def plot_coverage(counts, offset_x=0, frags_pos=None, frags_pos_out=None, title=None): '''Plot the coverage and the minor allele frequency''' cov = counts.sum(axis=1) cov_tot = cov.sum(axis=0) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(11, 8)) ax.plot(np.arange(len(cov_tot.T)) + offset_x, cov_tot.T, lw=2, c='k', label=read_types) ax.set_xlabel('Position [bases]') ax.set_ylabel('Coverage') ax.grid(True) # If the fragments positions are marked, plot them # Inner primers if frags_pos is not None: for i, frag_pos in enumerate(frags_pos.T): ax.plot(frag_pos + offset_x, 2 * [(0.97 - 0.03 * (i % 2)) * ax.get_ylim()[1]], c=cm.jet(int(255.0 * i / len(frags_pos.T))), lw=2) # Outer primers if frags_pos_out is not None: for i, frag_pos in enumerate(frags_pos_out.T): ax.plot(frag_pos + offset_x, 2 * [(0.96 - 0.03 * (i % 2)) * ax.get_ylim()[1]], c=cm.jet(int(255.0 * i / len(frags_pos_out.T))), lw=2) ax.set_xlim(0, 10000) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=18) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, 0.95))
def findModDepths(self): oldtext = self.setButtonWait( self.findModDepthsPushButton ) self.imageview.M_ex_rects = [] self.imageview.M_em_rects = [] self.imageview.phase_ex_rects = [] self.imageview.phase_em_rects = [] self.m.find_modulation_depths_and_phases() for s in self.m.validspots: color = cm.jet(s.M_ex) r = Rectangle( (s.coords[0],s.coords[1]), s.width, s.height, \ facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, alpha=1, zorder=7 ) self.imageview.M_ex_rects.append( r ) color = cm.jet(s.M_em) r = Rectangle( (s.coords[0],s.coords[1]), s.width, s.height, \ facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, alpha=1, zorder=7 ) self.imageview.M_em_rects.append( r ) color = cm.jet(s.phase_ex/np.pi+.5) r = Rectangle( (s.coords[0],s.coords[1]), s.width, s.height, \ facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, alpha=1, zorder=7 ) self.imageview.phase_ex_rects.append( r ) color = cm.jet(s.phase_em/np.pi+.5) r = Rectangle( (s.coords[0],s.coords[1]), s.width, s.height, \ facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, alpha=1, zorder=7 ) self.imageview.phase_em_rects.append( r ) # self.imageview.axes.add_patch( self.imageview.spot_rects[-1] ) # self.imageview.show_stuff( what='M_ex' ) self.imageview.show_stuff(what='M_ex') self.showStuffComboBox.setCurrentIndex(1) self.unsetButtonWait( self.findModDepthsPushButton, oldtext)
def makePriorGrid(zs,rs,dr,outfile,rmin=15,rmax=30): rMids = np.arange(16.,28.,0.1) drs = 0.5*np.ones(len(rMids)) drs[rMids<23]=0.5 drs[rMids<20]=1.0 drs[rMids<19]=2.0 zEdges=np.arange(-0.075,5.075,0.1) zMids = (zEdges[1:]+zEdges[:-1])/2. allH = [] for i in range(len(rMids)): #print(rMids[i]) rMsk =,rMids[i]-dr,rMids[i]+dr) zMsk =, h = np.histogram(zMsk,bins=zEdges)[0] kernel=np.ones(5)*(1./5.) h2=sig.convolve(h,kernel,mode='same') h3=sig.convolve(h2,kernel,mode='same') g = interp1d(zMids,h3,bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) tot = integrate.quad(g,0.,7.) h3 = h3/tot[0] if i%5==0: plt.plot(zMids,h3,lw=3,alpha=0.75,color=cm.jet(i/len(rMids)),label='r='+str(rMids[i])) else: plt.plot(zMids,h3,lw=3,alpha=0.5,color=cm.jet(i/len(rMids))) allH.append(h3) return([rMids,zMids,np.array(allH)])
def compSystems(workflow, systems): subprocesses = {} for system in systems: subprocesses[system] = open( "C:/cygwin64/home/jrayner/run2/scripts/benchmarking/" + system + workflow, "r" ) # open file containt subprocesses subprocessNames = {} subprocessTimeTaken = {} subprocessCompleteTime = {} for key in subprocesses: rawData = [line.strip().split() for line in subprocesses[key]] rawData = np.array(rawData) # read subplocesses in to numpy array times = np.array(rawData[:, 0], dtype=np.float) subprocessNames[key] = np.array(rawData[:, 1]) subprocessTimeTaken[key] = np.array(times) / 60 # read time column into its own array and convert to float for i in range(len(times)): times[i] = np.sum(times[max([0, i - 1]) : i + 1]) # generate clumaltive time for ploting ticks subprocessCompleteTime[key] = times subprocesses[key].close() lenth = len(subprocessNames[system]) fig = plt.figure() fig2 = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(workflow) fig2.suptitle(workflow) x3 = fig.add_subplot(111) # plot subprocesses data x1 = fig2.add_subplot(111) barwidth = 0.5 / len(systems) for i, system in enumerate(systems): totaltime = np.sum(subprocessTimeTaken[system] / 60) np.arange(lenth) + barwidth * i, subprocessTimeTaken[system] / 60, width=barwidth, color=cm.jet(1.0 * i / len(systems)), label=system, ) np.arange(lenth) + barwidth * i, subprocessTimeTaken[system] / totaltime / 60, width=barwidth, color=cm.jet(1.0 * i / len(systems)), label=system, ) x3.set_xticks(np.arange(lenth) + 0.25) x3.set_xticklabels(subprocessNames[system], rotation=90) print(subprocessNames[system]) x3.set_ylabel("time (minutes)") x3.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) x1.set_xticks(np.arange(lenth + 0.25)) x1.set_xticklabels(subprocessNames[system], rotation=90) x1.set_ylabel("time %") x1.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
def plot_propagator_theory(xis, t, model='BSC', xlim=[0.03, 0.93], ax=None, logit=False, VERBOSE=0, n=100): '''Make and plot BSC propagators for some initial frequencies''' from itertools import izip from hivwholeseq.theory.propagators import propagator_BSC, propagator_neutral if model == 'BSC': propagator_fun = propagator_BSC elif model in ('neutral', 'Kingman', 'Kimura'): propagator_fun = lambda x, y: propagator_neutral(x, y, n=n) if VERBOSE >= 1: print 'Make the propagators' xfs = [] rhos = [] for i, xi in enumerate(xis): (xf, rho) = propagator_fun(xi, t) xfs.append(xf) rhos.append(rho) if VERBOSE >= 1: print 'Plot' if ax is None: ax_was_none = True fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) else: ax_was_none = False for i, (xi, xf, rho) in enumerate(izip(xis, xfs, rhos)): ind_out1 = (xf < xlim[0]) ind_in = (xf >= xlim[0]) & (xf <= xlim[1]) ind_out2 = (xf > xlim[1]) ax.plot(xf[ind_in], rho[ind_in], color=cm.jet(1.0 * i / len(xis)), lw=2, label='$x_i = '+'{:1.1f}'.format(xi)+'$') ax.plot(xf[ind_out1], rho[ind_out1], color=cm.jet(1.0 * i / len(xis)), lw=2, ls='--', alpha=0.6) ax.plot(xf[ind_out2], rho[ind_out2], color=cm.jet(1.0 * i / len(xis)), lw=2, ls='--', alpha=0.6) if ax_was_none: ax.set_xlabel('Final frequency') if logit: ax.set_xlim(10**(-3.1), 1.0 - 10**(-3.1)) ax.set_xscale('logit') else: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_ylim(1e-3, 1e3) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylabel('P(x1 | x0)') ax.set_title(model+' propagator, t = '+'{:1.1e}'.format(t)) ax.grid(True)
def plot_dfcorrections(plotfilename): niters= [1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,25] bovy_plot.bovy_print(fig_height=7.,fig_width=8.) ii= 0 # Load DF pyplot.subplot(2,1,1) dfc= dehnendf(beta=0.,correct=True,niter=niters[ii]) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(dfc._corr._rs, numpy.log(dfc._corr._corrections[:,0]), '-',gcf=True,color=cm.jet(1.),lw=2.,zorder=1, xrange=[0.,5.], yrange=[-0.25,0.25], ylabel=r'$\ln \Sigma_{\mathrm{out}}(R)-\ln\Sigma_{\mathrm{DF}}(R)$') linthresh= 0.0001 pyplot.yscale('symlog',linthreshy=linthresh) for ii,niter in enumerate(niters[1:]): dfcn= dehnendf(beta=0.,correct=True,niter=niter) dfcp= dehnendf(beta=0.,correct=True,niter=niter-1) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(dfc._corr._rs, numpy.log(dfcn._corr._corrections[:,0])-numpy.log(dfcp._corr._corrections[:,0]), '-',overplot=True, color=cm.jet(1.-(ii+1)/float(len(niters))),lw=2., zorder=ii+2) pyplot.fill_between(numpy.linspace(0.,5.,2.), -linthresh*numpy.ones(2), linthresh*numpy.ones(2),color='0.9', zorder=0) bovy_plot.bovy_text(4.,-0.00008,r'$\mathrm{linear\ scale}$', backgroundcolor='w',size=16.) pyplot.subplot(2,1,2) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(dfc._corr._rs, 0.5*numpy.log(dfc._corr._corrections[:,1]), '-',gcf=True,color=cm.jet(1.),lw=2.,zorder=1, xrange=[0.,5.], yrange=[-0.25,0.25], xlabel=r'$R/R_0$', ylabel=r'$\ln \sigma_{R,\mathrm{out}}(R)-\ln\sigma_{R,\mathrm{DF}}(R)$') pyplot.yscale('symlog',linthreshy=linthresh) for ii,niter in enumerate(niters[1:]): dfcn= dehnendf(beta=0.,correct=True,niter=niter) dfcp= dehnendf(beta=0.,correct=True,niter=niter-1) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(dfc._corr._rs, numpy.log(dfcn._corr._corrections[:,1])-numpy.log(dfcp._corr._corrections[:,1]), '-',overplot=True, color=cm.jet(1.-(ii+1)/float(len(niters))),lw=2., zorder=ii+2) pyplot.fill_between(numpy.linspace(0.,5.,2.), -linthresh*numpy.ones(2), linthresh*numpy.ones(2),color='0.9', zorder=0) bovy_plot.bovy_text(4.,-0.00008,r'$\mathrm{linear\ scale}$', backgroundcolor='w',size=16.) pyplot.tight_layout() bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(plotfilename) return None
def create_figure(all_data): # takes in data and title and creates and saves plot width = 0.45 # width of the bars (in radians) # create the figure, dont change fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True) # angle positions, 0 to 360 with increments of 360/5 xo = list(range(0, 360, 360 / 5)) # Convert to radians and subtract half the width # of a bar to center it. x = [i * pi / 180 for i in xo] # set the labels for each bar, do not change ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(['Military\nProwess', 'Productivity', 'Resource', 'Self-\nSufficiency', 'Morale']) ax.set_thetagrids(xo, frac=1.15) # frac changes distance of label from circumference of circle plt.ylim(0, 100) # sets range for radial grid fig.suptitle("India \n1993-2012", fontsize=20, y=0.5, x=0.1) # title of plot plt.rgrids([20, 40, 60, 80, 100], angle=33, fontsize=10) # the numbers you see along radius, angle changes position colorList = []; count = -1 for key in all_data: count = count + 1 data = all_data[key] mylist = [item+0.5*(count-len(all_data)/2)/len(all_data) for item in x] bars =, data, width=width, align='center') # do the plotting i = 0 for r, bar in zip(data, bars): bar.set_facecolor( cm.jet(0.8*count/len(all_data))) # set color for each bar, intensity proportional to height of bar colorList.append(cm.jet(0.8*count/len(all_data))) #bar.set_alpha(0.2) # make color partly transparent height = bar.get_height() # this is basically the radial height, or radius of bar # write value of each bar inside it # first param is angle, second is radius -10 makes it go inside the bar if i == 3 and count == 0: ax.text(mylist[i]-width/4*3, height+5, key, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=11) if i == 3 and count == len(all_data)-1: ax.text(mylist[i]+width/4*3, height-5, key, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=11) i = i + 1 plt.savefig('examples/multiple.png')
def plotFunc(fig,axes): axes.set_xlabel('integration time (s)') axes.plot(intTimes,countStds,'k',label=r'total $\sigma$') axes.plot(intTimes,countSqrts,'k--',label=r'$\sqrt{med(N)}$') nBins = np.shape(spectrumStds)[1] for iBin in xrange(nBins): axes.plot(intTimes,spectrumStds[:,iBin], c=cm.jet((iBin+1.)/nBins), label=r'%d-%d $\AA$ $\sigma$'%(rebinnedWvlEdges[iBin], rebinnedWvlEdges[iBin+1])) axes.plot(intTimes,spectrumSqrts[:,iBin], c=cm.jet((iBin+1.)/nBins),linestyle='--') axes.legend(loc='upper left')
def plot_paddle_curve(keys, inputfile, outputfile, format='png', show_fig=False): """Plot curves from paddle log and save to outputfile. :param keys: a list of strings to be plotted, e.g. AvgCost :param inputfile: a file object for input :param outputfile: a file object for output :return: None """ pass_pattern = r"Pass=([0-9]*)" test_pattern = r"Test samples=([0-9]*)" if not keys: keys = ['AvgCost'] for k in keys: pass_pattern += r".*?%s=([0-9e\-\.]*)" % k test_pattern += r".*?%s=([0-9e\-\.]*)" % k data = [] test_data = [] compiled_pattern = re.compile(pass_pattern) compiled_test_pattern = re.compile(test_pattern) for line in inputfile: found = found_test = if found: data.append([float(x) for x in found.groups()]) if found_test: test_data.append([float(x) for x in found_test.groups()]) x = numpy.array(data) x_test = numpy.array(test_data) if x.shape[0] <= 0: sys.stderr.write("No data to plot. Exiting!\n") return m = len(keys) + 1 for i in xrange(1, m): pyplot.plot( x[:, 0], x[:, i], color=cm.jet(1.0 * (i - 1) / (2 * m)), label=keys[i - 1]) if (x_test.shape[0] > 0): pyplot.plot( x[:, 0], x_test[:, i], color=cm.jet(1.0 - 1.0 * (i - 1) / (2 * m)), label="Test " + keys[i - 1]) pyplot.xlabel('number of epoch') pyplot.legend(loc='best') if show_fig: pyplot.savefig(outputfile, bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.clf()
def plot_grade(self): grade_data = [] for i in range(len(self.route_waypoints)): wp1 = self.route_waypoints[i-1] wp2 = self.route_waypoints[i] rise = wp2.elevation - wp1.elevation run = haversine(wp1, wp2) grade_data.append(100 * rise / run) pdb.set_trace() fig, ax = plt.subplots() Ntotal = len(grade_data) N, bins, patches = ax.hist(grade_data, Ntotal) #I'll color code by height, but you could use any scalar # we need to normalize the data to 0..1 for the full # range of the colormap fracs = N.astype(float)/N.max() norm = colors.Normalize(fracs.min(), fracs.max()) for thisfrac, thispatch in zip(fracs, patches): color = cm.jet(norm(thisfrac)) thispatch.set_facecolor(color)
def visualize_ns_old(self, term, points=200): """ Use randomly selected coordinates instead of most active """ if term in term_index =['features_df'].columns.get_loc(term) rand_point_inds = np.random.random_integers(0, len(np.squeeze(zip(['mni_coords'].data))), points) rand_points = np.squeeze(zip(['mni_coords'].data))[rand_point_inds] weights = [] inds_of_real_points_with_no_fucking_missing_study_ids = [] for rand_point in range(len(rand_points)): if len([rand_point].astype(list))) > 0: inds_of_real_points_with_no_fucking_missing_study_ids.append(rand_point_inds[rand_point]) weights.append([rand_point].astype(list))[term_index]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') colors = cm.jet(weights/max(weights)) color_map = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) color_map.set_array(weights) fig.colorbar(color_map) x =['mni_coords'].data[inds_of_real_points_with_no_fucking_missing_study_ids, 0] y =['mni_coords'].data[inds_of_real_points_with_no_fucking_missing_study_ids, 1] z =['mni_coords'].data[inds_of_real_points_with_no_fucking_missing_study_ids, 2] else: raise ValueError('Term '+term + ' has not been initialized. ' 'Use get_ns_act(' + term + ')') ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=colors, alpha=0.4) ax.set_title('Estimation of ' + term)
def make_matplotlib_icon(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 1)) fig.patch.set_alpha(0.0) ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.025, 0.95, 0.95], projection='polar') ax.set_axisbelow(True) N = 7 arc = 2 * np.pi theta = np.arange(0, arc, arc / N) radii = 10 * np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8]) width = np.pi / 4 * np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3]) bars =, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0, linewidth=1, edgecolor='k') for r, bar in zip(radii, bars): bar.set_facecolor(cm.jet(r/10.)) ax.tick_params(labelleft=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=False, labeltop=False) ax.grid(lw=0.0) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, 9, 2)) ax.set_rmax(9) return fig
def visualize_ge(self, gene, alpha=0.4): """ Generates 3-D heat map of gene expression for a specified gene. Parameters ---------- gene : str Entrez ID of gene for heat map generation. alpha : float Sets color density of coordinates used in heat map. """ for e in gene: if e in fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') weights =[e]["mean"]['GE'] colors = cm.jet(weights/max(weights)) color_map = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) color_map.set_array(weights) fig.colorbar(color_map) x =['mni_coords'].data[:, 0] y =['mni_coords'].data[:, 1] z =['mni_coords'].data[:, 2] ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=colors, alpha=alpha) else: raise ValueError("Gene %s has not been initialized. " "Use[%s])" % str(e)) ax.set_title('Gene Expression of gene ID ' + str(gene))
def plot_orient_quiver(data, odata, mask=None, imfile='', fps=1, savename='', figsize=None): """ plot_orient_quiver(data, odata, mask=None, imfile='') """ import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import matplotlib.colorbar as mcolorbar pl.figure(tight_layout=False, figsize=figsize) if imfile is not None: bgimage ='_0001.tif' if imfile is '' else imfile) pl.imshow(bgimage, cmap=cm.gray, origin='upper') #pl.quiver(X, Y, U, V, **kw) if mask is None: try: mask = np.all(np.isfinite(odata['orient']), axis=1) except ValueError: mask = np.isfinite(odata['orient']) n = odata.shape[-1] if odata.ndim > 1 else 1 ndex = np.repeat(np.arange(mask.sum()), n) nz = mcolors.Normalize() nz.autoscale(data['f'][mask]/fps) qq = pl.quiver( data['y'][mask][ndex], data['x'][mask][ndex], odata['cdisp'][mask][...,1].flatten(), -odata['cdisp'][mask][...,0].flatten(), color=cm.jet(nz(data['f'][mask]/fps)), scale=1, scale_units='xy') #pl.title(', '.join(imfile.split('/')[-1].split('_')[:-1]) if imfile else '') cax,_ = mcolorbar.make_axes(pl.gca()) cb = mcolorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cm.jet, norm=nz) cb.set_label('time '+('(s)'if fps > 1 else '(frame)')) if savename: print "saving to", savename pl.savefig(savename) return qq, cb
def plot_orient_location(data,odata,tracks): import correlation as corr omask = np.isfinite(odata['orient']) goodtracks = np.array([78,95,191,203,322]) ss = 22. pl.figure() for goodtrack in goodtracks: tmask = tracks == goodtrack fullmask = np.all(np.asarray(zip(omask,tmask)),axis=1) loc_start = (data['x'][fullmask][0],data['y'][fullmask][0]) orient_start = odata['orient'][fullmask][0] sc = pl.scatter( (odata['orient'][fullmask] - orient_start + pi) % twopi, np.asarray(map(corr.get_norm, zip([loc_start]*fullmask.sum(), zip(data['x'][fullmask],data['y'][fullmask])) ))/ss, #marker='*', label = 'track {}'.format(goodtrack), color = cm.jet(1.*goodtrack/max(tracks))) #color = cm.jet(1.*data['f'][fullmask]/1260.)) print "track",goodtrack pl.legend() return True
def __init__(self, parent=None, data=None, fnameAbsPath="", enable=True, objectName=""): super(lines, self).__init__(parent, data, fnameAbsPath, enable, objectName, pgObject="PlotCurveItem") # Choose symbols from preferences file. # TODO: read symbols from GUI self.symbol = lasHelp.readPreference("symbolOrder")[0] self.symbolSize = int(self.parent.markerSize_spinBox.value()) self.alpha = int(self.parent.markerAlpha_spinBox.value()) self.lineWidth = int(self.parent.lineWidth_spinBox.value()) # Add to the imageStackLayers_model which is associated with the points QTreeView name = QtGui.QStandardItem(objectName) name.setEditable(False) # Add checkbox thing = QtGui.QStandardItem() thing.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) thing.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) # self.modelItems=(name,thing) #Remove this for now because I have NO CLUE how to get access to the checkbox state self.modelItems = name self.model = self.parent.points_Model self.addToList() # Set the colour of the object based on how many items are already present number_of_colors = 6 thisNumber = (self.parent.points_Model.rowCount() - 1) % number_of_colors cm_subsection = linspace(0, 1, number_of_colors) colors = [cm.jet(x) for x in cm_subsection] color = colors[thisNumber] self.color = [color[0] * 255, color[1] * 255, color[2] * 255]
def _cm_ra_plot(data,headings,dates,ave_data,fig_num,colour_col, y_col,run_ave_points,n_plot_row,n_plot_col,n_plot_num): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm depth = np.max(data[:,colour_col]) - np.min(data[:,colour_col]) c_map = cm.jet(np.arange(256)) Z = [[0,0],[0,0]] levels = range(int(np.min(data[:,colour_col])), int(np.max(data[:,colour_col])),1) mappl = plt.contourf(Z,levels,cmap=cm.jet) plt.figure(fig_num) plt.subplot(n_plot_row,n_plot_col,n_plot_num) for i in range(len(data)): plot1 = plt.plot(dates[i],data[i,y_col]) cm_point = np.floor(((np.max(data[:,colour_col]) - data[i,colour_col]) / depth) * 255) plt.setp(plot1,linestyle = 'none',marker = '.') plt.setp(plot1,color = c_map[255 - cm_point,]) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel('%s on %s'%(headings[colour_col],headings[y_col])) # plt.axis([None,None,0,100]) plt.axis([None,None,min(data[:,y_col]),max(data[:,y_col])]) plt.plot(dates,ave_data[:,y_col],'k-') locs, labels = plt.xticks() plt.setp(labels, rotation=0) plt.colorbar(mappl)
def add_polar_bar(): ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.075, 0.2, 0.85], polar=True) ax.axesPatch.set_alpha(axalpha) ax.set_axisbelow(True) N = 7 arc = 2. * np.pi theta = np.arange(0.0, arc, arc/N) radii = 10 * np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8]) width = np.pi / 4 * np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3]) bars =, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0) for r, bar in zip(radii, bars): bar.set_facecolor(cm.jet(r/10.)) bar.set_alpha(0.6) for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_visible(False) for line in ax.get_ygridlines() + ax.get_xgridlines(): line.set_lw(0.8) line.set_alpha(0.9) line.set_ls('-') line.set_color('0.5') ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, 9, 2)) ax.set_rmax(9)
def plot_m1m2(m1m2_file, plot_pk=None, m1gr=None, m2gr=None, m1gr_err=None, m2gr_err=None, m1m2_contour=None, pk_label_coord=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, plot_inset=False, colour=None, line_style=None, m1m2_pbdot_uncorr=None): n_plot = len(plot_pk) # Ensure that we are plotting more than 1 parameter: if(n_plot < 1): print 'plot_m1m2: Must plot at least one PK parameter. Exiting...' if(colour == None): clr = [cm.jet(float(i_plot)/float(n_plot-1)) for i_plot in range(n_plot)] else: clr = colour if(line_style == None): line_style='-' # Now, read input m1m2.dat-style file: try: f_m1m2 = open(m1m2_file, 'r') except IOError as (errno, strerror): if (errno == 2): # file not found print "IOError ({0}): File".format(errno), m1m2_file, "not found." else: print "IOError ({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror) return
def visualize_silhouette_score(X,y_km): cluster_labels = np.unique(y_km) n_clusters = cluster_labels.shape[0] silhouette_vals = metrics.silhouette_samples(X, y_km, metric='euclidean') y_ax_lower, y_ax_upper = 0, 0 yticks = [] for i, c in enumerate(cluster_labels): c_silhouette_vals = silhouette_vals[y_km == c] c_silhouette_vals.sort() y_ax_upper += len(c_silhouette_vals) color = cm.jet(i / n_clusters) plt.barh(range(y_ax_lower, y_ax_upper), c_silhouette_vals, height=1.0, edgecolor='none', color=color) yticks.append((y_ax_lower + y_ax_upper) / 2) y_ax_lower += len(c_silhouette_vals) silhouette_avg = np.mean(silhouette_vals) plt.axvline(silhouette_avg, color="red", linestyle="--") plt.yticks(yticks, cluster_labels + 1) plt.ylabel('Cluster') plt.xlabel('Silhouette coefficient')
def compareTestParamsWithOutput( movie, paramfilename ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cmap from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle params = np.load( paramfilename ) plt.imshow( params[:,:,0], cmap=cmap.gray ) ax = plt.gca() # mexs = [] for s in movie.validspots: # mexs.append( s.M_ex ) md_ex = params[s.coords[0],s.coords[1],0] s.M_ex_diff = s.M_ex - md_ex print 's.M_ex=%f\tmd_ex=%f\tdiff=%f' % (s.M_ex, md_ex, s.M_ex_diff) col = cmap.jet(s.M_ex) print col p = Rectangle((s.coords[0],s.coords[1]), s.width, s.height, \ facecolor=col, edgecolor=None, linewidth=0, alpha=.3) ax.add_patch( p ) plt.draw()
def plot_clusters(self, clusters, cols=None, color=None, alpha=None): self.clusters = clusters errors = [c.error for c in clusters] errors = np.array(errors) mean, std = np.mean(errors), np.std(errors) if std == 0: std = 1 errors = (errors - mean) / std if not cols: cols = [0, 1] if isinstance(cols[0], basestring): cols = map(clusters.cols.index, cols) for idx, cluster in enumerate(clusters): tup = tuple(map(list, zip(*cluster.bbox))) x, y = tup[cols[0]], tup[cols[1]] x, y = self.transform_box(x, y) if not self.xbound: self.xbound = [x[0], x[1]] self.ybound = [y[0], y[1]] else: self.xbound = r_union(self.xbound, x) self.ybound = r_union(self.ybound, y) a = alpha or min(1, max(0.1, errors[idx])) c = color or cm.jet(errors[idx]) r = Rect((x[0], y[0]), x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0], alpha=a, ec=c, fill=False, lw=1.5) self.sub.add_patch(r) self.set_lims()
def GenerateFigure(self, given_list): color = [] for i in range(len(given_list)): current = round(given_list[i][2],1) float_curr = float(current/1000000) color.append(float_curr) start = 0 theta = [] radii = [] width = [] for i in range(len(given_list)): theta.append(start) if given_list[i][2] == 0: radii.append(0) else: radii.append(given_list[i][2]) curr_wid = given_list[i][0]/100*2*np.pi width.append(curr_wid) start = start + curr_wid figwidth = 45.0 figheight = 45.0 fig = figure(figsize=(figwidth, figheight)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.2,0.2,0.55,0.55], polar = True, aspect = 'equal') ax.axis('off') for i in range(len(given_list)): ax.annotate(given_list[i], xy = [theta[i]+float(width[i]/2), max(radii)], size = float(given_list[i][0]/2)+18.0, rotation = int((theta[i]+float(width[i]/2))/(2*np.pi)*360), va='center', ha='center') bars =, radii, width=width, bottom =0.0) for r,bar in zip(color, bars): bar.set_alpha(0.5) bar.set_facecolor(cm.jet(r/0.1)) return fig
def make_matplotlib_icon(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 1)) fig.patch.set_alpha(0.0) ax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.025, 0.95, 0.95], projection='polar') ax.set_axisbelow(True) N = 7 arc = 2. * np.pi theta = np.arange(0.0, arc, arc/N) radii = 10 * np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8]) width = np.pi / 4 * np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3]) bars =, radii, width=width, bottom=0.0, linewidth=1, edgecolor='k') for r, bar in zip(radii, bars): bar.set_facecolor(cm.jet(r/10.)) for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_visible(False) for line in ax.get_ygridlines() + ax.get_xgridlines(): line.set_lw(0.0) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1, 9, 2)) ax.set_rmax(9) return fig
def _plot2(pdobj, title): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if isinstance(pdobj, pd.Series): _pdobj = pd.DataFrame(pdobj) else: _pdobj = pdobj size, grps = _pdobj.shape ticks = np.arange(size) width = .9 / grps bars = [] for i in range(grps): bars.append(*width, _pdobj.iloc[:, i], width)) for i in range(grps): for rect in bars[i]: rect.set_facecolor(cm.jet(i*1.0/grps)) rect.set_alpha(0.6) ax.set_xticks(ticks + grps*width/2) ax.set_xticklabels([dt.strftime('%Y%m%d') for dt in pdobj.index], rotation=90) ax.set_title(title) if not isinstance(pdobj, pd.Series): ax.legend([bar[0] for bar in bars], list(pdobj.columns)) return fig
def plot_quality_along_reads(data_folder, adaID, title, quality, VERBOSE=0, savefig=False): """Plot the results of the quality scores along reads""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 9)) for i, (ax, qual) in enumerate(izip(axs, quality)): for j, qpos in enumerate(qual): x = qpos y = np.linspace(0, 1, len(x))[::-1] ax.plot(x, y, color=cm.jet(int(255.0 * j / len(qual))), alpha=0.5, lw=2) ax.set_xlabel("Phred quality", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Fraction of bases above quality x", fontsize=14) ax.set_title("Read" + str(i + 1), fontsize=16) ax.text(2, 0.03, "blue to red: 0 to " + str(len(qual)) + " base", fontsize=18) fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=20) if savefig: from hivwholeseq.utils.generic import mkdirs from hivwholeseq.sequencing.filenames import get_figure_folder, get_quality_along_reads_filename fig_folder = get_figure_folder(data_folder, adaID) fig_filename = get_quality_along_reads_filename(data_folder, adaID) mkdirs(fig_folder) fig.savefig(fig_filename) else: plt.tight_layout() plt.ion()
def print_clusters(pp, clusters, tuples=[], title=''): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) clusters.sort(key=lambda c: c.error) for cluster in clusters: x, y = tuple(map(list, zip(*cluster.bbox)))[:2] x[0] = max(0, x[0]) x[1] = min(100, x[1]) y[0] = max(0, y[0]) y[1] = min(100, y[1]) c = cm.jet(cluster.error) r = Rect((x[0], y[0]), x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0], alpha=max(0.1,cluster.error), ec=c, fill=False, lw=1.5) sub.add_patch(r) if tuples: cols = zip(*tuples) xs, ys, cs = cols[0], cols[1], cols[-1] sub.scatter(ys, xs, c=cs, alpha=0.5, lw=0) sub.set_ylim(-5, 105) sub.set_xlim(-5, 105) sub.set_title(title) plt.savefig(pp, format='pdf')
def plotHyper(X,W,b): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt point = np.array([1, 2, 3]) normal = np.array([1, 1, 2]) # a plane is a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0 # [a,b,c] is the normal. Thus, we have to calculate # d and we're set d = # create x,y xx, yy = np.meshgrid(range(10), range(10)) # calculate corresponding z z = (-normal[0] * xx - normal[1] * yy - d) * 1. / normal[2] # plot the surface plt3d = plt.figure().gca(projection='3d') plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1]) Gx, Gy = np.gradient(xx * yy) # gradients with respect to x and y G = (Gx ** 2 + Gy ** 2) ** .5 # gradient magnitude N = G / G.max() # normalize 0..1 plt3d.plot_surface(xx, yy, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.jet(N), linewidth=0, antialiased=False, shade=False )
def scatter(frame, var1, var2, var3=None, reg=False, **args): import as cm if type(frame) is copper.Dataset: frame = frame.frame x = frame[var1] y = frame[var2] if var3 is None: plt.scatter(x.values, y.values, **args) else: options = list(set(frame[var3])) for i, option in enumerate(options): f = frame[frame[var3] == option] x = f[var1] y = f[var2] c = cm.jet(i/len(options),1) plt.scatter(x, y, c=c, label=option, **args) plt.legend() if reg: slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y) line = slope * x + intercept # regression line plt.plot(x, line, c='r') plt.xlabel(var1) plt.ylabel(var2)
def graph(size, kind, name, results, labels): N = len(labels) M = len(containers) ind = numpy.arange(N) border = 0.05 width = (1.0 - border * 2) / M fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() legend_ids = [] legend_names = [] rects_list = [] n = 0 for container in containers: times = results[container] rects = + width * n + border, times, width, color=cm.jet(n / M)) legend_ids.append(rects[0]) legend_names.append(container) rects_list.append(rects) n += 1 ax.set_xlabel('Container size') ax.set_ylabel('Milliseconds') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_title('%s of std::uint%d_t' % (name, size)) ax.set_xticks(ind + width * M / 2 + border) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.legend(legend_ids, legend_names, loc='upper left') pyplot.savefig('%s/%s-%s-%d.svg' % (output_dir, name.lower().replace(' ', '_'), kind, size)) pyplot.close()
def plot_breathing_rate(subj_id, subj_data, interval, variable='breathing_rate', show=True, ax_given=None, save=False, path=None): """ Plot the breathing rate of subject *subj_id* between the interval specified. """ # Interpolate missing values. subj_data = subj_data.interpolate(method='linear', axis=0) if interval[0] == 'start': start = 0 else: start = [i for i, x in enumerate(subj_data.index == interval[0]) if x][0] if interval[1] == 'end': end = subj_data.shape[0] else: end = [i for i, x in enumerate(subj_data.index == interval[1]) if x][0] plot_data = subj_data.iloc[start:end, :] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = ax_given or plt.gca() if ax_given is not None: predefined_ax = True else: predefined_ax = False color_data = plot_data['activity_type'].replace(-1, 3) # Plot data coloured by activity type. # plot_colourline(plot_data.index.values, plot_data[variable].values, plot_data['activity_type'], ax=ax) plot_colourline(plot_data.index.values, plot_data[variable].values, color_data, ax=ax) if variable == 'breathing_rate': # Plot standard error of the breathing rate. ax.fill_between(plot_data.index.values, plot_data['breathing_rate'] + plot_data['sd_br'], plot_data['breathing_rate'] - plot_data['sd_br'], alpha=0.2) # Format axes. if predefined_ax == False: xformatter = md.DateFormatter('%H:%M') xlocator = md.MinuteLocator(byminute=[0, 15, 30, 45], interval=1) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xlocator) plt.gcf().axes[0].xaxis.set_major_formatter(xformatter) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.xlabel('Time') if variable == 'breathing_rate': plt.ylabel('Breathing rate per minute') elif variable == 'smoothed_br': plt.ylabel('Smoothed breathing rate') elif variable == 'sd_br': plt.ylabel('Standard deviation of breathing rate') elif variable == 'rolling_sd_br': plt.ylabel('Rolling mean st. dev. of breathing rate') elif variable == 'activity_level': plt.ylabel('Activity level per minute') elif variable == 'smoothed_al': plt.ylabel('Smoothed activity level') # Plot legend. custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=cm.jet(0.), lw=2), Line2D([0], [0], color=cm.jet(1 / 3), lw=2), Line2D([0], [0], color=cm.jet(2 / 3), lw=2), Line2D([0], [0], color=cm.jet(1.), lw=2) ] lgd = ax.legend(custom_lines, [ 'Sitting/standing', 'Walking', 'Lying down', "Wrong orientation/undetermined" ], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 0.5)) if save == True: if path == None: raise ValueError( "A path needs to be specified to save the figure to.") else: plt.savefig(path, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd, ), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if show == True:
localvol.append(min([0.2+5*np.log(100./ls_K[i])**2+0.1*np.exp(-(ls_T[j])), 0.6])) ls_prix[i].append(BlackScholes("Call",S0,ls_K[i],r,localvol[i],ls_T[j])) ls_prix = np.array(ls_prix) liste_sigma = [[] for i in range(len(ls_K))] for i in range(len(ls_K)): for j in range(len(ls_T)): liste_sigma[i].append(dicho("Call",S0, ls_K[i], r, ls_T[j], 0.5, 0, np.sqrt(0.25), 0.01, 0.6, ls_prix[i,j])) liste_sigma = np.array(liste_sigma) ls_T = np.array(ls_T) ls_K = np.array(ls_K) ax = Axes3D(plt.figure()) ls_T,ls_K = np.meshgrid(ls_T,ls_K) Gx, Gy = np.gradient(liste_sigma) # gradients with respect to x and y G = (Gx**2+Gy**2)**.5 # gradient magnitude N = G/G.max() # normalize 0..1 #ax.plot_wireframe(ls_T,ls_K,liste_sigma, rstride=1, cstride=1) ax.plot_surface(ls_T,ls_K,liste_sigma, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.jet(N), linewidth=0, antialiased=False, shade=False) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.title("Surface de volatilité") ax.view_init(17, 30)
cluster_labels = np.unique(y) n_clusters = cluster_labels.shape[0] # initializing variables for creating silhouettes of clusters silhouette_vals = silhouette_samples(X_pca, y, metric='euclidean') y_ax_lower, y_ax_upper = 0, 0 yticks = [] # generate silhouette for each cluster for i, c in enumerate(cluster_labels): c_silhouette_vals = silhouette_vals[ y == c] # store silhouette vals for each cluster c_silhouette_vals.sort() y_ax_upper += len(c_silhouette_vals) color = cm.jet(float(i) / n_clusters) # assign different color each loop plt.barh( range(y_ax_lower, y_ax_upper), # plot silhouette for each cluster c_silhouette_vals, height=1.0, edgecolor='none', color=color) yticks.append((y_ax_lower + y_ax_upper) / 2.) y_ax_lower += len(c_silhouette_vals) silhouette_avg = np.mean(silhouette_vals) # avg for plotting # plot silhouette coefficients (labels) plt.axvline(silhouette_avg, color="red", linestyle="--") plt.yticks(yticks, cluster_labels + 1) plt.ylabel('Cluster') plt.xlabel('Silhouette coefficient')
subplot(132) plot(auto_rem[set1], alpha=0.8, color='red') plot(auto_rem[set2], alpha=0.8, color='grey') subplot(133) plot(auto_sws[set1], alpha=0.8, color='red') plot(auto_sws[set2], alpha=0.8, color='grey') figure() for i, k in enumerate(accel_curves.columns[order]): subplot(5, 8, i + 1) plot(accel_curves[k]) from matplotlib import cm times = np.sort(list(speed_curves_shifted.keys())) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=times[0], vmax=times[-1]) rgba_color = cm.jet(norm(400), bytes=True) figure() for i, n in enumerate(order): subplot(5, 8, i + 1) name = session.split("/")[1] + "_" + str(n) plot(speed_curves[name], color='black') for t in np.sort(list(speed_curves_shifted.keys())): plot(speed_curves_shifted[t][name], color=cm.jet(norm(t)), linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.7) # i = 33 # n = order[i] # name = session.split("/")[1]+"_"+str(n)
def convection_onset_statistics(cwv, precip, test, output_path, sites): # Create CWV bins number_of_bins = 28 # default = 28 cwv_max = 70 # default = 70 (in mm) cwv_min = 28 # default = 28 (in mm) bin_width = 1.5 # default = 1.5 bin_center = np.arange((cwv_min + (bin_width / 2)), (cwv_max - (bin_width / 2)) + bin_width, bin_width) # Define precip threshold precip_threshold = 0.5 # default 0.5 (in mm/hr) # Define variables for binning bin_index = np.zeros([number_of_bins, cwv.size]) precip_binned = np.empty([number_of_bins, cwv.size]) * np.nan precip_counts = np.zeros([number_of_bins, cwv.size]) # In[264]: # Bin the data by CWV value as specified above for i in range(0, number_of_bins): for j in range(0, cwv.size): if cwv[j] > (cwv_min + (i * bin_width)): bin_index[i, j] = 1 if cwv[j] > (cwv_min + (i * bin_width) + bin_width): bin_index[i, j] = 0 if bin_index[i, j] == 1: precip_binned[i, j] = precip[j] else: precip_binned[i, j] = np.nan if precip_binned[i, j] >= precip_threshold: precip_counts[i, j] = 1 if np.isnan(precip_binned[i, j]): precip_counts[i, j] = np.nan # In[265]: # Create binned arrays hist_cwv = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan hist_precip_points = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_binned_mean = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_binned_var = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_binned_std = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_probability = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan errorbar_hist_precip_points = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan std_error_precip = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pdf_cwv = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pdf_precipitating_points = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan # Fill binned arrays hist_cwv = bin_index.sum(axis=1) hist_precip_points = np.nansum(precip_counts, axis=1) pr_binned_mean = np.nanmean(precip_binned, axis=1) pr_binned_var = np.nanvar(precip_binned, axis=1) pr_binned_std = np.nanstd(precip_binned, axis=1) r = np.empty([1, number_of_bins]) * np.nan r = np.sum(~np.isnan(precip_counts), axis=1) pr_probability = np.nansum(precip_counts, axis=1) / r pdf_cwv = hist_cwv / bin_width pdf_precipitating_points = hist_precip_points / bin_width for i in range(0, number_of_bins): std_error_precip[i] = pr_binned_std[i] / math.sqrt(hist_cwv[i]) errorbar_hist_precip_points[i] = math.sqrt( hist_precip_points[i]) / bin_width # In[266]: # create color map # choose from maps here: # scatter_colors = cm.jet( np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_bins + 1, endpoint=True)) # scatter_colors = cm.plasma(numpy.linspace(0,1,number_of_bins+1,endpoint=True)) # In[267]: axes_fontsize = 12 # size of font in all plots legend_fontsize = 9 marker_size = 40 # size of markers in scatter plots xtick_pad = 10 # padding between x tick labels and actual plot # create figure canvas fig = mp.figure(figsize=(8, 2.5)) # create figure 1 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) ax1.set_xlim(25, 72) ax1.set_ylim(0, 6) ax1.set_xticks([30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) ax1.set_yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=axes_fontsize) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', pad=10) error = [std_error_precip, std_error_precip] ax1.errorbar(bin_center, pr_binned_mean, xerr=0, yerr=error, ls='none', color='black') ax1.scatter(bin_center, pr_binned_mean, edgecolor='none', facecolor=scatter_colors, s=marker_size, clip_on=False, zorder=3) ax1.set_ylabel('Precip (mm hr $^-$ $^1$)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax1.set_xlabel('CWV (mm)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax1.text(0.05, 0.95, sites[0], transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') ax1.text(0.05, 0.85, test, transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') #ax1.grid() ax1.set_axisbelow(True) # create figure 2 (probability pickup) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) ax2.set_xlim(25, 72) ax2.set_ylim(0, 1) ax2.set_xticks([30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) ax2.set_yticks([0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=axes_fontsize) ax2.tick_params(axis='x', pad=xtick_pad) ax2.scatter(bin_center, pr_probability, marker='d', s=marker_size, edgecolor='none', facecolor='steelblue', clip_on=False, zorder=3) ax2.set_ylabel('Probability of Precip', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax2.set_xlabel('CWV (mm)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) #ax2.grid() ax2.set_axisbelow(True) # create figure 3 (non-normalized PDF) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) ax3.set_yscale('log') ax3.set_ylim(5e-1, 5e5) ax3.set_xlim(25, 72) ax3.set_xticks([30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) ax3.set_yticks(10**np.array((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) ax3.tick_params(labelsize=axes_fontsize) ax3.tick_params(axis='x', pad=xtick_pad) # yscale is log scale, so throw out any zero values pdf_precipitating_points[pdf_precipitating_points == 0] = np.nan error = [errorbar_hist_precip_points, errorbar_hist_precip_points] ax3.errorbar(bin_center, pdf_precipitating_points, xerr=0, yerr=error, ls='none', color='black') ax3.scatter(bin_center, pdf_precipitating_points, edgecolor='none', facecolor='b', s=marker_size, clip_on=False, zorder=3, label='precip $>$ 0.5 mm hr $^{\minus 1}$') ax3.scatter(bin_center, pdf_cwv, marker='x', color='0', label='all') ax3.set_ylabel('Freq Density', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax3.set_xlabel('CWV (mm)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) #ax3.grid() ax3.set_axisbelow(True) # create legend legend_handles, legend_labels = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels() ax3.legend(legend_handles, legend_labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.95), fontsize=legend_fontsize, scatterpoints=1, handlelength=0, labelspacing=0, borderpad=0, borderaxespad=0, frameon=False) # set layout to tight (so that space between figures is minimized) mp.tight_layout() # save figure #mp.savefig('conv_diagnostics_example_kas_new.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') mp.savefig(output_path + '/figures/conv_diagnostics_' + test + '_' + sites[0] + '.png', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
pred = matching({'image0': inp0, 'image1': inp1}) pred = {k: v[0].cpu().numpy() for k, v in pred.items()} kpts0, kpts1 = pred['keypoints0'], pred['keypoints1'] matches, conf = pred['matches0'], pred['matching_scores0'] timer.update('matcher') # Keep the matching keypoints. valid = matches > -1 mkpts0 = kpts0[valid] mkpts1 = kpts1[matches[valid]] mconf = conf[valid] print("kpt num : ", len(kpts0), len(kpts1), len(mkpts0), mvg_match_num) if do_viz: # Visualize the matches. color = cm.jet(mconf) text = [ 'SuperGlue', 'Keypoints: {}:{}'.format(len(kpts0), len(kpts1)), 'Matches: {}'.format(len(mkpts0)), ] if rot0 != 0 or rot1 != 0: text.append('Rotation: {}:{}'.format(rot0, rot1)) # Display extra parameter info. k_thresh = matching.superpoint.config['keypoint_threshold'] m_thresh = matching.superglue.config['match_threshold'] small_text = [ 'Keypoint Threshold: {:.4f}'.format(k_thresh), 'Match Threshold: {:.2f}'.format(m_thresh), 'Image Pair: {}:{}'.format(stem0, stem1),
"50cm~52cm", "52cm~55cm", "55cm~57cm", "57cm~60cm", ] plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) xi = 0 x = [xi] y = [] lines = [] for i in range(len(data)): y.append([data[i]]) line_tmp, = ax.plot(0, data[i], label=label[i], color=cm.jet(i / len(data))) lines.append(line_tmp) fig.legend() plt.ylim(0, 0) plt.pause(1) while True: # data再取得 try: get_power_bin_file() except: print("except at %d" % xi) continue df = pd.read_csv(CSV_NAME, header=None) data = df.iloc[0].tolist()
def flats_stats(camera='Blue'): """ Check how stable flats are over time. Plot p02 files. """ # Folder with fits files #~ root = sys.argv[1] #~ root='/data/mash/marusa/2m3reduced/wifes/' root = '/data/mash/marusa/wifes_old/' #~ root='/data/mash/marusa/2m3data/wifes/' print('root', root) # Find filenames try: filenames = np.loadtxt('filenames_flats_p02_red??.dat', dtype=str) #~ doesnt_work=True except: print('READING ALL FITS FILES') filenames = [] for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): for name in files: fl = os.path.join(path, name) if camera == 'Blue': if 'ag' in fl or '/reduced_b/T2m3wb' not in fl or '.fits' not in fl or '.pkl' in fl or 'p02' not in fl: continue elif camera == 'Red': if 'ag' in fl or '/reduced_r/T2m3wr' not in fl or '.fits' not in fl or '.pkl' in fl or 'p02' not in fl: continue #~ print(fl) #~ if 'wifesB_super_domeflat.fits' in fl: #~ print(fl) # Read data header = fits.getheader(fl, 0) try: imagetyp = header['IMAGETYP'] except: continue if imagetyp != 'flat': continue #~ print(imagetyp) ccdsec = header['CCDSEC'] ccdsum = header['CCDSUM'] beamsplt = header['BEAMSPLT'] gratingb = header['GRATINGB'] exptime = int(header['EXPTIME']) lamp = header['M1ARCLMP'] #~ print('EXPTIME', exptime) #~ if exptime!=5: #~ continue #~ if beamsplt!='RT480' or gratingb!='B3000': if beamsplt != 'RT480': continue if lamp != 'QI-1': continue filenames.append(fl) # Sort filenames to get time sequence filenames = sorted(filenames) #~ for x in filenames: #~ print(x) np.savetxt('filenames_flats.dat', filenames, fmt='%s') # Colors start = 0.0 stop = 1.0 number_of_lines = len(filenames) cm_subsection = np.linspace(start, stop, number_of_lines) colors = [cm.jet(x) for x in cm_subsection] alpha = 1.0 # both fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) counts = np.zeros(4) medians = [] labels = [] data = [] for i, fl in enumerate(filenames): # Read data #~ print(fl) header = fits.getheader(fl, 0) image_data = fits.getdata(fl, ext=0) ccdsec = header['CCDSEC'] ccdsum = header['CCDSUM'] # Extract one line # This depends on whether it is full/stellar frame and the binning!! if ccdsec == '[1:4202,2057:4112]' and ccdsum == '1 1': # stellar and ybin 1; OK mostly line = image_data[446:520, :] c = 'g' label = 'stellar 1' counts[0] = counts[0] + 1 elif ccdsec == '[1:4202,2057:4112]' and ccdsum == '1 2': # stellar and ybin 2 line = image_data[225:258, :] c = 'k' label = 'stellar 2' counts[1] = counts[1] + 1 elif ccdsec == '[1:4202,1:4112]' and ccdsum == '1 1': # full frame and ybin 1; OK line = image_data[2500:2575, :] c = 'r' label = 'full 1' counts[2] = counts[2] + 1 #~ continue elif ccdsec == '[1:4202,1:4112]' and ccdsum == '1 2': # full frame and ybin 2; OK line = image_data[1251:1287, :] c = 'b' label = 'full 2' counts[3] = counts[3] + 1 # Combine all rows of slitlet into one line = np.nanmedian(line, axis=0) # Normalize #~ m = np.max(line) m = np.percentile(line, 90) medians.append(m) line = line / m # FILTERS: RED if camera == 'Red': if np.median(line[3000:3500]) < 0.5 or line[2000] > 0.9: #~ if line[0]<0.23: print(fl, m, label) continue if line[0] < 0.235: print(fl, m, label, '******') #~ continue if camera == 'Blue': if np.max(line[3500:4000]) > 0.5: #~ if line[0]<0.23: print(fl, m, label) continue date = fl.split('/')[-3] #~ print(fl, label, len(line)) x = range(len(line)) # xbin is always 1! ax.plot(x, line, c='k', alpha=0.1) data.append(line) print(counts) # An average flat data = np.array(data) print(data) overall_median = np.nanmedian(data, axis=0) print(overall_median) np.savetxt('average_flat_%s.dat' % camera, overall_median) ax.plot(x, overall_median, c='r')
def test_call(self): def fun_s(x): return 1. + 2.5 * x def fun_v(x, y, z): theta = np.arctan2(z, y) v_x = 1. + 2.5 * x v_y = v_x * 0.5 * np.cos(theta) v_z = v_x * 0.5 * np.sin(theta) return np.column_stack((v_x, v_y, v_z)) mp_name_from = 'wall_from' mp_name_to = 'wall_to' var_s = 'pressure' var_v = 'displacement' n_from = 7 tmp = np.linspace(0, 5, n_from) x_from, y_from, z_from = tmp, 1. + 0.2 * np.sin( 2 * np.pi / 5 * tmp), np.zeros_like(tmp) v_s_from = fun_s(x_from).reshape(-1, 1) v_v_from = fun_v(x_from, y_from, z_from) model = data_structure.Model() model.create_model_part(mp_name_from, x_from, y_from, y_from, np.arange(n_from)) parameters_from = [{ 'model_part': mp_name_from, 'variables': [var_s, var_v] }] interface_from = data_structure.Interface(parameters_from, model) interface_from.set_variable_data(mp_name_from, var_s, v_s_from) interface_from.set_variable_data(mp_name_from, var_v, v_v_from) # initialize mapper mapper = create_instance(self.parameters) mapper.initialize(model, mp_name_from, mp_name_to, forward=True) parameters_to = [{ 'model_part': mp_name_to, 'variables': [var_s, var_v] }] interface_to = data_structure.Interface(parameters_to, model) mp_to = interface_to.get_model_part(mp_name_to) x_to, y_to, z_to = mp_to.x0, mp_to.y0, mp_to.z0 # check mapped values for 1D variable mapper((interface_from, mp_name_from, var_s), (interface_to, mp_name_to, var_s)) v_s_to_ref = fun_s(x_to).reshape(-1, 1) v_s_to = interface_to.get_variable_data(mp_name_to, var_s) np.testing.assert_allclose(v_s_to, v_s_to_ref, rtol=1e-14) # check mapped values for 3D variable mapper((interface_from, mp_name_from, var_v), (interface_to, mp_name_to, var_v)) v_v_to_ref = fun_v(x_to, y_to, z_to) v_v_to = interface_to.get_variable_data(mp_name_to, var_v) np.testing.assert_allclose(v_v_to, v_v_to_ref, rtol=1e-14) # extra: visualization if self.gui: v_s_from, v_s_to = v_s_from.flatten(), v_s_to.flatten() c_from = cm.jet((v_s_from - v_s_from.min()) / (v_s_from.max() - v_s_from.min())) c_to = cm.jet( (v_s_to - v_s_from.min()) / (v_s_from.max() - v_s_from.min())) fig = plt.figure() ax_s = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax_s.set_title('check geometry and scalar mapping') ax_s.scatter(x_from, y_from, z_from, s=50, c=c_from, depthshade=True, marker='s') ax_s.scatter(x_to, y_to, z_to, s=20, c=c_to, depthshade=True) ax_v = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d') ax_v.set_title('check vector mapping') ax_v.quiver(x_from, y_from, z_from, v_v_from[:, 0], v_v_from[:, 1], v_v_from[:, 2], pivot='tail', arrow_length_ratio=0.1, normalize=False, length=0.1, colors='r', linewidth=3) ax_v.quiver(x_to, y_to, z_to, v_v_to[:, 0], v_v_to[:, 1], v_v_to[:, 2], pivot='tail', arrow_length_ratio=0.1, normalize=False, length=0.1) for ax in [ax_s, ax_v]: ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') plt.get_current_fig_manager().window.showMaximized() plt.close()
def draw_boxes(im, bboxes, is_display=True, color=None, caption="Image", wait=True): """ boxes: bounding boxes """ text_recs=np.zeros((len(bboxes), 8), im=im.copy() index = 0 for box in bboxes: if color==None: if len(box)==8 or len(box)==9: c=tuple(cm.jet([box[-1]])[0, 2::-1]*255) else: c=tuple(np.random.randint(0, 256, 3)) else: c=color b1 = box[6] - box[7] / 2 b2 = box[6] + box[7] / 2 x1 = box[0] y1 = box[5] * box[0] + b1 x2 = box[2] y2 = box[5] * box[2] + b1 x3 = box[0] y3 = box[5] * box[0] + b2 x4 = box[2] y4 = box[5] * box[2] + b2 disX = x2 - x1 disY = y2 - y1 width = np.sqrt(disX*disX + disY*disY) fTmp0 = y3 - y1 fTmp1 = fTmp0 * disY / width x = np.fabs(fTmp1*disX / width) y = np.fabs(fTmp1*disY / width) if box[5] < 0: x1 -= x y1 += y x4 += x y4 -= y else: x2 += x y2 += y x3 -= x y3 -= y cv2.line(im,(int(x1),int(y1)),(int(x2),int(y2)),c,2) cv2.line(im,(int(x1),int(y1)),(int(x3),int(y3)),c,2) cv2.line(im,(int(x4),int(y4)),(int(x2),int(y2)),c,2) cv2.line(im,(int(x3),int(y3)),(int(x4),int(y4)),c,2) text_recs[index, 0] = x1 text_recs[index, 1] = y1 text_recs[index, 2] = x2 text_recs[index, 3] = y2 text_recs[index, 4] = x3 text_recs[index, 5] = y3 text_recs[index, 6] = x4 text_recs[index, 7] = y4 index = index + 1 #cv2.rectangle(im, tuple(box[:2]), tuple(box[2:4]), c,2) if is_display: cv2.imshow('result', im) #if wait: #cv2.waitKey(0) return text_recs
def _tad_density_plot(xpr, maxys=None, fact_res=1., axe=None, focus=None, extras=None, normalized=True, savefig=None, shape='ellipse'): """ """ from import jet show = False if focus: siz = focus[1] - focus[0] figsiz = 4 + (focus[1] - focus[0]) / 30 beg, end = focus tads = dict([ (t, xpr.tads[t]) for t in xpr.tads if (xpr.tads[t]['start'] + 1 >= beg and xpr.tads[t]['end'] <= end) ]) else: siz = xpr.size figsiz = 4 + (siz) / 30 tads = xpr.tads if not axe: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figsiz, 1 + 1 * 1.8)) axe = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) show = True zsin = np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi)) shapes = { 'ellipse': lambda h: [0] + list(h * zsin) + [0], 'rectangle': lambda h: [0] + [h] * 50 + [0], 'triangle': lambda h: ([h / 25 * i for i in xrange(26)] + [h / 25 * i for i in xrange(25, -1, -1)]) } try: shape = shapes[shape] except KeyError: import this table = ''.join([this.d.get(chr(i), chr(i)) for i in range(256)]) if locals()['funcr'.translate(table)].translate(table) == ''.join([ this.s[i].upper() if this.s[i - 1] is 'v' else this.s[i] for i in [24, 36, 163, 8, 6, 16, 36] ]): shape = lambda h: ([h / 25 * i for i in xrange(25)] + [h + 0.2] * 2 + [h / 25 * i for i in xrange(24, -1, -1)]) else: raise NotImplementedError( '%s not valid, use one of ellipse, rectangle or triangle') maxys = maxys if isinstance(maxys, list) else [] zeros = xpr._zeros or {} if normalized and xpr.norm: norms = xpr.norm[0] elif xpr.hic_data: if normalized: warn("WARNING: weights not available, using raw data") norms = xpr.hic_data[0] else: warn("WARNING: raw Hi-C data not available, " + "TAD's height fixed to 1") norms = None if not 'height' in tads[tads.keys()[0]]: diags = [] siz = xpr.size sp1 = siz + 1 if norms: for k in xrange(1, siz): s_k = siz * k diags.append( sum([ norms[i * sp1 + s_k] if not (i in zeros or (i + k) in zeros) else 0. for i in xrange(siz - k) ]) / (siz - k)) for tad in tads: start, end = (int(tads[tad]['start']) + 1, int(tads[tad]['end']) + 1) if norms: matrix = sum([ norms[i + siz * j] if not (i in zeros or j in zeros) else 0. for i in xrange(start - 1, end - 1) for j in xrange(i + 1, end - 1) ]) try: if norms: height = float(matrix) / sum([ diags[i - 1] * (end - start - i) for i in xrange(1, end - start) ]) else: height = 1. except ZeroDivisionError: height = 0. maxys.append(height) start = float(start) / fact_res # facts[iex] end = float(end) / fact_res # facts[iex] axe.fill([start] + list(np.linspace(start, end)) + [end], shape(height), alpha=.8 if height > 1 else 0.4, facecolor='grey', edgecolor='grey') else: for tad in tads: start, end = (int(tads[tad]['start']) + 1, int(tads[tad]['end']) + 1) height = float(tads[tad]['height']) maxys.append(height) axe.fill([start] + list(np.linspace(start, end)) + [end], shape(height), alpha=.8 if height > 1 else 0.4, facecolor='grey', edgecolor='grey') if extras: axe.plot(extras, [.5 for _ in xrange(len(extras))], 'rx') axe.grid() axe.patch.set_visible(False) axe.set_ylabel('Relative\nHi-C count') # for tad in tads: if not tads[tad]['end']: continue tad = tads[tad] axe.plot(((tad['end'] + 1.) / fact_res, ), (0., ), color=jet(tad['score'] / 10) if tad['score'] else 'w', mec=jet(tad['score'] / 10) if tad['score'] else 'k', marker=6, ms=9, alpha=1, clip_on=False) axe.set_xticks([1] + range(100, int(tad['end'] + 1), 50)) axe.minorticks_on() axe.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) axe.hlines(1, tads[tads.keys()[0]]['start'], end, 'k', lw=1.5) if show: tit1 = fig.suptitle("TAD borders", size='x-large') plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.76) fig.set_facecolor('white') plots = [] for scr in xrange(1, 11): plots += plt.plot((100, ), (100, ), marker=6, ms=9, color=jet(float(scr) / 10), mec='none') try: axe.legend(plots, [str(scr) for scr in xrange(1, 11)], numpoints=1, title='Border scores', fontsize='small', loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.1)) except TypeError: axe.legend(plots, [str(scr) for scr in xrange(1, 11)], numpoints=1, title='Border scores', loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.1)) axe.set_ylim((0, max(maxys) + 0.4)) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) else:
def modb_on_surface(self, s=1, ntheta=64, nphi=64, plot=True, show=False, outxyz=None, full=False, alpha=1, mayavi=True): #first attempt will use trisurface, let's see how it looks r = np.zeros([nphi, ntheta]) z = np.zeros([nphi, ntheta]) x = np.zeros([nphi, ntheta]) y = np.zeros([nphi, ntheta]) b = np.zeros([nphi, ntheta]) if full: divval = 1 else: divval = self.nfp theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=ntheta) phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi / divval, num=nphi) for phii in range(nphi): p = phi[phii] for ti in range(ntheta): th = theta[ti] r[phii, ti] = self.r_at_point(s, th, p) z[phii, ti] = self.z_at_point(s, th, p) x[phii, ti] += r[phii, ti] * np.cos(p) y[phii, ti] += r[phii, ti] * np.sin(p) b[phii, ti] = self.modb_at_point(s, th, p) my_col = cm.jet((b - np.min(b)) / (np.max(b) - np.min(b))) if plot and (not use_mayavi or not mayavi): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #my_col = cm.jet((b-np.min(b))/(np.max(b)-np.min(b))) ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, facecolors=my_col, norm=True, alpha=alpha) #set axis to equal max_range = np.array( [x.max() - x.min(), y.max() - y.min(), z.max() - z.min()]).max() / 2.0 mid_x = (x.max() + x.min()) * 0.5 mid_y = (y.max() + y.min()) * 0.5 mid_z = (z.max() + z.min()) * 0.5 ax.set_xlim(mid_x - max_range, mid_x + max_range) ax.set_ylim(mid_y - max_range, mid_y + max_range) ax.set_zlim(mid_z - max_range, mid_z + max_range) if show: elif plot and use_mayavi and mayavi: mlab.figure(bgcolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), size=(800, 600)) mlab.contour3d(x, y, z, b) if show: if outxyz is not None: wf = open(outxyz, 'w') for phii in range(nphi): for ti in range(ntheta): s = (str(x[phii, ti]) + '\t' + str(y[phii, ti]) + '\t' + str(z[phii, ti]) + '\n') wf.write(s) return [x, y, z, b]
def plt3dpaint(nppoints, color_map = 'jet', reduce_for_vis = True, voxel_size = 0.2, pointsize = 0.1, subplots = 5): """ displays point clouds on matplotlib 3d scatter plots Args: nppoints: pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB | pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ | np.ndarray | list | tuple Either a (n,3) point cloud or a list or tuple of point clouds to be displayed color_map: str | list 3 By default uses jet color map, it can be a list with 3 ints between 0 and 255 to represent an RBG color to color all points reduce_for_vis: bool If true it performs voxel subsampling before displaying the point cloud voxel_size: float If reduce_for_vis is true, sets the voxel size for the voxel subsampling pointsize: int Size of the distplayed points subplots: int Number of subplots to create, each plot has a view rotation of 360/subplots Returns: None """ assert (type(nppoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB) or (type(nppoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ) or (type(nppoints) == np.ndarray) or (type(nppoints) is list) or (type(nppoints) is tuple), 'Not valid point_cloud' cloudlist = [] cloudcolors = [] if (type(nppoints) is not list) & (type(nppoints) is not tuple): nppoints = [nppoints] if len(nppoints) > 1: for n,i in enumerate(nppoints): workpoints = i if (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB) or (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ): workpoints = if reduce_for_vis: workpoints = seg_tree.voxelize(workpoints,voxel_size) cloudmin = np.min(workpoints[:,2]) cloudmax = np.max(workpoints[:,2]) points = workpoints color_coef = n/len(nppoints)/2 + n%2*.5 if type(color_map) == np.ndarray: color = color_map elif color_map == 'jet': color=cm.jet(color_coef)[:3] else: color=cm.Set1(color_coef)[:3] cloudcolors.append(np.ones_like(workpoints)*color + 0.4*(np.ones_like(workpoints) * ((workpoints[:,2] - cloudmin)/(cloudmax - cloudmin)).reshape(-1,1)-0.5) ) cloudlist.append(points) else: workpoints = nppoints[0] if (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB) or (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ): workpoints = if reduce_for_vis: workpoints = seg_tree.voxelize(workpoints,voxel_size) cloudcolors.append(workpoints[:,2]) cloudlist.append(workpoints) plt_pointcloud = np.concatenate(cloudlist) plt_colors = np.concatenate(cloudcolors) if len(nppoints) > 1: plt_colors = np.minimum(plt_colors,np.ones_like(plt_colors)) plt_colors = np.maximum(plt_colors,np.zeros_like(plt_colors)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,16) ) for i in range(subplots): ax = fig.add_subplot(1, subplots, i+1, projection='3d') ax.view_init(30, 360*i/subplots) ax.scatter3D(plt_pointcloud[:,0], plt_pointcloud[:,1], plt_pointcloud[:,2], c=plt_colors, s=pointsize)
def plot_cluster_animation(self, nlevel=-1, interval=500, title="", xlabel="", ylabel=""): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) nframe = len(self.clustersave) if nlevel < 0: nframe = nframe + 1 + nlevel else: nframe = nlevel # list_object contains ellipse patches and scatter plot for data list_object = [] for cluster in range(self.ncluster): ell = Ellipse(xy=np.array([0, 0]), width=1, height=1, angle=0, color=cm.jet((cluster + 1) / self.ncluster), alpha=0.4, visible=False) list_object.append(ell) ax.add_patch(ell) # insert scatter plot of data points as initial entry in list scat = ax.scatter(self.X[0, :], self.X[1, :], color=cm.jet(0), marker="o", s=15) list_object.insert(0, scat) def update(i, list_object, clustersave, meansave, Covsave, weightsave): # update mean, width, height, angle for normal pdf contour for each cluster nellipse = len(list_object) - 1 for cluster in range(nellipse): # call function to compute mean, width, height, angle for latest iteration mean, width, height, angle = normal.create_ellipse_patch_details( meansave[i][cluster], Covsave[i][cluster], weightsave[i][cluster]) list_object[cluster + 1].set_center(mean) list_object[cluster + 1].width = width list_object[cluster + 1].height = height list_object[cluster + 1].angle = angle list_object[cluster + 1].set_visible(True) # update color of data points based on cluster assignments list_object[0].set_color(cm.jet((clustersave[i] + 1) / (nellipse))) return list_object ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig=fig, func=update, frames=nframe, fargs=[ list_object, self.clustersave, self.meansave, self.Covsave, self.weightsave ], repeat_delay=0, repeat=True, interval=interval, blit=True)
#Create axis axAll = figAll.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) rowIdx = 0 #rowIdx=np.mod(len(allAnglesAligned),3) #Idx=np.mod(len(allAnglesAligned),3) for i in range(len(allAnglesAligned)): #if columnIdx==1: #rowIdx=rowIdx+1 #print rowIdx,columnIdx,i+1 #axSeries=figSeries.add_subplot(rowIdx,columnIdx,i+1) color = cm.jet(float(i) / len(allAnglesAligned)) for j in range(len(allAnglesAligned[i])): #axSeries.plot(allAnglesAligned[i][j],allSignalsAligned[i][j],color=color) #axSeries.set_title("series = "+str(i)) axAll.plot(allAnglesAligned[i][j], allSignalsAligned[i][j], color=color, label="series = " + str(i)) plt.draw() print "done" raw_input()
def plot_template_estimate(data, samplename, figaxs=None): '''Plots for the estimate of template numbers''' if figaxs is not None: fig, axs = figaxs else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(13, 8)) ax = axs[0] xmin = 1e-3 xpl = np.linspace(xmin, 1 - xmin, 1000) # Plot diagonal ax.plot(xpl, xpl, lw=1.5, color='k') # Plot max discrepancy curve, x (1 - x) / var, given by two samples, when # x = (x1 + x2) / 2 # var = ((x1 - x2) / 2)**2 ypl = xpl * (1 - xpl) / ((xpl >= 0.5) - xpl)**2 axs[1].plot(xpl, ypl, lw=1.5, color='k') for (samplename_p, fr1, fr2), (af1, af2) in data['af'].iteritems(): if samplename_p != samplename: continue color = cm.jet(1.0 * int(fr1[1]) / 5) ax = axs[0] ax.scatter(af1, af2, color=color, label='-'.join((fr1, fr2))) # Plot the noise variance n = data['n'][(samplename, fr1, fr2)] std = np.sqrt(xpl * (1 - xpl) / n) y1 = xpl + std y2 = xpl - std ax.plot(xpl, y1, color=color, lw=1) ax.plot(xpl, y2, color=color, lw=1) # Plot the variances ax = axs[1] ax.scatter(data['mean'][(samplename, fr1, fr2)], data['n_all'][(samplename, fr1, fr2)], color=color) n = data['n'][(samplename, fr1, fr2)] if not np.isnan(n): if data['nsites'][(samplename, fr1, fr2)] > 0: ls = '-' else: ls = '--' ax.plot(xpl, [n] * len(xpl), lw=1.5, ls=ls, alpha=0.5, color=color) ax = axs[0] ax.grid(True) ax.set_xscale('logit') ax.set_yscale('logit') ax.set_xlim(xmin, 1 - xmin) ax.set_ylim(xmin, 1 - xmin) ax.set_xlabel('leading fragment') ax.set_ylabel('trailing fragment') ax.set_title(samplename) ax = axs[1] ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('Average frequency') ax.set_ylabel('x (1 - x) / var(x)') ax.set_xscale('logit') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim(xmin, 1 - xmin) ax.set_ylim(ymin=1) plt.tight_layout()
# print day xpos, ypos, zpos = [], [], [] dz = [] for hourlydata in range(len(day)): for value in day[hourlydata]: xpos.append(0 + hourlydata) ypos.append(day[hourlydata].index(value)) zpos.append(0) dz.append(value) dx = np.ones(len(xpos)) dy = np.ones(len(ypos)) nrm = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, m) colors = cm.jet(nrm(dz)) fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig, azim=45, elev=15) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') plt.ylabel('Applications') plt.xlabel('Time of the Day (Hours)') plt.title("blahblahblah") cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(ax, shrink=.75, pad=.02) #add colorbar with normalized range cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cm.jet, norm=nrm) # ax1 = Axes3D(fig,azim=-40,elev=70) ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color=colors)
def open3dpaint(nppoints, color_map = 'jet', reduce_for_vis = False, voxel_size = 0.1, pointsize = 0.1): """ Opens an open3d visualizer and displays point clouds Args: nppoints: pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB | pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ | np.ndarray | list | tuple Either a (n,3) point cloud or a list or tuple of point clouds to be displayed color_map: str | list 3 By default uses jet color map, it can be a list with 3 ints between 0 and 255 to represent an RBG color to color all points reduce_for_vis: bool If true it performs voxel subsampling before displaying the point cloud voxel_size: float If reduce_for_vis is true, sets the voxel size for the voxel subsampling pointsize: int Size of the distplayed points Returns: None """ assert (type(nppoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB) or (type(nppoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ) or (type(nppoints) == np.ndarray) or (type(nppoints) is list) or (type(nppoints) is tuple), 'Not valid point_cloud' if (type(nppoints) is not list) & (type(nppoints) is not tuple): nppoints = [nppoints] try: visualizer = open3d.visualization.Visualizer() visualizer.create_window() options = visualizer.get_render_option() options.background_color = np.asarray([0, 0, 0]) options.point_size = pointsize if len(nppoints) > 1: for n,i in enumerate(nppoints): workpoints = i if (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB) or (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ): workpoints = if reduce_for_vis: workpoints = seg_tree.voxelize(workpoints,voxel_size) points = convertcloud(workpoints) color_coef = n/len(nppoints)/2 + n%2*.5 if type(color_map) == np.ndarray: color = color_map elif color_map == 'jet': color=cm.jet(color_coef)[:3] else: color=cm.Set1(color_coef)[:3] points.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.ones_like(workpoints)*color) #points.colors = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color) visualizer.add_geometry(points) else: workpoints = nppoints[0] if (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZRGB) or (type(workpoints) == pclpy.pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZ): workpoints = if reduce_for_vis: workpoints = seg_tree.voxelize(workpoints,voxel_size) points = convertcloud(workpoints) visualizer.add_geometry(points) visualizer.destroy_window() except Exception as e: print(type(e)) print(e.args) print(e) visualizer.destroy_window()
def dojointplot(ds, spec, freq, beamazel, optical, optazel, optlla, isrlla, heightkm, utopt, P): """ ds: radar data f1,a1: radar figure,axes f2,a2: optical figure,axes """ vidnorm = LogNorm() assert isinstance(ds, xarray.DataArray) # %% setup master figure fg = figure(figsize=(8, 12)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1]) # %% setup radar plot(s) a1 = fg.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotsumionline(ds, a1, isrutils.expfn(P["isrfn"]), P["zlim"]) h1 = a1.axvline(np.nan, color="k", linestyle="--") t1 = a1.text(0.05, 0.95, "time=", transform=a1.transAxes, va="top", ha="left") # %% setup top optical plot if optical is not None: a0 = fg.add_subplot(gs[0]) clim = compclim(optical, lower=10, upper=99.99) h0 = a0.imshow( optical[0, ...], origin="lower", interpolation="none", cmap="gray", norm=vidnorm, vmin=clim[0], vmax=clim[1], ) a0.set_axis_off() t0 = a0.set_title("") # %% plot magnetic zenith beam azimg = optazel[:, 1].reshape(optical.shape[1:]) elimg = optazel[:, 2].reshape(optical.shape[1:]) optisrazel = projectisrhist(isrlla, beamazel, optlla, optazel, heightkm) br, bc = findindex2Dsphere(azimg, elimg, optisrazel["az"], optisrazel["el"]) # hollow beam circle # a2.scatter(bc,br,s=500,marker='o',facecolors='none',edgecolor='red', alpha=0.5) # beam data, filled circle s0 = a0.scatter( bc, br, s=2700, alpha=0.6, linewidths=3, edgecolors=jet(np.linspace(ds.min().item(), ds.max().item())), ) a0.autoscale(True, tight=True) fg.tight_layout() # %% time sync tisr = Iisr, Iopt = timesync(tisr, utopt, P["tlim"]) # %% iterate first = True Writer = anim.writers["ffmpeg"] writer = Writer(fps=5, metadata=dict(artist="Michael Hirsch, Ph.D."), codec="ffv1") ofn = Path(P["odir"]).expanduser() / ("joint_" + str( datetime.fromtimestamp(utopt[0]))[:-3].replace(":", "") + ".mkv") print(f"writing {ofn}") with writer.saving(fg, str(ofn), 150): for iisr, iopt in zip(Iisr, Iopt): ctisr = tisr[iisr] # %% update isr plot h1.set_xdata(ctisr) t1.set_text("isr: {}".format(ctisr)) # %% update hist plot if iopt is not None: ctopt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utopt[iopt]) h0.set_data(optical[iopt, ...]) t0.set_text("optical: {}".format(ctopt)) s0.set_array( ds.loc[ctisr] ) # FIXME circle not changing magnetic zenith beam color? NOTE this is isr time index # %% anim if first and iopt is not None: plotazelscale(optical[iopt, ...], azimg, elimg) show() first = False # draw() pause(0.01) writer.grab_frame(facecolor="k") if ofn.suffix == ".png": try: writeplots(fg, ctopt, ofn, ctxt="joint") except UnboundLocalError: writeplots(fg, ctisr, ofn, ctxt="isr")
def test_andrews_curves(self, iris): from pandas.plotting import andrews_curves from matplotlib import cm df = iris _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name") rgba = ("#556270", "#4ECDC4", "#C7F464") ax = _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name", color=rgba) self._check_colors(ax.get_lines()[:10], linecolors=rgba, mapping=df["Name"][:10]) cnames = ["dodgerblue", "aquamarine", "seagreen"] ax = _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name", color=cnames) self._check_colors(ax.get_lines()[:10], linecolors=cnames, mapping=df["Name"][:10]) ax = _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name", colormap=cm.jet) cmaps = [cm.jet(n) for n in np.linspace(0, 1, df["Name"].nunique())] self._check_colors(ax.get_lines()[:10], linecolors=cmaps, mapping=df["Name"][:10]) length = 10 df = DataFrame({ "A": random.rand(length), "B": random.rand(length), "C": random.rand(length), "Name": ["A"] * length, }) _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name") rgba = ("#556270", "#4ECDC4", "#C7F464") ax = _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name", color=rgba) self._check_colors(ax.get_lines()[:10], linecolors=rgba, mapping=df["Name"][:10]) cnames = ["dodgerblue", "aquamarine", "seagreen"] ax = _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name", color=cnames) self._check_colors(ax.get_lines()[:10], linecolors=cnames, mapping=df["Name"][:10]) ax = _check_plot_works(andrews_curves, frame=df, class_column="Name", colormap=cm.jet) cmaps = [cm.jet(n) for n in np.linspace(0, 1, df["Name"].nunique())] self._check_colors(ax.get_lines()[:10], linecolors=cmaps, mapping=df["Name"][:10]) colors = ["b", "g", "r"] df = DataFrame({ "A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [1, 2, 3], "C": [1, 2, 3], "Name": colors }) ax = andrews_curves(df, "Name", color=colors) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() self._check_colors(handles, linecolors=colors) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): andrews_curves(data=df, class_column="Name")
def test_boxplot_colors(self): def _check_colors(bp, box_c, whiskers_c, medians_c, caps_c="k", fliers_c=None): # TODO: outside this func? if fliers_c is None: fliers_c = "k" self._check_colors(bp["boxes"], linecolors=[box_c] * len(bp["boxes"])) self._check_colors( bp["whiskers"], linecolors=[whiskers_c] * len(bp["whiskers"]) ) self._check_colors( bp["medians"], linecolors=[medians_c] * len(bp["medians"]) ) self._check_colors(bp["fliers"], linecolors=[fliers_c] * len(bp["fliers"])) self._check_colors(bp["caps"], linecolors=[caps_c] * len(bp["caps"])) default_colors = self._unpack_cycler(self.plt.rcParams) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 5)) bp ="dict") _check_colors(bp, default_colors[0], default_colors[0], default_colors[2]) tm.close() dict_colors = { "boxes": "#572923", "whiskers": "#982042", "medians": "#804823", "caps": "#123456", } bp =, sym="r+", return_type="dict") _check_colors( bp, dict_colors["boxes"], dict_colors["whiskers"], dict_colors["medians"], dict_colors["caps"], "r", ) tm.close() # partial colors dict_colors = {"whiskers": "c", "medians": "m"} bp =, return_type="dict") _check_colors(bp, default_colors[0], "c", "m") tm.close() from matplotlib import cm # Test str -> colormap functionality bp ="jet", return_type="dict") jet_colors = [cm.jet(n) for n in np.linspace(0, 1, 3)] _check_colors(bp, jet_colors[0], jet_colors[0], jet_colors[2]) tm.close() # Test colormap functionality bp =, return_type="dict") _check_colors(bp, jet_colors[0], jet_colors[0], jet_colors[2]) tm.close() # string color is applied to all artists except fliers bp ="DodgerBlue", return_type="dict") _check_colors(bp, "DodgerBlue", "DodgerBlue", "DodgerBlue", "DodgerBlue") # tuple is also applied to all artists except fliers bp =, 1, 0), sym="#123456", return_type="dict") _check_colors(bp, (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), "#123456") with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Color contains invalid key results in ValueError{"boxes": "red", "xxxx": "blue"})
def draw(ax, cam_width, cam_height, focal_px, scale_focal, extrinsics, end_effector_poses, board_width, board_height, square_size, eMc, frame_size): from matplotlib import cm min_values = np.zeros((3, 1)) min_values = np.inf max_values = np.zeros((3, 1)) max_values = -np.inf X_moving = create_camera_model(cam_width, cam_height, focal_px, scale_focal) X_static = create_board_model(extrinsics, board_width, board_height, square_size, True) X_frame = create_frame(frame_size) cm_subsection = linspace(0.0, 1.0, extrinsics.shape[0]) colors = [cm.jet(x) for x in cm_subsection] patternCentric = True #print('len(X_static) : ', len(X_static)); #exit(); li_color = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b'] for i in range(len(X_static)): X = np.zeros(X_static[i].shape) #print('i :', i, ', X_static[i].shape :', X_static[i].shape) for j in range(X_static[i].shape[1]): #print('\tj :', j, ', X_static[i][:, j] :', X_static[i][:, j]) X[:, j] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(np.eye(4), X_static[i][:, j], patternCentric) #print('X.shape :', X.shape); exit() #ax.plot3D(X[0, :], X[1, :], X[2, :], color='r') ax.plot3D(X[0, :], X[1, :], X[2, :], color=li_color[i]) ''' ax.plot3D(X[0, 0], X[1, 0], X[2, 0], color='k') ax.plot3D(X[0, 1], X[1, 1], X[2, 1], color='r') ax.plot3D(X[0, 2], X[1, 2], X[2, 2], color='g') ax.plot3D(X[0, 3], X[1, 3], X[2, 3], color='b') ''' min_values = np.minimum(min_values, X[0:3, :].min(1)) max_values = np.maximum(max_values, X[0:3, :].max(1)) #exit() #print('extrinsics.shape :', extrinsics.shape) #print('end_effector_poses.shape :', end_effector_poses.shape); #exit() for idx in range(extrinsics.shape[0]): cMo = pose_to_homogeneous_matrix(extrinsics[idx, :]) fMe = pose_to_homogeneous_matrix(end_effector_poses[idx, :]) for i in range(len(X_moving)): X = np.zeros(X_moving[i].shape) for j in range(X_moving[i].shape[1]): X[0:4, j] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(cMo, X_moving[i][0:4, j], patternCentric) #print('i :', i, ', X.shape :', X.shape); #exit(); ax.plot3D(X[0, :], X[1, :], X[2, :], color=colors[idx]) min_values = np.minimum(min_values, X[0:3, :].min(1)) max_values = np.maximum(max_values, X[0:3, :].max(1)) #exit() eMo = oX = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float64) oY = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float64) oZ = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float64) ec = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float64) oX[:, 0] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 0], patternCentric) oX[:, 1] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 1], patternCentric) ax.plot3D(oX[0, :], oX[1, :], oX[2, :], color='r') oY[:, 0] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 0], patternCentric) oY[:, 1] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 2], patternCentric) ax.plot3D(oY[0, :], oY[1, :], oY[2, :], color='g') oZ[:, 0] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 0], patternCentric) oZ[:, 1] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 3], patternCentric) ax.plot3D(oZ[0, :], oZ[1, :], oZ[2, :], color='b') ec[:, 0] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 0], patternCentric) ec[:, 1] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(cMo, X_moving[2][0:4, 0], patternCentric) ax.plot3D(ec[0, :], ec[1, :], ec[2, :], color=colors[idx]) #ax.text(ec[0, 0], ec[1, 0], ec[2, 0], '%d' % idx, color=colors[idx]) ax.text(ec[0, 1], ec[1, 1], ec[2, 1], '%d' % idx, color=colors[idx]) fe = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float64) #oMf = fMo = #fMo = np.linalg.inv(fMo) fe[:, 0] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(eMo, X_frame[:, 0], patternCentric) fe[:, 1] = transform_to_matplotlib_frame(fMo, X_frame[:, 0], not patternCentric) ax.plot3D(fe[0, :], fe[1, :], fe[2, :], color=colors[idx]) #print('idx :', idx, 'colors[idx] :', colors[idx]) return min_values, max_values
plt.ylabel('Dstortion') # Quantifying the quality of clustering via silhouette plots cluster_labels = np.unique(y_km) n_clusters = cluster_labels.shape[0] silhouette_vals = silhouette_samples(X, y_km, metric='euclidean') y_ax_lower, y_ax_upper = 0, 0 yticks = [] for i, c in enumerate(cluster_labels): c_silhouette_vals = silhouette_vals[y_km == c] c_silhouette_vals.sort() y_ax_upper += len(c_silhouette_vals) color = cm.jet(i / n_clusters) plt.barh(range(y_ax_lower, y_ax_upper), c_silhouette_vals, height=1.0, edgecolor='none', color=color) yticks.append((y_ax_lower + y_ax_upper) / 2) y_ax_lower += len(c_silhouette_vals) silhouette_avg = np.mean(silhouette_vals) plt.axvline(silhouette_avg, color='red', linestyle='--') plt.yticks(yticks, cluster_labels + 1) plt.ylabel('Cluster') plt.xlabel('Shilhouette coefficient')
def test_line_colors_and_styles_subplots(self): # GH 9894 from matplotlib import cm default_colors = self._unpack_cycler(self.plt.rcParams) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 5)) axes = df.plot(subplots=True) for ax, c in zip(axes, list(default_colors)): self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=[c]) tm.close() # single color char axes = df.plot(subplots=True, color="k") for ax in axes: self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=["k"]) tm.close() # single color str axes = df.plot(subplots=True, color="green") for ax in axes: self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=["green"]) tm.close() custom_colors = "rgcby" axes = df.plot(color=custom_colors, subplots=True) for ax, c in zip(axes, list(custom_colors)): self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=[c]) tm.close() axes = df.plot(color=list(custom_colors), subplots=True) for ax, c in zip(axes, list(custom_colors)): self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=[c]) tm.close() # GH 10299 custom_colors = ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#FFFF00", "#000000", "#FFFFFF"] axes = df.plot(color=custom_colors, subplots=True) for ax, c in zip(axes, list(custom_colors)): self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=[c]) tm.close() rgba_colors = [cm.jet(n) for n in np.linspace(0, 1, len(df))] for cmap in ["jet", cm.jet]: axes = df.plot(colormap=cmap, subplots=True) for ax, c in zip(axes, rgba_colors): self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=[c]) tm.close() # make color a list if plotting one column frame # handles cases like df.plot(color='DodgerBlue') axes = df.loc[:, [0]].plot(color="DodgerBlue", subplots=True) self._check_colors(axes[0].lines, linecolors=["DodgerBlue"]) # single character style axes = df.plot(style="r", subplots=True) for ax in axes: self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=["r"]) tm.close() # list of styles styles = list("rgcby") axes = df.plot(style=styles, subplots=True) for ax, c in zip(axes, styles): self._check_colors(ax.get_lines(), linecolors=[c]) tm.close()
def FPPsummary(self, fig=None, figsize=(10, 8), folder='.', saveplot=False, starinfo=True, siginfo=True, priorinfo=True, constraintinfo=True, tag=None, simple=False, figformat='png'): if simple: starinfo = False siginfo = False priorinfo = False constraintinfo = False setfig(fig, figsize=figsize) # three pie charts priors = [] lhoods = [] Ls = [] for model in self.popset.modelnames: priors.append(self.prior(model)) lhoods.append(self.lhood(model)) if np.isnan(priors[-1]): raise ValueError('{} prior is nan; priorfactors={}'.format( model, self.priorfactors)) Ls.append(priors[-1] * lhoods[-1]) priors = np.array(priors) lhoods = np.array(lhoods) Ls = np.array(Ls) logging.debug('modelnames={}'.format(self.popset.modelnames)) logging.debug('priors={}'.format(priors)) logging.debug('lhoods={}'.format(lhoods)) #colors = ['b','g','r','m','c'] nmodels = len(self.popset.modelnames) colors = [cm.jet(1. * i / nmodels) for i in range(nmodels)] legendprop = {'size': 11} ax1 = plt.axes([0.15, 0.45, 0.35, 0.43]) try: plt.pie(priors / priors.sum(), colors=colors) labels = [] for i, model in enumerate(self.popset.modelnames): labels.append('%s: %.1e' % (model, priors[i])) plt.legend(labels, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.25, -0.1), loc='lower left', prop=legendprop) plt.title('Priors') except: msg = 'Error calculating priors.\n' for i, mod in enumerate(self.popset.shortmodelnames): msg += '%s: %.1e' % (model, priors[i]) plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.5, 0.5), xy_coords='axes fraction') ax2 = plt.axes([0.5, 0.45, 0.35, 0.43]) try: plt.pie(lhoods / lhoods.sum(), colors=colors) labels = [] for i, model in enumerate(self.popset.modelnames): labels.append('%s: %.1e' % (model, lhoods[i])) plt.legend(labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, -0.1), loc='lower right', prop=legendprop) plt.title('Likelihoods') except: msg = 'Error calculating lhoods.\n' for i, mod in enumerate(self.popset.shortmodelnames): msg += '%s: %.1e' % (model, lhoods[i]) plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.5, 0.5), xy_coords='axes fraction') ax3 = plt.axes([0.3, 0.03, 0.4, 0.5]) plt.pie(Ls / Ls.sum(), colors=colors) labels = [] #for i,model in enumerate(['eb','heb','bgeb','bgpl','pl']): for i, model in enumerate(self.popset.modelnames): labels.append('%s: %.3f' % (model, Ls[i] / Ls.sum())) plt.legend(labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.6, 0.44), loc='right', prop={'size': 14}, shadow=True) plt.annotate('Final Probability', xy=(0.5, -0.01), ha='center', xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=18) """ #starpars = 'Star parameters used\nin simulations' starpars = '' if 'M' in self['heb'].stars.keywords and 'DM_P' in self.keywords: starpars += '\n$M/M_\odot = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$' % (self['M'],self['DM_P'],self['DM_N']) else: starpars += '\n$(M/M_\odot = %.2f \pm %.2f)$' % (self['M'],0) #this might not always be right? if 'DR_P' in self.keywords: starpars += '\n$R/R_\odot = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$' % (self['R'],self['DR_P'],self['DR_N']) else: starpars += '\n$R/R_\odot = %.2f \pm %.2f$' % (self['R'],self['DR']) if 'FEH' in self.keywords: if 'DFEH_P' in self.keywords: starpars += '\n$[Fe/H] = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$' % (self['FEH'],self['DFEH_P'],self['DFEH_N']) else: starpars += '\n$[Fe/H] = %.2f \pm %.2f$' % (self['FEH'],self['DFEH']) for kw in self.keywords: if'-',kw): try: starpars += '\n$%s = %.2f (%.2f)$ ' % (kw,self[kw],self['COLORTOL']) except TypeError: starpars += '\n$%s = %s (%.2f)$ ' % (kw,self[kw],self['COLORTOL']) #if 'J-K' in self.keywords: # starpars += '\n$J-K = %.2f (%.2f)$ ' % (self['J-K'],self['COLORTOL']) #if 'G-R' in self.keywords: # starpars += '\n$g-r = %.2f (%.2f)$' % (self['G-R'],self['COLORTOL']) if starinfo: plt.annotate(starpars,xy=(0.03,0.91),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') #p.annotate('Star',xy=(0.04,0.92),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') priorpars = r'$f_{b,short} = %.2f$ $f_{trip} = %.2f$' % (self.priorfactors['fB']*self.priorfactors['f_Pshort'], self.priorfactors['ftrip']) if 'ALPHA' in self.priorfactors: priorpars += '\n'+r'$f_{pl,bg} = %.2f$ $\alpha_{pl,bg} = %.1f$' % (self.priorfactors['fp'],self['ALPHA']) else: priorpars += '\n'+r'$f_{pl,bg} = %.2f$ $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,r_b = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f$' % \ (self.priorfactors['fp'],self['bgpl'].stars.keywords['ALPHA1'], self['bgpl'].stars.keywords['ALPHA2'], self['bgpl'].stars.keywords['RBREAK']) rbin1,rbin2 = self['RBINCEN']-self['RBINWID'],self['RBINCEN']+self['RBINWID'] priorpars += '\n$f_{pl,specific} = %.2f, \in [%.2f,%.2f] R_\oplus$' % (self.priorfactors['fp_specific'],rbin1,rbin2) priorpars += '\n$r_{confusion} = %.1f$"' % sqrt(self.priorfactors['area']/pi) if self.priorfactors['multboost'] != 1: priorpars += '\nmultiplicity boost = %ix' % self.priorfactors['multboost'] if priorinfo: plt.annotate(priorpars,xy=(0.03,0.4),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') sigpars = '' sigpars += '\n$P = %s$ d' % self['P'] depth,ddepth = self.trsig.depthfit sigpars += '\n$\delta = %i^{+%i}_{-%i}$ ppm' % (depth*1e6,ddepth[1]*1e6,ddepth[0]*1e6) dur,ddur = self.trsig.durfit sigpars += '\n$T = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$ h' % (dur*24.,ddur[1]*24,ddur[0]*24) slope,dslope = self.trsig.slopefit sigpars += '\n'+r'$T/\tau = %.1f^{+%.1f}_{-%.1f}$' % (slope,dslope[1],dslope[0]) sigpars += '\n'+r'$(T/\tau)_{max} = %.1f$' % (self.trsig.maxslope) if siginfo: plt.annotate(sigpars,xy=(0.81,0.91),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') #p.annotate('${}^a$Not used for FP population simulations',xy=(0.02,0.02), # xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize=9) """ constraints = 'Constraints:' for c in self.popset.constraints: try: constraints += '\n %s' % self['heb'].constraints[c] except KeyError: constraints += '\n %s' % self['beb'].constraints[c] if constraintinfo: plt.annotate(constraints, xy=(0.03, 0.22), xycoords='figure fraction', va='top', color='red') odds = 1. / self.FPP() if odds > 1e6: fppstr = 'FPP: < 1 in 1e6' else: fppstr = 'FPP: 1 in %i' % odds plt.annotate('$f_{pl,V} = %.3f$\n%s' % (self.fpV(), fppstr), xy=(0.7, 0.02), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=16, va='bottom') plt.suptitle(, fontsize=22) #if not simple: # plt.annotate('n = %.0e' % self.n,xy=(0.5,0.85),xycoords='figure fraction', # fontsize=14,ha='center') if saveplot: if tag is not None: plt.savefig('%s/FPPsummary_%s.%s' % (folder, tag, figformat)) else: plt.savefig('%s/FPPsummary.%s' % (folder, figformat)) plt.close()
Y_lm = sph_harmonic(2, 0, theta, phi).real Y_sup = np.sqrt(3./8)*sph_harmonic(2,2,theta,phi) + np.sqrt(3./8)*sph_harmonic(2,-2,theta,phi) -\ 0.5*sph_harmonic(2,0,theta,phi) ################################################################################################## r = np.abs(Y_sup) # The Cartesian coordinates of the spheres x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) z = r * np.cos(theta) N = r/r.max() # Color scaling for mapping on to the harmonics fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d'), figsize=(12,10)) im = ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=cm.jet(N)) m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) m.set_array(r) # Assign the unnormalized data array to the mappable #so that the scale corresponds to the values of R fig.colorbar(m, shrink=0.8); ax.set_axis_off() ################################################################################################## # Calculate the spherical harmonic Y(l,m) and normalize to [0,1] fcolors = Y_sup.real fmax, fmin = fcolors.max(), fcolors.min() fcolors = (fcolors - fmin)/(fmax - fmin) x = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) y = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
def stampa(img, soglia_sup, soglia_inf, sf, graph_results_date, x, y, vx, vy): soglia_sup = int(soglia_sup) soglia_inf = int(soglia_inf) H = img.RasterYSize W = img.RasterXSize #data=np.loadtxt(risultati,skiprows=1) modulo_spostamenti = np.sqrt((vx**2) * sf * sf + (vy**2) * sf * sf) #rimuovo dal grafico le deformazioni con modulo inferiore/superiore al valore della soglia limite_inf = np.where(modulo_spostamenti > soglia_sup)[0] modulo_spostamenti = np.delete(modulo_spostamenti, limite_inf, axis=0) limite_sup = np.where(modulo_spostamenti < soglia_inf)[0] modulo_spostamenti = np.delete(modulo_spostamenti, limite_sup, axis=0) x = np.delete(x, limite_inf, axis=0) x = np.delete(x, limite_sup, axis=0) y = np.delete(y, limite_inf, axis=0) y = np.delete(y, limite_sup, axis=0) vx = np.delete(vx, limite_inf, axis=0) vx = np.delete(vx, limite_sup, axis=0) vy = np.delete(vy, limite_inf, axis=0) vy = np.delete(vy, limite_sup, axis=0) nz = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=soglia_inf, vmax=soglia_sup) fig = plt.figure(str(data[0]) + " - " + str(data[1])) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.set_prop_cycle(['red', 'black', 'yellow']) #ax.set_color_cycle(['red', 'black', 'yellow']) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.ylabel('Northing (m)') plt.xlabel('Easting (m)') img_band = img.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, 0, W, H) img_band_int = np.int_(img_band) gt = img.GetGeoTransform() extent = (gt[0], gt[0] + img.RasterXSize * gt[1], gt[3] + img.RasterYSize * gt[5], gt[3]) plt.imshow(img_band_int, extent=extent, origin='upper', #ipdb.set_trace() plt.quiver(x, y, (vx * sf) / modulo_spostamenti, (sf * vy) / modulo_spostamenti, angles='xy', scale=50, color=cm.jet(nz(modulo_spostamenti))) plt.ylim([4742500, 4760000]) #intervallo sulle y plt.xlim([613000, 637000]) #intervallo sulle x divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cb = mcolorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cm.jet, norm=nz) cb.set_clim(soglia_inf, soglia_sup) # cb.set_label('meters/month') plt.savefig(graph_results_date, dpi=250, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clear() plt.close()
def convection_onset_statistics(precip_threshold, cwv_max, cwv_min, bin_width, cwv, precip, test, output_path, sites, sitename): # Create CWV bins #number_of_bins = 38 # default = 28 #cwv_max = 85 # default = 70 (in mm) #cwv_min = 28 # default = 28 (in mm) #bin_width = 1.5 # default = 1.5 number_of_bins = int(np.ceil((cwv_max - cwv_min) / bin_width)) #print('cwv_max',cwv_max) #print(number_of_bins) bin_center = np.arange((cwv_min + (bin_width / 2)), (cwv_max - (bin_width / 2)) + bin_width, bin_width) #print('bin_center',bin_center,'bin_width',bin_width) if len(bin_center) != number_of_bins: bin_center = np.arange((cwv_min + (bin_width / 2)), (cwv_max - (bin_width / 2)), bin_width) # Define precip threshold #precip_threshold = 0.5 # default 0.5 (in mm/hr) avg_interval = 1 # averaged within 1 hr # Define variables for binning bin_index = np.zeros([number_of_bins, cwv.size]) precip_binned = np.empty([number_of_bins, cwv.size]) * np.nan precip_counts = np.zeros([number_of_bins, cwv.size]) np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Bin the data by CWV value as specified above for i in range(0, number_of_bins): tmp1 = np.where(cwv > cwv_min + (i * bin_width)) bin_index[i, tmp1] = 1 tmp2 = np.where(cwv > cwv_min + (i * bin_width) + bin_width) bin_index[i, tmp2] = 0 for i in range(0, number_of_bins): tmp1 = np.where(bin_index[i, :] == 1) precip_binned[i, tmp1] = precip[tmp1] tmp2 = np.where(bin_index[i, :] != 1) precip_binned[i, tmp2] = np.nan for i in range(0, number_of_bins): tmp1 = np.where(precip_binned[i, :] >= precip_threshold) precip_counts[i, tmp1] = 1 for j in range(0, cwv.size): #if cwv[j] > (cwv_min+(i*bin_width)): # bin_index[i,j] = 1 #if cwv[j] > (cwv_min+(i*bin_width)+bin_width): # bin_index[i,j] = 0 #if bin_index[i,j] == 1: # precip_binned[i,j] = precip[j] #else: # precip_binned[i,j] = np.nan #if precip_binned[i,j] >= precip_threshold: # precip_counts[i,j] = 1 if np.isnan(precip_binned[i, j]): precip_counts[i, j] = np.nan # Create binned arrays hist_cwv = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan hist_precip_points = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_binned_mean = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_binned_var = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_binned_std = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pr_probability = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan errorbar_precip_points = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan errorbar_precip = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan std_error_precip = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pdf_cwv = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan pdf_precipitating_points = np.empty([number_of_bins, 1]) * np.nan ### errorbar_precip_binom = np.empty([number_of_bins, 2]) * np.nan # Fill binned arrays hist_cwv = bin_index.sum(axis=1) hist_cwv[hist_cwv <= 1] = 0 hist_precip_points = np.nansum(precip_counts, axis=1) hist_precip_points[hist_precip_points <= 1] = 0 pr_binned_mean = np.nanmean(precip_binned, axis=1) #print('pr_binned_mean',pr_binned_mean) pr_binned_var = np.nanvar(precip_binned, axis=1) pr_binned_std = np.nanstd(precip_binned, axis=1) r = np.empty([1, number_of_bins]) * np.nan r = np.sum(~np.isnan(precip_counts), axis=1) pr_probability = np.nansum(precip_counts, axis=1) / r freq_cwv = (hist_cwv / bin_width) / np.nansum(hist_cwv) pdf_cwv = (hist_cwv / bin_width) / np.nansum(hist_cwv / bin_width) freq_precipitating_points = hist_precip_points / bin_width / np.nansum( hist_cwv) pdf_precipitating_points = (hist_precip_points / bin_width) / np.nansum( hist_cwv / bin_width) for i in range(0, number_of_bins): errorbar_precip[i] = pr_binned_std[i] / math.sqrt(hist_cwv[i]) errorbar_precip_points[i] = math.sqrt( hist_precip_points[i]) / np.nansum( hist_cwv / bin_width) / bin_width z = .675 p = hist_precip_points[i] / hist_cwv[i] NT = hist_cwv[i] phat = hist_precip_points[i] / hist_cwv[i] errorbar_precip_binom[i, 0] = z * math.sqrt(phat * (1 - phat) / hist_cwv[i]) errorbar_precip_binom[i, 1] = z * math.sqrt(phat * (1 - phat) / hist_cwv[i]) scatter_colors = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_bins, endpoint=True)) axes_fontsize = 12 # size of font in all plots legend_fontsize = 9 marker_size = 40 # size of markers in scatter plots xtick_pad = 10 # padding between x tick labels and actual plot bin_width = (np.max(bin_center) - np.min(bin_center)) / number_of_bins # create figure canvas fig = mp.figure(figsize=(8, 2.5)) # create figure 1 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) xulim = 5 * np.ceil(np.max(np.round(bin_center + bin_width / 2)) / 5) xllim = 5 * np.floor(np.min(np.round(bin_center - bin_width / 2)) / 5) ax1.set_xlim(xllim - 10, xulim + 15) ax1.set_ylim(0, 5) ax1.set_xticks( np.arange( np.ceil(xllim / 10) * 10 - 10, np.ceil(xulim / 10) * 10 + 15, 15)) #print(np.arange(np.ceil(xllim/10)*10-10,np.ceil(xulim/10)*10+15,15)) #print(np.ceil(xllim/10)*10) #print(np.ceil(xulim/10)*10) ulim = np.nanmax(pr_binned_mean) #print('max precip',ulim) #ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0,np.ceil(ulim))) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 5)) #ax1.set_xlim(25,72) #ax1.set_ylim(0,6) #ax1.set_xticks([30,40,50,60,70]) #ax1.set_yticks([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=axes_fontsize) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', pad=10) error = [errorbar_precip, errorbar_precip] #print(bin_center.shape) #print(pr_binned_mean.shape) #ax1.errorbar(bin_center, pr_binned_mean, xerr=None, yerr=np.asarray(error), ls='none', color='black') ax1.errorbar(bin_center, pr_binned_mean, xerr=None, yerr=errorbar_precip.squeeze(), ls='none', color='black') ax1.scatter(bin_center, pr_binned_mean, edgecolor='none', facecolor=scatter_colors, s=marker_size, clip_on=False, zorder=3) ax1.set_ylabel('Precip (mm/hr)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax1.set_xlabel('CWV (mm)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) #ax1.text(0.05, 0.95, sites[0], transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') #ax1.text(0.05, 0.85, test, transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') #ax1.grid() ax1.set_axisbelow(True) # create figure 2 (probability pickup) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) xulim = 5 * np.ceil(np.max(np.round(bin_center + bin_width / 2)) / 5) xllim = 5 * np.floor(np.min(np.round(bin_center - bin_width / 2)) / 5) ax2.set_xlim(xllim - 10, xulim + 15) ax2.set_xticks( np.arange( np.ceil(xllim / 10) * 10 - 10, np.ceil(xulim / 10) * 10 + 15, 15)) #ax2.set_xlim(25,72) ax2.set_ylim(0, 1) #ax2.set_xticks([30,40,50,60,70]) ax2.set_yticks([0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=axes_fontsize) ax2.errorbar(bin_center, pr_probability, xerr=None, yerr=errorbar_precip_binom.T, fmt="none", color='black') ax2.tick_params(axis='x', pad=xtick_pad) ax2.scatter(bin_center, pr_probability, marker='d', s=marker_size, edgecolor='none', facecolor='steelblue', clip_on=False, zorder=3) ax2.set_ylabel('Probability of Precip.', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax2.set_xlabel('CWV (mm)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) #ax2.grid() ax2.set_axisbelow(True) # create figure 3 (non-normalized PDF) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) ax3.set_yscale('log') xulim = 5 * np.ceil(np.max(np.round(bin_center + bin_width / 2)) / 5) xllim = 5 * np.floor(np.min(np.round(bin_center - bin_width / 2)) / 5) ax3.set_xlim(xllim - 10, xulim + 15) ax3.set_xticks( np.arange( np.ceil(xllim / 10) * 10 - 10, np.ceil(xulim / 10) * 10 + 15, 15)) #low_lim = np.floor(np.log10(np.min(freq_precipitating_points[freq_precipitating_points>0]))) low_lim = -6.0 up_lim = np.ceil(np.log10(np.max(freq_cwv))) ax3.set_ylim(10**low_lim, 100) #print('low_lim',low_lim) #print('y_min',10**low_lim) #ax3.set_ylim(5e-1, 5e5) #ax3.set_xlim(25,72) #ax3.set_xticks([30,40,50,60,70]) ax3.set_yticks(10**np.arange(low_lim, 2, dtype='float64')) #ax3.set_yticks(10**np.array((0,1,2,3,4,5))) ax3.tick_params(labelsize=axes_fontsize) ax3.tick_params(axis='x', pad=xtick_pad) # yscale is log scale, so throw out any zero values freq_precipitating_points[freq_precipitating_points == 0] = np.nan freq_cwv[freq_cwv == 0] = np.nan #pdf_precipitating_points[pdf_precipitating_points==0] = np.nan error = [errorbar_precip_points, errorbar_precip_points] ax3.errorbar(bin_center, freq_precipitating_points, xerr=None, yerr=errorbar_precip_points.squeeze(), ls='none', color='black') ax3.scatter(bin_center, freq_cwv, color='b', label='all') ax3.scatter(bin_center, freq_precipitating_points, edgecolor='none', facecolor='steelblue', s=marker_size, clip_on=False, zorder=3, label='precip $>$ 0.5 mm/hr ') #ax3.scatter(bin_center, pdf_cwv, marker='x', color='0', label='all') ax3.set_ylabel('PDF', fontsize=axes_fontsize) ax3.set_xlabel('CWV (mm)', fontsize=axes_fontsize) #ax3.grid() ax3.set_axisbelow(True) # create legend legend_handles, legend_labels = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels() ax3.legend(legend_handles, legend_labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.95), fontsize=legend_fontsize, scatterpoints=1, handlelength=0, labelspacing=0, borderpad=0, borderaxespad=0, frameon=False) # set layout to tight (so that space between figures is minimized) mp.tight_layout() mp.suptitle(test + ' at ' + sitename + ' Averaged over ' + str(avg_interval) + ' hrs', y=1.08, fontweight='bold') # save figure #mp.savefig('conv_diagnostics_example_kas_new.pdf', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') mp.savefig(output_path + '/conv_diagnostics_' + test + '_' + sites[0] + '.png', transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight')
axis.set_title('Relative difference in linear power of cases 4-7 to case 0',size=18) tight_layout() savefig('D:\dropbox\Dropbox\plots\case4\linpowrel4.png') show() if 2 in subcase: print shape(tp) figure('powercycle5') plt.clf() axis=plt.subplot(111) ph=[0]*29 ii=[0,6,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29] for i in range(len(ii)): c = cm.jet((i)/len(ii),1) ph[i],=step(z_mesh,Stepper(LinPow(tp,5,ii[i]),0)/1000,color=c,where='post',label='{} EFPD'.format(ts[ii[i]])) axis.yaxis.grid(True,'major',linewidth=1,color=[0.7,0.7,0.7]) axis.xaxis.grid(True,'major',linewidth=1,color=[0.7,0.7,0.7]) axis.set_ylabel('linear Power, [kW/m]' ,size=14) axis.set_xlabel('axial position, [m]',size=14) l=legend(loc=8,ncol=2) axis.set_xlim([0,3.6576]) tight_layout() #savefig('V:\\master report\\figures\\powercycle{0}.pdf'.format(C)) #axis.set_title('Linear Power development with burnup \n case {0}'.format(C),size=18) tight_layout() savefig('D:/dropbox/Dropbox/plots/spring2013/powercycle_case5.pdf'.format(C)) #axis.set_ylim([500,1200]) show()
# 查看好友所在地区分布情况 cityStat = memberList.groupby(by=['City'])['City'].agg({ '计数': len }).reset_index().sort_values(by='计数', ascending=False) cityStat = cityStat[:20] # 取top-20 # 查看好友所在身份分布情况 provinceStat = memberList.groupby(by=['Province'])['Province'].agg({ '计数': len }).reset_index().sort_values(by='计数', ascending=False) provinceStat = provinceStat[:20] # 取top-20 # 绘图(好友省份分布) fig = plt.figure(2) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.title('Top20-好友省份分布') axis1 = numpy.arange(len(provinceStat)) color = cm.jet(axis1 / max(axis1)), provinceStat['计数'], color=color) province = [] for p in provinceStat['Province']: if len(p) == 0: p = '未知' province.append(p) plt.grid(color='#95a5a6', axis='y', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.4) plt.ylabel('好友数量') plt.xticks(axis1, province) # 绘图(好友城市分布) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) axis2 = numpy.arange(len(cityStat)) plt.rc('font', family='simhei', size=9) plt.title('Top20-好友城市分布') cityStat = cityStat.sort_values('计数')