Exemplo n.º 1
def create_mesh(spectrum, mplTime):
    total = len(spectrum)
    width = len(spectrum[min(spectrum)])
    x = numpy.empty((width, total + 1)) * numpy.nan
    y = numpy.empty((width, total + 1)) * numpy.nan
    z = numpy.empty((width, total + 1)) * numpy.nan

    j = 1
    for ys in spectrum:
        time = utc_to_mpl(ys) if mplTime else ys
        xs, zs = split_spectrum(spectrum[ys])
        for i in range(len(xs)):
            x[i, j] = xs[i]
            y[i, j] = time
            z[i, j] = zs[i]
        j += 1

    x[:, 0] = x[:, 1]
    if mplTime:
        y[:, 0] = y[:, 1] - seconds(1)
        y[:, 0] = y[:, 1] - 1
    z[:, 0] = z[:, 1]

    return x, y, z
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_mesh(spectrum, mplTime):
    total = len(spectrum)
    width = len(spectrum[min(spectrum)])
    x = numpy.empty((width, total + 1)) * numpy.nan
    y = numpy.empty((width, total + 1)) * numpy.nan
    z = numpy.empty((width, total + 1)) * numpy.nan

    j = 1
    for ys in spectrum:
        time = utc_to_mpl(ys) if mplTime else ys
        xs, zs = split_spectrum(spectrum[ys])
        for i in range(len(xs)):
            x[i, j] = xs[i]
            y[i, j] = time
            z[i, j] = zs[i]
        j += 1

    x[:, 0] = x[:, 1]
    if mplTime:
        y[:, 0] = y[:, 1] - seconds(1)
        y[:, 0] = y[:, 1] - 1
    z[:, 0] = z[:, 1]

    return x, y, z
Exemplo n.º 3
def plotData(card, label, data, ax):
    x = []
    y = []
    for datum in data:
        if datum["data"] != None and label in datum["data"]:
            x.append((dt.seconds(datum["datetime"]) + 365.25 * 1969))
    ax.plot_date(x, y, "-o", label=card + " " + label)
Exemplo n.º 4
def pps_import_file(filename):
	fsize = os.path.getsize(filename) # size of the file in bytes
	numheaders = int(fsize / (PAGESIZE + HEADERSIZE)) + 1 # number of headers in the data (+1 for first header that is always present)
	rawsize = fsize - (numheaders * HEADERSIZE) # size of sample data without headers in bytes
	samples = int(rawsize / SAMPLESIZE) # number of samples in the sample data

	data = np.recarray((samples,), dtype=desc_pps)
	f = open(filename, "rb")

	i = 0 # overall sample index
	j = 0 # page sample index
	k = 0 # header index
	headernext = True # header indicator
	while i < samples:
		if headernext:
			bs = f.read(HEADERSIZE)
			bs = unpack("%sB"%len(bs), bs)
			tme = pps_convtime(bs[0], bs[1], bs[2], bs[3])
			l1 = (bs[4]<<8)+(bs[5])
			l2 = (bs[6]<<8)+(bs[7])
			temp = (bs[8]<<24)+(bs[9]<<16)+(bs[10]<<8)+(bs[11])
			press = (bs[12]<<24)+(bs[13]<<16)+(bs[14]<<8)+(bs[15])
			hum = (bs[16]<<24)+(bs[17]<<16)+(bs[18]<<8)+(bs[19])
			headernext = False
			k += 1
		elif k < numheaders:
			bs = f.read(PAGESIZE)
			bs = unpack("%sB"%len(bs), bs)
			for x in range(int(PAGESIZE/SAMPLESIZE)):
				data[i] = np.array((tme + seconds(x * (1 / SAMPLERATE)), (bs[0+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]<<8)+(bs[1+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]), (bs[2+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]<<8)+(bs[3+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]), (bs[4+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]<<8)+(bs[5+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]), (bs[6+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]<<8)+(bs[7+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]), (bs[8+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]<<8)+(bs[9+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]), (bs[10+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]<<8)+(bs[11+(x*SAMPLESIZE)]), l1, l2, temp, press, hum), dtype=desc_pps)
				i += 1
			headernext = True
			bs = f.read(SAMPLESIZE)
			bs = unpack("%sB"%len(bs), bs)
			data[i] = np.array((tme + seconds(j * (1 / SAMPLERATE)), (bs[0]<<8)+(bs[1]), (bs[2]<<8)+(bs[3]), (bs[4]<<8)+(bs[5]), (bs[6]<<8)+(bs[7]), (bs[8]<<8)+(bs[9]), (bs[10]<<8)+(bs[11]), l1, l2, temp, press, hum), dtype=desc_pps)
			i += 1
			j += 1
		progress(i, samples)

	if i > 0:
		return data
		return []
def bridge_historical_and_present_ticks(stocks_data_arr, ticks_data,
    min_length = 0
    for stock_index, stock_data in enumerate(stocks_data_arr):
        chart_ds = stock_data.get_historical_short_term_chart_data_set()
        ticks_series = ticks_data[stock_index]
        most_recent_price = chart_ds.get_most_recent_price()
        most_recent_date = chart_ds.get_most_recent_dt()
        most_recent_dt = dates.num2date(most_recent_date).replace(tzinfo=None)
        seconds_left = (end_time_obj - most_recent_dt).seconds
        for i in range(1, seconds_left + 1):
            tick_date = most_recent_date + dates.seconds(i)
            next_tick_date = most_recent_date + dates.seconds(i + 1)

            # Find price of tick series with same second
            if ticks_series is not None:

                recent_ticks_data = ticks_series[ticks_series[:,
                                                              0] >= tick_date]
                if len(recent_ticks_data) != 0:
                    recent_ticks_data = recent_ticks_data[
                        recent_ticks_data[:, 0] < next_tick_date]

                if len(recent_ticks_data) != 0:
                    most_recent_price = recent_ticks_data[0][1]

            # Store price as stick
            new_tick = np.array([tick_date, most_recent_price])

        ticks_data[stock_index] = None

        length = len(chart_ds.get_ticks())
        if min_length == 0 or length < min_length:
            min_length = length

    truncate_short_term_ticks_to_length(stocks_data_arr, min_length)
def bridge_historical_and_present_ticks(stocks_data_arr, ticks_data, end_time_obj):
    min_length = 0
    for stock_index, stock_data in enumerate(stocks_data_arr):
        chart_ds = stock_data.get_historical_short_term_chart_data_set()
        ticks_series = ticks_data[stock_index]
        most_recent_price = chart_ds.get_most_recent_price()
        most_recent_date = chart_ds.get_most_recent_dt()
        most_recent_dt = dates.num2date(most_recent_date).replace(tzinfo=None)
        seconds_left = (end_time_obj - most_recent_dt).seconds
        for i in range(1, seconds_left+1):
            tick_date = most_recent_date + dates.seconds(i)
            next_tick_date = most_recent_date + dates.seconds(i+1)

            # Find price of tick series with same second
            if ticks_series is not None:

                recent_ticks_data = ticks_series[ticks_series[:,0] >= tick_date]
                if len(recent_ticks_data) != 0:
                    recent_ticks_data = recent_ticks_data[recent_ticks_data[:,0] < next_tick_date]

                if len(recent_ticks_data) != 0:
                    most_recent_price = recent_ticks_data[0][1]

            # Store price as stick
            new_tick = np.array([tick_date, most_recent_price])

        ticks_data[stock_index] = None

        length = len(chart_ds.get_ticks())
        if min_length==0 or length < min_length:
            min_length = length

    truncate_short_term_ticks_to_length(stocks_data_arr, min_length)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_seconds(self):

        self.assertEqual(dates.seconds(self.seconds), float(self.expectedDays))
Exemplo n.º 8
	idx_init = idx_init[:-1]
idx_stop = idx_init + t_opt + n_extr

dd0 = ['01 march 2011, 05:46:00', '06 march 2011']
label1 = 'Fit residuals'
label2 = 'Reduced gravity signals A'

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(15,8))
ax2 = ax1.twiny()

ax1.plot(24*3600*(t[idx_thk - t_opt + 1: idx_thk + 1 + n_extr] - tEQ), res, 'y')
ax2.plot(t[idx_thk - t_opt + 1: idx_thk + 1 + n_extr], res, 'y')

for iw, wd0 in enumerate(dd0):
	tt = np.array([dates.seconds(item) for item in idx_stop])
	tt += dates.datestr2num(wd0)

	ax2.plot(tt, opt_full[:,iw], lw=2, c='b')

ax2.axvline(x=tEQ, c='k', ymin=0.1, ymax=0.9, lw=2)
ax2.axhline(y=a_thk, c='k', lw=1, ls='--')
ax2.axhline(y=-a_thk, c='k', lw=1, ls='--')

locator = dates.AutoDateLocator()
formatter = dates.AutoDateFormatter(locator)
formatter.scaled = {1. : '%d/%m', 1./24. : '%H:%M:%S', 1./(24.*60.) : '%H:%M:%S'}

ax1.set_xlabel('Time (in seconds from main shock)', fontsize=17, labelpad=12)