Exemplo n.º 1
def get_plot_data(
        plot_axis: plt.Axes) -> Tuple[str, str, List[float], str, List[float]]:
    Extracts plot's title, x-axis name and range and y-axis name and range.

    plot_axis : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes
        A matplotlib axis from which all of the aforementioned information will
        be extracted.

    plot_title : string
        Plot's title.
    plot_x_label : string
        Label of the plot's x-axis.
    plot_x_range : List[Number]
        Range of the plot's x-axis.
    plot_y_label : string
        Label of the plot's y-axis.
    plot_y_range : List[Number]
        Range of the plot's y-axis.
    assert isinstance(plot_axis, plt.Axes), 'Must be a matplotlib axis.'

    plot_title = plot_axis.get_title()
    plot_x_label = plot_axis.xaxis.get_label_text()
    plot_x_range = plot_axis.xaxis.get_view_interval()
    plot_y_label = plot_axis.yaxis.get_label_text()
    plot_y_range = plot_axis.yaxis.get_view_interval()

    return plot_title, plot_x_label, plot_x_range, plot_y_label, plot_y_range
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_bar_data(
    plot_axis: plt.Axes
) -> Tuple[str, List[str], List[float], List[str], List[float], List[float],
           List[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]]:
    Extracts plot's title, x-axis name and range and y-axis name and range.

    plot_axis : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes
        A matplotlib axis from which all of the aforementioned information will
        be extracted.

    plot_title : string
        Plot's title.
    plot_x_tick_names : List[string]
        Tick labels of the plot's x-axis.
    plot_x_range : List[Number]
        Range of the plot's x-axis.
    plot_y_tick_names : List[string]
        Tick labels of the plot's y-axis.
    plot_y_range : List[Number]
        Range of the plot's y-axis.
    plot_bar_width : List[Number]
        Bar width of every bar in the plot.
    plot_bar_colours : List[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]
        Bar colour of every bar in the plot. This is represented as an (r, g,
        b, alpha) tuple.
    assert isinstance(plot_axis, plt.Axes), 'Must be a matplotlib axis.'

    plot_title = plot_axis.get_title()
    plot_x_tick_names = [
        x.get_text() for x in plot_axis.xaxis.get_ticklabels()
    plot_x_range = plot_axis.xaxis.get_view_interval()
    plot_y_tick_names = [
        y.get_text() for y in plot_axis.yaxis.get_ticklabels()
    plot_y_range = plot_axis.yaxis.get_view_interval()
    plot_bar_width = [ybar.get_width() for ybar in plot_axis.patches]
    plot_bar_colours = [ybar.get_facecolor() for ybar in plot_axis.patches]

    return (plot_title, plot_x_tick_names, plot_x_range, plot_y_tick_names,
            plot_y_range, plot_bar_width, plot_bar_colours)
Exemplo n.º 3
def set_axes_properties(ax: plt.Axes, **kwargs) -> None:
    Ease the configuration of a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object.

    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        The axes.

    Keyword arguments
    fontsize : int
        Font size to use for the plot titles, and axes ticks and labels.
        Defaults to 12.
    title_center : str
        The center title. Defaults to an empty string.
    title_left : str
        The left title. Defaults to an empty string.
    title_right : str
        The right title. Defaults to an empty string.
    x_label : str
        The x-axis label. Defaults to an empty string.
    x_labelcolor : str
        Color of the x-axis label. Defaults to 'black'.
    x_lim : Sequence[int]
        Data limits for the x-axis. Defaults to `None`, i.e., the data limits
        will be left unchanged.
    invert_xaxis : bool
        `True` to make to invert the x-axis, `False` otherwise.
        Defaults to `False`.
    x_scale : str
        The x-axis scale. Defaults to 'linear'.
    x_ticks : sequence[float]
        Sequence of x-axis ticks location. Defaults to `None`.
    x_ticklabels : sequence[str]
        Sequence of x-axis ticks labels. Defaults to `None`.
    x_ticklabels_color : str
        Color for the x-axis ticks labels. Defaults to 'black'.
    x_ticklabels_rotation : float
        Rotation angle of the x-axis ticks labels. Defaults to 0.
    xaxis_minor_ticks_visible : bool
        `True` to show all ticks, either labelled or unlabelled,
        `False` to show only the labelled ticks. Defaults to `False`.
    xaxis_visible : bool
        `False` to make the x-axis invisible. Defaults to `True`.
    y_label : str
        The y-axis label. Defaults to an empty string.
    y_labelcolor : str
        Color of the y-axis label. Defaults to 'black'.
    y_lim : Sequence[int]
        Data limits for the y-axis. Defaults to `None`, i.e., the data limits
        will be left unchanged.
    invert_yaxis : bool
        `True` to make to invert the y-axis, `False` otherwise.
        Defaults to `False`.
    y_scale : str
        The y-axis scale. Defaults to 'linear'.
    y_ticks : sequence[float]
        Sequence of y-axis ticks location. Defaults to `None`.
    y_ticklabels : sequence[str]
        Sequence of y-axis ticks labels. Defaults to `None`.
    y_ticklabels_color : str
        Color for the y-axis ticks labels. Defaults to 'black'.
    y_ticklabels_rotation : float
        Rotation angle of the y-axis ticks labels. Defaults to 0.
    yaxis_minor_ticks_visible : bool
        `True` to show all ticks, either labelled or unlabelled,
        `False` to show only the labelled ticks. Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    yaxis_visible : bool
        :obj:`False` to make the y-axis invisible. Defaults to :obj:`True`.
    z_label : str
        The z-axis label. Defaults to an empty string.
    z_labelcolor : str
        Color of the z-axis label. Defaults to 'black'.
    z_lim : Sequence[int]
        Data limits for the z-axis. Defaults to :obj:`None`, i.e., the data limits
        will be left unchanged.
    invert_zaxis : bool
        :obj:`True` to make to invert the z-axis, :obj:`False` otherwise.
        Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    z_scale : str
        The z-axis scale. Defaults to 'linear'.
    z_ticks : sequence[float]
        Sequence of z-axis ticks location. Defaults to :obj:`None`.
    z_ticklabels : sequence[str]
        Sequence of z-axis ticks labels. Defaults to :obj:`None`.
    z_ticklabels_color : str
        Rotation angle of the z-axis ticks labels. Defaults to 0.
    z_ticklabels_rotation : float
        Color for the z-axis ticks labels. Defaults to 'black'.
    zaxis_minor_ticks_visible : bool
        :obj:`True` to show all ticks, either labelled or unlabelled,
        :obj:`False` to show only the labelled ticks. Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    zaxis_visible : bool
        :obj:`False` to make the z-axis invisible. Defaults to :obj:`True`.
    legend_on : bool
        :obj:`True` to show the legend, :obj:`False` otherwise. Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    legend_loc : str
        String specifying the location where the legend should be placed.
        Defaults to 'best'; please see :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend` for all
        the available options.
    legend_bbox_to_anchor : Sequence[float]
        4-items tuple defining the box used to place the legend. This is used in
        conjuction with `legend_loc` to allow arbitrary placement of the legend.
    legend_framealpha : float
        Legend transparency. It should be between 0 and 1; defaults to 0.5.
    legend_ncol : int
        Number of columns into which the legend labels should be arranged.
        Defaults to 1.
    text : str
        Text to be added to the figure as anchored text. Defaults to :obj:`None`,
        meaning that no text box is shown.
    text_loc : str
        String specifying the location where the text box should be placed.
        Defaults to 'upper right'; please see :class:`matplotlib.offsetbox.AnchoredText`
        for all the available options.
    grid_on : bool
        :obj:`True` to show the plot grid, :obj:`False` otherwise.
        Defaults to :obj:`False`.
    grid_properties : dict
        Keyword arguments specifying various settings of the plot grid.
    fontsize = kwargs.get("fontsize", 12)
    # title
    title_center = kwargs.get("title_center", "")
    title_left = kwargs.get("title_left", "")
    title_right = kwargs.get("title_right", "")
    # x-axis
    x_label = kwargs.get("x_label", "")
    x_labelcolor = kwargs.get("x_labelcolor", "black")
    x_lim = kwargs.get("x_lim", None)
    invert_xaxis = kwargs.get("invert_xaxis", False)
    x_scale = kwargs.get("x_scale", "linear")
    x_ticks = kwargs.get("x_ticks", None)
    x_ticklabels = kwargs.get("x_ticklabels", None)
    x_ticklabels_color = kwargs.get("x_ticklabels_color", "black")
    x_ticklabels_rotation = kwargs.get("x_ticklabels_rotation", 0)
    x_tickformat = kwargs.get("x_tickformat", None)
    xaxis_minor_ticks_visible = kwargs.get("xaxis_minor_ticks_visible", False)
    xaxis_visible = kwargs.get("xaxis_visible", True)
    # y-axis
    y_label = kwargs.get("y_label", "")
    y_labelcolor = kwargs.get("y_labelcolor", "black")
    y_lim = kwargs.get("y_lim", None)
    invert_yaxis = kwargs.get("invert_yaxis", False)
    y_scale = kwargs.get("y_scale", "linear")
    y_ticks = kwargs.get("y_ticks", None)
    y_ticklabels = kwargs.get("y_ticklabels", None)
    y_ticklabels_color = kwargs.get("y_ticklabels_color", "black")
    y_ticklabels_rotation = kwargs.get("y_ticklabels_rotation", 0)
    y_tickformat = kwargs.get("y_tickformat", None)
    yaxis_minor_ticks_visible = kwargs.get("yaxis_minor_ticks_visible", False)
    yaxis_visible = kwargs.get("yaxis_visible", True)
    # legend
    legend_on = kwargs.get("legend_on", False)
    legend_loc = kwargs.get("legend_loc", "best")
    legend_bbox_to_anchor = kwargs.get("legend_bbox_to_anchor", None)
    legend_framealpha = kwargs.get("legend_framealpha", 0.5)
    legend_ncol = kwargs.get("legend_ncol", 1)
    legend_fontsize = kwargs.get("legend_fontsize", fontsize)
    # textbox
    text = kwargs.get("text", None)
    text_loc = kwargs.get("text_loc", "")
    # grid
    grid_on = kwargs.get("grid_on", False)
    grid_properties = kwargs.get("grid_properties", None)

    rcParams["font.size"] = fontsize
    # rcParams['text.usetex'] = True

    # plot titles
    if ax.get_title(loc="center") == "":
        ax.set_title(title_center, loc="center", fontsize=rcParams["font.size"] - 1)
    if ax.get_title(loc="left") == "":
        ax.set_title(title_left, loc="left", fontsize=rcParams["font.size"] - 1)
    if ax.get_title(loc="right") == "":
        ax.set_title(title_right, loc="right", fontsize=rcParams["font.size"] - 1)

    # axes labels
    if ax.get_xlabel() == "":
    if ax.get_ylabel() == "":

    # axes labelcolors
    if ax.get_xlabel() != "" and x_labelcolor != "":
    if ax.get_ylabel() != "" and y_labelcolor != "":

    # axes limits
    if x_lim is not None:
    if y_lim is not None:

    # invert the axes
    if invert_xaxis:
    if invert_yaxis:

    # axes scale
    if x_scale is not None:
    if y_scale is not None:

    # axes ticks
    if x_ticks is not None:
    if y_ticks is not None:

    # axes tick labels
    if x_ticklabels is not None:
    if y_ticklabels is not None:

    # axes tick labels color
    if x_ticklabels_color != "":
        ax.tick_params(axis="x", colors=x_ticklabels_color)
    if y_ticklabels_color != "":
        ax.tick_params(axis="y", colors=y_ticklabels_color)

    # axes tick format
    if x_tickformat is not None:
    if y_tickformat is not None:

    # axes tick labels rotation

    # unlabelled axes ticks
    if not xaxis_minor_ticks_visible:
        ax.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which="minor", size=0)
        ax.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which="minor", width=0)
    if not yaxis_minor_ticks_visible:
        ax.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(which="minor", size=0)
        ax.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(which="minor", width=0)

    # axes visibility
    if not xaxis_visible:
    if not yaxis_visible:

    # legend
    if legend_on:
        if legend_bbox_to_anchor is None:

    # text box
    if text is not None:
        ax.add_artist(AnchoredText(text, loc=text_locations[text_loc]))

    # plot grid
    if grid_on:
        gps = grid_properties if grid_properties is not None else {}
        ax.grid(True, **gps)