Exemplo n.º 1
def campana(f0, A0, I0, duracion, fsampl):
    ts = pyl.arange(0, duracion, 1 / fsampl)  # creo el espacio temporal
    Tao = duracion / 3
    fc = f0
    fm = 2 * f0

    I_t = I0 * pyl.exp(-ts / Tao)  # para la campana
    A_t = A0 * pyl.exp(-ts / Tao)  # para la campana
    ym = pyl.sin(2 * pyl.pi * fm * ts)  # función modulada
    # Señal FM final con sus componentes que varían en el tiempo
    yc = A_t * pyl.sin(2 * pyl.pi * fc * ts + (I_t * ym))
    return yc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def createCellsFixedNum (self):
        ''' Create population cells based on fixed number of cells'''
        cells = []
        randLocs = rand(self.tags['numCells'], 3)  # create random x,y,z locations

        if sim.net.params.shape == 'cylinder':
            # Use the x,z random vales 
            rho = randLocs[:,0] # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1)
            phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:,2] # use z rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) 
            x = (1 + sqrt(rho) * cos(phi))/2.0
            z = (1 + sqrt(rho) * sin(phi))/2.0
            randLocs[:,0] = x
            randLocs[:,2] = z
        elif sim.net.params.shape == 'ellipsoid':
            # Use the x,y,z random vales 
            rho = np.power(randLocs[:,0], 1.0/3.0) # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1); cuberoot
            phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:,1] # use y rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) 
            costheta = (2 * randLocs[:,2]) - 1 # use z rand value as cos(theta) in the interval [-1, 1); ensures uniform dist 
            theta = arccos(costheta)  # obtain theta from cos(theta)
            x = (1 + rho * cos(phi) * sin(theta))/2.0
            y = (1 + rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta))/2.0
            z = (1 + rho * cos(theta))/2.0 
            randLocs[:,0] = x
            randLocs[:,1] = y
            randLocs[:,2] = z
        for icoord, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
            if coord+'Range' in self.tags:  # if user provided absolute range, convert to normalized
                self.tags[coord+'normRange'] = [float(point) / getattr(sim.net.params, 'size'+coord.upper()) for point in self.tags[coord+'Range']]
            # constrain to range set by user
            if coord+'normRange' in self.tags:  # if normalized range, rescale random locations
                minv = self.tags[coord+'normRange'][0] 
                maxv = self.tags[coord+'normRange'][1] 
                randLocs[:,icoord] = randLocs[:,icoord] * (maxv-minv) + minv

        for i in self._distributeCells(int(sim.net.params.scale * self.tags['numCells']))[sim.rank]:
            gid = sim.net.lastGid+i
            self.cellGids.append(gid)  # add gid list of cells belonging to this population - not needed?
            cellTags = {k: v for (k, v) in self.tags.iteritems() if k in sim.net.params.popTagsCopiedToCells}  # copy all pop tags to cell tags, except those that are pop-specific
            cellTags['popLabel'] = self.tags['popLabel']
            cellTags['xnorm'] = randLocs[i,0] # set x location (um)
            cellTags['ynorm'] = randLocs[i,1] # set y location (um)
            cellTags['znorm'] = randLocs[i,2] # set z location (um)
            cellTags['x'] = sim.net.params.sizeX * randLocs[i,0] # set x location (um)
            cellTags['y'] = sim.net.params.sizeY * randLocs[i,1] # set y location (um)
            cellTags['z'] = sim.net.params.sizeZ * randLocs[i,2] # set z location (um)
            cells.append(self.cellModelClass(gid, cellTags)) # instantiate Cell object
            if sim.cfg.verbose: print('Cell %d/%d (gid=%d) of pop %s, on node %d, '%(i, sim.net.params.scale * self.tags['numCells']-1, gid, self.tags['popLabel'], sim.rank))
        sim.net.lastGid = sim.net.lastGid + self.tags['numCells'] 
        return cells
Exemplo n.º 3
def violin(f0, A0, I0, duracion, fsampl):
    fc = 2 * f0
    fm = 3 * f0
    ts = pyl.arange(0, duracion, 1 / fsampl)  # creo el espacio temporal

    [A_t, I_t] = clarinet_funct(0.2 * duracion, 0.7 * duracion, 0.1 * duracion,
                                fsampl, A0, I0)  # el ataque es igual
    ts = ts[:len(
    )]  # pongo todos los tiempos con la misma cant de puntos (Tengo que ver de hacerlo mejor)
    ym = pyl.sin(2 * pyl.pi * fm * ts)  # función modulada
    # Señal FM final con sus componentes que varían en el tiempo
    yc = A_t * pyl.sin(2 * pyl.pi * fc * ts + (I_t * ym))
    return yc
def custom_modulation(fc, bits, add_first_bit):
    # this custom ASK modulation (amplitude-shift modulation) is for support
    # for CDMA, in this case: 0, -2, 2. Each number will have certain amplitude
    lenghtBits = len(bits)
    final_time = lenghtBits / 2
    global ts
    ts = pyl.arange(0, final_time, sampling_period)
    global lenghtChunk
    lenghtChunk = int(len(ts) / lenghtBits)
    global A
    A = []
    if (add_first_bit):
        # When add_first_bit is activated, a "2" bit is added
        # at the beginning of the data
        ts = pyl.arange(0, final_time + 0.5, sampling_period)
        for j in range(lenghtChunk):
    for i in range(lenghtBits):
        for j in range(lenghtChunk):
            A_for_Bit_i = 0
            if (bits[i] == 0):
                A_for_Bit_i = 0
            elif (bits[i] == 2):
                A_for_Bit_i = 5
            elif (bits[i] == -2):
                A_for_Bit_i = 1
    return A * pyl.sin(2.0 * pyl.pi * fc * ts)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setbgcoords(self):
        if self.type == None:
            raise Exception("region type=None - has it been set?")
        if self.type == "circle":
            if len(self.coords) != 3:
                raise Exception(
                    "region coords should be ctr_ra, ctr_dec, rad_arcsec - the coord array has unexpected length %d"
                    % len(self.coords))
            self.bg0coords = pl.array(self.coords)
            self.bg1coords = pl.array(self.coords)
            # set larger radii for annulus
            self.bg0coords[2] = self.coords[2] * self.bgfact[0]
            self.bg1coords[2] = self.coords[2] * self.bgfact[1]
        elif self.type == "polygon":
            n = self.coords.shape[1]
            self.coords = pl.array(self.coords)
            ctr = [self.coords[:, 0].mean(), self.coords[:, 1].mean()]
            x = self.coords[:, 0] - ctr[0]
            y = self.coords[:, 1] - ctr[1]
            r = pl.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            th = pl.arctan2(y, x)

            ct = pl.cos(th)
            st = pl.sin(th)
            # inner and outer background regions
            b = self.bgfact
            self.bg0coords = pl.array([r * b[0] * ct, r * b[0] * st]).T + ctr
            self.bg1coords = pl.array([r * b[1] * ct, r * b[1] * st]).T + ctr

            raise Exception("unknown region type %s" % self.type)
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    pl.ion()  # interactive mode
    fig1 = pl.figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
    ax1.plot(pl.arange(5), [30, 40, 55, 80, 100])

    for label in ax1.get_xticklabels():

    for label in ax1.get_yticklabels():

    fig2 = pl.figure()
    ax2 = fig2.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
    t = pl.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.01)
    s = pl.sin(2 * pl.pi * t)
    ax2.plot(t, s, color='blue', lw=2)
    print "done"
Exemplo n.º 7
def noise(noise_fun=pylab.rand, **params):

        Generate noise according to params dict
            params - parameter dict containing sr, and num_harmonics elements [None=default_noise_params()]
            noise_fun - the noise generating function [pylab.rand]
    params = _check_noise_params(**params)
    noise_dB = params['noise_dB']
    num_harmonics = params['num_harmonics']
    num_points = params['num_points']
    cf = params['cf']
    bw = params['bw']
    sr = params['sr']
    g = 10**(noise_dB / 20.0) * noise_fun(num_points)
    [b, a] = scipy.signal.filter_design.butter(4,
                                               bw * 2 * pylab.pi / sr,
    g = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, g)
    # Phase modulation with *filtered* noise (side-band modulation should be narrow-band at bw)
    x = pylab.sin((2.0 * pylab.pi * cf / sr) * pylab.arange(num_points) + g)
    return x
Exemplo n.º 8
    def plotimx(self, im):
        if self.type == "polygon":
            for reg in ("ap", "bg0", "bg1"):
                ci = self.imcoords(im, reg=reg)
                pl.plot(ci[:, 0], ci[:, 1])
        elif self.type == "circle":
            n = 33
            t = pl.arange(n) * pl.pi * 2 / n
            ct = pl.cos(t)
            st = pl.sin(t)
            for reg in ("ap", "bg0", "bg1"):
                ci = self.imcoords(im, reg=reg)
                #print "center of circle= %f %f" % ci[0:2]
                r = ci[2]  # in pix
                pl.plot(ci[0] + r * ct, ci[1] + r * st)

            # point north:  XXX TODO make general
            from astropy import wcs
            w = wcs.WCS(im.header)
            # use origin=0 i.e. NOT FITS convention, but pl.imshow sets origin
            # to 0,0 so do that here so we can overplot on pl.imshow axes
            origin = 0
            c = self.bg1coords  # only works below for circle
            ctr = w.wcs_world2pix([c[0:2]], origin)[0]
            # north
            ctr2 = w.wcs_world2pix([c[0:2] + pl.array([c[2], 0])], origin)[0]
            pl.plot([ctr[0], ctr2[0]], [ctr[1], ctr2[1]])
def getOOKModulation(ts, fc, bits):
    lenghtBits = len(bits)
    lenghtChunk = int(len(ts) / lenghtBits)
    A = []
    for i in range(lenghtBits):
        for j in range(lenghtChunk):
            A_for_Bit_i = bits[i]
    return A * pyl.sin(2.0 * pyl.pi * fc * ts)
Exemplo n.º 10
def sinusoid(**params):

        Generate a sinusoidal audio signal from signal_params: see default_signal_params() 
          **params - signal_params dict, see default_signal_params()

    params = _check_signal_params(**params)
    t = pylab.arange(params['num_points'])
    x = pylab.sin(TWO_PI * params['f0'] / params['sr'] * t +
    return x
Exemplo n.º 11
 def plotradec(self):
     if self.type == "polygon":
         pl.plot(self.coords[:, 0], self.coords[:, 1])
         pl.plot(self.bg0coords[:, 0], self.bg0coords[:, 1])
         pl.plot(self.bg1coords[:, 0], self.bg1coords[:, 1])
     elif self.type == "circle":
         n = 23
         t = pl.arange(n) * pl.pi * 2 / n
         r = self.coords[2]
         ct = pl.cos(t)
         st = pl.sin(t)
         cdec = pl.cos(self.coords[1] * pl.pi / 180)
         pl.plot(self.coords[0] + r * ct / cdec, self.coords[1] + r * st)
         r = self.bg0coords[2]
         pl.plot(self.bg0coords[0] + r * ct / cdec,
                 self.bg0coords[1] + r * st)
         r = self.bg1coords[2]
         pl.plot(self.bg1coords[0] + r * ct / cdec,
                 self.bg1coords[1] + r * st)
def get_4PAM_modulation(ts, fc, bits):
    lenghtBits = len(bits)
    lenghtChunk = 2 * len(ts) // lenghtBits  # Chunks now are double sized
    A = []  # Amplitudes
    currentBit = 0
    while (currentBit < lenghtBits):
        oneBit = bits[currentBit]
        currentBit += 1
        anotherBit = bits[currentBit]
        currentBit += 1
        for j in range(lenghtChunk):
            A_for_current_bits = 0
            if (oneBit == 0 and anotherBit == 0):  # 00
                A_for_current_bits = 0
            elif (oneBit == 0 and anotherBit == 1):  # 01
                A_for_current_bits = 0.5
            elif (oneBit == 1 and anotherBit == 0):  # 10
                A_for_current_bits = 2
            else:  # 11
                A_for_current_bits = 4
    return A * pyl.sin(2.0 * pyl.pi * fc * ts)
Exemplo n.º 13
from math import pi
from matplotlib import pylab as pl
x = pl.linspace(-pi, pi, 200)
y = pl.sin(x)
y1 = pl.sin(x * x)
pl.plot(x, y)
pl.plot(x, y1, 'r')
C = array(C)

#9 - Add C to B (think of C as noise) and record the result in D
D = B + C[:len(B), ]  # capture 500 elements from C to match to size of B

#SORT IT prior to plotting
#Part	2	-	plotting:
#10 -  Create	a	figure,	give	it	a	title	and	specify	your	own	size	and	dpi
plb.figure('Plotting signals', figsize=(6, 4), dpi=100)

#11 - Plot	the	sin	of	D,	in	the	(2,1,1)	location	of	the	figure
#12 - Overlay	a	plot	of	cos	using	D,	with	different	color,	thickness	and	type	of	line
plb.subplot(2, 1, 1)
d_sin = plb.sin(D)
d_cos = plb.cos(D)
plb.title("Function of Sin and Cos")
plb.plot(D, d_sin, color="b", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="--", label='sin')
plb.plot(D, d_cos, color="r", linewidth=1, linestyle="-.", label='cos')

#13. Create	some	space	on	top	and	bottom	of	the	plot	(on	the	y	axis)	and	show	the	grid
plb.ylim(-1.12, 1.12)

#14 - Specify	the	following:	title,	Y-axis	label	and	legend	to	fit	in	the	best	way

#15. Plot	the	tan	of	D,	in	location	(2,1,2)	with	grid	showing,	X-axis	label,	Y-axis	label	and
Exemplo n.º 15
    def createCellsDensity (self):
        ''' Create population cells based on density'''
        cells = []
        shape = sim.net.params.shape
        sizeX = sim.net.params.sizeX
        sizeY = sim.net.params.sizeY
        sizeZ = sim.net.params.sizeZ
        # calculate volume
        if shape == 'cuboid':
            volume = sizeY/1e3 * sizeX/1e3 * sizeZ/1e3  
        elif shape == 'cylinder':
            volume = sizeY/1e3 * sizeX/1e3/2 * sizeZ/1e3/2 * pi
        elif shape == 'ellipsoid':
            volume = sizeY/1e3/2.0 * sizeX/1e3/2.0 * sizeZ/1e3/2.0 * pi * 4.0 / 3.0

        for coord in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
            if coord+'Range' in self.tags:  # if user provided absolute range, convert to normalized
                self.tags[coord+'normRange'] = [point / sim.net.params['size'+coord.upper()] for point in self.tags[coord+'Range']]
            if coord+'normRange' in self.tags:  # if normalized range, rescale volume
                minv = self.tags[coord+'normRange'][0] 
                maxv = self.tags[coord+'normRange'][1] 
                volume = volume * (maxv-minv)

        funcLocs = None  # start with no locations as a function of density function
        if isinstance(self.tags['density'], str): # check if density is given as a function 
            if shape == 'cuboid':  # only available for cuboids
                strFunc = self.tags['density']  # string containing function
                strVars = [var for var in ['xnorm', 'ynorm', 'znorm'] if var in strFunc]  # get list of variables used 
                if not len(strVars) == 1:
                    print 'Error: density function (%s) for population %s does not include "xnorm", "ynorm" or "znorm"'%(strFunc,self.tags['popLabel'])
                coordFunc = strVars[0] 
                lambdaStr = 'lambda ' + coordFunc +': ' + strFunc # convert to lambda function 
                densityFunc = eval(lambdaStr)
                minRange = self.tags[coordFunc+'Range'][0]
                maxRange = self.tags[coordFunc+'Range'][1]

                interval = 0.001  # interval of location values to evaluate func in order to find the max cell density
                maxDensity = max(map(densityFunc, (arange(minRange, maxRange, interval))))  # max cell density 
                maxCells = volume * maxDensity  # max number of cells based on max value of density func 
                seed(sim.id32('%d' % sim.cfg.seeds['loc']+sim.net.lastGid))  # reset random number generator
                locsAll = minRange + ((maxRange-minRange)) * rand(int(maxCells), 1)  # random location values 
                locsProb = array(map(densityFunc, locsAll)) / maxDensity  # calculate normalized density for each location value (used to prune)
                allrands = rand(len(locsProb))  # create an array of random numbers for checking each location pos 
                makethiscell = locsProb>allrands  # perform test to see whether or not this cell should be included (pruning based on density func)
                funcLocs = [locsAll[i] for i in range(len(locsAll)) if i in array(makethiscell.nonzero()[0],dtype='int')] # keep only subset of yfuncLocs based on density func
                self.tags['numCells'] = len(funcLocs)  # final number of cells after pruning of location values based on density func
                if sim.cfg.verbose: print 'Volume=%.2f, maxDensity=%.2f, maxCells=%.0f, numCells=%.0f'%(volume, maxDensity, maxCells, self.tags['numCells'])
                print 'Error: Density functions are only implemented for cuboid shaped networks'
        else:  # NO ynorm-dep
            self.tags['numCells'] = int(self.tags['density'] * volume)  # = density (cells/mm^3) * volume (mm^3)

        # calculate locations of cells 
        randLocs = rand(self.tags['numCells'], 3)  # create random x,y,z locations

        if sim.net.params.shape == 'cylinder':
            # Use the x,z random vales 
            rho = randLocs[:,0] # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1)
            phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:,2] # use z rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) 
            x = (1 + sqrt(rho) * cos(phi))/2.0
            z = (1 + sqrt(rho) * sin(phi))/2.0
            randLocs[:,0] = x
            randLocs[:,2] = z
        elif sim.net.params.shape == 'ellipsoid':
            # Use the x,y,z random vales 
            rho = np.power(randLocs[:,0], 1.0/3.0) # use x rand value as the radius rho in the interval [0, 1); cuberoot
            phi = 2 * pi * randLocs[:,1] # use y rand value as the angle phi in the interval [0, 2*pi) 
            costheta = (2 * randLocs[:,2]) - 1 # use z rand value as cos(theta) in the interval [-1, 1); ensures uniform dist 
            theta = arccos(costheta)  # obtain theta from cos(theta)
            x = (1 + rho * cos(phi) * sin(theta))/2.0
            y = (1 + rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta))/2.0
            z = (1 + rho * cos(theta))/2.0 
            randLocs[:,0] = x
            randLocs[:,1] = y
            randLocs[:,2] = z

        for icoord, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
            if coord+'normRange' in self.tags:  # if normalized range, rescale random locations
                minv = self.tags[coord+'normRange'][0] 
                maxv = self.tags[coord+'normRange'][1] 
                randLocs[:,icoord] = randLocs[:,icoord] * (maxv-minv) + minv
            if funcLocs and coordFunc == coord+'norm':  # if locations for this coordinate calculated using density function
                randLocs[:,icoord] = funcLocs

        if sim.cfg.verbose and not funcLocs: print 'Volume=%.4f, density=%.2f, numCells=%.0f'%(volume, self.tags['density'], self.tags['numCells'])

        for i in self._distributeCells(self.tags['numCells'])[sim.rank]:
            gid = sim.net.lastGid+i
            self.cellGids.append(gid)  # add gid list of cells belonging to this population - not needed?
            cellTags = {k: v for (k, v) in self.tags.iteritems() if k in sim.net.params.popTagsCopiedToCells}  # copy all pop tags to cell tags, except those that are pop-specific
            cellTags['popLabel'] = self.tags['popLabel']
            cellTags['xnorm'] = randLocs[i,0]  # calculate x location (um)
            cellTags['ynorm'] = randLocs[i,1]  # calculate y location (um)
            cellTags['znorm'] = randLocs[i,2]  # calculate z location (um)
            cellTags['x'] = sizeX * randLocs[i,0]  # calculate x location (um)
            cellTags['y'] = sizeY * randLocs[i,1]  # calculate y location (um)
            cellTags['z'] = sizeZ * randLocs[i,2]  # calculate z location (um)
            cells.append(self.cellModelClass(gid, cellTags)) # instantiate Cell object
            if sim.cfg.verbose: 
                print('Cell %d/%d (gid=%d) of pop %s, pos=(%2.f, %2.f, %2.f), on node %d, '%(i, self.tags['numCells']-1, gid, self.tags['popLabel'],cellTags['x'], cellTags['y'], cellTags['z'], sim.rank))
        sim.net.lastGid = sim.net.lastGid + self.tags['numCells'] 
        return cells
Exemplo n.º 16
from matplotlib import rc
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

x = plt.linspace(0, 5)
plt.plot(x, plt.sin(x))
plt.ylabel(r"This is $\sin(x)$", size=20)
Exemplo n.º 17
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100)
y = pl.sin(x)
z = pl.cos(x)
pl.plot(x,y,'r+',x,z,'k*') #import plot from pylab as pi and plot.
pl.title('trogonometric data of $Sine(x)$ and $Cos(x)$')
pl.show() #show the plot

Exemplo n.º 18
Do the following:
1) Encode the signal ym by varying the frequency (fc) of the sinusoid Yc using
    FM modulation
2) Decode whatever information is represented by the varying frequency of Yc
    using FM de-modulation
import matplotlib.pylab as pyl

# time between samples
sampling_period = 0.0001

ts = pyl.arange(0, 1, sampling_period)

# This is the modulating signal (Think slider position See video)
ym = pyl.sin(2.0 * pyl.pi * 1.0 * ts)

# High frequency carrier with slider pos encoded into it's frequency

# Demod doesn't solve for negative values, so make information signal positve
ym = ym + 1

# Carrier properties
fc = 100.0

# Let T represent the period
T = 1 / fc

mod_fact = 1.0 / 100.0
original_theta = 2.0 * pyl.pi * (fc + mod_fact * ym) * ts
yc = pyl.sin(original_theta)
import matplotlib.pylab as p
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

print("please be patient.....")
delta = 0.1

x = p.arange(-3., 3., delta)
y = p.arange(-3., 3., delta)
X, Y = p.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = p.sin(X) * p.cos(Y)

fig = p.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z)
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, color='r')

Exemplo n.º 20
#line, = plt.plot(x, '--', linewidth=2)
#dashes = [10, 5, 100, 5]  # 10 points on, 5 off, 100 on, 5 off

# ----------------------------- New Test -------------------------------------

import matplotlib.pylab as plt

fs = 512
t = plt.arange(0.0, 2.0, 1 / fs)
s = plt.sin(250 * plt.pi * t)

plt.plot(t, s)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('voltage (mV)')
plt.title('About as simple as it gets, folks')
# plt.savefig("test.png")

# --------------------------------------------------------------
# 3d print script test
# Method 1:
# http://matplotlib.org/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tutorial.html
Exemplo n.º 21
    by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (deceased)
    Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 
    C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2018. 
    Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work."""

# Simple3Dplot.py: matplotlib 3D plot, rotate & scale wi mouse

import matplotlib.pylab as p
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

print("Please be patient while I do importing & plotting")
delta = 0.1
x = p.arange(-3., 3., delta)
y = p.arange(-3., 3., delta)
X, Y = p.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = p.sin(X) * p.cos(Y)  # Surface height
fig = p.figure()  # Create figure
ax = Axes3D(fig)  # Plots axes
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z)  # Surface
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, color='r')  # Add wireframe
p.show()  # Output figure
Exemplo n.º 22
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

xaxis = plt.arange(0, plt.pi * 4, 0.1)

plt.figure("sin() and cos() animation")

for i in xaxis:
    series1 = plt.sin(xaxis - i)
    series2 = plt.cos(xaxis - i)
    # plt.subplot(211)
    plt.plot(xaxis, series1, "--", label="sin()")
    # plt.subplot(212)
    plt.plot(xaxis, series2, ":", label="cos()")
    plt.draw()  #instead of plt.show()
Exemplo n.º 23
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

# xseries = list(range(0, 30)) -> replace for better plot of sin() function

xseries = plt.arange(0, 30, 0.1)

# print(xseries)

series1 = []
series2 = []
series3 = plt.sin(xseries)

maxvalues_xaxis = plt.arange(plt.pi / 2, 30, plt.pi)
maxvalues_yaxis = plt.sin(maxvalues_xaxis)

for i in xseries:
    series2.append(i / 2)

# Create individual figures using subplot()
plt.subplot(211)  # xyz -> row, column, position
plt.plot(xseries, series1, label="Faster Linear Progression")
plt.plot(xseries, series2, "y:", label="Slower Linear Progression")

plt.subplot(212)  # xyz -> row, column, position
# style(color(r, g, b, c, m, y, k), line(:, --), marker(^))
plt.plot(xseries, series3, "k--", label="sin() function")
Exemplo n.º 24
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spyder Editor

This is a temporary script file.

import matplotlib.pylab as pyl

sampling_period = 0.0001

ts = pyl.arange(0, 1, sampling_period)

ym = pyl.sin(2.0 * pyl.pi * 1.0 * ts)

fc = 100.0
mod_fact = 15.0

yc = pyl.sin(2.0 * pyl.pi * (fc + mod_fact * ym) * ts)

pyl.plot(ts, yc)
Exemplo n.º 25
def phot1(r,
    give me a region and an imlist and tell me whether to plot cutouts
    nim = len(imlist)
    # TODO alg for how many subpanels.
    if panel == None: panel = [5, 4, 1]  # for vertical page
    f = []
    df = []
    raw = []
    for j in range(nim):
        im = imlist[j]
        # if plotting, need to make image cutouts; even if not, this tells
        # us if the source is off the edge
        xtents = r.imextents(imlist[j])
        minsize = 5
        if (xtents[3] - xtents[1]) < minsize or (xtents[2] -
                                                 xtents[0]) < minsize:
            raw0, f0, df0 = 0, 0, 0
            print "phot region too small - %f,%f less than %d pixels" % (
                (xtents[3] - xtents[1]), (xtents[2] - xtents[0]), minsize)
            print xtents, r.imcoords(im, reg="bg1")
            if plot:
                pl.subplot(panel[0], panel[1], panel[2])
                im = hextract(imlist[j], xtents)[0]
                ## ROTATE
                rotate = True
                if rotate:
                    from astropy import wcs
                    w = wcs.WCS(im.header)
                    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
                    if w.wcs.has_crota():
                        t0 = w.wcs.crota[1]
                        t0 = pl.arctan2(w.wcs.cd[0, 1],
                                        -w.wcs.cd[0, 0]) * 180 / pl.pi
                    theta = -1 * t0
                    im.data = rotate(im.data, theta, reshape=False)
                    ct = pl.cos(pl.pi * theta / 180)
                    st = pl.sin(pl.pi * theta / 180)
                    if w.wcs.has_crota():
                        w.wcs.crota[1] = w.wcs.crota[1] + theta
                        im.header['CROTA2'] = w.wcs.crota[1]
                        print "rotating crota by " + str(theta)
                        w.wcs.cd = pl.matrix(w.wcs.cd) * pl.matrix([[ct, -st],
                                                                    [st, ct]])
                        im.header['CD1_1'] = w.wcs.cd[0, 0]
                        im.header['CD1_2'] = w.wcs.cd[0, 1]
                        im.header['CD2_1'] = w.wcs.cd[1, 0]
                        im.header['CD2_2'] = w.wcs.cd[1, 1]
                        print "rotating cd    by " + str(theta)


                # ugh need minmax of aperture region...
                # estimate as inner 1/2 for now
                s = im.shape
                z = im.data[int(s[0] * 0.25):int(s[0] * 0.75),
                            int(s[1] * 0.25):int(s[1] * 0.75)]
                if len(z[0]) <= 0:
                    print z

                z = pl.where(pl.isnan(im.data))
                if len(z[0]) > 0:
                    z = pl.where(pl.isnan(im.data) == False)
                    std = im.data[z[0], z[1]].std()
                    std = im.data.std()
                rg = pl.median(im.data) + pl.array([-0.5, 5]) * std
                # marta wants them less saturated
                rg[1] = pl.nanmax(im.data)

                if rg[0] < 0: rg[0] = 0
                if rg[1] <= rg[0]:
                    rg = [pl.nanmin(z), pl.nanmax(z)]
                if showmask == False or showmask == "both":  # show the jet one
                elif showmask == True:  # only show the mask
                ax = pl.gca()
                if names:
                            bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5))
                pl.xlim([-0.5, s[1] - 0.5])
                pl.ylim([-0.5, s[0] - 0.5])
                if showmask == False:
                    r.plotimx(im)  # overplot the apertures

                if showmask == "both":
                    panel[2] = panel[2] + 1
                    pl.subplot(panel[0], panel[1], panel[2])
                    rg = pl.median(im.data) + pl.array([-0.5, 5]) * std
                    if rg[0] < 0: rg[0] = 0
                    if rg[1] <= rg[0]:
                        rg = [pl.nanmin(z), pl.nanmax(z)]
                    ax = pl.gca()
                    if names:
                                bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5))
                    pl.xlim([-0.5, s[1] - 0.5])
                    pl.ylim([-0.5, s[0] - 0.5])

            if debug:
                #                r.debug=True
                if names:
                    print names[j]

            raw0, bg, f0, df0 = r.phot(im)
        panel[2] = panel[2] + 1
    if plot:
    return f, df, raw