Exemplo n.º 1
def rule_op(V, R, r, d, totalistic=False, hamiltonian=False):
    Operator for rule R, activation V, and neighborhood radius r, and dimension d.
    hamiltonian flag for simultaion type (hamiltonian=analog, unitary=digital)
    N = 2 * r * d
    OP = np.zeros((2 ** (N + 1), 2 ** (N + 1)), dtype=complex)
    if totalistic:
        R2 = mx.dec_to_bin(R, N + 1)[::-1]
        R2 = mx.dec_to_bin(R, 2 ** N)[::-1]
    for elnum, Rel in enumerate(R2):
        if totalistic:
            K = elnum * [1] + (N - elnum) * [0]
            hoods = list(set([perm for perm in permutations(K, N)]))
            hoods = map(list, hoods)
            hoods = [mx.dec_to_bin(elnum, N)]
        for hood in hoods:
            OP += rule_element(V, Rel, hood, hamiltonian=hamiltonian)
    if hamiltonian:
        assert mx.isherm(OP)
    else:  # unitaty
        assert mx.isU(OP)
    return OP
Exemplo n.º 2
def boundary_rule_ops(V, R, r, BC_conf, totalistic=False, hamiltonian=False):
    Special operators for boundaries (of which there are 2r).
    BC_conf is a string "b0b1...br...b2r" where each bj is
    either 0 or 1. Visiually, BC_conf represents the fixed boundaries
    from left to right: |b0>|b1>...|br> |psi>|b2r-r>|b2r-r+1>...|b2r>.
    # split BC configuration into left and reverse-right boundaries
    BC_conf = [BC_conf[:r], BC_conf[r::][::-1]]
    N = 2 * r
    OPs = []
    for j, BC in enumerate(BC_conf):
        for e in range(r):
            dim = r + 1 + e
            if j == 0:  # left boundary
                lslice = slice(r - e, r)
                rslice = slice(r, N)
                cslice = slice(0, r - e)
            elif j == 1:  # right boundary
                lslice = slice(0, r)
                rslice = slice(r, r + e)
                cslice = slice(r + e, N)
            OP = np.zeros((2**dim, 2**dim), dtype=complex)
            if totalistic:
                R2 = mx.dec_to_bin(R, N + 1)[::-1]
                for elnum, Rel in enumerate(R2):
                    K = elnum * [1] + (N - elnum) * [0]
                    hoods = list(set([perm for perm in permutations(K, N)]))
                    hoods = map(list, hoods)
                    for hood in hoods:
                        if BC[e:r] == hood[cslice]:
                            OP += rule_element(

            else:  # non-totalistic
                R2 = mx.dec_to_bin(R, 2**N)[::-1]
                for elnum, Rel in enumerate(R2):
                    hood = mx.dec_to_bin(elnum, N)
                    if BC[e:r] == hood[cslice]:
                        OP += rule_element(
            if hamiltonian:
                assert mx.isherm(OP)
            else:  # unitaty
                assert mx.isU(OP)
    return OPs[:r], OPs[r:][::-1]
Exemplo n.º 3
def boundary_rule_ops(V, R, r, d, BC_conf, totalistic=False, hamiltonian=False):
    Special operators for boundaries (of which there are 2r).
    BC_conf is a string "b0b1...br...b2r" where each bj is
    either 0 or 1. Visiually, BC_conf represents the fixed boundaries
    from left to right: |b0>|b1>...|br> |psi>|b2r-r>|b2r-r+1>...|b2r>.
    BC_conf = np.array([int(s) for s in BC_conf])
    OPs = []
    N = 2 * r * d
    if totalistic:
        R2 = mx.dec_to_bin(R, N + 1)[::-1]
        R2 = mx.dec_to_bin(R, 2 ** N)[::-1]

    indsj = [np.arange(r), np.array([r]), np.arange(r+1, 2*r+1)]
    dj = 2*r + 1
    if d == 2:
        indsk = indsj
        dk = 2*r + 1
    elif d ==1:
        indsk = [[0]]
        dk =1
    OPs = []
    for J, js in enumerate(indsj):
        for K, ks in enumerate(indsk):
            OPs_region = []
            for j in js:
                OPs_row = []
                for k in ks:
                    mask = make_mask(j, k, dj, dk, r, d, BC_type="1")
                    clip = np.logical_not(mask)
                    if np.sum(clip) > 0:
                        dim = np.sum(mask)+1
                        OP = np.zeros((2 ** dim, 2 ** dim), dtype=complex)
                        for elnum, Rel in enumerate(R2):
                            if totalistic:
                                tot = elnum * [1] + (N - elnum) * [0]
                                hoods = list(set([perm for perm in permutations(tot, N)]))
                                hoods = map(np.array, hoods)
                                hoods = np.array([mx.dec_to_bin(elnum, N)])
                            for hood in hoods:
                                if np.all(BC_conf[clip] == hood[clip]):
                                    OP += rule_element(
                        if hamiltonian:
                            assert mx.isherm(OP)
                        else:  # unitaty
                            assert mx.isU(OP)
            if len(OPs_region[0]) > 0:
    return OPs
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_U(V, r, S):
    N = 2 * r
    Sb = mx.dec_to_bin(S, 2**N)[::-1]
    U = np.zeros((2**(N + 1), 2**(N + 1)), dtype=complex)
    for sig, s in enumerate(Sb):
        sigb = mx.dec_to_bin(sig, N)
        Vmat = get_V(V, s)
        ops = ([mx.ops[str(op)] for op in sigb[0:r]] + [Vmat] +
               [mx.ops[str(op)] for op in sigb[r:2 * r + 1]])
        U += mx.listkron(ops)

    if not mx.isU(U):
        raise AssertionError
    return U
Exemplo n.º 5
def cluster_all(L, config):
    state = np.zeros(2**L, dtype=np.complex128)
    for k in range(2**L):
        b = dec_to_bin(k, L)
        c = 1.0
        for j in range(L - 1):
            c *= (-1)**(b[j] * b[j + 1])
        state += c * listkron([bvecs[str(bj)] for bj in b])
    return state / 2**(L / 2)
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_H(L, R, V):
    H = np.zeros((2**L, 2**L), dtype=np.complex128)
    if type(V) is not str:
        ops['V'] = V
        V = 'V'
    bulks = []
    lbs = []
    rbs = []
    for s, b in enumerate(mx.dec_to_bin(R, 4)[::-1]):
        if b:
            r = mx.dec_to_bin(s, 2)
            if r[1] == 0:
                rbs += [str(r[0]) + V]
            if r[0] == 0:
                lbs += [V + str(r[1])]
            bulks += [str(r[0]) + V + str(r[1])]

    #print('rule', R, mx.dec_to_bin(R, 4), lbs, bulks, rbs)
    for i in range(1, L - 1):
        l = i - 1
        r = L - 3 - l
        left = np.eye(2**l)
        right = np.eye(2**r)
        for bulk in bulks:
            bulk = mx.listkron([ops[o] for o in bulk])
            H += mx.listkron([left, bulk, right])

    # boundaries
    end = np.eye(2**(L - 2))
    for rb in rbs:
        rb = mx.listkron([ops[o] for o in rb])
        #H += mx.listkron([end, rb])

    for lb in lbs:
        lb = mx.listkron([ops[o] for o in lb])
        #H += mx.listkron([lb, end])

    assert mx.isherm(H)
    return H
Exemplo n.º 7
def make_boundary_Us(V, r, S, BC_conf):
    BC_conf = list(map(int, BC_conf))
    N = 2 * r
    Sb = mx.dec_to_bin(S, 2**N)[::-1]
    bUs = []
    for w in (0, 1):
        fixed_o = list(BC_conf[w * r:r + w * r])
        for c in range(r):
            U = np.zeros((2**(r + 1 + c), 2**(r + 1 + c)), dtype=complex)
            for i in range(2**(r + c)):
                if w == 0:
                    var = mx.dec_to_bin(i, r + c)
                    var1 = var[:c]
                    var2 = var[c:]
                    fixed = fixed_o[c:r]
                    n = fixed + var1 + var2
                    s = Sb[mx.bin_to_dec(n)]
                    Vmat = get_V(V, s)
                    ops = ([mx.ops[str(op)] for op in var1] + [Vmat] +
                           [mx.ops[str(op)] for op in var2])

                elif w == 1:
                    var = mx.dec_to_bin(i, r + c)
                    var1 = var[c:]
                    var2 = var[:c]
                    fixed = fixed_o[0:r - c]
                    n = var1 + var2 + fixed
                    s = Sb[mx.bin_to_dec(n)]
                    Vmat = get_V(V, s)
                    ops = ([mx.ops[str(op)] for op in var1] + [Vmat] +
                           [mx.ops[str(op)] for op in var2])
                U += mx.listkron(ops)


    return bUs
Exemplo n.º 8
plt.plot(th, sz(const_th))

# update op
# ---------

for R in range(256):
    T = sweep.local_update_op(R)
    I = np.eye(8)
    Tdag = mx.dagger(T)
    TdT = Tdag.dot(T)
    TTd = T.dot(Tdag)
    unitaryQ = np.array_equal(TdT, I) and np.array_equal(TTd, I)
    if unitaryQ is True:
        print(R, mx.dec_to_bin(R ^ 204, 8))

fixed_params_dict = {
    'output_name': ['sweep_block_4'],
    'mode': ['sweep', 'block'],
    'R': [150, 102],
    'IC': ['s18'],
    'L': [19],
    'tmax': [1000]

var_params_dict = {'center_op': [['H'], ['H', 'T'], ['H', 'X', 'T']]}

def concat_dicts(d1, d2):