Exemplo n.º 1
def _offset(ax, x, y):
    """Provide offset in pixels

    x : int
      Offset in pixels for x
    y : int
      Offset in pixels for y

    Idea borrowed from
    but then heavily extended to be compatible with many
    reincarnations of matplotlib
    d = dir(mlt)
    if 'offset_copy' in d:
        # tested with python-matplotlib 0.98.3-5
        # ??? if pukes, might need to replace 2nd parameter from
        #     ax to ax.get_figure()
        return mlt.offset_copy(ax.transData, ax, x=x, y=y, units='dots')
    elif 'BlendedAffine2D' in d:
        # some newer versions of matplotlib
        return ax.transData + \
    elif 'blend_xy_sep_transform' in d:
        trans = mlt.blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transData, ax.transData)
        # Now we set the offset in pixels
        trans.set_offset((x, y), mlt.identity_transform())
        return trans
        raise RuntimeError, \
              "Lacking needed functions in matplotlib.transform " \
              "for _offset. Please upgrade"
Exemplo n.º 2
def _offset(ax, x, y):
    """Provide offset in pixels

    x : int
      Offset in pixels for x
    y : int
      Offset in pixels for y

    Idea borrowed from
    but then heavily extended to be compatible with many
    reincarnations of matplotlib
    d = dir(mlt)
    if "offset_copy" in d:
        # tested with python-matplotlib 0.98.3-5
        # ??? if pukes, might need to replace 2nd parameter from
        #     ax to ax.get_figure()
        return mlt.offset_copy(ax.transData, ax, x=x, y=y, units="dots")
    elif "BlendedAffine2D" in d:
        # some newer versions of matplotlib
        return ax.transData + mlt.Affine2D().translate(x, y)
    elif "blend_xy_sep_transform" in d:
        trans = mlt.blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transData, ax.transData)
        # Now we set the offset in pixels
        trans.set_offset((x, y), mlt.identity_transform())
        return trans
        raise RuntimeError, "Lacking needed functions in matplotlib.transform " "for _offset. Please upgrade"
Exemplo n.º 3
	def drawLine(self, xData, yData, renderer):
		line = Line2D( xdata=xData, ydata=yData,
		line.set_transform( blend_xy_sep_transform( self.axes.transData,
		                         self.axes.transData) )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, ax, onselect, minspan=None, useblit=False, rectprops=None):
        Create a span selector in ax.  When a selection is made, clear
        the span and call onselect with

          onselect(xmin, xmax)

        and clear the span.

        If minspan is not None, ignore events smaller than minspan

        The span rect is drawn with rectprops; default
          rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)

        set the visible attribute to False if you want to turn off
        the functionality of the span selector

        if rectprops is None:
            rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)        
        self.ax = ax
        self.visible = True
        self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)

        self.rect = None
        self.background = None

        self.rectprops = rectprops
        self.onselect = onselect
        self.useblit = useblit
        self.minspan = minspan

        trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(self.ax.transData, self.ax.transAxes)

        self.rect = Rectangle( (0,0), 0, 1,
        if not self.useblit: self.ax.add_patch(self.rect)
        self.pressx = None
Exemplo n.º 5
 def offset(ax, x, y):
     # This trick makes a shallow copy of ax.transData (but fails for polar plots):
     trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transData, ax.transData)
     # Now we set the offset in pixels
     trans.set_offset((x, y), identity_transform())
     return trans
 def offset(ax, x, y):
     # This trick makes a shallow copy of ax.transData (but fails for polar plots):
     trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transData, ax.transData)
     # Now we set the offset in pixels
     trans.set_offset((x,y), identity_transform())
     return trans
Exemplo n.º 7
class Line:
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = identity_transform()

    def set_transform(self, t):
        self._transform = t

x, y = rand(2, 10000)
indStart, indEnd = 30, 350
for i in range(indEnd):
    for j in range(20):
        l = Line()
        t1 = rand_transform()
        t2 = rand_transform()
        trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(t1, t2)
        xt, yt = trans.numerix_x_y(x, y)
        xytup = tuple(rand(2))
        txytup = trans.xy_tup(xytup)
        ixytup = trans.inverse_xy_tup(xytup)
        seqt = trans.seq_xy_tups(zip(x, y))
    val = report_memory(i)
    if i == indStart:
        start = val  # wait a few cycles for memory usage to stabilize

end = val
print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4fk bytes\n' % (
    (end - start) / float(indEnd - indStart))
Exemplo n.º 8
class Line:
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = identity_transform()

    def set_transform(self, t):
        self._transform = t

x, y = rand(2,10000)
indStart, indEnd = 30, 350
for i in range(indEnd):
    for j in range(20):
        l = Line()
        t1 = rand_transform()
        t2 = rand_transform()
        trans = blend_xy_sep_transform( t1, t2)
        xt, yt = trans.numerix_x_y(x, y)
        xytup = tuple(rand(2))
        txytup = trans.xy_tup(xytup)
        ixytup = trans.inverse_xy_tup(xytup)
        seqt = trans.seq_xy_tups(zip(x,y))
    val = report_memory(i)
    if i==indStart: start = val # wait a few cycles for memory usage to stabilize

end = val
print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4fk bytes\n' % ((end-start)/float(indEnd-indStart))
Exemplo n.º 9

def rand_transform():
    b1 = rand_bbox()
    b2 = rand_bbox()
    return get_bbox_transform(b1, b2)

class Line:
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = identity_transform()

    def set_transform(self, t):
        self._transform = t

indStart, indEnd = 30, 250
for i in range(indEnd):
    l = Line()
    t1 = rand_transform()
    t2 = rand_transform()
    l.set_transform(blend_xy_sep_transform(t1, t2))

    val = report_memory(i)
    if i == indStart:
        start = val  # wait a few cycles for memory usage to stabilize

end = val
print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4fk bytes\n' % (
    (end - start) / float(indEnd - indStart))
Exemplo n.º 10
    return Bbox(ll, ur)

def rand_transform():
    b1 = rand_bbox()
    b2 = rand_bbox()
    return get_bbox_transform(b1, b2)

class Line:
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = identity_transform()

    def set_transform(self, t):
        self._transform = t
indStart, indEnd = 30, 250
for i in range(indEnd):
    l = Line()
    t1 = rand_transform()
    t2 = rand_transform()
    l.set_transform(blend_xy_sep_transform( t1, t2))
    val = report_memory(i)
    if i==indStart: start = val # wait a few cycles for memory usage to stabilize

end = val
print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4fk bytes\n' % ((end-start)/float(indEnd-indStart))