def plot_optimal_rpm_region(ax: matplotlib.axes, plot_data: pd.PlotData): optimal_rpm, optimal_rpm_range_min, optimal_rpm_range_max = data_processing.get_optimal_rpm(plot_data=plot_data) if optimal_rpm is not None: ax.axvline(optimal_rpm, color='green', alpha=0.5) if optimal_rpm_range_min is not None and optimal_rpm_range_max is not None: ax.axvspan(optimal_rpm_range_min, optimal_rpm_range_max, color='green', alpha=0.25)
def makeSpeedVsHeadDirectionPlot(self, spk_times: np.array, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: self.initialise() spk_times_in_pos_samples = self.getSpikePosIndices(spk_times) idx = np.array(spk_times_in_pos_samples, dtype=int) if w = self.speed.mask w = np.array(~w, dtype=int) else: w = np.bincount(idx, minlength=self.speed.shape[0]) dir_bins = np.arange(0, 360, 6) spd_bins = np.arange(0, 30, 1) h = np.histogram2d( self.dir, self.speed, [dir_bins, spd_bins], weights=w) from ephysiopy.common.utils import blurImage im = blurImage(h[0], 5, ftype='gaussian') im = # mask low rates... im = <= 1, im) # ... and where less than 0.5% of data is accounted for x, y = np.meshgrid(dir_bins, spd_bins) vmax = np.max(np.ravel(im)) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.pcolormesh(x, y, im.T,"jet"), edgecolors='face', vmax=vmax, shading='auto') plt.xticks([90, 180, 270], fontweight='normal', size=6) plt.yticks([10, 20], fontweight='normal', size=6) return ax
def force_aspect(ax: mpl.axes, aspect: int = 1): ''' Forces the aspect of the axes object `ax`. ''' im = ax.get_images() extent = im[0].get_extent() ax.set_aspect( abs((extent[1] - extent[0]) / (extent[3] - extent[2])) / aspect)
def evolution_of_participation_1D( data: dict, ax: mpl.axes, entity_in_focus: Optional[list] = None, percentage: bool = False, colormap: mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap =, ) -> mpl.axes: """ Parameters ---------- data : Dictionary with a format {'x_axis_labels': {'y_axis_labels': y_values}} entity_in_focus : percentage : """ x = list(data.keys()) ylabels = stackedareachart.get_ylabels(data) y = stackedareachart.data_transformation(data, ylabels, percentage) colors = utils.create_color_palette( ylabels, entity_in_focus, colormap, include_dof=False, return_dict=True, ) for iy, ylab in enumerate(ylabels): if ylab in entity_in_focus: ax.plot( x, y[iy, :], color="w", linewidth=4, zorder=1, ) ax.plot( x, y[iy, :], color=colors[ylab], linewidth=3, zorder=1, label=ylab, ) else: ax.plot( x, y[iy, :], color="grey", linewidth=1, zorder=0, alpha=0.2, ) if np.isfinite(np.max(x)): ax.set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x)) if np.isfinite(np.max(y)): ax.set_ylim(np.min(y), np.max(y)) return ax
def plotTTPMat(ax: axes, toa: np.array, ttp: np.array, title: str = None, plot_ylabel: bool = False) -> None: ax.scatter(toa, ttp, marker='o', c=ttp, alpha=0.75) ax.set_ylim(PRI_DETECTED_RANGE[0], PRI_DETECTED_RANGE[1]) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 1)) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('toa[us]', fontsize=8, loc='right') if plot_ylabel: ax.set_ylabel('pri[us]', fontsize=9)
def format_axes(in_ax: matplotlib.axes, labelsize: int = 12, ticksize: int = 10, legendsize: int = 8, box: bool = False) -> None: """Formats ticks, tick label sizes, and axes label sizes for box plots. Parameters ---------- in_ax : matplotlib.axes Axes containing a plot. labelsize : int, optional Size of axes labels. ticksize : int, optional Size of tick labels. legendsize : int, optional Specifies font size of strings in legend. box : bool, optional Specifies whether or not a box plot has been plotted. Returns ------- None """ in_ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) in_ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) in_ax.xaxis.label.set_size(labelsize) in_ax.yaxis.label.set_size(labelsize) in_ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', direction='in', length=4, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True, labelsize=ticksize, color='grey') in_ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', direction='in', length=2, bottom=True, top=True, left=True, right=True, color='grey') if not box: legend = in_ax.legend(fontsize=legendsize, edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0.), facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0)) legend.get_frame().set_alpha(0)
def make_stats_plot(cohort_averages: dict, observable: str, in_ax: matplotlib.axes, geo: bool = False, labelsize: int = 12, ticksize: int = 10, legendsize: int = 8, box=False) -> None: """Plots an observable for all cohorts on a single axes object. Parameters ---------- cohort_averages : dict Dictionary of averages and variations within a cohort for all severities. observable : str The quantity which is going to be plotted. in_ax : matplotlib.axes The axes on which values are going to be plotted. geo: bool, optional Specifies geometric or arithmetic averaging. labelsize : int, optional Size of axes labels. ticksize : int, optional Size of tick labels. legendsize : int, optional Specifies font size of strings in legend. box : bool, optional Specifies whether or not a box plot has been plotted. Returns ------- None """ cohort_plot(cohort_averages, observable, in_ax=in_ax, geo=geo) # Name of xlabel for each observable. xlabels = { 'cdr3 length': 'HCDR3 length [aa]', 'vd ins': 'VD insertions [nt]', 'vd del': 'VD deletions [nt]', 'dj ins': 'DJ insertions [nt]', 'dj del': 'DJ deletions [nt]' } in_ax.set_xlabel(xlabels[observable], fontname="Arial") in_ax.set_ylabel("relative counts", family="Arial") format_axes(in_ax, labelsize=labelsize, ticksize=ticksize, legendsize=legendsize, box=False)
def makeSpeedVsRatePlot( self, spk_times: np.array, minSpeed: float = 0.0, maxSpeed: float = 40.0, sigma: float = 3.0, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: """ Plots the instantaneous firing rate of a cell against running speed Also outputs a couple of measures as with Kropff et al., 2015; the Pearsons correlation and the depth of modulation (dom) - see below for details """ self.initialise() spk_times_in_pos_samples = self.getSpikePosIndices(spk_times) speed = np.ravel(self.speed) if np.nanmax(speed) < maxSpeed: maxSpeed = np.nanmax(speed) spd_bins = np.arange(minSpeed, maxSpeed, 1.0) # Construct the mask speed_filt = speed_filt = < minSpeed, speed_filt) speed_filt = > maxSpeed, speed_filt) from ephysiopy.common.spikecalcs import SpikeCalcsGeneric x1 = spk_times_in_pos_samples S = SpikeCalcsGeneric(x1) spk_sm = S.smoothSpikePosCount(x1, self.xyTS.shape[0], sigma, None) spk_sm =, spd_dig = np.digitize(speed_filt, spd_bins, right=True) mn_rate = np.array([ spk_sm[spd_dig == i]) for i in range(0, len(spd_bins))]) var = np.array([ spk_sm[spd_dig == i]) for i in range(0, len(spd_bins))]) np.array([ spk_sm[spd_dig == i]) for i in range(0, len(spd_bins))]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.errorbar( spd_bins, mn_rate * self.pos_sample_rate, yerr=var, color='k') ax.set_xlim(spd_bins[0], spd_bins[-1]) plt.xticks([spd_bins[0], spd_bins[-1]], ['0', '{:.2g}'.format( spd_bins[-1])], fontweight='normal', size=6) plt.yticks([0, np.nanmax( mn_rate)*self.pos_sample_rate], ['0', '{:.2f}'.format( np.nanmax(mn_rate))], fontweight='normal', size=6) return ax
def plotPRITransformVal(ax: axes, bins: np.array, vals: np.array, title: str = None, plot_ylabel: bool = False) -> None: ax.plot(bins, vals, linewidth=2) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('pri[us]', fontsize=8, loc='right') if plot_ylabel: ax.set_ylabel('interval values', fontsize=10)
def makeRateMap(self, spk_times: np.array, ax: matplotlib.axes = None) -> matplotlib.axes: self.initialise() spk_times_in_pos_samples = self.getSpikePosIndices(spk_times) spk_weights = np.bincount( spk_times_in_pos_samples, minlength=self.npos) rmap = self.RateMapMaker.getMap(spk_weights) ratemap =[0], np.isnan(rmap[0]), copy=True) x, y = np.meshgrid(rmap[1][1][0:-1], rmap[1][0][0:-1]) vmax = np.nanmax(np.ravel(ratemap)) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.pcolormesh( x, y, ratemap,"jet"), edgecolors='face', vmax=vmax, shading='auto') ax.set_aspect('equal') return ax
def plot_vertical_line( plot: matplotlib.axes, line_name: str, line_value: float, list_of_colors: List[str], num_for_color: int, ): """""" import numpy plot.axvline( x=line_value, label=f"{line_name} - {numpy.round(line_value, 2)}", c=list_of_colors[num_for_color], lw=0.6, ls="--", )
def _plotIDStrip(ax: matplotlib.axes, id_array: np.ndarray, label: str, x_extents: List[float]) -> None: ''' Plot a strip above the data sequence image that represents class labels at each time. ''' id_array = np.reshape(id_array, (1, len(id_array))) ax.imshow(id_array, aspect="auto", interpolation="none", extent=x_extents + [0, 1]) ax.set_ylabel(label) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
def stacked_area_chart( data: dict, ax: mpl.axes, domains_in_focus: Optional[list] = None, percentage: bool = False, colormap: Optional[mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap] = None, color_default: Optional[np.array] = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- data : Dictionary with a format {'x_axis_labels': {'y_axis_labels': y_values}} domains_in_focus : percentage : """ x = list(data.keys()) y = data_transformation(data, percentage) ylabels = get_ylabels(data) colors = utils.create_color_palette( ylabels, domains_in_focus, colormap, include_dof=True, return_dict=False, ) ax.stackplot( x, y, colors=colors, ) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x)) ax.set_ylim(np.min(y), np.max(y)) return ax
def highlight_base( pos_highlight: int, seq: SeqRecord, ax: mpl.axes, passed_filter=True ) -> mpl.axes: """Highlight the area around a peak with a rectangle.""" peaks = seq.annotations["peak positions"] peak = peaks[pos_highlight - 1] xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() if not xmin <= peak < xmax: raise ValueError("peak not within plot bounds") if pos_highlight == 1: xmin = -0.5 else: xmin = 0.5 * (peaks[pos_highlight - 1] + peaks[pos_highlight - 2]) if pos_highlight == len(peaks): xmax = -0.5 else: xmax = 0.5 * (peaks[pos_highlight - 1] + peaks[pos_highlight]) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() if passed_filter: fcolor = "yellow" else: fcolor = "grey" rec = mpl.patches.Rectangle( (xmin, ymin), (xmax - xmin), (ymax - ymin), edgecolor="none", facecolor=fcolor, alpha=0.3, ) ax.add_patch(rec) return ax
def plot_openness(data: list, period: dict, ax: Axes): """ Plots the openness from the raw data. :param data: Raw data :param period: Period over which to average the openness :param ax: Axes object in which to put the plot :return: None """ # Get data datetimes, openness = get_openness(data, period) # Make filled line plot ax.fill_between(datetimes, openness) # Decorate axes ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MonthLocator((1, 4, 7, 10), bymonthday=1)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%b '%y")) ax.set_yticklabels([f"{o * 100:.0f}{percent()}" for o in ax.get_yticks()]) ax.set_ylabel("Andel åpen") ax.grid(linestyle="-.")
def _draw_outer_border(ax: axes, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, **kwargs): """ Fill the right upper corner of a diagram, everything beyond (xmin, ymin). The following graphic shows the filled regions with dots: ↑ ymax +.............. |.............. ymin +.............. | ....... | ....... +-------+-----+-→ xmin xmax """ verts = [(xmin, ymin), (xmin, 0), (xmax, 0), (xmax, ymax), (0, ymax), (0, ymin)] return ax.add_patch(Polygon(np.array(verts), **kwargs))
def show_reference( query_record: SeqRecord, subject_record: SeqRecord, ax: mpl.axes, ref_central: Optional[int] = None, ) -> mpl.axes: """show the reference of the chromatograph. design: if location is not proviode, do the alignment first @param seq: input SeqRecord of ref """ sitepairs = align_chromatograph( query_record, subject_record, ignore_ambig=True ) sitepairs_indexing = {s.cf_pos: s for s in sitepairs} cf_sites = [int(i.get_text()) for i in ax.get_xticklabels()] matched_sitepairs = [sitepairs_indexing[pos] for pos in cf_sites] for i, peak in enumerate(ax.get_xticks()): ax.text( peak, 1.05, matched_sitepairs[i].ref_base, color="dimgrey", va="bottom", ha="center", alpha=0.85, fontsize="xx-large", fontweight="bold", clip_on=False, ) if ref_central is not None: ref_pos = matched_sitepairs[i].ref_pos - ref_central else: ref_pos = matched_sitepairs[i].ref_pos ax.text( peak, 1.12, ref_pos, color="dimgrey", va="bottom", ha="center", alpha=0.85, fontsize="medium", fontweight="normal", clip_on=False, ) return ax
def makeSpikePathPlot(self, spk_times: np.array = None, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: self.initialise() if 'c' in kwargs: col = kwargs.pop('c') else: col = tcols.colours[1] if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.xy[0, :], self.xy[1, :], c=tcols.colours[0], zorder=1) ax.set_aspect('equal') if spk_times is not None: idx = self.getSpikePosIndices(spk_times) ax.plot( self.xy[0, idx], self.xy[1, idx], 's', c=col, **kwargs) return ax
def evolution_of_participation_2D( xdata: dict, ydata: dict, ax: mpl.axes, entity_in_focus: Optional[list] = None, percentage: bool = False, colormap: mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap =, ) -> mpl.axes: """ Parameters ---------- data : Dictionary with a format {'x_axis_labels': {'y_axis_labels': y_values}} entity_in_focus : percentage : """ # TODO: include time indication xlabels = stackedareachart.get_ylabels(xdata) ylabels = stackedareachart.get_ylabels(ydata) # ensure uniform order labels = list(set(xlabels + ylabels)) xindx = [xlabels.index(lab) if lab in xlabels else None for lab in labels] xlabels = [xlabels[i] if i is not None else None for i in xindx] yindx = [ylabels.index(lab) if lab in ylabels else None for lab in labels] ylabels = [ylabels[i] if i is not None else None for i in yindx] # create arrays with format (# of ylabels, # of xlabels) x = stackedareachart.data_transformation(xdata, xlabels, percentage) y = stackedareachart.data_transformation(ydata, ylabels, percentage) colors = utils.create_color_palette( ylabels, entity_in_focus, colormap, include_dof=False, return_dict=True, ) ax.plot([0, np.max(y)], [0, np.max(y)], c="k", linestyle="--", zorder=0) for i, lab in enumerate(labels): if lab in entity_in_focus: ax.plot( x[i, :], y[i, :], color="w", linewidth=4, zorder=1, ) ax.plot( x[i, :], y[i, :], color=colors[lab], linewidth=3, zorder=1, label=lab, ) else: ax.plot( x[i, :], y[i, :], color="grey", linewidth=1, zorder=0, alpha=0.2, ) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x)) ax.set_ylim(np.min(y), np.max(y)) return ax
def plot_kdeplot(data: List[np.float64], axes: matplotlib.axes): sns.kdeplot(data=data, kernel='gau', bw='scott', ax=axes) axes.set_title('KDE plot') axes.set_xlabel('x') axes.set_ylabel('f')
def cohort_bar(cohort_averages: dict, cohort_data: dict, observable: str, yaxis_upper: int = None, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, labelsize: int = 12, ticksize: int = 10, legendsize: int = 8, markersize=15) -> None: """Plots either the V- or J-gene usages. Parameters ---------- cohort_averages : dict Dictionary of averages and variations within a cohort for all severities. cohort_dict : dict Dictionary of all statistics of all individuals in a cohort for all severities. observable : str The quantity which is going to be plotted. yaxis_upper : int, optional Specifies the upper limit of the y-axis on the plot. ax : matplotlib.axes, optional Used to modify an already existing axes when creating a figure with a grid. labelsize : int, optional Size of axes labels. ticksize : int, optional Size of tick labels. legendsize : int, optional Specifies font size of strings in legend. Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(dpi=300, figsize=(16, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Give the bars for each gene some space among each other. width = 1.0 / len(cohort_averages) - 0.02 bars = [] if 'Asymptomatic' in cohort_averages: ordering = ['Healthy', 'Mild', 'Moderate', 'Severe', 'Asymptomatic'] else: ordering = sorted(cohort_averages.keys()) # Sort the genes by descending usage in the healthy cohort. if 'Briney/GRP' in cohort_averages: sorted_genes = [ gene for _, gene in sorted(zip( cohort_averages['Briney/GRP'][observable][0], cohort_averages['Briney/GRP'][observable][-1]), key=lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True) ] else: sorted_genes = [ gene for _, gene in sorted(zip( cohort_averages['Healthy'][observable][0], cohort_averages['Healthy'][observable][-1]), key=lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True) ] # Because there are so many V genes, plot only those which have at least # 1% average usage in at least one cohort. if 'v' in observable: good_genes = [] for gene in sorted_genes: bools = 0 for severity in cohort_averages: idx = cohort_averages[severity][observable][-1].index(gene) value = cohort_averages[severity][observable][0][idx] bools += value >= 0.01 if bools != 0: good_genes.append(gene) else: good_genes = sorted_genes xlabels = good_genes default_x = np.arange(0, len(good_genes), 1) xs, ys = [], [] for i, severity in enumerate(ordering): x = default_x + width * i xs.append(x) indices = [ cohort_averages[severity][observable][-1].index(gene) for gene in good_genes ] y = [cohort_averages[severity][observable][0][k] for k in indices] ys.append(y) if observable == 'v gene': ax.set_xlim(-0.3, xs[0][-1] + 1.0) if yaxis_upper is not None: ax.set_ylim(0, yaxis_upper) else: ax.set_ylim(0, 0.35) else: ax.set_xlim(-0.3, xs[0][-1] + 1.0) if yaxis_upper is not None: ax.set_ylim(0, yaxis_upper) else: ax.set_ylim(0, 0.55) # Specifiy location of xticks as being in the middle of the grouping of bars. middle = np.mean(np.arange(0, len(cohort_averages))) middle_xticks = default_x + middle * width ax.set_xticks(middle_xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=90, family='Arial') ax.set_ylabel('relative counts', fontname="Arial") # Plot the bars. for i, severity in enumerate(ordering): bar =[i], ys[i], width, color=colors[severity], label=severity) for d in cohort_data[severity][observable]: # Plot the full distributions of values to get a better sense # of variation within cohorts. for gidx, rect in enumerate(bar): ax.scatter(xs[i][gidx], d[good_genes[gidx]], marker='.', color=lightercolors[severity], zorder=3, s=markersize, edgecolors='black', linewidths=0.3) format_axes(ax, labelsize=labelsize, ticksize=ticksize, legendsize=legendsize)
def show_SAC(self, A: np.array, inDict: dict, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: """ Displays the result of performing a spatial autocorrelation (SAC) on a grid cell. Uses the dictionary containing measures of the grid cell SAC to make a pretty picture Parameters ---------- A : array_like The spatial autocorrelogram inDict : dict The dictionary calculated in getmeasures ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional If given the plot will get drawn in these axes. Default None Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.Figure instance The Figure on which the SAC is shown See Also -------- ephysiopy.common.binning.RateMap.autoCorr2D() ephysiopy.common.ephys_generic.FieldCalcs.getMeaures() """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) Am = A.copy() Am[~inDict['dist_to_centre']] = np.nan Am = x, y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0, np.shape(A)[1]), np.arange(0, np.shape(A)[0])) vmax = np.nanmax(np.ravel(A)) ax.pcolormesh( x, y, A,"gray_r"), edgecolors='face', vmax=vmax, shading='auto') import copy cmap = copy.copy("jet")) cmap.set_bad('w', 0) ax.pcolormesh( x, y, Am, cmap=cmap, edgecolors='face', vmax=vmax, shading='auto') # horizontal green line at 3 o'clock _y = (np.shape(A)[0]/2, np.shape(A)[0]/2) _x = (np.shape(A)[1]/2, np.shape(A)[0]) ax.plot(_x, _y, c='g') mag = inDict['scale'] * 0.5 th = np.linspace(0, inDict['orientation'], 50) from ephysiopy.common.utils import rect [x, y] = rect(mag, th, deg=1) # angle subtended by orientation ax.plot( x + (inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[1] / 2), (inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[0] / 2) - y, 'r', **kwargs) # plot lines from centre to peaks above middle for p in inDict['closest_peak_coords']: if p[0] <= inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[0] / 2: ax.plot( (inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[1]/2, p[1]), (inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[0] / 2, p[0]), 'k', **kwargs) ax.invert_yaxis() all_ax = ax.axes all_ax.set_aspect('equal') all_ax.set_xlim((0.5, inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[1]-1.5)) all_ax.set_ylim((inDict['dist_to_centre'].shape[0]-.5, -.5)) return ax
def evolution_of_graph_property_by_domain( data: dict, xkey: str, ykey: str, ax: mpl.axes, entity_in_focus: Optional[list] = None, percentile: Optional[float] = None, colormap: mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap =, ) -> mpl.axes: """ Parameters ---------- data : Dictionary create with bigbang.analysis.ListservList.get_graph_prop_per_domain_per_year() ax : entity_in_focus : percentile : """ colors = utils.create_color_palette( list(data.keys()), entity_in_focus, colormap, include_dof=False, return_dict=True, ) if entity_in_focus: for key, value in data.items(): if key in entity_in_focus: ax.plot( value[xkey], value[ykey], color="w", linewidth=4, zorder=1, ) ax.plot( value[xkey], value[ykey], color=colors[key], linewidth=3, label=key, zorder=2, ) else: ax.plot( value[xkey], value[ykey], color="grey", alpha=0.2, linewidth=1, zorder=0, ) if percentile is not None: betweenness_centrality = [] for key, value in data.items(): betweenness_centrality += value[ykey] betweenness_centrality = np.array(betweenness_centrality) threshold = np.percentile(betweenness_centrality, percentile) for key, value in data.items(): if any(np.array(value[ykey]) > threshold): ax.plot( value[xkey], value[ykey], color="w", linewidth=4, zorder=1, ) ax.plot( value[xkey], value[ykey], linewidth=3, color=colors[key], label=key, zorder=2, ) else: ax.plot( value[xkey], value[ykey], color="grey", linewidth=1, alpha=0.2, zorder=0, ) return ax
def makeXCorr(self, spk_times: np.array, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: # spk_times in samples provided in seconds but convert to # ms for a more display friendly scale spk_times = spk_times / 3e4 * 1000. S = SpikeCalcsGeneric(spk_times) y = S.xcorr(spk_times) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.hist( y[y != 0], bins=201, range=[-500, 500], color='k', histtype='stepfilled') ax.set_xlim(-500, 500) ax.set_xticks((-500, 0, 500)) ax.set_xticklabels('') ax.tick_params( axis='both', which='both', left=False, right=False, bottom=False, top=False) ax.set_yticklabels('') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') return ax
def makePowerSpectrum( self, freqs: np.array, power: np.array, sm_power: np.array, band_max_power: float, freq_at_band_max_power: float, max_freq: int = 50, theta_range: tuple = [6, 12], ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: # downsample frequencies and power freqs = freqs[0::50] power = power[0::50] sm_power = sm_power[0::50] if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(freqs, power, alpha=0.5, color=[0.8627, 0.8627, 0.8627]) ax.plot(freqs, sm_power) ax.set_xlim(0, max_freq) ylim = [0, band_max_power / 0.8] if 'ylim' in kwargs: ylim = kwargs['ylim'] ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_ylabel('Power') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.text( x=theta_range[1] / 0.9, y=band_max_power, s=str(freq_at_band_max_power)[0:4], fontsize=20) from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle r = Rectangle(( theta_range[0], 0), width=np.diff(theta_range)[0], height=np.diff(ax.get_ylim())[0], alpha=0.25, color='r', ec='none') ax.add_patch(r) return ax
def plot_openness_by_weekday(data: list, period: dict, ax: Axes): """ Plot the openness by weekday from the raw data. :param data: Raw data :param period: Period over which to average the openness :param ax: Axes object in which to put the plot :return: None """ week_bins = get_openness_by_weekday(data, period) weekday_avg = sum(week_bins[0:5]) / 5 weekend_avg = sum(week_bins[5:7]) / 2 # Plot bar, week_bins) # Plot averages ax.text( 2, weekday_avg * 1.05, f"Gjennomsnitt ukedager: {weekday_avg * 100:.0f}{percent()}", ) ax.text( 4.5, weekend_avg * 1.1, f"Gjennomsnitt helgedager: {weekend_avg * 100:.0f}{percent()}", ) ax.plot((0, 5 - 1), (weekday_avg, weekday_avg), "k--") ax.plot((5, 7 - 1), (weekend_avg, weekend_avg), "k--") # Decorate axes ax.set_xticklabels( ("", "Mandag", "Tirsdag", "Onsdag", "Torsdag", "Fredag", "Lørdag", "Søndag") ) ax.set_yticklabels( [f"{openness * 100:.1f}{percent()}" for openness in ax.get_yticks()] ) ax.set_ylabel("Andel åpen")
def plot_chromatograph( seq: SeqRecord, region: Tuple[int, int] = None, ax: mpl.axes = None ) -> plt.axes: """Plot Sanger chromatograph. region: include both start and end (1-based) """ if seq is None: return ax if region is None: # turn into 0 based for better indexing region_start, region_end = 0, len(seq) else: region_start = max(region[0], 0) region_end = min(region[1], len(seq) - 1) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 6)) _colors = defaultdict( lambda: "purple", {"A": "g", "C": "b", "G": "k", "T": "r"} ) # Get signals peaks = seq.annotations["peak positions"] trace_x = seq.annotations["trace_x"] traces_y = [seq.annotations["channel " + str(i)] for i in range(1, 5)] bases = seq.annotations["channels"] xlim_left, xlim_right = peaks[region_start] - 1, peaks[region_end] + 0.5 # subset peak and sequence # TODO: this might fix the bug peak_start = peaks[0] peak_zip = [ (p, s) for i, (p, s) in enumerate(zip(peaks, seq)) if region_start <= i <= region_end ] peaks, seq = list(zip(*peak_zip)) # subset trace_x and traces_y together trace_zip = [ (x + peak_start, *ys) for x, *ys in zip(trace_x, *traces_y) if xlim_left <= x <= xlim_right ] if not trace_zip: return ax trace_x, *traces_y = list(zip(*trace_zip)) # Plot traces trmax = max(map(max, traces_y)) for base in bases: trace_y = [1.0 * ci / trmax for ci in traces_y[bases.index(base)]] ax.plot(trace_x, trace_y, color=_colors[base], lw=2, label=base) ax.fill_between( trace_x, 0, trace_y, facecolor=_colors[base], alpha=0.125 ) # Plot bases at peak positions for i, peak in enumerate(peaks): # LOGGER.debug(f"{i}, {peak}, {seq[i]}, {xlim_left + i}") ax.text( peak, -0.11, seq[i], color=_colors[seq[i]], va="center", ha="center", alpha=0.66, fontsize="x-large", fontweight="bold", ) ax.set_ylim(bottom=-0.15, top=1.05) # peaks[0] - max(2, 0.02 * (peaks[-1] - peaks[0])), # right=peaks[-1] + max(2, 0.02 * (peaks[-1] - peaks[0])), ax.set_xlim(xlim_left + 0.5, xlim_right) ax.set_xticks(peaks) ax.set_xticklabels(list(range(region_start + 1, region_end + 2))) # hide y axis ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # hide border ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) # hide grid ax.grid(False) # set legend ax.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.95, 0.99)) return ax
def makeHDPlot(self, spk_times: np.array = None, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs) -> matplotlib.axes: self.initialise() spk_times_in_pos_samples = self.getSpikePosIndices(spk_times) spk_weights = np.bincount( spk_times_in_pos_samples, minlength=self.npos) rmap = self.RateMapMaker.getMap(spk_weights, 'dir') if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') # need to deal with the case where the axis is supplied but # is not polar. deal with polar first theta = np.deg2rad(rmap[1][0]) ax.clear() r = rmap[0] r = np.insert(r, -1, r[0]) if 'polar' in ax.plot(theta, r) if 'fill' in kwargs: ax.fill(theta, r, alpha=0.5) ax.set_aspect('equal') else: pass # See if we should add the mean resultant vector (mrv) if 'add_mrv' in kwargs: from ephysiopy.common.statscalcs import mean_resultant_vector angles = self.dir[spk_times_in_pos_samples] r, th = mean_resultant_vector(np.deg2rad(angles)) ax.plot([th, th], [0, r*np.max(rmap[0])], 'r') if 'polar' in ax.set_thetagrids([0, 90, 180, 270]) return ax
def plot_openness_by_hour(data: list, period: dict, ax: Axes): """ Plots the openness by hour from the raw data. :param data: Raw data :param period: Period over which to average the openness :param ax: Axes object in which to put the plot :return: None """ num_hrs = 24 # Get data hour_bins = get_openness_by_hour(data, period) # Plot bar chart + 1), hour_bins) # Decorate the axes ax.yaxis.grid(True, which="both", linestyle="-.") ax.set_xlim(1, num_hrs) ax.set_xticks(range(num_hrs + 1)) ax.set_xticklabels([f"{t:02d}" for t in ax.get_xticks()]) ax.set_yticklabels([f"{o * 100:.1f}{percent()}" for o in ax.get_yticks()]) ax.set_ylabel("Andel åpen") ax.set_xlabel("Tid på døgnet")
def plot_histogram(data: List[np.float64], bins: int, axes: matplotlib.axes): axes.hist(x=data, bins=bins) axes.set_title('KDE plot') axes.set_xlabel('x') axes.set_ylabel('f')