = [0.] vs = [vstemp[0]/1000.] for j in range(1,len(depthtemp)-1): depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j-1]/1000.) depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j]/1000.) depth.append(depth[-1]+0.1*depth[-1]) vs.append(vs[-1]) a2.plot(vs,depth,color=clistvs[i]) xmin.append(np.min(vs)) xmax.append(np.max(vs)) else: vstemp = data['vs'] depthtemp = np.concatenate(([0.],np.cumsum(data['hl']))) depth = [0.] vs = [vstemp[0]/1000.] for j in range(1,len(depthtemp)-1): depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j-1]/1000.) depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j]/1000.) depth.append(depth[-1]+0.1*depth[-1]) vs.append(vs[-1]) a2.plot(vs,depth,color='r') xmin.append(np.min(vs)) xmax.append(np.max(vs)) a2.set_xlim(np.min(xmin)-0.05,np.max(xmax)+0.05) a2.set_ylim(np.min(depth),np.max(depth)) else: if data['modeID']>=5: ld = len(data['hl'][0]) clistvp = clistvs = for i in range(len(data['hl'][0])): hl = np.concatenate(([data['hl'][0][i]],data['hl'][1:])) depthtemp = np.concatenate(([0.],np.cumsum(hl))) vptemp = data['vp'] vstemp = data['vs'] depth = [0.] vs = [vstemp[0]/1000.] vp = [vptemp[0]/1000.] for j in range(1,len(hl)): depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j-1]/1000.) vp.append(vptemp[j-1]/1000.) depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j]/1000.) vp.append(vptemp[j]/1000.) depth.append(depth[-1]+0.1*depth[-1]) vs.append(vs[-1]) vp.append(vp[-1]) a2.plot(vp,depth,color=clistvp[i]) a2.plot(vs,depth,color=clistvs[i]) a2.set_xlim(np.min(vs)-0.05,np.max(vp)+0.05) a2.set_ylim(np.min(depth),np.max(depth)) else: ld = len(data['hl'][0]) clistvs = for i in range(len(data['hl'][0])): hl = np.concatenate(([data['hl'][0][i]],data['hl'][1:])) vstemp = data['vs'] depthtemp = np.concatenate(([0.],np.cumsum(hl))) depth = [0.] vs =[vstemp[0]/1000.] for j in range(1,len(hl)): depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j-1]/1000.) depth.append(depthtemp[j]) vs.append(vstemp[j]/1000.) depth.append(depth[-1]+0.1*depth[-1]) vs.append(vs[-1]) a2.plot(vs,depth,color=clistvs[i]) a2.set_xlim(np.min(vs)-0.05,np.max(vs)+0.05) a2.set_ylim(np.min(depth),np.max(depth)) a2.invert_yaxis() a2.set_xlabel('Velocity (km/s)') a2.set_ylabel('Depth (m)') a2.set_title('Velocity profile') plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') # plot data a = f.add_subplot(1,5,(1,4)) #zi = np.log10(zi) #z = np.log10(z) am = a.imshow(zi, vmin=0.1, vmax=z.max(), origin='lower', extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()], aspect = 'auto',norm=LogNorm()) a.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') a.set_ylabel(ylabel) a.set_xscale('log') if yscale=='log': print yscale a.set_yscale('log') a.minorticks_on() a.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=11, labelcolor='k') a.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', labelsize=10, labelcolor='grey') for axis in [a.xaxis]: axis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(majortickformat)) axis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(minortickformat)) cb = plt.colorbar(am,label=zlabel) cb.locator = MaxNLocator(10) # cb.formatter = ScalarFormatter() cb.formatter = FuncFormatter(cbtickformat) cb.update_ticks() f.tight_layout()