Exemplo n.º 1
def soft_threshold_colormap(cmap, threshold, vmax, subthreshold=None, symmetric=None):
    """Soft-threshold a colormap to make small values transparent

    cmap : str
        Base colormap.
    threshold : scalar
        Value at which to threshold the colormap (i.e., the value at which to
        start the colormap).
    vmax : scalar
        Intended largest value of the colormap (used to infer the location of
        the ``threshold``).
    subthreshold : matplotlib color
        Color of sub-threshold values (the default is the end or middle of
        the colormap, depending on whether it is symmetric).
    symmetric : bool
        Whether the ``cmap`` is symmetric (ranging from ``-vmax`` to ``vmax``)
        or not (ranging from ``0`` to ``vmax``). The default is ``True`` for
        known symmetric colormaps and ``False`` otherwise.

    thresholded_cmap : matplotlib ListedColormap
        Soft-thresholded colormap.
    assert vmax > threshold >= 0
    cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap(cmap)
    if symmetric is None:
        symmetric = cmap.name in symmetric_cmaps

    colors = cmap(np.linspace(0., 1., cmap.N))
    if subthreshold is None:
        subthreshold_color = cmap(0.5) if symmetric else cmap(0)
        subthreshold_color = to_rgba(subthreshold)

    n = int(round(vmax / ((vmax - threshold) / cmap.N)))
    out_colors = np.empty((n, 4))
    if symmetric:
        i_threshold = int(ceil(cmap.N / 2))
        out_colors[:i_threshold] = colors[:i_threshold]
        out_colors[i_threshold:-i_threshold] = subthreshold_color
        out_colors[-i_threshold:] = colors[-i_threshold:]
        out_colors[:-cmap.N] = subthreshold_color
        out_colors[-cmap.N:] = colors
    out = ListedColormap(out_colors, cmap.name)
    out._eelbrain_meta = {
        'symmetric': symmetric,
        'vmin': -vmax if symmetric else 0,
        'vmax': vmax,
    return out